&'-m p,-,i-,rvip j&BCvi.... gwy ijijyMp fr-rfflrwflr wqgpff i L:ll2' J j ' 'i "iii'f'i 'yn "".T '("" Jfnwwuiww J. i... i niriiinwiila"'ti riiiihVi- nry!' -!-" - ; 'i-rij!5fct(-,yv,tvvr-, . . -W-K.? ' V 4 jEVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPEtfA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1921 "" HH Wim aiaaaM imliifi iiai kHM mrHiiiMrgT'rfwiiriwjyiirrrTrtrr,,'"r'"'i r11"-- , Trm r"f"i tut- w. en, wr -cw -, -,as.' TfiniHmmfm7mmmmm V1" '-i-f "PfSy '' ',;. r 1 wRl w!h?imr.Ts?JJH"' , 'LW ( PWV ('flH W f i4 lr. V 1 1 ft r" M t '-! T' l a f-i t "If M WK - I'keutti Ne -Min ,te Weill- ;t en? CallewarV 8ECON Minced eL vered by t.- We, need n hl All WSh t .tttf " BEFORE THE CURTAIN GOES UP Three Important New Shetvs Come Next Week and Three Geed Ones Held Over "The Bat" Mystifies Everybody I)y IIENrtY M. NKEIiY NEXT week offers another Important chnnge In the bill of fare for the theatre goer. On Monday the diversified menu will be two musical comedies, en! corking mystery piny, two ncrleitN dramng nnd n comedy. . v ' Out of that, there euulit te be something te milt everybody's taste, except f.i ,,!&, short-haired women nnd leng-linlrcd , erratic ana erotic. (j . ... . "CTXE AKE likely te get two very '? f widely centrnnted schools of nrtlni; in tee dramas. Down at the Seuth Ilrend we have had Twe Dramas all week that quiet. 8hew Different repreurd EnglUh Schools of Acting uchoel that, by ltx very fidelity te our own InstlncM, becemcH doubly powerful through the strenRth that It takes te overcome the rantlne of unceniriHira t passions. "A Kill of Divorcement" ha shown us something mlchty well worth seeing nnd its character drawings are gems that aren't likely te fade from the theatregeer's memory for some time te come. The centrnt will be In the warmly temperamental ntmeiphere of "Spanish Leve," which comes te the Lyric. Prem all I can hear it will be what Its title suggests, but don't make the mistake of thinking that the word "lore" refers only te the amorous tic between yeunc manhood and woman heed. It embraces all of the affections. including such oppesltes as hatred and revenge just as you would expect Inn Spanish story. There is one feature of this produc tion which ought te be particularly In- j Comedy Made terestlng. Ky the arrangement of the nig Success in stage the audience become,, n pert of Dear or Londen the story, at least, tin- dividing line There Is a wall where the feo tile its b(1 h ,f , usually arc and where the orchestra ,iml , the 0(imslmrv bearding house L"!lt.br:,.t.'?".rJ.rl,i,t:J,":eetlen--and the, were nu.te ?,r te ruauu, twill nitin iruuiiiK uuwi iiiiimih. the boxes en each side se flint the char acters can come down nnd walk alnni: en a level with the audience while ethers sit en the wnll above nnd talk down te them nnd still ethers come through the house and join them. It le intended te give nn effect of intimacy between ncters and spectator, nnd I'm curious te see hew It works out. TOLD you a week ape that "The Bat" would make a hit, didn't If Vntl nnn. Innl lrnrft rttirf hnm -rimtnfil and talk disparagingly of "hokum" and ' that tort of stuff all you picnic. 1 he fact remains that, if you've get anu rn t fLCCVXCK (itnnantnwii Vvtnue A Vrmince MATS, ttr NinilTS 3Hf (TnT lnrluiOd) MONDAY. TIKMIAY A WTJlNT.snAY AI.I-RTAR fAST le "THE TRUTH ABOUT HUSBANDS" THCRRnAY, FRIDAY X PVTVRDAY 0eu IlftyalcAfra and DfMle Iet Id "THE SWAMP" tlread nnd Menticnmrrr. J:1S, 7 A 0 F. O. Mmn.Nlrdllntfr. Qn. Mrr. J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON AND HIS INIMITABLE FIVE In "SYNTH!' STIIIV" MIIKAK HIXTKIO ll A K S ANt.,'fu n rwiii'H srNNiyrr cimhi Chan. 1. Krutlnr nn "llurklflwrn rlnn" 62D A IX)Cf8T STS. oce4 nt 1:3(1 unil 0:3.1 le II AM. XKXT WKKK RAIJ'II I.NCE In (he TttKMENDOCH UNDERSEA DRAMA "WET GOLD Chfetrr Comrdr."flneokr'i Illne Monday" COMING NEXT WEEK THE AFFAIRS OF ANATOL wT5e t"n'mleii rant Inrlndm Wullnte JUJd. nierlA Swunien. Elliett lxtfr. Bebe I)enlel. Mente lllue, Wnnda "?w!?r' Theodere Roberts. Ane Ami, Theodora KenlnfT and ethrm, ""Rttfcrtt BSD STREET AT SAN'WOM Men.. Turn . Wed. Douglas MacLean in "ONE A MINUTE" TmTRSDAY. TRIDAY A s TfKDAY Ethel Clayten in "Wealth" r"3 i fc S21 Market MONDAY. TVKSDAY A MTI1VEDAY PAULINE FREDERICK In "ROADS OF DESTINY" TIIUKSDAV. FKIDA1 A SATL'RDVY BERT LYTELL in "A ME8SAOE FROM .MARS" LANCASTER AVE. A 1ST STREET MONDAY Tri'.SDAY . WEDNESDAY itjvii.titw uini ur.i..iir.N(H In "EXPERIENCE tdded Unroll! I.levrt ln "New cr Wife" THURSDAY, ruin AY A NAT! KDAY "The Great Impersonation" tdded T.nirr Semun In "The IIHIhnn" ColieeaWv arkrt t Rel. entli Mutineer. 1:30 Uht. ' jnd 0 Back te Pre-War Prices Evenings 20c Afternoons lie and 15c MONDAY and Tl ESDAY Nerma Talmadge, Eugene O'Brien THE MOTH Wed. "THE DEVIL'S CONEENMON" Thern.. FY!. WANDA II.WVI.EY In "THE Ol'TSIDK OMA.N" But. IIERHERT RAWMNSON In "WAKF.riEI.D Asiy Coming The Affairs of Anatel C&cUla. OOTI! A CKDAU AVE .MATINEES, itsu i mm ' - - -miiiits 7 ,..,., ,, MONDAY. TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY GLORIA 5WANSON and MILTON SILLS in THE GREAT MOMENT Thura. "YOI'TII'B nirtmini JHR, Frl.. Hat. OI.IVK Tl:i,l, n JM ij "winiih ok i'kide" y?y IPTPriPnilTAN Opera I Uroe.1 A "" HntiMl I'miiii nun wkrtc esi.y-.matinitr Tnhv ,nte!AE DESMOND AK 'r&'The Leve of Su Sheng" b- out, Gpular Pricei: . " ..; seer,fl Nixon Theatre Bldg. Hr.blhed 1000) 24 Seutti 62.1 bt -VUJU'&lune mun. hi. rAT. '. ut. Tim'., llanelii HiSO ta It AaAiM a,4a HUfnlTlh... TIaI Mllll fmw . .'-. a.u.tu U.ll UWV tlraii In.. 4 for S3. 00 yp Ififtwf A ftSnaTr'r.i-il'.K. men who are bnppy only with the Shows That Arc Bound This Way OCTOHP.n 10 "Mr. Pirn Passes By." with Laura Hepe Crews, Oarrlck : "Wake fp, Jonathan," with Mrs. Flske, tlread. OCTOJWH 21 "Mecca," spectacular musical show, Shubcrt. OCTeniiU 31 "Pnter Madame," with !llda Varesl, Lyric; "Mary Hobe." with Huth Chatterton, Bread. red blend in your veins at alt, you'll he en the edge of your chair iclth the rctt of im before the final curtain. A chap wrote a show called "The Bat" ; He had murder, thrill, mystery pat, WUh in end se unus-u-nl Gesh! but It feels you all! (Speaking of rhyming hew's thatt) "lOI'I'LA j-enrs age, when I wns In U Iimlen (don't ivc old chronic stay- nt-hemes leve te begin thnt wny?) ceupia years nge, then, I went te see a show called "Tilly of Kloems- bury. It was meet you juxt naturally called her I "Tilly" for short. I've- often thought since of some of i the hilarious comedy there was In thnt i show and wished I could see It ngain i Kut I didn't think there would ever be another chance net until I found, unite by accident, thnt "Happy-Ge- Lucky," which comes te the Wnlnut, and my old friend Tilly are one and the same. he has changed her nnmn and her dress; that's all. Kut there's nothing unusual In that. The Tillies of Kloems bury change their names ns often as CHESTNUT NWOR.LD BEST SATH&Z-i rm& t i VSB -E -tH BL J- --" DnblllAIi Dlilf FC07fW7Tr'WO ISEF07 g rUlULTliV nv.LXJ JI S- helidmsLs JS " 'The Bat' la a thriller. Leaves audience breath less." Inquirer "A The Sensation "Has for mere "Thrill en thrill. Audience sits en edge of chairs." Evening Ledger Ter Ilrneflta at Above Thentrrs, Aimly Benefit Depl., thretnut St. Opera METROPOUTAN V). FRIDAY .Ap ta ja AT EVENING J H . &4-IK15 fillMONT'S VTn AHCII Ev... 8. IS UUlVllWt Mala. Men. W.e. B.t' J.j EMMETT VELCH iMinstrcIs fliitlr ATLANT1Q CITTrfAQKAMT McG0RMnGK Ticket. $1, Unill Werm.nnY !2, $2.50 ntfW M08 Cheil. St. they de their dresses, anyway, Oftcner, In fact. AT NEXT "Wednesday's matinee, of "Twe Little Girls In Klite," at the Ferrest, they arc going te repeat a stunt that proved most 3Tirfn Invited popular when they te Matinee of flrst tried It in New "f7'rs in niuc" Yerk. As y e it knew, there nre two pairs of twins In this show Made line and Marlen Fairbanks, the lends, nnd the two Temsem boys, who play the parts of stewardsj en the ship. And Emma Janvier, also in the cast, Is the mother of a line pair of twins. Se, en Wednesday they nre going te glve a "twin matinee" nnd every duly authenticated pair of twins eight years old or elder will be admitted free. A ten -dollar geld plcce will be given te the eldest pnlr of twins in the nudlcnce nnd they will be taken en the stnge te be photographed with the ether pairs. when this stunt was tried in New Yerk It was almost n riot. One hun dred nnd nine pairs of twins presented their credential! nt the box-office nnd had te be accommodated with scats. They came from almost all ever the country no pair coming from Halifax, N. S. (I've forgetton what N. S. stands for, but Halifax Is there, where ever it Is. ) There was only one pair of claimants who had any difficulty In getting seats. A very blonde boy, weighing something ever -00 pounds, nnd n very dark slip of a Blrl, tipping the scales nt barely ninety pounds, demanded seats. It seemed impossible te believe thnt they were twins, but their proofs established their claim nnd they get their seats. The J?10 geld piece went te a pair of twins eighty -seven years old. I WENT back-stage Tuesday night te renew a movle-studio acquaintance with the Fairbanks Twins. They're a most comfy nnd wholesemo pair of kids these two little girls and their mother told me thnt even she can tell them npnrt only by certain Inllectlens of the voice nnd certain mannerisms. "And one ether thing," she said. "Madeline smiles, but Marlen only jrrlns." After mere or less practice, I'm able te tell 'em apart when they're together In front of me, but when they're sopnreted I'm still helpless, I was particularly Impressed with the engineering feats that are necessary In the production of "Twe Little Olrls In Klue." There Is a surprise climax te the second net. The curtain rises half way, te show the staterooms. Then, toward the end, It rises nil the way and shows the rail of the promenade deck "PHILADELPHIA'S LEADING THEATRES, DIRECTION ST. OPERA HOUSE-gSSg kbEChlC "Wtkwf'KMBP S'fi-'- ' RPr.lNNTMr. MnMnAV w ATinirT'"!-. "--'' play that is close te perfection." Evening of Philadelphia, New DAILY MATS. 1.15 -EVES. 8.15 ANOTHER ALL.STAR wnwriFR nu .' t ttjiA ti$!0$& & ADELPHI been keeping New Yerk playgoers breathless than a year." North American. MATINEE TODAY sbeeats Seats NOW Selling 8 Weeks KX REFINED ENTERrAINMENT M 1 '"ROOF "u m SBtCU C1IAUOKH. fl.0 UCI HESS AND BENNETT 'IK 11. T IN( KS SHELDON, PHONS" & BABS n(.i ,MI DANTKH PAULINE HERMA'N ii iia( rr.u he.Ndrt TROCADFRO c" Arch. Mat. Dl, above with nil the passengers leaning ever it. The thing in such a surprise that the average person in the nudlonce fewts te cempute hew strong this set must be te held some fifty husky people I get back-stage Just ns they were shift ing the scenery. The railing of the ship Is carried en n long platform made of two I-bcnm steel girders with planks across it. It is lowered by eight steel wire ropes from above and lifted again after the minute or se it is in use. The glrders and platform, without ropes or supports, weigh 2400 pounds. Every tlme the show jumps from one city te another they hnve te send ahead an expert engineer te install a spnre set of ropes and pulleys and de whatever bracing Is necessary ever the proscenium arch te bear this unusual additional weight. They tell me that they have three tens of duplicate mechanism te Bend ahead for tills set nnd the sccne that fellows, showing the Bhlp swinging about ns she is warped te her pler and disclosing the lights of the harbor be yond. 5IWBERT vaudeville this iceek ipeiled a porfeetly geed sale of an electrical attachment for my player piano that I was considering, Saw and heard one of the Althoff sisters play the sextet from "Lucia" all xcith one hand nnd net miss a note. Well," sez I, "if she can de that all irtth her southpaw, irhe am I, te kick about having te use both my feet te itf" ITTE'LL all feel sad te say geed-iy te ff "Irene" tonight. She hasn't lout any of her freshness or her melodious charm since tre made her acquaintance a year age and evidently she toen't fejc if for some time te come. Excuse me; I feel poetical again: There once was u girl named "Irene" Whose AUce-bluc geicn made 'em green With envy and I Can quite realize ichy (Frem a box-office standpoint, I mean.) PAT nOONEY, the Second, must have been a precocious kid, for he made a wise and business-like selection of a father. It en Pat Rooney nbled him te come Inherited Ilia nte the world the Dancing Talent inheritor of a fnm- eus nnme and a genius for dancing nnd entertaining. Pnt, the First, received the highest snlnry ever paid te n vnudeville per former up te the tlme of his denth. He wns the lending Irish comedian, mone-loR-ist nnd step-dancer of his day. I'nt, the Secend, was only n child npr.iwwiNp. iuirkMrAv m ativp. 'V lUVilltl 1V1M1 111CI "iT" it fit DAILV EXCEPT SAT '"The Bat' is a corking geed entertainment." North American. Ledger. Yerk and Chicago " 'The Bat' will go en forever." Public Ledger. $2.00 Ahead 1!eum Illdc, Chestnut bel. llth Ht. MMDKMY or .llt'HIC. 102I-J Five Subscription Concerts 'liuruluy Kenln, Oct. !S7, Nev. 17. IJec. IS, Jan. 10, Feb. 23 New Yerk Symphony Orchestra 1 n MWAaAl Holelat Kochanski Vlnllnlat D'Alvarez ("ontratte Sileti IMnnlit Bule for fibrles Ort i 10. at Ileppe'a. Mall I arderu NOW. I Conductor Tlckeli for eert, p. 28, J7.B0. 0, $.1.50, r. I. Albert Ceatet ! Oueat Conductor I ftf.lU. liPl. 4Uii)Vi i 00, MS and 40. doing n dancing specialty in hts daddy's starring tour in "Lord Iloency" when, during the first weeks, the elder Koency became suddenly ill nnd died. The show stranded and little Pat went out danc ing en his own nnd managed te pro vide for hts mother and small sisters, who lived in Baltimore. I'nt, the Second, again showed his geed judgment In his selection of n wlfe. There was a girl named Mnrten Kent, who hnd a small part in the com pany with him used te tie a big Scotch scarf around his neck at cvery perform ance. Pat became Interested In her. One night he asked If he could see her home and she said he had hotter net ceme all the way, an she was engaged te a husky, two-fisted police captain. He I'nt tewk her te the nearest corner nnd then ran. When the show wns sent te Kosten Pat was the happiest man in America, for he didn't hnve te run any mere. And, en the Sunday et their arrival, they were married In the Hetel Lenex. Pnt nnd his wlfe bnven't been sep arated since, se "Leve Kirds," in which they ceme te the Shubcrt next week, seems a geed nnme for a show starring them. Pnt and Mrs. Pat are proud of thetr success, but they say there Is nn nn ether Itoenoy who Is going te be the rcnlly famous one of the family, lie Is Pnt, the Third, at present twelve years old nnd attending a military school en the Hudsen, A THEATRICAL cvent which might hnve important results slipped through Inst week without many folks i n Philadelphia Stock Companies realizing it. Give Chances te Mno , Desmond Untried Plays and her players ni the Metropolitan Opera Ileuse produced a piny which has never been seen In this city before, and. in fact, has net had nn extended stnge production ns yet. Thnt piny wns "The Love of Su Sheng," whose author, De Witt Ncwing. has turned out theatrical productions of all varieties. The production was n geed one, well staged, intelligently. If net brilliantly, acted nnd, nbove nil, possessive of sin cerity nnd desire te de things right. While watching this romantic leve story of the Orient, which resembled "Eas Is West" nnd "The Ren Daughter" n geed bit, the thought enme thnt this sort of thing might go a let further. "Uncle Tem's Cnbln," "Wny Down Enst," "Shere Acres" nnd a scere or mere favorites are te be found en the yearly program of nearly every stock company in America, nightly tee, be cause It would be a shame te have these popular ncrennlals vanish Inte the nast. 1 Kut hew about the hundreds of plays LEE & J. J. SHUBERT' JJSN, It. The MennKenient riKieta that It will be luipunhlbln te sent anyone, niter the hrclnnlna of the eertun nnd (lurlnc the ulnjlnir of the flrnt net. Lirics 6y BALLARD MAC DONALftMb JL lH 9ts,cy SIGMUND R0MBR.(J, 'JRICT K Am A CAST1 Or EXCZPTONAL SXCSZiJTAJCE CLUDMG TOM DINGLE, GRACE W. ELLSWOIUH, HAHHY MAYO, JAMES E. SULLJA AN, LEILA ROMEK, VIOLET HOKNEH WILLIAM TAYLOR, LILLIAN BAKER, BARRETT GREENWOOD, IIFLFN DELANY, RAMSEY DE MAR AND THAT STUNWNG fUTUMry DteCtrAtJrE COMS PP1PFQ' NIGHTS. 50te$2.50-POR MAT. WED. 11, UOO nULLO REGULAR MAT 'SAT 50? te $L50 BvailBv3llt3V3IIEV3lBvaiiBv3IIBvailBN3IIBNailG) WJkiMf XST.TiEATRL -"UfiSr m wflLNur 0 NIGHTS AND SAT. MAT ul 5OfT0 S2QO-NOHI0HEIi UHKOAIN z'-7 7 j j yi fa v- ais y yeAai zaq eu i "BIG SUCCESS FLAWLESS ACTING. CANNOT M FAIL TO DE.LIGHT GRr.E.Tf.D WITH ROARS OF J LAUGHTE.R, FULL OF CHARM. THOROUGHLY - AMUSING A GENUINE. BOUT OF FUN GOOD J ENTERTAINMENT ALL THROUGH. MUCH OP THE1 CHARM AND WHIMSICAL QUALITY OF DICKXNS ly BETTER THAN 'GRUMPY' A THOROUGHLY HUMAN . COMEDy DELIGHTFUL FROM BEGINNING TO END " A.H.OODS &w?n-ts fy IAN HAY PETER ' I YEAR. IN LONDON I YEAR lHI3IIEv31IEv:gE3iiBvaiiBcji&Ss3 s. thttin..eMRmCCstanKe very siew in b"" -( ;,' trials? Hew about the plays of foreign masters which managers refuse te risKf Ever benr et Stuart gainer " inuiannpeus cxiiuriuiuiin -j--- . knew that Indlannpells has had a stock company for a numDcr ei m.u ....- has produced plays which have "ever seen the light of IJrendway Maetcr llnk's "Menna Vannn," Ibsen, new - , i... m i. in aim Mnrwin anil the "first-loves" of dozens of ambitious young writers? Last summer there were two such stwk wmpanlc s in In dianapolis nnd KOTII OF THEM MADE MONEY. . Frank Fielder nnd Miss Desmond nnd their nssocinte players are hard-working and slncere. They hnve the immense Metropolitan which could stage most anything imaglnnblc. "? t",,. fi"1 the courage or rather has Phllndelphln the courage te support n Bteck com pany which would produce new plns nnd enceurngc new eirs te be written. 5INCLAIII LEWIS' great novel, "Main Street" has been put into play form by the Shubcrts. w V-... ; ,...,;, n im.nut In Stain- ford, Conn., this teeck and will open at the National Theatre, In iVeie 1 erk, next Monday. Alma rcu irui ue - feminine lead, se it won't matter ichat the play is like. Personally, I could sit through an evening just looking her and be satisfied. WHY IS NORA BAYES? The Much-Debated Question of Her Popularity and Hew She Gets It The presence of Norn Kaycs en the bill for the second, week of Shubert vnudeville nt the Chestnut Street Opera Heuse gives rise te the old question, "Just why is Norn Knyes?" She Is net benutiful, nnd is herself the first one te admit thnt fact; her veenl rnnge Is of eight notes only, nnd she Is net noted for her dancing nblllty. In fact. Miss Kaycs Is one of the enigmas of the American stacc, nnd, in cidentally, one of the most popular artistes en it. "Personality plus" might describe her success. She Is hon est with her public and with herself; she knows hew te put across her sours, even if her voice rnnge is limited. Her enunclntlen, carefully cultivated, is one of her nssctB. It has been called "carved" nnd net n syllnblc Is lest in nny pnrt of the thentre in which she is playing. And when she sings seme little song with n bit of pathos te It, her human ness nnd intelligence gets It ocress bet ter, pcrlinps, thnn yours of voice culture would de It. COMMEHCIMS MONDAY OCT. 3 MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY i ninm fCWANAVIAKEH MANACEK rifll.WtDfi.V.1.50 ritics IN NEW YORK fife 2 Ngik,Y S Sac JwV 9 9BPH nils' '3 PjpHII-AnPIPHlA'S FOREMOST THEATKESJQ GARH1CK Clifitnul & Juniper Hirer!" NOW BASI'Ij MXON-MUDI.INOKU una. .Mir. MEVT WWW I AQT LAST 14 TIMES A REX INGRAM PRODUCTION EMU A Picture Yeu Will rniCES-AU. NIOIITS. jSOe TO Ai.li ni'.ni.T ""'"" OPENING OF THE REGULAR DRAMATIC SEASON MONDAY NIGHT, OCT. 10 KS,? A. L. ERLANGER rnnsENTS THE IX1NDON AND pm Nlm Ily A. A. MILNE WITH LAURA HOPE CREWS AND NOTABLE CAST. INCI.UDINa DUDLEY DIODES pricei: All Nights, 50c te $2.50. Pep. Mats. Wed. & Sat., 50c te $2 FADBFT Popular Ma t.Teday I If 11 It ! V . . Next Week Second V lln..l ..awl Unnmrn Nf ra)il THO.MAS 31. I.OVi:. Ilim. Mr. "A Ml'SICAL COMEDY (.KM you ivet'i.n i:PEcr khem a. EVERYBODY'S OH HE, OH MY wl ALERLANGERS MUSICAL LA&Qh HITh fS WmT& TWIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S ALT, TWINS OVER EICHT FROM rllll.AIIKLIMlIA OR VICINITY ArffiHTTED niEi:. ie i (jei.i) te the ni.ni:vr pair i-rkhentine proof of A(1E AT 1IOX OITICE PRICES ALL NIGHTS, 50c te $2.50 POPULAR MATS. WED. AND SAT., 50c te $2.00 SEATS FPU THE TIIII1H WTEIC ON MAT.H THUnHDAY llreml llrlnw Iirimt IRANK N1RDLINOEU Iluilncsa MnnaKer NIOIITS AT H:30. TOrCLAR MATS. WED. & HAT. AT 230 CHARLES DILLINOHAM FreaenU ALLAN IN THE OREAT LONDON DRAMATIC SL'CCESB A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT A TLAY HV CLE.;NCE DANK Statted Under Dlrcrtien ut Ilasll Dan "THE PLAY IS OF SPLENDID WORKMANSHIP iinninnvn xr .x?.r rENCE-e-nD''1 ,,as ,,i:in "'"ranifrei!nijs BEGINNING MONDAY, OCT. 10 &" SAM H. HARRIS iruhenth THUnsDU IN THE OHEATEST COMEDY Sl'CCEHH OI-" HER DISTINGUISHED CAREER WAKE U P, JONATHAN! "y HATCHER IlI-IlHEH nnd ELMEIl L. RICE Hlrrcllun of IIAIIR1HON dllEY FlMlii: Aa Preaanteil All Laat S.caen ,t the Henry Miller Thcutre. New Yerk Prices: All Nights, 50c te $2.50. Pep. Mats. Wed. & Sat., 50c te $2 y&KZF$fiXf Jn-,VP.0A.R?V.y."'..T. "4RIHCK EATRE8. ll"fc ' '- ' '' tr iai.4t t. ! , .a. ,i-- -a- - ,iM DANCE TONIGHT! AT THE COLUMBIA DANCING ACADEMY 38th and Market Streets JAZZY ORCHESTRAWONDERFUL FLOOR HKCKPTION EEUY SA1I 11I)Y EVEMNO NEW llJEAB AT ON OLD .STAND GENTLEMEN. 60 CENTS. ,.An,r..S 40 TENTS. INCLUDING WAR TAX AND WARDROBE Are Yeu a Stock Fan? hPE Till' ft Orpheum Players ORPHEUMTHEATRE Germantewn anclClirlten Avcc. ORPHEUM '""nntewn & Cliellen ORPHEUM' PLAYERS18 "Till. I.IOS AMI TIM. mil i .. Keystone "' ,1fhl" -:" i e ' " " M .i i: I'ifTi-i.i ROSELAND lUMIMi tnMi.nr I Uptown Bread Ab. Columbia Av. Uowntewn, 1015 Market St. 1 Ib Ilttllrueilft UeaulUul EVERY AFT. AT 2:15 NIGHTS AT 8:18 VJVVV LAST ffV OCTOBER 8 Metre Often the Film Sensation I THE FOUR HORSEMEN or TUB APOCALYPSE Never, Never Ferget! M.M. AM. MATINKKS. BOa TO 11.80 NEW YORK COSIEDY BDCCESS PASSES BY Evgs. at 8:15 TJ XA.nL. Qw.nnl X7lr fc w n JHST THE KIND Or ENTERTAINSrENT i.. i:ki.nuf.k. e-v vieiv he DANCING IT. unti BUII IN Pep. Mat. Today SliHSSc LAST WEEK POLLOCK ffe&m 1 n Sffiffimfeh JV ' ", iHiw.ui riuii i iiiia.vriii; .f1 . ... wjm Jt (Hl.rilNl'r v, OPERA HOI HE .l"t T,mIu. TnnWht Hil SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE l I -vr.Mi mi. i iA,M SHUBERT "" '"" s juvjduu T... ' lit .mt Tlnif "IRENE" NEXT T) . .1 A.Sli n.MIIIO week KeONEY ;ADENT .':.'.. i.':r ill',';;1,' n "love birds" LYRIP .Mai. ieh.w L,lmv' ION!' hi I .T TIJ1I5 MADGE KENNEDY III. In. ' I' IN i illt.NHIU.U NE.XT WI.LR pl'ALS Mi Tlir l.- n.iiili Nntrli) "SPANISH LOVE" ADELPHI ,'aiIS Tlir llr'tnvitlii Hnmallt "THE BAT" ij.v IUy dLii, L - 'S