W&S& i?jTMW-j Mv" nnrrrrwr , "V-fifiwi ?J. t v , J MKnp.-- n'W 'JjiJSWf- W"1 'ilj! r ,..;, . 1 - ' -22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OpTOBEK G, 1021 SMASHES BRITISH GOLF INVASION HAS 7510 NAMES WORLDS HAPPIEST BOY ftS-SS IS HOTEL MYSTERY. i I 1 E Bedy of Japanese Cook Found Under Bed in New Yerk Cuest Roem Parisian Writers Scout Idea of Fancy List of Petential "Givers Huge Hunger Cimln c... i rv,; . ,ve,p Will Furnish Wolf.ire Bedy Ammunition CAMPAIGN IN NOVEMBER i-eiu i-'iaincT of Russia SEEK FELLOW. NIPPONESE! DISEASE HAS FULL SWAY! JUJUTSU MDER DENY FRANCE WILL CASPIAN ID Vfl REGION FAMISHING 1 ir . rf1 jsssm v BARGAIN WITH U ER CHARITY DRIV MEr. JlBKf WHHJw)iilvi JHH . Sd -finff . .TF. ji. W Aw1 . AiwrBCv ... 1 1 New Yerk, Oct. (1, Xltarn Ynsiilinrn. n Janmipip cek. entirely unknown te the Hetel r'niiilrc, was found (lend, ntransli'it under n boil In "tie of it Bursts' moms yesterday 'iftornnen. A table cover wen tied about hi, neck. hltt he lind nrt been strangled with It. He lind lieen killed by pressure of two thumbs nt the top of nl windpipe. Tin rlefh, n ten towel nsnl for n tiible cover, hnil bfpti tied tnIxl v around l.i neck, hppnrently te :;Ke levernje te tie niur d?rnus fhnnibe. Tan Knbin. a .f-ipanese. registered a from New Yerk, lind no bacpnge mid ibIiI In ndvan-e Tu"I:iy munies for the room in which Yasnilmra wan found jcsterelay nfteraoen. The police rnvi sent out a general alarm ter Kelvin's arrest. He in described as about twin-ty-tlifei? a ears old and vv raring a durl; Milt. Unuunll purlinir fentur' iiiii iiiii frented the police in thfir lnvcstii-iiti.it.. The hotel Kcrvnnts reported that Va - rtlhara had been n til tin1 deer t Kebln's room with Kebln about 10 1 o'clock Tne-dnv murium:. Ynfiihara m completely clntlndl when mi ,ied was found under tin ( lied. He had been de.id mere than liv" i hour-, an assistant niedieel ciammcr Etnttil. Kebin we seen yeterda mnrnini; at Id o'clock tlllim; the tub in the bath bath bath joem (.pnesite his reitu in a narrow cor ridor off the main liillvva.v of the sec end tlei.r. Ynmilmrii was deail in Ru bin's room .it this time, . 'cording te peller deduction. A wvellin;; uii.It the jaws led te dis covery of the method of killing by thuf'b nreixiire en top of the windpipe, a typical jujutsii trick. Wlint premnter'. the Killing proved beyond police discovery lat ni;lit. 1'eth the murdered and the inissin; mini ap peared te lielens te the Meat ins type of .Iannee .if the kitchen and res taurant service tjp Abdominal Cancer Death Rate Is Cut Cnntlnuril from Pace line mnlntiiuini; a -tnndard weight, -aid that nliuoet am dlene which wni net acute leuld be Influenced b proper dietetic". lie dccrihcil an elaborate method of determining whether e pa tient wa receiving tee much or tee little tiiiiirihuieut. Dr. Kllen .1. rntteren. of I'm leath. from ! burch, ald a great ninny pulmonary abcese cm be traceil di rectly te teeth that accidentally dip ped dew u the respiratory tract. Dentist'-, she said, after in operation heuld nl Mays count the teeth and If the, an missing an X-ray cnininatien heuM be made. In cae a teeth i leuited in the respiratory tract, she aid an opera tion should be performed for it re moval within two week. Dr. l'.itter-eu told of a patient, a man of mature age. who had been suf fering for years with u had cough and after en attack of iulliifn7.ii the ceiisli became were. She said an x-ray ex ex nminutieji was made and a foreign hed. wan located. An operation was per formed ami a decayed teeth surrounded with pu wa removed. The p.ipinf improved ranidlv. she J $ald. nml gain d tour pound the tir-t week. ' . . i PENNA. MOTHERS CONVENE Repert in Alteena Shows Member-' ship of 11.000 Alteena. Pa... M. il Repert et officer and eniniltfee. featured the opening st'sien je-terduv of the twenty-second annual convention of il" i Pennsylvania Censtre of Met!, it-, and Parent -Teat her A-oc.atien. Mr. H. i I". Kiermm. of Somerset. State prel- , dent, reported 11.0(H) inemher- in tin State. vvi'i .'(1.(1(11) a next our' goal ' Mi. Aiige'im Keeiiim. of l'hiind1'! phla, cmihnsi7"d the value of milk ntn. milk product as feed for chiM-'eii, and Mrs. Margaretie Reee. et I'lu'told I'lu'teld liliia, ehainiinn of the Vatienal (' utitr' Utfe and (oie.l Itiad ( 'ennilttee. ted hew rural Parent -Ti ai her AociatieM j ou!d improve rural 1 fe. Mr-. I. H. I Rhaw. of H.irriburg. chnirmnn of the Legislative Ceniuntiee and State nvie. tary, urgl the aiecatiin te help place the mother' n-itanee fund under the State Department of Kdiicntbei. and jvlrs. Kredertc Seheft". of Philadelphia, chairman of the Juvenile Court Cem. mlttee. n-ked tin -nun' change for the juveni e court. Mrs. V. ( Ir. envvoed. S'atc t 'a- I urer. repotted tlint W.-r ( V-n r wen the banner for the I iglnt no n-i-e in membership in the Pun n' -Tcin her A-1 HOCintien. 'v.th ('"ill ei . ei,' 'I 'n Steven- S he.. I of ''ei)im i -eceid. Uth .V.i:i : t I'tit SUITCASE TEACHER PERIL . Better Environment for Instructors! in County Schools la Urged I Alteena. Pa., no r,.- liv A. P. The siiitca-e ten. her i- tin- real menaee I te the rural eilin.itieii.il iippnrninlin . declared Mr. M.iruaretta Re.-v. I' Philadelphia. hai n ..n of nn- Natietiin Commit tee en Ce-inrrv Life enl Idt. i tieil. Ill t il .11 "III! ol-elle of ti , Penti h an, a i',iis"i. of Mei'nr t'i ' Parent -Tern her' A-e. itiin.n here hi t niKht. The parent ,n'.-l provide yoed i 'i vireiinicnt fei a tun her. ee te it that fhe have a comfortable room ami f"ed and II res'ieetiili'e nlaie ill wh'eh te tench. Tin-. Mr- lie. v. de( l.ireil. wir allow the eeuutrv xclniid te ehtiii'i IlOtnuil school .ind collect ci'iiduiiti for teaeher lAnl will lelp t. leiiiln hem They inu-l he placid in u par with the :ltv" teacher. he ie land, or t!ev .ill net remain. The VI Che-tei Scl.oe! Pur' in Tcnrln i' A eiiii;i ,. .va- pre ented t. i Stale banner for Nialurj; the liir-;- ' jietcentnise i.f j-tiri during tin lut ;. in. The Stevens' Parent Tea ler-' Am in Hen of f'u elf, wa awarded Sid for running a clei second. TO UNDERWRITE GERMANY Industrialists, Banks and Realtors te Aid Financing .Bpfrinl ' 'in1'- ' ;i''i ' i '',' '! ' ftrrllll, Oil. (1. (icrmau.v crc.it In ternal credit p'an. invelv inn from 9!l7r.O0O.lll)l) lii S."IMI. ("HI. (Kill, will he Ulldcrwrltli n net eiilv In, he National Awioeliltlen of Ind i-triii'!( . but also by the Hank A--ociailen mil tin in vv ferin'liK iissoeiiiion of teal ,-tate iun iiW thmu Iikii' I1' miiieii hi i dii. c t" It statement iniide hj a wcll-inf.riiied person today. The Industries, banks and real estate owner each will Kiiaraiitee the eiler ;- .... . t,i ...-i..i .., , i .... ?.Ba "V ' wii...-.? .. ". i, 'A'L'r.Iey, who is mirvived by a widow ami !2! " Cfl""uM"i XXXV" "'v wuv' CCHItl llf- f -..-. .---..,tf. Last of Britons Beaten in Gelf Centlmirc! from I'me line the Rt-een's edse for a bird .".. fifty feet, nwa.v. after a tine brade. Mrs. Hall 1 up. .Mi Siirlinc sliced aR.iin from tin ' tee. wlille .Mr. Hall i-a stickinc them i-iiiht down the middle. Mr. H.ill I nearly .-.an!: from oft the green ncain, j luttliic the hack of the cup Miss i Stirlinc err-putted ami was ".' down. I'etli were en the short feurili ami .Mim Stirline laid .Mr. Hall a stjmie en the putt, uhiih was conceded. Mr. Hall failed a bird '-'. Halved bole. Mi Stiiliin; had a drhi liftj :nd pnt Mr. Hall at the dec-b'i; lift'i a-'d went fur the veeii. after Mi-. Hall played -afe. Mis Stirlitn: had a hh! idf liet. ten teet Iiat the pin nml 1 ml two for the half. -I te ti. Ml- S.irl.m; 1 ih'W n. All Square Mr. Hall wis trapped for the t . tit thi ith. with a nice out, while Mi St irlnia" ceend brassie ciiuu'h: the wind and fell hert of the hole. Tl.ei .vie nhent alike in .'!. bill Mi-- Stirlins badly eier-putted. She :n!. i from twMe fet. however, and square' ilie Hint, h v Ien Mrs. Hall toot, .' putt-. Mi Stirlinc stied n ii' Mount i:erct te play her eceml and; get a tine .pneii shot from there nearlv I eiiiii) xiird. IbUh had te cre tiap pins t" sit home. Mi Stlrlins b."ns short. Mi-. Hall plnjed the dd Km;- h.h run-up en the creen b tin aid el i III 111' k KI'K. .11 eiiriuiK I , , nci iu'te a tuip and wa one down.! 1 Mr-. Hall trapped her sccetld te tin leicl.th and Mi- Stirling, thirty ard- better from ti'' ,,' 1!' r1' ",niPr "f I fin trap and wa en. thirty feet from i ii,. ..in ll.r mitt wa short fOllie tlM teet, but -ank for n win. l-e. AH Miuar" Seu... jsnlf The had a te.i ball of :'.! for tb"c eight bole. Mi Stirling -II 1 '' " bunker en tin ninth Mr. Hall drawing n bad !! near the rough. She went for the green I in the wind, but get trapped short. Mi. Stirling pulled a spoon shot te the rough of the parallel fairwn.v. Her niashie niblick wa ever In a trap. Mi-. nail dropping en . ". Al i-.-. Stirling failed te get out. then nnl.-ileil the ball ever the green and picked up. 1 d"wn. Mrs, ireeTied oil her second. Ml Hall wii Stirling all out of hound, with her ecend and third, after u badly pull-d drive. Mr. Hall was nieelv en in 1. Mi-1 Sfrllng jtit rolling hack from tin terrace te the link. Mrs. Hall took three putt and they halved in mappy " Card at turn : Minn irt'.rliru iVj, Mr. Hull I 0 S l 3 r. 3 i) nniIRT HUNGARY'S PROTOCOL UUUDi nuuurini e i iivjiuwwi- Austrlans Say Action en Burgenland Was Merc "Paper Ceremony" lenna. Oct ' -Hungar'. " act'en in ii,ing tin Muvgcnland protocol nt iMlenhui-K Mendav is aul te be e eanled hv the Au-rian Gevernmrut a a paper'i.erenienv." Tin prote.oj will ni no wie affect tin attitude of Hun gary toward Murgeiiland. it i -anl. ex cept that Murgrnlaiid will new be re garded it an Kntente colony or sphere. Hungarian raid in thi dltrict along tin Austrian fren'nr continue. A band ve-terdav entered Huuerunn. tilon tilen derel th- dwelling of die native am! levin! a cash frlb.ite uren Jewish n-i-deats. it i-- 'aid. Uemr. Oct (I. I'ranci.-i'e de Li Malta. f..rtiie!-.v of Mexico, ui.i ii,etng of the Piovi-ieiia! P-e-ideiir is In Ueine for tin Institute of Interna tienal I.UVV. 1..1- aei'epteii tne i-iiiiirnijiil- iip of the arliitratieti tribunal between France and Hungurv for all judicial liieMmn- arimg from the Triainui treaty DEBS CASE LAID ASIDE" Justice Department Net te Act a While." Says Daugherty Washincti'ii. ( i t. (5. -( M' . 1 'for I Tin -lii I., parel" or nrui for ' Lugei-e ". I Ii I , for : while" ,y . a rd in; ha been "laid n-i'!" tle Itepartllieut of .lll-- te Atturiiev ( ii in rai I im.gin rtv . " 1 1 en tin ilati Im aul tediiv 1 1. at icii ii as he I. ,el pri pared ii :. i i i c.auv ii plira-e ! .g i - fele J ;.g te tin Pri'Mlb II' M' l'llllghelty went oil te .;i th .i lauu'i. "e'i ee we are eap.ihh m felg.tt leg Till- Oells CU-C seilletill'i " A fi.sli'.nn of ilietiel fail"! te i Ii' it ''iirtl.er infornintien as te the probable action bv the department. Phila Man Sent te Workhouse T. lilHs .f i:i rltV . r'h in (' Vnmliile. ti.ire -eight veurs Neith Twieitt lu-t triet I wa- given three mnntii 'uiinnl erii, and a son. Ai tiiur it. ei .inn nise b;. Ilecerder Stm kheu-e ' Wi -t Sii-ipiehiinna avenue, tlii- citv. in, ten' lb- wa-ihaiged witi. Hi- wlf.- und duiighter wire with him I'.iiiiug ! t i iii'liine- in the P "ii-vl-' nt il.e time rif In deuih. r uneral erv una I'lu'.ri.inl 1'err.v Terminal I. t n es nn. inn inl will tuke place at llell.v - St..iiuv . The Rev. T. F. Brady's Funeral I'linernl serv.ces f..r Hi v Tluumi !'. I'.r.nl: . ii-i-tnnt re. let- of St. I'iiii'' I'iiii'' (atlelic I'liunli. l'.ifininghni.i. Ala . no I -mi of r.d.Mird ISrndj . a ignr deal -er ut ("earned and Tulip strut- urn 1 1 Id today i'i the I'hurih of th. at.' . .. . ileg'.ienv avenue and I'n-ig ad r"ii-. lntir".eii! vas iii.nl.- in Me. 1 S. Mlli'ie Cetl.eter.v. Father 1111 I v c. , . .1 S- ,'. . her Hit ic Vi- II .s ital. Itir.iiing! inn. frme linn. ., fid'evsiiig an .en rut, en ,.l l.dlctiK '1 he bndv. in e i'i.i.,. iwe jirii -i . from Itirmingla.i. in tin city en Tuesday, and . ii i I.. 1'ailier liradj s father churchiuen. mid T. H. Gesner's Funtral Funeral seniles for Theinis II Ce- ner, a brlcl. liinnufnciurer of Wi-t Philil'lelphia. will be held Sutnidiv from hi home. IIM," Woodland n ii n Mr. (lesiiHr, who old. 'lied Tuenlav Me i survived hv Ceiier, and a ' was sul v -one ufter a long i a dau'.'iiter. F ler. Mr Ai dr Tciiinr. e tins citv Geerge W. Germley'a Funeral Funeral services for (ieerge W (.. rin ley, a manufacturer of fertilizer-, w lie he'd tomerovv at his home, (i.vi . . I.. .Ul . !...nnn,n...n M- i Lincoln nine, viiiiiiniiiioei. .ui. vjurm enedauel nuchter, was olxty-twe years old MjtessfansaawFT ri :cs. &m .MRS. f. c LKTTN The frail slip of a woman trem ( una.' . i ii vpstrnlav b: her iron "'nene eliminated Ilss Cecil Icltcli. heralded in four ceuntries as the ic ic i'iiiin gelfe; of all time, from the national tmiruamenl be ing phi.M'd en the Ilell.v vveed Colin Celin tr; ( hr links at Dell. N. .1. T" '! Mrs. I-tts wa defeated by Mi Marlen Hellln. of New Virk RESERVE BANK RATE DOWN Reduction te 5 Per Cent in Line With New Yerk and Bosten The Federal He-crve Hank of Phila delphia .vesterday reduced il rediscount rate en all rlases of paper and for all maturities from ." te ." per cent. The r . i , l tr . r Innni.i, retii lin.l hnee m i,rTeef f.r snt. ' eral months. The icduitien put thi I dltric in line with the hank-, of Nrnv I Yin-k and Me .ten. Thi i eductien wa well received by. banker and business men. and indi- I ' ,.,.. ." - ti i ." .- cute local cemuiercml con litmn have reached a eund hai from e banking viewpoint. Leans, discount and invef:nents held by local IihiiI, September (!. P.l"Il. totaled !?.!'!. l4.i:)-l. a decrease of STO.OOli.e i," as compared with a venr , age, according te the Commercial Lit in and Price Curnnt. The-e wa a d" 1S crease of .::!. Pi'iT.. "70 in lull payable I at tin Federal Kv-erve. IJank. that item ' tetalinv ..'!1 IO..",(lll Ibmkei- npe!t,d im increasing nu.ve- i)(i(i ( (.(iI)lI1)i r(ii) n .er(lnv t ."i-m. before the discount rate reduction was niuncnci'd. The ."'.. per cent ap plied je , vi ep;jenally pnnn- name, with ." , ei- nt the privailing rate and a i en.ernh'e volume of the gen eral run of paper being tal.cn at U per cen'. ATTACKS FIRE MARSHAL Building Owners' Committee Heaed Disagrees With Elliett Charle .1. Maxwell, of the Ituildin: '.iwmr ami .Manager.- A-- iciati'm. ioek eep,ei ted.iv te a venial!; i:i ir.liiite,, t,, 'i,e Miir-hal Klilitt. who wn iiueted us -jinj r's'ently that "I I .IV ' lie " I .'I'll W iteel e.l i ti. l I V t!n I tr.. I -. i . j 1 1 . ii Committee of nn.v Iiiim 'J., ir; itn.irieii .n Plrladeltiina. Tin peen'e ,..e l',.,il, wake up." Mr. Maxwell, as chairman of the Fire Prevention Committee et tin P.uilding Owner and Manager As. seeiatmn. in a letter te Mr. Llllett told him hi ineiiier.v i exceedingly herr. He 1 im lesed ceiiies of letter the association I had ri ived from the tire marshal re lative te efforts te cut down the tire rik in buildings here. i DR. D. H. KING DEAD i Fermer Vmeland, N J., Paster Suc cumbs in California wa- received here tednv of the , N'cw- 1 death of the ltev of Vineluiel. N ' Calif . T icsdav . Dr. Oavid II. King. J . nt Hollywood. Ueatii wa due te a heart att.i. k ! Or. King retired from the pastorate 'of the Firt Pre-liv terlan Church of I Vineland after twnt.v -live gears' serv ice and went te Calif-irtitii la-t June for i hi health, lie had been in the minis try forty years and had charges at Wildwood, N. J., ami Punxsutawney. Pa., previous te going te Vineland. tlr Kirn' vvn. horn in Wnshln t'tnn .., nn, (ll etlucated at Washington und .! ffernn ( elnge. He is survived b l.i, wife. Kiln; two daughters, eta v n lediij. XIVA. DAVID II. KINO Dickering en Responsibili ties in Pacific EAGER FOR ARMS PARLEY Ky t!ie Aswrlated Press Londen, Oct. (V Reports thnt Prance will enter the conference en limitation of nrmnments and Far Kasf nucllens pre pared te bargain with the Pnlted States relative te inutunl respenslblllticH In the Pacific and Europe were the subject of editorials in a number of newspapers here today. AntherlrativpjFrench writers have n terted that mieh a plan en the part of Trance would net be carried te con summation. The Dally News 0skcd what "reason able reservations France could have re garding (he main objects of the confer ence." and remarked that she had large Intfresttj in the Pacific. The newspaper added that "hardly any ether country is mere concerned than France ;, pre vent another war. and nobeuy would prellt mere by disarmament. "Are thesp things." the newspaper went en, "te be. sacrificed for the for fer for ern hope of dragging America, against ,'.,. ntn European politics again? 'It is a forelern hope, as the met casual student of American opinion can tell her j n,p fu,,S(. of ,,,,. ,hp Lnlted States will be compelled te take a part in Kurepe wdilch will sntlsfv every legitimate desire of France. Amer ica , no mere thnn any of the rest of us. can live by herself alone. The days of isolation arc past mid ever." Paris. Oct. 0.. The aim of the French Government, nt the WahliiEten Confer ence en Armnments and Far Fastcrn affairs is te convince the delegates of ether nationalities, eipecinllv thee of the American Government, that France Is net unduly armed, and that her se curity requires the number of men new In active service. Marshnl Feph will he prepared te lay before the conference everv particular concerning the present land' armaments of I-ranee, (leneral Weygand and Gen eral Degeutte are collaborating with General Pestirkrr. who will accompany Marshal Fech. in the preparation of documents which will be submitted te die Washington conference hv Marshal Fech . The French general staff i declared te have Information te the effect that every regiment in the German army, ns allowed under the Versailles treaty, has .vim non-ceuimisinned etiicers te each regiment. -00 of whom are serving as privities, ir i aseriei tint tliev nute- .. .. . . ' " "HUO privates, ir i asserted that they , ,.. a , ,.,,. ,.. ., tt ei. , n ...!-.. I " '; -" .,,.-,., i. e a-, iioii-cem missiened nnicers in the event of mnhil i.iiiioe. uiink'uiK tin nuiniier et non nen non cemmiiioiied men In each regiment te the pre-war figure. The icgimetits then :..ni.. ui .i. .... would uc nine te muster !ti() non-commissioned men for a division, exactly a provided for under the. German tinihlli- zatien plan et HI14. Thi. according te tlm French in formation, would permit the tneblliza- tien of a German Army of 1,000,0(10 I men inside of a week. r I'ekin. Oct. ,". U!y A. P.)-Tbe .Chines-, rcplj te Japan' preiniil coii ceii j ei ruing Slmntiinjr WilK trani lltteil te I the Jni .ine-. Minister here this morn ing. 'I'll- content of the c miuunicatien j wte net in licited. however. I A circular note te tin- for. !gn legi tien here sa. that the reply will he i niiele puli'ie Pr day. Or. Yen. the Chi i ne-ei l"erein Minister, lias ab!e,l ihe i ntire contents of the replv te'tln Chi- nee Mimsfr ii. 'a.ilngten. i G. 0. P. Senators Try te Agree en Sales Tax (entlniiril from race One the Senate Finance Cniunuttee se n te provide for the follewing: Iepen! tut January 1 of all trans portation taxes, eveept possibly en Pull man :n onimedatton. Increase of incenn uit.iv ratis en neemes ever $1!.(KU) from the coin cein miitee maxiiniim rate of '.','2 per ci nt te a maximum of around fiO per cent. Repeal of nil or a majority of the lux niy ind se-called "nuisance" tuxes, including thorn- en soft drinks. Increase of the corporation lax rnie te 1." per cent, as recommended by the committee. Continuation of the corporation capi tal stock tax. These principal points of the com promise under negotiation with Finance Committee members were said te rep-n-ent the "consensus of opinion" of the group of fourteen Republican Sena ters who conferred iai night at the,,) home of Senater Capper, with Senater H Ledge, Republican Heur leader. Me-t ; et these nt the centerence were Sena ters from Western agricultural Mates and included many members of the so se called "Progressive group." The compromise suggestion we-., te be presented informally today te f'hair in.in Penrose and ether Kepublie'it of the Finance Cemmltlee, with the hope, it was said, that nil or a large pnrt would be acceptable te the committee te he offered from the fleer as "com mittee amendments." In this way the Hepublienns hoped te agree umnng themselves en Improve ments which would be acceptable te the majority 'if the Senate nml avoid niiv party split or "deals" with P"ino P"ine crntic opponents. Finance Committee memhers sni that any agreement would heve t,, ri in lied by "give mid take." They in dinned willingness te accept the I . . iii.ir.d for repeal of the transportation t ixcs, but expected te trad'; en ethei id ins. llenieerntle leaders were mere hopeful i.biv than ever of getting through the : ..re Important of the amendments te t' . ending bill which they have Kivi n in.fl.-e thev will offer. These change, a, .,1. timed in the minority report of the 1'emeerati. en the. Senate Finance Coui n, if. . published tedaj. Include: liigher surtax rale than the Ml' per etlt liMIMIUlim run: l nu'-'l nn nine- in eyce-s of .?.',(M0(MI. A i-raduated corperntm iiuei.c t.i. in i.laee of the proposed 1." ier :i I tote. l'eteutinii of the corporation cnpit-il -tik lav. Uen'.al of the freisht, pussenser an 1 Piuliii.iii triinsportatieli tiuce ami of the $e(KKI cjjeniptiull allowed te corpei -at en Ilr teaied normal income tax rate, en , ,. ,.i,i. - of .1.".M or less. Takes Poison, Burns te Death Newtown, Pa.. Oct. ! Whin tlaine tlaine frem a -mall buckyaid tra-h I'm. ig uiied tin dress of Mr. Wilh'tt llilibs, ll.civ iir old, jesterda.v, she u. m everelj burned that she iiiii in her home liist nii.'ht. A neighbor. Mrs Hub ert MiKennv. heard Mrs. Mihbs seicntn and saw her run aero the yard with her clothes ablaze, but assistance came tee late. It was stated that Mrs. Illbb hud made an ettcuipt ut suicide by taking polten. In n fire nnd burglar proof safe at the headquarters of the Welfare Fed erntlen rests a list of some '.".000 names of Phlladelphlatis, each et whom ran afford te contribute nnywheve from $1!" te $2.-i.OOO te charity. Perhaps many n salcsmanager would leek nt them lovingly, but they will only be aeen by the managers of the Federa tion's campaign next month. These names, filed, numbered, let tered, grouped and classified in a huge master card index system, will furnish the "ammunition" jiu the tirst 100 teams the "banner-bearers" who, sis delegntes of the "Individual prepeets' division of the Campaign Committee, will carry the. mesage of the Welfare Federation Inte homes and offices dur ing the five days of the Federation s drive, November 14 te IS. Ne dupli cates of these lists have or will he made, they nre for federation use only. The lists comprise the names of th residents of the greater city embraced within the limits of the federation's campaign territory who either hav aided In the support of welfare and charitable organizations in the past or who, by rcaspn of their known ability, should aid In the support of such or ganizations In the future. They have been collected with great accuracy by a small army of volunteer clerks, mobilized without cost te the federation. In the first place, the names of all persons wdie have previously contrib uted te any one or mere of the welfare agencies new members of the federa tion were turned ever te the federation and carefully arranged and Indexed. Then, working en the assumption that the members of nil the cltv's clubs and societies of public or seml-publlc char acter should be classed as "givers," the memberships of clubs, together with these of the great number of cenn try clubs In the suburbs, were obtained and grouped according te the financial obligations of each member In each or ganization. The name of nil automobile owners In the metropolitan city were also ob tained and classified according te the make and price of the enr owned. And te these .were added the names of all ethers wdie pay State personal property taxes, the thought In the selection of each being that the classes of persons "lentlened surely nre ah'e te assume their small bnre of the huge obligation of the entire community te held up the hands of hetpltnls, welfare associa tion, settlements mid social centers, homes for the aged blind nml helpless and all ether such missionaries of hope, health and happiness. Griswold Gifts Werth $1,000,000 rnnlliiiiril from PiiEe One incomes went seaiin;j since the World War, should have been at least T te KlO per cent. In evident r was shown the copy of lie deed of 1 ru t under which Cress testified that he turned ever the entire iuteiest of Mrs. (irisweld te Mrs. I'ri.-chnian In 1U1.V The ropy con tained a long list of valuable ptepertic in Ikiltiiner". Mr. Cress then testithd te having placed the (Jrisweld collec tion of jewels first In a heavy wooden jewel case and later in a safe deposit he in a Unltlnioi'e bank. The key te the jewel collection eventually went te Mr-, (irisweld and the witness knew no mere i f them. Then leading )ili,sician ei Atlantic Cit.v and Pleaaiitille. near the (Jris (Jris eold tilace of a'legrd virtual imprison ment, wcvl r.n the stand and testified that the Ilaltimere woman, who wns the descendant of an Fnipcmr and pet ted throughout ICurene for years because of her beauty, contracted a drug habit while he was attempting te keep pace with th" court life en the ether side. Thev told also of her calling a physician who refued further visits after she hail informed him that "sn enl, sent for him te be amused." The ph.vsielniis testified te having fuiiiilicd her ipiaiititie, of verenal which he demanded in dese double tl.it which their lirt judgment had Indicated, Insanity ((notion K.-ii'srd Mr. Themas Veungman. physician te ine't e1' ilm fashionables of the Phila delphia colony in Vrntnnr. was the lirst meter called. He told of being sum moned te Mra. (irlsweld's bedside In I'.'l 1. On his first iit he said his I nt ifnt complained enlv of rheumntic pains and after a short conversation told him thnt she had decided te take massage treatment. I.ndr. when he was called again, he was greeted with rii.iaik about "bting iimued" nnd ibeiiled thai hi patient was crnzy. 'Were .von ever called le Mrs. (jr'i,. id's bedside again''" Mr. Yniimrnifin wa a-ked b.v Conn el ('. ,. ,. f. I lie i enntess. "I wa- rmpiested b.v Mr. flewley. of Atlantic City, te cuimlne tin woman a te her sanity." the witncs, replied. "Mid j cm de it?" wn- the next oiies eiies oiies tien "I did net, because I till net place tev slgniituri' te a -tatcment that the woman was mentally -niind after hav ing n her before." Mr. Veungnian declared positively. City Treasurer's Repert The City Treasmer'- report for the v. e, I; ending today follew: Receipts, .I.L'17.0u:'..(il : pay im i.ts.? ,777,(l(r. 17 ; im i imi im !uiiii,' -inking fundi, Sl'cifC.. 107. 0.". Yeu Can II in PRUDEWTBAL Sectional Steel BUILDINGS Right Frem StecU ,i.i i. Kht mamifacturini; n.i'li- IniluNtrlnl plnbt mi Iv.ins flelil work, w.ut li'UiHes, HtereH, fovinil fevinil rii" etc They are llre pi "t nildtiintliil anil per. ii .mi-tit, i 1 huIviikv 100', If .(iniiVll. p mi'illiite delivers nml i 1. 1 Mini Win . phuni. or vi i lie for Intenstinn iii,i t tu, in. rite fur ( ntnlnj; C. D. PnUDEN CORP. Iliijuril A Wrrntr llnllu.. .Mil. Sin., I 1110 , mmwffingmsmi 'tmaK-g HHff MjiSHI SrF,!-'t'-A".sTV Kridln Kennel , the mascot of tlie wilt ever the filauts in the first erli Independents Will Try te Get Harry L. Knight Off Repub lican Committee WOMEN IN THE MOVEMENT .Delaiice, N. .1., Oct. .". Deter mined, they sav. tn end the days of "bossism" in Burlington County, In dependent Republicans will open a spectacular light at the organization of the Republican Ceuntv Committee to day te unseat former Public Ftillty Commissioner Harry I,. Knight, of Medford. ns an eflieci- of the committee. Mr. Knight' slnte of candidates was beaten bv Republican voters at the re cent primary, and the victorious Inde pendent have announced that they In tend te move en and clean up the wreck of the old machine which for jenr dominated county politics. Many women elected te the com mittee are aligned in the nnti-besisni movement, ami the rssiim of the committee, which will be nt Mount Helly, pi-onuses le make political his tory. Virtually all the riverfront townships are said te be lined up in the movement te eliminate Mr. Knight, nnd leaden here say they have a safe majority . Mr. Knight jnined hi initial grip en county oelitics as county clerk. His appointment as a Public I tility Com missioner created a stir, and he was one of the member nheni whom the successful tight for the ousting of that heard wa waged. His candidates were assailed in i n' years, but his alleged effort this year te put ever a hand-picked slate of ciindulnics iimurd the ire of Republican. Customs Men Seize $40,000 Gems New Yerk, (lei. (I. -Custom- officials noticing bulge- in the vest pockets of Raffnele Romane a he I. ft Im, first class cabin when the Presidrnte Wil Wil eon decked yesterday from Italy sen relied him and announced finding Sin. 000 in diamond ami jewelry. Romane, en gaged in the building trades here, had net included the jewelry in hi customs declaration, inspector said. He claimed American citizenship. RAILROAD STATION ROBBED Thieves broke into the Mount Mo Me Hah railroad station l.i-i :,i;',t and took the nickel out of the telephone box after -ma-hin", off ih ver. lie . also took a number of p n I ,..1- from the ticket ellice. lint Heming et .my great value. Organized Desk Werk Ry organizer the way, instantly ercanizcrs action, ami .-.elvc desk piebliin. Label holders allow easy rliatigiiiK of labels te fit your ev. ti needs just slip a new subject label under the cclln- lei ith each Werk-organizer come-, a ropy et the bulletin, "Hew te OrKanUc Desk Werk." It will rivc you some ideas that arc helping te raise the clficiiiuv el 50.(1)0 office. Price from $1.00 upward Yee & Liskens Ce. STATIONERS Printers, Blank Boelis 12 N. 13th St. Alie at 719 Walnut St. .,-;,,.-.,i:rv:j- POLITICAL FIGHT ; ... ..... .. - i INBUUIONCU. I I I "S-aa&r i Americas Srnariesi Car NXlj y j ' I E buyer who investigates - i S I the entire automobile field 3 tllC USC Ot tll'S Werk ' '- and vukn .'..,lr,.,e nrnfllllv 1 liz:rinzA i seini pint- cncede I uces-il.l . Werk- I incre ls no exaggeration in our clear tli. .ick for f . statement, the Reamer is Ameri- a tntrrinttlenal who rame (hreugli with a Yankees game of tlie World .Series in New yesterday U. S. ATTORNEY OUSTED President Removes Kentucky Official en Recommendation of Daugherty ifMy .40 ,,or 0Cllt nf :i10 nermnl mmi WasliliiKteii. i let. (I. (r.y A. 1". 1 of physician.-, ninny of whom wrrekilM 1 nein:' ii. .-siiiiierv . 1 mien .-snues .m - i f,u (lurinc iircvinus years nt elmlim m" terncy for the northern district of typhus epidemic and ethers of i-hna 1 Kiiii.iek.v. wa icnieved from olEce te- 1 have lied the ceuntrj. 1 dav hv President Harding en ucein-: -- 1 mendatlnn of Attorney (leneral Uaugh rt.. 1 The renen for the removal wns net 'disclosed l.y officials. Consideration ia iieing given, il is understood, te the appointment of Sawyer Smith, of Ce- .viiigten, ns successor te Mr. ShUtcry. j Paster Becomes Scheel Principal j ,Vthcr' machine hit a tn,n,,, nnd tin I 'Ihe Rev. .1. P. Lafferty. of Norris- struck a teljeraph pole with such ferct i town, nn entered tne ranus et school i us te break it in two. j teachers, having taken charge of tlit- The tramp. Matthew I-'ritz, theuilt Svvcileland public schools, Fpper Mer-I te be from McKeesport, will prehblj 1 Ien Township. His resignation ns pas- l die in the Allentown Hospital. ; ter of the Olivet Baptist congregation, I The occupants of the car, RebM ' et .Norrlstewn. was accepted at a meet- , Mevill, of Allentown. and (ieerge ati ling yesterday. Mr. Latterly will also Samuel Huey, of Reading, are also ii I devote considerable attention te the de- the hospital, helples from cuts ul veiepmeiit et tnc.hweiieiand ( nien tstin- l)ruies. I licit car caught tire and n day Ndioel ami chapel. j a total wreck. lWmMMmmvMmmmmmw ATLANTIC I'hllnilflplilu nml Atlantic City Ur.KKDAVS l.nve I'hlta Arrlv l.eave Atl Cltr Arrlrf 1'hltt Atl (Ut K.10 A.V II 00 Jl 10 ' 0 3i) A 51 win - 12.40 PM 2118 3. SO " fi.M 0,05 " em 7.20 " 0.45 " i a in am 7 et) All 7 Alt Sin 0 30 11 3D " 2,35 PM 4.00 " 545 " 8.00 ' 11.00 8.111 All S4.1 " tl IR " 10.V) 12.(15 PM 3.55 ' 5.15 " 7.05 " 9.15 IS -JO AM HOI) TM - uu 4.00 5.00 8t20 COO 8 30 11.30 SI XDAVS 5.11) A.M, (i H'l A.yl B.lll) Alt' il 45 All rt7 30 " 1100 KMSl 11 in 1'Otl " in IS 2.35 PM 8,65 PM ii wi ia.4erH 4,oe i 5.16 2 00TM 3.20 " (15.15 d0.40 " . 6 00 " 6.25 " 6.00 " 7 15 " 8.30 " 9.45 " f 00 " 8.16 " 11.30 I li.'45All 11.00 12 go Alt RI atiini- only tLsceiu Salurdt)-. n Ai'ciiniandauen Irani, il Kxcurnliin trnln. SEASHORR EXCUnsiONU k i:uv M MI.W HOUND CI erj WAK TAX 12c TUIP tJ1"J-' ADDITIONAI. Cen'ult Agfnti ike Plyen bWrtKW WOiuTinniinnniinMMinnm j mmm the littered t fa ca s Kreatest meter car value. S T lis fact is especially emphasized ji 5 because of the recent price reduc- i tien of $800. 1 i H v t tt ji pe $2485 I j I' 0. B. Factory 1 ' 1 i I Philadelphia Reamer Ce. 1 i 84z North Bread Street 1 BJJ ;'u)l(ir k.r.? 0,tcn Evening! m I h n IJy ihe Associate! p1TM Samara, Itussla. Oct. (J. m ' journey from Constantinople tew''1' row by way of the Caspian Sea i-inT ger circle, tiilnilnatimt In i'1?,.1"'- Samara nnd Kazan. It ,s j S " te snv whether morn n,.t.. ' "'Wl perishing from underneurislim.nt 'l Constantinople, Tiflls. Hnku mL ininn or in inc JinrnKtiv reglnn, (, rcran.hlc for lnead. with t he V$ I divided dnllv i.nrTr,t ,.f ....'1(' M'l i . .i .:.i . i";i... v. " "l t' iit.ii Vllllllll. Wlicilicr I li-ll 01 peer In 1, . ,,,. in,in,. i ....i..,r' ted .... .. -....,..,-...... ... i"i'viiens tmi-: i the approaching cold weather. j in iiaie Hunger has net inrnl j millions of deaths, but certainly T tireds of thousands will surelv ill. i!.' the first shorn cold of fl,.ii.. . Vi'l where is there mere than a two iaeatlU? Mipply of fend. ls Desuit.' the famine. Hm cnrlem f. stands out tiiat everywhere it yJJs me 10 euiain a geed meal if (lie tnt eler has ninne.v . T Acceiupanying the devnvlnil.. . hunger la a lii'diclne famine, v,-iti i vast malaria area encenipns.IJ ,,' CnueasuH and extending (nst threuri out Turkestan and then nnrihitVJ across the (Vplan Kra along the M,ir length of the Velta. It I. . ,"" 'Asiatic; malaria, sometimes Itlllin. t. victims vithin two days, when Hm p'iii nttacked already is weaketinl ftm I ii wtntiMt1L.tl inill f "fill llllllt IJII'lll irillllLIM. ( lOverywdiere tlie Asserintnl pttfl' correspondent has been travvjint 5! cry for bread has been aecunnanlfdi, one for quinine. All the hospital tli' ' ited by the correspondent are full .j pntients, with (ediiie virtually the etj. nicdicin.'". Suigceiis also are -n-Ithecr cotton or lint bandagrs. Se fur thn las hee.-i relatively little elielirn at) IJ II1U.. imiuisirv in wns region nns oecota an uiiKiuwn profession, ami t'lirp m THREE HURT IN AUTO CRASH Tramp Probably Fatally Injured n I Car Tries te Avoid Collision Allcntewil, Va.. Met. (I. -Annulare-, bile speeding from Trexlertewa teM,-J Wnniliiw 1 1 nnilnntinliiif tn ...-.! J . IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE CITY OCEAN CITY, SEA ISLE CITY, STONE HARBOR WILDWOOD AND CAPE MAY KrFIXTIVE, OCTOUEK !, 1021 I'lilln. nnil Seuth .Terurr nfert WEnKUAVS Southward t Arrivi-i Arr.te I Arr.ni Arre I AtH'i IllTC I'IHIe Alt" Oi'iU Im Ink' Sli.nc U 1.1 rip lltj CII llnrbi. iTnrrt lii7. Alt AM All All All s.se; id s PM PM .4 20 5.58 .. fcC 00: 8.08 in no ln:i." PM PM ' 6.02 in. is ion 6.05) I" 8 20. ll SUNDAYS All l rtT.Mj H M PM 1.5.00 All 9.P2I 10 US PM ! AM 1 AM Il 14 in. w PM 7.44 All n.:e 10 3.i PM 7.601 All OS 10 10 . 7.11 HTKKDAYS Nertlnrard l.aYd Cap Jill Alt 11.50 PM Lrave Wllil- VTOO't livtl lrave I l.eal.i Atlltl , Ocean rblli. Htone IHui Hie H.nrtiei thy curl All (i r,e PM Alt AM ill 13 I'M It) H48 II 88 PM PM bl.00 1)1.00 1)1,30 "4 10 ".6i PM 4.00 4.03 4.131 ! Hl'NDAYS All , t 13 PM 4.10 16.15 A.M lul 1I PM 4.05 AM . bO.Jl PM 4.08 d6,15 AM :j PM til PM 4 151 d5 85l d5 IS1 7.M Philadelphia & Reading System Atlantic City Railroad M i"f" Mv, trVMti!4M .,. Luttev.