,7-rv"- -Vl'"V" 'W 7 AVtid7 ruiV F"MMiailMaBIHMMBIH "V fr&tfr - "i 73$F T ' '-"-Wl!' i ' ..- - -7. . . -- i $..x,V! &U!WW-3,J 14 EVEyiflq PUBLIC LEpaE-PHILADELlPHIA, FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER' yQ, 1921 i ji r . i IBi HI l! t II: Kr. II' lit MM - mM Zh& Daily Mevie Magazine MteT ' ! '-"-i CLOSE-UPS of the MO VIE GAME Dy IIENItY Here's a Pretty Little Girl With a Man's Size Jeb 'A MONTH nr de iire I told you of some of the hnir-rnlstng stunts tlint Clinrles X. Hutchisen invented nml went through te tnnlte this new serlnl tliriller of hit, "Htirricnne Hutch. " And. if ou remember the nrtiele. you will recall tlmt in nlmest nil the MunN Lucy Vex figured ns- the party of the second part and I said that some day I uas peint: te nsk her what she thought of it nil if I ever Ret n chnnce My chnnce came early this week. I tea-cd with her at the ClarldRe in New Yerk. New ten-ins is the kind of thing jeu expect of people who never de nny thing very dangerous or exciting or nevr get very far from imnfertnble homes and het bntlis nnd geed clothe. Ten-lug is nil right for n settled old codger like me, hut, somehow, knowing wlint dangerous nnd exciting things Lucy Fex does day after day. it seemed out of place Yeu see I had a mental picture of her as n sort of Powerful Ivatrinkn. And, as I snt waiting for her (we had made the appointment by phone) 1 watched n most exquisitely prctt little gitl come tripping in en the daintiest pair of tootsies jeu eer saw and I wondered whnt such a vision of loveliness would think if she had te go through the dnngcrs nnd hnrdships tliut Lucy Fex does. And then I di.iceu'rcd that the exquisitely pretty little girl was Lucy Fex herself: Fer the firt ten or fifteen minutes I was with her I rnulilu't de much but lilt and stnre at her in unbelief It simply didn't seem penible. There wnsn"t a thing about her that suggested that she would calmly jump into the rapids of Ausable Chasm and be hurled through these rolling waters, bumping into rocks and with every minute fraught with death, until Hutch chose te rescue her nfter the cameraman had cranked out enough footage. " And I couldn't picture her taking part in a fierce fight in nn nutomebilo. running wild at seventy inl'cs nn hour. Or struggling with the villain in a ped beat, while Hutch, hauging by his feet from nn airplane, sweeps ever her, reaches down nnd grabs her upstretched bunds and files away, with her dangling about halfwav between earth and heaven. These arc mil a few of the stunts she does with Hutch in this serial. Rut they arc typical. And. knowing the stunts, is it any wonder I expected te sec masculine-looking woman, hard as nails, ami with something about her that would suggest almost anj thing rather than ten-iug at the Clnridge? (il SIMPLY love t. she crirrl school nrl off en a holiday. danger the excitement and the constant change. I wouldn't give it up for the best straight part they could offer me." I DON'T knew any one word that describes Lucy Fex. Kbullient sounds geed. If it means what I think it does, it's the word I want Shu seems bubbling all the time with go?d health nnd jev of living nnd enthusiasm nt everything, especially the things ether people have done or are doing, and net se much nt what she has done herself, except a concerns the way ether people help her. Her admirntien for Hutch is unbounded. "Yeu don't really think of the danger when he is there," she snid. "Somehow he makes jeu feel nbselutely confident that he will be beside you when he is needed nnd that he will take care of you. "In thnt Ausable Chasm episode I felt just that way. If veu've ever seen the rapids there jeu knew hew wicked they nre At first we tried te put up some cafeguards, just in case anything went wrong. We tried te stretch a rope ncress at the falls, but the force of the water carried it nway each time, se we gave it up. And, net wanting te wnste any mere vnluablc time, we decided te take our chances and go through with it. "The sccnnrle calls for me te be en a bridge nbeve the rapids, the bridge gives way and I am swept down toward the falls. Hutch sees me, rushes down, leaps in nnd swims out te me Then, jut before we come te the brink of the falls, he gets ine far enough toward shore te reach up nnd grab the branches of an everhnngiug tree and se pulls me out. "Hut I bore the marks of thnt episode for a geed mnny dnys afterwnrd The rush of the water is se strens thnt all you can de is keep your head above, with out a chnnce of guiding yourself. Yeu nre simply nt the mcrcj of the currents "It seemed te me that I had no sooner fallen from the bridge then I was burled against one of these submerged rocks. Frem then en it wns one rock after another, and the only way I could protect myself wus te keep my head from striking. I knew, if that happened, ecn Hutch could net ave me "I think every inch of my body wns black and blue from these rocks. My right thigh, from my knee te my waist, was ene solid mass of bruises, my arms and shoulders were almost raw and my right thumb still bears a senr." Hut that's fun according te Lucy. She likes it. She wouldn't gie it up. And, naturally, she has te keep in the best of phvsical trim te be nblc te go through with this kind of thing She is up every morning before 7 nnd nway or a gnllep through the park en a horse her father gave her net long age. And, by the way. her father is Chief Fex, of the New Yerk Fire Department, se Lucy's nerve is probably inherited After the morning ride there fellows nn hour or two in a nearby gjmnnsium and a swim in the peel. It's enlj nfter that that she really feels that she is out of bed and ready for a full day. She get into pictures entirely en her nerve, tee She was attending a girls' rchoel in Providence. H. I . less than three years age, and. while home in New New Yerk en a ncntien, some one dared her te tr te get into the movies She made up her mind she wouldn't de it in the ordinary waj . She wanted something unusual te tell the giilc about when she went burk te school. Se, just te see whnt would happen, she made up n story about the lending parts she had played out West, and went te one of the big studies in New Yerk They took her at hei word and te her own astonishment cast her for the lend in a picture they were nbet te start But it nut Luev up against it for a while. She didn t even knew hew te mnkc up for the screen. Se she had te take another girl into her confidence and this girl made her up And Lucy simply walked awaj with the job. She was se satisfactory that they gave her a contract for three jenrs and cast her for another lead. Mind you, she hadn't told her parents whnt she was doing. Hut vacation ended nnd she had te confess te them. And they made her give up her contract, because she was net yet of age and they wanted her te finish school. But enn jeu Imagine the riut she was in Providence among girls and the romantic young fellows of Brown University when the two pictures in which bhe played the lead were shown there? Lucy owned every fellow in town. When school was ever she went straight into movies again. She went nbread with Leonce Perret for Pnthe nnd made "The Empire of Diamonds" nnd "The Menej Maniac " Then she tame bad: nnd Pathe assigned her te Hutch. And, nfter the stunt work wns evir nnd they were filming in the studio, she worked ut the same time with Jehn llnrrymere nnd Marshall Neilau She's going abroad some time next month for a little pleasure trip. Then bhe will rejoin I In tc h and sajs she hopes she will have some stunts te de this time thnt will be renl thrillers THAT'S the kind of girl trith ichem I tca-ed at the Claridge. Can you imagine it And as I looked at her and listened te her talk, I couldn't help' thinking of that piece that Kipling once composed for the papas entitled, "Shi s a better man than I arc, Gorden gin," Answers te Questions by Mevie Fans O. N AND II. SMYTHE Ma Marsh is married te Leuis Lee Arms Kathenne MacDonald nnd It ith Ro Re land nre net married nt present Beth hve been married Mi rtha MnnIitld took the nnme Mansfield fiem the town where she nieed giit social success fhe believed the name would bring her luck. Ruth Reland has welet "w- nnd reddish brown naturullv curlv hair. Marien Danes' real name is M.ir.en Deuras. JENNIE Dl! KRE-Willium Fnr num has returned from Europe Suielj Ihistln Farnum still p!ns in jiictuies. He hai rccentlj signal n new contract with Fex. The last I knew of Winifred Kingsten she wns planus: m ' The Lift ed Veil," a La si, i production. PEPPER ".Mether e Mine" is r Themas Ince production Die nnjier lmSiii . J fSi ju'ii!Si!i.- ' AVON Jacqueline Legan plnvs op posite Mente Blue in "A Perfect Crime." JADE "Pilgrims of the Niht" is an adaptation nf E. Phillips Oppen- . helm's nerl, "Passers Bj." W'ALLY FAN There is absolutely I no truth in the rumor that Wal'aie Itchl and his wife have separated It It Irue that she has rtturned te the staxe, She was a well-known actress when bhe und Wnlly were married "MERNIi: Kenneth Huilnn n!as opposite Constance Talmadge in ' Wom Wem an's Place." Fontaine 1 u Rue is i.lin Ine In "Exit the Vamp." Ethel Cluj ten plays lt lead. NED The little girl who plays i i in She VKnrthbmind ' h Hiille r Cotten til a a p In 'The Old Nest." M. NICELY for such 11 girl te ten at the Clarldge I irith aft the enthusiasm of a little "I love the thrill 0 it all the directed bj Rowland V. Lee. The cast Is enmjiev 1 of Helmit B'swerth, Madge riil'iuiu, Tully Marshall and Nilus i WeVh DINWIDDIE Mary Cnir played I the mother 'ii ' 0er the Hill " Vera I dorden in "Huniercsque" and Ma.-v Alden m "The Old Nest " ANTIQI E "Sunshine Melly" was pre luced Ly Lnsk; in 11)1.". Hebnrt ' Boswetth made Ins first screen npiicnr- ' mice in 1001) The Pirils of Pauline" , was Pearl White's tirst s( rm re'euse in 1UH i 1 ARTY Mnrgucnte Clark husiinnd I Harriet never plnjed hi pictures Hammend wus n Sennett bathing e.rl for three jears before her entrance into , drumatic pictures .vs.!,1: "i?J.'r"',"."?r.j". :,.'",t'":' nalliue item plnjeU the lend opposite Ketliieen Llllleril In ".Siik Abed G N AND H SMYTHE Tem Mix is rimmed te Virginia I'eide An An An toneo Morene is still u bn heler Hnrelil I.'ejd is in t miirried Heet Gibsen was ihristenid lMwarcl and net Heet , He has been mnrried Geerge is marrud te Ollie Kirb Larkin , SHE'S LITTLE AND 1 ujlHHm m IM-l (iK5Ki CONFESSIONS OF A STAR As Told te INEZ KLUMPH THE STOBY BEGINS IHtft the early days in the old Fine Aits ttudle in California irhcn Colleen Moere, the Oish girls, Hcsiit. Leve and a host of ethers tccre net much mere than extra girls, Diana Cheync tells hew she nnd her chum, Isabel Heath, sat loncsemcly around the studio until l'hil Clancy, the famous director, chose Isabel te be the first of the screen's "baby vamps." The arc sren together a great deal, and a scandal is created by the director's icifc. lierry Win chester, -u friend of Diana's, is called en te help, and Isabel tncs te "vamp" him. Then Isabtl an nounces she is te he started m tne East by a i'ntii Mnrkham. Dcrry gees te Fiance with the aviation ceipj and Diami meets Keith Gor Ger ham, iche strangely attracts her. On the eve of a romantic runaway marriage, Keith is killed in an auto mobile accident. AND HEBE IT CONTINUES CHAPTER. XXXIV IT SEEMS a ery long time age new, that night when I threw open the deer nnd fncjd Malcolm Surdy and the do de tective who steed beside him, villi Isabel cowered behind me, and I won dered what en earth I was going te say te protect her. Sandy explained, in rather a puzzled wny. thnt a sirl who was a fugitive from justice hail bearded the train nt Poughkeepsie, nnd couldn't be found hnj where else, and that the potter said he had seen her go into m lompirt lempirt inent. Sandy was sure she wasn't there, of course, but the detective wiint-il te lcel;. "Theie isn't nny one heie, is there. Diana'" he added, ecvicuslj quite cer tain of his nnswrr "Whj, no that is. nobody but " The detective interrupted me. He had looked ever n y shoulder nnd seen Isabel. "Who's that''" he demanded, turn ing net te me. but te Sindv. "I den t knew." Sandy answered bluntlv "It's my secretary." I broke in quickly "Shu joined me at Pough keepsie " There was a long, hornble silence. Between th" lurching of the trnin nrd the shaking of mv knees I found it hnrd te stnnd. And I felt re helpless, se in cnpable of doing anything te protect Isabel. The dcteitive loekel at me Feirehing ly. Then he turned te Malcolm Sandy, who shook "ils hend just itrpercpptibly. Aud after thnt he brushed past me and took held of Isibel's shoulder "Come ."long, Mls-j Heath," he said. quietly "We've get you this time She screamed wildly at thnt I)er frantic cries nn? through the train, and people crowded te the deer nnd t-ied te le k in, until Malcolm Snndy stepped inside and slammed it behind liim. Thin he turned te Isnbel and quieted her with n few curt words. ' Oh, all right. " she said bluntly, her hysteria stepping just ns water does when you turn off a fuueet. "I'm nil light en thl I thin;; I'm net afraid. Bur ou wult and see hew I ?et even wi'li WINTER AND SPRINGTIME CONTRASTED Mary the met he, "Over th and Violet Mersercau in scene from "Tl underclap the exci racing si Carr yZ&' s -rxsfcaae... inn; Jkfm-i fiaDnm ry. ffcljEjKaf jtiH0vlPinHHnpnSVw'w'aH W Jr k Y v Hi V. ItllkvmtlukwS ' ' 1 -rl IAI Ji DAINTY BUT SHE LOVES SERIAL THRILLS i A &- 1 wM$mmmm "13" Plays Big Rele in Alice Lake Picture IlIIRTEEN plajs an important -- part in "The (.olden lilft, Alice Lake's newest starring pic ture, according te the statistician of the Metre Studies in Hollywood, Calif. There are thirteen persons in the cast and of thee thirteen Jesef Swlckard has thirteen letters in his names. The same is true of June Ida Mathis, co-author of the scenario; Maxwell Kargcr, director, and Jehn Carl Beule, camera man. The title. "The Gelden Gift," nnd the nnme of the releasing company, Metre Pictures, total the same. It has net yet been decided whether it would be released en a thirteenth. jeu Mnlce'm Sandy nu nnd that weak -kneed thins: that hnn't the spunk nt n mouse." nnd she glanced nt me. "If jim'd been werrli anything jnu'd hnve helped mc out of this, Dl, instend of standing there hesitating, jeu sillv thing. Well, you'll he nerry you fell down en this deal, Dmnn. Se long!" And she snu n tared awny with the de teitive, all her old nenclialnnce re turned. i I sunk down en the ent nnd looked i.i .uniceim aanuj. "Tliere's nothing she won't de te get eun," I te'd him, trembling nil ever. "I knew iBnbil she won't step at any thing till she sets even with me nnn 1 tried te help her Oh, why did jeu gie It away?" "Hecuuse I knew jeu weren't going te gum nn thins b being associated iih u glil like thnt. eu'tnn't af ford te de these things, child; once 1 -Hm Im I rnHIUTCEN plajs nn Important Wh BfBBB - 9R JLs )MtKwA . Lucy Fex isn't at all what you would think. The ficreinc of a hundred stunts in "Hurri cane Hutch" a lew of which arc shown below likes ex citement, she says, ever a tea tup at the Claridgc. jeu're talked about, your public is go ing te turn en jeu, and then vlint'll jour pictures be worth? Besides, whj btnnd in the way of justice''" He'd have steed in the way of it fast enough if it would have benefited him uny ; I knew that. But I didn't say anything: I just sat still and wondered vhnt Isabel would de te him nnd me. "She enn't de n thing." he told me, when I brought the matter up later. "Why. what could she de' Net a darned thing. I'm one of the biggest men In the industry, nnd jeu have me behind jeu. Step worrying." Oidinnrilv I wouldn't hnc been se distuibed, but I'd been living a lonely sort of life, even with Derry te tnke mc about I'd been working awfully hnrd, nnd ns I couldn't nfferd te get se tired thnt it would show in my pictures, sometimes Mr. Snndy's sister hadn't let me accept invitations from Derry, brcnuse I needed the rest. Se I'd grown in en myself a bit, se te speak, and I suppose that was one reason whj I wns se anxious about what Isabel might de. "Anything shu could de would be better than your running uieund with her, or having her definitely nsseclnted with jeu for any length of time," Mr Sandy went en. "Yeu don't knew it, but the nmeunt of hush money thnt the big pieducing corperntions pay out te keep their stars' reputation nbselutelj clenn is enormous; why, theie's one that is going te smnsh en the rocks, sine ns sheeting, if they either don't get rid of two of their people n limn nnd a woman or make them tee the mark The man is alwnjs getting messed up in rotten affairs, nnd it costs mere te muku the public believe that he's the handsome, kind, devoted young husband they like te think him, than his pictures bring in. But lie's se popular that they don't dare Jut any ether com pany get him, nnd nny way. they keep hoping he'll brace up The girl is nearly as bad, only it's depe that's get her. Even two months they send her te a cure of sumo sort, but they enn't de an) thing with her. Her pictures ranke inenej, however, se the company doesn't care. "I'm just telling jeu this se that you'll see hew impertunf It is thnt jei keep your name absolutely rleun. Dinnu And te de that jeu'vu get te cut out people like Isabel Heath." "I've cut out just about cerv one but you. ' I told him, rather moodily. And neither he nor I hud the wit te suspect that the double-edged weapon Isnbel he'd nguinst us was one tliut his scruples had put Inte her hands. Te Be Continued Tomorrow Wally Raid Starts IVorle-en "Champien" WALLACE REID will next de "The Champien" under the direction of Chester Withey This picture was ndapted for the scrien by ,1. E Nash from th? three act ceiiiedv by Themas Leuden nnd A. E. Themas, in which Grnnt Mitchell recently scored a suc cess. Held has finished "Rent Free," whit h he has been innkliig nt Hollvwend under the dire tiorvef I low nrd Hlggin. Llla Lee was Iteld's leading woman In this word I hit we .. --lF7'f-Hi Jul "' tdwmim --.,, I ' -i.i. .- . ...... .,! 111! I MAINE GOVERNOR TAKES ACTIVE PART IN PICTURE GOVERNOR I'ERCIVAL P. BAX TER, of Maine, never knew he wns a motion-picture actor until he recently visited the Helman Day company work- ng en location, near August, Mc. "Wings of the Berder" is the picture. Governer Baxter is ft personal friend of Helmnn Day, and wan invited by the author te spend Bcvcrnl days with him en location in order thnt he might get a first-hnnd view of the pictures being taken right in the heart of his own country. "Wings of the Berder" linn ns its leading character the Governer of Maine. It would have been easy enough te portray the Governer without bring ing him from the State. Heuse. But Mr. Day had seen Mr. Bnxtcr in sev eral nmateur theatrical performances nnd knew he could act. Se when the Governer came en his visit he wnsyfioen pressed into service before the camera, nnd new the Governer, after seeing the lesultB, leeks forward te n screen career when his term expires, Mr. Day's publicity department new proudly proclaims the strict adherence te type in these two reel weeds dramas. Governer Baxter, by the way, con fesses n tender feeling for motion pic tures in addition te his new very great distinction of being the only Governer ever te nppenr before the camera in n real film drama. Start Agnes lyres' Picture Victer Fleming is new busily en gaged at Hollywood en Agnes Ayres' first star production, nn adaptation by Sir Gilbert Parker nnd Eugene Mullln fiem tln former's novel. "The Lane Thnt Has Ne Tinning." Mahleu Ilnnulten will be Miss Ayres' leading man. I'lieTnri.AYn PHOTO-PUTT COMPANY " . -OrAMtmcA AlLimUrn 12th- M"1h & Paesyunk Ave. AlnamDra Mt. Hilly nt 2 Ki 50 WIM.1AMSWN H I'HIIIH'C'TION "WET GOLD" Al I FPUPMV rrniiKJerd A Allecheny ALLLbntlNI jm, nallv2-!B: nves. 8 iticiiwtn itAirniKi.MKSs in "EXPERIENCE" ADAI I C i'iU THOMPSON T8 tl KJL.LAJ MATINEK DAIL.Y Mnhfl Tiillnffrre In Sir Jan. SI. Ilnrrle's "SENTIMENTAL TOMMY" ARCADIA ffW.! i??i 3! BERT LYTELL In "THK MAN WHO" ASTOR rUAMU.IN St UIHAItU AVI, MAT1NFK DAILY MH.nWIN'M ,P1M'IAI. "THE BRANDING IRON" BALTIMORE BJ&, JW. Ethel Clayten in "Wealth" I.nrn Meninn In "THK l'AM. H'V BROADWAY u,rnV,Hn",.AM: KATHERINE MacDONALD n "MV I.AIIVH I.ATC11KKY" PAPITOl If MAItKBT BT. v-rn 1 V-I- te a xr in it in . CONSTANCE TALMADGE i "MAMMX'B Ah'KAlU" COLONIAL sInn T5lV,5d mM' CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "MMM'SI AFFAIH" DARBY THEATRE BERT LYTELL n y MKhlAIir. IIIOM M KS" t'MPPFW Iainst. ma.sTayunk CIVinI-.iJkJ MATIVPP MAILT GLORIA SWANSON lnjyrilI'.iKKAT MOMKNT" FAIRMOUNT aT-fimA& MABEL TALIAFERRO In "Till'. Hiril HI. UK" FAMLYaPlulii A'AJStt. $1 TOM MOORE' in "iiei n tern iihusKS" CATU CT TULATItl-llsluw Hprue. JO In Jl. IATINKR DA.II.T AI.I.-STAH VT In rnnvoeivH FRANKKORD 4715 ,.,sf.gKO "Ged's Country and the Law" sj ui'itiHj: t nr ii.m: riner f'Uiii MAiiuir hi 11 SHIRLEY MASON In "EVKR 8INCK EVE" Paul Willis, playing in Fex's "Thunderclap," had te fall off a high i bridge into the rapids at Ausable . Chasm. Professional swimmers iDcrc hired at $50 te "double" for him in the trick. They took one leek and bdked, se Yeung Willis, slight as he is, volunteered te de it himself. lie did, tee and get away with it. CONNIE DISCOVERS A YOUNG STAR WITHOUT AN AUTO By CONSTANCE PALMER WANT te knew who I'm betting en new? Gertrude Olmsted, who wen n benuty centcft about a year ege, nnd who is being trained by Universal. If she crinkle up her eyes nt you when she smiles en the screen the way bhe did nt mc yesterday, vou're hcr'n. She hus the loveliest ejes nnd the smoothest skin nnd the nicest nose of most anybody I knew, nnd if she just keeps working, some day she'll be one of our best Her mother, who is j-eung. tee, nnd the sort of person you meet nt civic meetings nnd bridge parties, stays with Gertrude nil the time. (Witness Mrs. Pickford, Mrs. Jnnis, Mrs. Tnlnindge, Mrs. Mjers ct al.) And n very geed idea it is. tee. They haven't n car jet. and travel te nnd from Universnl City en the careening auto busses, just like jeu and me, (Thnt ift me. I don't i-.new nbeut you. I Jiope you don't have te.) Let's keep our weather eye peeled en Miss Olmsted. If her acting gets te be as geed as her leeks nre new. she won't linve much trouble making the grade. Len C'hnney is nt work en "WOlf breed." the slncle picture he in te mnke for Unuersnl. His makeup is thnt of n French-Canidlnn, and the company is doing exteriors in the same street Pris cilia Dean used in "Cenilict," seen te be released. Mr. Chancy is n great actor. In a scene jestcrdny with dear old Frank Campeau. who was doing n village priest, the star entered se completely into its pathos thnt the tears, gushing te his own ejes, brought them te the eyes of the bj-stnndcis. At the end of the scene he gave his head n character istic quick little shake, and was, in a trice, back In his own chatacter. I hope I'm iQt telling something of Mr. Chnncy's life, which is nene of our business, but I think it is interesting te knew that both his father and mother were deaf and dumb. He attributes much of his ability te pertrny diaiacter vividly te the fact that great expressive ness was necessary te describe things te thorn. He studies characters and makeup constantly. Tem Ferman was working Inst night en the Lnsky let, mnking some ex terior street scenes for Temmy Meig bnn's picture. " A Prince There Wns." They have built n complete Third nve nve nue'ever there, with elevated and every thing. 1 noticed that the names en the shop windows be;e a striking resemblance te riiOTerrATs The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. P R A NIT 0-2 CHrard ae Mat Tomer X-J'"",' O,erturn Caallerln lluallcana' ETHEL CLAYTON In "WKA I.TJ I " . GREAT NORTHERN fiWi'ffi ItlC(HNAI.I) IIAKKKK'H IMWIHTTION "THE OLD NEST" IMPERIAL WITH ft WALNUT BTS. Mala. 2 81)! V.vtn. TAD RKfllNAMI IIAItKKU'S I'llOIIUfTION "THE OLD NEST" I KieK Pnlnf Uormantewn Av. an4 uemgn raiace Lhigb aydu POLA NEGRI In "OYI'HY 111.0011" LIBERTY UIIOAD & UOLUMIIIA AV. HATINRK IJAII.Y MABEL TALIAFERRO In "THK ItlCH NUVK" I E!99TVlili WANDA HAWLEY tn THK HOI SI', THAT JAZZ IIUII.T" PAI AfF 12l MAIIKUT STHEKT I VIAL, ,n a M te 11 13 1 M. DAVID HUTLKIl In "THE SKY PILOT" PRINCESS 1018 MAItKKl' HI-HKUT H'30 A f tn 11 1. u r MAY McAVOY "A 1'IIIVATI! HCAMIAI." In RFCFNT AhKJ.T hf llelew 1TTH lxl-VJ1-' n4S A M te 11 I'. M. HtKI LYTELL In "THK PKINC18 OF NKW OltK" RIAI TO UKUMAMOW. AVBNUB W1L.U1AM S. HAKT in "TiiK miisri.r," RURY mahkbt hi. uuiajw 7th Xv-1J1 1" A M. tn 11 m I u MACK SKNNKTT'H I'UODl'rTION Leve, Hener and Behave" SAVOY "1I MAiiKur htTujIt"-- Z KNTT.JHl .MWnll" "The Truth About Husbands" 1 SHERWOOD Hth A llHlinnnr At. Chai. Ray in The Old SvimmnHeie -lIULLs,yi,lN!Ii."''sM ijai.i, r.ii" STANLEY VV mV, iHf' ". NORMA TALMADGE L" "TJillNHiv e nn: noeif 333 MARKET W,"i',,IVsA?llB ELSIE FERGUSON inroeri,i(inrs" DUSTII4 FARNUM In "THE lJlAL. UW" NO NEED FOR DOUBLES IN HIS FILMS H. '"' ft ittiaOUlhr 111 '''''''f'B Film Fashion Nete: Fer Ladies Only! SOPHIE WACHNER; head of the Goldwyn wardrobe, had another of the unttBual commissions the ether day when Rupert Hughes de cided CeIeen Moere, who is playlni in "The Wall Flower," should wear an awkward, botchy gown, that Could by the simple method of cer tain adjustments, be turned into something very smart. After con siderable study, Miss Wachner evolved a creation that had for an ovcrbedice four frilled panels, which gave n bunchy, impossible waistline These panels, by simple dropping them te the skirt, exposed a slender satin bodice nnd made a bouffant silhouette, se popular just new. the nnmes of people around the studio Fer instance, "Max Parkcrewsltf' lies-sing and Tailoring." sounds sus 1 Icleusly like "Max Pnrkcr." who de signs mil executes all the sets. "Snturday Night" will be the nami of C. B. De Mille's next picture, which wns written by Jennie MncPhersen. Se fnr Lcntrice Jey nnd Edith Roberts ate the only members of the cast nnneunced. W erk en the picture is expected te start within a week, se I'll d0 my observer then. Rex Beach Repepulatcs Deserted Town in Film rpO REPOPULATE in less than two - hours n village dead and deserted for years misht be considered quite an engi neering task, yet this was accempllthed in the filming of Rex Beach's scnia scnia tlenal railroad drama. "The Iren Trail." It happened at the little town of Orcville, near Dever, N. J. Nine years nge iron mines there were closed, and ns the little railroad te Oreville ran nowhere else, vacant heimi seen were lest in weeds nnd rank shrub bery. Rex Bench's players took poi- ' session of the village, and overnight It blossemed: silent houses were re peopled, stores reopened and a mu nicipal government installed, with Rex Beach as "mayor" all for the pic ture. Wtye'll Play the Snahe? "Eve's Leaves" is the next Sketcho Sketche grnf by Julian Ollcnerff te be re leased by Educational. It shows in sketches the changes in women's stylei since the time when Mether Eve went In for n fruit diet. rnoTerr.AYs AT WEST CHESTER RIALTO w. a. 1IAKT In . I IDLE HOUR I1KRT lvtei.i. ,.l "THE 1H8TIJ ' The NIXON-NIRDLINGERfTjf THEATRES w RFI MONT t2D A110VI3 MAIlKEt l DCLilVlxJlN 1 J go anJ i 30 le 11 P. ll WILLIAM S. HART In "O'MAM.KV OF THK MOI NTED" rCRAD OOTH & CEDAH AVEMJI 1 wiLr-vi j 3n ant 37 ana OLIVE TELL In "A WOMAN'S Ilt'HINF.fiS" COLISEUM "'X & TAT BETTY COMPSON In AT THK KND 01 THK WOIUD". JUMBO niONT ST. ft QIKABD AV Jumbo June, en FrankteriJ "I hl'KCIAI. CAST In "Seme One in the Heuse" LEADER "BIMA,TlDAiwv"' AI.I-HTAIt f'AHT In "GODLESS MEN" F dpi 1QT D AND LOCUST STHEET LVJV-VJO J. MalSi i 30, 8.30 r.K. HWHj Elsie Fergusen in "FoetlighU AililcJ Cunifdr "SI Nt.rSS HI'ND.n'L RIVOLI C- AN NEVDAttT BERT LYTELL In "THi: MIHI.KI)INO I.ADr" STRAND aDJiNn3$k$Sk DOUGLAS MacLEAN ill "I'AHSINO THItt" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T.O.A G. B310 Oermintewn A ermantewn matinhh PAit-T IIKGINMII lUIIKKU'H l,'l!UKtrr "THE OLD NEST' JEFFERSON" -'u;rv.LTt JUSTINE JOHNSTONE in "HHKl.TKJtj:" HIIIIITMi PARK ,l,iAVvV.-1 m'sV BEBE DANIELS in "llMi Hll.K Hl'.IK" 11 w;r-eT a i i reurMvV.ui 4 Ai"Lh'S 1 WSw MONROE SALISBURY In "THE IIAKUABIAS" I DE.V I Tlie Cup of Life" wns fetuedy-drama.