HOTHWWSwIfv?? aH Blfw' r7f EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEE PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER C, 1921 Frem Understudy te World Series Here Is Mike "McNaliy, Third-Base Substitute for Frank . - -. ii ... M . . "r,rfff TiniiTTiiii iTWiri. inrri, irfflTTTi i i mi iii II ii iiB d im MmmrwTnmnrTriTTTrMmmmwwwmmm nifcji fwpi i mpw' , h , i i i jmi nwrf i f ' m m u' in i". ' ' www ww i ii wbwiii IP 111 - Bake?! 1 ?Y ' 7 "V i.. i STEAL OF HOME BY ! MIKE M'N ALLY PUTS HIM IN HERO CLASS Giants Are Demoralized When Yankees' Youngster Outsprints Phil Douglas' Threw te the Plate in Fifth Inning Carl Mays Is Unbeatable m 1 FRESH AGAIN SURPRISES VARSITY HOW TO START THE EVENING WRONG TN A X in n By KOHERT V. MAXWKU- Spert Kdller KvriilnB I'liblle !Utr New erk, Oct, 0. World Seiles that In. n private and oxrltlsive worm Nerles, sticli as n.-,i- hntr lielil liore in New lerk It sometimes in dluiruit te rencu into it,- n...l nt,,l nfrl.- .mt in nilvanoe seiiip uerthy cent who iloservos te be oalletl a hrre. The laurel wreath Is likely te fall lianliazanll.v nnd land en nnybiiuVn nlnbnRter brew, nnd thl Idea furnishes the plot nnd the reason for today's Infliction. .. , . ,, Michael McNaliy is n here. Yesterday he wni just nn ordinary guy carrrinR n speur nnd Kettins a sinking pnrt when overjbody else hnd left the Mage. He wan Unewn its rtnnls Itaker'n substitute, who MibMituted se well that M HiiBRins kept him in the cast from force of habl tirent tlilnRH were net exported of him. He nm in there t play third base, -hew a let of speed en the defence, but when it onme te socking the pill nnd werint: runs he wasn't even given a tumble. But Michael refund te -tick around and act ns part of the scenery. Me was In the blsRcM World Series held tlii enr nnd wanted te make his pres ence felt. lie did that ery thine, but united until the fiftn inning te pull it. After he completed his act the (.iliints were en the verge of hysteria, they worn demoralized, completely tipet. nnd all that remained te be done was te shove ever another mnrker te make the first Uctery of the series unanimous. Here is hew it happened: Michael was the flrt person te face I'hil Douglas In the fifth frame, nnd I'htl "tailed a bread smile when he saw who was at the platter He whined one at the plate and Mlchnel whizzed it right back agnlnst the left field feme. Fast fielding kept the wnllep down te ft double but that proved te be enough. A twe-bnc hit from the sub third baseman was net te be sneezed at i-en in the fifth Inning. It came as a sudden. Munning shook, and these things nrc serious. McNalh reached third when Srhnng sacrificed, and remained like n ship t utii'her when Cnrl Mnys missed a home run b three strikes. That made two out and Michnel was all bet up about it He was well nen,nnlnted with the territory around third base because he plajed there, but this was different. . , L'lmcr Miller strolled te the platter, nnd Klmer s hitting nvcrnge resembles the size of his Maekiu. Ku-rj time he connects safely he declnres. n holiday, and it didn't leek as If one of thee things would be declared. Therefore. Mike decided te de something him-elf, alone and unaided. T.Kl(! a long trail nff third. Mrtlly irnlchnl Deuglai. anil when the big hni started te threw he dnthid ieiraid the home plate. The play uat a b'j xurprtue and foaled eeeri one, including Snyder and nouela.o. I'hil threte low and the ball reached the home plate when Mcallu ld in. Snyder made a clunny atumpt te tee the runner, but flopped. Mike trm (tc. another run ira huna up and from then en the (Hants were through. One plait put them te rout and the ethei four inninat irrrr superfluous. Red Sex Curver Deserves Credit ARL MAYS, who had been hu'ling in grent form, became mere effective. J the ether Vnnk became mere confident and with that combination the Giants didn't hn" n t'lunnman's clmncc. McNnll.v made history in a WerM Series, hut net a Teenrd. According te the heavily bearded depesters who lime the farts and figgers down lint. Ty Cobb btole'hemo en Vic Willis in TOOK and also get four hits in a single game. But mere of that later. Bight new, nllew us te state that II. H. Fruzec, owner of the well-known nnd often-mentioned Bed Sex, of Bosten, deserves a vote of thanks, for he wen a World Series game by proxy. Ruth, Majs. McNaliy nnd Sel.ang were t!i Important guys in the initial victory, nnd what would have hnppvmd te the Yanks had Hnrry rfused te sell them' We shudder te think of what would have happened. Mays shares Mime of the glory with Michael because he was In his very best underhanded form. The National Leaguers could de nothing with the underslung delivery, and of the five hits collected during the nfternoen. Krisch connected with four. The ether onme when Johnny Rawllng.s also of Bosten nnd Philadelphia rapped te right in the seventh nnd perished en the sacks. Therefore, the hits meant nothing because they were widely spread and thinly mattered. Babe Ruth did net de se well. He stepped into th" picture in the first reel and drove in Klmer Miller with a reusing rap te .enter. After that he walked once nnd the next two times whiffed inglorleush . Bambino did net take the observations of Umpire Rigler in n kindly manner, especially en called ftrlkes. He sneered openly when he walked te the Dench, ns if te say the guesser behind the platter was a bum, or words te that effect. Frank Krlsch. of eeurse, was the large noise of the .lints. He wns the only one who could hit Mnys and his fielding could net be Improved upon. In fact, he' was the life of the party. N OTT that we have disposed of the important persons, allow vs te dwell upon the first foozle nf the series, which u a way of referring te a bone-headed play. Beb Meiisel Is the ''Here'' Wm J I'ST the same, it is freely preduted that if the Giants eie today e-ssien go by. If the Wants Still, Veu never can tell. Ilaseball is a peculiar game. cop the guessing will begin all ever again. Copvrieht, tiit. by Pubtlc Lrdger Company Coach Keogh's Youngsters Come Within Ace of Scoring en Heisman's Eleven IWHITEHILL IN UNIFORM ROBERT MEl'Sni., brother of Irish, starred in this scenario as nobody has starred before. He precd te the vast assemblage that a thre-base Mt can mean nothing net even a bmgle in the base-hit column. Rebert performed in the sixth, and his act was will worth observing. Peek was en second nnd Bnb- had just tiikcn three swings. Therefore it was up te him te de something. He crashed one of Shufflin' Phil's twisters te the wall in left center, nnd Peck scored under wrnps. Meuel tore nreund the bases and reached third. It wns a great run after a great wallop, but neither meant a thing. fJeerge Kelly, who plas first base, is a wise cracker He watched Reb sprint around the sRrks and, after third bne was reached, he turned te Geerge Meriartj and said : "Geerge, that guy nin't touched lirt base yet. I ain't kiekin' or anything like that, hut rules N rules and we getta live up te them. I'm genna tag the sack nnd put that bird out." Kelly called for the ball nnd placed lus hoof en the bag. "Yer out!" yelled Merlarity, and Meusel sheepishly walked te the bench te be congratulated by M. Hugglns. s 7 UK only reason the big right fielder is nine u bereuxe the benn had no bearing en the game. Had the battle been close he would be clutching a lily in his left hand today. Creivd ?s'et Se Large as Expected FOR some reason or ether the crowd wiu net se large as was cipectpd. In fact, the turnout weh mighty slim because the optimists made wild and -elrd guesses. Thev figured that the gntes should be closed at 1 I. M. te every one except thev holding reserved sent coupons. This wns done, and about ROflO sent at S3 ,i0 were unoccupied The ball playnn let out n big howl nbeut this lack of patrennge and said they would sec that something was done tedaj . Ball plnvers mr nothing for the gat rvcipts in the first five games of the series Neither de they enre nbeut their rlijht arms or eyesight. Deep gloom hovered ever each dugout when the "ad news was spread. Today's game is likely te decide the series. McGrnw made a geed guess when he started Douglas against Mays yesterdaj. because with Carl In such Heed shnpe no team in the world could have trimmed him. Phil twirled a Koetl game also, much better than wns expected, but .lawn Jay evidently figured he would lese nnd refused te start his pitching nee, meaning Ar thur ICehf. New comes the time when the star southpaw must be inserted, and when thl Is being done, hew nbeut the Yanks' Who will they start'' It leeks very much like Heyt, but some of the wie nn predicted early this morning before bedtime that Shawkey would he en the mound In fact, some of the experts even went se far as te say thev would pitch Beb of the Red I'ndir shlrt If Hugglns quit his job nnd asked for successors. However and be thut ns it may. Nehf i booked te start because It is according te the strategy of McGrnw. Mac wants this gnme, and nobedj can blame him for that. He has only Nehf te fall back en, with Teney In reserve for tomorrow. Then he will inert the third best pitcher en the Ynnkee staff nnd have a better chance te come through. JOB FOR New 'SMILING JEEMS" These are great dnys for the Penn sylvania freshmen. They nr" having their own little World Series eveij nfternoen nut en Franklin Field with the veAsity as the party of the second pnrt. Se far the first -j ear men have two moral victories te their credit, while all the varsity can say Is that they have gained mere ground than their oppo nents. Bill Hellenhack is a man of notion nnd he believes in gling a var-lty foot ball team hard work ierj dnj. In addition he also thinks that there Is no better scrimmaging in the world than that between a varsity and n first - ear team for the ren-en that the varsity naturally bus a feeling of lord-hip ever the first -year men and thnt the fresh men have n feeling that im thing they put ever en the uper cl i-rnvn is weithy of a medal. Therefore u keen strug gle, nlme-t akin te a I'uht. I- the result. All 'het up" exer their splendit. showing of Tuesday iigain-t the varsity, the freshmen euteml estcrdii "s conflict with the tooling that thev were going te put one ever. Fer twentj-live Minutes the two teams struggled nnd fought as bitterb ns though IVnn nnd Pitt were meetlrg. Neither team wns able te score en the ether, but for t'r n of play when in the shadow of their goal pests there hasn't been nn thing en Franklin Field te equal the stand of the freshmen en one occasion jesterday. Held en IS-Yard M.'irli The varsity hud pushed the ball down the field about -10 vuul- nnd stued wlthm 15 of a tomhdewn Thiee plunges at the line tutted 0 jards. Bill Maher. late of the scrub-, eaed a forward pass thnt was almost rope-lng in the arms of a varsity eligible. Twe burly fir-t-venr men went after that pig-kin as though It meant their future happiness, and they succeeded by her culean work In knocking the pig-kin te earth That was the enl ihame the arsity had, for, from that tune en. the fir-t-year men steed like the embattled farmers at Lexington and lepelled every vnr.-ity attack. And the tirst-ear men had one e rellent opportunity te score that was only lest when MelJraw. the Buffalo lad, playing in the bncktirld. wns forced out of bounds. It happened this wn.v : Pes Miller heaved a forward pass that the varsity end was te receive. He had it almost in his arms, when the first-year player leaped high in the nlr end drugged the pigskin down. Bill Grave made a lunge that almost dropped the youngster, but he scurried along In a staggering way for a few jard-. ic ic cevered his Balance nnd raced HO jnrds down the field before Billy Mahcr'e lunge sent him out of bounds. Three bad passes te the hacks forced the fre-hman te punt, and the var-lty started a drive down the field that wns Interrupted when Coach Keogh sent his charges te the dressing room. A Meral Victory Keegli "Anether mernl ioter,," 'aid Keogh. "We are ready for the varsity any old afternoon in the week These youngster-- of mine will slmw them hew te plaj the game. Did jeu -co hew the) steppid them up there bj the g"iil line? That's the stuff that counts wien in u game. Fa-y enough te carry the ball down te the shadows, but thin comes the tn-k of getting it ever. The old gall- -ure did held the varsity." King and Jimmy Dew hurst, the back fidd star.- of Keogh'- eleven, again per formed vahantlv behind the line. Their , tackling and running with the hall was' spectacular. Defensively the Iir-t-veari l haclts steed out the vaislt.v backs ex-1 epc en two or three otcn-lens falling te i get anj further than the secendarv ! fen-t . We-tgate. at end. the Kala- 1 ma.oe lad, plnved a sterling game, I hri aking up the var-it interfep m e en! I his -nle nf the liiu times luii k Robb. who distinguish d him- i self m right end againit the vnrsltj en i Tuisdiiv, wns out nf the drill .ve-tenla.v . I A ha-tv examination of his left -ide led . phrMclan te believe that he has frac tured two ribs. He wns sent te the I'niversity Hospital te have an X-rny ".lamination made te determine the ex- ' act extent of his Injuries He was hurt , en breaking up the ur.sity interferon! e Tuesdav. Ai curding te the varsity coaches they expect te held another scrimmage with the first-year men this nfternoen ami tomorrow, the eve of tin' gnme with Gettysburg. Keogh Is willing te send his freshman ngainst the varsity anj old time, te use his own words. Alse Meet Scrubs After the scrimmage with the fresh, mnn. the varsity team was. tii'-hened anil the scrubs -mt in for a scrimmage that lusted until almost dark. The var sitv hnd much les trouble muking gnin agninst the -r rubs than again-! the venrllngs Keegli hnd 1. tir-t freshman ebn-i-n in gaiiut the vnrntv, including. Wet gate, left end : Jaquish. left tjukle; Devvhurflt, left guard; Payne, center, Krtressvnag, right guard: Papworth, right tackle; B-atie, right end; Mi -draw, qunrti rl ai U ; Freelnnder and King, halves and Jimmy Dewhur t. fullback fTFel ) (tifti"' 'hew? y" ,FU .i-r.hSl HEH Met, ) OLD CO LI6HTDODY v 0H-HUtf'-- CO UGHTOedy! uc-Hew j. ,-j, TehJtfiHT - Yeu 'Mcmec ,- H0W ?-. KWW- - ') - sp'ei&Wl viAvr-'YeO uwDtsn- , -, ftvj . l TOO KNOU) vlhy J I irnc teuk. r frtL e - rf" ,, ... v?i uTi.iftnT ls-rr:i I Timh hank I I va;AIT TILL n.n.i Ul T STsV .J TcJjk l Prv . VWCGOT LV. I i WM sr-w 9.ZH.?: ,XJ A aimrm Yeu Lerr J WtSsA "5 J??? up - r - S U' (c:i.r , iMii MewiNu- 'imrnw jABimmiB U"T' rfss. n n-vwew Bl bV'e?D Itekv- v mm - Vevy vtit" - ( m y "el, i v jjcar-- j mm j-i - ?c.. ;r i T?nrv s zz,?. WT VSTTh. g'y r mm--- . ljfr Q SJ' W'sZ (Sk ass- mm . Am sv, , - ? fc AML i- Will W A. vW "E V c-- mmnmm mm m mjk """"' mjm& ii. e mwe :, ? tT&. f-At. feEi V Hi W VyJAXK 5tii ,,t $lb. fjsc gsgj mm. vt. nsm jm Mm. TBT WfT, fl f Kffs. m RJMm i m wA:,, i ', ya m. I jfiBK-xLHJjnan m i iv KSKa l ',., I i sj&J m MM ismmLWi i i mm - w -jw kl. teWw wm 'm &' vmy v m? r.uiAii m V. 'Xmi'kmdtdr lb. "" I ... . I ftins urn iniM RHYTHM, IN ATHLETIC WA Y, ASSET TO STARS Duncan, Jenes, Evans, Ruth, Jehnsen, Tilden Dempsey All Shew Ne Jerky or Badly Timed Efferts in Respective Sports J' Somewhere Beyond When I have crossed the Ttctlight foal lleyend the final whlte-ehalh blend. Say net for me: "He .spriutcdjar Te victory around the end.' Hut rather say that "Down the field lie hammered onward yard by yard, lie feuplit his way and held his feet. He hit the line -and hit it hard." By GRANTLANI) RICK oMendeil trail are wlmt mntter aim tui'ii'H are unusual U nut. sound. ,' N OFT West there are Indications 1 i ... . that Hurry-up Yest is nnln,,,, V eiverlnc in.the general direction , I when the field has called me home ic (limits of l'laycrs stay. WITH EK BHT TBOUT T Larney Lichtenstein Expects K. 0. Victer Over Sullivan te Bex Champ in N. Y. PALACE OPENS TONIGHT Itv LOVIS II. iIAI FK I.nrney IJchtenstein. etc ran man ager of boxers from Chicago, breezed through Philadelphia tedaj en his wny back te the Windy Cltj from New Yerk, leaving nn efTusien of conversation here nbeut several of his mittmen. together with this apolegy: "Parden the hn-te. I'll be back real seen and -tay a little longer the next time." Merrie I.ux was with I.arne. and Morrle was the real rea-en for I.lch I.lch teiisteiii's trip te the m"troieli-. I.ux is a welterweight. lie hails from Kan-sa- Citv and ever body in the Middle AVest sw-enr b this fellow as being the next welterweight champion of the world. The Missourians. us i, well known, must be "shown.'' and Merrie did that little thing about a car age. when In- was given a popular verdict out thnt way ever the titleholder. Jack Britten. 'in n no-decision match. "Since that blffe-t," was I.arnej' hurried explanation. "Britten cannot be coaxed into the ring with Lux again. A number of offers some n nl g I one-, tee hae been made te Britten for another nn'ct'tig with Merrie in' .lifTercnt cities ill the West, but JlU'k'- 'iiay. nay, Pauline,' has kept thdn npart." It leeks as if l.ux finally will get mint her crack at ISrltten, new ever. 1 Hew Rival Players Batted in Opening Game of Scries YANKEES nh. r. h 2h. 3h. lir. th. ie. Mlll-r. ff... J 1 1 II O O I .?,- I'riMnp'Kh, ss.S 1 10 0 0 1 ,R3t Kultl. If . .1 O I 0 (I 0 I .33.1 K. Meescl. rf O II O O 0 0 OOO film. lt. . . . 2 O O (I O O O .000 tVnnl. ah . . : e l 0 e e i .331 MrNull), SI) 4 I 2 1 O (I 3 .f.00 srliann, e . 2 0 II O 0 II 0 .000 VIujs. p.. I! O 1 0 0 0 1 .313 Totals . 28 H 1 "e "() 15 .230 (HANTS nl. r. Ii i!h. 3I. lir. tb. rc. Rurns, rf . 4 O 0 0 0 0 0 .000 lliinrreft. nh. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 I'riseli, 31) . I O 4 O I e (1 1.000 I'eimik, rf . 3 O e 0 0 0 0 .000 Kellv, It), O O II O O O .000 i: Mound, If. 3 0 0 0 0 0 O .0011 Kim lines. 21). '-' O I O O O 1 .AOO ll ill r. 0 ..30 0 0000 .000 DeilKlllH, . 2 O O O O O O .0011 Smith 10 0 0 0 0 0 .0110 tin rues, p . e 0 0 0 II O 0 .INK) Tutnls . 30 0 0 I 0 7 .107 TliH'li lilttrr. FRANKFORD SQUAD. Beb Remmy, Lecal Sensational Quarterback, and Mike Wil liams Among Newcomers Te tcli ere th Say net for mc: "He kicked the goal Irem fiftu-icrCH uards away. This has its place but leny routes w Te these, who slog en we id by paid ll here this one tip uncovers much- - lie hit the line, nnd hit it nurd. Rhyl Inn "DHYTHM Is net alone for (e,c wools 4-' or the bards. lis idare In snen Is as firmly lived ns Its lilace In poetry. AVntch (icerge Dutuan. Bebby Jenes, "Chick" Fvuns. Babe" Ruth, AValtcr Jehnsen, Bill Tilden or Jack Dempsey. Thi'ie '.nn have the meaning in nn lithletic mj, AVilh rh.v thin in snort the body Ih I tun contreiiitis anelier where even in :i winp-iasii Hiiekc there is netliing liur tnd or ."eriisl, Dcnui.-ey hits with terrific sneeil. .vet he Is ulinesL the final word In ihxtlim. His balatii'e Is complete. The fame up p.len te Bnbe" Ruth. Witlu nil the physical force he puts into a swing thote Is nothing hurried or jerky or badly limed about his UTen-. WAI.TKR JOHNSON has mero th) thin In his delivery than any plli'her we have ever seen. Jehnsen began his big league inner fifteen jears age. lie has burned mere fast balls ever a plale than any man in ba-eball annul-. Ait he lias just completed an -et her Im-. jcar, because through his ih.uhm there was lack of effort or strain. Beets and Saddle Kdille appears the claiming handicap at Laurel today. Pert Bliss and AVelltinder should fur nish the contention. Iler-es appearing be-i in ether races arc: First. Pal" A'irginia. Dick AA'arrisknne ; enndidiiti i .. f . r-i! .. ..... .. ' 'IM. . second, i.e .uniireorine, IM-Wllll j-uere. Nouns ; third. Summer Sigh, Perhaps, l-'rank'ln ; fourth. Bv Jliiiminy. Pelly Ann, Muttlkliis; sixth. Irish Ki-s. tin Are her. Clean (!ene; seventh. Sailing Along, Pancier, Mece. Iitenla Handicap l'irst race. Me Me llera. Clerla Prance. Taenia: second. Settle, Tamper, Blessem Heuse; third, Pastereii. King 1'isher. l-'nlr Orient: fourth. Tuscola. Ben Belt. Abiidiinc; fifth. Marjorle II.mies. Releau, !uy; sixth. Omnipotent, Marluilia. Llna Clark: seventh, I'ncle 'c!e. Runzaf, Mavuheua. BUILD ADDITIONAL STANDS The Prankford football team is can1) -ing one of the largest -ipinds ever seen with any Independent eleven in this lecnlity nnd there seems te be no end te ! the plnyers who nre being secured le represent the Yellow-jackets en the gridlien. Several members of the com mittee paid a visit te the home of Beb Remmy the ether evening nnd aftc spending three hours with the former enptain and quarterback departed with the assurance that he would play en Saturday. Practice wns held last evening and sine enough Beh was en hand and Manager Heward Bowker had another for Coach (Jeorge Jehnsen. l'iie newcomer was Mike Williams, a Pacific Coast product, who is rated a a geed baeklield man. Jehnsen gave the entire -quad a stiff 'orkeut hist cvning in piepnrntien for Hap Spang ler and his Hehart agregatleu en Sat in day. The big turnout at the opening clash even surprised the Football Committee and It was necessary te send out un S. ( 1. S. call en Mend.i) te a contractor te rii-h additional stands, which are ex- pei-ted te lie in readiness for Snturday. All the Hilten's Angle TP I SHOI'LI) ever co out te train 1 a novice at golf." said II. If. Hil Hil eon, the star Bnglisb golfer, some time age, "tlie first thing I would de would hi' te teach him dancing, If lie Is net alreadj a geed dancer. "A gt Ifer must have a diMinet idea of rh) thin before he can ever develop a sound g'line." Especially is an "even steadiness of top is.-istniice en the bai k swing the tne-t important part of the stroke. A Few Iite ISoehs "Treasure Island" by the Yanks and (limits. l natures. hen you tes AtiA.. ii iu -vt ....... .rl'i'rii.Mh' jiiiiiwi-,, .'iiiiii'-;miui, Ia,", V Chicago, Ohie State, etc.. Inlo a?fiS pienshlp melee, the survival of Sf ' la tit least no place for n weak hetrt ? a nanny seu s Wlcenj!S ftf ." -cirt et' i-. : tnd retpMi',! ISI.KR. Ruth. Sneaker !, .,.,.! 1 ... i t "t'H'l IHMVU .lllll'lKIIll l.rnjlln .!.' nm.i u mi lil Un mttU ..Lll .i: " ,H who started the report thnt matia.VrM duties would aff.-ct Ty Cobb's ffiSfi. through the dcceasetl senHen. AiivrtnJ ebb s bittii II. An, ,t or Information lending te the apprhh' sien or t no miscreant will be well in " predated. "'' Copirfelif, tStt. Ml rlehls rcstrr.t Scraps About Scrappets, Dirk l.eailmnn will h nlaht frnnr Muffale. N' In town tometfJ, ulrhiM JJI Inke n enulnt nt the Lfiicrtv Tleli or e.ffl ilav nfternecin nnd In thn evm'nr hi 2S I nink" nn tffert te nmk tlm rlnvltahta ;,??!; AI Wiutner. nt the Nulennt club VvJ,! I In trnlnlnu illltnently for thli matth 'n,l i MeCnrren. of Allontevvn. U i, ' I' f'Til-tlnnl with Prniikle Hrltten a. hi, t? lilhrr bout Jee Wc'sh b Htnntty II ,K' Charley (VNII vs Kl.l Htnry and BM Wilsen b. Harry Sneaker. ' "na mV Tomorrow- nlitht nt tlie Cambria a mu,ii hetvvevn Wllle McCloBkey and TiiS llelilen. rival northeaKt wellfrvvclthti S l).i ilei'iiltil. Herman Mlndln will and'M rhlliiclelnhln Temmy O'Toelo nfttr Kia w2. In the semi, ether bourn Johnny nemvi' l-'rntfkle Murno. Lee Klynn v Temmy a!' rrran ntnl Charley Conway v. Jimmy HiireJ,j II Inln Hire, liKhttvclKht rhnmnlnn r.i n.. Ilrltaln. in In New Yerk Ilia debut i. A luui-iwu u irinrv when the latter brek hS Heuse" -by Cennie "Heartbreak Mack. The Harrier" by Jack Dempsey. 1IP.RK is very little truth In the re pert thnt one of the preliminaries attached le the Jack Jehnsen-Prank Meran meeting In Camilla will be be tween Jem Mnce and Jake Kilrain. T OTTO of n winning rush 'First come, first served.' linu- At Jnmnlci First race. Alexander Ilnm'.lten. Frignte, Win-less; second, Recal I.edee. St. Isidore, Tufter; third miiiiiiiT un hi i,.Kal Ledge, nt. Isidore, i inter ; mini. Lichtenstein' plans de net go astray. I U()e 5Iue Welle, Fluff; fourth. Surf After l.ux surprised the fans m Hi Ul(U.t. .MHtard Seed. Sweep By; fifth. Kastby stepping Jiiiini) Sullivan in five i,.,,,,,,, Krulk i.'Kltv. Tan II; sixth, innnil: in New Aerk last wool;, .Merr wns remntrhed for a iKiilt at the Garden there October -- The winner of this match. l.nr7ey. sa.vs Tex Ricknnl, hn-' premised will get a bout with Britten. i,i no hej) or thnt sort of thing, l.ux will be the man for Britten.'' smiled Lichtenstein. Tin- is the night for opening of the In Pnluce's lill--- boxing season After two postponements Geerge P. Pawling finally lias arranged his bout-! drfinltelv for the inauguration at hi West Philadelphia plaee, anil u program of five mntehes will be put en. Although I it was originally intended te stage fistic j exhibitions at the Palace bi-menthlv. It Is new planned te held cente-ts ever) Thur-day night. pisldes two bouts in which a pnir of I California lads will get an opportunity te display their punching mettle, there lis nn interesting local tilt scheduled. In 'this bout Pat Brndley, of Smithwark. lend Temmy I.eughram, another Seuth 1 Philndephian. will get together. Brad lie) Is a comeback, after an nbsince of about five .vcni-s in tlie ring, while ! I.eughran. a veungster. hns been -hew-I ini improved leim every time he -tep- into the vlng. Th" Cnlifernl.ins te box are ' Walker, a bantam who will take en 'i'errv McIIngh, and Jee Miller, a wd teivveight again-t whom Yeung Jee p.i.r. roll is pitted. The McHugh-AA'alker -et-te is te be the v mdup. In the oil. or numbers Bnttlmg Murtax ft.i-es Charky Ba.v and Mn Merris takes en Nick Paniti. Tcdy, Recount, I.ady Gertrude. At Kcnilwerth First liiie. Kvelyn AYhite. Delhlmar, Mabel Curtis; sec i.inl. Helen Atkln. Marinlti', Cormernn ; ili'id. Oriele, Gelden Spheri', Da) I.illv ; fourth. AVitchllewei-. AVoedblnc, Chief Sponser: fifth. Pieilr.i, Moun tain Re-e II, Harry M. Stevens; sixth. Sentimental, Tanson, Smart Meney; seventh, Black Tep, Mermen I'lder, Roseate. CHAMPIONSHIP teams or net. you never see nnv one takimr Huce the fans are talking of the work of Bedel; at Penn State or Glenn AVarner team and thev predict dire thing- at Pittsburgh as tu-ai-tice affairs te help Amur ca wan lllehle .Mitchell arm. Diinny llnrk tins been matched for a tow at the Dutiliar A A . October la ln'W laat Iwut lluck made Anilv Kid Hall eQ' lt ihe eUih round at Atlanta City, J Charley O'Nell, of Tlea. I cut rlttv-i chii.Ie.iqK te an.v one at 1S8 puun)a m innnuuer. Uanlel D Uuffy exnectn c.v,i te stup Kid Henry Saturday illght at c. National. r Teil Ilredle has matched hu binlia' rharite. Hilly Dele with Utile Hear it tin. Dunb,ir A. A . October IS. Jir.yle mihi, bar any one hln welKht. llil neumla, PreJi expects te keep Wily busy throughout W aeaeen. lMille Dempsej- Ih another n busy mmenlen mapped out for him. Dii Hettlnelll Is neKetlat'HK for ivernl mittliM. rr li..miiNev. ndille la n llirhtwelcht. wj.1 has lieen nhevvInK Improved form every tlsu he ceen te the peat '; M llrnwn. en of Adam Hyan ehirttj!1 wl.l Be en in me neauuner hi me uunwr. A. A. tnnluht iiB.ilntt Jee i.ejbj. tin turd hlttlim Ni'Krn welterwelKht Secret Drill for Dartmouth gets opponents vvith as "AVhlte)" Tluiin- ie latter a newcomer Racing Beard Rejects Bedwell Il.iltlmer, Oct. (1 The Maryland Haelnn i' 'nrnlKslen. nt a meeting here rtfutiil te .i.l ivv H Huy Uedvvell te r slater as ucent ili th. rommlaalen. tAtane and i". mmlsaliitier fpeneer voted In favor or the re'j uilnn tiarrlnz iledwelt wlitle Commis si nei TlmarniN eted uiidlnst It. for the A'ellnwjm such u pair of end' as and Adams, t form Pitcalrn. The entiie Kr.mkferd squad came Ihieiigh In tine shape in Siiturda.v 's clash, and Tem Belli), of the losing club, sa.vs there Is imt a lean: In till city that will give them a better game than his club. "Big llej" Aim-treng looked geed, while I.ungen, former quaiteibacU at Swnrlhiiinte, surprised the stmids with his upon field work. Captain Dale plnved 1 a 1 u-unl aggies sive game, while Obergfelt, Ridpath, I liarl.e Shrader, Kaiifiuau. Neiu.ek and Supph'c all came through !- expected. Eddie O'Dewd Awarded Decision Columbus, 1)., Oct. i, IMd.i f) Devvd, of ('UH. wen the ri r. n-e h c'l-eiiilrin ever II ib. Ashir of St Lulus, A r I' b.intarn v li;lit ttianu'lnn. In a twelve luund bout liere. teiiiid out a schislule. Averages ever tlte llnnmrr. N. II., Oct II Conch Jack Cif nell nut tlie liivrtmeuth vanity mini threUEh secret rracttce yesterday and .ip tutors were enlv admitted te a aerlmmul U-lween the third and fourth teams Tlijf ilr'll was merely for alfrnala nnd te furthii develop the pnaalnu came There wai rt n-rlmmiRe for tee varnlty anund TheuiSi the New Hampshire Ktate came will l tbi third of the season for the (Ireen, the inl Is still far from mlil-eeasen form fc Mahan Scores for Harvard 'Secendt', CiimlirliUr. Mass.. Ort n - Cearh mi M.ihan, iduvinB for the Harvard mmJ team, scored en a, drep-k'ek from tn i ., iiird line estenlay The validly wen. tt ever l'enj Jenkins renlsterln two touch downs One of these came efter a 20-itl forward pass from Charley lluell. 7 I m hi:: w:i. a i ii ii m.i;ii. AIIA'.N. lllh mi; mi. i, is II i: M'KhAD KKIMHtlS TIIK MIIIW ini.V Xr l r.imni.i. HAS BOXING OPENING TONIGHT AT ICE PALACE A. C. Se?L... Boxing Prices Down Here They Are: 5S00 $1 00 250 Reserved Seats Reserved Seats imi eiiii r. i'iik r.s DON'T BELIEVE THE KNOCKERS MANY CHOICE SEATS LEFT THE OPENING SHOW AI Wallter vs. Terry McHugh Temmy Lcughran vi. Pit Bndlir , M. v i n n Bittling Murray vi. Charley Rar Jee Miller vs. g. Jee Berrell Micky Merrii vi. Nick Pacini en sale ut lie'i u:i s, I'enn Snuarei Ciinnlneham shop, 10 S, Ki St.-, Ilejle's, ,1171 ICriiNlncten Ave., and CriiniliiU'H, Hill H. Otli St. 50c NATIONAL A. A. !-TtItlAV KVIIMMi, 1(T. R ll.UK SI'KAKKIt v. iinimv WIIXIN (IIMll.nV O'.M'.U. v. tvll) iii:miv .ier. uki.cii . stm.i:v iiincivI.i: I'KAMill. IlKITrON i. JA( K MilAKKON Iv. (I. AI. !K H WAGNER vs. LOADMAN Tlllvl.Ts AT DON (. Ill's, :i. ,s. nth ST. Hsi:ilAI.I. TODAY ! ! ! 1. 1,1 V. SI. 1'lllI.I.ll.s IVItli llreuil A lliiiiliii:il ,n sis. DO) 111 I. ill lll It FLEISHER vs. DOBSON i i, i i ii- i r i. t rut a WINNER va. H1LLDALE VV lil seres s( M 1V iinlii jjimOur Lease Elxpires December lstimis Yerk Giants Put Mutrle en Payroll for Life New Yerk, Oct 0. Charles A Sterteham, president of the New Yerk (Hants, aninuiieed today that the New New Yerk Club of the National League had jiut Jnni'H Mutrie en the salary lint at 825 a week for the rest if his life. Oldtlice fans w-n remember the Glnt. In their rinle-t tluvs will lip rlntld this aet. Jamea Mutrle, called "Stuillng Jtems," chribteneil the (Hants ami Kervcil an their first manuv;er, far, far Lttek In he old (lavs. He ursanired the .tub which U new worth !fl,."(H),0lli) with the kelp of Jehn T. Duy, with fit uniforms, four bats and six halls. lie &U wua tne erl5lnutf of thnt MHt faJSus yhraset "We are the pee MATTYGETS DETAILS Serle3 Repert Sent te Giants' For Fer mer Star Pitcher New Yerk, Oot. (I A wire from the I'ole (Jreunds earned de tails of the big HOrieM te Cliristv Mathewson et his Sarannc I.aKe home. I'nable te attend the eentests, thi former (Jiant rdtehing Htni . vvhe onec twirled bin team te three shutout vh-. terles in one World Hern, liHtened at tintlvely us Carl Mns, of the Yankees, turne 1 bark the (Hants se rreless Inn. lug after Inning. The wire was in-i-tallrd bv lie (ilant nianageiiient. Ilefnri tli i-unlist M'sterdu.v Mining r Metiraw called MathewKen en the tele. Illume t-i sav that he waH never mere ciuilldent of victory. "I hete te be well enough te nee thu next nerles," Matt) eaid, "and I feri ceiflftdent you will brlns home the bacon." jf It i X 'tis. $8.50 English Soccer Shoes New 99 All sUes Strongly made te with stand the hard UHaija of the game. Sprinting Shoes, new . . With temnerfn jreri(i htoei spmes Uie Kind that atand up unfler all rii-iiitiiinn .Str'inu sturdv nigh grade flexible leather A biK v.ilu Special $10 and $12 English$ Soccer Balls Htinlatlen "lie nnd welnht. uiiide nt tniKh vvell'tannril leather (iiinnintreil te l.eep nhupe under rmiKhrst ila Com Cem I. lite with strung riililn-r blndilrr. ravvhlilr lurrr unil liulnn needle Yeu can new get two pair. of Men's New Fall Shoes for what one pair of tlve sii es was made te sell for. Tahc a peek in our show windows and see! ! Vim Em Special The Greatest shoe values in town. Take your pick. All sizes. CORDO CALF CALF SKIN NEW SHADES Scotch Grain Brogues MAsJ cry Kejal carries this Guarantee- tlttry "Wiln!l ,1 I ' I I "I sm aiui!i Uy shec W m lHn! vsT" liTV .lfeiTrw-!flSS5Siw w ! wrOT ' i . ? WM& wim i ..mi" i' ii i.i. i ' i ' i . ...i i mil vjutw ii am m iii aLlr is 'rf- 'iHI!" ; i Rrewn erSOticv. -i sme -s -iw ' v 52 That's Your Protection- Mi Man rU v'S V vv Rrs v'c.sV r.x 115 Eight te Ten Dellar Values I ' OI'EN THUIt. HAT. ErKS, r "'" DB7H57WW i- New Location 1305-MARKET 1 NO. 10TH STREET 93D MARKET STREET ffllllllllllllllllllllllllllimimillllOpen Ivcninirs mHIMIMJIl c MUMUIIfi You're Entitled te Solid Leather Shoes! Here You're Sure Je Get Them at Lewest Prices in Phila. Bar Nene! jelid leather through nnd through, Mr. Man- Royal-, are GOOD SHOES. Outside of this shop you can't he certain of tfeumd solid leather shoes under $9 te $12 We have made our prices low through side-street store, management economics while keeping the nnnlifx' in rtii Mr('. Smartest, Snappiest Styles in America's Best Rrnivn i 1'iek Calf ; oak cMec A nneiln-n "' "" $6.8b W85 $9 te $12 SHOES $5 $&5 At Our Economy Prices hlZ'iC illl I!?1"1 ?" PCP '" C nc of our distinctive fall models, and we Fndi ler VrVJuY ? "i win r srtaiht t!P "odds; Scotch, RuSealf rdkd "llSSlU!nC.G0rdMVan Sce r Neniian grain calf, SniLinl i " shades-all custom built; all guaranteed. we 'JSSd ?,, ,ra hemc; if you are net 5atisflcd or if thy arc net Came fn frfiv , ? , B3' Val"eS in the MONEY BACK! ncMeVlr8' t0mrr0W r SatUrday dy - M r these t a2KK L NiGHT WfflOmSBWaEWmBnggMim wnx jlckat s. is sx xffjsss 'It " " i M . J f