Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 01, 1921, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    ,rirMti' IVF'-' ' " ,y '-v ', :
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fl'tcy Wynne Chats About the Dance at the Radner
Hunt Club She Talks of Debutantes and Their
Doings and Gees te Mrs. Jcanes' Tea Roem
i TT BEEMS as H September had been
lieeth te leave us without (loin? some seme
MnwJ marked te remember Tier by.
i. i J.t at Itrm Mnwr until the rnln
tlful.,nWn nnTtlie Heb HtrawbrliW
,,m 'den. nn. i ne Init ght
ice ic W" nffn)r' AnrR th?
"." , , the visit ng members of
fuW.Vbi who ?c"e en here for the
unt cln,i Mm" of" li ynr'ft ,,,,bH nml
.0W;ef li ?r", a. well n. meinbera
""fn married I net. Mra. Strawbrldge
?' ' ,ml leek ng. She Is far nnd nwn.v
'', "VKfiMkh of the three slsterH. I
ihlnk tleug hMra! Harjcs ml the
iiirea'ei are both beautiful women, tee.
J-Nee" Ktrawbrhlgc, .aa her Intlinatea
11 i film Is very pretty, tee. She
JS an Sullltc "complexion and lovely
liM "B'r
fiPEAK'lNG of ,lgl,t hftlr rem,m,B ,n0
V '..' .. .u: fl..nnnn Kllen DetlgltlH
Werd "he hOH light hair, you knew)
K indeed at n ten which her
ff,BZ .. w Igircnt thelrreuntry
t, Merris. iii ,,,. i,.,, i,,,- nt.
Umvsmral days; and Is looking
IVfnllr well and pretty. Her mother
111 Eleaner Merris, .a sister of Mrs.
T," chard Newbold, whose daughter,
Bbeda Drooks, come out year before
hit. nt""l "n1 M,lcn werc beth'n
European last winter. Se every one has
fifea welcoming- llheda home as it It
Vre a second debut. And indeed she
came out se young ; she was only seven
teen, jeu remember j she could almost
ccme out again.
Somehow I think, though, it's mere
I fun the second year after you nre out.
Yeu have a great deal better time, leu
don't worry If every dance is net
i broken into about fifteen parts nnd ou
hive n chance te taut 10 me men you
are dancing with or sitting out with
mere than one minute, se that you
really Can exchange points of view nnd
get te knew jour friends. The debu
tante year Is nn nbselute whirl from
start te finish, and nfter it's nil ever
it's a relief, believe me, no matter hew
geed a time you have had.
WE WENT up yesterday nfter the
Shew te Deven nnd en beyond, nnd
we stepped at Mrs. Henry .Tennes'
darling little ten room, which, you
knew. Is en her place out nt Deven.
She has been running it for n week
for the, benefit of the Philadelphia Asso
ciation of Day Nurseries. It opened
September 24 nnd was te close today,
but It has been se successful, and every
Iene is te crazy about It nnd the geed
eats, that Mrs. Jenns linn consented
te keep It up one dny mere. Se If
I jeu are out un the Main Line tomer-
Irow afternoon and want te help the
Day 'tirferies nleng, step there nnd
I you'll find home-made jellies, cakcx nnd
randies, as well as tea nnd lees. And,
pe'rhnn, you ran buy u stock of jellies
for (he winter. Yeu knew all the
animals are stocking up for a linrtl
wlnler, it might be well for us tvvo tvve
legted animals te stock up tee.
Among these who have been assist
ing Mi. Jeancs nt the ten room nre
Mrs. King WnlnwrlRlit. Mra. Urnhnme
Weed. Mrs. Kent Willing, Mrs. Isnnc
Clothier, .lr , Mrs. Xeriis Harrison,
Mrs. Ueerge Evans. Mrs. Benjamin
Iiulleek, Mrs. Waring Wilsen, Mrs,
Nerman Ore), Mrs. William Water-
.man. Mrs. Clarence Warden. Mrs.
Lefsn MncCey nnd Mrs. Horatio Gates
I SAW Mrs. .lee Widener thc.etuer
day just after she mine back from n
New Yerk trip nnd hc had en n small
black hat, which was extremely smart.
The hat was made with n very high
eretvn and a very narrow brim rolled
sllnhtly at the left ide. At the left
fide a graceful uncurled 'ostrich plume
was deftly plnccd te. sear above the
Mrs. Widener Is very petite nnd can
nell wear a tall hat. Her dress wns
ef a black silken fabric, the skirt slightly
draped and the bodice simplicity itself,
its' neck line being merely n straight
tilth across the front nnd back. The
rieeves were short, coming just above
tit elbow. She looked simply stunning.
Mr and Mrs. William Lyttleton Bar
clay, of Chestnut Hill, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Mlsi Caro Care
line, . Stecker Barclay, te Mr. Muscoe U
H. Oarnett, son of the late Mr. James
Mercer Garnett, of New Yerk, and
grandien of Muscoe Ituesell Hunter Gnr
jtt, of Elmwood, Va, who married
MUs Mary 8teens, of Castle Point, Ho He Ho
peKen. since his return from aervlce
n France Air Gnrnctt has been living
w tn his aunt. Mrs James Clayten
Mitchell, at Gwynedd.
Mrs. Eustace Anstruther Bradley, of
Pltttneld, Mass.. announces the engngc
ttent of her daughter, Miss Mary Tom Tem
Pis Brnlley t0 Mr, Jehn C. Purves. of
Chestnut Hill Mr PurveH hi the eldest
wn of the late Mr Austin Montsemory
Punes and Mrs Pures. Mrs Purves
and her son have Just returned from
France, where they have, been for the
last j ear
An engagement of Interest te society
in tbls city Is that of Miss FrnnceH
Jlclver, daughter of Colonel nnd Mrs
Oeerge Wlllcex Melver. of Fert Slo Sle
euin, .N. V , and Mr. Paul Mefterd Run
ion son of Or Mefterd Ilunjen, of
Beuth Orange, X J Miss McUer, who
is a member of the Junier league, la u
SUter Of T.lnittOMflnt On..A W Mnf,-n
who married Miss Jane P V Mnule, of"
this city.
A1-' W p'unkctt Stewart will attend
Ocjt man at the wedding of Miss
iSaguret M Wright, daughter of Mr
S,-5S, Famuel Mcgarge Wright, of
iim ftlnul 8tr,1' nd Mr. Upteir Sul Sul
ffi.,"en .ef.Mr nnd Mis. Joremlnli
Sfl0(ll Walnut street, which
!!iii take place at f'.tn n-iAi, ..
VsiK,S,eb,,r - ' tl10 Cathedral.
v eainis Peter and Paul.
Britta ii, !abe,V' Jea"es, Miss Mnr
ilVia. ni'ae "n'rlsen. Miss Sara
VVnnahelH' ""iS..I'eFnP fKuaen
Warrlner " M?la J!. Veo(l' Ml"8 j:'el!'0
Mls Mav Vvn K uth Strublng nnd
amenr .K i,f,ne8,1?n. Uelemmi will be
n rteilvnr ".S'V' .w'
" herlnetD,,p0nert,y their ughter.' MlBli
tantea wh? ?Jtw- Among the dibu
rtrurie "V ,T"l n?sat wl h Miss
Bt i i ii,.HniPrtunm- MlB8 KHaabeth
R Star'tvn n LllzaU(,,l1 Wayne. Miss
neli i JS?ilMrW Miss Muriunna Hen-
i r' ' v nesrniir nn t ,..-... n..
111 HHtilrH
ter 14 ihui ,. "u ,lil " riu.iy. octo ecto octe
PortJ;,winliVlr.n!ll,Mrs Charles A.
flel, ..-' ' glX? at their home, Spring-
It' Eleaner Tr5vU0.1' D:iUKherty, Mlhs
i v ircririict ri ,r .""" . i aw ii, iib.i
?", Lieyd"nnd Mlss-JIelen
fellow th t lml6r .H"d du,,C0 wl"
be the ?..', A . fUm Vener Wl n'se
ceinber 'n 7 . ,.e,.en "'"'. do de
"cr .e, Bt ,lle Bellevue-Strntferd
SOn 8?mdin. -."P'nFergusen, of
ilU tnil-lnln "--.t, iiiueuiLii (llll,
followed ft at ft lll(,lltr l'"ity, te be
ten, en w.La 1u,),(,r ut tl10 nitz-Carl-f
Mis. rrt.leB.(lny' ber 12, In honor
' ... .,,8 LlUllbatll Hlrnlilmr .ln..e.,
MM r-n.....". TO .'""
ue. Chestnut Hill.
ctnut Hin'l'H,Jehn K Struhlng.
William t L1 ,N10F0 'nnrrlage te M
lCfi?nJlle'i ' Mr nnd Mr
Si. r- "'l Mrs Jehn k Rh, ;; .
111. whose marriage te '.Mr
'. I HUPP mi 4- -.l w-.-
W TncltTn. will take ...ace
erituiinn ...Tn v '"'"' ,u .uisH rrggy
KOfrewJlr home n Bethayres te.
mrs. v Bradley Keeler, of
Lucerne, BwllierUnd. Their son-in-law
ifi.MiiaUjftter,.M.r-.and Mrs- Nicholas
liniift w." en"1"'" at n small dinner
wi?ht .I lhilr home' Yerk rend, Neble,
before the dance te be Riven at the
Huntingdon Valley Country Club the
Mr. and Mrs. Housten Dunn, of 401
S'Mfc Twcnty-secend street, 'are en-
nm fWr,ln?fcn? tll0l.r. KUe3t ever the week,
end nt their cottnsre at Spring L,n,
Mr; "id Mrs. Kugene Novvbeld Mr
f,fM.rf Dunn nnd thelr family, who
J" l ,!,h,s.ummel" nt sl,rnp I-nke, will
open their town heuse en Monday.
Mra Walter Clnrke, Jr., has taken
a heuse at 325 Seuth Twentieth street
.Tustlce and Mrs. Rebert von Mesch-r-lsker
nnd their family, of 2101 Oe
"'"S ,"nVi' who spent tne nummcr In
the White Mountains, will return herrit
en Monday.
ii.nlT nn,d .!rs orre I- Justice, 01
Wlldwoeds. St. Davids, who spent tin
summer nt their cottage at Spring Lake,
have returned home.
.Mri.nn,tl.Mra'..wlll,am Dunbar Kdsen,
of 223 West Herttcr street, German
town, cntertalned nt a dinner party at
ineir nuiue un iiiurauay rveninn in
honor of Miss Julia Utick, daughter tn
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Utck, Jr.,
of Wyncote, and their son, Mr. Jeseph
TMcksan ICdsen, whose ninrrlnge will
take place en Tuesday evenln,r. Tin
guests Included the bridal party.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William ICdsen Mc
Cflrthy, 112 East Cambria street, an
nounce the entrngement of their daugh
ter. Miss Ethel Helen McCarthy, nun
Mr. Porelval Shank, eon of Jlr. and Mrs
K. Heward Shank, of Bryn Mnwr. The
date of the wedding has net yet been set
Mrs. Charles Victer Williams, 031
Seuth Forty-ninth street, announces tin
engagement of her daughter. Miss Isa
bclle 11 Williams, te Mr. Themas C
Ueld, of Ocrmhntewn
Mr nnd MrB. William N. Merlce, el
Bnllnur, St Martins, Chestnut Hill, will
entertain at a dance In honor of theli
daughter, MIsr Alice- Merlce, en Friday
evening, December 30.
Mr. and Mrt. Jehn II Hamilton nnd
their daughter. Miss Margaret Hays
Hamilton, of Maple Lawn Inn, Chestnut
Hill, who spent the summer nt Orrs
Island, Me., returned home en Wednes
day. Miss Hamilton, who will be one
et the season's debutantes, will be pre
sented te society nt a tea which her
parents will give en Saturday, Novem
ber 26, nt the Oermnntewn Cricket Club.
A card party nnd sift shop will be
held en Thursday, "October 13, at Green
Valley Farms, Overbroek, for the bene
fit of the Lincoln Day Nursery. The
committee In charge of the affair In
cludes Mrs C Hetvard Clark, Mrs. Ben
jamin Bulleck, Mrs. CharleR uannnru
Miss mien U. Blddle and Miss Mildred
Mrs. Philip Hnuck, of the Terraces
Spring nnd Elklns nvenues, Elklns
l'ark. has returned from a. visit ei
several weeks with her daughter, Mrs
J J Fleck, of Tlllln, O , nrict nlse with
nnether daughter. Miss William Brick
r.er, of Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Mrs. William G. Glenn of Elklns ave
nue, has left for California, where she
will spe.il several weekn Mrs. Glenn
iccently returned fnnn Vcntner, where
she and Mr. Glnn nnd their two ens,
Mr Uraef Glenn and Mr. Jack Glenn,
spent the summer
Mrs Jacob Mnndel, of 32 tS Diamond
street, has returned from Atlantic City
Friends of Mrs Edward Sickles, of
320C Diamond strect, will be glad te
knew that she has recovered fiem her
recent Illness nnd la recuperating at
Werncrsvllle, Pa.
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Taub and their
daughter. Miss Juliet Taub, of 3121
Diamond street, have returned from
Atlantic City, where they spert the
Mr. and Mra Hitch nnd their fnmtlv,
of 2015 North Thirty-third street, have
returned home after spending the sum
mer in Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlnfleld S Bucking
ham, of 2U Seuth Fifty-seventh street,
have announced the cngnRcment or
their dnuahter. Miss Edna Viela Buck.
Ingham, and Mr. Perry E. Shaver, also
of this city
Mr. Jehn Straussner has sailed for
his home In Londen, England, nfter
spending seme time as the guest of lilJ
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. nnd Mrs,
E. J. Slnnlser, of 722 Seuth Flfty-fUCIi
A week-end party will be given en
Crem Estate, Schwenksvllle, Pa. Among
theso who will attend will be Mr nnu
Mrs Jeseph M. Albright, Mrs. James
Mcintosh, Mrs. Themas E Phelnn, Mr.
F. Hern, Miss Mary Culhane, Miss Itlta
Mcintosh, MIsm Cutherlne Mcintosh,
Miss Anna Mcintosh, Miss May Al
bright, Miss Elizabeth Hern, Miss Eliza
beth K. Harper, Miss Marlen E. Phelnn,
Miss Hlen Shechan, Mlsn Elsie Heine-
man, .iiiss ueatrlce Brooks, Miss Ethel
Nevins, Miss Marie Curry. Miss Anna
Dechan, Mrs. Philip Culhane, Mr. Chnries
Murray, Mr James Mcintosh, Mr Lee
Dcehan Mr Jehn Harper, Mr. Jehn
J. Phelan, Mr. Walter Craddock, Mr.
James Heward, Mr. G. Bernard Lewis
Mr Leuis M. Murdock, Mr. J. Allnn
yon.Ileden Mr. F J Kerns. Mr C
Martin Hughes and Mr. Frederick 1
HiMi"" fnd u.Ira 'L Cook McAllister and
their daughter. Mrs Janet McAllister,
of Media, have been guests fe- a few
days of Mr and Mrs. Jehn M Broem.UI.
3J, at Del-Co-en-Mannsnuun, their suni
mer home near Point Pleasant, X J
Mr. and Mrs It D Lane. who. nc nc
cetnpanled by Mrs. J. A. Cochrane and
Mlsa Sarah Falrlamb, havj bren spend-
...f nicuu .Veens at ueer island ie
returned te Chester a few days age
Mr. and Mrs David Allen Simpsen,
of Swarthmere, are receiving cengratu-
.i'.10"".,,0" tne blr,h of n son, David
Allen Simpsen, Jr. en September 18
Mrs Alfred Roberts, Mrs James Glad
hill and Mrs. Jeseph Gusklll will give
n benefit for the Burlington reuntv
Hospital at the Field Club today n't
2 o'clock
f.'Vr1 tUster Cellins, Mra Thornten
Helllnshcad, Mrs Henry Sherman, Mrs.
Oinrles Brown, Mrs Jeseph Gnsklll.
Mrs. Clyde Rogers, Mrs Ilalph Beyor,
Mrs. Wallnce Armstrong, Mrs. Emlen
Stokes, Mrs Herbert Crew ell, Mis. He He
bcrten Williams and Mr.s Herbert
Cooper were patrencssra at n charity
ball given ut Camp Dlx en Thursday
Mr and Mrs. Herbert Longaker nml
their son, Mr. Richard Lengalcer of West
Main street, have returned te their home
nfter spending the summer at Ocean
The inarrlage of Miss Matilda Lon Len Lon
eon .Tnkcmnn, daughter of Mrs Firth
Jakemnn, of Gerniantewn, and Mr,
Herbert Hillmnn Slbsen, also of Oer Oer
mnneown, was performed In Covenant
Presbyterian Church, en Wednesday
The liev II W Hnthawav. tmstnr nf
the church, officiated The brlde was
ghen In marriage bv her uncle, Mr
Alfred White, of Willow Greve. The
matron of honor was Mrs W J. Hardy,
of Audubon, N J
The bridesmaids were Mrs L C
Schmld. Mrs. K If Lambert, Mrs H.
II Williams nnd Miss Minnie Guhl of
(ermnntewn The little (lower girls
were Miss Edna Dorethy Slbsen und
Miss Gladys Kmma Wllllnms
Mr. William Slbsen was beat man for
his brother ar 1 the ushers Included
Mr Jnck Gee' te, Mr Nervln Taj ler
Mr Wulter S' ,en und Mr. WIUIb Tur
nr: The ceremony was followed by a
large reception Ht the home of Mr anil
Mrs, D, W. Hurford, of Uennnntewn
yf" 'yfUfffffffffffffffffffHjf?W''
jf tiSmmKKki SfiHffHf!
2311 North Mrentl street, whose marriage te .Mr. Frank J. Cele will
tfihe place en Wednesday, October 5
Marriage Takes Place at St.
Martins-in-the-Field, Chest
nut Hill
The weddlntr of Miss nmini Louisa
Sfhwartz, daughter of Mr and Mr.s I
Charles William Schwartz, Jr, of 112! A wedding took plncc en Friday morn
East Walnut lane, Qermnnteun, nnd Mr Ing at 10 o'clock nt the p.uMi house
Themas McKean Allen, seu et Mr and adjoining the Cathedral en the Park
Mrs Benjamin Curtis Allen of Chest- way when Miss Adellna P Lnpetlnn,
nui urn, win tnke piacn at 4 e clock
una iiiiuinuun in tne i. nurcn or Ml
Martlns-in-lhe-Fi.'ld. Chestnut Hill The
Itev Weed Stewart, rector et the church,
will officiate Misn Hepe Allen a sister
of the bridegroom, will act n.s maid
of honor, and Miss Anne SHiwnrtz and
M'ss Katherlne Schwartz elstcrs of the
bride, will be bridesmaids Mr Wil
liam Frenuye, of t olerado Springs, Cel ,
will attend ns best man and the follow
ing gentlemen will act as ushers Mr
Wharten Allen and Mr Geerge Nelsen
Allen brothers of the bridegroem: Mr
Denuld Kennedv. Mr William H. P
Townsend, Mr William W Wlster. Mr
S. Warren McICean Downs. Mr William
A B Paul, all of this city, nnd Mr
Daniel Dewey, of Worcester Mass A
reception will fellow for the immediate
families nnd a few intlmate friends
After a wedding trip Mr. Allen nnd his
brlde will live In the home of Mr and
Mrs. Percival Dravten. en Slenten ne
nue. Chestnut Hill
A pretty American Legien wedding
will talc place this evening at the
Calvin Presbytirlnn Church, Sixtieth
nnd Master streets, when Miss Rae
Frnnkenfleld Vlckcrs, assistant secre
tary of the Engineers" Club of Philadel
phia, will be married te Mr William
Henry Blester, Jr , commander of the
Donnld T Shenton Pest, Ne 130, Amer
ican Legien The ceremony will be per
formed by the Rev, W. Edward Jerdan,
pastor of Calvin Church
The brlde will be given In marriage
bv Mr Hairy E. Shenton, father of the
nvn for whom the pest Is named
Miss Anna E. Blddle will be innid of
honor and the bridesmaids will be Miss
Augusta E Lang, Miss Amelia A Evans
nnd Miss Margaretta F Smith Mr
Blester will be attended by Mr Edward
McK Hunt, vice commander of Shenton
Pest, as best man, and Vlce Commander
Edward Shenton. Adjutant Henry F
Bamberger and Mr Donald Donaghy
will be ushers.
Miss Vlckcrs In a well-known alumna
of the Wllllum Penn High Scheel for
Girls, having been president and Hist
honor girl of 1913 class.
Mr. Blester during the war was mas
ter engineer of the 103d Engineer Regi
ment, Twenty-eighth Division
After a trip through the New England
States Mr and Mrs. Blester will be ar
home after October 15 at GCIO Glrard
An Intel estlng wedding will be holetn heletn
nlzed this nfternoen nt Angle Acres, the
home of Mr and Mrs Basil Liberty
Smith. Ilryn Mnwr, when their daugh
ter, Miss Ruth Ripley Smith, will be
united in marriage te Mr Jehn Evre
Shaw, son of Dr. and Mrs Ralph Butler,
of 4600 Spruce utreet The ceremony
will be attended only by the pireuts
and Immedlate relatives The Itev
Arthur James, of St Andrew's Metho
dist Episcopal Church, will etllclate
Miss Smith will be attended by Miss
Ida Shaw, sister of the bridegroom, as
maid of honor nnd by Mrs. Raeburn
Van Burcn, of New Yerk, as matron of
honor Mr Julian Mitchell Smith,
brother of the bride, will act as best
Immediately following the ceremony
a wedding reception will be held ut the
home, largely attended by the many
friends of the young couple
After November I Mr and Mru Shaw
will be at home te their friends at 235
Seuth Fifteenth street
A pretty home wedding will take pl.n-e
this evening nt S o'clock when Miss
Marv S Richardson, of G0(7 Pine street,
will 'become the brlde of Mr William C
Cahnll, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs William
Cahall. of West Chelten uvenue. Gei-
mantewii. The ceremenv will be per- I
firrmed by the Rev. E Phillips Osgood,
D D, rector of the Chuich of the Me- i
dlater, Fifty-first nnd Spruce streets,
uuer which h recciuitui win ioiiew
The bride will be given In marriage
by her father, Mr II F Rlchaidsen
Miss Eleaner RIchardFen will attend her
sister as mnld of honet Dr. Lawrence
Cnhnll will act nu best man for his
After an extensive wedding trip Mr
und Mrs Cahnll will live at 2911 pjul
street, Baltimore where they will be
at home ufter Nevembei 1
A pietty wedding wilt take plm-e at
2 o'clock this afternoon, uhen Miss
Louise Alfreda Tufvander, daughter of
Mrs, Louisa Tufvander, of 5024 North
Fifteenth street. Legan, will become the
1S07 Wulnnt St.
Exhibition of Dry Point
Etchings of Gnrne Birds
Mezzotints Ktclilngs and Eiqulslte Mirrors
" i .'.v .
I'hote by Phote-Crafters.
I brlde of Mr. Karl Henry Links, of Hart
; ford. Conn The ceremony will be per
formed nt home with the Ruv Paul
McCenkey officiating. The brlde will be
given In marrlnge by her brother, Mr
Carl F. Tufvumlcr Miss Agnes Guth
rie, of 630 Wet Allegheny avenue, will
be bridesmaid, nnd Mr Hnrrv Jenes,
of Belmar, N J., best man. A recep
tion will fellow Immediately nfter the
ceremony at the home of the brlde'a
mother Mr. nnd Mrs. Links will leave
en a wedding trip te the llermuda
Islands. After November 1 thev will
make their home In Hartferd, Conn
unugnier or .Mr nnu .Mrs. l-'rnnk L-ipe
tlna, of 620 North Nineteenth street, lend thev brcem- llalll-belled,,
wns married te Mr. Stunlev D Leve- I leased a preprty te a xeung married
grove The ceit'innny waa perfeimed bv ceup'e. and they paid their rent for a cer cer
the Rev. Father Ilelr tnln number of months Then the hu-bind
Just a few members of the Immediate l'1 bin position end Instead of muting them
families were prtsent fter the cere- out I felt eerrv for them nnd showed them
menv Mr nnd Mra. Lovgievo left en a ' te EO en 8nrt en nl(heut paving rent.
nodding trip
A wedding of Interest took plate thTs
'"'""I'lR t tU:.10 o'clock, when Miss
..n;u x i.i r i ley .McUaulev, daughter, of
?InnaL'd I", M"rtin F' McCnulej',' of
i N!er'n Eighth stieet, Legan. b-
enme tne bride of Mr. E f. Busslnger
.,u nil.- uriue ei .Mr. k t'. Uusslnger,
CrcKcentvllle. P.i The cerenienv
is porfeimed ut home tvlth the Itv
Irving Cheneweth eniclntlng nie
Wi's Blven in marriage bv her
her, and was attended bv Ml-s Nettle
V.n . i c""lle- J -i me cerenienv
was DOrfOIITlPil nt he.. ..hi. .v.- t...
a t .!..., " """" """ llu ,k'v
Ilus-lnf- . . . '. "t .'" .-,""H '
-i i . . ' "' '"" nriuccroem as
ld.P,'lld' Ivnd . Mr Charles6 Minister
w. .nun immeu ateiv nfter n,e
linmT0iVr ..n r'cTtlen followed at the I
"i nMin''rl,ie'H "n"' -Mr nnd
J t ' "Kcr .t.hen, left en helr wed-
turn l.nm nf-;W,,?erIand The-V Will re-
turn neme nfter December 1
aft'ernoen tWjT!v,i":.wl". tnke pIaca thls
' "I D -v,h Thhe1JcerefmeJnry
nil tT, IJSrf0':'','l t home lth the
..iii" I r- Hnrrls officiating The bride
L at,en,le" bv her sister! Ml4
?,"?, ?tovensen, ns bridesmaid and Mr
Irrnnm"' -mnbbf ry' hr0""T ' the brldel
tlei i win h i?,Jhe ""menv n recep-
m t b, heIrt' aftlr "'hlch Mr and
Jr ' ,lIa1? ,ur-v wl lv n a wedd ng
rip te Xlngarn Falls Thev will re-
r'nl,J !helr new ""' 134 North
Carlisle street, nfter October 1.
eT.h.P i!r wnB " 'tended by a sister
f the brldecroem Min ui,n.. ". .r
meld of honor ",,,: l' as
tin i rh.emaH J- I'h'er. brother of the
brldn, ncted ns beet mnn el lne i
-,'."" nn. PX,fl''slve wedding trip. Mr
"weMJiM1" nBk- th1r "'"
TiwtJ,hl,,ty w'"'I(1'n(I took place nt the
nittenhoiise Hetel en Thursday eve
ning at 0 .10 e deck, when Miss Ree
Mi-Manus, of 4 53 North Sixty-second
treet became the bride of Mr Geerge
LvlllTrd' x " 1,,n street! the
Rev pother McShen, of Mether of Sor Ser Sor
rewa' Church, Fertv-elghth street and
Lancaster avenue, etllelat.-d A rccep.
firm rnllriTi-wri i...ii...i- V: --"'"
.Mn. iiiicumipiy nrrer the
TlflH iTnt sfrtri. .
r,,M .,"'.. 'S"V"" auenaen th
... . ..a mum ei noner .Mr Josenh
.1 ,,r, i.ca, IIIU11
-nrj;,,r1,.."KXK,.er.?,..w''!.,n?. trip. Mr
in ivl.V nv,i.;" w."1 ,n!lKe lnelr nema
-"" '"luueipnia.
"It ncver madrj any Aifjexence te
me tehaf oersefa 7 tcere, jiui te
they felt geed"
Many et these very women today
nre wearing nothing else but Red
fern Corset'
The Corset Shep
Around the Carat r en Stmam St.
Every fitting receives the
personal attention of
Miss Pauline Campbell
quiet wedding took place en Thurs
day evening at 7 -30 o'clock, when iRss
Adeline P. Uhlcr. of 1421 Seuth
MrlFre,',VBtrT0t' .bfCnme the- brlM
Mr Fred C. Guest. of 11D Seuth Flftv-
Iets of kVA
i women fmS
have said J wfy '
' te us: SVtylJ I
Letters te the Editor
The Ku Klux Exposure
Te tht .Bdlfotve the Evening TiiMle l.tAetr:
Rlr A rnrramnnricnt In una of yellr OOn
temporaries avers that se far the revela.-
tlenn regarding the Ku Klux Man iiu
HMhln nhdw-tlnntrite. Wrint la ttllS Bll"l
rnnrnltin nt Amrlrmn flpfrlOGraCy7 Thl
Klan la grounded en the principle- of "white
... ... .. ,, ipu... k. f.& tirittnm It
ni.unttnglK danla th rlaht of ch inaij
virtual te be meaaurea ey nis cnaraciu. "
work. Specifically w knew tee well whnt
"white supremacy" mean In the argot of
tha region where the KUn hed Ita origin.
It means tha proatratlen et tha constitu
tionally guaranteed baale rights of the eltl
rins of color. .
Tlie Klan denles membership te Catholics,
A ..!...,..... .MlAlf rlarhlf IlllV TTIftV dO thlS HA
a Protestant organization, but It deca
under falie pretenses v-hen It does It In inn
name of Americana, for Amencnninm t.
nfct knew the religious creed of the cltlrrn.
The Klan denies memberetitp te Jew". A
voluntary society rightfully may de this as
a (lentlle organization, but It does It unaar
false pretenses when It does It In the name
et Americanism, for Americanism deee net
discriminate egalnst either the race or me
if Union of the Jew.
The Klan In one platform denies member
hlp te the foreign born nnd te th native
I em If the native bjrn are ascertaining or
forbidden color or tint, thus again epeln
the false pretense of lt awiorted 100 per
cent Americanism.
In a word, Mr. Correspondent, the revela
tions regarding- the Ku Klus Klan nre of a
nature te repel every ferwnrd looking man
ard wemin In the world. Us rtrmanda mike
for Jealousy, for pertlftllsm for suspicion,
for hatred, for the trampling of the '.
for strife and for war. I- V, JIKLK.
Philadelphia, September IT. 1021
A 8elf-Protectlen League
Te the Editor of the Evening PubUe J.eAeer-
Sir It has ben predated that we are
irelng te have a acvore winter, aecern.pa.ntea
bv the Inevitable wave of crime. Will we
be prepared te guard against aucti a con
tingency? The police forces are already
taxed te the utmost.
We could safeguard Uvea and property u
the males of every thoroughfare or block
were te club together nnd form what I
would call a "Citizens' Self-Protection As
sociation. " te remain in force during the
coming winter, or for ae long as there Is no
...mT,tir,i HM-renae In the number of crlnvm
! The men of, aay, a block would slmplv tske
turna In patrolling nreiinrt tneir nnm'ii .or
a. certain number of hour during the night
properly equipped, of course, for self de de
fense and for the protection of these whose
bemea they would guerd "nch a. force of
rltltens would work with the approval of
and in conjunction with the Police Depart
ment. Semuthlng will have te be done and
that seen. J O BEATON
Philadelphia. September 30. 1021
Ungratefulness of Unfortunates
Te the Editor of the Evening Public J.rils"-
Sir Dees the world ewe jeu a liv.ng If
you are net willing te hustle nnd ai finite
It, and If jeu need assistance and ml
It Is the assistant worthy of no comld-ra-tlen
ether than that he has mereh dnne
his duty te an unfortunate" There wmi
tr be R peculiar attitude that the unfortu
nates tnke of believing that ether neple
are supposed te help them along nnrl thy
feed have no consideration, net even a show
of appreciation.
The People a Forum nnd simllir -e,umns
era vers' helpful In m opinion In bringing
lis r.adera te a sense of their dniy if they
possess nny wise at all It I" wi'h this
consideration thit I offer thrse few. remarks.
People who have prospered mere or leas
ere very npt te he eccusid of b, inc bard
heertrd te the l-s fortunate ran It be
that thev lin" had extwrlence 'n the past
that ihelr effirls have net hen Hpureoleted
v inaiiv, wnen i i"ii nmt & ,,.iu ,,,..-.. .....
Geed Hatnarltan lenrt enough I nrked them
te move Tliny hld me up a month and a
ralf after telling them, w theut rent, and
then moved out In mv ab'.erce without ren
thanklne mn for mi Rnmnrltnilsm m
I Ulielv ever te act the pnrt ngair,' lleiievc
me no' Hereafter the rental rule will be
se cost Iren that I msv he entitled te the
name of "Hard Boiled " but whose fault Is
We read se much In the papers nf the
ci ii' 1 landlord, and I vintuie te Hav that If
each caae was taken and the light thrown
upon It It would lie four 1 ttm the ln-en-aldernte
tenant is entlrelv te b'nme t trust
thin ltter will reach heme enme one
at leant who will show appreciation for
ktndneej shown It would go a great wnv
toward making the life of the terant easier
and tha world happier.
w I, cr.AIlK.
Phllsd.lphU. September 3". 1011
A Ban en Firearms
Te the Editor nf the Kiriuni; Tublic riieer-
Hlr The law of this Htite dl mulv rave
that no eni Is allowed te carrv cincciled
weapons, nnd yet we read of Khoetlnus every
da Hern' thing should be denu t" s that
the law la tarried out. If there Is no bet
ter suggestion, whv n"t have th pellre
I esamlne evtry tusplcteus ch.iracte- he may
I be supposed te have weapons In h's posses
sion, and If they ure found en his person
give him a ear in Jail In fact a fhlMgn
I Judge his mere than once In his court urged
the prohibition of the manufacture ef flro flre
arms, and I think every one must f-I ap
palled and horrified as they read In ths
papers of the lnrgu number of deaths caused
by the use of the revelver
This Judce lr right. In mv etlmntlin, and
If ever there waa a problem for which there
Is a solution It Is this one, and thiil eolutlen
In te prohibit the manufacture of guns, ex
cept for military purpose Kovelvirs nre
manufactured te kill human belngs, nnd rare
Indeed Is the revolver that cannot clilm one
human life In the course of Its caieer and
probably ntnety out of every hundred killings
would never have happened had I' ret been
for the manufacture of firearms und the
ease of acquiring them.
It one Is ahet from behind 'he posse-
5oeihinq and Hervlinq
Clea.rs Aw&y Blotches
y "v Heautu Is Peiccr
Se. rjr.
Ja ajt
Face Powder
1 i Refurnished )
Redecorated W,
V Phlludelplilu's most brll- Wj
llnnt cafe. Fer luvnry '
t' VVVV location iittuosehera '
VAVJ feed and dancing '
, s ONrncRiviROrtrva a
y cSs '7
N Is unsurpassed There Is f
i V iilwuja n cool spot await-
Inx you exeii ou the hottest At
Kntiiie'a wonderful or- 497 '
fhcatrii will entertain 0U Y '
I I revully, '
! Ks, 0n" 1'ly and Sundays yg
I ejfum'wwiy r
Vrtf 7i. jnili - i
OCTOBER 1, 1921
Letters te the Editor should bei
brief and te the point as possible,
avoiding anything; that would open
n, denominational or sectarian dis
cussion. Ne attention will he paid te nony neny nony
meuji letters. Names and nddreses
must be signed flu nn evldenoe of
geed faith, although names will net
be printed If request Is made that
they be emitted.
The publication of a letter Is net
te be taken ns an Indersement of Us
views by this paper
Communications will net be re
turned unlesri accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript be saved.
slen of a run la useless, while If the hold
up presents his gun from the front, and he
discovers you nre unarmed, be probably
will net sheet, whereas If you are armed.
In view of his danger, he will tty te sheet
first. Be I maintain one Is safer without
a gun. even from self-dofense point of
view D. L HOWILL
I'hllsdelphla. September 80. 1021.
Man Net Superior te Weman
Te tha Editor of the Evening Public Ledger
Hlr The age old contention of the su su
perlerlty of man ever woman Is still main
tained, either seriously or Ironically, by
seme people The People's Forum of your
September 14 Issue carried such an as
sertion The writer gees en te say that
"as no woman ever produced a work of
lasting fame In art, science, literature, In
dustrj or any ethor field. I think It has
been nmplv proved that man Is of superior
Intelligence "
The foregoing quotation la rhlefly untrue
te fact In the art of the stage woman
has been eminently successful Madame
Curie a discovery of radium Is a scientific
acheement of first moment In lllerature
one Immediately thinks of the Oreek poetess,
Pspphe called the Tenth Muse bv Plate,
Mrs Ilrewnlng and Charlette Brente In
Industry a. little knowledge of social origins
win show that wemsn was the originator
of most of such useful Industrial arts as
nrrirtulture, cooking tanning weaving and
ether occupations basic In character
Moreover, modern psychology lends no
support te the concept of superior msle In
telligence On the ether hand. It tends te
rralntaln woman Is Intelligently the equal
nf man. However another point comes m
here It l that of being complementary
rather than equal
It must be definitely recegnised that men
and women are net alike, tilt dlfferen' ihey
are complementary Te say that a man
Is superior or that a wemsn Is Inferior
hts no meaning One may be superior for
one thing and the ether for another Fer
Instance, women are usuallv superior te
men In the care and teaching of small
children. In the core of the sick veak and
Incapable. On the centrarv men are su
perior te women In certa'n ether fields,
auch aa athletic sports war and these
activities requiring quick co-ordination of
mind and mus-te The writer feels it l
pre-eminently necessary te get rid of the
Idea of the superiority or Inferiority of mnn
or woman when compared with each ether,
and learn te think n terms of their com cem
plementarlnesa. However, a warning must be pounded as
te the ntness or Incapacity of women te de
most any kinds of med-n labor. The enlv
way by which the fitness of woman for a
certain tee of labor can be ascertained N
through allow inir her te trv that type Fur
ther, It Is felt that thre are a few lines of
endaver In wh'rh women properly trained
cannot make geed As mere and mi-re ma.
chlnery Is unel the field of peslb'.i im im
plevinent of women wi,l steadllv- breads
KiuvApn e pt'NKn
Philadelphia. Septemier IN 1021
Plenty of Roem
Te the Fiilier of the fc't ,-n,i0 PuMir Ledger
Mr In answer te 'DIsgutd ' who
cmplilns of end, 'ions n renmtig hejaes
In wtat Is known s the 'rooming-house
district ' I want te mv that it Is th" per
eons.' own fault that thev s-sv In aurh elnceu
wt.en there are p,m of clean places In '
private homes
The difference in ihi room ng-heuse d's
trlct Is that nobody cares what the 'enacts j
de or mv, and I hllve thi.t the g"sit ms-
Jerltv of thev IKinc tn such quarters would
net live anywhere else I have had an es- I
rrlence lately ihnf rmvlnrea me of tha',
hfcvue I have fl ed te rent a nice, cein
little apartment of three ree-ns with all
modern conveniences ard with private en-tian-c
vet people will pack together lik '
sardines In a box In thene p.ares inhabl'ed '
Parkway East of 18th St. Phene, Spruce 1040
1. It. Hwene, Darby, Pa
I.. I. 7enel, nrjn Mawr, Pa.
I'red I.. Hawk, I.ansdevvnr, Pa
. fl. fl. I,. Smith, Hals, Pa.
Mnhan letnr Ce , Ardsiere, r,
tavne ule Repair Ce , Me me, p.
Unmeet Jenes Moter Ce , Jrnklnteeri,
llerer.Hrlu Moter Ce., hestnut Hill,
.Vlereer-Tbempsen Moter Ce.. 146 firten
by reaches and filth It la their own fault.
S W L.
Philadelphia, September 21. 10-'l
Ne Piecework 8ytem
Te th Editor et the Kerntep Public Ledger-
Sir "S. J. M " ears It l aotlen we need
te get the big Industries going If this con cen con
trlbuter Is a wage worker, he knows the
cause. The rotten system of piecework,
with the prlee ae low we must turn out the
work of three men te make the wages of
et.e, la one of the heavy burdens placed
upon the workers. This piecework has filled
the country with output se that we have
rver-productlen or under-eonsumptlen
Lt us kill the piecework system and 1st
every workman de an honest day's work,
and the buvlng level of the country will
meet that of production, tnd one man w.ll
net be doing three men's work at one man's
pay A new system of labor Is the formula
Phllsdelphli September 21. 1021.
Questions Answered
Auther of War Seng
Te the Fdlter of the Evening Public Ledger-
llr Please tell me who was the author
e' the war song ' Keep the Heme Fires
Ilurnmg " F L W
PhlladelnhK September 21 1021
The author of "Keep the Heme Fires
1'urmng the peyiler World War sunrr was
Mr. Lena Oul.bert Ferd, en American who
I ad lived in Klmlra, N T but made her
home with n arm in Londen during the v-ei
Mrs Ferd nnd a three war-old son were
killed In the wrerkoife of the Ferd home
when tl wns d-slreved In s CJerman elr rntd
ever Londen n Msrch, 1017. In s,l twelve
persons were ullled In th house.
Flew of Electric Current
Te the l.dtler of the Evening Public l.nigrr
Sir- I;eea e.eetrlc current fle a through
the wire or en the outside exclusively"
Philnd'lnh i sp'"mber II 1P21
The Hut. an of Vrandards eavs Ihni In the
cnee of dlret current, aa tupplled from
dry or storage betlris or a direct current
Cyrame as ued in farm lighting pants, nnd
in -nme cemr.1 stH'l.jn., the current forms
in Ifertn th-ougheut ilm ..nt'r.. cm.. .,.
I'en f the 'rp vv'l'h nlternnflnr currents I
there la a -e-ral.ed -skin effct " which
citises tre current te h crowded somewhat'
toward the surface of the wire. In the case
of radio current at very high frequency f,,f
the order of a million evclea ir ....il
and large wires the current is virtually all
close te the surface of the wire
Civil War Pensioner!
Te the Editor et the Evening Public t.edger
n.r new manv Civil War widow a nnd
UiUdren are thee in the pension rolls' Why
den e all such widows receive rwiiaiens
i-iiiieeeipn a September 21, 1021 I
..J? Pension llureau s-iys that en Tune .10. !
1021. there were 281 22.1 f'lill War -videwal
rid miners en the pension rel's Net nil '
ri' War widows receive pensters because!
there are mny things which msv rirevent
psr'leuliir v m. fact that the marr'nge te
th seldi,- dd net tsl.e place prier te
June 2? 1901
Yeung Girl and EmDlevment
Te the Ml'ef. et the Pvenirg fub'ir I rriger
.- r i ,,.. ,. ,.i wither a futhT ran
crmeet u. a-!-! ertn ....... . .
- ---.. fraln ,,i kh- in accep''
certa n mp eyment against her w'hf
Phi ndetphia eptmber 23 1021 i
Ne the father hr.s no such author!'- ev.-l
hl in, nor daughter Moreev.r a gM usde.
SlXt-en WO'jM nMwl n fntr,.... t . I
. .. v" i. ' . ' -i con-i
d none preserlled bv the Art 0' 1P15 re.
garmrg eoucatlen rcr, nrements bfere anv
one could lgill- employ ir VelthiM- her
Kcroe teach-r nor th- fecten Inspector
would a low 1- - fercd into an ferm1
f ''Itl'mmrnt tint... iK- 0 . .
stance wer- such the.t It he-am- absolutely,
m-Cf jsary for her te earn her own living I
The American Creed
7e 'I e r'.f.'er f ,, e fc, rna ,,llh i(. t-r(laer.
Sir- r wll spprrrin'1 it K mu will print
tn lour Peep a Torum "The American1
iT.h rjrepI' r4,r.n,rn ""I PPvnr dally
n the Kvenlng Paid e ledger, and also
In the Sunday Pnblle wW. letter
illactnvslng timely teplr, will I,, printed
ns well us requeued immih, and qneatlnn
of genernl Interest will be iinHwrred.
PUIla r
Lun-'.' nmberenigh
Fine Moter Car Ce..
Dedge Brethers
CrttA't that was Meetel In ti etjsUst .
my Teria war, t ' . a
asoneB t. wuLniwi. .
Philadelphia, September 19, M1. '- '
"The American creed" I as felteWsi
I believe in th United States of AwM r,
ns n, gevsrnnient of th people, b''tli
people, for the people, whose lust thriri
are derived from the consent et IU ,
ernedi a democracy In a republic! seVereHrsj
nation of many sovereign Slat) a perfeet
Union, one and Inseparable, established tttxHk'
these principle of freedom, equality. Jostle
and humanity for which Amerletn patriot
sacrificed their live and fortune.
I, therefore, believe that It I my duty
te my country te love It, te support Us Con
stitution te obey It laws; te respect It
flag, and te defend It against all enemies.'
'n. K I.. The Wlssahleknn drive) I
about seven and a I elf miles In length.
William E Fester- Ne Meamera run te
the fishing grounds at Fortescue.
"W C V "The American flag en th
bow of vessel or at the main Indicate
that the President of the United Stite I
"R K A " He fore the eltr received It
name of Philadelphia the site wa known
fe the Indians by the name "Conquanneck."
which te thorn meant "the grove of tall
pines "
"W ( w ' During tha eight year of
the Ileolutienirv War Pennsylvania fur
nlsh-d 120 4M soldiers
Poems and Songs Desired
Various Poeme and Senrj
1e the Fdlter of the Evening PtiBffe Ledger!
Sir Uii ou kindly print In your Peo
ple s Forum ihe following poems and anngsl
' The IireUmrs ' "The Oypsy s Warning."
' She Is Mere te He. Pilled Than Censured"
snd the peem (.eiitiilnlng the following
' He IIsnt and safe, alienee never betray.
He tru' tu your word and your work and
ieur friend
When hjner comes te you be ready te taka
Hut reach net te seise It before It la near."
A! th pem containing the Verse:
' If den'h wire n thing that money could
The rich would live nnd the peer would
Hut Oeil a ,n glorious He has It se
That the rh h vnd the peer In their turn
must re
A'se the poem containing this verse!
'Are you dreaming or are jeu screaming?
Are veu the serpent thst tempted EvaT
Tour -tlv speeches thy sting llVe leeches.
Dm reur flattering tongue won't me de
ceive "
A poem by Themas Moere containing this
"Tears like the raindrops, shall fall srlth-
out measure.
But rapture and beauty ran never recall, "
The origin of the word of the song as
Our hnnds are clasped the last ferever:
1'erhsps we will never meet again;
I levtd you aa 1 could no ether,
Tlie parting- fl la my heart with pain
And when -our frljnds have all departed.
The friends you thought were tried add
Pemetnber one veu "eft heartbroken
Had leied ieu better then you knew "
And the song containing the verse verse
There II come a time some day
Wh-n I have passed away,
Yiu'll have r.e father te guide you
Frem dav te day
Think well of what I sstd
Hener the man veu wed
And always remember the story.
There ,1 rem a Time"
Any or nil of the above will be ap,,.
c!at.-d b.v the writer when publlshed In tf.
Peep'e s Forum a. H II
Phi.ndciph.a, September 21 1021
.f'" ''" net na" rnev of "rh" Dream-.' '
-Thi Ospsya Warning" has already bee..
prlnttd en Oetoeer 11 1320. and "She','
Mere te He Pitied Than Censured" en Jai.-
"n, silent and safe" begins stanra Ne "
I nearr" n"1",'', Deem "Ru' of thi
We cannot locate "If Death Wer
Thing aid 'Are Yeu Dreaming?"
r" 'ler give the title of the Moero
reem We have net be-n able te loeate I.
rrem llnea
' I Loved Yeu Detter Than Yeu Knew
v as printed November 22, 1020
"W L. c ' desire the pem centalntnr
the rse
The poet in his vigil hear
Time flowing through the night
A m.ghtv stream nbserblnr tear
And bearing down delight."
nee l.aaHj. H43J lliead St
thliliy (nvrnce, Illy s. flSih si.
M. M filbb. SiiT Vertli nread sL
"hs J Mctieueb. 3137 Iankferd tie
fletnlek i llruinhnuali, lien M llnnd t.
Hlttrnheiee Moter tn, l.erninnlnwn, PhlU.
l-aurel Moter Jleunlr In . 7"f-l3 Knst fllrnrd Ae.
Hnrhelme (lurage. Klslng Su ,, ,nd lliferd Tike
iirT0v lM,n"n"u. -VHegben, ,. ,nd lt, trit sl
I fl