At J "t4 1ft ?, TCs w ' t 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, " 1921 MvlVWW-U.1 ftl STRIKE HELD RIGHT BY MRS YARNALL Leader of Protesting Delaware County Jurers Ready te Ge te Jail for Belief SAYS MANY COMMEND HER "If I were nrrested in the imup "f rijtht nnd justice," slid "It IMwm A. Ynrnnll, of Sunitlimnrr. teln in dis cussing the se-called 'Strike" of the Delaware Ceuntv iimtiil .Tuiv. "1 Mould ret hesltatn te go te jiiil in Mt)iert ( my convictien1? I onnnet de mere than that.'' Mm. Ynrnnll whs (lie spokeninn for the "striking juror.' mIe ntateMrd lSt FridiM ngiint the refusal of n-i tnin ether Grand Jim member te in dict individual iii'CtiFrd of kiiiiiMpi; The Jury finWhed its labors ettrd(u made lti report te Judge Hroemiill at Mcria, and received his thnuk rutin u1 further riferenee te the strike IncMrnt Mrs. Yarnull dlseuisul the miki briefly today, indlcitlns that lier own Ipws hnd net chanced in sjnte of tin Mimtmry nrtien of Judge Bioenmll. vim flatly refused te hear nny .e arnt, communication or te leiumunicnte with the jury sne through its feremin Sajs Strikers Vre Mndltutni 'All I care te w nt th' present time," said Mr. Yarnull tedn. "Is that vibicquent events liuw piemmI tli justice nnd rlyht of the contention t the se-called 'Mriking eleven "I have been the recipient of mini bre3 letters nnd tnenRes of xjni pathy nnd support 1 ni.i Aery nmch pleased with th commendation of Ma) or Moere and the opinion upon the ruling of Judge Uroemall publlch expressed by A B. Gear, of Chester, who Is the candidate running en the Democratic ticket for the Judgeship in Delaware Count). He is a u ell -known Attorney, nnd his Merd carried gnat weight. "I might tell in detail of ether ex pressions of support, but I de net be lieve this Is the proper time tu de e I de net think that any one can takt exception te this statement of the ne but I am perfectly Milling te .tand responsible for what I hae said If I were arrested In hc cause of right and justice, I would net hesitate te go te jail in defense of niv opinions I cannot go further than that " BREWERJ.EFT $106,000 Estate of Geerge J. Straubmlller Gees te Widow and Sen Among mIIIk ndiulltid te piebnte to te dn. Mas Hiat of Geerge. J. Straubmlller, 2103 1-ast Yerk street, n brewer, who died September ''() The relate, a allied nt $11X1.000. was bequeathed te Mrs Kntlirjii Straubmlller. ills widow, nnd te Geerge J. Straubmlller. Jr. Other wills admitted were- Sniah K 1'. Speel. 0043 Greene street. $1700; Mary A Armstrong. 42.r.' Giranl avenue, $UUS, Mary K Uevlne. who died in Heme, llatv. $3000, Jehn T Garratv. ".(Hi NerHi Thirty-ninth street, $23,000; Samuel Hendricks, 2301 Seuth rrnnklln street, $14,(500: Jehn T. Wurlele, SO!) Went Lehigh avenue, $2.1,000. (ieerge V. Lcchler, 427 North Ilcnsnn street, l.i..uii, nnd I riedn P. THall-ther, 102 West Coulter street, $7100 Inventories were Hied as fellows Julius C Wirgmnn. S07.n77 12 Martin .1 Nevlnger. $10,170.10. Frieda Hell $303 1 30. Steel Head Resigns Willinm AV Lukcns. president of the Allan Weed Iren nnd Steel Company, of f'otisliehocken, has nnneunced his res ignation te tnke effect en Xevcmber 1 He will se te I'urepc for an extended filiatien te recuperate Mr I.ukens has been with the Weed cempanv since 1S)2. He wan chosen prcldent te succeed Richard O. Weed who ictired te become chairman of the Heard of Iirv ters POOR JOE HAS TO WASH FIVE FACES WHEN HE CLEANS UP" Four Belong te City Hall Cleck and Glashill Is en Jeb Daily te Make the Hands Behave Jee Gatkll1. for (went) -two )enrs has been a faithful guardian of the four faces en City Hall tower, which ee much but divulge nothing but the cor rect time On the seventh fleer, where one takes the elevnter te go te the tower, nre situated the "works" of the clocks, and It's most Interesting te watch the "wheels go 'round," Inclesed In a glass case is n snvill dial, which regulates the four large clocks, In the front of the ense Is a small opening through which is Inserted a crank net n feet long nnd the clocks are wound In this wnv Just an easy turning of the Mrist which lequlres se little effort that n youngster could easlh wind It. The faces of the clock leek tlnv enough from the street, but measure 20 feet in diameter. The minute hand which Is 10 feet 0 inches, weighs 223 tieumN, nnd the hour hnnd, IS feet 8 inches long, weighs 13 pounds. Inclesed In the glass ense with the "works" Is n wireless apparatus, and each day ns the clock in the observa ebserva observa ter nt Washington points te twelve, I New iV 'fl kU urn - .ii.w,... TITOW LAST SERVICES FOR HERO Heward Supplee Was Burled Frem Heme of Parents Today Funeral services for Heward R Sup plee. who was killed in action in the Argonne November 5, 191S, were held this afternoon at the home of iu arents, Mr. and Mrs. Heward Supplee. S10 Angera terrace Interment was in Arlington Cemeterv. He was killed will fighting with Com pany I, niOth Infantrj His bed was returned te this country recentlv Wherever you go insure salesmen's samples A North America policy, commercial travelers' form, covers the value of samples of merchandise from the time the goods leave the owner's es tablishment until they are returned, and it costs but a few dol lars a year. Any aenf or broker can get j-eu a North America policy Insurance Company of North America Philadelphia Caplttl $5,000,000 Fenndid 1792 Fire, Marine, Automobile, Tourist, etc. Hats !i an Chertak deliphts in bringinji the best millinery modes of Pirn's te you e sny nothing of her own originations. In addition te the new importa tions of Furs, M. Wenser is pre senting countless crentiens of unusual beauty and supreme pelts. Heuse of Wenger 1229 Walnut St. At 13th Street, Opp. St. James Hetel fliiiilli d Furs m da Ri lilllligl I Mann & Dilks 1102 CHESTNUT STREET 1 1517 Walnut Street () Autumn Millinery W Chodoff Originations and Importations q r Medels which e.xpiess prace of line and ex- 0 P quisite quality, designed for beceminjmess anc s fc the woman who appreciates Fashion's last H 'M, Unusual Gowns ml jsAjc Opening of Exclusive New Department fJfc? JfjJ Presenting a brilliant display of distinctive (tt((C X4q!& frocks in which every new Fall mode i repie- vv-r v sented by charming creation yv w V FABRICSN& English mode cloths. In mix tures end vCca'Jes that com bine smart dress with utility. Netf Fall Medels Suits ana Topcoats Styles Confined te Us Hats in a -Oariety" of original shapes te match the suits. MANN & DILKS IMPORTERS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET the messier li received bv .Te" Onsklll, who runi hU clocks nccenllnRl) . (Icticrnllv Hpcnldng the clock kcep excellent time nnil the only trouble Jee lias uitli his chnrges Is during n ulect or piiew storm, nnd then occasionally the fi'ry of the elements "gum the works." At stirh times, .Toe gets drcised for the occasion and climbs out te clenn the pnrts that are clogged. He decn't have te hntig en by his teeth cither, ns a feurteen-lnch ledge affords ample room for his cniitieiiH turnings nretind. Silent wntches 'by dnv nnd night, the mnke no sound ns the hands turn endlessly nretind, ns they nre run bj compressed nir. APARTMENTS 247 SO. JUNIPER STREET New Fireproof Building Reasonable Rentals Police Seek Missing Man 1 1, imvid .MniiiH, tueiitj-one, et ;;!) Titnn street, left his home en Septem ber 15 te leek for Yverk, nnd hns net been heard of since. His pnicnts hnve nnked police te nenrch for film, Mnllln hnd been out of employment for six months and was despondent before he dlsnppcnred. lie were n dnrk blue suit, gray soft hnt, and brown 8hees. He Is of medium height, slim build ntid dark complexion. raiTUM HOUSES WIRED $3,80 run OCTI.KT RELIANCE GAS & ELEC. FIXTURE CO., 1511 Arch Si. Apartments at the Rittenhouse Ben orated, refurnished refurnished mnde Bplck, span nnd invltlnr. OutBide rooms, cool, chcerfnL Pick from theue: Twe Reems nnd Bath. Three Reems nnd Bnth. Four Roemn and two Baths. RittenHeme Hetel, 22d and Chestnut Painl up before yeupul up for the winter. You'll find ii butter hunt wfiltlnu for leu next fiprlnc. .Marine rnlnlr, varnhhss. Klu e-or thliiR- for the Jeb right here nt headquarter. Antilng for a bent. F.VANDERHERCHEN'S SONS N. Wntcr Mreft, I'lillnilflphle "At the Sign of the Sad" , Adelphia Grill Geed feed, moder ately - priced, and quick, noiseless ser vice instead of the slap-bang sort. It's rather fine te cat a geed meal, pay a modest price for it, and have the comfort of pleasant surroundings. The lunching meet ing place for busi ness men. Hetel Adelphia Chestnut at 13th Why Yeu Should Buy Your French Kid Gloves New The proposed Ferdncy Tariff Dill provides that the import duty en French Kid Gloves shall be greatly increased. Our present low prices will prevail until the adoption of the proposed increased tariff. With the demand for a mere extensive glove wardrobe re quired by the vnricty of the sleeve fashions, the prospect of a tariff increase should suggest te every woman, the wisdom of providing new for future requirements. Our Seville glove described at the right, is 3.50 The proposed Ferdncy Bill will advance the price te 4.25 The Vogue of Black &White In all the diversity of Centcmeri styles in black and white none expresses the new vogue mere charmingly than the Seville Consider the effect in black French kidskin sewn tranchanl (stitched in contrasting white) with heavy white crochet embroidery, a deep while band and white pearl clasp; or White finished similarly in contrasting black; also all- black and all-white. "Wrist length for the tailored sleeve, and pique sewn 3.50 Centemeri Gloves 123 Se. 13th St. Philadelphia .Yciv Yerk Grenoble, France SPECIAL AT BARGAIN COUNTER Twe clasp pique gloves, glace or suede, with fancy two tene embroidery black, white and colors 1.65 I l rcAi j j n-mJtWMmrh en ypurSlMXS The n. Iv Enlarged Hosiery Department h Ready With Eicii Gnater Varieties of Q u a I i t Hesicnj Than Kirr liemrt ' ou will find it the most up-te-date hesn-iy htore in Philadelphia efTennp: merchandise of first quality only no second". Te tpecialty interest you this week we are offering Women's Thread Silk Hosiery. Lisle tops and soles. Black, Brown or Russiu tan. Women's Thread Silk Hosier), fuil fashioned, in Blai.k, a ml .11 shndeb of Brown. t in: ':' ' ..;rrr'iHi.Mi-i-A-..iiii.ii,, vrnTiffii,':,;,iiiiii:r:,i!iii;i,i!!iiii!iii!i,ini- $1.35 $1.95 $2.00 Quality $2.50 Quality EVERY pmr has been cnrefully inspected ns te quality, in erdev that they may pive the utmost snrvice The careful shop per will find it advantaRoeua in bu nevs. THE BIG SHOE STORE Four Floers Wtth Seating Capacity for 600 An, Women, Witttv, Beys and Children 1-204 -06-08 Market Street MMLm, MAURICE SPEITOK, President 1310 Chestnut Street Charge Purchases Temnrrn Hilled Xevcmber 1st Exquisiieness & Value Personified in a Sale 200 Dresses for Friday Only! 22-50 Fin's is a One-Da) .!c t the greatest magnitude in be far as QualiU and .due arc concerned as regards Quantity tlure .ire but 200 Drcssc! They lmc been taken directly out of The Blum Mere stocks stocks of renowned daintiness and acknowledged .tlc 'I he Extraordinary Values are lmmtdiately rec ognizable ( empnsed are I rocks for immediate of CANTON CREPE, ROSHANARA CREPE, SATIN-FACED CANTONS, MOONCLO SATIN, POIRET TWILLS, TRICOTINES, ETC. All Salea Fwal niie ( O. D. Xe A p prmak Stonehurst Suits Have Yeu One in Your Wardrobe? i hrce-piecc Mut-, comprising Slerxcless Dre-. and Smait Suit Ceat, of all-worsted fabric' dark Fall tones.. All mz . ACU 18 .50 :; : Tweed Suits of ihe Smartest Type Blum Stew 1 weed Suits of the dark tones se mtinitely preferred today Silk lined, and the lines ordained for present and Winter wear. Medels .50 29 -: it ''-': j-'lHiilin-iniV ',',, JII'll'T'p.!'t;"'i;i i . II l"'fj! " ;, m in -,,ii .,.....,,i,i,i,j ...i-. ,,i,j.i'ff1,ii.-i.i,,i,i'i)'ff 7iiT. i. !,..,. j n. .. Y. n "'" " .77. """" . i . m ' . miii ..UMIUUI'llin Cl m 3 fill TTs I I ins I IP rr,7,f7 SMI j Jill ZAs&lMk& Ml j 1 Style Footwear for Women iilil I IS I 1130 CHESTNUT ST. HI ;il AT TWELFTH HI II "New Ebll FfeTWEHR, H lgjl "W"ITH a reputation for cclusicnrss .md originality te upheld, our Fall IrII Hhh " Display is indeed a most brilliant exhibition of Fashion Footwear. This iftlSl HrrttiHH season's st)les are deculcdl) attraituc, cpcLinll the latest vogue of French and 11111 eilflttl! Grecian models. Our assemblage is er complete. mffll IRS 38-40 Seuth 52nd St. JjK p HI I Hi 2961-63 Frankford Ave. ifeteLi, H W efqillL i-j -i.ji i iiiuiiiiMhMiiiiwrenimiTTtnFTTmnTlirnimrnnnn CTT'' J ' I mmillHfflll i