ffWj WW$ f -'tTvi ,tv,n BrV' f4 EVENING PtBlilO LEDaER-PHIIiABELPHlA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1021 CONFERENCE HERE WILL AID JOBLESS Chamber of Commerco Plans , Meeting te Relieve Unem ployment Situation DATE WIuTbTgIVEN SOON Wr rZm It ee of the Cl.ftml.er of Itttlens Oe mtrerlir hns j,lst returned 9fm .fVn'ilinB the Nntlennl Unemploy Unempley ''JSffi rence In Washington. SWe within a dny or se will " ". V. n mnrt HZ l.CrC. fcliuillir ri!!w!mp,ey ment Mr !"?fcAvn"h Wten conference, at which 10 lh foWnrers will be nsltcd te Ret bc ffiS" h n n cnt and put the Wash Krtra recommendations Inte effect. lD''Part of the emergency relief te be ..taSScd." mM Mr- TrlKR t0(,uy' Sn be bnwd upon licart' ;-Pcrn' m neon the pert of manufacturers. i1 Ven as unemployment shows up In rt. future, for instance, we want mi iffflrt te absorb it into industry again. The Uele thing is a matter of permm .inn Wc want manufacturers te start Srilt new and begin taking en men Within reason, of course. Each Must De Part "If n factory is closed, we de net cx nect a manufacturer te open it and run Full If he has no orders. W e de expect, ImUvcr. each manufacturer te de what fcScSn and this very effort will lit it Mil 'stimulate business nnd make It in creasingly easy te take en raore nnd mere men. , "This hearty co-eperntion upon the nart of manufacturers will be a portion hi the emergency relief measures te be out into effect. We should have some sort of registration of the unemployed by the municipality; then we would knew exactly with what we had te deal. Thcre is a let of talk about unemploy ment, but nobody knows just hew bad It is. "Personally, I feel business is re suming. DuMncss In many sections nnd lines is getting bnck into hnpe again, and is moving with a stronger current than many people realize." Concerning the forthcoming meeting the committee made the following an nouncement : The Industrial Relations Committee made the following announcement today : "New that the unemployment con ference In Washington hns taken a pre liminary stand urging local committees llPiifilS Safe ivLEKr Milk te proceed with plans for restoring busi ness nnd relieving unemployment, the Industrial Ilelntiens Committee of the Philadelphia Chnmber of Commerce will proceed te get together the vice presi dents of the recent luncheon, and all men who nre heads of local business nnd trnde bodies, nnd take 'the steps neccssary for business revival. The action will be taken in confermltv with the instruction of the Washington meeting. A complcte program will be devised en the return of Chairman Er nest T. Trigg from Washington in a few days." REV. P. E. OSGOOD GOJSWEST Ends Pastorate at Chapel of the Me diator With Communion Service Although the Hew Phillips E. Os good preached for the lnt time yester day in the Protestant Episcopal Chapel of the Mediator, Fifty-first and Spruce streets, there was no farewell sermon. Mr. Osgood, who hns been palled te the rccterslp of St. Mark's Eplscepnl Church, Minneapolis, refused te men tion the word "fnrcwcll" In his pulpit addresses. lie officially undo farewell te Li's congregation nt a "send-off pnrty" lest Thursday night, and yestcrdny's serv ices, according te the vicar's program, were devoid of the usual farewell ser mons and lingering handclasps. At the morning hervice the Ilcv. Mr. Osgood preached n cormen which he might hnvc prpnehed en any ether occa sion. In the evening he ndmiulstcicd the holy communion. When Mr. Osgood pronounced thu benediction nt the close of the com munion service, his vienrsl.lp rnme te an end. He left for Minneapolis last night, and will preach in his new pulpit next Sunday. St. Mark's Church owns property valued nt Rl ,000.000, and has nearly 1C00 communicants. ffiBfc;,a:sjaajafaM i4 vS 1 HI 1 53.25 & Fer IafenSa & Invalids iOGOOJUNQ the "Feed -Drink'' for All Agea. Quick Lunch at Heme, Office, and Fountains. Ask for HORUCK'S. QJBMBIBlBJBJaS Harrisburg The Stale Capital $3.00Elizabethtewn lVlth Its Maienlc Heme $2.50 Lancaster $2.50 AND KETUItN War Tax S per cent additional Sunday, October 16 EP"Tlie. MfiBnlflrrnt Cnpltel Ilulld Inr will lie open nn this (Inte nt Ilnrrlnburg, nnd nn opportunity "III be Klrn te l!t the ram ram ram modieli unil beautiful Mmonle Hemes ut I31liiibetlltewn.C3 SrKCIAI, TKA1N LEAVES nrend Street Station - - - 7.30 A M Weit Philadelphia - - - - 7 33 A M 52d Street ........ 7.42 A M RETURNING. LEAVES IlnrrlnburB -----. -.7 IS P.M lillzabethteun ...... 7.40 P.M. Similar Excursion, Sunday, Dec. 4 Pennsylvania System J The Itonte of the nrendnmr Limited Ej, HE ROSE AT 4 TO PL A Y GOLF, BUT FOUND IT WASN'T EARLY A. S. Huntington, 32 Nctv Street, Cheerful Enthusiast, Dis covers Tliirteen Devotees Beat Him te Tee at Cebhs Creek Public Linhs Ne mere earnest devotcee of sport exists thnn the man who arises from n, comfortable bed at 4:15 A. M. te get his bag of golf clubs in the line en the first tce at Cebhs Creek public links. "Aha," he thinks, as lie fumbles In the darkness of the family closet beneath the stairs for the "sweet feel lug" sticks, "I'll put one ever en these guys who imagine they're going te get nwny early." lie softly closes the front deer nnd then nlmet wakens everybody when n loose shoelace trips him. The night is lather cool he thinks, particularly en the neck. Down the street and across the read nnd ever te the links. Only the skinny illumination from the moon. Loese stones skip before him as hu paces the well -remembered path te the clubhouse. There en his left is the tee which Inter in the day will be circled by j;olf j;elf ers of every age, size nnd description. The grass is rather damp, he can feel its coolness. He reaches the tee. There before him are stretched thir teen bags. A. S. Huntington, 32 New etret, Keystone, looked in amazement at the bags already In line. Without doubt there are at least thirteen golf enthusi asts In Philadelphia just as keen for a game as he. There was nothing te de but wonder about it as lie walked down the fairway te the path leading home. Ile wns still wondering when he climbed into bed. Fer the unlnltlnted, golf bags en the first tec nt Cobbs Creek are lined up n hundred or mere strong before 7 o'clock Sunday morning, waiting their turn te get up and drive off the fim ball for the eighteen holes of mendew croquet. What mero eloquent appeal could thcre be for mero public courses In the city. Mr. Huntington is a golf enthusiast. Ne one would doubt that after knowing of the pcrforniance at 4 in the morn ing. Besides, any one who wields a stick in the "eighties" nt Cobbs Creek has get te be nn enthusiast. And that's what he docs mero or less regularly. Few actually wait that long; there nre sufficient ether ways te spend the time. Put your bag down and then take the family out in the flivver. Or go out about 7 in the morning, go bnck home nnd have breakfast and read the paper, go ever te the links nnd spend a few I hours en the practice field, have din ner, at the clubheuse nnd then about n hour afterward you're ready te play. On a Sunday afternoon the links leek like a fair grounds. The first tee is the entrance. The second doesn't pro vide a let of amusement, but, eh my, the flilrrl ihn prnwds lust cnther there. And the fourth this is where you held up your hands in horror that tee is the mecca of all the pilgrims. An hour can easily be spent there viewing the sights. Aside from the kick registered by these who have te wait se long at the first tee, there's a kick against the players who start from the ninth hole. The course could never begin te pro vide for theso who want te piny, se from 7 o'clock Sunday morning un players nre started there. X the official starter get en nearly Ami these who hnve nlftved nlnn nre sent off alternately wlth'theM have yet te start Rely en Cuticura Te Clear Away Skin Troubles fletp te dui, Olntmtnt te toetn .T.t.em te pw in, tie. Sunpltt of Calient, D.pl Y,MtXitn,iUti. mmmmmmmmmmmmmimmp A Handsome New Suit of Tweed $29.75 TT A s is a sport model with stitching en belt and pockets, striking buttons, tailored skirt with but tons at either side. Brown and blue mixtures. jKAveid Imitations & Substitutes ' IzjMsimrnmfflimimiEMmmsi&uk Wanamaker & Brown Weman's Shep Market at Sixth U . S Army Auctions Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 11,10 A.M. Philada., Pa., Oct. 25, 10 A. M. Camp Lee, Va., Oct. 31, 2 P. M. Bosten, Mass., Oct. 28, 10 A. M. ' Textiles, Machinery and En gineering Material, Leather and Harness, Subsistence, General Supplies, Clothing and Equip age, etc., will be sold at the above places by public auction en the dates named. TERMS OF SALE 20 of bid payable at time and place of tale remainder in 10 days. All material eeld F. O. B. point of Bterage. Here are a few representative ttemi: 2,000 Tens Ceal 124,000 Steel Cots 106,500 Currycombs 326,000 Lantern Glebes 1,162,000 Shoes, Herse & Mule 315,000 lbs. Iren Wire 135,000 Barrack Bags 181,000 Linen Cellars, new 30,000 prs. Shoes 130,000 yds. Duck 1,200 Ufe Wafts Write te: SURPLUS PROPERTY OFFICER Army Supply Base 1st Ave. and 59th St, Brooklyn, N. Y. for catalog of all item te be told at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Camp Lee. Write te Surplus Property Officer, Army Supply Base, Bos Bes Bos eon, Mass., for catalog of all items te be sold there. Irand-New Unused . Automobile Saving If you are familiar with the foreign rate of exchange you may get an inkling of the "reason why" for our low prices when we tell you that some of these cars were made for expert. Among these en hand new, which we offer subject EAT WITH FALSE TEETH? SURE! Dr. Wernet's, Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Relieves sere gums, sweetens the breath. A white powder. At best Drug or Department Stores, 30c., 60c., $1.00 or write direct te WeraetDentiMfr.Ce.,115BeeicraanSt.,N.Y. Adelphia Grill There's a cozy inti macy in the Grill here that makes for comfort. Newly lowered prices, exceptional feed, quick service, all play their part in the Grill's popularity. The lunching meeting place for businesa men. Hetel Adelphia Chestnut at 13th IftSheppacd &Sem Newest Neckwear for Women The Cellars and Cuffs te be worn with the sweater. Pique, linen, or gandie, eyelet embroidery, setin and broadcloth Seme lace trimmed. Peter Pan, two-picce and ether fascinating styles. Prices 50c te $2.00 the set. tk i Irish Cellars mostly Tuxedo nnd half-roll shapes; Venise Cellars 1 .1 1 . 1 1 .1 -J.L fl-.. -1 e snert-DacK sryie ana tne srynsn jim snupa. Prices range from $5.00 te $13.50 IOCS Chestnut Street te prier sale, are the follewing: Locemobile Series 7 Columbia Sedan Challenger Mede! Columbia Touring $. R?ght-Hand Drive) Maxwell Touring (Magneto) Moen 6-48 Touring (Wire Wheels) Moen 6-68 Touring (Wire Wheels) Monitor Touring Grant Sedan Re Vere Sedan whedf) 10 "' P' Meler' Cadillac-Medel 59 An Extract Frem Our Binding Guarantee "It is also agreed that this order is given with the understanding that if, for any reason, upon personal inspection of this automobile, it proves unsatisfactory, the order shall become void and my deposit shall be returned at the option of the buyer." What's Your Favorite Car? If it isn't in the foregoing list we can probably get it for you. TRUCKS KELLY-SPRINGFIELD The following and ether makes of trucks are available at considerably reduced prices. RIKER STERLING TIME PAYMENTS IF DESIRED Betts-Hart Moter Company Spruce 0511 2 SO Seuth Bread Street Spruce 0511 Economy Basement Specials for Tuesday STORE OPENS DAILY M 9 A. M. CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. SnellenburgS JfmENTIRE BLOCK-MJRKETIIZ!te 1212 STREETS J- Our Economy Basement Men's Clothing Stere Features EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN Men's Fall Suits at $17.75, $21.75, $23.75 and $27.75 Well tailored of the newest fabrics and in the most popular styles. Tep Coats, Special at $20.00 Men's and Yeung Men's Raincoats, Special at $4.15 In tan and blue. Men's & Yeung Men's $5 Fancy Trousers at $3 Pair SnellenbjrgS Economy Basement Women's $3.00 Jaunty Slipens Marked a Third Less at $1.95 And They're in Very High Faver for Fall hwr"i a Xicrly in .i d e of oft, pure worsted In nil the pop ular shades. Jrent diver sity of mod els, with long or b h e r t sleeves. bK ELLP.3 "'JjS Ecennrn Basement October Sale of Wall Papers Savutgs of 50 and Mere 15c te $3.00 Wall Papers at 24c ,0 $1.50 Re" All the newest effects in figured, floral, stripe and plain papers. Iterders te match all papers at 5c te 20c yard. Pleabe brine measurements of roeniB Ak for free circular en "Hew te Hang Wall I'npcr " SNELLENBJRJ5 rronemvnaement $2.25 rey in blue, $4.25 Thrift News for Parents in These Beys' New Fall Clothing Offerings Beys' $6.50 Combination Black Rubber Rain- P J r coat and Hat at. . . .4.00 Of extra-froed quality Sizes 4 te i s yearn Beys' $4.25 Oliver Twist Suits Of fine-qua. tv corduroy in blue, preen find brew n Beys' Norfolk Scheel Suits. Sizes 8 te 10 of rtra-(?oed qual. ity thevletH Strongly made, bltr as sortment of colorings te Pelcct from Knickers full 1 ned Beys' Corduroy (JF JA Suits Dt?.OU Sizes 7 te IT Spltndld quality full lined ltnlclters Beys' Norfolk Suits, 2 Pairs of Full-Lined (Z ( Knickers DO.Oe Of extra-Reed quality fancy chev iot Strenplv made and well tailored. Sizes B te 17 Beys' Knickers, S9c Geed quality fane chi'vlets and corduroy Well made Nene sent C p r Beys' Knickers, $1.39 Plzet 7 te 17 nf . tra-nne qinllty cordurev just what the bes want for choel SNELLEN 3" J S Eoenom' Basement Corsets Greatly Underpriced $2.00, $3.00 & $4.00 Corsets, 95c, $1.15 and $1.79 Pink or white ceutila in medium rust and girdle-top stjles. Leng hlplmcs 59c and 79c Brassieres and Bandeaux, 39c and 49c I'll U ei white, tillncu or lace trimmed SnTlLV QLRjS cnnny Basement Continuing Our Remarkable Sale of 60,000 Men's & Beys' 25c & 35c Popular Seft Cellars At 0 Each tih. z All Clean and Perfect Ne Seconds This extremely low price less than half, yes, and even less than a third. nriplnnl nnntntlnnc m.laa ;. PflBllv nessihla for vel! te hnv in dnnn leta And that's just' what hundreds of men did the first day of the sale for they recognized opportunity when they bnw it. There's a Splendid Selection Eighteen Geed Selling Styles Six Are Sketched. All Sizes 12 te 17 SneTTenbUrSS Economy Basement A Splendid Opportunity for the Large Weman in These Women's Extra-Size Sports Suits The Most Practical and Service able of All Suits and Werth Considerably Mere Than This Lew Price of , $15.00 Well-made, generously cut suits in the new heather combinations. Very smart models, just suited te the large figure, have belted coats. Sketch ehew3 one style. i t $13.00 r-y $9.95 Women's and Misses' Velour Dresses at In reindeer and beaver. Pretty, youthful straight-line belted models, with vestees, silk stitching or velour trimming. Three-quarter sleeves. Ex cellent for business or school wear. Each 89c&$l Women's & Misses' Petticoats and Pantalettes Black and all the new shades. Petticoats have plain ruffled or pleated flounces. Pantalettes are ankle length with ruffles and ankle shirring. Women's Extra-Size Voile Waists ff Daintily trimmed with lace, embroidery and 'ucks. Leng or short sleeves. b,."LLr.B ITS Economy Basement Girls' $1.50 Pretty Gingham Dresses That Will Appeal Instantly te Thrifty Mothers at This Lew Figure of 79c Clear, bright checks, stripes and plain colors. Various smart styles, with belts, pockets and contrast ing color trimmings. Sizes G te 14 years. Women's & Misses' $1.50 Voile Smocks jr at 45c I'.nntlly emhre-flTerl in all the wanted hhada llt belt and pockets Misses' & Girls' $3 and $5 Middy M & M AF Skirts at $L Li,ye tloed qiulitj .-.erne in aai.ty plaldb and plain naw M jp l'npu'nr box plaited efTects Just t e thing for t-ihei-il wi.ir '-Ize'. ' ' Misses' & Girls' $1.50 & $2.30 Serge & Sateen Bleemers at 79c ,0 $1.95 Each W e -m.i Ji t hum s, t r hoel and p'.niniflum wear Girls' $3.00 and $5.00 New Serge Dresses at $2.00 $2.95 1 ' K'll it iii .'Mj. wi"i nnctinr n sie .ind rhi-xrin en shield dr-h meM trln med with ,-nin Mlk and l k braid and i-nrne jutrper dresses Sl?.s fi te 14 enrs Girls' $8.50 te $13.50 Winter Coats at $5.95, $7.95 & $8.95 Smart beltfd models of fnm che che iel. kir?f .nd m xed icatinR. n hfte pe' km nnd some nre finished with fur cleu, cellar .Siren 6 te 14 years 5 Economy Dasetnent Extra Special Values In Women's Dainty Undermuslins 29c Lingerie Cleth Corset Cevers, Each . . f fine . ft linserle 'if nt PHlh'V cloth Nn k ery trimrrtd ut and armholes cmbreld- 39c Chemise & Bleemers, at, Each In fh;vi nn 1 white. All full cut und attrHc tej ntyled Gowns and A(n Drawers at. Each . Try C 1'iilt tink red or d.ilnttly embreld- ! V tMIIl.Ttli Lingerie Cleth Gowns at, Each Tie" - ,Air model with neck an 1 b.ter . mbreider tnn med Extra-Size Gowns, at, Each Tailored slpeer mec'eU fltiiihed with neat stitching Lingerie Cleth Gowns or al, Each OuC harming ete with pi t-in uleeven ekes. of embruldery and 59c ith neck med 59c and 1. e pretty tnserti"H 98c Gowns, Chemise & Bleemers at, Each 1..1TKI' ctlertiin of s-y.fB tlibo tlibe ratelv tnmmi 1 with I 1. e and un un breidet In i'tt,i and "lute Regular & Extra-Size Flannelette Gowns at te di! se Each 65c '" $5.98 ift 11 ' ,11 tn fur . hi 1 1 v n Kht .V i: Women's Gingham & Percale Bungalow and Pinafore r( Aprons at. Each 07s rfrefiillv made of lip TOILS Nea Ml( tl ete i u most 1 1 pular material ind tilmmed r IpltigH r 1 raid apron with Ss. Oi -e5 ''" "r m Hasement $9 California Weel Blankets $5.98 Pair Fine California lamb's-wool with about 10 cotton in the warn Daintv nink nni h nn hf,)erQ ni.i..i.j -i... vul-vu" '" " warp. - -.-.. w...wu. .-'VUUIU-MCU Bll $5.95 Each $8.50 Lamb's-Weel-Filled Comfertables Covered with flowered percaline. Have nlain RnUm, t.r.wi ....- lamb'a-woel fillinc Pretty 'floral pattcrna i. All -full Z brderB and bNEaErlBUROS Economy Basement 17' . ! . j Mtiir, ' ' 309iOL'i A l W N. SNELLBNBURG & CO.; N. SNELLE, 1JIG & CO. -- 9