Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 28, 1921, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    u "
Nete, When Issued, Expected
te Carry Invitation for
Anether Conference
By the Aseclntel rreiH
Londen, fcept. 2 rrimc MlnUter
Lloyd itnrRp'K reply te Kamen ile Vn
Icn will net lip i"iiefl tndny. nnd tlipre
in some denht wlipthpr it will be nvnil
ablp tomorrow. It wns itnnoiinved offi
cially this afternoon.
Ne hitch liim dpvploped, It uns wltl.
but thp Primp Minister has .IccieVd
there Is no reason why lip "Ue.ilrl net
wait, another day before making the
eoramunientien ptiblli' in order te rIve
all the members of his Cnblnpt nn op
portunity te pas en tlip draft of the
reply. I
Forecasts of the note were unnnlmeus
!P .&& ?.w .?! kV"r
the. British position, whieh nlrendv lins
eeen stated by the Government and that
It would contain an Invitntlen te flip
Sinn Fein leaders te a conference te
be held in Londen about the middle of
October. It was declared the note
would make it clear that the conference
had been railed te discuss Irish self
government within the empire, hut flint i
nothing contained in the meMigp would '
make impossible it acceptance b the'
Sinn Vein, or demand explicit concur
rence witti tne iiritisn rauipiiint ns n
condition te the e.inferenei'
1 hnre wnn
fSSZuhhM "'"'"""nnneuncslthatlt was pi-epare-l te begin I
would be held. ,
iii-iuLn:ii. ui un . tituii.-i nine rfuinii'ii
te Lloyd (Jeorge their memoranda upon
th draft of thp netp. and It wns under
stood tedn they had suggested nothing
mere than miner alteration-.. Objec
tions which nt one time, it was thought.
might imperil the prospect nf a confer
ence were "aid net te nave tieen iiresspi
New Yerk. Sept 2 - Frank P.
Walsh, counsel in thi leuiitrv for l tie
Irish 'Republic." nrrnil etrrdn en
the Geerge Washington from I'ng'lund
and deelnrwl he was , enliilent of event- '
ual peace between Knglnml nnd Ireland
He predicted a trentv would he .gntd
In which each cettntr would recognize
the ether He was of the opinion thai
there would be no resumption of war
fare In Ireland
Premier L'evd Geerge. Mr. Walsh
characterised him a" a "higgler of
VeVds." and Mild the world wns wait-
ting te see if he wns the nianer bluff' r
of the age. He said D Valern could
he counted upon te meel Llejtl (Jeorge
. af every angle of the controversy.
"There will be no resumption of war
fare. ' lie added. "Public spntlment ln
Knclnnd ferb ds li England i finan-
-cial'y '"bI !" 'entlnue her army of
occupation. here hns come a change
ever the people In Ireland the mill-
Mr. Wnlsh would net venture n swore te the warrant She is the chief ! ","": ,,.t if .-mbedles n mee In Pre- neigi ier nrsrriuc.i m-i w.miih come iu
statement as te what form hi" pre- witness. 1 never heard of cn-e In ' , .P" V' ' ' , piepnre the win' for I see the iMivannuglis W he she was no-
dlcte.1 pence would take. Asked if a which the complainant wns net pre- f , ' , ,in "tn after the Wash- bnd seems te knew . though there is en
dominion government would be accept- duced." i incten cenferenr..; when the pr it uneNplii.ned Impres-ien that she lives in
blc. he countered b asking: "What .ludee Wnrns Prnsemtln.. ' C'lhinet tt sas. Is llkelv te resign , Nr" , ' i. . . i.
dominien''" , ,, , ," m? Irowmtlen , Lalin et " a nmini,lU. A big gray-and-white cat reputed te
Ireland, he said, insisted en being, '"''. ''"arus te.d the prosecution it ; 'J 1Kn, n.,pentment of Prince1 be almost s old as the Ivnvnnaugl.,
recognized as a smereign Government , "" ""' .nfferv (e have Mm. Del- , J " ' ' ' ,u, 7, h , n. ,,,. thninselv.- nnd which hnd llie.l with
and that she should be free te trade """ . but wnrned t lint t hey were ""a mnn of pence and common j them a" long as the meinery of any
with any nation she aw fit en her own ' gr he ''bn,RV, "f h5"lmr ,ll,, ,em- ' Z Z ." nnd called attention te the neighbor, hu- mu eneusly disnppenred
initiative. lie added thnt Hnglnnd , e"'!!; ,Pr be ;p,ipl1 " ",0- Pr ne'e'" ireticiene, in Kng'.sh n" u from the neiKhbe. heed,
need have no fear of Ireland being mi;'1""" 'h,,e lpfen-, "' uuasli the charge , rl " p ..f'ne residence in r.nglnnd
antagonistic neighbor . ! - rUXr umlM' r" wh n I., wa- educatnl. The P.lnce hns HUNGARY BOWS TO DECREE
Referring te recent statement" et " aujnuinnl until late this nftnr. 4" ,..,, n deniecrntic HrMnernt '
tary carrpsure no longer sevtt. the assistant te the Vnlted Stntes Attnrnev' . u , .,c" , n. v V l-Pre-Irish
army is in the open. i Genera . the Hener nncle nt ,i, ,..' Paris. Sept i ? ' ,,. ' .
..Tl, !.nt(nn ,a lV,.nefl th. nnn . .. .11 ,.";'", "V, nDK'. f '."' . ' n"P ... l Un,,,! w ill OUt Hlie 1 lie pOSlt ion Of ,
ference for peace Is going en between
two nations, and mv opinion Is there
will be penie
.1 uce... ...... ... - "i -- i
Nearly an Heur's- Delay Being
Shifted Around City Hall
A corps of Inw.vertNsnd ethers inter
ested in cemplnints aJfjiM the service
Tateu of the Philnbn Siibtirban
Gas nnd Electric CVrrlHv hnd p'ent
te de, but nowhere te gfKer nearlj nn
iietir tedny.
Public Ser-ilee Commis nn"' Henn
was te give n continued henn.'-r "n the
complaints nt Cn Hal! The la- r
nnd business erperts went te loom '' t.T.
and from there were shunted te room
454, the Supreme Coun number.
Brief cases were opened nnd mi big
filing ea"es carried in by perspiring
clerk". The .CoiaajisMener Clement
entered nnd said-, the courtroom wns
needed for n 'Pi rU T complaint
Finalh the perplexed atrerne.vs were
guided te Roem H'O. vhieli had been
nastily netained for 'I- lienrinc Coin
miBsiener Ucnn npolegized for the de
lay. He explained that members of the
commission hac te tnke whatcier nc nc nc
coraracxlaUens thev can get from county
Albert H. Hendersen, of Stene &
Webster, engineer-, then took tlie stand
and was quizzed bj the lawyers regard
ing the valuation made of the cempiny's
property. Forty-two communities aie
joined in th" complaint
New Jersey Census Figures Shew
Rural Districts te Advantage
Washington, Sept 'JS Hv A P i
There U mere illiterncv in the cities
nt 'Vew .Tersei hnn there w in the
rurnl districts, nccerding te figures niade
public tedny by the Census Bureau
The 1020 census showed there were
137, 601 Illiterate persons ie" cnj
N. J. Utility Commission Will Hear
Wlldwoed Consumers' Complaints
Wlldwiiiid. X. .1.. Hept 2s-The
Public I'ul.tv Coinmissieii will con
Plic here en Oi tebpr .1 in the Citv
Hnll le hem cemplnini of the con
sinners of the Wlldwoed Gns Company
as te mi1 charges, iidvnneed iiitp and
the reine ing et meters for the non nen
pavment of se-vlte chnrge.
In .lu'v 'nst the company began
charging n Hnt rnte of !s2 Till without
UUtheritv i f the cenim,sMi.. and the
people lefused le pin It
Rccentlv t.ie cemp.tnv begun Nending
out bills Mn i.v subscribers refused te
pay and n poled n t'ie enmm.isuiti.
William Yeung, of Federal Street,
Fatally Injured at Perklemenvllle
William Yeung. 1'1'IS Fetlernl "'reel,
this citv. died at the N'orrlstewn Hos
pital tedav fr in injuries ,e eived Sat Sat
erdny while riding a nm e-evcle thre'igh
PwkleniPnville mi ihe vvuv tn tiie Allen-
town Fnlr.
He was thrown off the mnchine and
bis leg was broken tr.ilug te nveld col cel col
JUlen with a team Infection followed
.TV-Ml-' .' V K Op,
of nge nnd ever in the Mate, ill.teiate fesrtiMng tnai niier in .n.r ji wu.ie ,,. - - - Hllchceck oil flctel,..,- 10.
meaning unabe te wTiie. the percentage she vvbs in Roem 1221 she walked Inte ' ,hPnnr,,,J0- . '
being 5 a fnr tlie,. iban populnt.e,, nnd 1210 and found Miss Rnppe 'ying en ' ' Jf.n"'h Jlf'xv',' a , r.
4 fl Fer the rural n bed unclothed. l-natid will take with him te nshlt.g Burglar Given Year
'Of the total illiterates 0707 wer i- M.-.J PrrveH te-titi-l th.il she '!' "J1 P"ZVl,Jr,t 1,',"1,,J"" Final, .lol.nse,,, a Nere. 200.1 North
tlve wh.tis of native parentage. 00 M s? Rap pe en er t : room f, no whieh I y&Z'nf?ZTgJ? luV Wa..?, U Mr. e, vv ntenc.,, te one
wcr Ol lereigu or uujeii pare.iii.ge anil ... .-.-r- - - ister of the Celeni..s 'h, f,,-, . V p"r n the county prison liv .lunge i
111..10.1 of refeign birth skipped along. .-.Hnid Mi, I reve- f den .es ' 'M iI1(P.rW dav after the juiy hn.l '
debenbed Mrs Delmont s condition at gate is uiuerjeni. as nm seKctlen de. ' ,, , , f , ,.einr. ii. ..,
... , .,.,-,,- the nartv as drunk " Pcn,ti "l"'n "hether the principal Pw - ie-""" l""1 " ""igiar.v Mi mi,
TO CPTT P RAC n QP TC , "" pBr" " "ruiiK ii,i ,., ..,: ',i.... .. .. '., ... discovered in the home of Steve
I J Mlm I I ka k- WnV kl VI W I hm ' - " " '" --1 '.tti-'li, llicil 1 1 1" I riill I t I H'l F 1
Phlladelphlan Denied Custody of
Child by West Chester Court
West Chester, I'a., Sept. 'JS Rebert
Mitchell, a l'lillndelphlii real estate
man. yesterday was reftif-ed the custody
of his daughter, Reberta, live jpars old,
following habeas corpus proceedings
n court here. The child was rpinandpd
le the custody of her grandmother, Mrs.
Idn Mlddleten, of West Chester.
Mitchell appeared before the court
nnd explained the child was restrained
f her liberty by Mrs. Middleton, nnd
naked for custody of her. He said his
,vlfe died in 1HIH and he remarried In
1020. nnd is new nble te give his child
ii home and provide for her. He wants
te plnce her In the charge of a trained
Mrs. Middleton testified that she lives
rtlth her husband here and Is able te
nrp for and educate the girl Nhc'Said
Mitchell was n traveling man nnd could
net give the girl proper care
Prosecution Rests Case Without
Calling Mrs.
Delmont De-
minguez Pretests
.San Pranclsce. Sept. 2S. The lr- ,
in Praiirlsc
e in the preli
fci.".. in the preliminary lienrir.g of Hes
C ("Fnttj"
rbuekle. chnrged :
.. ,.i, . ., mnwi.n- .f Mm Virginia Hat.DO.
" I
111! HIV IIHII llll ' - - - -1 - - - -- . -
n eueri re ciear rae nieiiuii-i' " ,
i, r. f i .- u..i, nl t
comedian when Police . udge S)lnin .1
Liifini-' Court resumed late te,in i
"" i"en- iiii-ii .,1111.1.! ..- ..v- i
lilenre vesterdm without
havinz culled Mr, nambina jinuue uei ,
r-n.ent. cemplnming witness, ihe mee
tnklng the defense b srprie
I When Assisinnt Dit-tnct Attorney lfcn
'''""p 'Jelden told the Court that Mr"
nelment would net be -innraennl h
the prosecution Frank K. Dnminguez.
ArburkVn i hief reuiiel. wn- en his
feet intanth nnd deiunnded thnt slie
be piodiKed . I
"In tlie Interests of truth nnd jus-i
tire we demand it.' he te',1 the Court j
e demand thnt Mrs Delmont be put
we mny cress- I
Should .ledge I dznrii" (e(-,de that the
comedian be freed of the murder charge
he will fnce n charge of manslaughter
brought by Mie San Frnu-isce CeunH
Grand Jurj in (ounectlen with Miss
Knppe s death
There is nUe h peisibillt thnt Ar
buckle will he prosecuted for alleged
wuuno.e 01 rne preiuritlnn law
f Pn-rntt rlt,.l.Alt ...li . ... ,
Prnl Prohibitie"n Dl-ecier is r, dueling
n investigation nnd en it" cemn let e.
arrnnlim? te u,,hn ti t.,t. ' .i
win in- oreuuiii oerere H heiiern Urnml ,
.McCermlck.. in statement ,., ,
n.gnr necinre.i thnt he was withhelnlng
r i t... .. . ...... n
trriuie .inn onion petitling n full re-
nert from Mitchell Ite h ir,tlrr.nt.i I
that in the eoeri. nf l.iu lm ..Etiuti., ..f '
uuen the stnnd thnt
' : ,....-.. -'- ,llni;p. 00 01 ine ueivviuie'u, r..---'- . . , ... ... . ..i.i ...
exHin me pr .s u 14 in.. ur.n ivne . .l. i....!inn .....iwwn rrw.
the Hener supplj nll-geil te have been' midda bnnnuet there, nnd h" pi
... .. t - ... .. .ii .1.. i. . .ln.(lnrnt mn of lllln
hn-tinre V Ttf. V-,, i
traffic between Merle, and Pan FrnnT '
else, and Les Angeles " .
Mald Tells of Cries
Twe women, Zeh Prevest nnrl Alice
w hen
B'nlie. estlheil that Miss Hnppe. w lien
found In Arbuckle's apartment en Sep
tember fi. hnd cried "I nm dving, he
liurt inc. ' nnd that Arbuckle hnd mid
her te
-Ulll oil T nr neiini llir'i" lltT
out the window
iuii ir vrat. r.inu op or l n iei'i.n
you cut the window." wns the vert.it n
of Arbuckle-. remarks Kiven bj Mljs
Blake, whi'e Mis Prevest tc-tincd. 'If
you don't step yelling I'll threw -en
OUt the window
Anether incident was told of by Jese
phine Kezn. a mn.d nt thp hotel, who
snld thnt from the corridor she heard
screnms from Roem 121P. the room de
ecilbeil bv ether witnesses ns the one
which Miss Hnppe entered with Ar
buckle. nnd n woman's veicp crjlng:
"Xe. no ! Oh. my Ged !"
"Shut up!" followed a masculine
voice, according te Mrs. Ker.a, who said
Roem 1210." nnd "music, .tannine and'"'- ".'"'li de!eea ,en en beard he nr-
doers slnmmlnz" m Roem 12J0, where
th pnrtv was assembled
' Whv did ou listen in the eorrlder? '
nsked Demiliguez
'When I heard the si renms 1 inn and
listened." she replied.
Aliee Rlak. told of finding Arbuckle
i. iid Lewell .Sherman in bathrobes and
suppers. Vrbuek e wearing nls-e
pajamas nnd Sheririn .uh'etli undir
.vear Later e.i. she aid. Mrs. Del
mont el.inged he. s' rn t elething for
nun's pnlauu.s
shi. i.,.rr.ihrrnted tlie testimony of
7eli Prevest thnt Mrs. L eliuellt
knocked nnd kicked at the deer of Hneni
121!) nml usked te be let in MIm
Hlnkp. Iiewever. said she did net see
tW ,,trnnr'u tn-Me into -hnt room.
..-. ,. - ....
niinnn itniir. nl. I rtrtu ni-r-
Paul G. Armbruster Awarded James
Gorden Bennett Trophy
Brussels. Sept 2.-. i Bv A I
Mnjer Paul G Armbruster.
tne mvi
aeronaut has heen announced elneiniiv
the winner of the iMei nntiennl balloon'
i die for the J nines (iorden Bennett i
trnjibj. which wn begun here en Sep.
te.rber l1 His balloon came te earth
en the ie.isi of Ireland. 700 kilemeters1
distant from this citv
Ilenrv Spencer, of Kngland. vvns
second witli a reieid of (KJ7 Kilometers,
nnd Ralph I'psen of the I'nited States,
wns .lese hell n 1 with (Hit Bn'dwin.
of F.nglund, wns fourth, making (531
kil meteis
negotiations With Russia Take Con
ciliatory Turn
I-ndeii. Sent is (Bv A I'l I'l
Pelish efhiinlh stated here this .ifler .ifler
i.meii t tin t iifte n full exchange of notes
between the Polish and Russian Soviet
in v eminent, tue negotiation concern -
ing the execution by Russia of the u'iicc.TIip ln-hb'sl e; were his ir'j-ieus rel.es
trentv signed In Rigs had taKen a
' turn tevvard conciliation.
Heuse of Peers President, Naval
Minister and U. S. Envey
H.v the Associated Press
Teklo, Sept. 2S. 'Lbe .Inpanehp dele
gates te the Washington conference en
limitation of armaments nnd problem"
of the Pacific have been selected. The
will bp Prince Ijesnte Tekugaua
president of the Heuse of Peers, iee
1 Admiral Tomesaburo Knte'. Minister
of the .N, and Huren Kljure Slnde
hnra. Ambasnder te the I'nited Htnte
The luineiinrpincnt Is eflirlnt.
I If the Impcrln' l.wiiil.v li.ul net been
restored te full autlierlt witli 'he
resignation In 1SHT of the Inst of th"
Sheirnni.. or hnuN of tile tctuini -
JS!:. l 'Z .Tcnim tedav be" ...
Shmiin His appointment, therefore.
is considered n fine tribute te the great
Tekugnwn fainil. nnd te the Prim
himself, and as almost certain te plcnc
the .Inpanee tieeple. The Indications
IcompremlM. and a wis,, solution of the
national preiueni of mining ine men i
best HiitPtl te represent .inpan ill mm
roniVn - mT reniVn - mT
of I'llnce
. ' "l. '"" ." ..... ' ,
is nttested bv the
flhlM! I JL '11 )() Willi I" lilt
.. ...... u ...-a lmnn M. luui.im nf
IIII'I 111 11 I II .1 11 If 1 I IIIV -. I - -
tile Kmperer te Invite him te form
f-nliinei nt times of nilnNei al
-, ,. , , i.i, in.
change- a tufk which the Prier e nn
. nHl.Mv .lednied His selcdiui a
hrU( )) h(. (1t.i(.K)lteu te Washington N
t.n ... I1( ,M,te the mpertance .inpiiu
iittnches te the (enference.
lie is
.,,., ,if .,, it ,.c t..,.
',,,,, rensiltules re oguilleu of
, n, .
Prince Tekugnwn Is enr et tne inni
popular men In the empire Ml- tire
..r, nctilttps in Parliament and In
various mewment!, nlmliig te forward
the public welfii-e nnd his deetimi te
.. n,b ..r ..l.nritv liiive nindn liim ad-
mired and i-espei-ted by all idni-s
T( uppeintmcut of Vice Admiral
K ,, tbat f Ambassador Shldehar.i
,.,, i,u ,,i ;.-ii:it nl. hut the Asnhl
e,,, ,,.,,,, ln ..eninieutlnc upon the
'.,,.. .,,,. f ,u .iplpffntien. elieses th
in--.. .. . ....- , ,,.
The secietnries te ine cinei e.-...
will be as follews: Mus.ituie Ilanilinrn
Vice Fereicn Minister: Tsiinee MntMi
diam. chief of the American and l-.ure
i.enn section of the rereign Otfice. Di
ifimln Hiiviishi nnd I ure
i-oiim-ilers of the Foreign Offir
three representing
Finance, twelve the
Nrv nnd sex en the
V ..lull-',. '"
Minism of the
iron. 1
" ,r' :'.. ..i ... tie
the French (ievernineiu .....,.. ..
conference en limitation , 7',
"'' r '"J'"":' " '' V " " n e ,1 at '
v... nn i leinner :' . e nn.
"T ' "'":
occasion, i
..tlun" " .
th various urner menus-is
nf the Cabinet.
i, .. he n "iiest at ii
lie purpe-e.s
nli'v concerning nTli.ue., ion- of prune
impeVtnnce new befeie t,ie country nnd
hirh will be lnld bef .re Parliament
when it reasspmbles en flcteber is
meng these questions nre national
a.... iLrmiti telntiens nml the
w.l,int,in oenference It i.- expected
t'hnl the Premier's utteriinces regnnling
the i-nnferenee will be enl.v lnelilentnl
tn n .emnrehensive stntcmeill of the
I r n..nH.. n,n..i u ..lime
The mmi of M Hrinn-I le Wnshing-
ten continues te be a subject e am
...nA.I ,1 .... nt.tfi hi till. llpUsnillllT.
, h, ,,, fru.vU ,, opponents of t ,e
i.rPm.r ,.nrh own ether dav a re-
(1 ,,.,.. ,1,.,,'m Brinnd - has
,, ,. tli.. rnm-e Meress thp Atlniltll.
but the are followed tmmedinteh tn
nn ntl.c.n' communication from the Pre
mier's effifp thai his plans hnve net un
dergone a ihnnge st.e. be accepted
President Murding's invitation te at
tend the meeting at the American capi
It was announced when M Brinnd
decided te go te Washington, n month
.' r " . . ., r
mered eru.ser Kdgai Quinet. landing
nt Ilamnten Read He reni'hed this
deeisien. ti was understood, bemuse lie
old net desire te hnve his plans eon -nelled
h. a definite date for snili'.g
wlurh would he the ense If he went te
America "ti beard a regular liner He
was believed also te wish te be in ;i po
sition te defer his departure, if niss
sary, until the last hour whieh would
permit hi- nrrlval in Washington en
nvpinlinp 1 1
Members of is staff, known,,- te
'nadeipiate pnver
nger accommodations
of .he cruiser, which is still outfitting
nt Tei Ien, have genilv but persistently ,
leprespnted tie iiKenveiiienees attend '
ing n f rip en rnat snip, it is new re-
I !"'rf 'V '"'. . he has decided tO SI.
hnnn t . Ui...lr. ... r... !...- Xi
, 'i .... .'.. .""if "11 , i IWIH'l
or Include among their clelegntis fieir ,
'luieisennnr- in vv nHllluuren
ill villiell '
ensn Ambassador Jussernnd
w ill be i
udded te the French delegation
Wnstiingten. Sept 2S. (Bj A P
- R-pre'cnt.'itivts of (we leligtnns
f'hr's'innitr and Buildliism ronvivie
i i" iresnient iiarriuir tetiny tlKir imi e
f'r tha suciess of the inmnment cenfir-
enr e
Dr .Jehn II Flnlev. of New Y...1.
nnd n cenimutei. representing the I-Vd
m' Counci' of Churches of 'lirl-t in
AniPri'- ,i':ed the I 'resident in desig.
cute Nevenvic 0. Ihe Snudnv prii eil.n?
the meetm" of the conference 'is a dm
f siirei'il prnver: te H.igpeit te tin
fhtir'hes of Ametiett thnt srrvies hi
1 e'd e.iicic'e.it witli the nfs ahluig .if
the cenf'.fence November 11 te isnie
n prridat atien te be rend bv tl i pasn rt
in nil chur'he. Ar.nitt.ce D.'v an 1 te
list Ills 'ntluenn te hrve sessions nf the
nrmanent cei 'erenee openi I with
prnvcr Th President, ! was mi'J, re
ceived their suggestions fnvernll
Sneaking for the liiiddhikt- of .Inpnn
Archbishop SeUizen Anil, nbhnt of the
Bud-Unit Tcni'i'e of Sei.ji, t del Mi
ll.irdlii', nc'inh"is of '.. .e 31m i"
Jaean weie evtl'inely hep-.fi,, f,,,. ,, .
'icicss nf tlie irmanf-nt negotiations.
nnu was prc-cii'-a uy msmesri or tile
' t-i-iff of 'he Jnpinese Fmbnssy.
The delrgntien iivluile eignieeu of tne fount n wiiii regain in inirgen
mhers retireseiiting tlie Foreign )t!icj Innil Tin- strip of lerrHer) lies along
.. -viw ?s
,..-,, ilVfKJ- w '4 "
Heads Delegation ,
The chief of the efllelal dclegntlnii
te the Washington Disarmament
Conference Is a n ember of one of
(he most powerful families In
.In pan, mid would today he (he
Miiigtin had net (lie Inst head of (lie
old feudal .stein resigned In 18(17
. .
Police Unable te Lecate Any Rela
tives of Kavanaughs
Pel up are nt n less te find some one
who will clnini the bodies of Themas
nnil Mnry Knvnnnugli. brother nnd sis
ter. seent nnd ixty enrs old, ie-spei-tively,
who lled in room" en Sixth
ireet below Spruce. Last night they
were taken fiem their IipiN dead from
All heugh the Knvnnnughs were
aiming (he eldest resident" of the block,
nothing could be learned from neigh
bors except that the brother nnd "Ister
mid kept nlwn.xs te themselves. The
old man sometimes sat en the steps of
l he house in which ihey lived and
smoked his pipe, but he never spoke te
am one There wns n belief he was
once a printer and that he anil his sis
ter lheil en n pension from his union.
Iiifreiiientl, n ery well dressed
woman, a hlgn-iip peisen. as the
aaa!BKl sw& Jb
-a-a-a-Ha-a-a-at .v MBk
i MdflBBBR jaaSaHrBBBaVI
A U,...., ,!... rnMI Xnlrl rn.intru l ne V Ollllllllice oil .-Mllir and .MIII1IC1-
Ambassadors Council Told Country pn, MpMlrps nmI ,.,,,. We,.,.s JM .
Will Give Up Burgenland , dcrstoed te have about concluded the
Paris Sept liv illj A P Hun- drafting of n report which would recom recem
gnr hns -cut a note te the Council of , "'"l greater activity In public works,
Amhns;.,rs lieie declaring It is rentlv especinllj read construction
nnd willing te. nrn out the instructions i ' "," emergency program already fin-
llie iiuiii i't in-'w.-.-ii .ii'.,ti4i .ion ..uti-
,y and was nvnided te the former
f i mil i- 1. ii e Ti ianen Trent .
, '.' "."'"., .''..,. .:...'
.... ., , ..i. .;. ., ... .1
1'1'l'lH" 'I ""' '" " '! I " I'-'liiv-.
the Ccunmissieii for the Delimitation of
Albnnia's Frontiers, which has been nt
i n u hnnn nr
work mere than a
eur. Ill roineieie ll
report at tlie earlicl liessihle moment
1 at
tl... t.n'lttli, ,,f Vn
'' - --
i lie
Council authorized Walkei D.
tlie American arbitrator n p-
i le decide the ownership of Ger-
man rlw-r shipping, te return ,e the
I I n. ed s.a -. Icving e.npptr.i, of hi-
work ... tl,.. hiin.K of his effi tuff
under Hi ! e I Ingeit. I lie enl.v uiicein-
plcted poiiien of Mr Mines' tnsk con-
t ei n the Uimt Oiler, wliirli is ltnelved
I 111 the 1 pper M.fs.an question,
Married Second Wife Under Flcti Flcti
tleus Name
Miiitl.ew Knnuss was sentctKeil te
a lenn et pighteen iiiniiths in the Coun
M Prison h Judge Audenried teiltiy
ntfer lit1 had pleaded guiltj te n chnrge
of bignnu.
Knnuss, en June 'Si. 1011), ninrrled
Careline Smith in Allentown. Pa., anil
liei witli lie.- at sip North street.
Mauth Chunk. Pa . until April 1 of
this jenr. when he tlisnppenrcd. April
:'.u he was married te Lenn Francis
Heater. :.Ti."is Seuth Hnbsen street. b
Chiiplnin Curtis II Oickins, nt the
League Island av Ynrd. under the
nnine of Stewart Jehn Jehnsen.
Inquisitors Probing Discovery of
Guns en Steamship Eastside
New erlt. Sejtt 2.!. It v A P i -
(Jeorge (iohIeii I ir';e. of Wnsliingten.
1 ( Id in Inte! bv F'deinl nutheiities hen.
en a rhnrg' 'f centpiniig te furnish
, ..ritis te the Si'in I"i in in Ireland, went
' te Trenten tedav en a nim.nnui t" ap
!"nr n'.,r?r" -eerai -.ranu ,.ury w.i.ru
Is iiniuinir; lrfc tlie dl'cjvtrv last June
of .V. i.1 juni In tiie bunkers of the steam
t!np Lnstside
Th" cTnspirncv t hnrge ng.iinsi Reikt
was 'entlnupil vestuiday for further
'enrlntr U I'nited St lies Commissioner
tnl. ing S7."
Ul North Dnricn street,
from a bureau drawer.
Grace Welsh Piper
1706 Chestnut St.
I'l.nnr. l-wunt 68ST
ruin.ic sciieni. aiihie HcriinviNie.v '
IBM-.fl CIIKbTNlT.ST.. 1'IIII.A. .
nr.ni iiv v -sii iiimv iviiii
s-choei. or jirsir
c coon 1 Sti i.ih. Vecal
Vmlln I'lnne iirn Frnnk'ln E Cret'an
fr 171-1 rhe-tnut Ht B7 K I'tnn Ht. Otn
I'HI-irK "llf',KH"ANr "TrTvToeSfKhv
Within 2' ml.' -f I'hllail-lphla Snil for
111 i.e lz
svii: en i:kt citv
FOIt tlKN'T 111 S .d it il Mnry hulTdlnK
lecRtf-il N W c r. 2d and Ionic sta..
?l-nly et lUht flra tower ti-am haai, Keed
arterr bulldlnr Apply HAJIIUS KAB
nnv 114 f "d t ,-"l" "Tin
Early Completion of Program
for Emergency Relief of
Unemployed Indicated
lly he Associates! Press
Washington, Sept. 1!S. Progress et
the National Conference en Unemploy
ment Indicated today prospects for com
pletion of nn emergency relief program
earlier than had been anticipated.
The conference adjourned en Monday
until October 5, when it is te receive
repertn from Its sub-committees, but
conferees sold today that the work of
shnping the reports wns Jjclng accom
plished se rapidly that ivas believed
most of them would be ready by the
end of this week and the conference be
able In consider n general emergencj
program while awaiting recommenda
tions of lis mere technical 'committee.
such ns transportation.
With the adoption of nn emergency
program, the conference Is scheduled
te tnke up consideration of n permit
nent policy for cembntlng unemploy
ment throughout the country.
Public Ktnplej rnent Agencies
Tlie question of public employment
ngencles wns taken up tedny nt the
conference's public hearing".
Hussell F. Phelps, director of labor
statistics of tlie Massachusetts Laber
Department, iletcrlhlng the workings of
his State's employment system, said
the cost of placing a werkt r through
the Stnte agency wns SI. .'$.") ns ngnlnst
an nvernge charge of S14 for n worker
te ebtnin n position through u privntt
He hii 111 It was desiinble nt this time
Hint vinpleMiient seivlce should be fur
nished without charge nnd suggested
tln best sy.slcni would be for local nn
Iherlties te handle the diieet contact
with the workers supervised by the
Stnte. which would co-ordinate employ
men! information, nnd ngnln under the
supervision nnd with the co-operation
of the Federnl employment authorities.
dehn Ihlder. of the Chamber of Com
merce of the Pulled Ktntcs. declared
thnt the mnfnrity of the chamber's
member", in n iccent referendum vote,
went en record in favor of a Federal
employment vstetn te work in co-operation
with State nnd local agencies.
Dr. .larlisen te Testify
Dr. .lehn Price Jacksen, formerly
Pennsylvania l ommlsslener of I.nbe'r
nnd Indiistrj. wn" en hnnd te give dnta
concerning public employment service
The Emergency Hellef Committee's
report will suggest some rearrange
ment of working time te permit etnp'ey.
ment of n greater number of workers.
Included in the membership of this com
mittee arc Charles M. Schwab, of New
Yerk, nnd Samuel M. Genipers, presi
dent of the American Federation of
TO... ., !. .. t,.. , . .
ipimmi I'jms nioe uiiiiiuiiicnirers itj un
I dertake the following activities:
Manufacturing for stocks.
i i 'instruction and repair work se
bndlj needed In nnnv plnnts.
l TJ...1 .1 - .!. - 1 - I
' llvilllltll'M ,11 111'- lllllllO'I I'l 1IUI1I9 II
dn nnd the number of dns n week for
.mnln,.,l tn nt tn e..ro,l l,
.,., , I- , tL.nr..
Thnt also ma include rotation of work
,,, .,,,, ...,,
lionden. Sept US (By A. P.)
Various proposals for relieving the un
employment situation in Great Britnin
weie discussed by n committee of the
British Cabinet jesterdny, three ses-
kl.tiik lint.,.. Iml.l fnr the t'Onsiilprnt ion
of this question, which Is gaining in
urgency perv dns . A plan te revive
hei.ie and exjiert trnde bv the extension
of credits was taken up by tiie com - cem -
I'liefficial reports assert thnt nn-
tngenisin has developed between cer-
nun departments of the Government and
the lepiesentntives of the trensurj . who
are striving te cut down expenses. Prime
Minister Lloyd Geerge, who has been
I devoting i.iueli time te the problem,
luverh huge lelief undertakings, but he
lrrpi.fh told I.nhnrlte Mnvers thnt he
leulil net agree te n plnn which would
plnre the whole burden en the state. He
added he did net knew where te leek
ter mere taxes.
Lloyd Geerge contended tlie Govern
ment already had gene te unprecedented
lengths in subsidizing the unemployed.
for ihe relief of whom the Government
had sinep the war provided mere than
1(10.(100,000. He said that, while
1 .. ".(10.000 workmen nre Idle in Grent
Bii.ain. there were 0.000,000 uiieni
pi'ived ill tlie I'nited Stnte".
Tli. Inher point of view ns expressed
I by the Mnvers wns thnt the unemploy
ment -.itustinn hnd reached n point
Sectional Steel
T'padv te -hip- ready te
. and readv te meet
. ir manufaeurlutf, ater-
ace heualn; or field work
All bullcllnKa clear "ran.
i-irepreuf norm and w Ind Ind
i.renf JVrmaneit ei ran
he aalvaaed U)u .1 ml
moved nnv where
' i a ere r,w heevuia
-f -iiume proilur-ien and
r i ! n a ills'rlhutien
W re Phene 1- write ter
1 lotMlen vie.' weieine
1 rite for ( ntnlep l
Ilu ji.nl A Wivrner Street",
llnltiintire, II il,
V' I.' I R A. wiflrrfeid-r.i Hapt !H
1 rS ' MAIUK r. ll IIK.S'IS wife of .lamea
Wan- M-11 jr He jtiv"- and frU'ndi In
i ..-! '. fine el in I'rldny Hept ill), at t
Y M f-nn hr la.e riwlile.ire Internienl
in hi -a I i-H 1 mil (low era
MWOIN In Aticrnne Kra . Papt J7
1U1K 1-iSKF'H I' MANOIN v.0 O. ItOtli
T.if S.l. III 1. .n nf the late Patrick J
an I '"iiheilne .tmi-in (nee Murphy). aecl
Id ltelatlv am) frlenda Invue-J 10 runera.
en ratui!:i. nt R 80 A. St.. from th; r-ai
derce or Mia. Mary Merrla. 383 Durfer at
Solemn requiem niaas ft Menlca'a Church.
10 A .1 Interment Hely Cre rerce'.rv
"when pfisslen and despair may get the
upper hand," although official figures
showed the actual nmeiuit of Idleness
than some time age. The ncutcness of
the poiltlen of the country, It was nnld,
was due te the fact that ihimy unem
ployed men had become Ineligible te re
ceive unemployment assistance In fu
ture. Lloyd Geerge plans te consult n
number of leaders in commerce nnd In
dustry nt Gnlrlech en Friday, and" will
probably hear the vIcwh of union lend
ers. He Is expected te return te Lon Len Lon
eon next Tuesdny, nnd It In probable
the Cabinet will be called le meet Im
mediately te discuss the report of the
Cabinet Committee, which. It Is ex
pcetcd, will be rendy for submission.
Hunt Horses Open
Bryn Mawr, Shew
Continued from In-re One
flowing linen duster. It developed Inter,
however, thnt the horse wna the emi
nently respectable Costremere, belonging
te F. Ambrose Clnrk.
There was Shetland pony clnss nt 11
o'clock which drew the nttentlen of the
children. The diminutive nnlmnls trotted
briskly nbeut the second ring, te be
greeted with nipt "oils nnd nhs1' by the
cqunlly diminutive critics, who steed en
the burs of the iron ruiling nnd bobbed
their curls In whole-hearted approval.
There were comparatively few persons
en hand nt 10 o'clock te wnich the
opening class. Only renl enthusiasts
were In the stnnd nnd boxes, but they
followed thp events with a critical ea
gerness thnt mere than made up for
their fewness.
As the day progressed mero nnd mere
people arrived, nil smnrtly dressed, all
nlive with anticipation, The sun,
which enme out nbeut thp middle of the
morning, shone brightly upon the whltv
pointed tents nnd the white ratlings,
gleaming In shnrp cenlrnst with the
dnik green of the trees nnd turf.
Sun Italics Crowd
As the neon hour npprenched every
one wns glnd te seek whntever shnde
afforded. The green -striped nwnlng
nbeve the boxes becnnip the refuge of
a great number while ethers sought tlie
big conical.
The lniddny sun bent driwn until tlie
tnn bnrk fnirly baked in the hpnt, nnd
the surrounding trees trembled ln a
quivering luiz.-. But nfter nil. though
Mime cynic lias remarked thnt the
proper term would be "people show."
(he horse is king nt tin affair of this
sort, and the honors of the day nre his.
Tlie fifth nnuiinl hound show is being
held In conjunction with the horse
show, in ndditien te the autumn ex
hibition of tlie Pennsylvania Horticul
tural Society.
The sun shone out brightly tedn l"
welcome nine again the Herse Shew
enthusiasts, who gathered in creups en
t hpeole grounds nt Bryn Mawr. A
sinnll crowd, real levers of the sport,
appeared bright and curly nnd Included
persons from nenrby points en tlie
Main Line.
Frem nil nppenrnnces the spectators
enrly in the dnj were prepared for
cooler wenther, wearing sport sultn and
bright -colored sweaters. Miss Helen
Hepe Montgomery, the attractive
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rebert
Learning Montgomery, of Villnnevn,
were n sport tweed unit of u pale fchade
of orchid, with n black strnw lint
I rimmed with gnrdenins at the side.
Her stockings were pale gray nnd hhees
black patent leather.
Mis. Geliverueiir Cndwnlndcr were a
blue nnd geld figured sweater ever n
dark blue cloth skirt. Her lint wns of
blnck felt, and she were pale grnv
stockings with black slippers. Mrs. It.
Penn Smith was with her daughter,
Mrs. Alexander Biown. Mrs. Smith
looked well In n grny sweater worn
with a gray tweed skirt and u grny silk
sport lint, while Mrs. Brown were n
pnle grny sweater ever a white ffanncl
skiit. Her hat was also a sport model
of gray silk. A very geed-looking frock
was chosen by Mrs. ltebert Browning.
It wns a heavy gray Jersey cloth one-
piece model, held in at the wnlst with
a nnrrew belt, nnd edged with dark
blue braid. Her lint wns a stunning
gray silk with a dark blue facing.
Anether pretty sweater was worn by
Mrs. Stnnley Beeves
it was mad
wnu n K"itien orew u uiu-Kvruuiui wuu
erlentnl colors woven into It. Her hnt
'wns 'wns a dark brown silk, with n wreath
of yellow flowers.
- -
fJUFR 1 00 000 AGAINST
Negative Mounts With Figures Frem
Five Mere Counties
Hnrrlsburg. Pn., Sept. 2S. With
receipt of efllelal returns from five
additional counties today the majority
against the Cenhtitutinnnl Contention
pnt-sed the 100.000 mnrk.
OQleinl returns from forty-nine coun
ties give 2.'15.-1.1(! votes for the conven
tion nnd :i.'tH,.'ifi0 ngniiiHt. Lighteen
counties hnve net jet certified their re
turns. The live counties in tedav nre:
Berks. .1(100 for, 11,728 ngninn :
Cnmbaiii. -JS--1 for. 14.000 ngninst :
Fnjctfe. .'JR30 for. 01R1 against; Jef Jef
fereon. 1Ti2K fnr. d027 nsnlnst ; Somer Semer
tet. 200 for. 1022 against.
Iniiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiii uiiiiniMinrafii in irjniri'iiniiiiiiiiiiii m'W v
IM7 Walnut ht.
Can new play cards! The Inventor (una
nrir-dl ahutnea, de: .a ami holds inrd 11
readily and aa rapidly aa either" uilnx t
henda. Arllatlcally dealsned nnd pint il ma
china weighing M lb. and '1 In x 8 in in
la. Ne cega or aprlnga 10 g.t uut uf or
der Sflmkle te operate. Meney refunds if
nacnirui oeea nei meet aueva eiaima. inca
in. QQ neat naM.
imu,& "AeViaW" co
ivrnneic nannre rmns,
Eii4iiinnnunsMmLrTiuuiiiiiuui.niinnintuii;iij;n:;tFiiifi!iJnirfi;ifi:ii:M;ir;ii;!iPn.trifiijh' I. j, aldWSll C? v0.
l fl
J Coffee connoisseurs gj Chestnut & Juniper Streets
I enthuse ever j
I asce " -n
I Coffee 1 1 WuRLlIZER
5 fd 1 I "'"4ffi!M 42 "RT7AMD
At Ib I P wmkiAmk VETV
1 -fcit I I VmmmL Mghgrade
I At all our Stores J I tyWy!BKSV PyetVttt&sd
'V ra,,x i';
Supports Seiate Plans Satis
fied With Situation as Re
ported by Ledge
Hy the Associated Pren
Washington, Sept. 28. -President
Hnrding wna understood te have given
his approval tedny te plans of Senate
Republican leaders te expedite ratifica
tion of the pence treatlps with Gcr
ninny, Austria nnd Hungary. The pro pre
grntn centemplnteu night sessions begin
ning tonight nnd continuing until op
ponents nre ngrpcnble te fixing n definite
date for voting.
A report en the treaty fight was given
te the President today by Senater
Ledge. Republican leader. The Presi
dent wns nnld te be satisfied with the
situation nnd ever thp prospects of
ratification ns detailed by Senater
There is a desire te dlspesn of the
trentics before the beginning of the con
ference en the llmltntlen of armaments,
and since the three nnrts must be acted
upon separately leaders plnn te Iebe no
time in getting tnclr consideration tuny
under way.
Wer1( Night and Dny
In ndditien te holding night sessions
the Senate will begin the day sessions
en hour earlier tlinn usual.. The te?
bill will be considered during the day
nnd the trentics nt night.
Chairman Penrose, of the Flnnnce
Committee, is determined te push the
Tax bill as fast an possible. He Mill
Is hopeful 'hnt it can be put through
with two weeks' consldcrn'tien, but op
position te s6me features apparently
ims taken en n wider rnnge thnn nt
first was nntlclpnled.
Aside from the tnx measure nnd the
treaties, many ether measures of im
portance nre awnitlng action before the
beginning 0f the regular session enrly
in December. There Is nn ngreement
te vote en the Panama Cnnnl Tells Re
penl Bill en October 10 nnd Scnriter
Sterling, in chnrge of the Beer Bill, has
given notice thnt after the Tax Bill
and the treaties nre out of the way he
will insist (hat the conference report en
the beer mensure be disposed of without
Railroad Rills Alse Tending
Other mnttcrs pending include the
Railroad Refunding Bill nnd the meas
ure authorizing the Secretary of the
Trensury te fund Inte long-time securi
ties the debts owed the Cuitcd States
by its former nsserintes in the World
After the tax bill is pnssed, Senater
Penrose plnns te have his committee
resume consideration of the permanent
tariff bill. Since it is new virtually
certain thnt this measure will net be
brought out until the regular session,
there is discussion of continuing the
emergency tnriff law until the per
manent net is pnssed. The emergency
!nw expires en November 27 and rep
tesentntlves of agricultural interests nl
rendy have asked thnt the Finnnce Com
mittee report n bill continuing Its life.
Spnnter Penrose hopes te have, with
in two or three weeks, some of the data
new being assembled by experts en the
plan te fix tire American valuation of
Imports as the basis for determining
the duties, but all of It probably will net
be In hand for six weeks or two months.
Hearings en the tariff measure prnbabl)
will be resumed late next month or early
in November.
Denial was made yesterday that ex
Presldent Wilsen wns using -his influ
ence te defent ratification of the treaty.
It enme from Senntnr Hnrrlsen nnd wns
cArrobernted by Scnnter Glnss, of
Vlrglnin. who snid he hnd viblted
Mr. Wilsen and hnd nsccrtnlncd the
bnsls of the letter's opposition te the
pending trentics. Mr. Glass said he
would net support them.
Fear Missing Girl Was Kidnapped
Pittsburgh. Sept. 2S. (By A. P.) -Police
nre senrching for Mary Demas,
n'cd fifteen, daughter of D. .1. Demas,
lubber manufacturer, who has been
mising since yesterday morning. Her
nnreets allege thnt the girl has been
m --mm u 1 . vrr
': M Displeyedand rfnUwueH &
m soie in our purchase plans. Compare jm
3 retail stores plone with any en ttve marwrr
,. . JL et twice -the price.
' I $li$ F.CB. FACTORY
m ii.eaii.ut St. JH r Kr
I ID llteen Rh nml eth ata. ---- -
B Snd ma full dulli e thla playw piano tint pt" " "" ' euk
H buy it en very aaay term
Name -
m Address
1 m wwmmmmmmmm ViTa
' '
Mrs. Black, of Soranten, Four,
Near Sunbury fl
Mrs. Mnry V. Black nnd hr f011, '
ycnr-eld daughter, of Seraj,ten Jll
found resting en the bank of the He?
quchnnnn II Ivcr near Siinbiiry ,,&;
day, exhausted nnd wearied , Cr
171-milc, w.1k from Pldln J rtphJV
ward their home. v ll1 w
V. A. Neble, n constable. cemia,
slenately gave Mrs. Black se; w!.
her In getting te Scrnnten. TCJ"
enr stepped nenrby while the enn.t i?.
wns talking and n woman whC,TdtlU
wns Mrs. J. 15. Smith, of PitfZ '
gave $25 mere when ,1, ie. '-,
situation. -e-irneu th
Mrs. Black raid neither ,i1(, nnp .
uaughter had eaten all dnv. The , ?
ens nleht they slept in a tan. "Mf
Her story was she bit her position n.
restaurant near Fourth nml M.lv
streets here. Without" money "0V '
s '0 uctermlned te wnlkbnck telie.1,- '
where her husband had bectf killed i'
mine accident three yean, age
Inquiry at mtnumnts e.ir Fenrti
nnd Market streets disclosed tin ,,
membrancc of n Mrs. Black.
Accompanied Five Men Aecund n
Dauphin County Case
Ilarrlsburir. Sent. Oe n...
in. i. 1,1 i :"'""""'" ctmepn,.
f, iuu uiunuu wemnn wns given tA..
by men en the truck which wns h.M 7
nt the trial before the DuMn SS
0f ,,0UTr 1. ",c fivc ''fondants rt
.rA'.'1, lesnctli. A. W. Funk H t
HInkle nnd B. H. HalthaMr. nil ?!?
rlsburg residents, nre ehnM-Ti 2S
?.eln5.t.l'e held-up men. Kugen.
the fifth defendant. Is still
". .,ufe,
,t 1
Tr.i,rucwnB l,0.,"1,1 fro,n MaryIi-,1
te AVllkcs-Bnrre w th a rnrm lie
whisky when it wns BteppCc7Vaft
lorry, four een miles north of here.
" . vib iiiiu vtiiiinm Jacobi
two of the men en the im-t ...e.'l
concerning the blendp wemnn' Sh !.
with the driver of the rnr which brii
un hn truck tl,n- ...m..i lcn ""
Trucks and Wagons Used in P-r-dt
rer Gloucester Newlyweds
Eighteen milk wni-etiq nml fn ..
mobile truck belonging te the Sanltah
Milk Company of Gloucester, drmi
nte what In cavalry tactics i- C1M
"n right front Inte line" before fit
Mnry's Cnthelic Church te.lnv." hni
Jehn J. Uemnrd. bookkeeper of ths
company, wns being mnrrled te Mi
Margaret OWeill, of Gloucester
After the marrlnge the jocund milk.
men joined the lnrgest truck bv a cubit
te the newlywcd's nutomebile nnd towed
it nleng the mnin streets. The ethw
trucks nnd milk wngens followed la
precession. After everybody in Glou
cester hnd been given n leek at the
couple thpy wpre towed te the home of
luu uiiuu n iiiuiut-r- wucre mere whs i
Large Crowd Attends Funeral Servil
Ices for Francis McCabe
The fllliernl of Frnnels V Afnfl.V-
the spventeen-yenr-eld hey shot ail
killed Sunday by Patrolman Phjli
Pourren nt Twenty-first nnd Callow
hill streets, wns held nt 10 o'clock till
morning from his home nt 2020 Wl-te
There wns n solemn bleb mnisnfw.
quiein. attended by nearly 1000 person,
in the Cathedral. Tlie interment r
Hely Cress Cemetery wns private, eni
the boy's widowed mother nnd a fci
close relntlves being nresent.
The pallbenrers were six friends l
thp dead boy, one of whom, Anthenj
Gnlen, hnving been with 1dm the nljlt
pe wns snot nnd Killed.
Fire Causes $100,000 Damage
Atlanta, da.. Sept. 2R - (Bv A. P.)
Fire thnt swept through a portion cl
tne stecK.varas district en JIarietU
street here enrly today caused daman
te half a dozen buildings nnd resulted
m the less of 7.1 te 100 mules The total
less was placed around ?1 00.000.
charged with heldl "i ft" 7 ' ,& 5
of whisky at Clarks Ferry w'rK i "A
ns ornte nellcemen. T
Important Finger Rings
Bagette Diamonds