K BHBWBHHPWPIlffFffMtfllfT'TfflMftfrHftr'iMi'TTfn ,lr-f1aak'fr'friiJ''Blfg'-'- fi tj D 1UIII1CII. t . i, Huv . 4 RkJ i i r HiCWiiii 1i SUP f ?w ' &$ J -j , - i,.r 'fi CLOSE-UPS of the MeViEGAMEA ImK .' "' HENKY M. NEEL.Y "fl ? ' Bltlj3K5' I BH i t f& A SI8R r,,c Have te Tnrew Atvy a Let f Mv'c ''Wl I a U HH flp ' & '- j$3& TFIB motion picture that you may srp en tlir- t-rrren tnnlght was probably mndc S H '4 1'" !z times before tbc work vvns considered geed enough te put out en the RHj KM(Swl " H- W&ff& They Have te Threw Aivay a Let of Mevie Film TI1E motion picture that you may srp en the screen tnnlght was probably mndc !z times before tbc work was considered geed enough te put out en the market. According te figures compiled by Frank Lawrence. Him editor-in-chief of Cniversnl, It takes) about .10,000 feet of motion-picture film te produce one five reel feature of S000 feet. The average varies with different directors and the nature of the ntery Seme of the big Universal features require eight and ten times their normal screen lengths te make, while many twe-rcelers arc filmed within a few hundred feet of the 2000 feet cen en the screen. Why is e much surplus footage necessary? When a player walks across the average room at a normal gait the camera clicks oft six feet of film. Ou tbe screen it niav be desirable te show linn just starting te cress the room. There gees three feet into the wnstebushet T1nfs an example In miniature Consider a big scene In "Outside the Law," Ted Browning made a scene 123 feet long. When the story was screened there was only twenty feet of it left. In ether words, the mechanics are condensed until the dramatic action i shown as briefly ns possible without losing its clarity or force An important scene may be made a de7en times When the 110.000 feet of film reaches the editorial rooms te be cut into ."000 fet of fast nctien, it is up te Lawrence te decide which one of the dozen scenes shall gu into the picture The ether eleven go into the waste baket A shade of expression en the face of one or another of the players, n flick ering light, a bad shadow, the tempo of the nctien. or any one of a hundred ether seemingly trivial things will ruin a scene. LET'S take 30,000 ftel of film te l,aeience enrf U him. te give hi a five-reel photedrnma n rrh the ttery i. tehl aiiejiiiy teilheut the lest of logical action. Sec what happeni. A THE .10,000 feet, wound en thirty metal rels holding 1000 feet each, is rmiglilj patched together according te tJie continuity of the sterj. Ah the director filmed it the climax may be in the first reel nnd the opening hcenes in the last but in the cutting room the purch mechanical work of patching the film together into a Remblnncc of continuity is done before Lawrence ncs It en the screen With 30.000 feet of multi-duplicated scenes en the screen before him. Law rence watches the picture nnd makes his election of scenes. "Take that one," he will say te an nsitant, nnd a stenographer will jet down the number of the scene. "Cut this scene where the man enters the deer " he may say and the instruction is written down for the guidnncc of the cutters The scene iry ques tion may be 100 feet long, but the dramatic force of the story mny only need a glimpse of the man entering the deer The ninety feet remaining is discarded Wbcn tne picture i- down te w.tuin one or two mevant, ,eec ei us pre, ijr length, Lawrence again sees it screened. 1 hen comes the delicate surgrn He trims the action, llternllv, feet b feet, until nothing remains but the punch. A feet tee Hbert nnd the sterj is lest, a feet tee long nnd the action may drag. In the parlance of the editennl details of n simple move en the part of example, a player mav be required te go from a hotel desk te the elevator. Instead of following him ncress the Iebbv he is perhaps shown first at the regis ter. He turns nwuv and is next seen entering the elevator The "cut-backs." the "close-ups" and the speaking titles are the intricacies of the film editor's work dav The "cut-baelt" is a method of recalling nn incident that has gene before without telling the whole sterv ever again. It mav le n tliish showing the fnrm- heufc which tbe star left te go te the city, which was the tlrsUsccne four reels age when the story opened The "clee-up" Is another problem with which a film editor has te contend. It is used principal! with featured pluvrrs and must einphasire emotion. Its i function is te show bv facial expression the reason for the action that is taking nlsri. in'thc fccpnps illst hpferp it nrwi llnmeillnlpli nffcr. Cutting titles into n production in another delicate problem The title must be introduced into a film at the proper moment or else the situation of a man shouting te another n few feet after he has turned around and looked at him is net unlikely. A FIIjM editor job, nernrding in I.aicrenee. u nliiwi? nn thavklri 04 n proniniMett inspector' . If hr cuti nut n rcnp if m sure te he the pet scene of the dircctei . If he ciiM out a cleie-up, the ttnr is indig indig nenr, and if he leave them in the thcatre-encr rnn't crartly erphun ichat the tieuble teas, hut is conscious that the picture didn't hale the punch. FOR YOUR SCRAP f . m m mMmm cjk; uviiwi a smsst- , ty?awi!agft'giBiM m , -mm l i -11 mm Ml f - M Wmm '"Mm - , nth m&M f , W aL.. t "JmmW f faif l j&Jnmb$9m mp j K-W 'J 7jSI " "" ' W1 ' " Answers te Questions by Mevie Fans IIUTII M it teems te me tnat yeui dad'ii office paier netils no c i.se m may write te me en it as ef'ui as the rplrit moves. Leen (jpndren is tweutv eight He ma.v be married, but if be is it s quite a secret lie pla.ved In "Tne World and HU Wife." Cirl With the nzjt Ilesrt. ' "Sci nmbled Wives' mill "If Women Onlv Knew " Mndgp Ken nedy played oipes;te him in "The tiul Ayith the Jai lleirt " If jeu vvish l write te him end veur litter in c ire nf Itobertsen-Cole I'irtj -eighth strcrt un, Ureadvvay, New Yerk Citj a n n -Mildred Marsh younger sister of Mac Maish She has 'tne M'jnt is tni en rii.in the sKiv of golden hair nnd verv blue ejes She U P'lillitis Oppenl pi n "Pnsser.i )( , married te a Spauiurd, Ygnacio Jeliniuist is beudid b Itubje Of ItPtner nnd "Ferrest. Lewis Sten cuJPAN Ann Ferest made her first ap- t. W felirnrancc en inc riie.iinu;; ini;r i"i .. s , , ....... -s.ims !., "f'.itenlien Phtllins' ilrunmtK nneni. ! Bt present. Ne. he does net Infnit.the -i - tl. . .. .. i a. M i.nHi UCVQ a nii -n , t--tn ' l'.,i.rnil N'nupl Innsenh " p'" eme KM Inpaugh. V...JI.. ,..,. ...UL V. I ,1 a.ri.i ni.vt ....- .. ...r... were Incluilcu fanned. 1 Iy out, GuWUITFOUIv I'he ( inttel" was CHI:. , ldi live ycniH ,iw bv itaurnpb I. Sothern made Ills ll'ui debut in It. en hip net inula Ken I Men in Tr ' li' U1 .'' '7'bvce Jliikkelccra " One wua luade yearn ns bv Themas 11. In v,- jreihy U.ilteh, Ouiti ) lelllUiiu ("Cie, room n picture thnt shows the tiresome u plaver is called a "travelogue." As an BOOK OF STARS I lid Lein in lilnum, another w.i' ie mitlj iiiinpleteil lv I niteil Aitists starling 1 In njl.i- I'liilianl..- We.UIni Al viinilr I hi in is fun nil' in his arm e II he weie nvviie nf di.plic.ite "Thre Muskeleeis' vjmg vvllli incli oilier for btellar lioneis-1 SKi AllETTIV Mine Den. v ill iJ(. I sc i n in i new plav this fail. It is i,i lie c.illid "Lilies of the J'iebl ' l.,. I Weber is iimriied le 'Mnlip Sinnllev NEWTON "The Inlidi'." bi tun let A . I.iiL'ue. ivil be kmln i m., .MiicDenald'N ne;i plitute. "Pilmmis .11 A,NIT Win MAN-As fur as I in i iviii it . ii-nil ii in- isi in niMkinir earin't Miaeus icglcs have no glnss in them Put .I'M lib. v is man ml He ;s nn Il Minimi In Mrth Address Ci.'leen Moere nt "I lil Seuth (Jriind lew . Les Angeles. Calif fiaieth Iliii'liis i tvvcntj -finii j ears old. NANCY- lb be Oniileks made her first apptainuce In fine the fneihglits nt the tine of fn ii Mm is tvveiib jeais old iVinl IIUI Ill.ll'etPit. ( EVENING PUBLIC Daily Mevie Magazine mm m mwmmmmmammmmmmmsmmmsimmmmeatpmaimmaam twnrrynr; BPIIB k .rj;j9:.mmm !rasf&iifet;i2i&&3. M . mM m '! VL.f8f H - , .., ,. -mm aj.4f t&KijBKw ctekib . :, :. . - 'i! .'; mt-'mLsi , i liimJL!! K ws JIB ' SmmWBBmmmWEmWmmt ml mWMmnumtm iiihwimmiiiji m sMxMmMmm i , ,., , , f uh, h i I I SCP " n f'-Miniing feature ' Mnm rle fee." hich L .1. (5asnicr mn been making up In the hierra Jleun tains, leeks himple enough Merely a shot showing man and a g"' looking out of n window, jeu say nt once Yes, but leek at the picture en the right ami see hew that eftcct was AGNES AYRES MAY DEFER PICTURE TO LAUNCH SHIPS i: CONSTANCE IWMIEK HollyweoO. Calif. AGNL'K AYItKS nin defer the start ing of her first starring picture for a little while .lust long enough, how ever, te go te Bosten, and from there up the i east tu christen a fleet of seven ships. She met the owners while she wns making "Capp Kicks" with Themas Meighan They liked her se well that they have written, saving the ships mn't possibly be started right utiles' she helps lnutiih 'em Thej've built a spei ml cetictetc vault te held the slxtv uiilti of "Foolish Wive- " Oh. es. dears, I knew if thev were steed in n line, there would be mere foolish wives than that, but I'm talking about the pic ture, that precious, pn cleus picture. I will admit, though, that the sixty miles of film Is about ns valuable ax sixtv miles of railroad, se jeu can t b lime them for taking geed care of it. Muakln.' of building, tluj've mndc tie whole vllinge of Thrums out at i tie Lnskv ranch, for Hcttv Compson i.. de "The Little Minl-.fr" in hi caving with the cetiipun.v nt "s i. sharp, se will tell jeu all aOeilt it vvneu I Htngger bin k home (;uv Oliver is in the cast De jeu remember what a splendid Scotchman he made in "What I'ver Weman Knows'"' 1 in uendmng If they've cast Charlie Ogle, tee He ccriainlv is a darling. i R ALENTINO is ie be Mclferd's lending mnii m tientge next prmluetien, tlin I mil I. trv ." bv name "Meinn nf The leading woman is net vit iiecideri upon. Prnilitctien starts iti nbeut a vveik. thej tell me Here's semething: I'ellv Frederiik. the dear, doesn't use nny ponder en the itreets .Net u spi k I looked viry lesely. and then liskeit her se; retniy t.,.1 il,..,. ion whip it tahes eveiv 1 ether ai tress I knew n geed two hours le make up. Miss Fredi i ick just takes .....,. ivhiie iiniilil. rubs it en her palms and then rubs her fn e the whole nrecess tnking nbeut a inliiiif And I niver suw a mere perieei iiiiiic-mi uu the scricn. ' . .. i.. .... .... 1 told von Tem Uallerv is emingl along He's bei n he-en leniling man' for Mnrie Provest in her new picture! lieetge Ce Is te duett them. Mr I Cox is a great friend of King rtaggett. who hns iliricted all Miss PrevestV, starring pliturts lifntofere. nml It is1 I inter' sting te knew that just two years ngu te the dav he MtirK dlreitlug Prlniess Virtue." he sinrted (lirectlng Ilnggiiti in "The Thlrtletn Piece or dil- 1 ver ' Itemeinber It : , 'E Ll.IOTT UEXTEH who has' been signed un bv llelil rei fin iv wvu is III.IKIIIg Ilir.llleilieilis ill (ill 'i Te wink'' Nn. be snvs, de- 1 Europe ,.i,l..,IK In li UV ( i Ethel Kav, the girl hnsen te jilnv ,,!,..' lead in """"K' IIp',.r,kv '', ", I verv iiiiusual gill This is her fust big pmi I believe she nl.ived nothing but atmosphere before. I She is Utissinn. her real nnme blng something unpronounceable beginning with K She was stib'tlv down and 'out until the Studie Club befriended , I her She bus lived there ever since I v.,,1 let me say tlie mner i inn Kin i nrp juht about as happv her success, bless their as she aoeut benrts' Ven girls thej re nil en It te lllt'Cl lIHJe f wonderful ' Beery in "Call of the ?erlh" Netih Kerry Kmembered fur lis powerful ihni'acler roles in such (u tuiPH ns r.eerge Melfeid's Tin Sea Volf. Hie Ited Lantern The Sngebriishei " mid elllpr, hns linen added te 'be ""ast of "TIip Call of the North," .laik Helt's tirsi starring pn ture. Lydia Knett in Picture Ljdla Knett, plnving in 'Hiating the (lame," a Tem Meiue plcturp bv Cieldwvn Is tin metliPi of Olieclei Laiilbeit Ilillver. fnired for Ins d rev ticn of the WilHnm S Hurt iiictures EEDGEB PHILADELPHIA, SATTJEDAY' OCTOBER 1, 1021 77EV TAKE THEIR WINDOWS AROUND WITH THEM IN THE MOVIES enined. Tliey couldn't put the camera In the iouse and get the lighting the wanted What te de? Simple They just took the entire window frame out and iit t it in the open where they could get all kinds of light. Tins result en the Minis was very beautiful. Hese Dl one nnd (ieerge MclJaniel arc the watchers b the window and Huth King is the lady en the horse. 'What's in a A'ae?" Please See Larry Semen Mendav Larry Semen completes "The IWlhep." Tnesdny "The Itellhep" is di uirdrd in fnver of the peppj title, "He Who Heps " Wedne-dn.v ll.v order of Jhe In ternal Revenue Department Lnrrv S'emen's new cemedv will net be ailed "He Who Heps." The word 'hops" has n nefarious significance. "Itlng One Hell" in the new title. Thursdiiv King W Lnrdner. simplified spelling expert, has vvlrpd Lurr.v Semen pleadinf; him net te infringe en his name in the title. "King One Hell " Larry won't he's renamed it "Ice Water." Fridnj Pretests from exhibitors that the name would chill nny box office result in cancellation of "Ice Water" and substitution of "While the Servant Snores" ns title for the Semen emed.v Saturdav IlccnuH- it is tee long for electric Mgns Lnrrv Semen's "While the Senant Snores" will be released as "The nellliep." Pff Revers Encaacd " bub" te Play a Professer in a Lasky Comedy WILL KOCEUS. Lila Lee and Wal ter I Hers have been engaged for i h"t leading roles in n uncial picture which is being produced ut the LasUv studio in Hollywood bv .Itiius Chip The title of the production bus net jet hi en icl"( ted Will Itegers in this picture will lie si en in 'he lele of n profcssei, n pm-t something iliffercnt from nnv thing he i t-n" vet none en t'e s Tfeii Others in llicia-l will hi Emily Halt. Clarence ISurteii nnd Jehn IV x ClairC H(1S LenCCSt LaSllVS Claire Windser, leading woman In "(Jriind Larienv." which Wnllaie Wnrslev i directing for fieldwvn. has. according te her director, the longest nelnslies ever seen in (nptivitv. At in... .... :...... ,- ..'.. A. ti . h-iiim hii nun. .m inn-iri esuuiaies SHE ISN'T AFRAID iela Dnnn Is one of the few prett.v fiirln en tbe screen who 1 peifectly wi ling te make herself up for plain or even ridiculous parts AIievh, for IiiMuiiip Is nn exninple of the "URly dufklinj;" pei.e of Viela, and a pi tine of the little lending Ind.s ub nhc usually appears HAD TO HAVE REAL PEARLS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CAMERA TnAT there is illusion empleye! in moving-picture production, direc tor will admit, Jut it remntard for I'hile McCulleugb. who handled the megnphene in an Lileen IN icy picture (e discevsr that thcie are times when even the films themselves revolt against Imposition or deliberate substitution. Much of the nctien in one of the I'er i star h recent pictures revolved mound n $."i0,000 strin: of pcnrls. The di rector called upon the prepetty men nt the studies in Hollvvveod for the pearls A fins Imitation necklace was handed te Miss l'crcy, which she were in Sev ern! scenes of Oie piny, le (he nston nsten Ishmcnt of both dliecter nnil star, when Ibey viewed the first "shots" in (he studio projection room they found that tbe pearls "heved hollow, nnd evn the wire through the cenfr of the gems vvns plainly vis.blc. Other strings of pearls were tritd and nlwn.vs with the snme result. Th technical director of the studio Investigated That the powerful rns of the Cooper-Hewitt electiic lights used in tb- studio possess! nn clement of Urn lloentppn op violet rnv bus letu l,i.i I untvli 11 scientists. It VMS felllld l but these si arching shafts -if light pen ttiated the piarls like an X-rav, mak m; their sham only tee obvious Hel fcails must be ubed. decreed tin dircctei THEN It was (hut Mi-s IN'wv her self mine te the res. ue bv offering te boirew n $."50,000 pcail netklacefrnm rue of 'ier seclet.v friends The n.'M ('iy she breiiitlit the iewe's te the stit- ,l!n ..ml evlltlllncl tllllt tlll.V W CIV till liir.'iiprt of Mis Anna II. Buscli. ew tr ' !of the famous ntiseh Cardens of l'asa- una. one of Les Angebs' guatest Hhnw ! '1 laces nud.ilwajH Included in the ltir. lunry of visitlng temist).. The penils lw"p n gift te Mrs. ISusch fiein her fclhcr-in-lnw. the millieiiulie St Leuis Lrcvver, and were valued at ST.'i.OOO Sel. M. Wurtrel. grneial i.uperin- ! Undent of the Fex West Coast studin.s. j wd-t.l nt thn wonderful ue.trls intlcnll.v thanked Miss Pcrc.v for iKiriev.ing them and oreinptly telephoned for a Uunis liilictive te come nnd guard the l' x star each dav the jewels were worn, and nlglitlv te place ihcm in the s.ife ib ib jesit vntilts of n Hollvvveod bunk The eirller scenes of the pictuie vere "le-shot ' nnd the pictuie preieeileil Berf Lytell Has Ideas en Name-Changing Mania BEI tl, EIIT LYTELL has ghen thought te he matter of changing sterv titles for screen purposes simp the levl-dim in title of two of bis foithceming pic tures KpnriPtt Ilnrris' Ciiliferni.i remntiep ".luiik " bus new become "The Idle Huh," nnd .T P Mnrqunnd's prlre light story. "The Bight Thnt Fniled." has been hanged te leep en tlif Mlllf" ( .Mr l.vtcUs luight little thought I ceiiimiiiiicated te Nazlmevii for her lnt- ' est piodiictlen. is te call ' Cnmillc" , i nn .... . . ., ii mih inssiennie iiirisiciiiir TO LOOK UGLY yft - MMtf ' nm.Kf$gffi. Buck's Herse IFanted te Ge Down Cliff First, Se Back Obliged Him "NE would net erdinnrllv cultlvnte the habit of falling off th Weel worth Building. Neither would Uuik .lenes. Hut Iliick took n drop of equal ecigiir. nitiieugn net quite se perpen dicular, diirinir the til mini? of n fnrltw coming picture. "Hiding With Death." Director Jacques .Tnccard was shoot sheet ing the pictures, nnd in order te obtain the most realistic effect in a "chase" jjeene'he selected a spot en "Lookout Mountain." tO till, west nf TTnllv,,-,! where the cliff drops down through the brush nlmest sheer into the ennven be low. Jiiccard plnred his cameramen se that ull angles of the ride would be taken nnd then called for action. He get it. .Huek'H horse, the partner of all his lame He used n new horse for the ride, nnd the animal was net camera-wIrp. one camera 'had been placed in the 'ffff h,BhJi "f .,he P0i,1? wh"- '" llff wus the steepest, and ns the horse dashed past it he shied and the hank crumpled beneath him. rjHSPITn Buck's superb. hnrsemnn ' !hlp, man nnd horse went ever the flge. There vvns n rush of directors, ncters ind cnmcrincii te the ledge, but nil thev i en hi see was n cloud of dust nnd nil avit lnnche of dislodged rock. i no noise nnlved at th bottom in nine, nut itticl, was lowered bv .,... n.,.i t...... i i!" WHS tint nn lit,. V ....... ffiS. . . ......... wiiIIJ I IMML i.iicn vvns rnisfd te the ten. He uns dazed, but criimliiir 'nil It i i .... " "Hew's the Imrsc'" be asked A glance down into the cjnven showed the animal limping about among therecks. "All risht." replied .Inceard. "But hew illdjeu gut out of it?" Oh. rcteitcd limk fncitieiislv. 'T ' ecided the hursp wanted te get "down "rat. se I just slepppil off ,i, nn, ct him have his way nbeut it rneTiii'i. n AIL,kw l"ih. Miirrls I'jununli Avu Alnambra Jr, i.nii .u k. u IM.IAMSllN'S I'HODI'CTION "WET GOLD" A I t fTPUirMV 1'runkferU & AlIfKhfny ALLLunHNI m.i diin . i . i;vK ut 8 IlICIIMU) IIAItTIIKI.MBSS In "EXPERIENCE" Anrti I r 6'-U & THOMPSOS' 8TH. Al ULLVJ trt.N' r. ia it nmtni lcl.ICtM I UUUIjLU lViBCl-c.A4 In "Tlir, HOMK hTlthTt II A D- A r A 1XV'VL"" CUKhTNCT til A .V in lid 10X11 11 IS I' it BERT LYTELL in "iin: man mho" A CTAD KUA.MCI.1N 4 OlUAItD AVE. AOlsJI Mvnvit; DAILY (ltlUmiN's SK('I, "THE BRANDING IRON" baTtTmere ?Ki iviFS?? Ethel Clayten in "Wealth" I.AKnVJ!MONlnTlli:liI.LJilV, BROADWAY "! Ilreml I. SnjJer Ave . f ft II I M KATHERINE MacDONALD In "MY I I'H LATCHKEY" i CAPITOL iw.mkbt8?;-.. v i CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "viwniA's rrni" COLONIAL (Jtn & Maptewoed Av 7 .1 'i I' in 1 CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "MAMMA'S XKI'AIK" DARBY THEATRE , BERT LYTELL I In "A MK1SAOK I'ltOM MAIln" rMDDTCC MAIN fiT . MANAYUNK LlVlrKll-33 mvtinli: daily GLORIA SWANSON In "TIIK l.ltKAT MtlMKNT" FAIRMOUNT TATl.rDAtt?Y VIISTAIl CST In "A Tale of Twe Worlds" FA Mil V TIllSAllti: 1811 .MAKICKT rAlVllL4l vi te wion'ieiit BUCK JONES In "STUMIHIT IHtlM TIIK HIKU'LUnt" fiATI-1 -T THKATHK Ileluw fJDri.ct JO in Ol, M VTI.NKH DAILY l AII-SIr Cunt In Jnineii Ollvfr Curvvoed'n i "KAZAN" I FRANKFORD 471rnJEre,lD I "Ged's Country and the Law" I HtUI'IIISi; VM'DKVII.LK rl rUV WiOt MAItKBT ST Ul'w.r: "2. "' ise in ii SHlKLtY MASON . In "KiKI. HINCK KVK" pMUTWLAtY m it. m nu V CONFESSIONS OF A STAR As Told te INEZ KLVMPH THE STORY 1IEGIN8 Kith the early days in the old Fine Arts studio In California ichen Colleen Moere, the Oish girls, Bessie Leve and a host of ethers tccrc net much mere than estra girls, Diana Chtyne tells hew she and her chum. Isabel Heath, sat loncsemcly around the studio until l'.il Ctaney, the famous director, chose Isabel te be the first of the scretn's "baby vamps." They ire seen together a prcat deal, and a randal is created by the director's wife. Derry Win chester, a friend of Diana s, is called en le help, and Isabel tries le "vamp" him. l'hen Isabel an nounces she Is te be starred in the East by a Paul Markham. Jerry gees te France toil! the nulnfien corp and Diana meets Keith Oer ham, iche strangely attracts her. On the eve of a remantia ruttetcay marriage, Keith is killed In an auto mobile accident. AND IIEHE IT CONTINUES CHAPTER XXXV STANLEY QUENTIN'S camp in tbe Adlrendacks was the most beautiful place of Its kind that I have ever seen. It was a long, low house of legs, with it veranda that seemed te bang right ever (he edge of a precipice, and from which you get n breath-taking view of a wonderful valley. The living-room was enormous, with Brent fireplaces at cither end ; that first day, after our long sleigh ride from the little station where we had left the train. I cried out with de light ns I enme Inte thnt room, with Its dancing fires, its wide, deep couches, and Its gay cushions nnd many books. It was such n place ns I had dreamed about many times. And my own little room bow I loved thnt. I felt when I stepped into It thnt I had found the corner of the world that was meant for me. There was nn open lire there, tee, with low bookcases built in nt either Mile: evi dently Stanley Qucntln felt, as I did. that one must always have books nbeut. There was n great white bearskin rug before the fire, nnd another one lay by my bed, where I would step out ou it In the morning when I get up. (lay. rose-strewn chintz, covered the white enameled bed, matching the painted garlands en the furniture; it was hung nt the windows, tee, nnd covered the cushions en the chaise leuguc. , , And from tbe little bnlceny outside I euld leek straight up nt the v?on v?en ilerful. snowy mountains. "The hills from whence cerneth my salvation" the words sung in my head as 1 slipped out of mv blue serge frock nnd Inte one of soft white wool; surely the mud dled condition of my life would strnlghten out in this quiet, lovely place ! That evening at dinner n telegram inme for Malcolm Sandy. He rend it eagerly, then rend it again. And then he tossed It down en the table, with a hapnv, exultant laugh. "I've get her!" he exclaimed jubi lantlj. "I'hjllls rnlrchltd has signed with me." New. Phyllis Knlrcliliu was one et tnc best-known nnd best-loved actresses en the American stage Every one knows her real name. and. no matter hew bad the play in which she appears, crowds throng te the (hentrc. She, Is verv beaiit'ful. and, In reality. erv hnrd te get along witti. nut the public doesn't knew that. I knew that several motion -picture producers bud been trving te get her te sign with them, but she bad Insisted that she didn't cntr te go Inte the movies, and nobody had been able te purstinde her te change her mind. It had been a question of money, of ceurse: her be office value would be i rcii riiui'". "" - i ..... ...in l.ii t ..lie unu i rtnnni Hi she was (teinnnillug lmi-e salary nnd n big sum In advance And new .Mniceim nanny nnu none wnat noliedy else could de, nnd signed her. The telegram lay there in the ruddv glow from the rnsp-shndcil candles, crumpled, blurred and jet hew signi ficant! I looked nt it. wondering wlint It meant in mv life, vet net suspect ing that it could be se important. Had I known. I think th.it evpr.vthlng would bnve been different. And vet new. looking back, I can't see thnt. perhaps. --n - ., ..!. t... ! PHOTOI'MIS The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. GRANT, 1UJJ Olllini Ave M-.il. Ted.li ffeilui( 'i'iiv illi-rlfi HuHllLnnu' PAULINE FREDERICK "Till: MISTItKSS op hHI.NSTOM'." In GPEAT N0RTHERNl,ruaVI- , at Krle i 1'. M lll'.UINAI II HAItkl W I'IKllii ( TIO "THE OLD NEST" IMPERIAL Mill S. WAI..SL1 8TS .vintM. :tn. i.ib. ? jb. h I'.KHINAI II IIA1IM !(' 1'IMiin (THIN "THE OLD NEST" Lehigh Palace ""WST VaDa POLA NEGRI In "t.U'hV III.(KII)" I IRFRTY ullO'L A C'OLtMUIA AV L,IUI1. 1 I MAT N.CJJ UaILY TOM MIX lu "TIIK Mtilir lltKSt.VHi OVERBROOK 0JU&1liD HOBART BOSWORTH In "'TIIK yVAIKFlKl.ll C'Asr." PALACE 12H MAItKCT STHUET 10 A il te II 15 l: il IAjni Ut'TI.KK In THE SKY PILOT' 1 1 PRINPRSS ... suhkTt STHliK f . ... .n.u . r ,,, , WILLIAM S. HART In "Till: III M kiiitkii" REGENT MAItKLI HT. Ueluw 17 1 1 BERT LYTELL i" vi in il ! t In "Tlir, I'UI.Nj KHH rillMBHH OF NKIV OIIK.i RIALTO UEffi0Sf .ll I MM s,. i MiT In "THE WHISTLE" RUBY WAHKLi; bt IIEIXJW 7TU 4mvck sknnktV FHonrc-TieN u Leve, Hener and Behave" SAVOY "" VA.u,fP 8T,"cct deuglasVairbanks"t In "TIIK 11(1011 nll MAS" SHERWOOD 8?&.S-!ifa Chn$. Ray in The Old Swimmin' Hele J-AimVWliMON In "TIIK Fit.!. Ol'Y" STANLEY "'KT AT iuTU- NORMA TLMAD'cdE1'- M In "TIIK SION UN TIIK IKIQU" 333 MARKET VXK'VPitVZ ELSIE FERGUSON L,,JlliD'TLI(lllTH" VICTORIA "j.,t'5r , DUSTIN FARNUM - -"'LTiL1'' I'UIMAI, I.n" ST ab OTII ''13 I', il, A I WtbT CHESTER Ieiai Tr uin.iv.. .'?,:.. .'l' .n vT'.rt,"IKn 8 IDLE HOUR..M8 "KHrMTKU ( f " ' - i ''SWt' y He Wants te Knew . J '" , J ; . llEl? "JEd!' h efiBuainia&irLC'euasi m HEN TUUI'IN Tbe famous c ess-cyed comedian is taking a flyer in vaudeville te find out what people think of him. He's getting homesick for the studio custard pits, though, and will probably flit westward before many daya it was better that I didn't knew haw Phyllis Fairchild was te pick my lift up in ner iwe nanus nnn twist ana tear It until it was as crumpled as thai telegram. We went te work the next day, out en the snow. Stanley Qucntln had beta ' right j the locations wcre wendcrtul, anil the cntncrman raid that if we hadn't artv plot at all lie could hav shot semn scenic stuff tip there thnt would havni been geed enough te run all by ltslf. I , I found it a little hard te work in ' the cold nt first, nnd I 'jad te learn ! te held mv breath, bccnjite if. showed se In the frestv air. But I loved beln u outdoors, instead of in the drafty studio, and after we'd been up there n week I felt like n new person, I Stanley Queptin taught me te walk ' en snow shoes, nnd even tried te teach me te ski. I vvns likely te end igne mlnieusly in n snowdrift, but when I wntched him sweeping down a huge hill nnd out into the valley, beautifully poised, nmnzingly hnndsemc In his white sweater nnd cap. I wanted se much te go sailing down beside him that it seemed incredible that I could net. We get te knew each' ether very well In these days. He was different from the men I hnd known, net quite as Keith (ierlinm had been different, be cause he vvns elder, but jet of the samn w... 'e wns m we" pelsctl, se sura nf himself just ns Keith hnd been. And , he liked me ns n girl, nnd net as an actress. He wbh kind, loe, ileing little things for me thnt Malcolm Sandy, nlcs as he was. would never have thought of ileing. Being with hm made me very happy. And then one night, as be nnd I snt nn n big dnvenpert that steed In front of one of the fireplaces In the living room. In. told me thnt be loved me. "1 want te take jeu out of nil this, Dmnn," he snid. "I'lint's why 1 nsked Handy and the rest of the crowd up here; I wanted te have .you get te knew me well enough, se thnt I could tell ou thnt I've IevcjI jeu ever since the. night we met nt fffnt studio pnrty. This Isti t the sort of work for ou. deur veu're tee fine for il. Mnrry me, and lenve it forever, won't you? I turned nvvny fient the intent, ador ing leek in his blue e.ves. I couldn't think when lie wns 1. eking nt me liltc J int. And then. I glanced up nt the balcony which a,i around the room, nnd from which the bedrooms opened, I snvv Malcolm Sand stnndlns there, looking down nt us. I knew from hit expression that he had heard what Stanley (jtient n snid. And the hntred in his fnce told iup that he would never let ineiiiarryQuentiiiiflic could help it. Te Be Continued Memmy I'HOTOPf.AlS ..II..MIV..i. I. U THEATRES f if j BELMONT ;'' A?ev mahkbt "liaivi 5. HART .MOlJTKn" CEDAR r'0Tn cedah AVENTJM WALLACE REID In "TOO JllTIl WI'KKD" and ( COLISEUM Marl:t r"-t- -th & oem WALLACE REID 7 and ' '" "TOO MI'CH HPj.;K.. JUMBO PltONT ST A OIRAnn in Jumtie June. L" " '""'STS OF YESTEni).Y" en LEADER UST .t-CAHTBn AV MATINUC DAILY ' ..-J1 I'STAH ''.T I.. "GODLESS MEN" LOCUST ,J.3:7m' nB8T9 RIVOLI 52 ASD ."A.SSOM 8Tft .BERT LYTELL I'T'IK MlhLKAIIINd LAI) STRAND UUHMANTOWN AVB. DOUGLAS MncLEAN I" "I'ANhl.Ml TIIUL" - AT OTHER THKAtpl-c MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A, C ifrmaril'rtip- 6510 Rnrniininun "T11 MATI.MSK DAIM HKIH.-jAI.il IIAIIKKH'N l-KOinc'TKl inc. ULU INtiJT" JEFFERSON !0th Duphln ata. MARY MILES MINTER "".IM'1" '' 'K f.lTTLK OIBI' In PARK Dan am:. ALICE BRj In "1.ITTLK M 1 DAL'I'IIIN UT. jlRv'M 0:5 tu It DY A LI" J WEST ALLEGHENY s"?.,A.'Xjj "THE LURE OF EGYPT" Willi . ALL-MTAK C.1.-JI' u n i CD it: Ian A ' Itw nut ob ' folio Wlllli Bevith Th OWf euro 5 ret uld tint lUfllt tteet 1131 ctptt mix bend tlent ru. LIN nxi 'Tr ml) tin Sert coin nd 111' tec New NPt aeii SS T C 1 tin ?ev M' mm B 0! K 1 ! 1 1 be ftr M a Ofl In tut Pi Ocl 01 1 et ti B. U 1, n ct n cl h i LL , A W.iitvk