Jg7 HC'HP . - ? vt; - -..-" - x - J' -t " - n ' " ., t t mv 'i !. . jT ' " ' 4 - , ' " Tl "it. ' "' ' t' f ' f' "t ' i a- . -" t " f - iwwwwwm MIM aft.' lisT. ft. V lift. m x CLOSE-UPS of the By HENRY Tjey Are Really Mighty Hard Up for Stories WE'VE talked a eoecl deal in this department lntel.v nbeut hew nnvietn tlie movie producer nre te pet geed stone nnd hew hnrd geed terlcs are te BCt. I hnve printed cevernl letter, from head of icennrin MnfT telllnE teu what a Rre.it dearth of scrccnnble mntcrinl there reallj t But while these le' ters were interestlnc they somehow larked that Intimate perfennl teuh that t needed te mnke mich cninpliiinti c-en iiicini; Tlite week I Ret that intimate teueh And I knew new . perniinll what n tragic MMintien confront." a iirnttiitcr when lie is r.ll rend te se ahead- nl' that Is, except findinR the story te re nhead with. I went up te epend an eenlnp with Hiiro Hnllin and his wife Mimr' Bnllin in their New Yerk apartment at 110- Lexington avenue. I nm RivnR their address hcrnuc if jeu knew of nn one who has n really soed terj and the kind of story the want they would he might Rlad te ec it. I hadn't any idea when I went up there that the- wer in mu li need of material te weik with 1 knew thnt they had recently finished ninkm: .lane Kjre" and I thought I might Ret emethlnR tntercsttnir te tell ou uheuf what the. were doing en their next picture. And I get I'. The Interesting tinnsr. they are doing en their net puture is wivhing fr it Wishing and hoping nnd praying for something te pl'tur.r.c The Ballins. as you knew, don't make just ercliimr pu turcs, turning em t out one in co many dnvs and then hustle en te the following one. whether it n just what they want or net I think thev are bet epitomized by th" one Ten are seeing new. "The Journey' End." that beautiful!' nnd eaineHtl produced story written by a nun and transferred te the 'creen without a printed tie It was a labor of love en the part of Huje llaliin te go te the immense labor JieceMnry te put it en tint wn And it was a labor of love en the part of Mabel Bnlllu te p'.n th role of tat paMe woman who permits hernelf te be a puppet of fate without attempting te take he- dcMlny in her own hands "DV1 I de net iran In n'av ;jMitr nomet nni mere. O uanl (? lair, if I rut net if. irAne hate a chance te male the centiail betiiecn the haUtcr. cwt nmeily attitude toward life of a ireman undisturbed by traardy. and then shair her iftentjci'. stcrnc 'tdr a' tt put up n htavr filht nganitl dramatic obstacle. 'Jan' Eyre' nair mr a chanrr tn de fiH. Can't vow find me anathrr 'Jane Eyir t" CAN ou give the Balling another ".Inue Kjrc' ' The nre wading through thousands nnd theunml of words cer d.ij. hoping te find one or at lent story thnt will be worthy of the kind of production thev make. I get te their apartment iuite late and I found tiiem in a room almost littered with manuscripts threush which thev had been searching for a theme Miss Jean Wicke. one of the best known munuctipt brokers in Xcw Wk. m there telling them of eierj story she knew te be en the mnrket. whether she had the handling of ir or net. Thev had .T-kd her te c.ill beenu'e she had found ether scenarios for them nntnb'y one In climeri Abdullah, which they produced. But Achmed is net fend of the screen as i medium of expression. He wants the printed word or else the human voice and action of the speaking stage And. by the way. Miss Wlcke tells mc we arc te have another of his play thi wintr. We all tried te talk of ether things thnt evening We made brave attempts te keep the conversation general, but inevitably it ame batk te that one itnl almost tragic question where te get a story? Ver two weeks the Ballins have had their decks cleaied for nrfien. Files of manuscript had accumulated during the lat days of the production of "Jane Eyre ' and the felt confident tLat in all thnt litter there would be one that they wanted. But there wasn't. Thcj have, read and re-read with the hope of find ing an idea that they thcmscles eeu'd put into sneen form. The way they fennd 'The Jeurnej's End" shows hew thoroughly they search nnd hew little they a!un names of famous authors Mr. Ballln's effif-c boy came te him one da ' The priest where I go te church." he said, "has n story that some nun wrote before she died. He thinks it's a geed story. He told me te ask you if you would read it if he gave it te me te bring te ou ' And Ballln told the boy te bring it Within half an hour of getting it he started te skim through it. expecting nothing but the usual inadequate ster of the inexperienced beginner. But as he read en he began te find, through the crudities nnd wandering of an unlearned pen. a real idea the germ of a genuinely geed dramatic story. He read it again and then hurried home te his wife nnd they read it ever together Thev sat up most of the night, discussing and changing and planning. and when Ba'llin went te his office neit morning the first thing he did was te send for the office boy .... "Yeu tell the priest that 1 U take that story and pav him well for it, lie said, and then, digging down into his peket. "and here's our commission for getting it for me." And he gave the astonished effire boy one hundred dollars. m r SEEMS u pity that people like the funifiJ should le delayed 1nr leant of material. Ihae arc all tee few of their kind in Ue hint ft. They nee both successful artist before they turned te the screen and they have put into their screen icerk all that imrcritij and depth of purpose which thr geivunr artist has. CO-ACTORS AND fc?yV ' f' kflPPPPr?' vPfPPAVlt-'-L. f;i VW'lplpEiSCIvw cxmywMPBPm'R'vyPJIk k!s. Answers te Questions by Mevie Fans O. X. nnd H SMYTHE Jnne Novak xvns mnrried te Frank Newberg t one time. Rumer hns it thnt the bends hnve been severed. Biilic Burki xvas christened Ethel Burke. She is married te Flercnz Ziegfeld. Blanche Sweet is net married. Eilren Tere is is,rrlisH te Finch Busch Vieln Dana s name In private life is Mrs. Jehn Cnf. lins. Flugrath wns her faintly mime before nhe beenme professionally knew n as Viela Dana. Carmel Mvers is the daughter of Rabbi Hndes Myers. She is married te I. N. Kornblum Anita 8tewarf it the wife of Rudelph Cam- eren. Betty Compson has never been married. riEXRV "Three Sevens" was writ ten by Berley Poere Moere. 'I his is , atery of prison life Antonie Meri m plny's the lead LILY AN "Nenrlj Mnrnnl ' i tin name of the plaj in which 'iinn Mar .tin is featured. She has net perma nently left moving pictiues for ihe stage. MAY J Yeu wnnt te knew all about Ablta Stewart. Well, I may be able te tell you n few of the things jeu want te knew. Yes, she has n passion ler beautiful clothes; in fact, she is se dainty and girlish you just nnturully expct her te like lovely things of all Uze Daily Mevie Magazine MOVIE GAME M. NEE1A ihe tti'd ii" STUDIO PALS Jehn Henry, Jr., is little and "Teddy!' the Great Dane deg, is big, and between them they keep things moving in every comedy in teltich they appear descr.pt ions Other people have raved nbeut her hair nnd rtallj one has te sen her off th si rcen te eall7e hew nttraetie it : In her pnturcs. i' n'wnjs leeks darker thnn n is in the sunlight With the light shining en i' tne could easily describe it n dark chestnut for there are man- reddish tints glisten nil through it nnd her rws nre light Drewn instenti et niacK Hei faerlte recreation is swimming i although she is fend of golf nnd tennis She veighs 11.",, hns been In picture t since she was fourteen, nnd is m.inied te Rudelph Cameren. GRACE R When Knignrnnnd Was In Flower" Is te be adapted fm the siretn Mnrien D.mes will p'a the leatllug rn'e One e Iht pet ainb tiens has been" in hae th.s imv p , imneil A spei-lnllv tine ptesentntlen of this sterv in being planned Se jeu lime something te leek forward tn ADMIRER I'lereni e Lawrence made her re-entrance into motion pic tures in '"The I'nfeldment " Louise Far.enda was educated in a California convene ELSIE Geerge Tawcett. he has plaved oppesito Constance Talmadgc in several of her recent releases, will re- , turn te the stage this fall. EVENING PUBMO THEY'RE LOOKING FOR JTORIES H70 Itallm and his icifc, Mabel, hni'inp fininlicd "Jane Eyre." arc marking lime, icaiting far something te turn up. Cowl material is mighty scarce, thetj say TAKE NIGHT SCEES FOR FILM OF "LITTLE MINISTER" T.. CONSTANCE IWE.MKR Hnll.ned. Calif. T tlT tiirli n 111 nfmi .1 ,f .vlrn ...-. ..,... ., . . ....- , --nnd pi Inui pals were at work en the I.asic r.iucli for "The i.nt'e .Mtni-ter. i The s ene hic wildh ixiitinp Sweet Item reinpsiin. m her tlinnning os es tume of the glpsj I.adj Babble, made a stirring speech te the Scotch weacr she nnd tin niivcr had incited te ie ie elr t?eerge IlticLutherue. en t In church step., railed ut his parishioners' and ni the "gips miscliief-mnkei' who steed ojipesitc 111 lit en the steps of' the tow ii -square cles- It was n ire of one wild fad ion against one wildly excited minister, l'oer little lergjman. with his "1 beg of jeu 1 command jeu!" iiud.the dar ing gips's "Don't listen te him listen te me:" . Theie is u different ntniespheie hang- I Ing ner u pinpuu working nt night I Eerj one is nnl r nieri- or less nf n stiain: thev all want te get through, and they are mere or i-t- tired from the da'.s weik they have alreadv done Ruth Reland and two friends were Miss I'ompsen's guests Inst night Mic-i Reland alns stems te .mk the same, no matte- hew m.m hffs she fulls from, nor hew ninny wild horses stain - pede her Mebbe the life is lenduche 'AT m'tLml a half away fro,,, the ,. catien ou could hear the rmr f the two huge geneiaters used fur the lights leinc i lest te them, the huge mneliines ran with the .mnotnnes that only pet fei t care could gie them. The exhaust pipe en one was red-het, but ir purred en like a big. bnppj kitten rrvlll -- Wi JE hot-deg man was there wth his agen te dispense toffee and wieners lie s quite a character. brisK ind businesslike. He gees around te nil the studies, with a preference for at hetijc after dark, the ones with man extras working. He But xvhen they discovered that Jehn even fellows them' out en location, ns S Robertsen had brought nleng his you tan see. ,lfe, Jesephine Eevett. and that Ann ' Well." owned n rough nnd ready Ferrest nnd the rest of the plnyers prep be, "guess I getta go out alter were well-behaved Americans, intent some bushweeders " "What's these'-" upon Iheir work, the curfew was net I asked, nnturall ' Them's the ex- sounded. trns that trawl under n nice bush .iml And when the players left the en null n let of weeds e er 'em nnd en t tire population je'netl in a cordial fnre. sleep taught 'bout -tV I en 'Haw- therne of the 1' S A ' Caught two te- I night The 'tl went up te the lop of one of them houses anil nailed then 1 selws onto one of then twe-bj -e.glits I se thej wouldn't fall off when the went I te step i And ju-t then Betty i.u, ilneugli thr irewd anil up the steps of the town- I --rjutire cress f ienise, uftn thnt .'II I could see were litr living, tlaining cws nnd her short, wuuni; huir Deal little liettj hew fur will ou ge'' A TOUCH OF DEPARTING SUMMER t LED&EE PHIIIADEtPHIA, THURSDAY, ?7 ' ..'jtWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW A-i iSf M 4L. liltl 'A J v m -. ii Ml W illll i inWI Wkm 1 1 WW I WkttWW 111 II lli . triB im :'7A -M vamp. Then arr seen together a LS sfAfr Jfi ' ssm wEm fjrtnt flcai, and a scandal is created ?imr jL-. JMtfHHBWlH V V W'K Aft '-; -,V WWiMKlMH V. bcreen Stars Have Their 4uie$ Painted te Match Frecks TTERE'S something new under the -tx m sun. "Thp."ri piinting their cars te match their wlnnics. I-os Anje'e starter! it Tins adopted irnniii'w . 101 k nas inKen u up. I Tisriiia Denn lias recently pur i based a new -meter est- hnirg a spe cial setlnti betlj . AIse although it is e:nh in the sea son, she has derided en the prcdomi prcdemi nntiii: eolei for her fnll and wintci costume. Se, whtn it enme tc a question of roler for her car, blue was thoen dark blue with jet trimmings. Glndjs Walten, with her golden hnir and blown eyes. h:is n fondness for a dull shnde of brown nnd a new town enr is of a er tlnik blown with tnn tiiinminss. Eileen Se-lgvick. who mifvnses thnt u dark mauve diade 's her spe ml color delight, has iceciitl had her car done ecr te lonferm with sevcml new iiiitumii juwns villi h nre in this at linetive tone. Marie I'revest, who cheeses dm I; telers, navy blue, brown and black ler autumn nnd winter, has her car ii me in a l'lt'iieh blue with bind; trim mings. j 'e CltrfcW icccssary , . . ,, for American LenifXiny (rr.HE curfew shall ring tonight " J- ilei laied Hie natives el the little French town of Cnudcbcr-rn I nu v hen n treup of motion-picture folk arrived there te film exteriors for "Leve's Boomerang," which Jehn S Robertsen is directing. Fer rumors hnd reached them that the morals of mnie people were none tee geed, and thej deemed It wle te Keep the townspeople well nt the qunjside urging the plnjers te t eme again Louise Fazenda Lonesome Louise Fa.eiula is re-tles.s in New .eik buiusr sl,t i, se Inr nwu from ut-1- Hnlljwend home and kitchen. l.euisi, who is working in 'The Benin. Shep" at the Cosmopolitan studio sas toeklng is her hobby and she feels lest awnj tieni her accus tomed gas stove. This picture of May Mlisan icith her summer-like hat and costume came a bit late, but she looked se attractive, no one eeuld resist using it. She's vtartcd a neic picture pf CNFFSS!nNS 1 I , UP IN THEPINE TREE COVNTRY ZHM Elil OF A STAR WKMWMWKtKM i I m As Told te INEZ KLUMPH THE STORY BEGINS With lc early days in the old Fine Arts studio in California ichen Celtccn Moere, the Oish nirls, llrsiie Leve and n host of ethers icere nt much werr than extra pirli. Diana Cheyne tells hew she and her chutn, Isabel Heath, tat lonesemcly ateun.6 the studio until Phil Craney, the famous director, chose Isabel te b the first of thr. screen' "baOl vamps," They are seen together a areat deal, and a scandal is created by the director's icife. Deiry Win' Chester, a friend of Diana's, (i called en te help, nnd Isabel tries te "vamp" htm. Then Isabel an an neunces she is te be starred in tht East by a Paul ifarkham. Dcrr gees tn France icith the avtntmn I cetps and Diana meets Keith Cor ham, tehe tttangely attracts her. On the ere of a romantic runaway marriage, Keith is killid in an auto mobile accident. I NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER XXXTX ' T THINK Malcolm Sandy felt sorry I i- for me when I steed theie betere him nnd said I'd ninrrv him the next day ' t felt tlnxctl. stupefied, as if a great , weight of Berrow had fallen en me nnd wns crushing out mv life. Ear dnwni en the bny the foghorns were calling, and I Reemed te remember with Just part of my mind the night of the studio party xvhen T hnd henrd them nnd had thought of hew I'd hnte te hear thein if I were unhappy. Well, new I knew hew that would feel. Bnck In my own room ngnin. a few moments later, I tried desperately te get control of myself. But nil 1 ceulil think of wns that I was going te mnrrv j Malcolm Snndy ; that somehow I had , been tricked into doing this thing Hint I didn't wnnt te. thnt would alwajs make me leek at life through a cloud of unhnnplness. Suddenly I knew that 1 never could J- . t X- A. 1 nn..rt11t' no it. never i e inuiit'r new iiinu' people talked nbeut me. no matter if he broke in tentrnct with him nnd 1 hnd te wnlk the streets looking for work, T couldn't tle It. An thing would be better than being married te him when I loved Dcrry se. I get mv little fitted bag out of (he cleset: Colleen Moere hnd gien It te me when I left Ees Angeles. And ns I tucked into it n few tilings thnt I'd need, the het tears thnt tilled my eye-1 splashed down en my hands. "Don't be a perfect feel!" 1 told myself, scnthinglj . "Think of nil the girls who nre working hard te eain their living, and braic up! Don't be sorry for yourself. Yeu were n billy geese ie get Inte this mess, bur you're luck te be able te slip out. And mnvbc this'll leach jeu some sense and mnke j oil n little kinder toward people jeu hear gnhsiped nbeut when jeu don't knew for sure that thej're te blame for whnt they seem te hae done Come en, new. Dl Chcjnc brace up!" And by the time I'd get mv little bag packed I'd made myself step crj -ing. Then I hunti-d up my own old cent I never ceulil wear that beaver one again nnd get into it nnd a plain little hat and took my poeketbeok nnd traveling bng and slipped out into the hull. It was n ery long hall ami the 11 biary opened at the further end. It Lwns still' lighted and I knew; that Mal celm Manny wns preuamy sun incie. Mrs. l.anu was likely te be in her own loom. Se. very quietly, I slipped into the kitchen ami let mjsclf out by the back deer. It opened en an inclesed stalrwny nnd also en a hall, into which the freight elevator opened. That wasn't running, though, se I hurried down the back stairs. New that I wns reallv en my way out of the house I euldn'r go fast enough My henit was beating like n triphammer, and m knees shook under me as f inn faster and faster down these six long Mights of stnirs. What if I'd get out into the stieet and nnd tnnt .iaiceim ."anuv was meie en ins wny nacK tu ms tnie: nnt would I tle, anjwaj. when I get te the street? Where would I go"' I couldn't answer that question, but I went en nnd en, enger only te be outdoor and free from the nw ful hover ing cloud that seemed te hae settled down ever inc. And se. after ages nnd ages, it seemed te me, I did get tn the street, and steed ttieie in the dnor dner wnv for a moment, trying te plan whnt I'd de next. On such a stormy night I knew it would be hard te get a taxi, and, nny wny, I wouldn't knew where te tell u driver te go, I didn't knew myself. It wns vcr.v lnte after 12 o'clock. I wondered if hotels would admit girls xxhe were alone without any baggage. The subway was only a block away and I decided te take that. I hadn't ridden en it very often, but I did knew something nbeut it. nnd ns I walked up the hill Ie the station, 1 had a wild idea of tiding in it nil night. It would be warm, nnjwa. nnd I'd be sliclttred from the wind Unit seemed te i ut right through nie I get n tlowntevii train nnd presently we we:e tumbling along under the earth and I was trying te think whnt te tle next ;1 here were a let et hotels near Tunes Square; I might go te one of them end say that I'd just conic in en a train nntl m bnggage would be there later. The mere I thuught of that the better plan it Eeeined. I wns en n local train, se it took some time te get down te Forty -second street, and bj the time we stepped nt Fiftieth I'd divided thnt that was what I ought in de. 'I hen, Mjddenh, a heirible thought i nine te me. I open, d uij pecltt tboei;, fumbled about in ir, nnd then shut n again, with n feeling of nbselute de spondency. There wasn't a cent in ii' Te Be Continued Tomorrow Twe Elephants Lscd in Making ''Perpetua" JOHN P. ROBERTSON is making ceed progress in Londen with the studio interiors of "Leve's Boomer Beomer Boemer nne." with Baxid 1'ewell and Ann Fer- icst in the roles of the Artlht Briun and bis ndepted daughter Perpetua. A large circus tent is mcSnwhlle being erected out at Illghgate, anil in the leurse of the next few clays Mr. Rob Reb Rob nrtsen will film the circus interiors en the new location ' Twe of the fnmeus Leckhnrt's elc- I phnnts nre being t enveyed from Yer- I mouth for the occasion; ene Is te be featured as "Maile Thcrcse," whejilajs se linperlant n pnrt in the original sterj. The oilier has had te be brought nleng ns a companion, for "Marie 1 Therese" is a bit temperamental ntiii ! refuses te aei without n member of her own spetles among an ordinal public. Twe Directors for Film Twe directors are working en the latest Mermaid Comedy. nlle Jack White is taking scenes in which Ligc Conley appears, Beb Kerr, who re rently joined the Hamilton -V lite or er or ganisateon, is werkinc en a different location, taking scenes xvith Jimmy Adams. The picture is as yet untitled. 4 called en te help, and Isabel tries te ff3talHHKHH!3liA; l '"' ''flBk " tZ . ......r Itilll. i fllfl iviiv.. 1." ,LK t IVJ' '...nwWA ' ' 'SiiirC y ' ? ?" - f K T 1 . MHHL ? lt I s -. , r r j . -s A ' J fM lkWlBVM lv ' '3 m kW7?77'rr -' I .immjW M I r ,,ii'SIk''f'-fmi I 'w1 ;J8HP'' L'S9Bfi'-MiSBBBHU .pBBBBSn. pSSSSjpSSSSIpSSSSSSSSSI ; 'X JfJIk' PPPPH ' v 'dp14 PpjHpBIpppI I' 4IIIIc'PSy iSib'mXESPPjPJPPJPPH vMiPHjppjHraKplplpH , ' iyM'llPJLP9flPJHraPPPJPPPJ .4ffiiPOPJPBPJHPJPlPPPJPJ SBHHpB "pjffllPJPj&BPjpi BELvJB N Mr!'rPJPPBBPJP Above is the ullage Diiccter (iiismcr hnd built for the filming of "Mnm'sclle Je. ' The director nnd ills nsslstunl in the foregieund nte tnlking things exer The lower plctuie shows Ruth King and Geerge MrDanicls in u secnr from "Mnm'selle .Ie' SPOILED GIRL IS HEROINE OF COMING PICTURE AN INTERESTING chnracter stud Is found in "Kinhantinent." Mar Mar eon Davles' next starring plctuie. :i subtle nnd profound annljsis of a jeung girl who has just rent lied the nge of remnncc. Ethrl Hejt (MKs Dnviesl is the nt tiactie and spoiled en!. daughter of indulgent mil cuts. Minli te their aniazcment she has grown ui while thej- weie uiiawaie tnat she was no longer an infant. , She takes quite sei ieuslj- herself and i all her " alf" admirers. She begins te, be toiiscieus te a damaging extent of her own charms. And this is the ke - note of this wry lent sterj . hit uiiiiei derides thnt he must take nieasines t "put her back in her plate" Te a rempiisii tins ne teiistnpis i in- inn ui ii well-known m ter. then idnjing the lending lele in "The Taming or" tin Sinew." Wliv net haw him "tame" Ethel, the father asks himself 7 Elbe rnnnet be plajed upon tee far and when i the actor rentinuall "turns her down" c t after he 1ms wen her undmdid Interest, she becomes tingij nnd whellj tin untenable te leasen. In support of Miss D,iies nre For Fer rest Slaulej. Etlnl Sliajne. Tem Lewis. Arthur Rankin Cm nine liniker and Maude Turner Geiden IIOTOPI .s, PMOTtrPliYT COMMMV r . erAeiiieA, Alhambra Mat. um,v n. ". kvrs e 45 i "A TALE OF TWO WORLDS' ALLEunbN Y xint ears v 1 kuj -- 9 BETTY COMPSON In "T Till. I.MIJII' 'I HI". MIMU.n" Tni" 1 A 6JI) I Tlieixil'ses' eTS APOLLU iinivKruMiiV THOMAS MEIGHAN I" 'I'lL-J"!1" "J' ,,,ll'Nr MIN" - Te"-' ArM A nicsTxiT net 16T11 ARCADIA Hi A M 10 11 15 I'. M. MARGUERITE CLARK IllJl'sf IIX1I ii wi "" rrD 1'IlA.Msl.lN fc t'.IIIAP.U AXK. ASTOK MXTINt-r. UAILY nrri.nr 111 (.in-s' "THE OLD NEST" BALTIMUKbrvn a se hat mat LOUISE GLAUM iiiiM.ArKn tji w i. i: ' rT-MM C4TH AM XXntiDl.AM AVK JLNN xtxTisi:i: nxti.v MONTE BLUE ln"TJIT. IlKOKI'V Dill I " BROADWAY urWVrSv POLA NEGRI in "i.rs.xjn oeii'j . CArl 1 UL. in a v i" " is r. m MAY MacAVOY m "KvrKiTinviiijm s.i.b" COLONIAL SIR 1 Try it"' CHARLES RAY tlle.H.IlIll" DARBY THEATRE PAULINE FREDERICK jiMUAnHiL,"--JiL'iII.s3 "- riTunnrCO MAIN ST, MANATUNK DOUGLAS MacLEAN JnJ'ONSLA MINrTI'' FAIRMOUNTx.LV BERT LYTELL In'-TIIK Xl MHO ' Fa" 1 1 1 V TUBATI1K 1311 MAHKF.T I'AIVIILY s v m '''mriu.uiir MAY ALL.13UIN in "inr, iiti.j'i; en iiiii siu." PDll"l 31. wit,, ijAII. BERT LYTELL In "TIIK slIM.KADIMi I l)" FRANKFORD 47IBArGIPOn"D Nerma Talmadge, "The Meth" M'Kl'HIsiK l Kl'.MI.Ll; C ORP C001 MARKET ST ULVJDC -j t0 ani n sn , jj WKM.UY n-lJ.'L5;f7hll Nfllnn'i, . L . . H Take "Three Live Ghosts" turci'ier is a suuMrr ier neruracj, GEORGE F1TZMAFRICE has been, . . principally engaged during the' Ker instance: Inst week with the lust und interiors j Having learned who discovered nU "i ins low IMI-IMII-, iiiii-i- j. in in (.niiinruin nnu wucn, young Mr, Ghosts. ' Exteriors have been filmed en I Enemtnlc wanted te knew iust hew It the Londen wharves, outside the B-inkjiappcncd. jr Armstrong day and in l'aik lane, and Cjril Chadwuk. ' through a few books and net finditi who appears in the t hnracter ef'0xactlv what he wanted get en Ui Spoof j. will shertlj have the pleas-. i long-distance telephone and railed i lire of wheeling a lial carriage. iittuiMl , Snciamente man whose father jiadfrf In morning tout, top hat anil check in Sutter's Creek ns n bnv. In ti'J lietisers. past the Rtijnl l.xchnnge ilur- hellr -,jr jcunie Knew that Janm nig the busiest hour in th" citj. i -,v. Mnrshnll dickered with ekl mu Sutter who due n tail-race for bis mill II a he livid Is I hm nnu He finished the job early en the mera- --. ... raa a , . - . . . . . I ,:.,.. .. i,,n,.,. u .,...1 .!,.. ii.-i.i XX TWA. .l'E REII) get s0 used Ie picked up n handful of mud and gravel, VV weiklng en the uief in his new "Geld, howdy!" he said, or semeth!a idrtuir. "Rent Fier." that he Is think- equallv cheerful, for then- in Ida hand i jll(, n.usl of tinning the reef of hit. 'was the jellew metnl. nIl.xoed home Inte an outdoor Hung' i oem. -,p j,. js ,-i,.at." grinned Rcitl. ' n,i, also the view. i I he slur s home en the rentl toward neierj inns aim is i,i tne ,pnnisii stjle. se the reef isn t er high up, but ns the house is built en the side hill It leniiiiands a tine icw mi. a Hughes Plays Bandit Rele Franklin. hn been .selerted ter screen i Baten has been assigned e direct the adaptation a- Giiteth Hugh's' next 'ttitr ni lerocnitlen of ln work a? tit still ring pliiuie It is the ster of a director if "Reputation" nnd ' C' timid j tiling mnn who let nines a bandit. fliet," stalling IVisc.lln Dear. runrnri.ATs 'ihe tollewintr tneatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company ef'America. P.R AMT w"" etitAiu ax r xtat ,s-l-M1i 1 uieriiire "IIIkciVhe (X'i Sal crill) Xlmrt ICnsferrt rl'tl HIT I'lit I" "HEARTS O' THE RANGE" GREAT NORTHERN Wm ALICE BRADY In "l.lTTI.r. IIAI.A" 11VX1 l-rl-l Mt, .'.hi Kk 7 t U MiiriN i:vxr.rT'Si ritomiTieN "The Truth About Husbands" I ni-iieri Pnln UtrniRnlettn A. anJ s-.i.tj. wuss , en, gi, n MU. s) llis. AHTI'.I! 1)1' llM in "TWIN BEDS" LIBERTY into AD . COI.l Mill A AV MTINi:iJ DAII.V WANDA HAWLEY In "fill: SNOH" OVERBROOK t)Ui IVNfE0RD HAZEL DAWN In "l)i:!TIO ' PALACE 1S14 MAUKKT STIlfcl'.T 10 A 5f in 11 15 P. M i.i..stk sir "Weman in His Heuse" PRINCESS 101H MWIKI.T HTKUET S .10 A M te 11 15 i. M .) t It 11(11 T piiil III 1)1) ) "THE MASK" REGENT MAI'Kr T IT ItHe-v 1TTII DOUGLAS MacLEAN In "I'XhSIXfi TIIIU RIAI TO anitMASTew.N avenue c nM(iiniiTN I'linnrcTiciN "THE WILD GOOSE" PI TRY MAKT ST ULI.OVV 7TII rl-,'t in i ,1, 11.15 P. M COMEDY DAY Vunimlftl Illll nf Siiprlil luliirf SAVOY 12u maukk.t sTRKprr rtVU a. m. te midnieht BERT LYTELL III "TIIK MAN WI1" SHERWOOD BM'AhT4 "ntTi THOMAS MEIGHAN' ' In "TIIK IOM1I K.sT Or f,NA " STANLEY 5J,,AI.,K(rr.A1rl!?7 THOMAS MEIGHAN In "CAI'IH UK KS" stanten r,, vrrrTiv' till HAM TON . DsiilH ", v ' "OVER THE HILL" 333 MARKET .;pM"t0V,ni:: TOM MIX teU13IM lll"TIIK NK.IIT IIOHMvMISV VICTORIA "s.fttrs LIONEL BARRYMORE In "JIM Tllli I'KNMAX AT WEST CHESTER RIALTO ""E W11.D lIDLE HOUR ":" tettKm tmwjimsmiM i COMING FILM SERlAl WlLLBEIIlSTORlCAb CARSON FEATURED WHEN wns geld discovered In Cill, fernin? Who was James W. Marslmll? Ask I.eRey Armstrong, librarian i( Fniversnl City i He will tell ;.eti thnt geld was d!t co cied in Sutter's Creek near St 'r.imcnte at !0:30 in the morning ( l.lnnunry S. 1S4S, and that .Inmei ft ' Marshall xa the man who found it! Armstrong, whose efT-hnm knewi. edge would fill nn encjclepcdia uj whose facilities for resenrch are ip. pniently unlimited, hns been sneciilu. iiik "" t.iiij itiiiuiiim ni-uery Writ te keep Etlwnrd Eaenimle supplied vitt nccurnie nnswers ie approximately hundred questions n day. Edward Enemmlc is directing t Acord. the Fniversnl cowboy star, Ii I I "Winners of the West," n wrial li-l ji'iiru iiivuPi in wiiiin uic lurturcsatt , trnil-blnzing trip of Captain Jehn C. . Fremont, from Boenvillc. Me., te Call. fernia. is graphically depicted. Tit (production will go te the screen tn tiinmniic c mnrer irnm lie par t . Scenes in Londen Streets tery of the West and the clever jemj llll 111 ,14111,1111,, .-, IIIKI IIM'II llUVUfl of Li rin q nn If is Reef i the ditch with unter te sre hew it je t ,. i ,i ttrt ,i. .t..,i 4i,. ,... rr ..j tMnntiii uv in i iim'ii mi' ixiiivr Uii flBJ Like most of the men who fllveTefl i iches Mnrshnll tiled peer. The Htitel voted him a pension which sustained I him for ii tew wms. nut n new Mnai. ture forget te re-ennet the clause and the mnn who started the geld rli died ns he had 11 ed. a peer enrpenter. Carey te Begin iew Film ll'iirv C.wc will start loilurtiei nmediatelj en "Mnn te Man, .Tart- "Sin Heme," a ster bj Eilgnr ' v"ii Gregeiy's dniinntie xtiij Stuart I rilOTOl'I.A.H M0TtH,Urr COMMIT r i , AMERICA. The NlXON-NIRDLINGERfn THEATRES Mil BEI MniJT 2D ABOVE MABKIt BERT LYTELL In "A MI.SSAflK I'ROM MnS" CEDAR OOril A CEIUB AVE.NXI 1 in ani 37 mil W.l.-vr.wi ( st In "YOUTH'S DESIRE" CO . SPI FM -Market ll,t SOtli 1 1 "w-s-'1' 1 .in nnd .1 TlPIl WANDA HAWLEY In "TIIK (llTSini; uiIAN ' JUMBO FIIONT ST. t GIRARD A1. Jumbo June en Krankferl Ir DOROTHY GISH In "I'l.llMj l'AT" I FADPR ,1ST & I.AVCASTER ATI lJ,ALIIV MTIN'i:r. DA1LT .Innifs lilrknend mill Ann l'errent l The Great Impersonation' I DPI KT -D AND LOCt;.ST STItEETl LUv-uj'm.ii, 1 3f, 3 jn 1. B, 6 30te U "Rabh Ince in "Wet Geld" (ht-ster eniril. "Sneek) 'h llliif MenJiJ MIVAM Ar AMI Mir.TvP'T ST8. 1IW1N - "- j,j ,ltJ Reopens Men., Oct. 10 Hl TfJ i r.t avp eiv cnr stS. tMvvjui -- ;fA-TiXBBwitf ETHEL CLAYTON In "MIAM" STR ANn GKHMANTOW V AVE. J 1 IM1U AT VENANGO STRtlt Sessue Hayakawa and Besiie Leti In "TIIK SHAMP" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. 0. A. P.v,t... C510 Orinnteirn ,tn s-viiimiuutvil MATINKK uA1L' JUSTINE JOHNSTONE In s',,Tl'.ltKI) DAI f.HTKR''" IPPPITDCriM snih nup?ivf J- i-iAsivn MATINKK " HAZEL DAWN In "IIKVOTIOV PARK ItlDOIJ AVU & DUPHIN.1 Mat S! I." T.B 1 15 19" GLORIA SWANSON In "TIIK riKKAT MOMKNT" WEST ALLEGHENY "stV, i.nAii nune nmi m-kciai. cat "THE HEART LINE" ,. r- LV - ejiji turna m Eft . tv