I J if T . CAMDEN PRIM HAS RUWi AS 1SSU E j EVENING PUftLIQ LEDGIi)B-THII;APELPHIA, MQSTPAY, SEPTEMBER 20,' 1021! Legislative Candidates Styled Wet and Dry, Though Seme Dislike Designation GOVERNOR'S NAME USED The primnry election in CaiiwVn to morrow will be fputureil by Bet-rial live ly fights for Democrat it nominations. Includlnu a factional fight ever tlivec nominations for the Legislature, drawn. it in anid, en "wet" and "dry" tewei. The Democratic orKnniintleti Is piin piin pertinR .1 antra V. MeAilntns, .lehn Wlnten. Jr., both of Camden, and Mr llertha Shippen Irving, of IladdentWd who are designated en the prlmarj bal bal eot ns "Edwards Democrats." The designation is misleading, it Is said, ns these thrca candidate, Instead of sharing Governer Edwards "wet" Tlews, are sponsored by men who re cently defeated the movement te hiive the party go en record against the Var net. This art, passed by the New Jerney Legislature, makes it unlawful te possess liquor. The "Kdwards Democrats" nre op posed by Patrick II. llardine a law vor, of Haddonfield Dr. William A. Wescott, of lterl'n, and Jehn Miller. of Camden They have come out squarely against thft Van Xess act, or nnything which Infringes en personal liberty. Anether contest niueng the Democrats Is ever the election of eight membei's-at-lnrgu of the Camden County Democratic Executive Committee. The candidates are Iludelph S. Ayei-s, Count District Court Judge; J. Itissell Carrow, n lawyer; Samuel M. Shaj, a lawyer and a member of the Itrldge Commission J rinnm K. Hyland and 12inmrt Cheesman llyniH, who are bracketed en the ballet ns "Edwards Democrats'; llertlu yliippen Irting. Ilene Whittle, William A. Clear?. Albert Neutze. Jehn U. Helm and Jeseph l- Mnlene. Ayerr, Carrow, Shny and Mrs. Irving ari the "or?atil.atlen" candidates, whlln Cleary, Neutze, Helm and .Malene are looked upon ns anti-organUatlen men. Republicans have no contests for Cemmittee-at-I.arge, but there nre In teresting contests in severul of the wards for l'reehelder and ctiutieltinnnli' nominations. Patrick K. Carr, I.euis Tarter and Malarhl D. Cornish are can didates for the Kepublican nomination for Freeholder in the. Seventh Ward, with Tarter as (he choice of the IU publican organization, while in the same ward the candidates for the Re publican nomination for City Council are liimrgn I.. Schneider, the incum bent, ami 1 A Harding. The organi zation i favorable te the rcnoiuitiatten of Schneider. Cuticura Seap SHAVES Without Mug CcUecraSoeplethefaverlteferfafityraaorihaviog. k GOOD MORNING, TEACHER, STILL IN GOOD FORM HERE Dr. Broeme Differs With Instructor Who Objected te Greetings Frem Pupils 'Praises "Geed Manners' A policy of geed manners In every public school is advocated by Superin tendent of Schools Broemo! Recently the teacher of a West Phil" adelphla school became irrltnble when the pupils wished her "geed morning" and still mero se when thpy bade her "geed -bye." "It's entirely unnecessary," ehe said "te say 'geed morning' or 'goodbye.' Just pass out. was net In accord with the teacher's ad vice. "Geed manners," he said "should radiate from the cntire school. The teacher, the Janitor, and all concerned should inculcate the policy of geed man ners by example, An atmosphere of ceed manners should permeate the entire, school society, The home nnd the school should work together nleng this line. nnd all concerned would tlnd that it would be decidedly helpful. This suggestion came ns u surprise te "Nothing makes for sucecss'mere than many of the boys. They had held en tlrely opposite views en the subject A few carried out the plan at home. When reprimanded they Informed their parents that "It wasn't necessary te toy 'geed morning.' " Gives Advice te Teacher Dr. Uroeme made it plain that he geed manners. The person who nrne tlees this policy always makes n geed impression. Geed Manners an Asset "Geed manners ere n splendid asset, both In a social and business way. They pave the way te progress nnd nre bound te prove profitable. ' Several school-teachers said that the CTcetlng "Geed jnernlnj." uttereu ey fifty or sixty children, each In a different key, was somewhat trying en the ncrves, Teachers In some sectlena of the city have solved this llttle problem simply. They wait until their entire class has been seated and greet them with "Geed morning, children." The class In unison replies. "Geed morning, teacher," And then the work gets under way. Carrier Pigeon, Found Here. Dies The carrier pigeon which was found exhausted Saturday at Margaret and Ucrmuda streets, died today. Around the neck of the pigeon was a band bear ing the number HP, 10430-10. Walter Unlnpl. 2fi4'l Sillw nvenne. who found the pigeon, will return the band te the owner of the bird. Paster la Inetalled The Ilov. Andrew E. H. Tapper was Installed as naster of the St, Peter's T.iiHiernn (?nnirrfrnHnti of North Wales. yesterday. The sermon was preached by the llev. Dr. II. A. Welter, presi dent of the Lutheran Miniatcrlutn of Pennsylvania. rllATTHESSEC' IW RENOVATED W Brass Beds Relacquered FOTI? We- guarantee all workman ship absolutely equal te new at J-J thr coat. Feather Sterlllied MuJe Inte Mattremrs Ret Sprlrure Ra-iiphaletertii Our Aute C0II4 J7vervchtrt CipUCI C 1IM H. l'henei Ixin. 470', kUViiiJJL, u a,i t K.I 57 jr.. FOR SALE Surplus War Plant Ellicott Machine Corporation 1111 Hush Street Baltimore, Md. SEALED DID3 nre wanted until Ooteber ?sih, 1921 for the sale of miscellaneous M chine Toels, etc., consisting- of Milling Mnrhlne. Lathee. Radial Drills. Travellnc Cran-e, Pcl.er, Oeneratlnc Bet. Uertng Mill, fc-niery. Grlnter and yteel Building, for Information sddreis abete. IftSheppacd &Sem Outfitting Baby Hew lastly tKe pleasure is multiplied xOhen (elections arc made from en exquisite stock and eack dainty garment is Favorably Priced Silk and Weel Shirts, $1.75 Plain Bishop Slips, $2.50 Hand-embroidered Teke Dresses, some edged wth real Val. lace $5.50 te $20 Wrappers Crepe de Chine and Dresden Silk $8.50 te $13 "Baby Buntings" Eiderdown, Dresden Silk and Crepe de Chine $6 te $18 Cashmere and Crepe de Chine Coats hand-embroidered cellars and cuffs $9.50 te $30 French Olive Oil Seap 0jtheut equal for cleansing and seething the most delicate skin. Unscented, made in France especially for us and sold (in this store only) at $1.50 the box of 3 cakes. Buy a trial box and test this wonderful soap. 100$ Chestnut Street Lewer Prices, New Policy' SUNBEAM FURNACES All Cast Iren Pipe and Pipeless Equipped With KING OAL .NHI IHbH SHSBSasi"' KARBURET0R" Prices Reduced Te Dealers & Users Prices for Pipeless Sunbeams (TO THE USERS) 503418 in. Fire Pet. . .$112.50 503820 in. Fire Pet... 125.00 504022 in. Fire Pet... 140.00 504724 in. Fire Pet. . . 165.00 505226 in. Fire Pet... 195.00 Pipe Furnaces Reduced Same Proportion Dealers Get Our Prices Te Yeu IVc Will Sell Yeu One or One Thousand FREDERICK SABIN & CO., Inc. HOWARD MILLER, President 237-239-241 BREAD STREET, PHILA., PA. Betwten 2nd & 3rd and Rata & Vine St: We arc Distributors for Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland & Disk, of Columbia - DRUGGISTS Chemists Clerks Fer qualified and efficient help use THE PUBLIC LEDGER MORNING EVENING SUNDAY MMiMiiJMMMMMMMMMMiMM BACK TO NORMAL During the past year there has been a drop of 35 te 41 in the price of Wilten Rugs and Carpets Yeu need net further delay in refurnishing your floors. Prices are at the lowest level they are likely te reach for a long time te come. Our assortment of grades, sizes, designs and color ings, renders it easy for us te care for unusual and exacting requirements. Belew is listed only a few of the offerings in our nationally popular grade. The sizes and the savings are simply representative; every rug en our five floors has been proportionately reduced: H&teuikQA '"VCgk "Rme 1020 Size Price 27x54 $14.50 36x63 23.75 1.6x6 40.00 4.6x7.6 49.00 4.6x9 59.00 4.6x12 79.00 6x9 88.00 6.9x12 117.00 8.3x10.6 134.00 Durable as Iren Present 1920 Present Price Size Price Price $9.75 9x9 .. .$117.00 $77.00 15.00 9x12 142.00 92.00 26.00 9x13.6 , 176.00 116.00 32.00 9x15 196.00 128.00 39.00 10.6x10.6.. 171.00, 112.00 52.00 10.6x12 . . . 196.00 128.00 58.00 10.6x13.6.. 220.00 145.00 77.00 11.3x12... 196.00 128.00 85.00 11.3x15 . . , 224.Q0 160.00 HARWICK Magee Ce. 1220 MARKET ST. A. jjaxjjomeus element in the deceratire scheme of thii dininj dininj dininj roem ii the fleer of Armmenc'i Fliin Drevn Linoleum. Ccekfbrihi CIRCie AV UtuUma The Medem V Fleer for Modern Hemes PEOPLE of taste and refine ment living in beautiful, mod ern homes are today putting their finest rugs en floors of Linoleum. These linoleum floors arc in many instances installed when the house is built. Architects arc speci fying modern linoleum for all the floors in the home floors of living rooms, dining-rooms, libraries, bed rooms, sun perches. Ge into any geed store and ask the salesman te show you Arm strong's Linoleum. Sec what a smooth, solid fleer it makes hew comfortable it is under feet. Yeu walk quietly upon it, and you de 3w Hill lWnt hi HMHtv Is IBM! MrfelPimHiHr! lilsl HlllllBiii fflSKM iiiiip net slip nor de your rugs treach erously glide from under your feet. Plain colors, Jaspe (two-tone) effects, and a variety of distinctive parquetry, inlaid, printed, and ether designs, from which you may choesr. Any store will be glad te give you estimates of the cost of Arm strong's Linoleum floors, put down in your home. The modern way is te have your linoleum cemented down ever a layer of builders' felt paper. Se laid, your fleer is always smooth, tight, waterproof. All Armstrong's Linoleum is guaranteed te give satisfaction. Armstrong Cerk Company, Linoleum Department, Lancaster, Pennsylvania New Yerk Office: 212 Fifth Ave. Armstrong's Linoleum for Every Fleer in the Heuse UN CLEAR SOLDIERS' NAMES Men In Draft Dedgor' List Pound te Have 8en War Servlce Tlie names of two 1'hllndelphlans In cluded In the list of draft dodgers taade public by the War Department were yesterday ordered removed nfter their records had been lnyesUgatcd by the Adjutant General's officers nnd the men ."eund te hare been fn the service. They are Themas J. McPadden, who regis tered with local benrd Ne. 47, and William N. A. Ilebcrts, a registrant of lecnl beard Ne. 50. Records of the army show that Me Faddcn cnliitrd In the Pennsylvania National Guard en August C, 1017, nnd saw eleven months' service eversrns. Heberts served In the Iteynl Plying Cerps nnd Royal Air Force of the llrit sh army. He was wounded In the fighting nt Vlmy Ridge. Fall HurU Car Inepocter While Inspeetlng freight can. at Tier 28. North Wharves, tedny, Jam's l. Remcy, a customs Inspector, fell bo be bo twecn n freight car and the station p nt nt ferm, breaking three ribs en the right fide. He was taken te the Hahnemann Hospital. He is fifty-four years old. and Uves nt 2330 North Eighteenth atrtet. To-Monnew at STnAWHIUDOU Ss CLOTHIER'S Man, Hit by Truck, May Dle'HJ! ITMirni"! t)f1ftn eti,.I.Li 1 mrrwtiM - ii.Ja Ai.v.i'iiFnt 2430 Seuth UoncreftVtreet, Vn.ri rn t n itnnnnmniih innn i. . "vn f truck which had run h m tlewnJA ' vicinity of City Hall. 1'rlee wn?Jl2" ly cut noeut inc ncau nnd inav Im. fracture of the skull. The truck ,K drove, nwey without giving hU mim- ' M & 9 out of every 10 in the world's largest city are O'Sullivan's JUST 23 years age the first rubber heel appeared. It was an O'Sullivan. Last year enough rubber heels were made in America alone te reach if put a step apart six times around the glebe. The famous O'Sullivan blend means a heel that's first and foremost a shock-abserbor a heel that stays live and springy till it's worn wafer thin. That's why nine out of every ten rubber heels worn in New Yerk City today are O'Sullivan's. Insist en getting them I O'Sullivan's Heei Absorb the shocks that tire you out a i cUhe utensil of a hundred uses Kttti tilftHiffMllPJ3tffittfiaflttfiWiMtt VBIll ' mMMmsMm lm. t iih till r. M ii mmiiwiiiiiiiiK Mil ; ' mmlmimMBSm IL Iliiiiw HnXfiXifw'r "PJlay A J till KKfflW7KSe?1rl-WM jfc LIMITED This offer expires en October 1st, 1921 A miiR-fitdnt; for only A -C (.Reeuler Price J9c) Get this useful pan TODAY f B iHIS tWO'DUlrr "yXTrnr.Xivrr" -Mil .. . .... Pudding Pan which regularly AREdiactent from he'erdlnjlry Idnd - icus xer l.lO is ettered te wr.Ever" utcetlli rc mide from UENSEn. They .re mde from iheet aluminum lhar hai been rnKl.rnll,.! .,,!... cnorraeui prcnure for the purpete of you new at 49c and for a reason ! Because we knew that if you once use a"Wcar.Ever" aluminum kitchen utensil you ALWAYS will leek for the "Wear-Ever" trade mark en the bottom of EVERY cooking utensil you buy. Thjt U WHY we ire m.klng It unuiiulIT eaiy for you le TRY "Wear-Evcr." The two-quirt "Wcar-Ever" Puddlni I an haa been cheien te ahew ou the difference between "Wear-Ever" ulenill, nd the ordinary kind became it haa audi treat number of dally uiea in anvkit ehen. And the mere you will uae "Wear Ever" utenail, the mere convinced you Si.ni5k,Ni ,e he..Y" nd yean of -. . ivu mat you Trui get uu I of It. Yeu iheuld net confute "Wear.Ecr" Jiltnilliwiththln.ulmtyuirnillathathav. little mere than u bright finlrh te com mend them-and whole prlcet alone tndl. caie the kind of tervlec you may expect. TnfVv1' "WEver" Pudding Pan ;,?DAX- Vvt U? our kitchen for "u7 e ,h n t,. mlle women prefer AnfYk" a "!. "Pen Betting K. And ihen, tee, you will KNOW why it ?.ii ? reiP Uc.V!en,n tlut wear out with ""H'u ii wear rver. The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, New Kenslnuten Pa .,-r,. ucaicniecateaanyrierethij papercircuUiea may honor "Wear.Br.r.,-. ine Pudding Pan's Diary SATURDAY WOKE end found This nffer CXDtrCS en October 1st Loek for the store wdi the "Wear-Evcr" window display AW ' Chat tha nrunaa l tewed latt uliht had tvMO aarred. At atian. ten by the kitchen clock I want te tha eren with imi bcaaktaat feed te iiltp. Tbaal waa lrn all eld! which, altar warmfnil up te mjr work and wleh the aid of cover. I poached with a tittle Icea than nne.hall the amount of heat or er dlnerlljr uacd. Yeu aee I heat un ercelr all ever, held the beat a lima time end. therefore, I aate a tot of furl, After bteakfait I made a dallclqua rlca pudding for luncheon. The chil dren love the kind I make. And, than It be. rame a. uuaitlen of whathar I would maka aeup, er heat up can of Want, 'the aeup wen. I ater In tbe arternoen I w,,,'fn ha delUht. ful lob of melding fruit gelatine. That Teleg turned out onto a dlali and placed In the Ice het. I waa net te the dim te make a chicken pie. Tonight I'm In the feed cold. Ileceuae of the thlckneaa of the aluinluum from which I am made, I aoeerb cold at well aa I abaerh heat. And. helag made of hard, cold-rolled matal' I realit the action of atreng feed aclda. I de net abaoie odera or flBTOra, and I am aafe ami at allt laa wv OX 'lomerrow la Sunday. I inaia . nunni ide down Inverte' "Wear-Ever" Coupon P? ,tore 'JJIn Ver.Ewer" ulumlnnm ,n!V 5tfnn,',l, ' uh"led te accept thla two-eu.ri p, h t;.. iiLiJ"v." vr. "if. "r " rti?i. crevldrH V -"-" '"".wnicnaanareguiariyier i.iw October la?,mM ?vB "Mnt the coupon at atoreenor before Write aa inmi ,oer aama, addraaa and date of perchaae. aeen tie If jj Uh bctb pan and caver. !l.Mn v"a U. r Jiyj' m dlab of griddle cakaa thai Jeb, tea. 3 i N M I -i M Mf . tlX-d, ajJl, -f Art