i,riiiKir.n r v n JVITf 23 FSHSOTISra PUBETO KinD(IH!reEnPHfA WBDMSDX - SEPTEMBER MlT T i ' Mi:iim:nn:i!ii!:i:ini;:i:mn::ir.:ni)n:iin:: JLewer Odd Let Charges and Lewer Partial Payment Terms The premium charged en the purchase of from one hare up te 100 shares has been reduced from XA te Va point in the case of 54 lilted stocks And our monthly pay ment terms have been low ered also se as te enable investors te avail fully of Jirevailing attractive prices or sound stocks. We are "Odd Let Spe cialists" and will be glad te send a copy of our re vised Partial Payment Plan upon request for Book let Pt72, &flRLE5ClflRK50N&& 66 BROADWAY NEWYORK TEUBOWUHO GREEK 4020-36 Mi K::.':m::;:ull MM ET SLUGGISH AND RREBULAR Usual Erratic Performance Is Supplied by the Recognized Peel Issues NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS iiiiinii.imisuimuin:i::xM:::i;ni: An Improving Market for Bends The quiet, steady ab ab ab eorptien of conservative bend issues has had the result of affecting prices favorably. Since the mid dle of June the average price of forty represen tative bends has ad vanced three and three quarter points. Anether indication of the trend is the fact that the new Treasury notes which were recently heavily oversubscribed were sold at a yield of one-quarter of one per cent, less than the of fering of last June. Write for our recommenda tions en investment bends. Hemphill, Noyes 3& Ce. MwabeM New Yerk Stock Eichante Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Keir Yerk Bcwten Seranten Buffalo Albany Syracuse Baltimore Teledo Edisen Prier Preferred Stock 8 Cumulative Par Value $100 An attractive elctrk Brr a power security Net earning fi.r r'Tt aulrejnenta Jl 207 nie r dend requlrmenti n , lsue J20O 000 Price yielding about 8.15 cc Circular en rrmeit frr rr4 The National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Cheitnut Si Atlantic City Chalfonte Bleck 1225 Boardwalk New Yerk, Pent 2"? There wni the snme pIerkIsIi nnd irregular price movc mevc ment in today'" stock mnrkct ns wit- ' ! nepl in the two immediate preredinc I elens. The interlude into which the j Renernl list "coins te hnve reached re mained unbroken heinu-n of the nl nl enre of nn itieenthn for nccrelw--nes en either xid1. The copper croup looked up n bit en the nnneuneeinent of the henw copper purchase bv one nf the hie brn' i enipaitiei. The in- i1 dtntriaN iu without n settled ten- den v wli'le the rail were rem tienniy. without, heier. ln-nig mu h Rieii'id ' Much of the e( ite:i i nt i!inppenre 1 fn in the beiul market iletniviiis the i lucsmp stock spoculntien (.f that -tim-ulin It ! doubtful whether th" finther dieline In (!ermnn es hnnse te n new low rioeid cut mucli of n rtirure While pref i sinp te be i"ien, the tun tun lent of t'ie t radius entinceiit looked upon the Mnke talk h the railroad worker" as n -linen-pure bic bluff SulIi diiiiien was ropiude.l mere or 1r in the nature of n paradet In mew of the efforts of the l'i portent nnd the utvm- plemrnt coiiferenco at W'lshlnslen te find wnys nnd menu te g. t cerhndv in 'he working humor nit.iin. P'irae of the leader of the bear pnrtr f c uir'e. w ild be i Ute w Litis te sg en" the niilread nn'eii". ler the talk of n possible walk -out would -upplj much mere iisi ful beari-h ammunition than a realisatien of sin h an unhnppv eent. It has been a !onK-etablithed tiaditien of the street ' never te go hert en trike ' Tre bear crowd Is unoues uneues unoues tlennbl" pnmpitie up icntii. but up te this writ in: l.ine obiie i-l 1 ickrd iilier the iniir.ise of cenM" t.en te se .it the l'st hnmnier ni.d tongs un thej would 'ike te d i it Tedin and in the two preiTilInc esinns it i ijinte apparent thev have been feinc out, hoping te uncover ome we.ik spit and stmt th. old hrimmrrme preiiim going ag'iin The are still skitti!i and ruh in 'tifen en the sppiaran"e of the first sign of organized opposition I'nder thee c ircum tain f 'He eon fti-inc nnd rather l.i k.vliisn nl er1 n -a ti r of the matk-r Hit ng the morn ing wn net surpn'ug M.h "iiii' rvssure was evident in the oath deal ings in the oil, equipments. mo'er and feed peeialtie" Iieeltne.s extend ing from substar'ial fiatien te 1L. points w re regis'ered in the pharos of these rpetie groups IUdwin Liven etive nnd I n V troleiim leii'.nued tlie prim e ii I'nthines of the professionals. Heth p n up trie t.s ial rrranc perferman e of t imblinc and rising again. ni-eerTng te te va r ib!e oper'itiens C'.uers w-iie the I hoaMest if rails, tre nlv exception bung Itti'hne and Western, whi'ei I'et n-jlvnina lentinued about the weakest member of the group. Toward middnj endeavors were marie bv ome of the lesser peels te stimu'ate acti ' t b h'ddins up -emp e the mere oh eh s. ure issues, but tbe marker. althei.ga swirging back te 'l-t night s , les.ng lie w i u.in spoiwe ,ind 'a'k'd .in. man n. AU ERIC A STORES MADE A A EW TOP ilrai mess of Pennsylvania Railroad a Contrasting Feat ure General List Dull Tir"i Stere, . rMi esr ttf mm i. ; lit rg ' ' t 'In ii -f --1 "' k plgM p -op s i rda s top q in nil " n VI ndan- W have purehated from the V. S. Railroad Administration $1,254,000 Chicago, St. Paul Minneapolis & Omaha Equipment 6s DUE 192S-1035 We offer the unsold balance Te yield 5.80 Bledgef &Ce. Real Estate Trust Bldg., Phil.i. cent "nod te held 'i 'n ' i1 r. lr- r", - ii . e t t' te I t ' nig I : c r i it '- ,i'ie i iit'e' Tn n - nf .'i tin in fro i t i low of t!,p e-ir md 1-'.. pin'- li'f the igh p i '"I m.id prei leus the lunetlt in 10-lent Th' suppli -' -ck wa- found a ltr " mer. lihern' '"" high' r leu i ausing siib-equ'nt in ti t if t'"!!!! 1 -t i, lern" ti si i In t' ine.T" n t t.i . f 1 1. I bn ke into n v i 'g g'e n i 'iii. e' ."'j p, mts iihm,. iisiiid'n - r"Jl iriee N T, ing ap-i our of n p-t .ible na ' " te expl i in '" I'tai'k.ihle mop i nt in f-ithn of rue st x-k- fiere wire i f fiiiisn no i nd 'f 'liinries nnd Mimer-, but ihe rfnl ni".i sraii'.'d i" ile wa- mis-ing TI ' !.. t -t u Ti i eme our win i no ,t th, ressduiit, it i i 'isr.'t nrinn w.th th. t'mt and l'ai no Ti .i t'emranx but ti, - nji.n- ntiv bad no nep fmin I i'mn t i mi es. rdavs -t, i of tl.e i tin n -Mir prorerrei ihk I'lteiest. s-ipi S.ten 1700 100 800 100 1100 .100 .no r.oe .'00 loe tee 300 200 700 300 3100 .100 .100 r' 100 551400 100 400 0(100 100 .101) 000 100 '.'00 00 1110 ."00 J 00 ..en tee 100 I0U0 3011 1.1110 300 J00 U"01 isoe 100 1 400 noe ,en tee mie 300 tioe oe S0O . no ' 100 1100 700 .00 vne oe ft coo 'J 1 00 (1011 1100 000 r.ne no ."00 000 100 000 300 100 v line r.oe IS 300 , joeo ion oe : 3JC0 loon ioe .100 1300 100 300 r.oe 100 .moo C .tee 100 100 fiOOO tee ltoe 3.iae ion 10 21)11 300 1 00 100 300 l.'iOO .000 .ion .100 101) 30(1 13111 3011 :oe 1010 13 ! h'2 3s U 17 2 H an 0'-3 fit. riv. In HlBh AHamt nxpress ...... N 4 Air nedtictlen . . Aiax Iltibber 23 .. Alaska Juneau O M.. 1 4 Allied Chem & Dye... 40 7 Allied Chem & Dye pf. 00 4 Allls-Chalmers SIV'i .. Am Apric Clicm..... .1.1 H .. Am Can 27',j 7 Am r.in pf 70H . Am riiicle .......... e'i .. Am PniB Pin 4J8 8 Am Kxprcsa 11SV- s Am Iee sni 0 Am Ice pf i Am Internat Cerp.... 31 0 Am Ixicometlvo Sivj .. Am Safety Karer H Am Ahip & com 6Ji Am Smelt 37 'j 7 ,ni Smelt pf 7.1 3 Am steel foundries., 3(.8 .. Am Sujrar tlef n?i 7 Am Supnr Itef pf s7 7 .m Stiimntre 4n4 9 Am Tel & Tel 107U 13 Am Teb icce 133' 0 Am Wnterwlis fl p( ft 7 Am Vnterwks " pf. iil'a 7 Am Woolen 75 .. Am Zinc lnd St Smlt 10 .. Am Zinc Lead & S ff 3S'J .. Anaconda Copper .... 30 .. Ann Arber 311 .. Assets Realization ... l'i 0 Atch Tep .V: f-nnta Fe. hO's 7 Atlant'e 1 eit I.ine... 87 .. At (lulf ,t W i S S. . 27'j .. Atl Ou'f ,t Y,' I s s nf 33'i . Atnntic I'el , Baldwin LocemotHe. .. IlaUlrre-i a Ohie . . . .. Rimedite i'I.ius It.., .. Untepllis Mlnlnir . .. f nethlihein Steel tt. . . .. Hrkln Kjipid Transit .. rtiklin U T ctfs of den 10 Hums Ores . . ...le?i .. llutte Copper A Zinc . 44 .. Hutte & Superior Cep. 14''- fi California Pack'ntr ... 07 10 Can.idian rae!flc ....113 .. Centri! leather 3S"j .. (Vntr,i leather pf. ,. fil'a .. r . r-o-de-Pepee 3S2 0 ' bander Meters 13 .. C'irsipiaKe ft Ohie... ,11 i .. 'Mil fir West pf IT .. Chi Mil & St V M'i . Chi M.l ft St P pf.... 30i4 ft Chi A Vertliwestcm. . fi-'j 7 Chi - Northwestern pftn3'2 .. '"hi R T Jl Pac 31m .. Cb'le Copper tl'i . CVilne "epp-.r 2i a C ' s On i'm! ft St , pf 07 .. i uetf Ptabidy I'.O'.j Cica-Ceia .11 - 0 ( "I'lm (ias & Elec. . . . .it .. Ce'um Gnphophene . h . ennp" Mated lis Ins . 1 T "onse' dated Gas .... fSi .. Censn'i latirt Tet'les. Id's .. Cent'ntntal Can ...... H .. fort -eml ("aniij , '. . S B Ce'M I'Todue's Itef.. 7"'i ; r.,," preriucis Hef pf . 107 .SO i '''den & ie 3fi 1 i ruchl,. St, ei . , . - . fJ, .. i" .ban cane Supar .. 4b .. Cuban Cane Suear pf Is 10 rf L.ick ,i Western 10,1 7i 1 Deme Mines 10,s ft )2nd cott-Jehnson ..., ". .. Ile n J .. i:r'e 1-t pf lsiA . Crl' .d pf 13', 3 Par" eus Plavers I. . . . Il' t, 1'irn m Plaers L. pf. " : r'sher Bedy pf 0s .. 1'ifk Rubber 1-' '. .. Of MP! ii Asphalt a'tU 0 General Clpar .! - 8 C.ener U Ukctrtc 133 1i 1 . i eri.1 Moter3 10 ! 1 t: Met-rs tleb 0.. (i.l',4 : '.r. at Nrrthern pf .. ils4 I 'inn Nni'h Oiv ctfs. 3S . i;nen- Cimiifa Cep 31 .. Htm r Mike Mlllirs .. ."". . . H' it n nil St'i 1 H-ipp Motorcar 11 : Mm" i Central Ofi1- Ce InJ .iMema Rrtin'ei; .. 3 .. InTtraT'en Cen Cep.. 31 .. Inte-b Cen I'eip 2 ., !Meiore i' pf.... 0?j .. Ii t rn it Aer'i ul ... 734 .. I.t Aurlcul Cerp pf . . 3S?n - Int Ha-.,fr nt-w ... 7lij . Irt M r M-irine.. .. 1(1 fi Int Mi i Mai i. pf ... 4s .. Ir.'Tr.ai.ei.a: Nik 1.. 1.1 ; I.OW 46?4 3S 33 H 1 41!i 00 3,1 'i 31 37 "O'i O's 43i 110 .19 03'i 33'4 4'i 0'4 37 U 73 3.1 1 i 1S4 s.7 40'j 107'2 13.T-4 IPj .13 71 0 2S .is', It l'i sr, S7 37 33', 1,1 H s.n4 3s 17 i i': ,13 tr O's ' 101 , 4's 1( r.7 113H 3 s f-l's 3S It'" .1.1 ' -lfiS 3.1 '4 ,10 f'7 -103 ' - 31 'i te-a 33 07 3S .1.1 .11 !"2 I ten 13, H 77 S 107', 3.14 7'l 1S?4 r. 13 isi 13' 8 4l'4 70 OS ion .105, Oft 133 "4 lOU ""'. 4 7l 2 s 31 .IS .11 M 11 00 I 8 i 31', l' ? 74 3"i4 1.1 10 -47'4 li'4 1 SO Nt r M ChKf Sutes 47 lJi 5; 700 3S 4 100 23 .. 1(00 1 .. 100 48 t,i- 1 700 go .. Hi 000 331,4- Ji 2000 3.1 - U 2000 37"2 H 100 7BU H (100 0' '4 100 4;B 14 -00 ltS'4- 1J4 2700 in H "oe 01 .. 200 33'4 - i 100 ssh- oe ( 't 100 r.n - " 30.100 37 "2 t- H 100 73 1 t 2000 3.1' 8- 3 In0 .1S?4- IS 100 87 - U 00 4014 r !4 100 107i ' nn 123'i- Mi S00 13 r '00 13 T3 I 3' '00 71 - I't 100 101 1 1000 38' , t 38 f II - 80 -S7 -37 23'-!,-13H 3S -17'i- .13'i- 0"8- r.i,- 1034 r 4',2 14' J- C7 - III "b ' 2S'- -I. 41 'A A.1'2 -1(1 -4 3.1 U 39 - (,s'-4 103'2 , .1Tn- II "4 - 3 Ii7 3S,- 35 '2 - 5J - 88 H lO'sr 4t'; 5H 77J4 107 ifc-r 3.1 - 12', 7S 18 - 10 10'4 - 01 - 1.1'A- 1S?4 13'-- lj 5a l'i V 1'2 '8 1?4 h 3 1U - 1 3s 103, - .11 ',4- fV - 132'2-H'4-I..1'4 74S 38 -21 .Is 06'-- .1 34',- l's " (.1, -7N .1s?i 7(''4 - 1' 47' 1.1 4 lb no soe 300 100 700 1100 4700 700 1800 tee 100 100 8100 n.ien 1000 tee 2000 300 (100 100 100 3300 1,100 2ne tee 100 r,oe 300 ion E2 100 200 .1100 3.10 .100 3C0 300 3100 6, 1300 700 300 100 101 3100 .1100 1.100 300 400 200 ene .500 -00 ree .100 :ei uoe .1200 1700 100 no 400 inn 2000 2300 2100 300 ,ine me 31100 400 2000 300 1000 tee 100 Dlv. In I Utah . . International Paper . . 49 .. Invlnclble Oil Cerp... ayt .. Island Oil 2ft 4 Kan City Ft S & M pf 00 ., Kansas City Southern 25 4 Kelly.SprlnKfleld Tire. 41 .. Kennccett Copper .... 2034 .. Keystone T & n in B KresRe S S 181V4 7 Krcsfte S S pf lOl'i .. Laekawnnnn. Steel ... 41 14 100 3.50 LehlRh Valley 84 .. Iiewe Ce 13 Ja 1 Left Candy H 7 Louisvllle ft NaflhvlllelOOH 7 Mnnbattan filev guar. 40$ .. Marlln Oil in .. Maxwell Class n. ..... 8',$ 12 Mexican rctreleum ..100 2 Miami Cenner 21 ti 2000 1.00 Middle States Cerp... 12 . . Midvale. Steel f2aj; 7 Minn St P & S St Me. 7034 , . Me Kansas & Texas.. 1 . Missouri Pacific 10 1. Missouri Pacific pf . . 39H . National Acme 14JJ 7 National Wscult pf...H0 4 National Iead 75 . . Nnt It R of Mex 2d pf 4?4, . N'ev Cen Copper 11 K 5 N V Air Brnke 02 6 New Yerk Central.... 73 Vg . New Yerk C & St Iy. . . 8434 5 New Yerk Peck pf... 51J8 . New Yerk N H Jfc II.. 144 2 NY nnt & West Rd , 22Ji fi North American ctfs.. 40H 3 North Am ctfs pf . . . . .I.HA 7 Northern Pacific 7712 r. Neva Scotia S & C... 2.T4 2 nrpheum Circuit 10'2 . Pac'flc Gas Jfc Elec... 59J4 . Pacific Oil 30J4 0 Pati-Amer Petrel .... 40i,S 6 Pan-Amer B 43 , . Panhandle 7 '2 2 Pennsylvania It R.,,, 37J4 . Penn Seaboard Steel.. 10J,j . Peeples Gas Chlcafje. 81 . Pcre Marquette, 10 3 Philadelphia Ce 20"2 . Plerce-Arrew Moter. . 12 . Plercc-Arrew Met pf . . 20 . Pierce oil (li,4 Pitts & West Va . .. 2fiti 7 Pressed Steel Car pf.. 80 H 8 Pullman 01",; Punta Alegre Sugar.. 27 2 Pure Oil 21 ', 8 Railway Steel Spring. M'i " Ray Cen Copper 13i 4 Reading 71 H 3 Reading 2d pf 43'2 Replegle Steel 2.V2 Republic Iren & Steel. 81 3 7 Repub Iren & Steel pf 84 '4 0 Royal Dutch Amer... 4.1s . St Leuis San Fran... 234 . Sears-Roebuck 07 'n . sfnfca Cen Cern . ISJi Shattuc-k Arizona Cerp 0'4 I 7, ! 1 Shell Transport 33 j . Sinclair Oil ' IS1 0 Southern Pacific 79 .. Southern Rail 20 S Southern Ry pf 1 4fi - 1 Standard Oil of Cal .. 73 '4 5 Standard Oil of N J..137U 7 Standard Oil of N J ptl07 5B 7 Studebaker 73'i 1 Submarine Beat Cerp. 3"8 Superior Oil Cerp 4' 2 8 Texas Ce 3"?4 . . Texas Jl Pac.ftc .. 23)4 1 Teas & Pac C & O.. 19' 0 Townece products ... 08 . . T-anscen Oil 8 4 Transue Wm Steel . . 3.1 .. I'nlen Oil 1034 10 Vnlen Pacific 121 H . fnlted Alley Steel 20 0 United .Retail Stere3. . 8134 .. r S Poed Products... 13 1 r S Ind Alcohol 1.1H .. V S Realty & Imp 81 ,. I' S Rubber 4S'2 .. I' S Smelt & Ref 33 A U S Steel 7UH 7 L S hteel pr 111:1 "2 I'tnh Copper .., L tah Sec Vnradluni Cerp. Wabash Wabash pf A. 800 2.50 Wt-lls Farce Impress. 700 r.oe inn 200 .inn 200 2011 1011 WfM Maryland 2d pf, Wi .stern Union Tel.. Wi at nglieuse K & M Wheeling il.C , Willjs-Owrland Woolworth F W pf . . Werthinctun Pump.., Werth Pump pf A. ... .101,4 8 'a 3i'4 7H 20',; III) 171, IV-4 45'8 SJ 6 IOS'2 41 7.1 Leir 414 2 no 28 40 20 10 ',4 lill'j 101 'a 4U4 54 13 ft 0ft 10914 4034 in 8ft 97 ft 21 14 114 28 7034 in 19 30 '4 14 110 75 1 11 02 72 '2 5 4 l'i 81 14'i 23'fc 30 T, .1.1 '4 77 '4 33'i 10'4 se;; 30 'a 4.1 43 7 "2 303i 10 .11 10 1V2 11?4 25 1 8 en 20 1 ; 80 S3 91 "8 27 31 "2 'IS3'2 13?4 7en 43 '2 2.1 8114 11 'A 4.1 3.1 00 ISi; 0?4 33)4 19 'i 78 20 40'2 72 '4 137 '4 107 73 3)4 4 313! 23 ls (14 7 31 Ih'i 121 '4 20 803i 11 4.1 .11 4 s '4 31 78 100 ',2 41 "j 8 31 7 30'4 59 17 82 J4 3J8 k 0 10S"8 40?4 7.t Net CT1R0. 1 no r m 48ft .. 8ft- 4 2 - 'i 00 - i' 2834 - ' 40ft- ft 20ft- ' 10- 151ft ft 101 ft 3ft 84 - 13ft- 9ft 8ft 90ft -3lft , 70)4 . Ifi . 19 , - no - 7.1 -4-11 02 r ft- MJH r 10 ii',; . ?4 ft ift ift ft ft ft 8'4 ft Hi 1ft ft ft Ii 2.1'i 19 "2 - 7ft ft 81 10 -291j-Hft-25'4- fift 20 1,; - 80 -,' 91 14 -27 -24 "2 - 83'2-nft 12)', 71 - 42''-. - 33 ' -51 -81 '4 ' 4.114 1834 - 035 ft 33)4 . 10l8 . 78- ft 20- 40 '4- "4 72 '4 137 '4 '4 107- i, 72 - 14 334- 'e 1ft- ft 3,1 34 ft 22 J 19'; Ha 04-1 7ft- ft 3.1 - 1 10'2 . 131 .. 30 - I'j .10 M - " 4.1 - 51 - ',4 is 14 33 4 78 - lOO'.-i- 493i f- s;8 31 - 7 20 H oe -f 17 - 8-34 -r 4 i ' a - 8l3-0 10S 'A CURB IS NARROW UNDER REALIZING Farrell Ceal Streng In Early Dealings Oil Stocks Com paratively Quiet New Ynrlt, Sept. S.S.-s-lMcc move ments en the New Yerk Curb were nar row tednj' becnuse of n slackcnlnR in demand nnd heavy realizing. Texas Gulf Sulphur wns nn Instance, that stock fnlllnR bnck te -'."T,. nitheiiRh the Street continues te he flooded with In formation nbeut its enrnliiR power nnd speenlntlve outlook. Glen Allien Ceal held strenR. mevlnR tip from 'lOVj te '11M, its mnrket po sition net heinR nffected by reports that no dividend distribution will be made duriiiR the current .M-nr. larrell ( enl wns nlse ptrenR in the early trndinR, mevlnR up te 1ni, a new IiIrIi for this movement. The bujltiR wns partly based en rumors that Hums Urns., into which Knrrell Ceal is te be absorbed, will be put en 11 15 per cent dividend basis. Mending rights were trnded In te n s-mnll extent nt 10'j. D. W. Griffith sold nt R. riiillp Merris rnnRed from 5 te .Iat nnd Tobacco ICxperts at Ti'A. Petreleutn stocks were cempnrntively rpiiet and without speelnl ehniiKC Cities Service common sold nt 118 te llTvi. Standard Oil of Indinna Hhewed n Htcadv tone ntvTOvfs. I'll- Hnsln wns henw and Slmini rctreleum iinchnnRed. Seutliein rctreleum nnd Kenning wns Acni Cenl , Armp Pnrklnc . C.i I 1'runh 1'rult 1'iir l.'eht rolluleM Cn rfrt 1) i.rltflth l'mpli" 100.1 .. . r.irrell Cn.il (iiilihwn I'letures l.lbln MrNVIIl .... Metro Meri .. . . Metre pfd Nmlenal leather , iMU'STimi.s lllsh , 1 . 1 . 3 1.V, . 102'a ;' ' tvrfr, tlnn llm Phillip Merris 'J Kiiiliii reni 1 Itrnilln). ilk'lita , ,4 "l Ce . . . 1 ?4 I I ,1. prwl fn t rsi, h . . I'll ." l-hlp Cern ' f M Si.-.. 1.1 17 HI". Il'i s 12 Ml rt' R7't 03 1'U'J .11 Lew t 1 I". 1 102 '-a s 17 H! 10 8 11 CO 11' ll' .17 'i (in 4 lii'j 1,V 20 .11 fnlti.il Prntlt hsrlns .... IA 1A Cnlied P.ct Crniiv .... n ."'. Wi-nt Hml Chun .... l'i IA Trx.iii Gulf Sulphur . . . 'Jii'i I."s4 "TAMHIin 011.8 Anc e-Am nil 1 H'j AtUntle I,oho S R .- ".I vt In'l 70', 7n, S uil nf N V . . 3jn 32e 1 10 r Jf. I 1 .1 1 102'ii s 17 1 41 8 1J BO 11 37'I en 4. j' 10 HI, 1A 20 31 '1- 1A 20 14', , 7n" 3jn 1 iMr.pi;Mi-T (iii.si ' At mm ii- Pet ." 11", no en ."1 : P'"ti n online iw f 1 iirili Smi . I I'lilm l-nlre m'dl . .11" II Itl.s SerM''" itr . 4 ll'i 1 I'lllns Mrrlr' pi1 1 i"lilner ivii. ,. .. K'k nasln rn ul'i ela Pi tl"l . . I.tnpli. Km I'll . Ii Int Petrel '" 1 1 inn lvt ' Inrnlbe ej I l. xii" oil . , 1 m.iit 1 HI tit I i, Viuint.iln Prurtu In . - 1 Snii.iiml till N J . . V'ibl 3, 'llllllll ri 5 I Pimlurir A ttfilnirii " -all i'reik Pruil ',4 f-nnulpa Jtcf Mmnis P.'t ,, IMi'llv nil ft I r."i ft 1 1 ni"l lt"alt .... I. Hi- 'V "il 1? fii .. .. 4 Siitilh, rn I .f II '.A I.T j HI 18 is Vi "Z T 41 7.1 'i Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Cliirnge. Smi - Ttu wl"tt mir kit f hihred ui ieh w .'K - mrlv ha "1 "ii in l' "i tiiii'i'Ml fii'litl'iiis 1 ft r mi 1 '.i t"i' w 1- eMiing et -'-."ii -hmt w 11 ' ml pi hud a 'oe'l 1 r--i en rv, 1 ' 11 '' w s repot" '1 , in iM.iiri I'nl ti- i.i'i'k ei'lei fur 1 .. .4 11 1 hi"' 1 linnknl Wi' In piring thi- pn 1 li'iiu NEW LOW FOR MARKS German Currency Drep3 te 0.78 Cent in Exchange Market New erh, r' nt !!" iipw low ill n,nrks f. n ' 1' il tin- "P'linu foreign t eh ing1 me ift (Hher hinge were wiik, ri 1 iilri tin- Si ni 'linni Mils. rl oue'.itioii- wiuen L Financial Briefs 1 1 , hi' rpiitA cl"W te tl, t 'ii 1 ci 1111 ,1 1 1- . ' I I'ut.'bas was v..ii!im r I'antidii 1 r. , tl r I'n-h wheat tin 1 I 'i'i al' - u.-rp ."it 11 11 1 hu-hi s I ..wi'-t i'i 1. - "f th' srasen were n ii'lp m ern as tin rr-ult of selling ,,1 r- .ii.l 'n'P'l.itien MiiMiig .is lif.i'i'l tn s'li.--'-. whic'i 1 iiiseil sum.' . . -. 1 iir. 11,, 1.1 1 nrn te ariivc .,., .,... an,t ,".,, va- a ileeliue efjtr ,p. Ilunsin mil. 1'i'j; Serbian ilk. ' I. ,..l. ir.rn . . SUll- t-l. 'irifK. t".i: l'"ll-ll, "I t" ..,. alci nm iimiii'mi pisipi 1 ling .s i. i . rahie .1 . 1 "I !.. "11. 1 Illlll Il"'- I I- 1 II" ll I II, 111 -ilil. - MI. 1 heik- 1 10, Swiss nil'l. - 7.'4". 1 1." ks 17 J, guililcr im' 1- .'' .'.". ih.'iks :.' '(l , ie"eta 'at,'.- i:ni 1 hn ks l.".e-J; Slorkhelm 1 11 l'i .'' 1 1 ii" ks !'' ."."I , I'lirl.tiiinia ml'.- 1' ."". 1'lni'k" IJ.'i.i. 1 '"n iiliiiueii 1 at - 17 s".. li" Us 17 7s.; Iiilginii 1 a1 I' s 7 ("i . li 1 ks 7 e."i . luniks .7-,. ( rt.tt I'lirupi an cm hiiiisei- were; rt 1 I'-iiin. iT, Kulsuiinn. "0. Aus- Th" niiriB" rn f th tweni atii ln 1iitr i - ilml'ni I II pt rni i.tc-ilm in 7" 311 uhlin Hi" Inrali rallredH de lin"i i.n r" -cut 1 1 71 01 Clianrl'er 4 p Inc hai bi'in nditi1 tht in brurd e( rtliTterj of tlie Indnnn lr'l'-' '""erpiratlnn hn ili-e'arftd ut thi1 rut, cf 1 Per ten' per unimir th iniri.t dii' Oi"it,-r I nn ihA adjuptni.-n' nviriKris I eniln MIMMi Alnkn Hr Columbia .... IllB I.e'lce I . . , I, mli 11 .1 Mnnlnna ' Ciin id l Ci'P ','. an.lnlnrla il 1 . un.. I,,. . .,, . .. i.'iii 1,1," , ...,.... a M hi pr I'.injun ia cenn I'.ip M It Cnrlz Mlier 8 .Cn-sunn I mill Kl SHlld.lur ' IV2 1 Eureka i'K'I'mib 1, 1 4'i illnltiB ..'Miii.i'i riuiencp , ..... Cnli Z"h.. ' Mull Cnpi . r ., , , , , llelllnsn '. ' " Mown suunil , . ,' . ,' l.n Hev Mininir .. ' ! M' Mil Pir ..... ' N uniir.i ilMnlin. l 11 . .. de Nutii iijl T mi .i id t riphir . , NlllfblUK .... 1.' I Hills T ii' 11 1I1 ftdininnt 1 ti' p ih Im I n ' .I f.Hsii 1 u , Mr . (,, "iuk n AIjsi I , et urn r i)ir i'i 1 .1ml. A ' "ii'i i ting 'I i ' u I iv ,1 Kl! rf- r 11 i ,i M. '1 Bosten Chicago Walnut 1606 New Yerk Rare 4n,f"'.i .n in"! ;i i t os "i 1,1 1 r I ,1 ; fren tl i I igh I'-t' fe"i 1 n kj tin ) II fair r 1 I ',. 'Ijfll.t 1,1 "H H td'l n 1 1 ' ' 1 'l ill I OOlPl , ' ,-(. 1 pt)i ri 1 1 1 . 1 1 ,1 n.) i'i in'l nf tli .1 ie,. r W"' 1-1. tl in It IP ri 'h"! r lgi ' laM'Ui , r ml rp n fn in it. tin i'i ,'iif ". ' ' I "' t 01 a '1 ii 1 I si III ills- Ill thp 1 1 1. t :. I'lunta 1 Mi u h L" 1 at " r' 1. "l te I t , Mil-" , luil'iiz :i.i.i"i" l.n ' f'.jll'l.tlOtl- 1 in tue Otl ' 1 .lt pi low 1"' 'l'i t 1,1-11 "i " " Js'nj jnnj ' ' ' in- .Iiige-tShnia, . te 1 xpiu tei, 1 ri thp .sniiip a S. pn rti' " mild1 ' i' . 1 as ui Tlif he-Sl"'lk'Mll. 1 n'J' . I'i . P" 11 marks. 1 ,".11 fi 1 I'liiMiiiii nn Niw erk ftlluLs ill M- 1 , het'T ' 411 nun huh"ls. COTTON MARKET Vnrli . t J" retl'wnl Ot Sew hiK' 1l"'l' ' i 1 n tti n T" f. p , 17 t" n T' . re 'i ' - ' w 1 lijipri'oel nr 1 gij. n I u 1 - r Ills tn 1 1 rn t ' 11 1 ill , I, .1 ' llir.l 'I in l 1. s!,, jtl hi (1 1 spli Mg out 1 .ng , ., ,,' 1 f , "I . i I. Ill UP te 1 1 I til ; nil I'll Pll epPnil- 1 J 1 'nt - thl- morn . .e ii. Npw Oi Ii 1111- 1 1 'ft hiiM'iiS iftpilnls Ii" ,"l tr il 'is, tin- ill" ,,ii ,n 1 might r'ti ,ri. it ,111111 ble. W' i' V r pum-iI ,i"'l - lugh'-t TIt 1 i'i 1 .i'i wn- ti , P .ui' 1 1 n Tru'l ion t'.ilai wis Ml1 1 'p flit I lie nt mi ( nnmlinu lunds 111 Nrw u 1- I'.v 11 t ') ." 10 n'i 1 put UP1IVT-. fr.'KI Q OTTIi iS Sflrrf anrn I nnii 'diti - 1 . 7. . 7 11'? 1 124 3J 10 1 73'. 7 1.' I 13 3J 10 ' ', - ' PrSIN'l Ql iiTTIOV- 1 , i 11 F ir . I,ir ifiiiiit, r- 1 7.", 7 11 4 10 a.' "ii 1; . 7 1 111 .11 .3 . in-, .n-iiT I I .. '" ' n I ran s I, r fiu'Mera r I .. . 1 7" 7 U I in I'll 7 1.1 I 1"'i RAILROAD EARNINGS A hid if J2,'i0O nm md nn the Herr for -1 rn mhetgMp en thp Philadelph 1 stock Kx h-ii (.p A feu ris ,ire 1 . hi i M at t;4"ii Wen-em .Marilind lias heen craned an Ihnrltv tit pieciiit .iiitheiit'natlen nn.l il Mverv te ll treusuier of Jl M n nun rt and rfun1lnr meilcane ,'1 per . . i,t Beld bendp 1 arrl.'r was also autherleij in p!eipi 1 ".7 0iiii Irn an 1 refuti'Dns: ". pr cut -old hend- with thn Seinmr if Hi, Trwm un a I men! for Jl linn 0110 1 m fium l'nite.1 Ptn'11 .Is .10 I'I L" gl no l'i sll l'i 111 .1" .111 1 a ni is 1.1 !' I' .'.'I .11 r.-j i 117 JH 1 is Mlierl P.uker Hi AHi.d 1'nk.r n, , Am. r 1,1 ilj pi..." Am 1 Til lis in.' 1 naien1i 7a 1!i."l Armour 7s Hi aer Ilndnl Sr ti. th fch el 7s H1.V1 i"jh Pj. Us 1 hlr i.i Kan III i Ci I lienph k . II()M -'ns H iIt.i 7 ' f rp-p Lxrtt Pepper Kvpurt 'J Irkh '1 'r- 7 !.hl?h illv'- r.r-e In .,,..,. ! P'rPPIO -.fl eierJ.3-.rm, r-,nparPd'"iUh Tu. , nlefli ?ZTn" . I," I, due te ir r-tMs,, fraicht rev, nil' nun.- in ..'.?''- J' ". part te laicei maintcnaiiri. ..xpenllt ir.s n. t I ,,, ,"t 11V1 -. nneratin inremp fell off i:,t HiimunMn.- I .?anVt,,n NY -te t'17 sr. aKaint snri" 70H in Ju . luu J"n. v i ,U mrnlm ulnerl nn. ,h .1. .,,,. ' . -in,. I i ip il.flrlt I. n,r. ...,; I, ...'". . ". ' "." M'll"ll - - 'n ,,,-.1, I'BI III' P " ll whl'h VlC'i..! increased i $'llll (i f . 'ch m"-th period n '',"1, II I Si -i PIUS 7J4 . '."!', !'0'h 1.' ll-V 1 II'I 1, '7 no'. 10."H .1- K ji 7s I' 7h i.V' .17 .1 i 11 3i'l " 3 1 Is II 1 I .111 07 4". 43', li'i", Ii l U Kin'- 3 L' s !M Ji '. 7 1'. 7c 12 in :n, ii 7 .in i, :' ni Is r. j ?'i r.7 '..l'i' ii'i lmi H llgj Sfiu'hirn ria.'na has applied for , Hi te s-'ie anrt sell -, ,,0e fioe nr-fcOildate-1 rn -tj'aire per cent old ravahj.. Jul- l mm, for the pun pievHInff f mdi fe, n diietlnn nf ;'""'" " t,r-i innneave u per Benda rf fienriria Paeifli' flHilw mat'jie J r in".; 'jth i ' i I. - I le f I I kl- Mil k I 1 .si ifl I "i" Tr.i t 7i 1'Xn Ce 7a lei, I - i , 7a I i I "1IC -k -i ,n !''e( 7 W in h' sii r 7'- i II i mlilirif I'a i. SHIM "i ' i N 1 S Pm-il -a (i -i n'i'j . i'i is". Urn. inj',r inn'. IIS', 1111 'I. 17', Ml'. ''1 ', I I' '1 10 Per Cent Is the annual income icld en preaent markft price of a listed tock, selling telew $15 a share Net for second quarter thin jear estimated at Jl.noennn, or Fuffl. clent te cover exlatln dMdend rte for another full quarter Full details of this pxrelient u. vratment opportunity given in our Special Bulletin PL-718 Secure free copy at once. E. L. WITTMEYER & CO. Incorporated Investment Scntntiea 42 Broadway New Yerk - T I'M I af-i It flSUle in"' pH ut r i ' .i r. .1 1" .1, m .a .' l nt Wlls ' rn ii in 1' t ik . I' 1 "'I 1 1 It II LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS ( hli-mu In -"ii I ' 1 r - t. I ' n f. d r til I 1 th'. , The" 111 11 (n I j. n Rei l I" I I I II high -1 l i Par r ' kr I i I I i'i ni re ? 1 ,. ,4 fi"l, 17 2 ' 17 .' " 1 '" , am, ' .1 i' ' f Ml i si l'1-ei i n I v i k' N ' V. ".'ir- ' .- 5 ed'lv "il 'in I " I ii I 1 I N i - . 1 ' tl 1'lllslnirvh Pa . " . .5 lf, l - im ii hen I Hl,li r If-,,. . - ii hi erle. 11 l'i ii i . f .ii 'l 7 piaa IS .", NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET I New rU. .-""t -v -'an ,-" ,,, ,, . ,,, te i .s wpii -rllir- In t , ii,. ,-,i I'1 n "' '"' ' n ,h"i n'f"',1 I P . w , i .i i ri i iiml i "i us from I" ' 1 , " i, .,, , r ,. i.iiaii ' " rpst-. I ir , . .,, r . i. . ' 'I- lil-'lliT te tl w , i. I,,v i i fi ir , iim w'UMi' I i.Pii i h" in in I ' ' ' tui'H i..-e no nfh '1 ' iHi s from . nun! in t .. h'.l Hiu '1 pn I Wl.ili m mi- of il . rn niiti'l for H' ' 1 1 oe i ( r i i' tiiv is w i . In lif -efl ' . i i " i int f '- 'Ufa ' si -ah" ill, ulTi i in I1 i -I'"' tiVlllii't. i , n ni ti h ii pis wa- thought I "ssihli- pem i inii-r- nxaiii-t eheit m tni i, put int -"in" tii.i" .itfe hj a le. ,' iri'i.' nnil . . i tl ri 1 1 nti hejw. t in 'I I . flu peHi-inhiT wim linn ut i 1IIV'. il. tiuirk't en ui'ie months b mi nh" it ' ' n i . Hi rint- net l,iuh"r p , , ,. i .-. i i , . f . nhe 7 ets-i le -f a p h li NI i d K I 1.N1 I l 1121 In ri a?p t 7ii ii ni i -in ,i7'. jr. DIVIDEND! M il.l.iii, IOO-1' i k . .1 1 r7 -mi i i, 1 1 i,;,s .'7 lii' " f P. ii IMI ' 11' I N fi VII " M 1 ' 1. "l'l -J. 4-7 !H1 i I "J .'ii i',7 i "."i . - - I ''.'! .11." "1 ' l,l 1 Is l I -i . I ! Mi l "7.1 I ' .PHI V NM' KCAMN'j -t . 47 I.-, emii I--, i s l ni I 1"." lisp '. ',n -mi l - r - Ml .' I i-.s 1.1. Ss? i. ,i. .ne -. .. ' .'I in '.n 0 AT lll.-"N li" rr" ir s ."I4ni1 51". I H72 ' .fi ''17 777 I JT. ,i S IP VI. I vllH"ri n, ' JKK EY -r 11 7 44 ! I".' Pr n ' m ein .11 '. 1 ,,i 7l"i i n'n r , .11 nils 107 1 7". -n r i, eme . 'HI 1 (11 in ,, "ilj ' Hosten i N'au Verk I Phlladi Iphu f'leveland em nirs t l,i mil ired urh fiin ri'phmenij i , im i . van, 1 A 1 1 f i n t U'J' ti. n IHi l hlcage i ilium $iS 'il. 7 il !-.'sliilv2 ht. I.euif In tha ne. ended Pept mler 17 f1 ;,i rnra were leaded ulih reienue Ireith' perdlnK " Amer tan rtallwa Vk"ih, ,i This - tl- IdTKI ', Illimhe, I'lde.l m , tk In the wiek of lie. .iiiiinr I pi n Teial fm the eek wan Ki'iilll ur. em " . than Ih treviuUd week lip 137 4,, Ihiin th- iiie terted laai i. ir DECLARED i'i r 1 ent f llint f I'I l1, II 'v lu'i'!, !'7 I'll'. 111.", !HS4 7s'. !, 1 Jld's !,', lis , lfM'j l'i." !l 1nn, lls'j III" Is 17', I'll'. 11', s 111' 1 llll'a 1. IV, ll'a liit'i 1".' 'Pi l,n' ,,, ! inn Is' lull 1"1'. 11', till, , Philadelphia Steekt Amei ran ! e i empim l , p, 1 ipmm n mnkliK a te.,, .1 vilnjs. f anil mm , did Ml ir . 1 11 , f 1, Tr." nii.irter, I', pi r "'i' nn pre'irn II ai.e line ji'iir'T 11111 i,, tni, 111 , ni. r .'.' In M 'I runtl i, 7 M ill) 1 Wm. I 'ili'i. k . . m, annual 11 "(1 1,1 prefiri'-d rn.ilil.' Neim ler 1" te .te , of re nr 1 mm r ;) S'llllifin I.11 hln r rimiiini 'iilarleiK 7fi cent pai ibl. Mitnlc, l', n, -mtk ei" r. 1 nd Oc I nher I imperial M 1 orneraMip 1 i'.rlhl 1 p , rent en .ei m ,1 and "unri, , j pf.r ,Pnt en 1. ref. ,,. 1 I h nHinln t" Kilii r 1 1,1 Binek nf ii ,1 s,, mrh,r (,, Re6ervc Banks' Discount Rates Off,' al n li ' 1,1, ra"n at the tuelie I'ed nal ll" BANK CLEARINGS ufll 71.' Ml 371 1 ' l en ,lt ' Minneupi He 1 Kanka. 'Ilallas .. .bell iMmi m l.aniii Pri a. ctfs ... 1 ... r .. . V, . r,'; .. '1 . .. n ... 0 a ' t 1) ii e ni fell'ill. 1 1 m I paper I. h hend. il 0 i ,1 il 0 n M.. IV, n n ii 'I' ll 11 P.kl accept .1 c, II II U. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes int Hate i',l M-i'tirn u i- 4" i.s-i I 7 -i.ijs tl'i - 1 7 Hi 9 2.' I !' LL SELL YOUR STOCK known tales orianlmtlen la In ., ikihI pUre attructhf iteek le,ue fOnl-fUu propeilllon dial j 1., ,. immlnallen considered It remprehenslfe outline of pruueil- -iii.rp ami I 1 .'t. lii, , .'V V I V KS P." Mpte 'P ill I.AV1I-S - MP ah. ap Ra, e tie vhi I.'i lop lam1 a. l'"l hea 1 Mr idy. 0 en, j-edeeii erncE I a. 1 llullalu N p 1 ,. .' '.il ,., I ., . V Mi .- l I M i Hn , - ,1 110 NIK i- ' - 9 Hi J , , 1 IMI 13 SO ?7 -ISO. I'I 1" II ' rough- be uG it Liverpool Cotten I.heri'iwil. -! J -ipt retun wa ilrm da ivith 1 h ,tnady en the haw a of an I . n or 41 1 ' t- fur middling a' 1 "I ft, M r, 1 -- , ' 0 , , , s r, , . -t .1 l " , " I 1 Id iu Irt .'I'' 1 . t, it I- . - 1 1 r. -'1 ill , i ' i,i t 1 1 fi r 1 ' '.- 17' iml-ii-i. 1 n " 1 If 1 I I nu 1 d rn 'd irg 1 n 1 ew iru'diir, 1 1 lei jfuud etilinurv. 1 JUd and erdimrj, 1- 16d. ".-i'a l',1 !'( t'l .'.'J .I'I t-nii t Ssi lie K 1 .VI i I Mil 1 Ma r Jun V'lL sil I I Im e I. 1 1.1 111... 11..' I'I Greater Activity In Raw Sugars Ncu Verk. ?.r' .fc - ' ' n,i lernhle ae. ' 1 ijeii i- , in ih. rm ejiia, niaik't ,1, , , ,n ih- f.iiiuie he n aa 'j hy ii.- ' ui 1 1 s irir Klnan a iinmit'e- 01 17 -'., , , nn ' n ei tnd f r iniei'di.it nhlp r ' ', insl and ft iglii I'i'ja! fi I .1 d'l' il ', 'he Vnifri' in -jun II r.ir 1 ni " 1 ie I 1 'he V 1 1 r s ,-a r It. 1 , 1 ani .ir' ."1 ''' 1.1,1 . m Mi' "nn 1,1 1 11 11 if P111I id li Ina i il'li'iin ii Hi- ri''L"lriir a iii'derita 1 u"nfiii An- tririsa.td ,1 nr-"implied , jchi-i '01 ,' nftnera tiiknif '0 (100 liana pert . rill..- iflu.il at Is... 1 if. SI HI ten- Phil. 1 1 .ni 1- due ihia mrnlh and flrat frtfi'i ,' i'i' 1 I f 7101 .in 1V1. ill 111 , 0 .! 1 r 1 1 xt n ir h a' 'J ile f t 1 III!" ii 1 1 Hi 1 I , 1 H I ie f AT I 1 ' It .' . I" 'If I ni 'mi tl ,e I ' 'I I 11 . I 11 llll I 1 1' ' 'ii 1 ' ' ' 1 'r "1 . 1 1 rri r 1 i ,p e . . 1 ' I i Vrtiw , H,e 1 I Mlrlilti h ilia, 1t , Pep' '.'s fh Inii i '' 'M ri in Iinior'it"nh'errpar" e-f. adiano.d'hepiireefirniral f 'i ."- dn leu-itted of 0 OlO tia.'aland .Ntip r Xi! 1 rude oil ' ent I rlr.irinc ' uua, lenBiencd te an importer. the in 1 1 up 10 II 2 a barrel. Hid Km -1 in mm in 1 inn t in I'HI 7 10 Kin. inn Vin Km 1 111 101 . 1 nn f, in I.xelti, ,1 nt IVdernl Inieme reirmal Im tA' e 1 1 1 r pavment of Income tax due nn date 1 f n nirliv 111 ' P'..' I'' .' I . 1U I Aakerl Tield inn 7 HI 1 in. I "'I 1 ill If" ', hi" ti, inn 11 Id Km 1 , pin 7-lfl If 11 '1 IP, nn'. 1 il' I II I I M I 7.1 4 d'l I II.' 1 ui" 11 in ,i 21 Texas Crude Oil Marked Up , ""th OLD m Sti- S! 1'l'J de pn I im, 1 ,. -." An, (ins . :;i; J, Am l(. in if . 'JL I l. Slop 1(17 1 Hum .v. I! Tep pf. ir, .'.", t."l, N'nv. i;-i , HIT I ,ih Val ."I '-'i Pn it it :,7' . .'.0 I'll Salt . r,7'" r,e l'hiin Ce . 'utn pf. nL".. ;!.!' IMiIIiiKIih L'J-; ''7."i ile pn f 'Jii's r.'O I'hilii ItT I."1', Illtl'i, 11c A I1". .'OiiTeni, Mil l iijii r i; 1 ::', Nil I hill Ke in id I l f "ale nn 1 I'. NVt I "ii P 1 hn Nil V( , , J' . I IHi -f .- ::ii :iii i 1117 ii. .-,:: ' . :mi ; 117' j ::'ji.. .,.i-," - s. L'li 1.-.', I1 .-,:', i ::iie" 1 i7',i-T- :cji i-ii' -ir.',.. . ll's- 1 ', . . ', :;,! - mi II Im 11 mlh 1.1 I .'I 1, .Nil. Vefk s,nrt JJy, h'ltlBP PlllliVIII'.I.PKl V IIIINIls 'III t'S "'-. .... .'ill Pis JS ::i l'lflfl liiliertv -,T(I l.lliirtv 1 f 11 10 I.lhi rtv llll I1 ,s ";v 1 1 11 ji 1 n mi 1 '1 s Kill Vlinuv I 'i-i :ii."( 'p im i i''i s KKie Vn tiii'i n,h L'.'iOillI 11 ion li'.s KKie Ani'T (is ,v. i:im nn' .",. JOOO Mell Ti'li pheiu' 7-. joeo r.ii'iiru' iviipi. '1 is . loud I.i lip.'h iilli'V jji'iiPinI Is . 7'' .MillO l'i misi It.iiliu mils Is 'lit.. S'' iniKi I'IhIii l'i. ".us .V 77 'Jin 11 1 I Mi 1I11 Uni'ili 1st ."i- h,ts .s.,-,1, loeo I'hil.i I'l'iiru Im ,",s . .. :, MONEY-LENDING RATES 'lii Ml !i:i r,li !M) Oil ill) Is fi'i :in 00 li 00 CJ 00 4J 77 10(1 M.l Willi, Mi nei un ,.,11 of I ! ri, I i 1 in I lud ut .I li" 'I111K iind lent l h'K IIIII.VIII.I.I'III V ' a I ,. it in r 1 1 11' lemnnriial pip r mfinitJ a f' "ii both 'lame,. I" 1 1 em f n 11 nn 10 MX I.OMION VIenei ia quoted nt 3', cent Disi unt latec fchert bills 1 ' cnti three months' bills. 4'i per cent. pi per diwi.miiMiiiiimiiMn i'i ' ii"- " " " " '' " " " " "-" ' " l "" ""' ' "'n., Jt 1 United States of Brazil 5 Sterling Bends TWO Brazil Government Bends Payable in Sterling for the Cost of ONE Payable in Dollars. Annual Yield Maturity Profit 7.60ce te 10.02 Over 100 The advisability of purchasing bends payable in pounds sterling is shown by the following table. The purchaser benefits by any increase in Sterling Ex change and the bends return an annual income of 7.60 'c at the present rate of Exchange. Assuming a Price of $970 per 400 With Exchange nt I $4.00 4.30 4.86 Annual Income $80.00 or 8.25 86.00 or 8.86 97.20 or 10.02 Maturity Vnlue Profit $1600.00 $630.00 1720.00 750.00 1944.00 974.00 Circular and Price en Request Established 1680 1422 S. Penn Sq., Philadelphia Members of Bosten, Chicago nnd New Yerk Stock Exchanges One of TODAY'S Investment: Opportunities Kansas City Terminal Railway Company 6 Secured Geld Notes Due Nev. 15, 1923 Yielding about 6.50 at the current market 'Detailed information upon rcqucSl. Write or call for circular (I'A-21) H ALSEY, STUART & CO. INCORPORATED Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia. Tel., Locust Wft CHICAGO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA BOSTON DETROIT MILWAUKEE MINNEAPOLIS ST.LOUIJ, lauraaBraaatu Public Utility Preferred Stocks Yielding SV2 te 10 Considering the relative safety of invest ment in such issues, they make possible an unusually high income. We suggest a list of five of the most attrac tive issues. Write for circular letter Ne. 7339 Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia New Yerk Bosten Chicago Detroit mwLinMMCi Retail Advertising and Merchandising Executive Will Devote Part Time Te rilnnnniK mvl pierlu ilrm rf )ir I1! rlmp phblli ii f'ti lni.li Int- i.iul i' rltiulen Miiis WVm mrniiM V ir r HninefiitiiKlniiK Tin m i-' x)i-ri- 'T 111 ,111 i ''fill -rim Utrn ll ,i pi vin. Urn nf i nn p, lime m n ip i in I (I ii i i-ni,l 1 1 ,icl, 1 1 1 -i ni; fi i 1. i Mini; i u nrk ,iiiM I'liil'idi Ipliiu "'riii ' iiil, I . ilKPI utile, ZZuZZ7Zu7ZjZI7 Equipment Bends Security .Marketability Large Income I'rwc le rriurn &", I ice e Zux Edward V. Kane & Ce. Merris Building I tlulilUliril IH Jr.iri VZ.UmiA'AV7.'77 RD NETORGEK. 1 "SERVICE" g j M Accurate Information That I Is Profitable and Convenient We liac rfnrlv for dis- m ig trihutien a booklet bound g ,- in real leather ili.it will tit w in into yniir c-it pmki t This M If, booklet is arraiiKCfl for the a 1 g kc eping of accurate 1 ita nn J w ntir nn c-tnicnt. In the g m ha k is an cnUmimw tabic a a -sbewinj; appn'Min.itf i- a gj rnmr-s frmn stmk- ! lK r w arieu- pin cntai,i $ w It is ilisuiutly t" yniir .ul te antayi te tall ei wiitc j a -eiin. Ask for L-l. M 8 3 t.1 1 . 1. UUIUIUIj w. y a HEIDERSOH & L0E3 Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 1410 Chestnut St. Foreign Exchange Explained Aah for Free Booklet F-2 Wm.H.McKcnna&Ce 221 Seuth JSUi St., Philn., Pai new ierK ui ,. . . , ,.. . . ,. ,,,.,.i.i it,. rj r li ll !.- i -s ii nil.,., . ,t ,lri.,)c6 ., PH'i I '.im i-"rk u V trhnvqr tl E 1-11S Se. Pern Sqfre, PliilarJclpl" a m "rt "" 2 fj Ii'rininlic linn i'" JJ u iiiii nunc fti-1 " g ssBHHn22ec2EiaEaDnsaa2a5i3 STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Our V. l M irl -i l'''"' i emini iiiii II en ih I ir fafiem Inl'n. iii-ii K - i 'I "' hi 1 Kimiii'iJiiiii -"lit " " rrrjuiil Beui-eau & Evans Mi mhers ; I'lnl i. sunk I whinse ' hit twu liuu" i I ride 130 Seuth lSthSUcet Philadelphia Locust SI82 Kace ' ' Pi.,... Z - - - ..w, gun m i '(Redmond a Ce. New Yerk Philadelphia Frederick Feh-ce II(1M). K"t V:: W- n ,-i ....r reii mi. 'OW' " ' 1131 riiMlnut Mrnt. I'lill l " ) T