ppg rssBagBasrifflEsasi SpmMHilMNPHMHWiiM 'flj" ' -WW!iyf ' ' jWyS 18 EVENING PUBLIC I;EDGEB-PkII;Ar)Ei:PHIA MONDAY, OCTOBER parly Season Errors Cause for Defeat of Pittsburgh Eleven in Great Battle With Lafayette ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmi ht. a- i ' -.- , -y,-;-iyw.t. i.. -, .t,...j;ivrvf-i.. , m i '4 wf, V fF !? liPIW' l . vT'r 'wv--fr-- "tttwftw ij j ivfMt'Kprrtr" - 3, 1)21 : VS a- - J .1 f. v.. v.. ft V A- A t- IV ' s - s-t ir v . 11- TRIPLE PASS BEATS , PITT AT LAFAYETTE IN FIRST JBIG GAME iBrunner Scores Touchdown in First Period and Pitt Is Unable te Cress Line Warner's Eleven Handicapped - by Early Season Errors, But Team Leeks Streng lly ROIttiKT W. MAXWELL "ports Editor Kvenlne I'ulillr I nlsrr LAFAYETTE'S Ucter.v ever the rimciit of l'ltt-hiirsth prevrrl te be the most Important linpn ning In tin- foetb.ill gnmrv l.it Snttirtlnj. 'Hie Maroen nntl White reir(l a tniirhdevvn nml did net trgistcr a genl, while the Pmnthers fnllcd te tre-i the peul line. West I'eint ran Aftnint hnr.l lurk in the kveihI jame of a double-header and lest te New I launch ire, Harvard nosed out Hely ('ie by eerlnR a reuI from tlid field, but Yale. Piinecten. 1'enn, I'cnn State and Lehigh came through with little trouble. Lnta.vctte and I'ltf-burgh plnjed one of the brit gnmei of football ever staged at sin h an curlj date. Heth team hail trained hard for the battle nnd were in superb phienl condition. The team from Eiitnii had one opportunity te score and took ntl.ant t?r of It. I'itt was within striking tils t4r.ee three times, but could net put eer the tinlshim: ptiiieh Early -season error were responsible fur Pittsburgh's defeat the second, "by the wnj . wlmh 1ms been Miffcit'! -line (ileun Warm r took charge of the team six .vrnrj. age. rumb'es at critiial sjun.. failuie of the interfeienee te Jtet in front of the runner en end runs, pe ir pnsn; b the center and the failure of a substitute te repot t te the referee in the laM period all centributeil te the defeat The substitute in the rinal period who took the place of Hewitt is said te Lave reported before tnking his place in the line-up. but the refeiee did net Lear him and the penalt of ." jiircN wan inflicted. I.afaette has a geed team this jear in fact, one of the best in many yearr and plaed a haul, e'ean game. The team had te be geed te win nnd Jeck Sutherland accomplished wonders in such a short time. The attack was well eectited. his plnjs inn off smooth!) and the defense had reached mid season form. He uetl tJlenn Warner's sjstem most of the time, and it was ffectie. The touchdown mine in the tirst period after Pitt hnd fumbled near the goal line. Twe tries at the line failed and "Hots" Hriinner, fermerl) of Penn, called the signal for the third pla . The ball was passed te the right halfback, who started around the end. ttTT'S thr reverie play'" yrllrd the Pitt hnemrn, and they trcre ' partly nqht. Thr ball irai handed te a man en thr left side, tche started around thr opposite end, just like tin famous criss cress invented by Warner. Triple Pass Results B TJT the resemblance ceased when the stead of continuing, he passed the pasts, and Bets tore through the renter of the line there was a big opening and he shot through for a touchdown. Once he was tackled, but he squirmed away and rolled ever the goal line. Trick plays arc rehearsed a let by football teams, but it is seldom indeed that one is successful when near the goal line. Then came another unusual stunt in a big game. When Hrunner pre pared te kick the goal he first ran te the center of the tield and get a small piece, of mud for a tee. He placed it en the l.Vvnrd line and the man holding the ball get in position. However, he neglected te holt his hand under it until Brunner gave the signal Instead, he rested it en the tee, and when the referee blew lii.s whistle Stein rushed out and fell en the ball. This is one of the most infrequent pla)s in football and it is the second time It has occurred in a big game, te our knowledge. While net detracting in the leant from Lafayette' victor), it must be said that Pitt has one of the best -looking football teams in years. The ends are better, the line is mere effective, the defense geed and the pla)ers knew 'a let of football Save for the frequent fumbles, which were caused mostly by peer passes passes that were ten low the Pitt eleven played a wonderful game. In two or three mere weeks the team will reach such a high standard that It will take a mighty geed aggregation te beat it. Pitt Weakened by Absence of Davies and Andersen rpHE Partners were handicapped through the absence of Paving and Ander--L son, who were out because of injuries. Davies entered the game in the fourth quarter, but could net get going. The result of this was that Hewitt, the huge fullback, was called upon te de most of the work. He was the principal gr.'ttnd-gainer nnd Pitt had no chance te use him as a threat. Hy that is meant he was almost sure te take the ball every time he played back, 'Instead of passing te the front halfback, as would have been the case had Davies and Andersen been in the game from the start. Hewift leeks like the best fullback in the East this vcar and should de velop into another McLaren He hits the line hard, Keeps his feet and has improved considerably en the defense. Glenn Warner has worked haid with this year's team and deserves much credit. He has an effective attnek, a sound defense, and if the errors had net occurred perhaps it would have been a different story. Warner is just ns geed if net better thau ever before, and will have a high -class, brainy team en the field this season. Lafayette also will be up in the front rank this )ear because it can't help It. Jeck Sutherland has manv high -class players and should go through the season without n defeat. The center of the line, with Williams and Deible, tackles, Schwab and Budd. guards, and Brown, center, is exceptionally geed, and the ends show premise. B Try, the freshman iud, did wonderful work despite the fact he was in his first big game. 5CIIWAB at guard is one of the best in the country and will make a name for himself thin year. As for thr backficld, Hrunner, Gazclla, Seatheltz and Captain Lehecka, if he recovers from a badly tpiained ankle, it could net be impreied upon. Lafayette has an unusually strong "small" college team this year. Army Leses One Half of Deuble-Hcader WEST POINT ran against a pnag in the first d mble-lieader the fidft have tried this war. when after dispe.ing of Springfield 'Js. te (i. the) Inst te New Hampshire 10 te 7. All of whiih gees te show that jeu neer can tell what will happen early in the football season. A sudden spurt resulting in a touchdown, put ever when least expected, is likely te ruin a icrfect afternoon. Harvard had a narrow escape in the game with Hely Cress, winning by the slender margin of a field goal. The Worcester boys were nil set for the game, were in geed condition and really outplayed the Crimson. Oagnen was off and missed several shots at the goal one from the 15-yard line when the ball was directly in front of the pests. Buell, of Harvard, dropped one from the .'SO yard line in the third period and scored the winning points. Leeks as if Vale is Uridine it difficult te get stnitid in the firt half this year and saxes, all of its ., erins for the peneds after the Intermission Against Bates nothing startling was done in tl.e iirst half and it was the same m the game with Vermeul. Turn Keud) s boys put up a stiff argument and let 14 te 0. JEXX defeated Franklin and Marshall, Rtate had it easy with Gettysburg, Princeton icon its first game of the season against Btcarthmere, but did net show very much. Copyrieht, 1011, bu Public Ledger Company Ml HIP BY ANEYELASH Detroit Slugger Beats Ty Cobb for American League Hit ting Honors HORNSBY BEST IN NATIONAL New Yerk, Oct. 3. Harry Heilmann, Detroit's slugging outfielder, wen the 1021 batting championship in the Amer l6an League by 0011 of n point, accord ing te unofficial figures made public today. Hcllinniin'H boss, ManagPr Tv Cobb, gnve lilm a merrv clmse for the title. JThey were virtually tied whin the ea- en closed vesterda) with :t!)(l each, but ithe figures when carried out te four per- centngc points gave Hellman ,,'lfiOl ami Cobb .3001, Until. New Yerk, was third with .377; Hlsler, St LeiiIr, last .year'H champion, fourth. .371, and Speaker, Cleveland, llfth, .3."7 Heilmann pnrticlpntetl In 1 III games, was ut bat M)2 times, scored 113 runs and made !KW hitH. A year age lie rankeil twenty-third In the batting list with .800. , Cobb, who last year was the ninth winking American League bntMimn with an avernre or .:t:U. mi in ,,. i!KB f? ame th" hls rival out. mimt tfci maaoe. IJ. taiud C05 k in Touchdown runner was half way around. In ball te Hriinner, completing a triple Majer League Champions for Season of 1921 TION.I, u:amk lllltlnc llomelu , st Inula ,ans I'ltrlilnit dnmi. riftibiirxh .77 Kun n-ttln- l!irnli, st. ImU 131 Hiiip htrnllnr Frliwh, Nm Yerk Ml dome runs Krllv, Nrw erk . . S3 Wen 14. lett S. AMKIUt'AN I.KAr.lK lllttlne Hrllmnnn. Drtrelt . .WO "I'ltchlnit Mms. pu erk . ,710 Hun (irttlnK -Itutli, Nrw nrk 17K lla Ntmllnc s,Pr, M, I,nul 33 Heme run Until. t Yerk 50 Wen 27. last 9. times, crossed the plate IL'2 times and hit safely 107 times. Rogers Hornsb) , the St. Leuis Car dinals' star second baseman, tepp.il the National League batters with .308, the unofficial nverages showed. This figure is an increase of ,s points ever his total Inst .vcar. when he also was the senior organisatien's champion hit ter. ItmiKli, Clin innntl, was seieml thlH jear with .3.7' : Cruise. Itestr.n i third. .310, Mellenry. St. Leuis I fourth, ..'HS, and Meusel, New Yerk' , hfth, .313. Yankees Have Seats te Sell New Yerk. Oct 3 The New Yerk Amr Van Keaxu luh anneun'ea that liexea for he World h serha ume 2 I n and h ever whlrh It haa control are all ani, iJUt that there still ur p enty of reacrwd aenta available The Giantit who have charae if Karnes I 3 n and 7, recently armeun. Id that ail reserved aeala for theae cenleata bad been aeld Allied A. A. Meets Tonight A regular meeting of the Al I .1 Athletic Association will be. held thla evenln at 13 1'. M. In the Jlanedkt Servlct Club, 157 North Fifteenth afreet, The by-law of tfa monlaUae wlU b aJutpiM st Ut taJ,hAflaa MANY ERRORS IN PRINCETON PLAY Tigers Shew Early Season Faults in Beating Swat-thin ere, Says Strubing INTERFERENCE EXCELLENT IJ) JACK STIUTBINO Vernier I'r.ncctni Ounrtrrltnek Frinccten opened Its season Saturday b) trimming Swnrthmere. 21-7. The little (Junkers made u gallant fight of it. but were lmplr crushed b over whelming power. Net by team power, but In n tollectien of Individuals who for the most part placd a ragged, most disorganized game Outside of .n few outstanding feature pin), Princeton was er) disappointing In the first plate, the Tigers didn't Knew the slgimls. The gnme was nn nn i.e)inglv delated because of this, nnd in the tlrst quarter a liiissnl signal en Piiriieten's Ionian! line almost cost her a touchdown. First game of the scaVen is no eeuse for inisng signnls when the were given te a team two weeks before. Princeton's ferwnrds were peer get ting down the field and covering hiclts. The first play of the matinee. White carried Princeton's klcli off back 40 aus, te be stepped tin.ilh b Leurie, the Inst man between him and the last chalk mark. Swartliinere ran the ether ktclt-eff en nn average of L" vanN tiiiges car ri'il a punt through the entire Tiger outfit 7." .vnrds for a touchdown. Then, also, the Swartliinere backs cairied the ether punts back 1(1 te 1." .vnrds be fore they were stepped This was net due se much te lack of speed in the Princeton fei wards, but mere te peer covering due te tee much speed. Time nnd again I saw a potential tackier tarried right past the man with the ball, the Tiger unable te change direc tion, lie was going mi fast Then there were nlwn.vs two or three of them standing around, seeming te think that it waj. somebed) else'.s turn te get into the play. Oarnet Who Baffles Xhp. ,1rl,lrcten line was somewhat jnmd In the plnv of the Swartliinere line, lime nnd again the) were ear rieil ., vards buck before thev could break through. Mercer coaches his line te charge sheuldei te shoulder, but en tliii- feet nnd hands. i ether words, it s ,r,iw nig charge, and a verv hnrd one te handle, because the offensive line seldom gets above the level of the knee of the defense. At the same time geed guns will never be made through this kind of chniging. bemuse the line can not progress mere titan .'( or 4 vartls, and can t open nn hides at nil. ' Princeton mn, vrl llt,.p sreun, """"B,1' " filter of tiie line, but ran around ,. i, d and off tackle almost t will. I he reason for this was obvious. ,llu'. V",:!! .1",ln,r' "'en were "grabhiiig legs I his effectively plugs the rente? of the line, but eliminates the center defensive men from anv ether nln. snel, as mesnK ,, tl,n Interference "before n mis una a cliance te form. The enlv way te ureal; up the style of line plnv which the (.arnet displaced is te (.ten en mi and this the Tigers did with glee. I.ut these Little (Junkers must be made of rubber because, although they were clawed te ribbons, thev al wa.vs bounded up tdinrpl) and happiiv. A geed lighting bunch 1 (loed Interferenrc l'he Tiirt r line !M Tint toelr ,.-.. I However, the men who came out- i?( tlin I:..- . I ... . - line and joined the interfere,! t.,- the end runs worked like clockvveik r.rd n.a,mf". bJ n '" mbPr e 1,,,?r"1 " .f", Iira.tiMll alvvavs Ket their man A,.v ruM t0 P."?" tirm n " ,V';' back ,.,, enrrv the ball If he bus nrene'r ,nci" or ln,tc;r '"' "lY'1'1 break ul -h protctien. nnd Princeton's interfere.'., ''"il1 ,(est! of '""B- was goe.l The H)iK cd took hi n r. tolleIng the suggestion of Director well. With this man ut of the v 'iv C ortcl.veu. Pawling made seveial efforts the rest of the intei ference cut .1 i leliii te ct s,nr ,,"1,,'s te appear in wind swath Uihev is a wonder at the l une "l1 competition -Uietl en a percentage of liking men out. Time and im i 1 'ns. 't "0 struck n snag In t.ich took two men during the play and .nee different case I'mully, rather than al lie celbeted three. 'low himself te be outwitted by beers The Nassau ends plaved n oet game aml mnnngers desiring guainntecs, and en the whole with exception of covering I nt tlle -ami' tll"0 keep himself in Plnln the kicks. Tlie substitutes for this part i 't''l)n'M luting's "Who's Who," Paw of tlie team are weak. T.vseu oeked ling dawned en the "trust breaking" somewhat like nn fnd. but' Winn eer- scheme, as he terms it. tainlv luts te work te dtvelep n sc(tlii pair nt wings who can if a biu' tame. stand I he gaff i Tlie fourth back Trimble was seeking si ems te be found. Van tiering plaved a vei.v une g',ui'. II. .arries the ball well and cm Kick and pass He j n lighter, tee. The thiee veteran backs looked as thev should. Nevvb), another newcomer, made one spectacular tun bv the old trick of reversing Ids lield. He is going te be of geed use this fall. Cleaves also made n couple of nice runs. Although the game was somewhat discouraging because of the lack of co ordination, there were individual flashes of brilliancy which give some hope when thev are all melded together. Pfince Pfince ten pliv.v..l a straight running game, using enlv four pas-cs all afternoon, two of which were rutliii peer ntt mpts, Iiv fin the strong, st pluv she has is her sw.cping tiid run, with five men in the interference. The Swnrthmeie . nds never had n chance, and very often I) e backs were put out of the play. This week will be drill, drill, drill te try te de a little polishing off. Beets and Saddle Itacing today at Jamaica and Ln Ln tenia. Meetings closed Saturdav nt Woodbine Park, in Jorento, and at ,IIavie de (iiiue. The fall meeting at r.auiel. Md. will begin tomorrow, te continue through October. The feature nt Latenin today Is the Illack Teney Purse at one mile nnd a sixteenth in which Mnrjerie II)nes, Hit of White nnd Hnngoen meet, te- 1 gfther with a half deen ether geed horses Horses which nppear best at i the Kentucky track tedav are : I Fiist ra.e, Colonel Ta.vler, Sam Itch, llarrv nurge.vne; second, .Merlmlin rerestall. Asia; tliild, Loveliness ! (liner K., At t ; fourth, Mnrjerie 1 Hvnes. lilt of White, Hnngoen ; fifth (Hnceland Purse J, Peter Piper, Ace High, American Ace; sixth, Martha Fallen. Omnipotent. Honus; seventh, (ilpsy Lad, J. C. Stene, Kingfisher. At Jamaica First race, 'Wishbone, Ltnotien, Citation; second, (Jrtindy, Snlute, Trank l'egart) ; third, Hepnra Hepnra tlen, Mv Plav , Commander Mc.Meeklu; fourth, Thiind. relap Devastation, IM winn; fifth, Dark Hill. W.vnnevvoed, Hep; sixth. Dream of the Valley, Dimmes.lale, Hill) McLaughlin. Bosten College Going te Texas llosten. Oct. 3 ArrdnKr-menta for the trip of 'he Iloaten College eleven te Dallaa. Tx wh-re thei- will n eet Ilavler I'nlver slty en tiiinher IS were anneunied today by tlraduate Manauer Krank Itenelds The s-iuad numUrlnc twenty plaera tl leave here f telier 11 and arrive at Iiallax Oc tober H The temn will step ever In St. I.nuls une day fur pnntlce. Schuman and Brltten Matched rolerndo Hnrlnita, Cole., Oct. 3 Harry Hthuman Denver welterweight, han been matched te meet Jack llrltten, welterweight champion, at IlaltUnere. October 17. It waa ai.neunced hera today by Schuraan man iAvx Sddle ilroeks. WHEN A FELLER HtMR fciegu fclrT t x yJ MORMlMG 7, t TbLD YbU IT lJOULDN'T I 1 (Jet smarlbe ukc. this J n; nrJsk' j That Puj-usj ) ")W FF V . - v!tej. I v e ?i s. 3n Cn,U s, T. t Im. PRICES AT PALACE Pavyling Will Make Effert Bring Down "High Cost te of Boxing" WELLING MEETS COOGAN n.v LOlIS II. .lAKI'K An Innovation in Philadelphia's fistic field will be made this week when the biggest of the arenas in this city will begin staging bouts for the smallest price of admission. It was erihed by (leerge P. Pawling, of the Ite Palace, today that he will make no effeit for n while te book chnmplens or nenr champions at his club, and popular charges for tickets of the old Ilreadway da)s will be In order. Pawling conceived the iden of pair ing off only third nnd fourth raters at the Ice Palace when he discovered the enormous guarantees demanded by top notch mittmcii, he said. Originally it was Paw ling's intention te put en matches between leading boxers in dif- frrenf cliisses lint- when he found out ,i. i. ..i.i ..... ..,... ...in. n, ....co lOUt IOJ IUU I OWL V.UIPL- IUUI IIV I'Ull . . ' . Kilter Jee Welling Tee Welling will make his lOlil-lTJ debut in this city tonight. The Chica Chica gean is here In the role of substitute, f.u tieerge Chant') , of Ha'timeie, and Mill Coogan, of Hroekl.vn. will be the pern)n of the second part In the main mi nt the 01)inpin A A. Welling was signed te meet Coegnn when it wns leatnetl that Chancy had suffered n nervous break down while training several tla)s age. Chancy has been taken ill suddenl) before. In fact, the Baltimore knock -creut has been forced under the weather at least once every season in the last live )cnrs-. It appears as If the change in vvcntlier has: a tendency te render Chanev unfit for boxing, and ustiall.v at n time when he Is priwnring for a match. It will be several weeks be fore (iceige will be able te get bat k into action, according tn word from Haltimere. Ilesldes the Welllng-Loegan match at the Olvmnia tonight, there will be bouts between Jnck Palmer and Bar ney Adair. Patsy Wallace and Jimmy Lavender. Jee Dersey nnd Hilly Devlne and Johnny Mack nnd Buddy Fitz gerald. Mentle Cemes Through Jimmy Mentle, Seuthvvark bantam, stepped Inte the breach as an eleventh hour opponent for labile Winder, of Plttsbuigh. nt the Nntlennl en Saturday night, nnd the substitute boxer net only made geed, but put en u fascinating fracas nnd returned a, winner. Fer six rounds they battled nip and tuck; then in tlie last two periods Mentle se com pletely smothered the rugged Winder with punches that he proved a victor by a margin. Anether boxer who nut en a rapid fire nttack was Fronkie Cenwn), of Camden. lie demonstrated that he wns entirely tee strong fur the tall and Although handicapped by height and reach, Conway managed te get into u let of action at clese quarters, where he outfought the Leulsinnlan. In the prclimB Charley Hay shaded Jee Cellcttl, a New Yerker; Maxle Williamson wen from Jimmy Austin in the fourth, when the referee stepped the bout ewlns te n badly bruised left e.ve suffered by the latter, and Bebby Allen drew with Hesey Ste) . SERIES EXCITES PARIS Americans Abroad Are Betting en Baseball Classic Pari, Oct. U. Unusual interest in the Werld'H Series bftweeu the Ntiervsi and American Lcngu ., in bain, tuken by the American colon) In thin eltv. Several wagers were mnde nt the T'OiigelininpH race track yesterday, even mene.v predominating, but today the Yankees were slight fuverltes, the odds being 11 te 10. One bet of 1000 francs was made at even money that liabe Ruth would make three borne runs during the series, JEj JH ss-i Zgj&SSBQKKHf NO STARS AND LOW NEEDS A FRIEND UJ """"""""""s-s III . UJELU' Melly "'"IF j v Vei'D Comb Your I n. Heiv Colleges Fared in ' Games Played Saturday IVnnslvanln, 20, Trnnklln and Mar shall. 0 I.nfavette. tt. Pittsburgh. 0. Princeton. 21 Swarthmore. 7. Ynle. 11. Vermont, 0. Penn State, J4; GettyiiburK. 0. Harvard. 3: Hely Creu. 0. I.ehigh. 22, Suftiuehnnna 0. Vlllaneva, Hi Urnlnu. 0. Navy. 40, North Carolina, 0. Dartmouth, 28. Mlddlebury. 3 Cernell. 41, St llenaventure, 0, Washtnuten and Jeffersen. 20; Ilucknfcll. 0. Amh.rst. P. Columbia. 7. P.oste.1 Collece, Id, llosten Unlveratty 0. lleornetevsn. 7. I.ban.m Valley, 0. Syracuse 3s, Ohie University, 0. Army. 2S. Srrlnfl!d. C. New Haminlure Stale. 10. Army. 7. Fetdhnm, 101, WimhlnKten CelleKe. 0, New Yerk University, 2(1. Heburt, 0. William 14. Hamilton, 0. Muhlenberir. 21. l)e'aw..re. 0. AlbrlBht. 27. V M. C 20 Notre Dani. 57. Lie 1'iiuw. 10. Wet Vlrslnln. 'i0, Cincinnati, 0. llniA'n, 12, Celby 7. Centre 14. Clcmsen College. 0. (leerela 'lech 41. OBlethorre, 0. Uleklnfen IS Junlnui. 0. Hnrhester 7 NlJKurn, 0 Ohie htnte, 2S uhlii VVeslenn. 0. W.ilsish. Ii. Purdue. (I. Nervven, 14, .Milne, 0 Indiana, 2'J, Kulniuaroe, 0. I'hlciiBe. 41, Northwestern, 0 Mlnnee'a, 10, North Dakota. 0. Colcate 14, Alleuhenj. 0. virelnla Poly. 14. William and Mary. 0. North Carel na. 21. Lake Kereitt. 0. VlrRlnla, 28; aoeruo Washlnsten. 0. Iowa. 42; Knox. 14. Ht Jehn, 20, Western Marylend, 0. Weiean, 7; Steven. I) Oberlln, 14. Wlttenbenr. 0. Wneater, 14. Hiram 0, Cae, 14, Akren, 0. Ilenanelaer, (1. St Lawrence, 0. Trinity, (I, Worcester Teili. 0. Union, 14, Clarksen, 0 M.issachuaetta Agulca. 14, Connecticut Ac Klea, 'J. Howdeln 0. rthnde lalniel State, 0. Michigan 4 4, Mount Unlun 0. Iowa Stale, 2h, I'ee, II, Nebraski, .'u. Nebruslta Wesleyan, 0. Marquette 14 Carrell CelIeBe. 0. IJetrelt 35. Franklin College, 0. Grlnnell, .1.1, Simpsen. 0. tieerKia 2S, .Mercer 0. Hethanv 28. Mnrlettn. 0. Jehns Hepkins 3, Mount St Marv'a, 2. Hates, 14 Tufta, 10. V M I 3.'. Hampden Sidney 0. v. and J 41 Ilande.rh M.iiun 0. Runs Scored for Week in the Twe Big Leagues NATIONAL LKAC.l I simi ryy! i FS Tl 31 20 27 23 21 21 20 Brooklyn .. Bosten . . . St. Leuis.. Pittsburgh, rhicaee .. New Yerk. Cincinnati. Phillies .. 2 1 131 f)i iel I 8l si ! , 2) I11 8 12 I i ii ii I r, .r J 12' ' :H :' ' 7 0 1 4 3 1 51 l 1 (i1 i i I e 112 .I .-, I 10I8 AMKKICAN LK Mil K S, New Yerk. . Bosten .... Athletics... Wrtshlngten. Cleveland . . Chicago . . . St. Leuis... Detroit M T'W T FIST1 21 8i Oi .' 12 10 Ii.il n s .1 a e 7 10 II 0 10 20 3 I" 'A 3 24 7 711 0 3 5 23 0 ! 5 2 8 15 2 11 13 Taste is a matter of tobacco quality Ch CATHOLIC NOW SEEKS GRID TITLE Coach. Brether Quinlan's Eleven te Try for Scheel's Fourth Crown WITH 44-0 VICTORY Saturday's Scholastic Scores Teme Scheel, 12i Nerthenat Illnh. O. nidler I'nrk. 7 Lewer Merlrtn HUh, fl. Norrlstenn Illnh, (Ml Nartierth HUh. O. HnrrlabiirK Tech. 19i Milten Illich. 0. Jltrcerabtirir, 14 Ihilllmere Tetr. O. F. nmt M. Ami., 2Ri )!ercebtirit Itfti., Hill Nehoel. Wltllimsen 0. Cenleavllle lllicli 0 Wnt Cheater. 0. Ashland lllali, 42 1 I.enist (lop, IX. Ibnnen HUh. 2(li Yerk HUh. O. Ilethlrhem rrrn. 2fli Tine A: A.. 0. iMerntlan Prep, ROi tYreUnd M. X; M. I.. fvnenater llleh Oil rettsTllla lllnh, 0. Knatnn lllah AS. llsen lllrll. 0. Mt. Cnrmel Illab. 40 Ma ha nor City It, RhetiaiMleab. Hlnh, Mi Mnhnner Cltr II.. 0, iiiair ArTHirmr 14i I'hllUnahurr Illch. tlunkrrtewn Illdi, 31 1 Mtuervlllr. ti. Htintlnirten II. M.. (17 1 (Irttrshura: II. N., 10, Atlantic City HUh, 20i Ilrldreten lllah, 0. Iteudlnc II. S. I4 ftevena Trnde, O. Ilonlentenn M. T. (I I'ennlnnten, 0. Runburr, 4 It Hanover. 0, lAwrrnrevllle, 33i I'erklemen, 8. Waynesboro II., 14i (lftlmrr Acnd., 14. Allrntenn Trei'. 13i Prdtlle, 7. By PAUL PBEP After two weeks of strenuous train ing for the Friends' Central game, which finnlly resulted In a 41-0 win. the West Catholic High Scheel football ream is ready te meet all opponents. Most every substitute was given n chance te show his wares in the open ing game, and Coach Brether Quinlan will start weeding out the boys net yet experienced enough te play en the regu lar eleven this week. West Catholic has three champion ships te its credit in the Catholic High Scheel League, and the students nre anxious te cop the fourth, the foetbnll trophy, which Is new held by St. Jo Je seph's Pren. Lns-t year the Stiles street boys de-1 fented the Burrs, 1) te 0, at the Phillies' Ball Park, and the AYest Philadelphia hels arc anxious te wipe out this defeat in the next game between the schools en October 2t nt the P. It. It. Y. M. C. A. grounds. Anether important game- thnt the Chestnut street oggregatlen is anxious te win Is with Us latest and nearest rival. West Phllly High. This game will take place en October 7 or 8. The tenm wns hard hit by graduation. At least half n dozen stars were lest, and It Is no ensy matter te replace such men In one season. With Jimmy Weeds, star quarter back at Penn State; Jim Cunningham, fullback, out of the game en account of nn injured knee; Jee Irwin, end, at tending Penn; Nick De Slmenc, star center; Jim Dl Fillppe. tackle; Bill Blake and Phelnn out of this year's llnc-up, Conch Quinlan has a man's size job in picking n representative eleven, even out of the large squad of green material. Mark Ctinuinghnm and Jimmy Mullin nre the candidates for iiiarterback, the final selection beins still in doubt. Jee McDonald, substitute fullback of last .vcar, in nil probability will take Jim Cunningham's place, with Brcnnan. a geed kicker, nnd Bierling, n line plunger, te fill in nt the ether half back pests. Mell or Craig probably will get n chance In the bnckfield. The line will be strong with such men ns Berkery, the captain, nnd Hake, "vets." as guards; Ciblin nnd Bill Doughert). of the 1020 eleven, tackles, nntl Harp Neville, Jim Blake, Pud Mc Hcnery, Jehn Sullivan te fight it out for the end .positions. Seme excellent talent hns been un earthed among the new men. Geycr and Wright are geed centers, but, of course, net quite up te De Slmene. Frank Plunkett, AVilllam O'Cenncll, Leuis Kstevez, Kenbeney, Cleaseu, Hawlsten nnd Spitela are showing up well. Prep's Pert Punts thltney Ilrlll nsnln servd Penn Charter we, when he came through ln the clealnu minutes. i of tl-e Central (rme ard nlumred en- ta-kle for a touchdev,n. It was hi. treat nlnityjard run f-r a s.-ero that wen the Laniiimn.) rame mil I Ililhvranrrr waa tut out of the Rme for the ies ct the season with a bielten new. but hit i rei vices were net missed bv ;!, ., ',"J ,rfni in inn iiaoner fray, termed creditablv per- Wlill-. en they hrue n the subject of the gpredbiv. Dlctt held fi H.--.,i su.,ru in uuie vicree e-. Iln like -i pr rM il inn unll wl.cn j la was llrcitid -it his aid,, if tne une. Friends1 Centre.! Innkeri un,,f..i .,,. Its cranie with the Weat Catholic Illch Scheel agcreBatlen Last car the Krluida' Inatltu- In hum maw urtu tv une, ugni team. nranlle Itn setback at the hands of Dick riHT'Tj1 Pt"Jn (-'"-rCr crew, ninny aetm te think that Centril Hljh haa the beat team In scheliatlc ranks here, Tredyffrln-Knatten Is Relnc alenir at n P r?fcti.c"p- a-vl " far 'h'"1 snsnn has wen teth Its rrnin's. Th "hr ..... .., ,., .,. I II. V. n a . - V.. .1. ,-3,,l IJ. i ..r,. , ireeru ie piy up ter ilie pour one We state it as our honest beliel that the tobaccos used in Chester field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any ether cigarette at the price. Lieectt & Myers Tobacco Ceil esterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Ihtxaslic tobaccos blended GARNET WORTHY FOE FOR PENN'S ELEVEN Swarthmore Played Brilliantly and Gamely Againm Princeton Despite 21-7 Defeat Mercer's New Line Proves Strength Against Tigers By EBAVIN THE Penn football team Is going te al .lnntntj have a very interesting nun .- tnlnlng afternoon en October 15. On that day the Red and Blue will be called upon te meet their fellow Quakers from Swarthmore. Princeton cuffed the Onrnct In the inaugural game of the season at Pal mer Stadium en Saturday, but the Tiger tongue was hanging out before the fracas was completed and every Itepcr athlete knew that he had been In something a trifle mere exciting than a chess match. The Tigers wen, 21-7. but it was mainly through the individual efforts of the peerless Den Leurie that the Orange nnd Black was able te run the figures up te thnt proportion, smnll as it is. Swarthmore has a real football team.nnd nny eleven that wrings a vlrtdry from the suburbanites will have te Inflict considerable self punishment. Gnmct Line Slreng The showing of the Onrnct against the chamnlen Tigers wns a distinct ! surprise. Outweighed by almost forty pounds te the man. It wns thought that I the Swarthmore line' would crumble nnd fade away before the attacK ei iuc Princeton forwards, but the Mercer first defense held with bulldog tennclty. the ends played gallantly despite the crushing sweep of Reper Interference nnd the bocks flashed brilliancy that bespeaks of future power. Princeton srered thrice during the afternoon, but the touchdowns were net made through n succession of short gains that p'accd the team scoring posi tion. In fact, the Tigers never ap preaehed the Garnet goal en team power. The first touchdown of the tilt was produced in the opening quarter nnd came when It looked as If Princeton were going te be backed Inte Trenten. Pcnnltles forced Reper's aggregation te their own fi-yard line. Then Gil Gil rey slipped off tackle for 20 yards. Then came the sweep of the monarch, Den Leurie. Surrounded by perfect Interference, he skirted the left end of the Gnrnet line und dashed by the sec ondary defense. This left him witli only Captain Gejgcs nis mt, 0 the goal. Mere speed was put en and as he approached the wee Swarthmore Scraps About Scrappers Al U'nener, who la Anxious te place him self In line for a lout with Champien Johnny Kllt-ann, Is In tr.ilnlnu fur a match with Dick I.eadinan of lljrtale. Tin;- will clash ln the. star sM-le nt the National en auturday nlnht. Yeung Cetter. Seuth Phlllj southpaw, haa coma out with a direct dell te both Danny Kramer and Jee NeUen Coaler Is managed by l'cte Meran. Professional and amateur bexlnc la te be reaumed at the llljeu Theitre the latter part of this month. Uddle t.Mg) lluj.-s will Ijo the matchmaker. Eddie Dempsey ImH teen wlnnlnc con sistently and also haa scored a number of kroike.ita Mine Marlins ,i prufotslen-il cu rcer. The former nmutiur champ him com cem peted In nbeut twentj-live beuta. Ills man. ascr. Dan I'cttlnHll, la KroetniHK lcmpsi.y for compellUen with lea.llnj Uu-peundera. Al Vane. local bantam, who Is muklnc K,Ln01'' Lf -Nw Verk. la mat-hed with Selly 'lets at Slsce Park, atatcn laland. N V teu". ihl. hli? "U"n18 """"" here (of .vs''rl''!',,'li.A,"1 KM WftBner. local Imxera. wnu are In Chicago under the mannc-ment of Ilir,n Mhler. both Ik.x at the UikL C ub 'i'.V ,""' and WaKiier s paired wlih IVie V'"kl'"- ycmWn, ,ll"a expects te show at Aurera, 111.. ucieUr 7 or 11. tlmrley Cress of this city, will appear at the National Stadium. In the atar bout bouts, Hilly I'lmpu will net be able te box fnr nbeut three weeks. In a bout 1th Johnm fered a badh cut ee as a result of a butt I'rrddle Mtrhle. brother of Yeunc Nitrhle his tlxed up a Bmnalum In the Ner Km si vvelsht. nml Oeur, le htnrke, Hi. Mflterwelhlit. uiw iraininar iner. Dan (llirtln. M.li1iul.nu.l. -.,.... . V?',llf -Vuther-VVlSn ch trnplen vvill meet Krnle baver New Knirlrmd i,iv,ii '" at the llosten Arena next Mendaytni'cj;'''r Yeniur Lew Hiker, of North Phllndelnhin Is prepared te Ket afirte.l for the aensnn .eEuathn?av?.ny et "" ", ..EuriiVirs IMdle Illellr, ft ThJlth,'ls en h troll of Johnn Itojre und Ilennv Arne .M.i'ann. Il.tss. ffl &m M HoWnsen. lobby VvaM ' v s ".U cV.lr'Iie'r . - ...., , ,,V,Y matue) uru 0ner A J. POLLOCK quarter, he cut off te one i,i. ... (Jclges' dive was futile. Thh Bave ir'l an etien fielit nml lie lllnrnll.. !i". nllS I the remaining clia'kllncs. c Lcurle Scored Twlce The second hcere was the result nf . forward pnss. Snlvely cnmB hack frT the end en a double inss, took tin. v.? and hurled It down the field te lour? ' and once again the Tiger quarter carry the ball over.the line. This time, fi trove cd eiil fourteen yards, but tl! ball had carrletl twenty yards In h Uhe Una! Princeton tnllv mnde nli' n hit nf 1...11..1.1.. . F Nevvby, n brand ne wTISer back.nrjntii b xty yards after witching n punt f the touchdown. ' nt f" Play. The Htmeilerity of Prhicrten. hevr. rer. ctm d net be questioned. t1? cv fniiilllnr with the signnls, thev zX0Z a tendency te overrun their em ebm! with the ball and there arc ether cat Reason faults, but the material R ., and It new Is n matter of drilllne b! correct errors. " M' Keck nntl Ileker steed out preml. nently in the Tfecr line. Beth 1 men. they show; surprising speed. Th i are down the field with the ends ".' punts, but they were g'ulltv often , overrunning, keck wns all ever th plate, In every piny en the defenu made Princeton off-tackle plnvs poi! siblc and even get into the interferes en end runs. He seems te smell whir! tiie. P'ny Ik going nnd usually is there He s a natural football player and hii mere fight than a dozen wildcats. Van Oerhlg Clinches Jeb Snlvely and Ll Stinwm are n swert pair of ends, and the backlleltl, with Leurie and (Jllrey ns headllners, rfi --.. tin 1 -. iiu niiiK. 1 in iiinti n.. . . j.......! tniiiinrisen even with thit HiirdwIck-nrickley-Mahan gang that V- A , " "I'l't'sitmn ier Harvard, an derbig, a new member this sci. son. seems te hnte hiu tni niinnt,... Against siirh material. Swarthmere'i i-u. nun rriiiiirKiime. j. no line which was thought te be the weak sister of the vniriiei maenine wns in reality the rw..ilh,-s,. vjt-igrs is a goon neid gen eral nntL n very wicked runner in 1 broken Held. Asplundth carries a ter rific drive In his right feet, runs well with the ball and Is en excellent de- lensive pia.ver. White and L'arp fit in well In the combination. The Garnet takes en Albright next Snturday, se that there is plenty of 1 inn- iu rt-tever irem tnc Tiger game te get In shnpe for Penn. There's 1 mighty Quaker battle brewing. REFUSES "PRO" BALL OFFER "LaDei" Goldblatt Turns Down Miner League Berth An offer from "Ham" ItcyneltK for mer Chlcnge White Sex cntcher, te play with the Tnmpa Flerida State League club hns been turned down ty "Label" Goldblatt, former Seuth Phila delphia High Scheel star and new at Penn. Reynolds hns wntehed Gold blatt play with the S. P. II. A. club nnd wanted him te sign for n second base berth with Tninpn next summer. "I have no intention of pln.ving pro fessional baseball during my college days," said Goldblatt tetla.v". 'Rey nolds Is only one of several scouts who hove made me n miner league offer, but will net entertain nny such proposi preposi tion until nfter I gradunte from the University." Gnldblutt hns pln.ved seeeiul b.i-e this summer with the S. P. II. A nntl also with the Marshall V.. Smith nine. SALESMANSHIP and Other Action Training Courses in ACCOUNTING INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE and many related subjects BETTER COURSES Because they are planned nnd taught te fit the industries which employ Diexel men. BETTER INSTRUCTORS Because they are net only prac tical men, but they also have the personality te teach men te solve every-day problems. . ENROLL THIS WEEK DREXEL EVENING SCHOOL e LYMPI A Bread and Bainbridge MONDAY KVBX1XU, OCT. 3 III DDY JOHNNY FITZGERALD vs. MACK 1111 i.v DEVINE J 1)1)1 Y Lavender PALMER COOGAN Until Wait. 1 11 liiilTcl, (Femur n riff BOXING'S TIIE THING! IIHST rillSli I. COMIlIIIIM.lt $ am IiitllKFhtluii, llit.iiliulir, DUzlntiM ,l 'lerplil liver, irllmi, iirriuu'"''l filtl rrHiili from utn ,1 fut tliHh niutl I in Kunrn riu or uy pruprr rifr"1" I'rlvute lleily II11II1I he e.n,l I'Ii-hIi Kriliirlnf PIIILA. JACK O'BRIEN mill s. iii;stn l T STS. BASEBALL PHIL"ES'PARK JlJjgflV Men., Oct. 3 Tuck., Oct. I nntl Neil.. Uri T. .M. HILLDALE vs. "Rube" Fester'. ArnSAt vviiuiniuun n in .unit 1 vutvrcu !,"- JOK DORSEY vs. PATSY Wallace vs. IIVItM V ADAIR vs. hi r. h itii.iniii WELLING vs. SimiIh 1111 milr mm, Het Hniiul nml I.niMNt M- Art L