" mf.mmamr iWPWIiU I, ll, 1,1 vfmimmm. slW ', 'S"TOsi w iwpiri - ' - rwrmp "p' j 'snsgcerf : .: ' ,.-' mxsssummmmmmmmmmm THtBWW"3lBWNBWi'liflc. ( icTrv i WLTBiBKH 9llKKHtH&lmtNiN V""1"' T8W Is I y fttV 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA', MONDAY, 'OCTOBER 3, 1921 f" Weman's Life and Leve ' Ity WIXIFKED HARPER COO LEV - Fifty-seven J arielies of Husbands: Jealous Ones VKH since romantic love beg 1 1 1 ' scenes," in which lie bcremei violent I'jfalettsy has seemed te be proof m proportion te his certainty. luwltive of passion p have condoned' v nil hnre known erdlnnry. every- crimes, almost te txtmn:. iiiwii wiiib (lav folks who had no inclinations thl act nt mur defi If thc.v were ncreatcd by that fe4ng. At lend en& thp part of mt. In the rase of j women it hns itsfiall.v been re garded as eon een ttfimptible nnd h Jt4 t c r i n I. Othelle smother in Ills I e c I y bride, n r (i ti e i ajgmpnthy nnd compassion . but wire who uf- torture (nun ienleuv " he tiiii'pnvniiilib'. unecins Jr Everywhere- mi Main Mreet. ns in Iiee e mnitii one sees ewiiiiM.i- m .:sbSbB1B1B1bi . 1 & W d V .1 , are tpmiipstu'iu- and iinien''ii.inn'. Mr Ipahuv t cutlet s I'fp i.iihr-irah'e fetf thp object of tin'" nff.-tlcn. t eutsider1' arc apt t" pitv him iiitp thn her. The bleed curdling noemint Infthp public prcs et '(iiitrngeil" bus. bahdH gunning fur supposedly suoees fuf rivals elicit -.ih- of envy from upthstern whose own -live nre mlerlcs, anil rirab : 'l hey i ticristi n secret inng I toward coquetry or Infidelity, who on en ! dared n mueh petty Inquisition be cause of a husband's naturally jealous nnture that they became nervous, fidgety women, terrorized and itniineii ter im tusks of life. In walking with young innirled ueincn one often has te clutch her arm. nnd reclaim hysterically. Theie' I knew I vvns belnx followed. What shall I de? lie ha been shadow ing top for dn. trying te 'set some thing' en nip' Oh. I am n nervous wreck. I positively tremble lest some ninn I chance te knew will innocently sleti ami chat with me. That would lie i fntnl '" In vain. ynu reason with her. ftn is said I Insisting that If her conscience Is clear foolish Iip ni'iy tie followed ler mnniii" niumui nny harm, rue result "i me ir i-hh abnormal state of mind. hvsterta. She in lives him of hounding lur dewn: he declares that he is going te "knew the wur-t" nnd generally ham reign t'nn there be nut cre.lter tcrminf Ititlwr nf two .lltetnntives l tragic If winiff r.n ttAtirrcn roei.nr The Heart Pirate Ily IIAXKIj DEYO IIATCItEI.OR CopiKlel'tiDthbu VutHc t.tdacr Cem tan v 'llicoilem Caldwell hn become rn -gaycil In Jimmy Itlanil ntid In hn' turpi lie i. net hnpp;i ubniit II. She tells her employer, I'irhnril Illakei lee, that the is Icnvlni) te be mar tied, nnd became he fccli thai i'i'" hai un rinhU aside from iii irlir.i, he kidnnpi her nnd carries her nff en hii yacht, bound for a Seuth nur icon hiiuneii trip. A broken pro peller, heirerer. force the pncht te make for shaic, but net fcceir I'nh nrd Htakcilcc, iccing t'hee for the firil time tin icewmi instead of en nffice machine, falls (it (eir irlth he lie is aiiia:c(l nl her icfnsal, for he has atiraiii had what he irnn'i' 0' t of life. Hut 'I In a Is determine hi remain tine In Jim mil in spile of 'he fact that she icaU.cn she never Imcn him. and thai Itlakcslee's tempes Iiieiis trneint) has mi cpl her off her feet. When the yacht lands n Sn vannah, (la.. Then rseaprs and hikes a (loin inr rir ) n A. CIIAIM'KK WWII The Return of the Prodigal TIIKe stend ipmennsU hesitant be fore the telephone She bntcd lit A FLARE-UP AMONG HAT BRIMS l iff A ' J ' ' - V'?1 1' our the problem, the victor wnlUinK off intf for Mime tiredaterv male te cure se wtlh the prize. Witch for them Hint thet will Jtnttle for Surrly civilization has reached a them. The old concept ion nf hue -i" ir.Ki,t '(1f decency and common tens' ferocious poeien illc hard. where ndults realize that the matinR of Is It really the iepn--e and lawless- two muluallj attracted persons does net nf? that we'ndmiie in the icaleus bus- I imply ewnrhinp. violent posspsive pesspsive band, or the tmnsined id'-l.itvy under- ties, the ncht te prv nnd torture. A nentb it? 'man who tinds n wife cold or untriii' Real love can in mic admit of can never rekindle the amorous flame jfnlMlsy than of spite nnd trucln. Hue b jenlens nic In the ''asp of proved reads of n husband who e loved" his disletnln. enlv two courses ate open wife, that he "belt her up" nnd i te a decent. I'lenn-minded persen: un tbrnshed their bonnier, because he qunliticd fereienes threiiRh undei -fancied the lalter was attentive. stnndiiiE of the human soul nnd its t'nn tm thvikins P'.-ti couple love temptatiens: or n dienltled .llselutlnn nifh brutalitV and ,-,e,,l,lcnes,- f .he le.nl t,e when ihe moral one !,. Vhr male bicte is mereh a survival of been seven d the jungle Mr. nmem; domesticated Hut icaleu voldem waits for proof nnfmnis. of .he tem (.t tint howl nnd It i an abnormal passion akin te di- milt nnd tl at eni h "'her tlireats ,.n-e. It is toeteii in sen-ieve hum epi fee the favor of t'teir ile-irei effects of hitmanitj'- upwnril ihe union Is broken up. there i surfcrini: I ,nir ,own the reeeher. n iltend sense nuil inlenc If tliev crnveniv re en. in endless quarreling and bickering, tbej nre lower than the nnliunls, who AkIjI one . 1 lie climb from the animal are ippeMd te be often- lnsi. civilizing I.eve i a gentle, un selfish jcarnins which Inns- for the happiness of the beloved i 'The husband who i jc,i!eus is mi mi plcjeilH. He permits hi. lower nnture te sanction in of the spving nnli hednding of a free I uiiinii hcmis. whn baj complimented him hv llnkl-ig her fat te bis lie vi.luntinlv f.ins his base suspicions nnd feeds upon his low corieeptlens of her infidelity If a wife is -niiari' and hem st and loyal. It is ins'iltlns te sii.pect her If shij Is mean aim trtvlsl nnd "entempt IWe, she is tinwerthf fur'ber nttembw A nusband who committed murder of n brutal kind nctunll' tell the murt that Iip used nn ae because he .e "loved" his wife'. Is it possible tint modern peetl- inn a thrill out of se flepraved .1 pi..!en'' ImmBture sir's itnij; Inexperienced i nstu. mistake th . ferta strong, wonderful affec-ien bi. li is f compliment te the rr-ipienf. Reiilly. it i. net the degenerate ve lento tliat meek weiien admire, but n .fancied godlike passion behind it. "The extreme ca-e. that lead te nulr dcr'r however, me rare In the man n Jealous husband contents nimself with small, contemptible piing. with r-'-full "innuendoes, with trivial but mi malice. Ftw wie. who hue mdurxl th fOIltlllil.il tiettv jiersei utlnns .111.1 Cheap gusts of fury i nn ecdure a msn wlie is tf mpernmen'a.'. jee'n is 1' i trup that he luni.clf .offer, ttnrnhlt Sometimes he re, i.gn.zes III lendemn nnd has pei mds 'f remers. Mr A gees into parexism, of jealoesj everv tim? his wife chnt with a man. e.n i seq'n afterward ha. a reaction, and ex presspi profound regret that he ha. givll 1V.1V I" his be.etMt'.g ..li Mn the rebound, he is repentant and ni hiiflself at bet feet, unb'a.e. her in fertcnt expostulntien. calhtu himself i foej nnd tjrant New. the young wife maj be proteijndh teii.-hul hv tin's, nnd mct into his embraff. f .siMiiglv Sh limy rxperini. .1 ' r t thitll of pn ! at the realization t l.-it In- .idere. hei jse Serventi a. t" uffer tertu.'s at the I.a. l.n..l ..f Iia .i.inlin" til flltl.f 1 lUlt'Jtr lIlUUp,!!! ''1 1". "I" ..'.a - - man. the may feel tin. a few tim-s, lit seen a wave of disgust ciiy. Ttt her. She turn, awni v ifh lonll: lenll: a5 is from rhenp tlu atncnli.m. Tin- ..!...... ..nn ... .... I.... !.. tlu i..i.'n',.. ii iiiniiiiiii rtii'ie'ii im- i"" ... li-., .-n. ne views nun . n inn unu iii.um'iii,i . iftle leek at in one whn i. without IE-control. She re.i ins I,,. Htiitud hi Siesse.sive su.iucieii Sin teel. out (jed in her mature dignm He had JJ esrislit in watch her n if she were ItnS' escaped irlniiiinl. I .iialli she n self-love nil 1 tistn. It is born of man s nrni nenet ' that he 1. a miniature god. Somehow, he centu.es his wounded conceit with his honor " If n wife shows prefer ence fcr another man. h" feels justified , In actually murdering her or the ninn It is itiiecceiinble but true that juries sometime evusc the taking of human life merely because a husband is de ' fending hi. "honor" ! Whatever laws, tci hnical or moral, n wife has infringed In loving a man net her spouse, there are adjustment, ether than outrages en the life and liberty of human bcijigs supposedly free. J'crhap. no fate is haVder than 10 live with a man "he is jealous. Hi? obsession is n menace and nn insult. It 1. a two-edged word. that wounds the ehteit of his tantrums and himself. WHAT'S WHAT iiT iini.EN nEcir 1 tvr greAi-s te deti .t him S enmes -lie beiU exer with indignation .md i!i mints te piiiii.h him I'll give him fiemetblng te vurrv ever Whv have thtf nnine without the ;imf'' ' .he de. cidpK. if fe"l .11. 'I'I. 1 11 there an- 1 0.1I As r'te! In a frm"r Whe's What, wed'i'i; a-fMneemf i.'s ,ir ordered fr.ii 'he tat. ener, te be sent out by the bride n parents nr..1 '.r, .hs'.r joint nim' If 1 1 1 one .arent survlven the nn t.num'rafnt is set out In lii.s or her nan t When both patents ire ilea J, .1 brr.'he- ,sstei aunt or uncle, ceus.n .r f- end n'ay send the announcements a -w,is usin? the M--ntnl-Mrs. firm in be case of married relatives or friends thus. s Mr and Mrs Rebert Walker anii'eince the marriage of ths.r isier "lara Louisn te Mr Hicha-d Burns en Vednedav the Twelfth of October Nineteen Hundred ar.d Twent.v-OTi IIeutrn Texas 1 If the inup'.e ha'e been marnwl ir. i ehunh. the name of the chu'eh pre, ;, ihe name of -he citv 1 sometimes a w'dew and snmtun..s a spn'ter hoeie i marrv rga diets of ihe visiis r tr famll In tlat cuf the couple nd the announcements a. Mr Jehn T ' n p-en and Mr." I..V1I14 Kvans bnv 1 ic biner of ant-uncn; th r mat ran e of foiehedlng gripped lici . for she some how felt It vvns going be iresperntel.v hard te explain things te .limmy. Hut she must see him seen, she must get it ever. In spite of the fait that her conscience hurt her for having unwit tingly fallen In love with Richard Hlnkeslee, she knew tlint she had done nothing wrong, nothing that .limmy could object te If he vveie f.iii ami be lieved vvhnt .lie had te tc'l him "I don't think I'm fair te him." went her thoughts "Why should I he se nfraiil te see him nnd tell him the truth, nnd whv shouldn't h be lieve me'' Doesn't lie lev" mc"1" With n dellbernte gesture .he ten. bed fcr the receiver, gnve llie number of hi' office nn,i waited, her henrt drumni'tig loud in her ears. "Mr Illand. please." l!"r bes felt drv nnd it was difficult te speak An An other wait, nnd then .limm.v's voice. "Helle, who Is it?" ".limmy!" she breathed the vveid nnd waited. What would he say. would he reegnlre her voice? "Then. It isn't you !" Her breath caught in her threat with the intensity of her relief. "Yes. when can I see y en? Shall I meet you somewhere? I must sec jeii .limmy. and explain." "Ye I rnther think you must; I'll come up there " "Cnti veu de thnt?" "(If lenrse, I enn't talk new. nnd we might as well get this thing .ettied I'll be up around neon." Thee was about te answer, but the click of the receiver broke the connec tion nnd she hung up. He vvns nngrv ! Well, that was nat ural. Hut then he might hnve snid something te welcome her bnek. Ills voice had been hnrd nnd unrelenting, with a note of superiority in it. .limmy had never taken that attitude with lie" before. Impatiently she began te walk 1 up and down the apartment, up nnd down, up nnd down, her thoughts in n 'jumb'e. When he came she must trv net te be angry at anything he snid. 1 After nil he lind n right In be unreason able, nnd an explanation vva. due him. 8he intended te explain calmlv and 1 reasonably evervthtng thnt had hap pened. Hut it wasn't going te he en.v She hadn t realized until Inst nUht ju.t hew hard it would be te tell the man she had premised te mnrrj ,iust why she had disappeared for several dnv.. I'erliaps h" wouldn't believe lid . but then that w.is lullcilliuis She had never lied te .liinmv; he 11111.1 believe lier ! She reached the end of the tiny ha'l ! nnd turned te walk bin k into the living 1 loom when a vigoreu. ring of the bell halted her. ' There he was new. H- nutt have left the elfiic direitlv after she had tele phoned te him. nnd she had had .t I little time te plan what she would sn j te him. Impulsively she rushed te the dot nnd fiung it w.de. A little .inile iiuvnl 'ier lips. li..t it vnnt-lien ine moment 1 'she saw his fine. It vva-. white with I rnge and his rather thin lip- iwre 1 1 drawn into ,1 hard line. 1 j She stepped hack, as he ante int ' the hall, and .lammed the deer behind j him. standing for n minute fni Ing her 'Well'." The word va. hardly spoken, he brought it out with a sound I that was almost like a snarl. I Well, what have you te .riv fm veurself '' Tomorrow 'Hie Truth. Organdie Brings Gexai Above Commonplace seEIH'nP . W'lwKlml 1 r 5vsii. H')et"v.'Pi I Please Tell Me What te De IJy CYNTHIA IMinlns bv Olil Mafleis nli.l Slleltim !,nnms li 1-11 t thnt thev ni aimeved 'i' anjtliing, but just that they consider tlieinelvc. nunc becoming that wnv And se. if one happens te be made of suede en n silk hat It bteaks here and there, te be tilled in with acfordien pleated fans of the sl'l, When it is of the same shiny satin as the lint, doubled nnd nllewed te be full, itjw held back in by means of a ribbon tun through the middle and tied. In spite of the ilbben, it ruffles in rci kless abandon. A hilm of smooth tan velvet, en n lint of the .nine with n folded crown, has mere of a rolling notion in its up ward tin 11 nnd draws points of metal ribbon nlnng with It as trimming What De Yeu De With Left-Oeer Coffee? Mrs. Wilsen Tells Seme Ways te Use It Various Cream Desserts, Puddings and Cakes Can Be Made With This Liquid. Whieh Many Housewives Threw Away At Any Age My dear Cyntbla-Klndly print this letter in veur wonderful column. 10 At vvhnt arte would It bMW'?',, Klrl te gre te a dance accompanied 0 her mether7 . .,, i,mv Alse. If a young man whom 1 you knew very well asks you for the next dance during an Intermission, and whe tbe musle starts you nre separated ntid you see him looking for ou. would It ne proper te -je te him? daNCER. At any ne. from two up, a long as mother kech with you . , If the boy Is looking for you and you can attract bis attention by ' Wea ?,? the hand or n move In his "reC.11 Vnn se, otherwise wait with your chaperon till he finds you. It's better net te be out en the fleer aftera man. It mm ceme for you once he baa seen you. Perhaps They Will Explain near Cyntliln I come te ydu with the old. old question Are therp any boys that still care for the g rl tnat isn't ultra modern ? In the way of ex perimenting I learned te Jazz, bob im hair, use pr.wder and dressed mere fashionably, although 1 did net go te extremes. As a result the boys began te take tiotlce of me. "an you explain te me why the boys care for that tvpe of jrlrl, for 1 nm sure that me3t gills would prefer te be their natural selves. "UNY-i Ne, rvnlhln. cannot explain why se manv Iievh care for the type of girl you describe, except that thev de net think and Just fellow the crowd When It comes te marrying they don't want that type, however. And there are many tine men who nre net at all Interested In paint nnd powder dells Hew te Be Popular Pear t'y ntbia--II iw can I (a R rl. who wishes te be congenial) be popular w Ith girls who work where I am em em Pleyed' Most of these girls ate my rpposlte In cverv way. T-'or Itistnnce. one Bilrl has an Idea I should he at her berk nnd cnll" whenever she se desires. tf I de net wait en her (ns she thinks H should), she Incomes rattier cress 1 have refused her en inanv occasions, .liiw-'i 1 bivc dnin small favors for her. T'lease don't tnlsunder.'tand, think mi. I vvis.i te lie disagreeable, for. 111 d. nl. I am net She also has a habit of addressing me by my surname Any ndvice concerning this matter vvib greatly be appreciated. VKRY MUCH IX POL'BT. Yeu nre right net te wait en another when she la unreasonable, but If you can de a favor for her or nnv of the ethers de se. without speaking of It. nnd veu will fli d you will be appreciated by them. The Psychoanalyst Says the Mind Forgets the Things ThaiWe Don't Like lib Declares That We Break Haled Wedding Presents and Ferget Unpleasant Calls But Hasn't It , Always Been the Opposite? THINGS Hint nre unpleasant te us nre nlwnys forgotten, a psycho analyst says. . , There Is n "censer" In our minds which just conveniently forgets thln;s for 11s when It knows thnt we den t like them. . . We forget the nnmp or thp person, whom wp ilisllkp. wp forget te go te meetings that will bore us, and wc forget te mnil Iptters if wp hnvp been nnneyed at thp rcnucst when they were given te us. It isn't nbsent-mlndetlness, lip de clares, It's very present and active. It is our busy little subconscious mind that does It nil for us. The psyiheannlyst Is very wise. He knows things that ordinary mortals never heard of, nnd he can explain things thnt. make them gaze In wonder and nwe. Hut. In the interview that he gnve te he published in one of the mngnzlnrs he mnde one statement thnt must surely be wrong. "Have you rmnrkcd?" he nsked. "hew the wedding present thnt you hnte Is certain te be broken? Or, hew the party call en the couple you dis like is nlwnys forgotten?" ID you ever knew anything that Id break the wedding present that veu liate? Old you ever knew nny married cou ple fertunnte enough te hp nblp te get rid of the atrocity thnt somebody sent them without dellberntely throwing stones or TNT at it? Whv. that huge mustard-colored jnr, or bowl, that the Smithsens sent, re member? It Is tee short for an umbrella holder, ten wide-spreading te held anything hut n whole hush of short-stemmed flowers, tee heavy nnd dark nnd In tricately grooved for a punch bowl, and tee ugly te be allowed te live anyhow. The family has treated thnt jardi niere like n stepchild for years. Any child who kicked It was ap plauded Instead of scolded : anybody who dropped nn umbrella Inte it nnd let It fnll ever theedge was congratulated nnd copied It has been placed where somebody run jr, J-' wntil Twe Minutes of Optimism Hy HEKMAN .1. STICH ''0 'Lucky" Investments i MNI)Y I leight .1 .ire en "hare 1 in "lm-ilav I w,i. 1 iu.lliena.re ; ' (III Wnliie.ilay lock a grand lib". I Mn Thir.ilav in inv . ai-.igi- one (l-i I- run. drove t . Hie I. no ,g On -".it 111 lav ' im' '" 'I That i- Lie refrs.n 11 geed main 1 " I'I tUfn out te be the tune of .1 man von vvtet. "Why de veu Mrr"l nil yecr tune ndv cilt.edce stei k.7 Ne man .an zet re h h Stuff ie I. in. .gl, h.1 I . I 1 pa 'pei ' hall "' 'in- siiiij of lnte. and whili hhi n 'e n well-known editor, ask ng tig ii. about bends, mortgages an I nives'ing his -nvings in gilt edge One lucky investment is worth n lifetime ..f saving Win den t von ie p us find that one linki him. t incut? I The iitlitiuie of tin. man typihe- that of n anv of his brothers who get .nre eyes and nervous hvstenn bobbing en nnd d .w n uiui the gy-rninns nnd manipu latipns of the markft." .enrchiug for s,.n .. fm., ,,f investment that w.ll bung lafce aitd. if I" "ilde. ipm k imhii-ii- L fnl;i. the I"-' or i' in vi ii. i man who . ... .iiidy the inventerv of h cstnie nn. I sec ihe ;,i mini of Iunk" in hi- -afety lifpe-it vni ! Jj l'ncts and figure- r di ate that i.iu-t ren m the age of fn-tv l.nve sved reme money . but inn h of in ry ten mm who renin the age of sixty, tire nre totally depende-iit . nnd 1.1 - 1- largely tie nu-e taej have lest the hard-earned a?tngH which would Imve miide tin 111 conifertab.e 111 Irving for "lucky" invest Kients tu iimUc il'im rn h. Safe iiivcttnents nre nlvnvs bettei i linn lur kv investments 1'ut your money in the livings banks nnd when enuiig'.i has nreumulated blH- Liberty Hnnds, v hi. h nt preMTit pri.- s vicu nimeM t. per cent: Anv heidst banker will iuIt.-c yii Hint in ttie long mn timt is tne nest course ter the man who wants tu get tlie me-t out of hi .nviag. and fet thnt matter, nut of 1 Cemrnred with tie iMravngniit pten,ies of windfall peddlers, the s ii11 ctffnV seem rather .mal! . hut you II Imd tin divbhud- friends in deed when in IBWU. ''vOl Of celir-e. the man who sin'. Ins money in -u-inl'en lui ky investments tiljy possibly, nfler vmi-s. strike one that pans n,;. . hjt the odds are ever- filmlngly agnm-t turn, the due are nlwiiv IichvIIv lended in somebody else's br, and eftcner il.nn inn thev nre thrown bv a contemptible croek: even li the best of link, the luw if iminges proves he will hnve less In the end ii the mnn who -nved nnd invested legiilnrl nnd ' enservntivelv kept iom iem pt'lllullllC 1111- liiie.l'iieni- wages the little ob'eng leupmis it 1" such a pleaNure OgjHp with the 1 crtslntv tlnl ilev Jf-Tlnire is weriy 1 inmjli ntiu'-ii tuc5doer for mere In pulling eurmti; their cverj tliuught. j When It comes te iiHHihj, pluy -nfe 08(1 when net In doubt. i Yeu will be verene. ceutented. peaceful of mind and with excellent digestiep 1: nfter thit man who takes "fljerb" U li leg en milk, crackers and dyspepsia 1 I j J --v By MRS. M. A. WILSON I 1 nrl3"it. 1(I hv .Ifr- it. .1. HVsni' Ml I rieht trvrrjj;i Dent- Mrs. Wilsen Wc like coffee for brenkfnst ami evening dinner, and j we usunlly hnve sumo left ever. I ( would be glad If you could give me some way- of using It (Mrs. 1 UfTI I i:. HAIIR. ' If you will save the day's leftover eeffie you can use it In many splendid nnd appetizing dishes. A meclin sauce, m.i'le from cefTcc nnd served ever gin girbrend pudding -is delicious. ('it squares of gingerbread nnd then split the Mpinres in three or four lny et. and sprend each layer vvitli a little jel'v nnd seni" locetillt. 111 1 together and garni'b with hard sauce nnd serve w ith mocha sauce. Merlia Satire I'lnce 111 n snuccpan One 1 up el cold inffee. One t up of milk. Mr faMf "tpneiM of rainstaieh. Stir te dissolve the stntch. nnd then bring 1 1 a bell nnd cook slowly for five minutes. Add One half cip of suanr. Onc-h'ilf IC'fpenn of iff'i extinct. Ilent te ble.ul. nnd then -erve either het or ce'd. Ceffep Cornstarch Pudding P'nee 111 a saucepan One and one-half cup of mill:, Ihir 1 up of sliem black coffee. e,ir-half up et uqni . One-half cup of 1 enistnich, . Stir te dissolve the Man h nnd .ugar. ntd biltlg te n hel Cook slowly feri I'n minutes, nnd 'then ndd one tnhle-' .. . Ml . It ....! ....... p. n 01 vnniiia uiu-c .'ici.uu i-.ii. ild vvnter. and then turn In tlij idillS Set n.lde te meld. ervei itlier mocha -aiioe or crusiied inniicil trim. I Merlia Tapioca Pudding I Place In a double boiler One cun ei icatci . I Ore cup el black 1 affee. I Owe nip of iiitlk. I linns I" a boil nnd ndd three-font ths cup ..f granulated tapiecn. nnd cook for 'tl.,itv minute.. 'ew mid I V ,rr,-tllids 1 up of S'l'jur, Tit a tablespoons of buttei, ) eiks of tu e cijqi, Cienm the butter and sugar nnd yolks of eggs together before adding the tnpi 'nen and cook for fifteen minutes lengei . New nil.l One It aspoeu of itinllla, tiflu brnten irhiles nl cne. tiiiiieve from stove nnd pmir 111 .mall .'la., ili.be. or rii-tnnl cup- .-" rvc cold witli 11 1. i-poen of jcllv 011 top. ISiisslun CelTce Calve I",uc in a mixing bowl no lldidi 1 up of miyei . fiii half cup of 'lieiteiiiini, Oi.c up. I'uam well, nnd then ml I in nnd ene-iiunrlrr 1 ipi of flour, 11,11 -half teaspoon el salt. .,n fLicpoeiii of luikiinl pointer. e I" with Stiffly beaten vhllrs el lien eggs. Our tablespoon nf ranilla. Turn in meld nnd cover top of meld with piece of wn' paper. Cli" th" me'd and (hen take two-inch strip cf mi.s'ln nnd dip in melted laid. I'se this te cover the senm between the II.! find can. Pack meld in mixture of ic nnd salt for two and one-half I10111 s . IV" two parts of lie te one par', salt. Chocolate Coffee C'a!ie Place in a mixing bowl One nnd one-quarter cups of sugar, Tite-thirds cup of shortening, Tire eugs. f'nam vvtll nnd then ndd Three cups of flout . Fnu level teaspoons of baking pow der. Tire-thuds cup nf encia, One leatpoen of cinnamon, One tablespoon of vanilla, One cup nf black coffee. Heat te thoroughly blend, and then hake in two well grensed nnd tleured layer enke pans In u moderate even for thitty minutes. Coel, nnd then put to gether vvitli IHurl- Chocolate Icing Plnce In a -aucepnii Ove nnd one-half cups nf black efjec, Tire-tli.ith nip of mninr. I we-thii as nip of iinan. One-half cup of enrmterrh. Stir te dissolve the starch nnd sugar, and then bring te a bell and cook slowly for ten minuies. Let me, nnd then ndd One tnblc poen of vanilla. One-quarter teaspoon of innniinni. Sprend between the two layets nnd ice tlie top of cake with wn'ci icing, made as fellows : I'lnce In a mUing bowl Our tnlJespeim of trmar vner. One tablespoon of bullei. Tire tablespoons of bmlh'n tintci. Mix and add sufficient -tignr te mn'ke n mlMllrn thnl will STirend. neil then inn Icfike with it. The Weman's Exchange Adventures With a Purse On V n f.I I'ii.. ii' 1 ., h, ... 1 .. . .a. ...... ..I , lll.lillllfi.l j III I I I I I KW ""ll " ' .'"" "' I P III llllll I. I 'till I . ..I a nnoelh baiter and thru nil eup nf prunes, nil 111 (let ' On. Oi . O. . I! ii. 'II v 1 in well-greaseii and floured deep uike pan. nnd spread the top h iinil cover with crumbs mnde l's . ,n smnll howl (ki iji of fleui . 1 nl,, spoons of breien suqai . 1. tablespoons of niielp chapped , i.ih'rspne'is of shortening. .... .. .. ........... l ml I I' icaxpntiu 0 rniim.,, fl. of I 1 even will be in ill- ;. in m li honored ihhaIus of nmnei without opening me- tlint .nvite hills nnd fever nt when 111 doubt but Libert t HendK- Ry CORINM-: LtlWL Pimple Simen has a lenun ne .mm terpnrt ll'i' name is Simple Simon Simen etta and her dat (ms bun long. I'er two seasons 01 mere we have elevated the whim of N.nipluitv in drc te a H'llginur le'llef ill I'm is thl. seveiity Includes the discard of pwcls ter eve ning vveai The snip of ihe .hears en the lieili"' luis fulfill! I ali o'lllgntiens of necklni c ii'i'l b li Th" above In tie fm. k of e Mi' 1 hlai k tafTAlfi i.r bbii I. vet it jl ft I - II wcl-l come relief from tin ne 11 tmieiis line line te vvhirh we a-i' .0 in ii.iiiiii d It i made arresting slievr. and pan' I of white organdie, both of wnlch are trimmed with the dipped ;ray rabbit that outlines the neck. 71; irhr teaspoon of allspne. Imipoen of cinnamon. In 1 vti'i 11 the Hiiri rs until a line 1 mure, and then spread en top ..ike. mid bake in a moderate, thl t't '-live minutes Coffee Ice Cream Pirn e in a saucepan ''no 1 i;i of (old ualrr, ?(iip 1 up of milk, Oee-half cup of cornstarch. n,u ami one-half cups of sugar. Stir te dissolve the starch and sugar, nnd bring te 11 bell Cook -levdy feri (ivi n unite, and then lemete nnd let roel : then ndd One tablespoon of 11111(01, Our pin? of cream. Whip with eggbenter te thoroughly i.i ,.1 uiui fm in the usual manner. 1 V. thiee pat's of ice te one part of suit. Coffee Mousse P. are in a sniicepan One e ip of coffer, One vun of milk. Our halt cup nf cnmslnich, Oiu 1 up of sugar, ) eiks of tire eggs. Sir te dissolve and bring te a be.l ml cook .lowly for five minutes, Uull. Net. fold te ... Ont.half pint of whipped cream, OW. -hop i. having quite a teniatk ahlc snle of silk stockings Orig inally the values were from Sii ."0 up, but new .ill of them l.ave been reduced in !-"' ii." Thev are of n well-ndverti-ed bund, and are pure silk from tip te tee. The-, num. In drep-stitiii design, some mc p.rfeitly plain, vv'ille ethers linvc block lace inscits. Taking it by nnd large. 1 don't knew when I hnve seen n lib ci 1 oiled ion of 1 rally geed stei kings if your family likes Inked nppl"s. npple dumpling, nnd tlie like. I .uppe-e you nre of the opinion tlint 11 is all verv well weic It net for having te im.. the apples, ;i dltli.-iilt mid thnnklc.s job. mil' rs you have one of these biiiuly npple curer-. I inunet exnctlv de.erihc It. I.nviti!!. a. I have said inanv tunc h .fine n I 1 1 I for ni"i hnniis. but any -hew . al! mi, 1 in ci 1 1 ii., 1. tn in. 1 1 1 1 hi. curer through tnc ictiiei of llie apple. git" it 11 tv. and 0111 t min . Ihe whole I'l'titi 1 I tiduiibtcdlt . ymi -'h hi hi hnve one In vein kitchen. Tin pine i. twentv -five 1 ent -. I just dinpped In In pns the time nf dnv with him, and he leek me ever te ihe plnne te hear a pie 01 music he is fend of. When lie finished it e- 1 Iniiii'd inMiIuniiirilv . "iliy. it iictu nlly hurls!" And 11 dm . that's hew p-etty It I-. li I. an I'isii uniental ine -i' bv a New Yolk . hi. v Ini.e music lemiiids one nt tune, nf ivln. It Is wiittcn In live lint-, vvhlih nlwnys .seem min li e.i.ier in nn- ilmn .Icirp-. nnd is Iinl ten illfli'iilt fm von whn, like nie, are net nny Ien geed In n it comes te tcihnlnue. The iiie'ihIv Is simple nnd plaintive, and sumo of ihe chords nie lovely. 1 knew he would be glnd te play it-for von. and I 11111 sine that once you hear it m.ii w d want It. They're Crazy About Her fear Cynthia Will ' lleartbreaker" and Heme, of the ether voting men who read this column please tell me what f.MlewB think a girl means when ehe miles at them" I'm sure 1 don't mean 11 single thing by It un'mrs It 13 te be .sociable When I go In a store nnd smile nt the young man back of the counter nnd tell him what 1 want he tr'es tn held my hand. If I accidentally walk en a man's tees In the trolley car niul emlle a little bit and sav, "Parden mc-' he wants te take me out te lunch; If I smile and thank n young- mnn for pteventlng me from getting run ever 011 Hrend street, he wants te knew what night lm can take me out ; If a salesman comes In the office and I smile and say. "Ne, I'm serrv. hut we don't need any thing today." be tries te kiss me. t want tn knew hew thev get that way. De veu knew, Cynthia? MAHCBLLA Yeu must have one vety sweet smile You'd better change It a little, my dear. Scores "Somebody's Steneg" Pear Cvnthla I hnve been an Inter ested render of "Somebody's SteueK. t ... I. amu Ir, lie II CO HO Ol Nt- I n ine 11 s,- ., - -- , , body Heme." I nm some years elder than she. T hnve lived mere In my 1 r 1 him the average person. And 1 want 10 sav that In all my travels I have met mere men Kvltli Ideals that she craves than she would believe Te my mind she has been associating vvitli mero dnnce hall -'Johnnies" than have been geed for her Perhaps thev are T.he only kind she cares te travel with Hut I. for one. am of the crowd that docs net dance While I consider dancing a delightful recreation, still 1 de net caie for It a- , ..nnaeriuence. mv associations bate 'been with hevs who de net dance I And new in defense of our ex I II 'ask "Somebody's Kteneg ' this question I Hew manv girls can she point out that I de net go with n fellow with the epcc epcc 'tntlen of having him stait something? I t i,e.. hnn with all kinds and classes. And the kind that arc Wiling te be a geed pal te a fellow am few- and fnr between. , As it Is. with me at the picsent time I co with no girl. 1 have been waiting ratlentlv for the right kind te come along But up te the present time ever Klrl I've been with hns qu'rklv dis illusioned me it hns generallv been t ,.ac.P of emptv pockets nnd lent feelings. Se veu can sec thnt the girls mc net the' enlv ones who suffer The gill who wn'nls te plnv "suuaie- will nl wnys find a "white" man somewhere Actions speak louder than vieuls, re member;, se let your theugliis Ruble veur ai liens, and you i.m t be mis taken when the right fellow tomes along. What sav veu, Cynthia'' A geed diagnosis. About Marriage License Te !!" t.'i.'er of U'emnn'i ran': Dear Madam Can veu tell me If a mnrriaj-e license can he had the day the girl Is twenty-one. anil If It ran b kept out of the papers? llevv would I pre about If A JU-'Anrcil. Yes. If l.et'i the parties ate twentv twentv ene thev mav obtain the marrlnge li cense themselves. Yeu would have te ask the Marriage License Clerk. Roem 41.1. Citv Hall, about your ether ques tion. ' The Wedding Gift Te thr Killlnr nt Ifemnit's Vaef rinnr Marlnin Klnrllv ndv'se m re- cardlng the proper rules of etiquette ) te fellow in this case .11 y miner nnti t received nn invitation te the wedding of the daughter of one of bis business superiors Pe we send a gift nnd te whom shall we address It? If net gift, de we send cards ; that Is, our own call lug cards? Is it proper te write con gratulations en same? A DAILY ItBADER. Unless you have also received an In vitation te the wedding reception, no Blft is required Yeu de net have te send cards either Should veu want te send a present, though, send It 10 the bride-te-be. Sweater Shades Te thf Editor 0 U'eiiim;' Vnnf Denr Madam Will you he kind enough te let me knew the latest shades for sweaters? Alse, whether there Is a Her First Caller Pear Cynthia A boy Is going te call en ine Thursday evening This i.s the lrst time I evei had one te call mi 111 I Can you tell mc wnat in no A CONSTANT IIKAIM-.R Introduce lilm te your fam'lv (that 1 1 veur parents I and talk te him of tne things that inttr. rit you both Plnv- th tall'lm: machine, leek nt IntercstinK magazine plciurcb, dl-iiiss moths ,,,is niul books The Wedding Gift Heuse of Philadelphia Se named by discriminating patrons because of the unsurpassed appropriateness, beauty and variety of its stocks. Wrig'kt, Tynclale & vanReden, Ine, Reputed thx Lamest Distributors of Hifh-Grnde Dinncrware 1212 Chestnut Street Things You'll Leve te Make Circ Ribbon Flowers "' vjstm At - sil SA' v ITT. -".. n 1 1 -- IV J Vnr nnrilr nf shnr... .iditrfSH VVnmflnfl I'm ' F.illter or phene iilnut :;:;(!!) cr M iln 1C0I Ml t fLtsw-. tee Fer little "istirsiKw fn'l beniut what could be liiveliei than i'IKI-: IMHUeN KLeWl'Ifs 1 ill the flower folios as hIiev.ii fmiii c.ie ribbon 'tell the 1 dees slightly I'ull In each (lower at the cen ter; attm h thrie strings of btlghtly colert-1 b'ads te each (Thfse reprc sint tin- stamens of the flevvms) Hurl the edges of the bonnet with nnnew cue ribbon nf the same color as the flowers .lust a few of these cillhj ninneN ri.evi:ns are sufficient te make a velvet bonnet lenk stunnlim FLORA. F imiTOiwrilMW - vMs rn Had your iron today? Eat mere raisins i?M "", ftirnicVi c -aluable Snice FREE ffi ws 1 ( ( Aw CIRCLETS Tip above thewaistwhat the corset does below. Nmcnn-u 150 Neme Srlf-Reducing Ne. fi20 or average stout (-.cures. Lew buit. elastic inserts, long skirt. Sues 21 te 35 J5.00, Neme Circlet Ne. 1500-Ferme-dium te tteut figures. Reduces and controls bust and shoulder flesh. Sizes 34 te 48 31.50. NEMO CORSETS are made in 46 styles for all types of figures. $3.00 te 3)13.50 CIRCLETS arernadeinl2stylesforallfirure.s.$1.50te$5.00 In justice te her attractive appearance and geed health no woman can afford te overlook this Complete and Correct Corset Service. De fitted by a corset hygicn'ut in any geed store B would hnve te knock it ever, or push U down the Bteps. It hns been stuck nway en narrow shelves where It would most assuredly have lieen knocked off or crushed by utorafte bexe.s or rugs if it had been anything valuable. And it still, after nil these years, all these attempts te de nwny with it, com placently remains, without a scratch, as ugly, aa tiselrs, ns hated as ever. This has happened In almost every family in the world. Why. thnt hated wedding present Is just about the one thing that you cannot break. AND tlint call upon the couple you dislike well, you discuss It enough before it happens, te remember it all your life. When you get there nnd sen ths ghastly color scheme of the living room, the extra -cordial mnnner of the un popular pair nnd the dullncs which settles down ever thp atmosphere as seen ns the deer is closed can you ever forget it? The evening drags out with dreary lalk of high prices, peer weather, a ttoed place te have upholstering done:. Lthe reason for the medicine taken at Ht'lO by husband and wife. It seems eight hours long, and by the time you have sn'd geed-by and hnvp heard that deer close hMiinrl you. it is nil you can de te keep from run ning all the wav home, or turning hand springs r screaming loud and clear "Thnnk heaven that's ever!" you say te the person who went with you Mut forget It V Well of course, you put it out of your mind right nwny. BI'T it stays somewhere, no matter vvhnt the "censer" has te say about it. Ter nt intervals nf week months anil years afterward, one of you trill sav te the ether: "Will you ever for get that night we called en the Clap hnms? Uemember that awful lamp en the lab'e? And we talked about ths most uninteresting things I'll never fereet it ns long as I live!" Yes. the psychoanalyst Is very, very vvie. hut hp surely slipped up en these two. If se Oerman Censul In this rlty and vvhere and when can I see him" Tt. C p. Tan and gray are still used a trreat deal for sweaters. Then there Is a lovely shade of old blue and a bright fuchsia shade of pink thnt will be verv pop ular. Of course, the sweaters of fancv design nre worked with a variety nf colors, some linvlng a tan background with the design Itself weTked In reds nnd dark blues, while ethers nre white with n black one or black with white There is no German Censul In Phila delphia. Fer the Emergency t keep a pack of large, plain, white blotters In the drawer of my sideboard, and when anything Is milled en the din-lnt-roeni linen. Instead of reaching for n freshly laundered napkin te sep It up with. I reach nt enc-n for one of the blotters, and the spilled Mould Is ab sorbed Immediately Instead of belnit tnadn larger by usMess sopping This simple process saves considerable time in laundering, because If It happens that milk or water has been over turned, thn blotter takes ue the, mols mels tuie se quickly nnd thoroughly that the accident mav often pass entlrelv un noticed, and the linen mav be used sev eral times mete On the ether hand if the stain Is of fruit or coffee, the blot ter system Is equally efficient In that what there Is of the spot Is much small er In area, se that there I.s less linen te be rubbed and scalded. Geed Housekeeping it I i i 5V. ' A