WF'IV ;- mmrzTZ,,,' fbs ?. ", - "--- -' jnr w 7 ' if .- , -v ,- '''&? x"',' 0 . - . ,ij &. j t4twtttt.i Wit.n - rt',v r it 7 " v--.- "1 i -n.-. - ' t (V ii V vt . ''' '". ' LJ ' ' ,1 I 4 Jv letters tojlwEdUer .... iinH Order i Ku Klux v; bil0 udgtr. W, ah true Uile" '" d tar reciine rft !!! tiu Wux Kim h,5 V,ht E.l riecerd. The "' V' 'deni ths !( ! Sfl...m.n tow he. Mr. "" K''ktptlb' BeetalWi eat or hi. . !..ii my trlend hew V. .h.m .Th.'hu.V' th.r. d .Pealc Set. he,iTue;' eT their ' .nd .nw't'U!Jl r. in Incumber. 1017. Tub. u"nf. ..milled ones were preacn- IWJ' : :,. men nnwi " - W.rMp"ocu,.en.nd-Purpo. ?' T .mini 'men enlisting In inc. , Vh;tP de" n Vn my and ,, ,j, war. I "" nd i madc a speech "d, ueb' J :" of them, In the "' crtl n ",., nineteen or mem, m " l "rT,i.0Un.ny'celd and her. rtrT,m. in co M and freeslns: .weather. ... ni "'., tum It wan All Hi W "..TT cimI. 1st In peace HlttL,r.c tin... when h. i te hinder me imrvvn. n '. .heuld de w. 5H". . .i.n they annum "u "" . the ?'. ..T'oele. In that dl.trlet. M "?.!"' ... .oreed hearing from tni-m. '". i i,. nther" Kr.W'S.Esrfb.,. piltadl1l- October 8. l.i. The "Wlxard'8" Income Tax ,M,T,t recall If the queitlen of In- ' df.h. 'imperial Wl.ard-a- In- -"'ax for lb. P"t "w year. wa. . '" .. fh. .xoe.e of the Ku IClux gff, SSleh Veuf publication be ably pre "'A1!!,!, llm. mere than ever before each 'Jld help te .tablllte bu.ln... con ,( uf iheuld new i RltI,t our Jrft.'fSIO" better, we .11 w... nilatlplil. October 8. 18-1. wi Sehoel-Teachlno Method TW.hKKft&erirtn; I ? J'.n r,r.M that attendance at hth "v u incrcaie when the courts In tne.e )"! . "aee te meet the requirement. SI. Th. eu-rlntendent apparently : ... v.1'v In the old ana lemimcu SJrref SffleS "trtkh would attempt te "'J7u,re pen. At .nuKly Inte round hoi... '".?." i.r,h alwiut It that our publle Slel .wim of educ.tlen-and that of many fl'e ... a. w.ll-1. a. much In need Yt tirtmplwr. Derating. rArermmir. it n 5LJViiwr a. many of the ethtr methods 8 SIM l.t ha.e been handed down u e, from iteneratlen te generation. And thla l no criticism of the fathers ,f Vw methods for they doubtless pent JJeertlre te the best light lhe had In rtilr day and time nut this Is no reawn L. should fellow them further. diUr that It has been Ien preed that they tr. net whit they should be ... rnry parent anei e.. .......-. Aeild knew that the ble problem In dl ttctlnr the life course of the yeun man or'weram li te first And out what th-y de tn their life's werV. That, ence os es Ub'lihed cemparatlielr certain. thi rest t iHptr application in the rUht direction Is MUCitenal courses wura un n ":.. a fir as possible, te meet the Indlilduat Mrit of students .Many ei ine laracr cui kfti ire new shevlnr recomltlen of this. In itit thv first make n thorough psycholee- Ml imljsls of prospective student'. They uk ret se much te discover hew much tee ernln the mm or woman ha. as hit their minds nre best flttLd for and lit course In llfu they desire te pursue. Kitjrslly sometimes a student I. net (j'ts cenflrrrcd In this course, or may seem it iiplre te be something; for which he or its Is ret fitted, but thes Instances are tut. i nature takes care of that. Where Her de occur the psjcholeetcal analyslH will ihew this, and the student Is n1vlseu laerdlntli It. W. LEONARD. FUltdelphla, October 5, 1921. CafeterlaG and Tipping Evil felni Tditer e (he Ktrnine rublfe I.cdg'r- tlT In your rople s Kerum rtcently "I'a'r lllnded ' said that If the cafeterlns would blft waiters at fair wiires te serve patrons theuiwJj mere people could find omploy employ ompley t. Tes the present writer fully agrees lilt fair nates xheuld t pild, and nil wiltita ercunlJallims should unite In de- lundlnff fair wanes but whatever the Willi, sreuld denounce and refuse tips Let tai waiters make war en tlpplner. presore llilr lf respect and refuse te be made bc nil and UacUmallera T'pa ere .1 di trrada trrada Hen le the one who receives and an Impoul Impeul tten oft the ptren. The writer trnveln Breet ileal and knows of rainy efeterlss that feed theuiindx evpri M Tu- reasm for tne popularity of the Cafeteria ll readv H.pvlr. nnrl fri.diim from III llpptni Imposition. A. lenr na the tlp Jliif Iurc continues cafeteriaa will In ! In popularity -and should OEOROE T. nKNUDICT. Philadelphia, October B, 1021 Flag Raised, but Ne Soldiers T fat Fdiler of the hirmta Tubllc J.erlgrr- Sir On Ssturlav October 1, In the south seuth Jtilirn part of West rhlludelphla. ut th simue! Tilden Junier High Pchoel a flap i truented and unveiled by a patriotic t with the ssalitance of seme ethers M much te my rurp-lsc, en arriving there Wttsanral eth-r frlenls. net n seldl-r.' or er or ItnlMtlen of any kind uii present IN Br m ?, T PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters te tlie Editor Bheuld be an brief and te the point as possible, avoiding anything that w'euld open a denominational or sectarian dls dls ctmslen. Ne attention will be paid te anony mous letters. Names and addresses must be sinned as nn evidence of geed faith, although names will net be printed If request Is made that they be emitted. The publication of a letter Is net te be taken ns nn Indereement of Us views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saed. Thl. was certainly nn Inspiring; sight te the many school children who were present. Aa some kid. remarked, "Where are the seldleiaj" and a. the flair was unfurled. there stepped forward a firing- .quad of men In khaki who were net soldiers In the le.t World War, although their ages certainly would net explain why. When several pir tie. eked where were the soldiers' organi ergani organi sateons the chairman In chanre explained that they were unfurling this flag, net the seldiers, 1'elng a member of the William I. Tteche rest of the American Lesien and closely associated, with members of the Veteran, of foreign Wars, with whom I was speaking at the time or the unfurling of the flag, we took h walk through the different or- gsnliattens present and noted that, although tne majority were between about twenty and thlrty-flve years of age the service button was conspicuous !' Its absence. Among; the no-called flrlnn squad Ave of the eight men had vrerked either at the shipyards or In ammunition plants during the war. Thla, Indeed, is an Ineplrlns example te our future. Americans the school children of this neigh borheod where the slacker flourished Philadelphia, October 4, 1021. Effert te Kill Prohibition Te the Kdlter e! the Kinitvte rubUe Ltitaev Sir The writer ngrces with "S U O.' nnd ether, recently commentlng in the column, of veur paper te the effect that prohibition Is new the fixed sentiment of the people. The failure of the various public demonstration, opposing prohibition, ths de cision, of the organizations fighting same te "sneak in" the various legislative bodies, both national and State, with their doc trines, and uven the recent republican pri mary election In the city of New Tork, where Judge Haskell was overwhelmingly defeated, running in what he termed n referendum en the prohibition question, are all indica tion, of publle opinion. Prohibition main tenance and enforcement are the resolute expectation of the great mass of our people, who leek te the Government In nil Its pha.e. te carry out their will n expressed particularly In the Eighteenth Amendment in the Constitution. The value and effect of any purpese (or of an act such as thin) may quite often be Judged by the character and Intensity of the opposition te It The part session of Congress has been and the cemlrg session will bfl indicative of ths great result, ac complished by he Prohibition Act as re vealed by the opposition of the liquor Inter ests and a few "se-called perseiul liberty" organizations. Hrst we have had th ' boer-a-medlclne" nght. Second, an nt nt tempt, te restrict nil search and selsure laws se that the desired end. ths nullification of the Prohibition Act. might be accomplished. This has been dene a. a. purported re statement of the ruarantee. presumed te be contained In the Fourth Amendment. If se guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment theri need I no restatement thereof. Inasmuch as such guarantees arc nlreadj In our Ktetutesa and of the same legal effect: but the liquor Interest, knew that the Fourth Amendment does net restrict absolutely search and seizure without warrant, nor has prllce power In the beer curtailed by such a .weeplmr regulation that would per mit n criminal te cseape before the eyes of these appointed te maintain peace merely because of lack of warrant. In these two attempts the "wet" interests realize they are 'lefonted, for their only hope when Congress next meets Is te filibuster or pro long by ether method, a Vete en the beer bill, and this cannot be dene Indefinitely. Therefore, we have next the "beer-fer-rev-crue" plan, ene version of It making the scldlers of the late war the goat which. It Is believed, mty carry the scheme across by reason of proposing such revenue be used for a bonus It Is fortunate the majority of the Sena tors and Representatives In Congress knew the will of th3 people nnd net In accord therewith, despite ether Influences Te them we ewo our pralee and commendation. The writer suggest, that all contributor, te jour columns give their names and ad dresses for publication when referring te the prohibition question. , , C W DOAN. Celllngdale. Pa , September 20 1021. Should Take Impartial View Te the Editor of the Eiemlng public Ledger-Sir--I Kheuld llke te put In a wen' or se In favor of ene Ve-non Arlington, who has tsken the liberty te resent the letter of Miss i:ioiner Trlre I nlne notlce that In jour People's Verum of vesterdaj "An Ad mlrer of Dells" has tried te give him the K. O. Can It be posslble that the jeunr ladles ri'nnet teke n. desn of their own medicine? Tt Is veij true thnt jeurir men may "ad mire" and even hit the high speta with I these se-called ' dells " bi-t I'll bet ten te I cne that thee dells den t get the respect that should be extended te the opposite sex In ether words thore ere two sid. te everj story without a deabt first, the jeung ladj says thst nil the nun nre bad, cenrelte.1, "knew-nothings" nnd a let of ether trash while the young man come, back saving that he has found the sime thing, If ret mere se. thin the aforesaid about men In women. Personally, putting all partiality te the side, I think that both of the opinions are wrong. Te discuss a question of this sort we should tnke In view the earl environ ments, the circumstances surrounding the Thr People's 1'erum will appear dally In thp I'venlnit Puhlle IiUer, nnd also In the Sunday Public Iedser. Letters dlseiisslnx timely topic will he printed, an nrll a. requested pevrns, and question, of general Interest will be answered. The foolish man who built his house en the sand Ha rbve en example In felly which anybody can understand. It ien't no eesy, however, te eense the mistake of trying te build the body en feeds which lack essential nourishment. Here, again, is a foundation of eand which gives 'way when the test corned, Many a feed that tastes geed lacka honesty of nourishment te equal it's teate. That) it tempts the appetite into mistakes that often are costly. Grape-Nuts is a feed which helps build bodily endurance for life's stress and storm. The full nourishment of wheat and malted barley, together with the vital mineral salts se necessary te bone Btructure and red bleed corpuscles, with phoephatca for the brain, is retatned in urape-Nuts. ine long baking process by wnich Qrape-Nuts is made gives the feed a natural sweetness and an unusual ease of digestibility and asaimilatien. Served with cream or milk, Grape-Nuts is fully nourishing, and whether eaten as a cereal at breakfast or lunch, or made into a pudding for dinner, Grape-Nuts has a particular delight for the appetite. Sold by grocers. Grape -Nuts the Bedy Builder "There's a Reason" Uadsbr Peslum Csrssl Company, Ins., Battle Creas, Michigan EVtiNItfG PUBtla fa.t-maturlnt youth, and maiden, arid the circle of friend, they ar. connected) with All men nre net of the best, and neither are women. Why should we .eparate one dlstlnnt class of many hundred and call that the "model type"? This I. Impassible; It can never be done, I think Mis. Price must be In Inve, or word, te that effect, and that .he has been "heart-broken" and needs must tear out the heart, of all men. A. ter "Alt Admirer of Dells," you may be right, but 1 knew you're wrong-. And, Mr. Arlington, I think we've fcund your "mlsslnic link," a. ,ou called It. IDIOSYNCRATIC. Celllngdnle, !'.. September 20, 1021. Questions Answered Why Jehnsen Was Omitted Te the Kdlter of the. Kvenlna Public Ledger: Sir I have heard a .tery telling why An drew Jehnsen does ret appear in Carpenter's well-known Plcture of "The Deathbed of Lincoln," but I cannot recall It. Can you supply It? XI. W. L. Philadelphia, September 28, 1021. When Carpenter painted the plcture the ngure or Andrew Jehnsen was one or tnees gathered about the couch, and this was as tt should b, because he was really there with the members of the Cabinet and ethers, ne ne fere the plrture was quits completed, how ever, ths feeling In the North had grown se bitter against Jehnsen that the artist feared lest the popularity of the picture would be Injured by the appearance In it of the then Chief Executive, He therefore erased Pres ident Jehnsen and Inserted Schuyler Colfax In hi. stead, although Colfax was net really present at the death of Lincoln. Referred te Readers Te the Editor of the Evening PublJe Ledger: Sir I have read somewhere, but I have forgotten whera te leek for It new, that knlfe handles nnd ether thing, were made of skim milk and that potatoes were also i.sed for the same purpose. Alse tint silk was made of weed. Hew much of thin Is cerreet7 H. II T Philadelphia, September 23 1021 Lord punmere8 War Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledoer' fclr Previous te the Revolution there was a conflict In Pennsylvania known as Ixird Dunmore's war Why wa. this se called? I 11 FIELD. Philadelphia. September 22. 1021 The last Indian war within Pennsylvania prier te the Revolution was In the extreme sruthwest In 1T74 It was known as Lord Dunmore's war, also as Cresap". war. Lord Dunmore wa the Governer of Virginia, who undertook te assert the clnlms of his State In Southwestern Ponnsjlvenla by arms. Llgonler was the center of Pennsylvania In fluence In the region. The Indians were par ticularly nggresslve. although claiming the war was wltn the Virginians. The name of Cresap was sometimes given te this conflict tx-cause of the alleged but wrong connection of Captain Michael Cresep with the murder of the India l Legan and his famllj an event that took place early In the war. "Mr. Finney's Turnip" te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Recently in your People's Torum It was stated that Mr Longfellow did net vvrlte the little poem "Mr. Finney's Tur nip ' I was alwavs under the Impression that he fid. Can any reader glve me the truth about the mutter? I have had the frllewlng story regarding its writing relatej te me "When our great poet was nlne years old his master wanted him te write a composi tion. Little Ilenrj. like all children, shrank fiem the undertaking His master said 'Yeu can wrlte, can't you?' " 'Yes ' was the reply. 'Then you ctn put words tegether?' 'Yes. sir 'Then,' said the master, 'jeu mnj take jeu- slate and go behind the schoolhouse and there you can find somethlrg te write about, nnd then you can tell what it Is, what it Is used for and what Is te be done with It. and that will be a composition ' "Heiry took his slate and went out. He went behind Mr. Finney's barn, which jhanced leTe near. and. sielng a fine turnip growing, he thought he knew whnt that was what It was for and whit would be dene with It. A half hour had bon allowed Henry for his first undertnklng. and he suc ceeded in that time In producing 'Mr Fin Fin ney's Turnip.' and the master is said te have been se much nffected with the ef fort that tears came into his ees " Can any ene tell whether this story Is true and where It is te be found" S L It Philadelphia, September 28. 1021 Te Become Reporter Te the Editor of the Evening Public Lidgtr: Sir tan jeu tell me of whom one should wit'uii., lur a position as a reporter en a rewspaper? Dees the position necessitate n college education In Journalism? If a story Is issued for publication in a mnga zln can that help me In obtaining the mentioned position A STUDENT. Philadelphia. September 15 192,1 1'sutIIv one makes application te the city i-dlter of a newspaper for the position an a reporter. A cellege education In Jour nalism Is net necessarj, although of course It oheuld help. The fact that a story has been printed In a magazine doe. net nec essirlly Indicate ou would be deslrnble n. a. reperier. nuneugn It may show that jeu can wilte geed English The simplest way Direct Dealing TVTien jeu buy coal from me you deal directly with the man who owns nnd hns built up the builneBS Yeu are certain of jroed coal, geed weljrht, geed nervice, fair prlce and a discount for cash. Next time you need ccal remember J. E. KUNKEL largest Independent Ceal Dialer In Wtit Philadelphia 63d & Market 51st & Gray LEDg3SB - - l?HlLAPEPHIA'l - THURSDAY, would b te apply for a might be given a trial. place, and you 0 C, Mavis Ll Hung Chang arrived In New Yerk en August 2N, 1800, and left the ccuntry September 11 of that year. Prlncn Henry was In America from February 23 le March 11, 1000 "R L. V "The State of Minnesota I. pajlng It. ox-.irvlce men a cash compensa tion of llfi a month for sch month of serv ice, with n minimum of (.10. "E. L II." It was Charles Lamb who first called William Wordsworth "Ce6I of the Evening," Sidney Smith sometimes re ceives the credit. "L I. J." Thei expression "Mether Berth" had Its origin In the mythological belief that the earth was the mother of nit living things. Mis. Erica Ratdlnl We cannot give you Mr.. Caruso's address In Italy A letter ad dressed te the Metropolitan Opera Heuse In New Yerk City would no doubt bring the nddreis. Poems and Songs Desired "When We've Been There" Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir In what hjtnn and In what collection Is the following stanza te be found "When wove been there ten thousand j ears, Bright shining as the sun. We've no less das te sing Oed'a pralse man wncn we nrst begun " L W. O. Philadelphia, September 23. 1021 Remainder of Peem Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger' Sir I think this Is the remainder of the poem entitled "Human Seul te Human Heart." I have never seen any mere of it, "But the heart te the soul replied and said: 'The' I live but a day and tomorrow am dead, I live, I love, I laugh nnd say. What doth It matter? The soul must par.' " M 11 I'hllndelphla, September 20. 1021 "What I've Seen" Te f he Editor of the Ft-cnlng Public Ledger- Sir Will j-eu klndlv print In veur People's Forum a poem with the following lines: "I've steed where great cathedrals lift their domes Inte the sky, I've seen the land where Hhakespeare wrote In measures rich nnd strong. And where for freedem and for right great Cromwell fought and bled." etc C w. s Philadelphia. September 25. 1021. Moere'o Humorous Verse Te the Editor of the Evening Publle Ledger: Sir I am looking for a verse written by Tem Mtoere regarding errors In a poem sent te a publisher. I think It Is called "Fulges In England." p E. I. Philadelphia. September 10, 1021. Teu probably refer te the following 'But a week or two since In my 'Ode te the Spring,' Which I meant te have made a most benjtl ful thing. Where I talked of the 'dewdreps from freshi, , blown roses ' The nasty thing made It 'freshly blown ' noses.' i And ence when te please my cress aunt. I i had tried Te commemorate some saint of her clique wne nau aiea Having said he 'had taken up in Heaven his position,' They made It he 'had taken up te Heaven his phjslclan ' ' The Clouds Te ttie Elller of the Evening Public Ledger. Sir The Inclesed little poem was wrltt-n by a young girl who Is an earnest Chrlstlnn nnd who Is under a doctor's core. I think It brings a geed lessen FLOYD W. TOMK1NS. Philadelphia. September 20, 1021 THE CLOUDS Clouds often seem the most te bar The sunshlne from our eyes And also keep from sight the star Which we would see arise. The heavier the cloud miy be. The mam mere the showers It holds within, te be set free Fer refreshing of the flowers And sa the darkest clejds of life If we with puttence wait. AI'TI'MV IlKSOHTS ATI.ASTir PITY. N. J. Announcement The SEASIDE H0U th en e ocean ATLANTIC CITY wishes te announce a reduced schedule of minimum rates for the coming winter, effective until February 1st. WEEKLY RATES INCLUDING MEALS 1 Persen Single Roem with Running Water $35.00 1 Persen Single Roem with Bath 45.00 2 Persons Deuble Roem with Running Water. . . 60.00 2 Persons Deuble Roem with Bath 75.00 F. P. COOK'S SOS tranQ ATLANTIC CITY J1 dP On th Bench Frent PRE WAR RATES taerlcin Mis Entirely. slmyi Open Single RaDelsg Warn ll f weak Roem PrifSle ItUelU " Deuble I Hunnlei Jfut 160 " Iteusi PrlT.I.I).lh.t7:ieUt " DosMe rieera. Fritsle Dstsj Oeessi senisr, $96 psr week Ownership Mtnigtmenl Phene 1455 - mi) KYArT)T? Atlantic 'T J HO J.VVI. 1TXV1VJL CITV Worlds Greatest Hetel Success Hetel Boscobel TV,"' bcath -tenin heat I'h 11' a u M vniev ernvN cTtv" N J Bimnatmf llunnln water all rooms, si iscayne s,pt tatt, r, ih.unui.i spec N MtU'NT 1'tirOMI, I'A HAWTHORNE INN UBAL'TIFUL VIEW OnmeeuH au.umn fellnfe. steim heat, open fireplaces, electrle 1 1 a 1 1 1 . beivllnx, tennis. rldlnB special rates Sept. and October. Bell 1'hene B M. DENOLKH. TOI'111 in, lien Weuth America lipHii 1 ninn Arnunu ine VS irM Honolulu llermuilii te,imsli P Tickets for All I int rur uetsiis naurei American Bipnwi te, JTjaJ 141-113 n. nreua ei., MJt rmiaacipnia. n. wfA riiene Weill -sr.'N.iT slnut 4BO XWi HTI'.MIIOTs KF.SORTH iBB ERICSSON LINE Fer llnltlmere A WashlnjtOD, ,. D. a, Norfolk and the Seuth n.illj herTlce esrept biindsr. Irenht an i'assenser, a o'clock 1. Sl.i Baturday. 'J fekY. M from Her 3, 8. Urlawur. iV.. I'blladtlphlii, Vlll vpreve . for Ach one In ths strife A help le Heaven's gate. -Id V. tVallls. "Health Insurance Physician' Te the Editor of the Evenlnu Public Ledger: Sir I Inclese herewith n poem which Is literally translated from ' Jugend. Munich Ilavarln I believe the readers of jour Peo ple'. Forum will be'lntcreelcd. n. e v.. Phllndelphia. October 1. 1021 THE HEALTH INSURANCE PHYSICIAN My Income's qulte tremendous new, Fer ev'ry one te whom I go. With whom my knowleduo I tndew, One mark's the sum which they allow! Praise Oed from whom all blessings flew! Whene'er two patients I relieve I buy a herring with my fee, Hut If meat rations I'd receive. Six patients this jeu won't believe Must ceme that iliy te visit me I run about the whole day through, My bursting shoe-soles show my feet. And when I need rhees that are new Te get the money that Is due Four hundred patients I must treat. And If my patent paper clothes Should spilt and from my frnme be lest, Te buy sems new ones goodness knows! With patent crease and style that khewa, Twe thousand patients pay the cost. And thus I llve a life that's sweet. On air? Ne) People full of piety' My money'H found upon the strict I chase r. but I meet defeat I'm the doctor of a sick setictj "Discovery" Te thi Editor of the Evening PuMfr Ledger: Sir The follevvlig bit of original verse is submitted for publication In the Utfmnu Pujii.ii: Lrtxirn: DISCOVERY Inte the garden Slowly 1 pa.s. Autumn Is busy Drowning the grass Prewn grass and ragweed Whole of the clese, Lel I discover Here Is a rose. Blooming In rapture Hera vihore 1 tread, Perfume exquisite, Blessem of red Oreat Is wr pleasure. Finding the re. As giving a frit nd True till the clece PAUL H GRAVES. West Greve, Pa , September 30. 10J1 Norrlstewn te Aid Workless Xorrlstewn, P., Oct. (5. The Town Council of Norritewn, in enlnr te pro vide work for conic of the tinomiilejcd tnrn III the borough, him riwiiti'd te de n let of grading this full thnt tlm did net intend te de until next spring Meney will be provided for the pur pose. i.OO SUNDAYS October 9, 23 November 6,20 Dicember 4, 18 RlQlI 'NewYerk Wr T&i 24 Cti Addition I SPECIAL TRAIN Direct te Pennsylvania: Station, 7th Avenue and 32d Street, New Yerk, leave. Jiromi St Station 7 40 West Philadelphia 7 4eV North Philadelphia 7 50 V, See Flyers Consult Afents Tickets en sate commencing Friday preceding excursion. Pennsylvania System Thslteiite of ths Dreidwiy Limited APTI'MN Kr.snilTs ATKWTIC ( IT. N. .1. front SENATOR ),acl te pre ur r ej I all iiumiUR,,,,,, winter nm tl rr de AmerlcHn I'lan Fireproof l'lr-1 t rtel fiem lleirrtwaik en Virginia Ave n rf it AI.TOONV I' "Courtesy First" Hetel Penn-Alte Alteena, Pa. Opened September 7th 20 Reems Every Roem With Bath Circulating Ice Water and- Coffee Shep STI VMSHil's in -OKlx BALTIMORE TO HAWAII nnd return Cnlllnr nt llnrnnn, I'nnumn Cnnil, I. os Anrl:, Hill I rnnrlsce nt: 1 1 i: s-rr mi:k BUCKEYE STATE femes llnltlmari' for llnnnll, Oct. Klh MATSON NAVIGATION CO. MunailiiE Agents I', S. hhlnpinK Uuard 20 r'eulh tiny Htreet. Ilaltltnnre. Md. or nnr lecnl strnmslilp iineiu. OCTOBER 0, lyJL Making It Easy Fer Yeu Few men have a prc-cen-ccivcJ idea of the kind of shoes they want. Our part is te efTcr a wide selection of the season's best models with sales service that combines YOUR choice with a perfect fit. 930 Chestnut 31 Se. 8th .TrMiiii' niic i:- NAWSCO LINES Pier 19 North Feet of Vine Street S. S. Celd Harber Scheduled te Salt October 6th DIRECT te SAN DIEGO. LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO. OAKLAND. SEATTLE, TACOMA. PORTLAND. ASTORIA AND VANCOUVER, 1J. C. Fer Rate and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. .lift'' V .V Shipping Ren i 136 S. Fourth St., Philn. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 ANEW FAST AMERICAN SERVICE 12 DAYS FROM-SEATTLE TO YOKOHAMA 1 1 .lays te Kebe i!2 dnym in Ilnne Ken4 19 Heys le linndlml New and I' U.S 33) feet long, 21,000 tern, speed 17 . kreu. - SAILINGS - SS."Tenitchcc,,Oct. 13 S S. " Silver State" Nev. 26 Jb."Ke5tena itatc" Nev. 3 SS."enjtchce" Dec. 24 rarer, reserrancn, etc , apply te your local tadread or teunit agent or Hugh Gallaghui, Gen. E, Agt,, 17 State St., New Yerk e. Passentler &. Freight Services from NcwYerk- HklllliiLItt, aitniMA IIHlhM,lt(A tLITM, si Mi 1 11 vMPTr N Hit II Nnv. .-, Her. 3 II, t JO Di I. i; Nev. Ij Dec. 1J MI II f, (TIIIX (new) Oil I t Nev. 12 Dec. it lll.Ni HUM) Nm .tiler 10 J III. 17 IVHMWIV Deu. .11 PI itel'TH AM) it VMHtItG MM)M Oct 'J9 Dec H i iisne.spi:r.ia m niA4i,uw . Ill I Mill . Kt. K Nev. . Dec. 10 (AMI HUM (new) Oil 2J s. ( tin ill II, r. 3 .Inn 7 Ut.iltlA Nev 11 Dec 31 Jan. 21 M . HI ' 'hup li i AS'iKA .ST Mil HAl I.S I Ulli N - 1AM I'll C I- VIIUIV . Oct. 13 1 i IN ON PAN OS I Oct 23 iki ( Hit 1 TIl l U11U Nil. PI f -I PATIIAS I K Ht TK "SPECIAL' ' WEDITERRANEAM sr SAILINGS ""CARONIA" . Octoesr 22 Dectraber T XAMERONIA" HevcmVer 19 Icnuerv 18 Te Mediterranean and Adriatic Perta Madeira. Gibraltar Alriers Monace (Riviera), Oenea. Naples (Reme' Patras Piraeus (Ath m), Trleite, Alexandria (Caire and the Nile). Sumptueuilr appointed brae steameri offer tmescelled sennce and cui'ine slncle roerrs. rooms nitli !atb and emuite UenVtn-s te any pert and perlct freedom el action. Short evctiMinns it desired- sNe et'in erera. Idsal for Independent Travel Ctinerd ind Ancher Steimtlilp Lines l'sssenc-r Otllce. 1.100 Mulniit ht. I'hlla. I'Veieht Office, llourse Hide . riiila. mm mmmrn Steamship Line3 REGULAR RE1GHT SERVICE PHILADELPHIA te Rotterdam, Antwerp, Amsterdam S S"Ea$ttrnDawn"(USiB')SailingOct 15 A Steamer (USSB) Sailmj Oct 25 Fer In'' ' fiiii Vint iiiri apply GEYEUN & CO., Inc. riui nit it i u i.i nt- 108 MH III IIU &T . I III! Inniliuril nilt M iln TO.'O rpejarap Fall Excursions by Sea $0 0 TO BOSTON ,;:" c!5lVnr 7iix &"" Additional ie. s and rfi".' . '. n'.!i'"l.t.i n ateunur In i i leii ,ne I'h la -' i ;' r" V M ,e Unst.m 1ue 3 V M i , J'hi a ihiir I A M tarn Salnrda in Ocfefcer r u i interir iiini ir - i VI t lit llM A MIM 1." lKsreltTTHN II H S DelswKre svn T i hull, lllli h- lliuu EHSSlSSSMS1 r ....- ...a -- UIAIL SItAMSHIP LINtS PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glascow USSB-S S "WOODMANslE" WILL SAIL OCTOBER 10 AT COM 1.11 I.N ti: K VI 1.3 Harriss, ManiU & Ce., Inc. 425 Lafayette Mic, l'hihidelphla Lumlurii e.'4U-l Main Hit) XQVt JWL-DjieArif1f , PrndhlcTai 7 JJrQ v5e3 gw, X t rfj xjts wfalwi CAUT I ON NOTI CES Al I. l'l IC.IINS Mil lll.KI l ( hum II w IIIU1 till 1 I It u I ll UHll i n tl , i r I th. Iiiiii.h ", . Iiiiiiiiii ii in i ni lift urn .Mit.iilf rit r us n i delilH if th, t tnntr ulnm ,ll It, paid t Ult l IS I l, II" hi i h ui I 1 ll' I INI- '. s i tl q(, ,, llj Hull 't ll dn 1JU K Itli et lh i - - ' ": Dlucher Brogue Oxford. Imported nnd Demestic Scotch Oram leathers- black or tan. g OO tO 12.00 203 Ne. 8th STI MMIIP NOTIC i:4 VMI .Inyo te Manila S 13. Pmenuer Lmers AL LI 1 Interceastal Sea Carriers, Inc. mii i. DispTni ev OCTOUEK 10, 1921 SS4A. L. KENT" 0OOU TtlNs I). M. from Philadelphia for Les Angeles Harber San Francisce and Seattle r-ir n e (i fi Ki,t ,md r-arse spice Laine Shipping Company Agents li'.e llullltt Uulldlnr Pa. PHILADELPHIA te MARSEILLES, GENOA, LEG HORN & NORTH AFRICA ss "Mllm:" Oct. S T ' lBll I M n 'T N .. n ! i i s f r 11 pi rls of li r t Tun sla v tte - If n' Si I eEhern 'n:NsIUPMCNT VI V Ol II OWN STE MKKS Earn-Line Steamship Ce. 139 Seuth I'enrtli St.. I'htln.. Pa. 1 i .i 1 .0 " nl uln UOl l T-n 3 for Three Star Line "li MTrrtppr. IttMinN I. lilcr sl NfW ttrU - ERCIA0 1 STEAMSHIP LIKES PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND SLIGO S, S "He aun" Oct. 22 CORK. DUBLIN, BELFAST LONDONDERRY. WATERFORD .s S "I'.istein Kmvr ' ..Nev. 7 SCANDINAVIAN & BALTIC PORTS S S "Mi uaakie UuJgc".Oct. 15 MOORE& -McCOUMACK CO.. Inc. E. W. STRINGFIELD Philadelphia Manager 1 s nm ii i in Di, i-illl M i n 7513. AMER3CA L!NE New Yerk te Relterdam Via Plymouth and Boulegne-iur-Mer ROTTERDAM Oct 8 Nev 12 Dec 10 HYNDAM Oct 15 Nev 19 Dec! 24 , N AMSIERDAM Oil 22 Nev 2G Dec 31 i N00RDAM Oct 29 Dec 3 I rtneerer OCice. 1SJ1 U slnut St, PLila. I TARCEL POST This New XH N, l, l'l ', I n, 'II ll .11- M uiul l.i in li $335 New Pianos, $250 te $585 New I'l..jer-'i nes, s'l'l le S7"i (.r.iml I'i.uie-. S.IJ-) te SI 1J') Ri'prutlm iiik I'l.n t-r 7"l() te si 1 1." Ojit'ii Slen., ed. ami In. Vc-. HOWARD VINCENT 836-8:18-8 10-8 12-8 11-8 1(5 NORTH SIXTH ST., I'HILA. (Si ' U I i ' " "J'MQLhM w Vv , jv .. , ! :' S..JX-11JSJL4. KTmriATItfAfi llnth Hexes . ii NEFF COLLEGE t$ a Scheel cf Applied Piyenoleiy H s Courses ttve the Personal Develop me t,d te succe.s fu living end te euccen In any vo cation Develops Attractiveness, Pelf Expression Concentration, Confidence. Memery Originality, etc Classes In Public Speaking, Conversation, Dra matic Art Sn esmanshlp, Elocution, Authorship Day Afternoon Even ing Clnss and Private Children Rsturdav morning Hind for Litera ture. Call writ, or phone Sprue sun. 1730 CHESTNUT STREET THE rKACTICAX SPAXIE-TIME COuTHUS Unroll new .ml complete training wl litis, etclit mouths for Aueuntlng or KiecuUr position, or C P A examination IndlTldnaJ Instruction Intcrnntienal Accountant Sncletji 611 nitlhShlt W.IMI PHILADELPHIA. 312 Auerlcsn Lssualty Itlilg Uniting. Pm- PUOVIIMION I lilt STI MM.IlAPIIKliH V i tm i h Is the it. IP tiii -.wne te geed! n i r ji neti r r stljnx Ae se ther- ik ira n wninu men nnd w .imen that J vli hue no d'HW i Ity In filling any i ft e Our course prev.ds individual ana .ir-i-tlcnl inMruitiji Enroll any time. 1'IIII.A IH"IM:sS rOLLF.GE tinil I ellege of Ceniincrre 1017 ( luMniit Ht , l'hlliiililphls. . 'Vinrtlinnr' ay Tuition. 113 snertnanc NlKnl Tulll0n tr, nt)d ,8 sill... f.nt Out fill Visa Atti.slinsa -jr 1'14J "iviu i vwi vr ,.., ni'viiviib! loratien firW InMructern are unexcelled. CH, itirnn, ( iVS ts f t ruffllrit? PALMrP Ilt'STNEtS SCHOOL IP, 1 10th at. Shady Kill Country Day Scheel H8.! frefelil St.. Cheitimt Hill Tel C 11 tlBH llilen M O'Neill Prln. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY t HAMULUS INSTITUTE I ml r form .nil e n m t women I'heti -Olil ArehHt. vTRAYFR"? Th licit lln-lnei. Scheel ISA C-IX Hl)7 f IIPSTM T ST. I'nJlengiinriiii'il In'r new !iv or nlrht. Vimig Men nnd Ilr Engraving or Watchmaking l r 7 m n ' Printing, 7 Months for $25 Wanamaker Institute Evening Scheel 111) M 1 i M I stl I.Ts M !'l I W(IOI) ntiei. Km heik I' ' "i d ii 1 1 er a j d tub!.. Tr r f li Inst M 1 ri'fi Hk.t J (. Short- HJ'I ' ' "t7I-'lL '" ' ' " ra. CHESTNUT HILL. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy St. Mnrtlns, Chestnut Hill. Ps. In Ideally eh ed ceun'rv hoarding end dar choel for boys Esreeln'lr low r.ts. f r-dir hoarder. ftepns Hspt.raUsr at, '.Atalerue en ennMcsttei J. !. IMTTT'RenV trendms.ter PKVVISI,TOy N J lnnnt: men pretmrcil for cellece. technical -. ' 1 w r.i 1 Tit rihre fr boy. ' f r Th.- tjen Francis H - i.reen AM 1 I) II, trimeter. t " 1 F - r inrt ri - r 1 nn nuren S," J eunc Women nnd Clrl I UK COW MS sCIIOOI-Beardlnii and Day Scheel for Kirl from ktmJcrnart 1 mreuca Inch Scheel I l"Ie bee ncceptetl n Primary Depwrtment KMMA MII.TOV COIVI KS, JL. 1 llend of einei. OnU Inn, Phlln. pi. Ml slf INSTHI ( TIOV MOTION 1'It TlUK f OIKMK remrle" luurse for eruanlsts InctudlnK me i if time ( used p annlnr rus' I if" "Ti te fit rktur m viewed Op pirtmli ii I ay fir pictures Phene, call r vvr 'e f r inf rma' en . It. . SCIIOOI.. H2I Arcli Street Teclr' "-I'O Hile T8Bt ZECKWER-HAHN r'HILAT" MUSICAL ACADEMY M nn cliei)l, lt,17 Npruie htrret Pui n j in r my i n lend for LtFk)7HILLE"Cu 1'LUI.IC siHOOL MI SIC SlPhllVIMIOX ISM ", tlllsTNIl si I'll 1 1. . (1BTII AM" AND OllK ItOXD TACKSON Teea,ch.',r Vl",ln',1 ?': PARCEL POST (J J 1 iiine iMillmi li r furniture. X U t V iunii nnd iintiinielillrn, 30e r ,i p t m for fl. H)M(piiti! 7IOM ll" 1 N I N r X II K W-U1M N (Jth Diamonds Bought ri-I uji I ne for lad s r y. i men te t v!iu lis.v ere ur invru U aiu njs te sell eir e n i rt'ai i. stati '-no 1 it- 1 I '-ee'n If h-fs 'IruNt 1 dK it ur, l In 4 $1 .50 A UP Men's Overcoats Walter's Pawn Shep 904 VINE ST. neNDi'D te nir t m I Gas Burner I "- i- t t n i 1 Y it . j ' jr" i i 'id hn r c f hjrn- it n 1it uts rt rtiiH i t r i,,,,, i r ti hi .in buv x j r fUj) i f i r ta t - i e r,ii G1RARD BURNER CO. 232 E. GIRARD AVE. In ll 1 In 1 i' Ifll.lllK'lill I HI) ""ut!!(!'"5,en Cejhines' ,i , , f Are Ready eMtfJiWii, ,'or Tour iMirtlt". lCVefl'Tt cIiimw them il ,niue ?jfct?"iK ' r'1 venr l-"- en jour MffriflW let Mill .jytV S llteUlil. tlieiiHinils "T IHMll fl) HIIUM OU MlLIM IICM Ulll-K iiddeil Mil. vwir I'rtr,- rr much lrter th in I tt llul l,rr etl t ivsin lr iriRik nml i POFFMAN CYCLE CO. ' Oi Ken.lnrtnn m lull I SI I ii i , Tel-i hone OnrleM III! I wmmmmmmt ter Hele Who VY,-nt the Beit The Real 0-ifinal Ne Cunl Tar BfflP-Pf f . svCO1 r-A ? 'V- " J. 'r -J" f- 7"7T '171 f- mk STOPS I aF&COST-C.P.A: EXECUTIVE V ill J I I m. Z&iBB II I' LtATiS ' I .1 ll US K t. i tr tit i I irket I ion fa i never ' M ' M . SJl t. i i. H ii II J2 ' i i - i inita - i i i II II l'l i in si r lie " ,1 ROOF PAINT $1 a Gallen I l I- I . i m 1 i ienl ' ' -.if rt i ' 'i I i ' sninll " i i ' ' ' i i KHllen, i i. 1 fur rii Vliii ( in in inat ler WM. E. HINCH i i nm m i laii 'ii- iiiiii-i 1015) M4KKI2T ST.1919 IV. i'iiii,iu (.run -c. A vv J 1, t 4 ! n that. ll .ei H I m I w I nvmiTm.wmiJmmnmmammvnrvmmiwu muutumnmdf n,...-,