Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 05, 1921, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    r'!'JA i1
ftJF ---j5 WlWlrJ
I w
jr5. Json Suggests
te Make With
H usewijc of the Cumberland
or Halting nw-j
' Peasc ftc
unq M. A. WILSON
fit. '"'f, rMervf.
niLTi every J"1 S,ass' crock ami jar
ffIL! . : , .,! every variety of jam.
J.- wnn n. -. , ti,nt you can. it
W yd imman" attractive touches and
till ff0.nLWh"" Inter bill of fare.
M "MLLTJ,linz an-l atlrnc-
Se -"""L. .-; l,r made with a geed
Tire dish" en" ec re"
.".! "i In the Cumberland Meun-
. B,,nV.'.ii a most .1
t!ri.,15rh home-made apple but-
;WW5"B .-.i .Mle bread.
ter. PP ",' , housewife told me that
'i u rnudv or perhaps stormy clnjn
' t renehed for her bnkinpc things
he, (u a .real baking spree. The smell
"d"A nlaln i homely goodies just
' i,w? Srk "up .the family wonder-
e. In fact, the sIxtwn-ycar-OM son
W"vil te me that he wished It would
tjnurlted .te me ' thpn thera wllB
rlr ?f !" ?,,f 0f tnstr vlctuala
F! h" Ke llnuer a tew days In the
n""" .a. ms llniter a tew nays in xne
Mtf Jj T S Fain, se that she
h0PM bake. I didn't have- long te
2? and It rained for three days with
,,rA,ti,i liewllnff northeaster doing
"whS. reS'arc at a less for something
Mfdd variety te the menu and te heir.
,of .. ii rut. If you have a full
you ?ut., , Ullles and marma.-
,cl01t rn,. can list like this mother, set
W"-'!?-Sm; n real delicious feast.
5 nnu in"- -
(Jap nidge Urewn Betty
nub the isaaJ K00d
iheitmintf. i !"-
R.r (net apples, parea ana iie. .,
e" MP e epii "" .
Thnc cap e 6rJ(ferum6,
5 ,r0.fMnM cup e ,,
One-half teaspoon of salt,
n r Jwel ipoei e 6eWiff ponder,
0 nf.Jiel cip e " "; -nfcr
,f(!I (Je inMe " '"'"v-
VK nnd turn Inte meld. Clese meld.
.' nlaee In n saucepan with wnter
J"3 tWrS of depth of meld. Reil for
Yeu Wax and Polish
These Floers of
Modern Linoleum
New Dishes
Marmalade and Jam
Mountains Uses Rainy Days
.- ... .
one hour. Serve with vanilla snuce,
garnished with hard sauce.
Ma's Cream Jam Cahe
Place in a mixing bowl :
rice-tnlrrf cup of sugar,
One egg.
Five tablespoons of shortening,
Twe and ene-quarttr cups of flour,
One-half teaspoon of salt,
Four level teaspoons of baking pow
der. One-half level teaspoon of nutmeg,
One cup of milk,
Ilcat te a smooth batter nnd then
turn In well-greased and floured oblong
pan, nnu ennn ler tiurty minutes in n
moderate even. When cool, split nnd
spread both nieces liberally with Inm
and cover with finely chopped nuts. New
spread ever lower hnif of enke the
cream filling, when cefd. Place en top
nnd brush the top of rnke with melted
butter, covering thickly afterwerd with
powdered sugar.
The Cream Filling
Plnse In a snunan
One and one-half cupi of milk,
One-half cup of flour.
Dissolve the flour in milk, and then
bring te n bell. Cook slowly for ten
minutes. New ndd
One-half cup of sugar,
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg,
One teell-bcatcn egg.
Heat hard te blend, and then cook
slowly for three minutes longer nnd
have quite cold before using.
Marmalade (ilnger 1 1 read
Place In a bowl
One cup of melassci.
Twe-thirds cup of ftroteit sugar,
Twe-thirds cup of shortening.
Cream well nnd then add
Tarrc-gunrcr.i cup of black coffee,
Three and three-quarters cups of
Ttce level tablespoons of bakina pow
der. One level teaspoon of ginger.
One-half level teaspoon of allspice.
Peat te thoroughly mix, nnd then
turn in well-greased and floured baking
pan, nnd bake in n slew even for forty-
In this attractive sun par
lor the fleer of Armstrong's
Inset Tile Linoleum gives
an added touch of color and
brightness. This linoleum
fleer is comfortable under
feet, and easy te keep clean.
Cook for the
CIRCLE 'A trademark
en ihe burlap bach
PERHAPS you have thought of linoleum as a fleer
covering te put down and walk en generally in a
kitchen, pantry, or hall.
Have you seen the new kind of linoleum, laid as a per
manent fleer in the living-rooms, dining-rooms, bedrooms
sun parlors of handsome modern homes? Rugs are laid
upon these floors, they are kept in perfect condition by
occasional waxing and polishing they are beautiful, dur
'able floors.
I Any geed furniture or department store will show you
i this new, modern linoleum. Loek at the rich plain colors,
delicate Jaspe (two-tone) effects, artistic inlaid and printed
designs, and you will realize hew perfectly such floors may be
blended into any scheme of interior decoration.
Linoleum is quiet and comfortable under feet. It is a
cool fleer in summer, a warm fleer in winter. Ne ether
fleer is se easy te clean.
A geed way te install Armstrong's Linoleum as a per
manent fleer is te cement it down firmly ever a layer of
builders' felt paper. Such a fleer remains tight and solid.
Any store will gladly give you estimates of the cost of
Armstrong's Linoleum floors, put down in your home.
Armstrong Cerk Company, Linoleum Dept., Lancaster, Pa.
New Yerk Office: 212 Fifth Ave.
for Every Fleer
Things Yen 11 Leve te Make
very quickly made. Cut the main part
of the npren the shape shown at the
right of the Illustration. Have two
Inch strips of the material plceted. Yeu
will need ene nnd one-half times as much
ni the length around the shoulder strap
and the circumference of the npren, plus
the length of the two string ties. Shir
the shleld-Bhapcd apron ellghtly nt either
side ; Jein It te the belt. Shir the ruf
fling and Jein It te the straps nnd npren
In mnktnB thin DAINTY TBA-APneN
you can utlllze the geed parts of dis
carded shlrtwalntH, even If they are of
differt-nt colors nnd material.
five minutes. Let cool, nnd when cold
cut In three pieces. Spilt each piece
ngaln nnd spread liberally with marma
lade. Sprinkle thickly with finely
chopped nuts. Put together like layer
Try this tart. It Is called
Sprudles Jam Tnrt
lilne n deep pie plate with plain
pastry, and then place in n bowl
One and one-quarter cups of jam.
Three apples, pared, cut in quarter
and sliced thin.
One-half cup of finely chopped hmM,
Our cup of seeded raisins or prune,
cut in ftif.
One nip nf breadcrumbs.
One-half teaspoon of nulmcq,
Mix nnd then fill in prepared pie
plate, nnd plnce inch-wide strips across
the top. nnd bake In n slew even for
thirty-five minutes.
Dried mountain berries arc nied In
plnce of the raisins.
This pastry Is delicious and very
env te meke. Hell the petry into nn
oblong sheet nnd have it about one- i
quarter inch tlilrk. .New place In n
Otic cup of jam or marmalade.
Three apples, pared and diced.
One-half package of seeded ralsini.
i'-'a -i5-
"ii a ii nn n i I w $u n r
Linoleum Rugs
Your merchant can also
show you Rugs of Arm
strong's Linoleum suit
able for kitchen, dining
room, bedroom. Made in
several sizes, and in a
variety of pleasing and
artistic designs. Fully
guaranteed te give satis
factory service.
in . the Heuse
One cup of finely chopped nuts,
One cup of coarse breadcrumb!
One teaspoon of clntinmeti,
One-half teaspoon of nutmeg,
One cup of brown sugar.
Mix, nnd then spread a little en pastry
nnd start rolling. Hepcat until you
use the entire nmeunt of filling. Fasten
the ends securely nnd lift en well
greased nnd floured baking sheet. Hake
in slew even for one hour. When cool,
cover top with water Icing and cut n
Blnnt Inte two-Inch cuts.
I'nrsen's Toast
This dish is usually served for sup
per en n cold night. Try It; It U very
geed. Mince finely two ounces of salt
nnrb niul liripwii In n skillet until a
dcllcntc brown. Add one-half rup of
flour te the fat In the pan, and blend
well. New ndd two nnd ene-hnlf cups
of milk nnd stir until smooth. Hrlmr tn
n bell and add two ounces of dried beef
(lint la cut into bits nnd Inm lien, cov
ered with boiling wnter for live min
utes. Drain beef well nnd ndd
Otic cup of grated cheese,
One cup of diced carrots, eoekrd un
til tender,
One rup of diced turnips, coektd un
til tender,
One cup of diced potatoes, cooked un
til tender.
Sensen with pepper te taste. Te serve
lift n generous helping en a large slice
of toast.
Fried Illnck-Eycd Peas
Senk one cup of black -eyed pea1 ever
night nnd then cook until tender in the
morning. Drain nnd then mince finely
Twe ounces of salt perk,
Four medium-sized onions.
Cook the perk nnd onions slewlj until
llie perlf Is well tiled out. nnd tlu-n odd
the peas. Season nnd reek like n ashed
potntees. Serve with chicken grn y.
Mrs. Wilsen's Ansiveri
DearMrM. Wilsen Will you plense
give n recipe for corn bread?
Cern Bread
Place in n mixing bowl
One and one-quarter cups of four,
Three-quarters cups of cernmral,
Tu-a level tablespoons of taking
Three tablespoons of shertcninn.
Twe tablespoons of sirup,
One egg.
One and one-quarter cup of ir.jfrr.
Peat te mix and then turn in n
well -greased pan, nnd hnke in ,i het
even for thirty-five minutes.
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Becoming Hats at
$3 and $3.85
Charming velvet hnts in the
correct fashions of the dny nrc
in nil .the fnvored colors. It is
an unusual pntheiinKi for the
hnts nrc the type tlint ene would
expect te nny considerably mere
Cellars and Sets at 50c
Four groups': little Peter Pan
cellars of openwork embroidery
en fine cambric; lower Peter Pnn
cellars of organdie, linen nnd
mndrns In various finishes; long
roll cellars of new embroidery,
some mnde in Switzerland; cellnr-and-cuff
sets of pique, linenc,
satin, ergandie nnd cress-bar
materials. At this price, ene may
have plenty of fresh and delight
ful cellars.
Corsets at $1.59
Lightly honed corsets for slight
figures arc of pink hrocade with
four pnnels of elastic te make
them suitable for sports wear.
Satin Corsets at $2
Of pink satin, they have elas
tic en cither side of the low tops.
Children's Outing Flannel
Nightgowns at 85c
Warm nnd comfortably full,
they nre of blue or pink atrijied
outing flannel in two style. Sizes
G te 14 years.
Bungalow Aprons at 75c
Just like dresses and dninty
enough te be worn as such, the
aprons nre of percale in pretty
checks, stripes and figures,
trimmed with rickruek or piping.
Alse some plaid gingham Pelly
Prim nprens nt 7."ic
East Aisle
Stamped Pieces for
Tea towels nnd guest towels of
various kinds nrc 25c.
Linenc senrfs are 50c. Linenc
centerpieces nrc 75c.
Desirable linen scarfs and
centerpieces, stamped in most
attractive pattt-rns, are SI. 25 and
Blanket Bathrobes
at $3.85
Women's blanket bathrobes in
the lovely warmer, darker color
ings are in flowers or plaids.
Outing Flannel
Nightgowns at 85c
Women's warm nightgowns
with double yokes front and back
are cut full.
Bandeaux at 50c
Bandeaux of pretty silk-and-cotton
basket w enve have tape
shoulder straps and fasten in
Seldom Such
Complete Autumn Showing of
Fine Chamois-Lisle Gloves
for Women
This sh.pmei't brings the new Autumn colors and the
newest low price Leng glove.-, especially, bear lower prices
than se shop, a time age as two months.
Strap- Wrist Gloves Special, $1
White, cafe iu lait, covert, brown and gray are all here in
this splendid strap-wust glove.
SI a pair for 'we-clasp gloves with spearpeint stitching en
the backs. Thev aie in chamois, covert, brown, white, cafe au
lait and giay.
$1.2,"i a pan for strap-wrist gloves that are especially well
made. They are in black, white, covert, cafe au lait, brown, gray
and chamois.
A Wide Choice at $1.65
Strap-wrist gloves with straps going all around and fast
ening with pearl buckles en the back, arc in white, covert, cafe
au lait and brown. Spearpeint stitching en the backs.
8-butten-lc ngth gloves with btraps nt the wrists have extra
gores in the cuff.-, making them mere attractive. They are in
white, cafe au lait, covert, brown nnd gray, with spearpeint
stitching en the backs.
12-button-length gloves are in bla. ' brown, gray, covert,
cafe au lait and white.
16 -Butten-LengL at $2
These tine lung gloves are in white, covert, brown and caie
au lait.
Other Leng Gloves
are in the new Autumn shades, 8-button length te 16-button
length, at 51 te $1.50.
OCTOBER 5, 1921
56 Different Styles
Fresh new blouses, suitable for imniPtliatn wearing wilh new Autumn suits and
fay plaid skirts and sweaters.
All of the Fashion points of the new -.easnn will he observed loeso turn-hack cuffs
which will fit smoothly ever the outside of sweaters and jackets, Peter Pan cellars, frills,
pleatings and tucks.
Materials arc of excellent qualities-, sheer and fine.
16 Different Styles in Dimity, starting at $1.85
24 Different Styles in Batiste, starting at $1.85
13 Different Styles in Voile, starting at $2.25
3 Different Styles in Pongee at $3.50
Here are blouses for women of all types, from the school girl who wants a youthful
blouse te wear with a slip-en frock te the woman who wants "something plain in size 46."
( MnrUfl)
if f
Girls' Black
Scheel Shoes, $2
Geed heavy-weight laced shoes
cut plenty high and bvilt for real
service. Seles are thick enough
for hard wear and heels are low
and bread. Sizes 2l's te 5.
Women's Comfert
Shoes, $4.90
A great many women like these
shoes for general wear around
the house. The leather is black
kidskin, soft and pliant. Seles
are turned. Tees are bread and
roomy and can be had with or
without tips. All have rubber
(ClirMnul I
Coats as These for $38.50
i Merkrt)
-p- 5.3.7b -" -' t
at Less Than
Men s All-Weel Suits
Made te Measure
$30 te $50
Business men who knew a geed thing are showing
their appreciation and approval of this new service in
the Men's Stere. They are making sure of the fit of
their suits, cheesing the material from a geed assort
ment of patterns, and yet are saving money.
If you've never had one, why net treat yourself te
a made-te-measure suit? The same fine grade of
tailoring gees into all of them. The material and style
govern the price.
These Separate Trousers Are Life Savers
for Old Suits!
('eat nnd vett are all light, but no matter hew many coats
and vests you have, nnd no matter in hew geed condition they
are, they aren't a bit of use without trousers!
That's where the Mtn's Stoic en the Gallery has helped
sn many men and brought coats and ets into use again.
All-Weel Trousers at Se te $7.50
and it is the rare .-uit, old or new, that we cannot find
trousers for!
.allfry, MnrUrt
Imagine a soft, warm coat with a deep
cellar of mole for S38.e0.
Or a coat with a ft gray cellar of
Australian opossum for $3S.50.
There are many such coats in this col cel col
lection, as well as a goodly number with
cellars of fluffy, long-haired furs, such as
wolf and skunk dyed opossum. Others
show cellars of raccoon, nutria or dyed ceney
in the fashionable beaver tint.
Every Ceat Is Siik Lined
from neck te hem, plain colors or figured
designs. Materials are veleurs, suedene
and many variations of the Belivia weave.
In beaver, Malay brown, Sorrento blue, navy
and black.
These Are the Best Coats
We Have Ever Had
for $38.50
They are cut en the newest line. Tiey
ire full length, and soft warmth and Winter
comfort lurk in every line. All sizes in
the group.
Inexpensive Serge Frecks of
Great Charm
Delightful little dre.-.-es, by the
score, are ready in the Down
Stain; Stere It's a cheery,
youthful gathering of simple
frocks, easy te slip into and com
fortable te wear.
They Start as Lew
as $7.50
for serges and at $10 and $10.75
there are frocks of similar types
developed in wool jeieey and
One and two piece dresses of
exceptionally fine French serge
navy, black or brown arc made
in the very popular Peter Pan
style with detachable and rever
sible cellars and cufTs of cream or
white satin. $ 10.75.
Twe-piece wool jersey dresses,
in the same style, have pleate 1
nkirts and cellars and cuffs of
linen. In ninhefny, dark brown
and navy at $10.75."
Between $10.75 and $25
there is a wonderful collection
A new nrrival at $25 is sketched
It is in navy blue with a scalloped
ceatee and scalloped hem which
are beaded and faced with orange
in New
. Autumn Skirts
Are Strongly in Faver of
Bex Pleats
That is a point that a visit te
the Ski it Stere will emphasize.
Prices, are another mteie-ting
point, as they aie decidedly lower.
Fer instance, at $8.75 there arc
some rxcerdtngly prettv skirts.
One is in a black-and-white com
bination. Anether is in Autumn
browns. A third hews navy blue
en the top side of the pleats and
a rmirt litt'e check, in red and
French blue, en the inner side.
( Mnr;p i
Smart Scarfs of
Seft Alpaca
." 1 -1 m h -tarfs, fini-hed with
fringe, aie of the delightfully
soft and warm imported al
paca. Women i like te wear
them (iiit-ide of fjit jackets
and, later n, uiMde coats.
In nav. brwn, black, grav,
buff and a gra anil-brewn
heather that leek.- like the in-.-icic
of a ihetnut bun. ..l ',.
( f ntrul i
(7 ) f - ( y
I'! i l feif-wy
0 WimI
I .T