MMMjMgTjjmtrariiMifcflnaMwwgAaamii Trrv:.,,,-; ... w'-iHH aaaft'wTWaWiLJLijAsia IPj" rt "''WMww-'i' ';- "J-!-"v r ' I " . . - r , -,. "eb -n ', ' V a-H " ii I l I III II II i I I1III1P llll I ft f i . 11' M IIbbHVI If t. i r- Hi nrrcMnc quiddimp ' II ' PACI WITH BRITAIN ,u r .. P. A. S. Franklin Denies Agroe- inent Hurt Commercial Ex 1 pansien of United States OFFSET CUNARD ADVANTAGE 11 llic AwhI.-WciI l'rrs New Yerk, Oi t. I Opcrntlng narrfc mcnt lintwcen tlie Intornntlenul Mor Mer Mor ytntl!e Cetnpum . nn Anu'rienn corpora tion, ntnl tlie Hrithli Ooverntnotit did net nflfut the remp-iin's American flngsldp" ecn ln-fere Me ilnftlns of a. pupplcmeiitnrx ncri-i-ment 'ieqtiPtnl riv tlip ShlntiliiL- I-.nnnl. I' A S FrnnUlin pn'idcnt of tlie liitermtiinnl Merrititili- Multi'-. told iin-tnlieri nf the benrd tit a spei tul hearim; lure tniUiy. The Ik u ns wn nllnl t el'.iln from Mr. rnwiklni i mlt-tl f d'tiul of tin TtritHi acr'iinem whleli win iitni-l.eil by Sonnter .Tiuu, of Wellington be fore Its nun nilmeiit ni bi-in innim id te tie foreign (nmiii)i ii of tin- l' nitcd Stnten. Tin- iigrni-mpnt. erimiinllv driftid in 11)0.'!. was -.enlit b the iempan. Mr Franklin told tin heard e uff-n I nd TnntiiKes cmieil In the Ctinnnl Line "Uhen tin rtritWli teirnmi'tt begnr te build up thnt line 1 and fiT nble mnll lentmiti, following niquKi niquKi tien of HntNh lennnRi- l tlie Inter Inter nntlennl Men untile Marine "iMinni; tiiiieHen miiis of epei.itlnR undei tlu-e Agreement"," he leutltiued, "we lime neir been Interfernl with by the Hritlfh (iecrnnient in the nian aRement of our -"hlpi, and no rctr ilnt of nm kind Iiiik e?r be-n placed upon s Mr PranMln emphii'-lzed thnt the eempanx w in an American corporation IK?1-; per i ent of it stOi k being owner br merlcan citizens Only one-half of 1 per cent of the stcx k is hi 1 1 bj English Inesterv, he said and a wmilur amount by Canadians. Continuing, Mr. Franklin review ed efforts of the cemnany te buv tlilrt - four former German idilps from the ' ITnlted States for n total of .2S 500.000 nnd nid tlie cempnnv had offered te acrce te kep the ships forever under the Amiriian II ik Tlii- together with the fact thir it wn prepan-d te upend neri- than the amount bid in recon ditioning tlie hlp. he deilarcd fur nlshed con lu-ie eiieme that the, cempnnj'- tiRreement that Itn Jtrit sh ' ships would net be used te tlie detri ment of rriti!i trade did net present the cempins in atn a from expand ing its bitfn-s iinibr the Amc-I. un flap TO TRY NEW POWERFUL GUN Recent Developments In Ordnance te Be Tested en Friday ashlncten. t-t I -illi A I -A nev -Ivti-ii-iiJ i ."0-ialiber rifle, eaid te be mere pem-rfm than an n ial I gun new in n ! and ether new deiel epmciits in eidni iue wi'I he tc-ted at the nnn nrdnaiin prevliiR Rreund it, Aberdicn. Md , Tridaj . when "Ord-, nani e 1 ' will be - elebrated belere ' members e- the Arinj ftrdnance Asse- ' elation, ordnance and artillery evperts and prominent suestx trein all ever the (.eutiti y 'II "Ii i' W! , I'Hl ! i imdnriTiiOTiiM "js' Stere Hours, 9 te 5:30 Fer Wednesday BVE2ffIG PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADfeLPHl A, TUES&AY, OCTOBER 1921 Come see Columbus Cord Tires made see why we can guarantee them for 10,000 miles. Least te pay it that. Gimbel Brethers MARKET 'CHESTNUT it EIGHTH NINTH We keep this business growing by winnintf nnd holding your favor. We never offer unworthy goods, te catch you by low price. Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1921 Fer Wednesday Women's Dresses We've Specialized Upen Afternoon and Function Gowns i M Thank Yeu The response te Gimbel Antmer ary Sales was little dampened by the rain the store was simply suamped. We Ask Your Parden ter keeping you waiting; we humbly apologize for cases where we couldn't serve you at all AVc have added hundreds of sales people. Can j en recommend earnest people te us? Ciehtxnlra de Sel uid Iiftca at $43.75 Cinton Crpa t 535 Trieetlne err Can Can eon tirepe at 939.76 Reahanara Orep at f35 se successfully, that here are some of the prettiest models of the season each a levcl.v little echo of Paris I in tlie soft fabrics that were the wheltf story of Fashion and at prices almost unbelievably low. The Four Gowns Pictured At 949.76 black cachemire de seie? with lovely, airy, becoming, dressy, square-cut sleeves of black rose-pattern lace. Sash-back. Semi-princess front -with the loveliest, most artistic draping en the sides imaginable. Suitable for theatre party; for afternoon bridge; for receiving at qmall tea, for dinner, for the dansant At $35 black Canten crepe afternoon gown, with black silk faggeting and side-draped. The only bit of color is the bead cabochon in fuchsia colors. At 929.76 Afternoon dress; whitc-satin-beaded black tricetine ever black Canten crepe. At $35 An adorable afternoon gown of black Keshanara crepe, with the exact buttonhole faggot fagget ing and the metal-girdle of the Paris original. Three Additional Specials at $29.75 and $35 At 929.75 Black Canten crepe, with the Jenney sleeves cress-barred with nail-head jet beads every bead put en by hand! At 929.76 Black crepe de chine, with tasselled sleeve. At $35 Black satin-faced crepes, with wee, wee buttons a-down the shoulders and swirl of silk rope braid. Glmbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer $2.50 te $3.50 Philippine Undergarments - i f 17 J 81 I i IV I 1 j 1 91.85 Anniveriary bale-Hnced $1.85 Nt,only $2.50 te $3.50 values but the prettier of the $2.50 te $3.50 stylesl Just received exquisitely fresh and dainty. Beau tifully eh. very beautifully I hand- e m h r e i d e red, nana - scalloped, hand-eycletted Nightgowns. Envelope Chemises' and Drawers ITand-sewed, of course. Gimbels, Second fleer Silk Petticoats " Anniversary J0 fZCL Saic-Priced P.OO Clese te half-price. Seven styles plain and neyelty. All-jersey with smart flounces in gay color combinations. In street colors and black. Gimbels, Second fleer The Hat of Duvetyn Leads All Others 14.95 iMlk-duvetyn, made tip into -mall ,rrurt may be even a bit sauc,vl shape With the newest trimmings et bugle beads, chenille embroider), nailhead beads, and the latent craze of Pans embroidering with narrow her-pelish ribbon' BUck brown, navy and CeprnluRen llue henna, beaver, and red Anniversary Specials at $4.95 Gimbels Firt a id Third floors Fer Nights When There's a Nip of Frest in the Air Soft,JDewny Comfertables, $4.95 Perfectly plain silkehne borders give these comfortable a leek et distinction. Cotten-filled. Peuble-bed size, at 94.95. Silk Weel-Filled Comfertables, figured Jap ;ilk center with plain latin border, d 1 C Crochet Bedspreadn, tull size: no mere at this price after 1 JO these are sold Were S4. at Pfc Weel Blankets in block plaid patterns; pink, blue, grav and tan. Almest a third of 1 &Q QC last year's reit .. JaPO.JiJ Woolen Plaid Blankets wool- and-cotton mixed. 1 IC QC Exceptional value, at J)0JJ Gimbels, Second Fleer Anniversary Sale Specials! Men's Silk Socks at 68c m Yeu can't help but like g asm I ecend- e: SI -5 1 md rull-fashieued Blac'r. andc'er- Men s ecru cotton ribbed Shirts and Drawers: fir-t q alit all Mes. geed for 'all and QCJ, winter wear earh at - (.iimbel- Firt tlen- ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIALS Women's Silk-Tep Union Suits $1.55 3T Fuc hundred et these kd cr silk-top L'nien Suits ie-. ? te 42. in pink pe lal at $1.55 ., mt "Women' K mll-fashlenta Mercer litd RteckluiTi;; cieelle-it n'ihi te. fall b'aek lzr;i s te ICC . .. . IJC Olmbels Tiist loer 10 Fine Indestructible Pearl Bead Necklaces, $3.95 nntverar bale price regular ( aluc t- .ibeut ?e Uelic.iteh graduated daint in t-- elid geld clasp. And p-iaranteed' Ciimbcls. I-irst fleer The Outline of History By H. G. Wells One Volume : $5 Published te -.ell at $10 for two volumes. This is a complete revision and adds new importance te Wells's brilliant story of the development of mankind. It includes the late uerld war. Gimbels. Boek Stere, First fleer I Reproduced the Famous "Cape-Back , Blouse" But at $7.95 Instead of the $13.50 Which Was the Price of the Original Same brilliant, heavy Crepe de Chine. Same smart indescribably smart! silk faggeting, in the exact shade of the Crepe de Chine. Ties en each hip. And that fascinating cape-back is adorable! Brown, navy blue, bisque and black. Gimbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer Puli-Over Drop Drep Stitch Sweaters L Half-Price at $4.95 And the pret tiest cress-bar-weave tuxedos. Of mohair and alpaca yarns n a, v y blue, black, brown, tan, peacock blue, turquoise blue, and henna. Gimbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer Maker Celebrated Gimbel Anniversary with Coffee 25 c 5 At all our Stores Mill, i llll unllll iVi : kju.ii r 1000 Women's L'Aiglen-Make Heuse Dresses at $2.85 Value $5 Regular and Extra Sizes nd you knew 1.' iglen quality. Fine ging hams check's stripes plaids. Fqualh fine chambray the prem shades. Piquc-tnmmed piped rick-rack braided e en ercrandie-trimmed ' . i . , . . sues or aetacn- most "beceminjr 'RSV' A uiKdiniii-iuniiiicu W1'?! Sti Prettiest pockets and tie-sasl wWfGH Sr hle belts she can adjust te the n Waist-lines and Btllic Burkes. t Gimbels, Third floei. Mflllf 'J v- Y '' Pit 1 ' i ilMT -,' j,' iRcr. .il l,ll tOTr, r-V- "i irff?' 35 I Eternal Brick. i 1 IS 66pVPRES& is the weed eternal," says an advertisement; but hew "eternal" is a house built of cypress, or reefed with cypress shingles, if the reef once catches fire? The only "eternal" building material is brick. Jt can't burn, or rust, or Uecay. It needs no protection, no paint, no repairs; therefeiu brick houses ield the greatest leveinie in proportion te cost, and they eternally increase in value. Philadelphia - made bricks aie the cheapest fireproof building material mude and they lat eternally. Wlieu jeu .inl am Informa tion about !r! Ub their ltlmlH, colors, iiuilitlei. jitjles uses or urlcea tlie pridm'tn nf dlffertnt makern lien te uenl Hpeiiflci Hpeiiflci tleiie luuiH h et (enrn-tpnt art-hi-tctttk, hiillilerp nirineers etc call uu iithft t nur efTicen. H. M. &. V. B. SINER Church will Trften I'kfd 14-30 JOHN H. EARLEY Nlcetewn La & K Ht Kens 68-03 KEYSTONE BRICK CO. Godfrey, 12. of 8it nt plltc Fk 2-Jt P. SKITTER'S SONS fclen L.iyf Cj Bj,, Kijijh. 66-67 ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIAL Fifty 1 0-Piece Dining-Roem Suites At $285- 'et a large let t- the makers te tf or te en, At tlvs priLC htu suites will be just an aggra atien te these who mis sharing' 9600 Yards of Ail-Weel Navy Blue Serge We Can Sell at $1.55 Regularly $3.50 a Yard, that was $4.50 in 1920! It's made of fine virgin Australian wool soft te the touch and the ee! Beautiful de and finish. And 54-inch won't take much for a dress. ' We think it our greatest serge bargain and we've offered some geed ones ' MAIL ORDERS INVITED -Gimbels, Second tloer and Grand Aisle wz 2 r.K-'1 k R1V . : GML1 U. S. Army Kit Bags at $1 Made of very heavy canvas, for hardest sort of campaign wear and naval service. Ilerd almost a small trunkful : scrnrerl 1w Vir n.,..,i .--i; 'ft.i isriiM- ...ii.i. -i-.. .. . . . : : . "j .. un-aiwitnu acu ftv'rll F j reng miCKies. i-ine ter travelers, for campers, for auto f1l'rp r ailu "J uiuiung your Daggagc bv ''- i '.' batrcatre del.ivs. :i- $1 worth : parcel, pest thus avoiding l;- uuats, $1 worth $5 if worth a cent! Gimbels. Trunk Mere, Seventh fleer Separate Skirts Specialx at ... Stunning plaids pleated models Blue and blaclt srrges pleatnd $5i'rd,".7 90 Specials at HO Stripes nnd plaids, pleated te emphaslee the errmrtness of col cel col erlnr Series, tee fitrtpei nnd plaldi In novel nevel tv effei.te And fine, fine trlcettnes Women 's and Misses Subway Stere Sale $29. 75 te $45 Coats AT -Gimbels Salens of Drrs, Third fleer I I' I I I ;p If j' an temf -xe . . Wr?'"1 i VjQ 4 x III m $ ii I l M' i j1 h&my. S -. , A. i ' n T ' Jr mil rrwf: Mi y A h .Suite as illustrated; reproduction or Queen nne Period; beautifully decorated; buffet 66-in. long, beautiful cupboard china closet, console effect serv ing table; new style oblong extension tale with rounded corners, 48x60-in. ten, when closed. Set of Queen Anne cha -s, with high shaped backs, beautifully arved frames, slip seats, leather-cevere 1 ; dust-proof construction throughout , nade in American walnut. The 10 pwecs for $285, tegularh' $550. Gimbels, Sixth fleer ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS! 100 Designs in Wall Papers, 4x2c te 32c a Single Rell Values 20c te 65c 4 i tasteful deslsni Tint ??, at 40c Taints 8Se te Hatid-ieme messd papers manj 30-Inch. AU Papers Beld Only With Berdsra or Binder teUitli aimbels, rifth rl or Cutler Desks Reduced a Third fifl-ln tlrntdi nt tSRnei: I0J tO-ln. Deeki at Sflt Hfn, 1 M-ln. DkiVs nt W? Itf ! I'Mnitnl lxi'rllrr Hi ,., The picture II lUHtrateu an all quartered oak Hat top desk, 60 x SB n I I ti hrn HK.t InnAfl drawer handles and an encleHefl dick Theue desl.i u r e one of Cutler's best ?:rades Henewiied or pervlce and appearance. ISO-Ill. neUn nt i He. Sf 43-ln nrn ut 50 neic. T0 10x11 ut S7.V00 lire. Ill-' QlmbeU, Office Kurnlture, Beventh fleer' $19.50 Twenty-two styles loose-back models, with the whole backs embroidered; belted coats; tasscl-back coats; coats with the prettiest tailor-trimmings of stiuhing; coats with huge tuxedo cellars of curlj fur-cloth tuxedos clear te the hem of the coat! The leadiner coat-fabrics hnliinc !,-.,,. ..i . broadcloths, and rich, vchety seal-plushes. Mostly browns, navy blues, and blacks. Mostly fur-trimmed w ith big, beautiful fur cellar Many silk-lined throughout. And all misses' sizes: 14 te 18. All women's sizes: 36 te 44. Seme extra sizes up te 52 mm Jiili M'MiMKHi ssrai.srfj .rruT.n,,, wh m-Mn,M ' ' SIB 30 !Mn Velenr. (.10.(111 "" i OinibeU, bubway itere sssm. ' a , .. . . , . M T f I I T ' t ( .