KB " "" V"'.V WliJE3SW pi.m.-aar. kike tj.. :.j" ""1 .-. r,'s-"T' ,'' "wjrtjja SmpKCVTfW,)" rev -. ; "fr w , . y ,, .miu . v.r r.TV.i... ... ii wimm'rtii, '.j fw.,u .. ; '" - "' " 1 !?"," i ' . ' v i ,-' l: . ', ; " t-- ., UH-. . j wrTw i I '.",l RWiSfil-', ,'' .'i'? '' ' I'-WP "" M,P-.,T. - ., ,, . v ? ST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Talks of Various Plans for Debutante ' Doings She Hears of Seme of the Doings of Interesting People tT WAS e dellRbtful te sce Mrs.i r William Denner nt the Ilorse Hhew I KSher JoVeuriy. Mr. and In. Denner Rf.. bin vlns in lliiffn e for two '"' " . ' ll.-I.-irr " but thev are new back In riilla 5 Win? nn-1 W enenc.l their limine mere Thev will de much entertaining 5t. the month or Dorethy KodcerH, Mrs Cenner's tlni.Chtcr by her llrst nnrrlnge. fhe will he Introduced nt a tea en November 23. Dorethy has been nwnj- for nlmest Ave veers, but oho has many very Reed frWdi here nnd If she 1h nn charming nnd as popular ns her beautiful mother, .he'll certainly hnvp a wonderful win ter Dorethy resemblei her mother, having the name dark brown eyen nnd h.r She In quite tail nnd Kraecful nd gees In for snorts quite a geed deal. Yeu nheuld fee her swim, slie's renlly marvelous! She went te school at Fox Fex croft In Virginia for several years nnd was graduated In the spring of 1020. Last winter she spent In Paris nt Miss Ferris' bdioel and she gave n geed deal of her time te studying music, for the Is very proficient nt the plnne. Yesterday Mrs. Denner hnd her box filled with debutantes. She was enter taining for Anna Newbold. having given luncheon before tailing the girls te the show. Tednv she will glve n luncheon for Albcrtn Heath nnd entertain for her at the show. WHAT a lovely summer Fanny Wis tcr hns had 1 She hag been travel travel leg in France nnd nngbinil nnd having n wonderful time. Site will nrrlve in this country the end of this week prob ably and will Jein Marina nnd the rest of the family In Saundcrstewn. Ma rina oame back Just last week from Wyoming and I undcrtnnd la giving a small dance this evening at which the remaining Phlladelphlens In Saundcrs Saundcrs eown, will surely be "among these present." And thcre were a geed many there this summer. The Cepes spent most of the time there and In fact I hear Nnncy has a builch of girls up new visiting her. Rosamond Stewnrdsen, and Jane Yeat man, who by the way hns Just come home from Europe, nnd Hepe Wilsen. The Wisters will stay up till the end of next month. And aren't they wise? Have you ever been In New England during October? If you hnven't nnd ever have a chance te go, de, for it's gorgeous with the changing colors of the trees, and the wonderful high tides en the coast. Sounderstewn you knew Is just across the bay from Jnmcstnwn and about a half hour's trolley ride from Narra gansett Pier. Mrs. Geerge Diddle has in house up there, but for the first sum 1 mcr In years the Diddles have net (tared there. They went nbrend nnd lented their house te Mrs. Jeseph Fex nnd it was there that Emily Fex nnd Ned C'hcsten were married two or three weeks age. Incidentally, I hear thnt Mr. nnd Mrs. t'hehten have taken n home en Springfield avenue In Chestnut Hill for the winter nnd will been be moving in. The Jim ("hcetens have also tieved te Chestnut Hill. I HEAR there is te he n fete nt the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gideon Ileerielic in Wynnewood en Saturday, October 8. It is te be given under the liiuiwigerarnt of the Hahnemann Hospital Ilenrd. of which Mrs. Leenard Ash irraft Is president. There is te be a (Syuiklmmi, n gypsy encampment, n mufiralc nnd bridge and any nmeunt of rmiiseincrits for the kiddles. Then, tee, there will be luncheon nnd tea. It pounds like a most Interesting fete nnd I "(hope it will prove a successful one. I HEARD quite a touching little story the ether day. Several of the women who hnd pene te the Mayer's nfficp for the special meeting he called en Monday morning were standing together talking when a colored man mmmnchrd Mrs. Blankcnburg nnd said 'Sense mu, Ma'am, but wouldn't you let inc black jour shoes?" Mrs. Hlanken burg thought fchc did net want them none just then and there, but he said pleadingly: "Oh, please de let me, 'rna am. I always did veur husband'a jwien he was in this office, nnd I'd no (like te de yours, tee." Ann Mrs. Itlankenburg, lnrge-hearted woman that Mie is, stepped nnd let him hhine her (hoes, thereby mnking his day thoroughly rich and full in happiness. NANCY WYNNE. ' SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Hecelvlns nt the tea en Thurprtay, October C. for which Mrs. Jehn Vl3ter has Ibsued cards, at Helfleld, her place i In Oermantewn, te formally -present te jeclety her RrnnddauRhter, Miss Snrnh Ieenn Starr, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Starr, Jr.. will he .Mlm Cintru J.llls. Ml.ss Alberta P. Heath, Miss Tllnn IleuRlas Lloyd, Mlrs Marirnret H. Il.im Il.im llten. Miss V, Mnrtyn Georpe. Miss Mary Miller. Miss Iyeulsa Wallls, Miss. Dorethy Browning Itedffcrs, Miss Kllz nbeth B. Waynn, Miss Virginia ileM. Smith. Miss Alice Benedict. Miss Klls nheth Austin, Mlsn Virginia lleckscher, Miss Anna B. Nowheld, Mtss Resamnry Jlewe, Miss Kllse duPeut, Miss ICIennpr Hart Miss Frances Ue.-s, Miss Kllzabeth Uatflts Miss stair will he the guest or honor at a hall which her parents end her undo and aunt, Mr. nnd Mr. ' finiles Warts will glve en Friday eve ning. November IS, at the Bellevue Bellevue btratfenl Mrs Isaap Tatnnll Starr, of Laverock, Chestnut Mill, hns ltuuel Imitations lui a luncheon en .Wednesd.iv, October 15. m honor of Miss Kllen MeMlcuael, Mlna Albert.i P Benth, daughter of Mrs. 1 I.'xl.tlnc I DMInctU 1 1'lxturn Prtctt are HfftttM Dttiient that art diOeret. Hen) en e pr war eatu. i If yOU liri In nM Af atlAtrlcm! "upplles of any kind wa cn ve vj mu money. T WAi.iu-ii & Kicn.Eu S i S31 Chr.tnut Nt. t f Oppenlm Indnpfnilenca 1111 1 Yeu Want the Best And you Kt it at Cafe La Riviere, People travel hundreds of inilca for our famous shore dinners ideal location wonderful dance mu3ic. We are riht near you. Take advantage of your opportunity. Open Daily nnd Sundays ps tttt. 4k u. . ... Benjnmln B. Rcath, and Miss Isabel Fraier, daughter of Mre. Perslfer Frawr, nil debutantes et the cemlna Bensen, ,' ,?.na,.Mrs- Jeseph Wayne, Jr., of 8200 St. Martins lane, Chestnut Hill, will glye a dance en Saturday evening, JV?vcmJi?r ?' '." honor of thelr daughter, Miss Kllzabeth B. Wayne, who will be formally presented te society at a tea which her parents will give en Thurs day, October 27. Mr. and Mrs. Wlll(nm H. Oeorpte and thelr daughter, Miss U. Mnrtyn Ucorge, of Pelhnm Court, Clermnntewn, have tnken an apartment for the winter av 235 Seuth Fifteenth fltteet, which they will occupy today. Miss Geerge will be formally Introduced te teclcty by her parents at a tea which her parents will glve en Friday, October 28. Mr. William J. Cancr. son of Mr and Mrs, Harrison Keens Cancr, whose martlage te Miss HUzaheth Strublnir. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn K Strublug. will take place en Wednesday, October 19, will glve his ushcre' dinner en Saturday evening, October 16, nt the Hacquet Club. Mr. and Mrs. Strublng will glve a dinner en Tuesday evening, October 18, for the bridal party follow ing the rehearsal. Among the cuests from out of town who will nttend the Informal supper te be given by Mrs. Leuis Carter Baker, Jr., nt her home, St. Asaphs read, Bala, en next Tuesday evening, October 4, In honor of her daughter, Mlsa Juliana Stevens Baker, and Dr. James W. Nixon, Jr., of San Antonie, Tex., who will be married at 4 o'clock In the afternoon the following tiny In St. Asaph's Epis copal Church, Bala, will be Mr. and Mrs. Themas A. C. Baker, Mrs. Jehn Perter Cuyler, Miss Jullnna Comever, Mr. U. M. Cuyler, all of Prlncoten, N. J. ; Mr3. Oeorge Harrison Meedy, of San Antonie, Tex., ccusln of the bride- groom ; Mr. nnd Mrp. C. Lesley Ames, of t. Paul, Minn., brother-ln-law and sis ter of the bride, and Mr. Rebert Bruen, of Ttecltaway, N. Y. Mr. and Mr3. Henry Ashton Little, of tha Orchards, Strafford, will entertain nt a dance en Friday evening, Decem ber 23, In honor of their daughter, Miss Mary S. Little, and te formally present te society their daughter, Miss Anna. D. Little. Mr. William Bryd Page, who has been living In Pullman, III., Is spend ing several weeks with his fnther, Mr. a. Davis Page, nnd his sl3ter. Mrs, James Large, nt Summercrcst, Chestnut Hill. Mr and Mre. Arthur H. Breckle. 8013 Crefeldt ntreet. Chestnut Hill, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles West Churchman anu Mr. Daniel B. Wants nre spend ing several weeki en a camping trip In the Canadian weeds. Miss Emma Ashton Derr, of 2S4 Seuth wcnty-thlrd street, who spent the sum mer at Jamestown with Miss Harriet M. Ashton nnd Miss Esther Aehten, re turned last week. Miss Derr will sail en October 10 for France,' where she will Jein her brother, Mr. Ashton Derr, who has been living for several years In Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Perter, of Springfield avenue. Chestnut Hill, have Issued Invitations for a dinner-dance en Friday, October 11, which will fellow the tea which thny will give te Intro duce te seccty their daughter, Miss Katharine D. Perter. Miss Eleaner Brander Austin, daugh ter of Mra. Esmonde II. Austin, of li'il Pine street, nnd Mr. Edward Comfert Tatnall, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Tatnall, of Haverford, who will be mar ried at neon en Thursday, October 6, en the lawn nt Farley, the country home of the bride's mother, will en their re turn from a wedding occupy their home at 2G2 Seuth Seventeenth street. Miss Helen L. Strawbrldge and Miss Janet II. btrawbrldge. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Helt Strawbrldge. of Wlndemere, Enla, who have been tpen'd Ing the siimmer traveling through Eurepe, where they visited Italy, Frnnce, Switzerland nnd England, re turned te thelr home List Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albin G. Penlngten, who occupied for the summer the house of Mr nml Mre Temnn 1 In....... ......... .. .-... ...... ..., u.tt.iu,. liiinnwcuvn, m Ardmore, will open their town house, wJ ejjiuue birtrwi, oil UClODer li. Colonel Jehn S. aiuckle, of 202.1 Wnl- nllt ClffnAt lf, ll.li. ...! . ,. . ""-v. 'i1- " illuming ter jew lerk te attend the luncheon of the L.iiKU"nTiit.'"i;ing union nt the nnt mero Hetel, given In honor of Lord Bryce, of England. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Cairns Gray, of Merlen avenue, Merlen, nnnounce Iho engagement of their daughter. Miss Ma hel Eleaner Gray, and Mr. Rebert Allen niten, son of Mr. an'd Mrs. William J. Walten, of 4707 Chester avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Brown Mc Cowen announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Gladys Brown McCewcn, BONWIT TELLER 6XO. ilhe dhcciafoxSie of QriejinafixmA CHESTNUT AX 13 STREET Arranged for Tomorrow ES' Actual Values are 85.00 arid 95.00 An exceptional offer of Misses' Suits developed of high-quality fabrics, enriched with luxurious Fur Cellars and distinguished by fine tailoring. This Event is remark able both from the standpoint of value and the early date of its presentation. ONE HUNDRED SUITS DIVIDED INTO TWO GROUPS DEMI-TAILLEUR FABRICS: Mechatcx and Duvet de Lainc. FURS' Beaver. Squirrel and Wolf COLORS: Navy, Malay, Volnay, Sorrento, Tortoise Shell and Black. Four Medels in youthful styles Fingertip length Coats with large convertible Cellars or waistline revere Cellars of Fine Furs. EV3NING PUBLIC LED GEEr-PHILADELPHIA, THUBSDAY, Miss Frances Leech l'Uote by Uachraeh Daughter of Mrs. Edward Kent Leech, of 3040 Spnice street te Mr. Charles Bessert Fritz, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles BosBert t rltz. Mr, and Mrs. David Wi Stewart, of Oakmont, announce the engagement of their daughter. Mia Margaret D. Stew St , te Mr" Harry P. Swing, of Bryn Mawr. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. ,c?i?yrMV. spent the summer at the lln: mere, Atlantic City, have returned te thelr home, 338 Sherwood read, Over brook. .... Mra U. Bnrrlngten Schudy. of 1005 Spruce street, who has ben spending the summer abroad, has sa led .for this ceuntt y and Is expected te arrive the latter part of thlB week. ALONG THE READING Mr and Mrs. William K. Chapman. Jr. and thelr daughter. Miss Harriet Chapman, who have been spending the rummer with Mr. Chapman b father, Mr. William B. Chapman, of 1213 Seuth Bread street, at his cottage, Pacinc and Mentpeller avenues, Chelsea, have te turned te their home en Lawnton avo ave nue, Oak Lane. Mr. and Mrs. B. Walter Ruth, of Montgomery avenue. Elklne Park, spent laBt week-end at Atlantic City. Mra Clarenco Schoble has returned te her home In Oalc Lane after passing a part of the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Jnckscm, of Salisbury, Md., at thelr camp at Loen Lake, N. V. Mr. and Mra. Jehn C. Tayler, of Mel rose, have returned from Points Weeds, L. I., where they spent the late sum mer. Ogontz after spending the entire oum eum mer with her een-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rlcd Hobart Ellis, at Rnngely, Me. - QERMANTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Sutro and their family, who spent soveral weeks at their camp In the Adlrondecks, returned re cently te their home at 61 IB Wlssa Wlssa hlcken avenue. Mrs. D. English Dallam, who spent August In Cape May. Is at her home. WIS3ahlcken avenue and Stafferd street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Oldech. of Germantown, with thelr llttle daughter, Miss Nancy Oldach, arc at Hadden Hall, Atlantic City, for a short time. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. James Colahan, of North Six teenth street, has returned te her home after a fortnight's visit In New Yerk. The engagement has been announced of Miss Mildred Loulse Jenes, of 6321 North Twelfth street, Iegan, te Mr. Frederick I Schneider, also of this city. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Dorethy McCaffrey, daughter of Mrs. Marguerite McCaffrey, has re turned te her home, 2211 Christian street, after ependlng the summer in Spring Mount, Pa. Mr. Wlllam G. Huff, of 1244 Tree street, has returned home after a trip te Washington, D. C Mr. Charles McGeegan, of 1109 Win Win ten street, Is spending a few days in Asbury Park. Dr. an'd Mra Chnrlcs C. Campbell and their daughter. Miss Hcwena Camp bell, formerly of Miami, Fla., are living at 1800 Seuth Bread btreet, for this winter. Surprise Party A miscellaneous shower was given last Saturday In honor of Miss Minnie Gil bert, daughter of the Rev. I. Ollbert. whose marriage te Mr. Mee Berman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Berman, will tnke place later In the winter. The party was given at the home of Mlsi Gilbert's fiance, 413 Reed otreet. About seventy-flve guests attended. HMHMnMIMBMIMHRi -,tJ IMY An Extraordinary FUR - TRIMMED SUIT SO-00 SPORTS AND TROTTEUR FABRICS: Plain and Herringbone Tweeds. FURS: Raccoon, Wolf, Au stralian Opossum. COLORS: Brown and Tan; Rdst and Sorrento; Mono tone Tweeds. Sizes 14161820 FOURTH FLOOR ffi WEDDINGS TAKE PLACE IN CITY AND SUBURBS Miss Roevos Bride of Mr. Vole Vele be r Hoaly-Weteh Nuptials A beautiful wedding took place Tues day evening nt 0:30 o'clock. In the Church of the Incarnation, Forty seventh etreet and Cedar avenue, when Miss Maybclle O. Reeves, of 1230 Seuth Fifty-seventh street, became the hrlde of Mr. Andrew Veleber, Jr.. of 419 West 118th street. New Yerk. The Rev. Na than Melhern officiated nt the double ring ceremony, after which nreccptlen XOIIOWCU UV UiU 11UII1U VL HU ui.uwe parents. The bride was given In mnrrlage by Mrs. Vernen Dunlnp, of Pcneacela. Fla.,, a sister, nttended her as matron of honor. MISS untnenne iteeve-i, oneuicr nimcr. ..a.! .. n.i.1.1 r9 linnnr 'Pltn Virlpa maids Included Mrs. Jehn Halford, of Vornstewn, lira. iwuen .1. uhhuii, ui Wllllamspert: Mlsa Ethel Jenes, of Pettsvllle, nnd Mrs. Clarence L. Peter man, of Yerk. A nlcce of the brlde, Miss Anna Margaret Corsen, of Wll Wll llamseort, acted aa flower girl. Master Henry Reeves Dunlap, of Pensncela. n nephew of the bride, acted aa ring bearer. Mr. Oliver Rlethmlller, of Philadel phia, acted as best man. The ushers were: Mr. Banderbe, Mr. Archle Win ter, of Staten Island; Mr. J. Carlisle Swain, of New Yerk, and Mr. Karl Klrsh, of this cltyj HEALY WELSH A wedding took place yesterday morning nt 9 o'clock In the Church of Mether of Sorrows, Forty-elghth street nnd Lancaster avenue, when Mlts Marie E. Welsh, daughter of Mrs. M. Welsh, of 4338 Pairlsh street, became the bride of Mr. Themas H. Hcaly. of HOC Jack Jack eon street. The Rev. Fatlwr Charles German performed the rcromeny nnd said the nuptial mass. The brlde was attended by Miss Helen M. Browne, of 2334 St. Albans street, aa bridesmaid, and Mr. James C. Healy, brother of the bridegroom, waa best man. Immedi ately after the ceremony a breakfast was nerved at the home of the brlde'a mother, after which Mr. and Mrs. Hcaly left en their wedding trip te Niagara Falls. STEVENS COE A wedding will teke place tonight at the Church of the Geed Shepherd, Roiement, when Miss Helen Loulse Coe. daugther of Mrs. Marietta A. Cee, of this city, will bocemo the brlde of Mr. W. Ress Stevens. The marrlage will be solemnized nt 6 o'clock by the Rev. n Charles Tewnscnd. The brlde will be given in marrlage by Mr. Jeseph O. Hltner and will be attended by Miss Gladys Castle, of Elmlra. N. Y as brldesmatd. Other members of the bridal party will be Mr. Arlelgh Van Nostrend, of New Yerk, ns best man, and Messrs. Cole Cele man 15. Hltner. Pearce M. Gabell nnd R. A. Robinson, of this city, as ushers. Master Clay Hill will act as page for the bride, who will be dressed In an ivory white charmouse gown and veil of old lace trimmed with erange blos soms. She will carry a large bouquet of white roses nnd lilies of the alley. LEVIN FINZIMER A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Flnzlmcr. of 114 Orammercy place, Atlantic City, when their daughter. Miss Minerva C, Flnzlmer. became tne brlde of Mr Meyer M. Levin, en Sunday, September 26, nt z:30 l'. ai. 'inn nev. ur. nenry M. Fisher, et Beth Israel Synagogue efTlcIated In the presence of the Immedi ate families. Mr and Mrs. Levin left shortly nfter en an extended trip through the Seuth and will be nt home after November 15, at 5941 Catharine street. MAHON HAUSE The marrlage of Mlsa Oraea L Hause. daughter of Mrs. Ida Hause. and Mr. Rebert J. B. Mahen, seu of Mrs. Margaret Mahen, took place last eve ning at 7 o'clock at the home of the brlde'n aunt, 436 Carpenter lane, Ger mantown. The Rev. H. Blcber, D. D . performed the ceremony and Mr. Harry B. Hause gave his Ulster In marriage. Miss A. Myrtle Smith was maid of honor anil Miss Sara H. Mahen and Miss Margaret Mahen were brldesmnlds. Mr. Osberne Pfln'gst was best mnn nnd the ushers were Mr. H. B. Pflngst ajid Mr. Walter Coulter. GILBERT COHN The wedding of M1S3 Sadie Cehn, daughter of Mr. and Mr3. Solemon K Cehn, of 638 Centre avenue. Rending and Mr. William Gilbert, of 240 Seuth Fifty-seventh street, this city, took place at the home of Mr. Gilbert's parents this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Gilbert will live In Rending after an extended automobile tour through Pennsylvania and New New Yerk State. Mr. Gilbert was a member of the 314th Infantry during the war and served overseas for almost a year. Sale WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Wlntleld S. Bucking ham, of 214 Seuth Fifty-seventh street, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Edna Viela Buckingham, and Mr. Perry E. Shaver, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Marks and their daughter, Miss Allce Marks, who have been spending the summer nt the Summltt Springs Hetel, Poland. Me have returned te their apartments at the Powclten, Thirty-fifth street and Powel Powel ten avenue. Dr. nnd Mrs J. Miller Kcnwerthy and their small son, Master Murray Miller Kenwerthy, who have been occupying their apartment at Vontner for the summer, returned en Monday te their apartmente at the Plnehurst, Flrty-flfth and Pine streets. MOORE8TOWN Mr. and Mrs. E. Rebert Stnckhouse and their son, Rebert Stackhouse, Jr., have returned from Beach Haven, where they spent the summer. Miss Helen Leftun nnd Miss Hei en McChesney have returned from Dela ware Water Gap after a two weeks' va cation. Mrs. E. W. S. Brophy, Miss Rachel Strawbrldge, Dr. Rachel Williams and Miss Mary Williams will sail en Thurs day for Europe, te be geno until the Christmas holidays. Mlsa Miriam Rogers, of West Main street, entertained the Girls' Club at her home en Monday night. DELAWARE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Stockton, et Swarthmere, will leave next wcek for California, where they will pass a month. Mrs. Stockton Is new In New England, where she Is visiting her son nnd daughtcr-ln-law, Mr. nnd Mre. E. A. Stockton, Jr., at their home In Broekllne, Mesb., nnd will nlse go for a few day3 te MIddletewn, Conn., where rfrv.v ygasr7 OOWTTS WBAM suns nnte BLOUSES in FL JM 1 Friday and Saturday 350 Blouses Thirty-two distinctive styles fashioned in the new slip over, tie-back and smart tuck-in effects, including all the newest sleeves with the very desirable square, round and Peter Pan cellars. Shades of nil the accepted Autumn colorings, including Mohawk, Yellow Stene, Navy, White, Flesh and Black. The tailored group includes white wash models with Peter Pan cellars and tailored cuffs. I IMPORTERS. DES1CNERS AND CHILDREN'S APPAREL OF IER FOR MORE THAN w.,J 1306 Walnut Street The Lewest Prices In Town i A ap'enill'l Munplla Suit with trlmmlnna f vt that IKjciK'Sscn unexampled otjle. 95.00 Value $165.00 We Have Discontinued All Charges Ne Exceptions SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 her son, Mr. nalph Stockton, Is a stu dent at Wesleyan University, An rniirarrfment rrf Interest nntteunccd recently Is that of Miss Henrietta Bur rell, daughter of Mrs. J. Murray Bur rell, of Wnshlngten and New lerk, te Mr. James A. O. Campbell. Jr., son of Colonel nnd Mrs. James A. O. Campbell, of Wyndhurst, Upland, Pa. FRANKFORD Mr. and Mra. Jehn O. Bonncbern, of 6019 Penn street, have returned nfter npendlng several months at their sum mer home In Ocean City. Miss Jane Hackett, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hackett, of 1639 Dyrc street, has returned from a trip te Ber muda. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert J. Dnrnett, of 1126 Hnrrlsen street, are entertaining ns their guests for a few weeks Mrs. Barnett's brother-ln-law nnd sister, Mr. and Mra. Harry Bean, of Illinois. NORRI8TOWN Mlsa Margaret Baker, of Spruce street, gave a miscellaneous shower at her home In honor of MIse Frances Hnl Hnl leway, who will be married this fall te Mr. Charles Dctwller. Mrs. Jehn L. Llghtsey and small dnughter, of Ashovllle, N. C. arc visit ing nt the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hiirry Hunslckcr, of West Main street. Mrs. Llghtsey was formerly Miss Margucrlte Cassel, of Norrlstewn. Miss Bcssle Ilarklns, whose marrlage RflftQ Repaired DHUO Rclined Hrlns us your Handbsr or Pockctbeok i de General Itspalrln Peftrli lt i -.trunir, Oeld and Rllv-r Most, lias Hc-pilr-d and Itocelored. MARCEL BEAD SHOP y, 1810 Chestnut St. -V--il MILUJTERT BWUATERa EEI&TS CHILDBEira atpaiibl CHESTNUT CORNER TWELFTH at 4.75 Blouse fashions representative of "Harris" Values in Georgette, Satin, Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Crepe de Chine combinations, also Georgette and Satin combi nations in sizes te suit every woman. N W MAKERS OF WOMEN'3 AND THE HIGHEST CHARAC- TWENTY-S1X YEARS lone 6. Or Your We are selling the most fashionable garments of high quality at unprecedentedly low prices. It is the policy of our new season te offer this superior merchandise at a very minimum of profit. Te aid us in thus benefiting all our clients te the full extent of our ability, we are elimi nating every charge account, knowing that Stene patrons will thoroughly appreciate this sincere effort te still further improve our consid erate service te them. Xi te Mr. Thomaa J. Hill, of Olney, will tnke place October 6 In St. Patrick's Church, was presented with n miscel laneous shower by thirty of her fel low empleyes of the Dlnmend State Fiber Company. MARKKT AT NINETEENTH Nerma Talmadge IN A FIRST NATIONAL PHOTOPLAT "THE SIGN ON THE DOOR" Ca Includes Lew Cedy & Clms Rlchmsn ADDED ATTRACTION PARIS FASHION REVIEW (Living Medels) AU8PICES OK OIMnnL BROTHERS STANTON MARKET & 16TH SIS. e-opens Saturday FIRST PRESENTATION IN PHILADELPHIA WILLIAM FOX WONDER PLAY AT POPULAR PRICES THE GREATEST HUMAN STORY EVER TOLD DIRECT FROM ITS RECORD RUN OF ONE SOLID YEAR ON BROADWAY, N. Y. ALL NEW YORK SAW IT ALL PHILADELPHIA WILL SEE IT CONTINUOUS 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M. DAILY, 35c & 50c EVENINGS, 50c & 75c DAI ,CV 12U MARKET 8TREET IfLUiWsCi 10 A M te 11 P. M. I'lcturlrntlen of Well-Known Tlay "EXPERIENCE" Fftiturlnif RICHARD RARTHELMESS ADfAHlA CHESTNUT Del 1BTH ilVUUJl.ft ie A. M. te 11 15 V. M. BERT LYTELL ffi VTfTflDTA MARKET AD OTH V l, I Jili B A XI. te 11 IS P. M. DUSTIN FARNUM PRIMAL LAW r'ADITTTlI "24 MARKET STREET Conitance Talmadgn In MAMMA H AFFAIR' DrrrMT market st. ni. uth lYEiVJiJll i. "THE PRINCESS OF NEW TORK" f I ODE MARKET AT JUNIPER LiLUDD rONTINT'OUS VAVPVILT.E 11 te II "The BuIlet-Proef Lady" BROADWAY rt7. VnudelIle nnd Katherlna MacDonald In "MY LADY'S LATCH KEY" ".... Vn,. rtOTH AND MARKET Uess iveys e ,B. 7 ana "ENCHANTED MUMMY" THEATRE -CHESTNUT HEL 1JTH Exclusively Vaudeville's Best I A TRIUMPHANT H'TrTSS GERTRUDE HOFFMANN AND IIKK AMERICAN 11ALLET With Leen Parte and Oempnny of 16 EMMA CARUS Slnulnir Her 0-n Bengs RUTH BUDD MILLER & MACK Heward Laneerd ft Trderlck Inn Je Tiwle. Handera A MVIes Pib Purreundlnir Shew GRAND OPENING Ilnlllrnnri" Ar. nt firtth S Direction rrrd I). nod 31, E. Felt Saturday Mat., Oct. 1 rirkt Philadelphia Prenentntlen of THE BLOT A I.0L1 Weber Prednrtlnn With CLAIRE WINDSOR METROPOLITAN iDre.i HmitA Poplar THIS WEEK ON'LT MATINEK TOPAY MAE DESMOND AnTm "The Love of Su Shenrj" Popular Prices: $"is. i t noe DUMONTTS ''TH & ARCH t.vgH .TTJ0 EMMETT WELCH Minstrels flfre ATT ANTIC CtTV l'OV; A NT mv j lrIRST ill a7 time y K $?r M&UB, vMtM3m MtMm9.9 A MBASSADOO B aTb nnltlmnrr Air. nt flth St JLL fij If bin Wulnut Mat Te laaine wtth ,.. 0 NE, Reality Peiecr 5c f. 1 y vanpeune jy Fnce Powder HATS CLEANED Remodeled In the n e w I chnpen for upon unci natlnir wear. nr 40 jnr of eiperlencu U nl jour tervlre, Steinman 04 N. 7th St. I'hener Market : 137 ! Ilranrlii Jfl7rren Dre Werk.. 107 8 Ulh Safe Milk Fer Infanti & Invalidi NO COOKING The "Feed-Drink" for All Ag.t. Quik Lunch at Heme, Office, and Fountain.. Ath for HORUCICS, tSr- Ayeid TiaitaUeBi & Substitwte flSMBfiJvVrJKW I fg IMtiiAif M 1 ? It MMllyMy' f"1"6, iffl PHILA.'H I.KADINO TIIKATftWI. mnnrTieN i.kp, a- J. J. xmrnEnr CHISWOT5! OPtRA ii HOUSE MAT3. DAILY AT 2 13 IVEV AT B.I9 WORLDS BEST VAUDEVILLE; JOHNTMURMT akthmumx9 b TJzL WP eOMfAMT IH'MOfHNTl tWIlArtM reKrw nw rf wmu Mw twu mnnmum MlUt? KI.KIN HKOH. LLOIIA HOrrjIAN. HKIIT fiHKPPAriD, IIATTIi: AI.TIIOFF ANT HI8TEH "IN AIKiENTINA" LA PINHKI ANIMAL ACTORS Pep. Mat. Today (Tliurs.) 50c te $1.50 " The Pat' Thril'er " Leave" Audfnre HrethleB." Inquirer ' On. centinunua thrill. A enpitclty nudlenc wan eent Inte ehftlr-rlpilnjr emtislei hy t'lln rly 'The Ul' wl" be en forever T,nl ir "Thrill en thrill Audience aits en edite of chnlrn. A p'ay thnt la clee IO perfection.' Evening ladder 'A cerklnc ceed enlertnlnment. Hai been keeiilnit New yrK pluycxr liren'hleee for mero thun a year." North Amrlean Scats NOW Sellinr; S Wk. Ahead SeM.fSfniaDRISS'iP Last 3 Eves. T i TV CCATrtM" AAltCIVAi CO9.EPV MA5TEBPIECC jam ju3if4ii i'wivn4 Last Mat. Sat ,", $2.00 & SEATSNOWSELLING k PAT a IMAeiON. KO S OEM I (M THE. MUSICAL COMtCry SEN5ATWM V rtMTVJWa TPtBWfrXK&1" AND A CAST OF EXCEPTIONAL EWELUKCI WCU15IN6 TH 57UNHW4 rUTUaiTf DtiUTAKIt OMJ1 fl(g LAST 3 EVES. KfreflGH PLAYINO A DOAL B.OI. (gISLOyilliaiEJe) Laat Mat Sat. $2.00 BEG. MON., OCT. 3 SEAT SALE TODAY nex erncrc erKNt: n a m. ', THE DfiAMATC SVOVSiry rRESrl FROM A YEARS TRIUMPH AT THEMAXINE ELLIOTT THEATRE. N.Y STWATItf La.t. Met. WUWT160c te fc.00 f OLIVER MOR03C0S GREAT MELOCT DRAMA success 3E.E. IT BEFORE: IT COLS TO NtX) YORK NEY WXXL-SATS NOW Mrt HAV5 DF.LIGHTFUL COMEDY HAPPY SO LUCKY jjith PErK HE7T. I YtAR IN LONDON I YEAR W HIV WM 1'H "e I'Mu ii 1 ceTnenf Theatres PHK U P T -NIf'HTS AT 8 .IB r vyjcvi.jc.fc3 ir .r -i sat, A. L. ERLAKGER'S TWO LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE Every One Is Singing "H ME OH MY OH, YOI' ' 'DOLLY anl 'WHua WHO WITH YOI T PRICES: All Nights, 50c te $2.50 AI I. MATIN'IIBH. Mr TO J2 F:Tti inliAY FOP NKXT WEEK PDA A Pi - "el" enlv Even. 8:30 XJfU r i M i' , .! 4Rai .2 30 I UAH' I ! Tt.l IN'TIVM pres.nt ALLAN POLLOCK A Bill of Divorcement 11 ' n .r. run, Htnr"1t r. n.T T1 Ti'lUY Ffilt THE LAST .VEEK THE FILM SENSATION! mktk'i ei'Frna T 1EKS A Rex Ingram Production 1 1 K- I TH HI -.t.HVED SUc Tt" fj VI I ill I AH Mats. 50c te $1.50 i' ay vttn Tin; 1 Aht wijbk dNHM I IE LP Hi PCfjel fffi HCNR.Y V SAVAGE tWif jAjLiWSm EfltKJ5flj!ISiR 1. iru .JM M mmn urn vrrr3hL HSOS py THE APpCeMYPSEI Bryn Mawr Herse Shew A 1 Bryn Mawr, Pa. T l' T'...I ,v AMi STftDAf M HtMNi.N A' I) Al'ThUMKiNH I" M AMI 2 ! M t.AII.Y Tii kim 00- nnd Jl 00 (jn tlil At Ilnipi i. 1117 I'hentnut Ht , ana bei nlTlCfl cm Krnwiidn Amerlfk n mml wonderful nl.ew heri In ORPHEUM a"xT-,inleJ'n. Ch"' 3 1 If. Tmlatf iiiiii ORPHEUM PLAYEI 'TIIK MPS AUili T3IH UOIIHIV Key.lenenSHTrS