Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1921, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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HP-' '"
Victim of Brooklyn Dual Trag-
edy Dies Mute en Mra.
Laws' Motive
Nw Yerlt. Sert. 'J(l. MNs Mllilr.nl
E.' Hunan, RrnmlilaiiRliter of Alfred 1'.
Itannn, multi-millionaire hIiep mnnii
fccturcr. of Uroeklyn, died In tlie I.eiis
hlind College HeRpitnl, cnrly Sunday.
With the denth of the Uroeklyn hcir
t ihere seemed te vmiinIi nil liepc of
elvln; the deep mystery clenkliiR the
attack en her by Mr. (Irncc 1-nwn, Iit
former chum, who eemmltteil suicide
immediately after the slmetinR, early
Friday inprnlnB.
Up until fhc lest consciousness two
hour? before the end the police hovered
about seeking n favorable moment te
als her once mere just why Mrs. Laws,
enre her inseparable friend, shot her
and then killed herself.
But the moment did net remc. Miss
Hanan died still unresponsive te the
"uhj" thai the detectives hnd been
pljlnp her with since she arrived at
the hospital. When the doctors per
mitted the police te question her she
cheerfully niiMvercd all questions ex
cept that having te de with motive.
Kew and then she would shnke her
head slgnlfjinR mystification nml just
a often she would wave them away
without rcregnir.ing uie question.
Uerland .May Held Key
Jehn S. Uerland, the importer, who
was with Miss Ilnnan when she was
ahet and probably who is the only isur
Tlrlng possessor of the answer te the
policemen's question, wns at the young
woman's bedside with her mother and
brother when she died.
She v ill be buried H'cdnedny. the
wrvice te he held in her brother's
home in Hen tinte. Dp.-pite their fnil
iire te Et the secret from MIi-.m Il.innn.
and notwithstanding Iterlnnil's insist
ente tint he can only Hues'- nt llic
uawn for the tragedy, the police de
clare tliemsehes centiilent tli.it Mis.
Laws shot her erstwhile friend whll"
in an abnormal mental condition ratced
by Jealousy, alcohol, drugs and bank
tuptcy n ceint inntinn they npree war
united te pii'c'pitntc murder .ind sui
cide. .Iut before '' n'clm k Sunday inernins
Miss llnnnii lest consciousness. Th.
nurses observing that their patient was
linking, iiritilled Mrs.'t'lnra Milium, tin
mother, ami lfn-d P. linn. in, the
wounded wenu.n's brother. Thej had
Iupii edMipjing reticlies in an .idjcining
i deiii. The fa'iill.v iiliv.iirliin mn neti
for and De. Hebert Harber, a Brook Breok Broek
Iin ph.tsicinn, fed exygen t() (l(. j.atient
inn ilesnernte effort te wmd iff death.
Herland and Miss Uillic William-., the
)eung woman te whom Mrs. Laws nil
tircvH one of the letters found in her
handbag after she killed herself, nji
reared n the hospital seen after,
An autopsy performed by IM. Carl
IlecttlgiT. assistant medical iwatnlnrr.
Mieurcl thnt n hiillpt nici.T.I tlw, ilm,,
ami the iihilemen nnd ledged under tlie
ninth rib en the right -"ids beneath the
(host wall.
One bleed transfusion, made Fritlav
in an effort te enve the girl's life.
pemeil te give her additional strength
ind led the phjsicinns te held out hope
fir her recovery, but a relnpe et in
faturilnj evening nnd slic fulled
Urether Tells Story
The story of Miss Hanan's death was
told te n lepertcr nt Alfred llannn's
home in Sea (Jute Inst night. The house
was one of sadness, for preparations
e,re being made for reception of the
body of the victim of the woman', rage.
This is the first nnd only Intimate dis
cussien et the tragedy given In a new
Mlier dj any member
Mr. Hanan s
' Here Gives Up Bleed
evening Public LedK-philadelhia, menday, September 26, 1921
t ' 1 ' r ' ' . 1
Croix de Ouerre winner who lias
maile unusual record by ghlng Ills
bleed for transfusion
Albert E. Jacobs Has Become
Regular "Transfusion Expert,"
With Great Success
the woman nnd her whole character.
hen Mrs. Laws found she was te
Hie menetnrv bone n,..i i, i
-.1 .''.. .""- ""1IIU
. , . , .' i'M" 'win wie
sue uecKte, te commit the crime. She
nid te Mildred nt the lime of the dis-
nnirT11-'1 V'1" rp "lnt ' """
name gets in tic papers In big type.'
and she certainly carried out Vr
Albeit K. Jacobs, 201'J .West Nerrls
street, who wen the Croix de Ouerrc
and ether military honors for bravery
in Trance, has given a pint of his
bleed te an eight-year'eld boy in Mount
Sinai Hospital'.
Whnt is mere, Jacobs expects te give
the little fellow, whose name has net
I t 1 I .. ., ,.! .1 I
I uerri rcvcnieu uy me nesuiiai iiiiineri-
..., ... if III 1 ,,' viuiviic rir.,,.... i' in 1
bleed, In the hope that the child finally
may recover from a wnstlng dlsenNC.
The boy wbr sent here from Jehns
Hepkins Hospital In Ualtimere. Physi
cians say he has been all ever the
country seeking bleed that was cxactlj
of the right sort for his depleted veins.
Jacobs, n big nnd husky steam-litter,
who lias given his bleed en several
ether occasions successfully, was known
te the Unltlmerc surgeons and they
sent the boy's parents here te seek some
of the life-giving fluid, snid te be of a
remarknble quality, which flews In the
former soldier's veins.
Jacobs was a member e( the Seventy
Captain C. H. Dickens Leaves
League Island for Coast
Captain Curtis Ileyt Dickens. V. 8.
N.i chaplain nt the League Island Navy
Yard, will leave this week for the Pa
cific Const with his wife nnd daughter.
Miss Kathryn Dickens, te take up hie
duties ns aide te Admiral Eberle, cem-mander-ln-chlcf
of the pacific Fleet.
Captain Dickens has been chaplain of
the Navy Ynrd for five years and eight
mouths, lie will be succeeded by Cap
tnln Jehn D. MacN'nir, who will nr
rive Wednesday from tlie Newport
Naval Training Station.
Other changes which will, occur nt the
Navy Ynrd Include Commander McUIll
Koblnsen (JoliNberoiigh, who has been
ordered te Shanghai. China. Mrs.
troldsberough will accompany dim.
Commander O. A. Mcckllu will leave
the yard for inactive duty, and will
reside In this city with his wife during
the winter.
Lieutenant Commander ltlchnrd How Hew
ard Johnsten had been detached from
duty at League Island and ordered te
sea aboard the IT. 8. S. Khii Francisce.
Mrs, Johuscten will continue lier icsi
deuce nt Pelham Court. In this city.
Lieutenant Commander Kail Francis
Knrisht has been transferred te Uoten
for ftuty. where lie will be joined hy
his wife and his daughter. Miss Lillian
Knrlght, who arc new living in An
niniii iiivmum nnci nppvpii p c irp -i n... t-i.. i..i ....
months n I- ranee. Dift'lng that Mine (, , enp, , ,Ile NUlnm,.,. whe fllP
he was twice wounded, twice operate. rti(.P1.'wllH ,, ,,,,. nc, f .,, wflr.
en. twice gave a quantity of his bleed,......, , ,,,. ...... r,(K.,rel.llll.l . ,,.
ItectfvtfiU' T'efiiteiit till'V tlilu ninrnlntf
.......... ........p..
Knight was brought te the peniten
tiary Saturday evening by Sheriff Ort
lip anil two deputies, of Chester Coun
ty. A few minutes after 7 o'clock this
morning he walked te the death chair
without any outward show of fenr nnd
six minutes later wns pronounced dead
Constable's Slayer Pays Penalty at
: Reckvlew Penitentiary
Uellefent. Pa., Sept. li(i H- A.
' P.) William A. Knight, a Southern
Plilladelnhlan Il...i i.... .incens WOs a menu er e me . veiny- . xrgre. who killed Deputy Constable
Jack f!lhsnti nt loon in. . .
tii.ii i i i ' aniiier sireer,
I . i Imlelphla net only heard the shots
Wl el fnniif.il lm ,ni,. -r t, . ,,.
.,., if V "tMiim ei .hiss nanau
nnd .Mrs. hnvcK. in ni.i.... ,.. ...
In j, nnd assnted the police in the case.
Illlt lie lllwn U'nnl 4 !. r r i i
! ii i. . ." '" "" iiime is any
" "' ""; ler .hiss iinnan. He
remaned there until 3 A. M. and wa
told te return at 10 A. M. He did se.
Olllv te lnirn fli.if tU.. It . V .. .
shortly nftir .1 A. M '" """u" "nu t,,w
unison, who is n cabaret singer, said
nil. V ,nv,,V'' n tidily morning,
When hn hnnnl flin ..I.-... iL. .?
rectlen of ScdiVrmerhern Vtit . ' K-
"I renclii'd tlm ir.,.n. f i. .
,, .. '- ".'in' ui inc snoeting
at the same u,e n. Policeman Paris"'
said (. bsen . "I saw Jehn S. Iterlnm!
Mipperlins Miss liana,,. I helped the
policeman search Nerland, but w!e found
he had no weapons. Then I discov
ered Mrs. La wh lying in the areawax.
She was bleeding profusely, but. It
scnicd she still showed some si;s of
Iff. I went with her In nn n,,.'.....i.:i. i
te the Lene Island Cellciri Hnnnlfni ! Frem June 7 until Suttirdnv. when ' this eltv vestprdnv.
nnd it was net until she was placed en i ,l10 bathhouses closed, there was a total ' Stcaliiie nn niitomebile from a carnye
lie operating table tliul I discovered i at'endance of L'.TJ.'l.n.'I. an increase et thev staited for NVw Yerk, nnd iw-
H"". . ... ....... w. .. w.w
in fntlipniln ntwl iinini cini.rtfir.m1 n nnr
... . v.... ....... ui, i. ..in. ni.b.in..i, ,,.,.-
tien of hm skin se that healthy tissue
might be grafted en a comrade's wound
that would net heal.
Following his return te Philadelphia
Jacobs gae some, of his bleed te n
lawver whose llfp bad been desnnlreil
of. The patient had beer given elcht
transfusions previously, buc'lth little
i up loriner Nn nipr nnva nn i nnu tint i
.i.i ."." . .. i. ' . . ." . I
niniii me iransiusien in inc lensi, ami
seen feels ns well ns ever. He expects
te go te ( levehnd in two weeks te
undergo another bleed - transfusing
operation te aid n physician.
Outnumbered Men, Girls
Women at Public Peels
nstusiens previously, hue "MUi little "IA "iihuivn iiiut whs piuiieiiiiii-u iieau
cess. Following the transfusion of b-v nO Hebert J. Campbell,
ebs' bleed he get well. The body was unclniined and will
I'he former soldier says he does net i be buried In the penitentiary cemetery.
Saw Through Steel Bars and Slide
Down Repe of Blankets
Poughkeopsle. N. Y., Sept. lit!. (Hr
A. P.) Sawing their way through two
sets of steel bars nnd dropping three
stories by means of en improvised rope
N. Y. Clubwemen Find Evidence
in Canada te Back Legiti
macy of Guy
New Yerk. Sept. 2(1. Clubwemen
who have Interested themselves In the
Stlllmnn divorce case In behalf of Mrs.
Anne L'npihart Petter Stlllman. or
detectives who represented themselves
as clubwemen, are reported te have
ferreted out important und Retentienal
new evidence.
Atternev Jehn R. Mack, guardian of
baby Ouy Stlllman, who James A, Stlll
man charges in his divorce suit .Is the
son of Fred Heauvais, Indian guide, ad
mitted last night that the new evidence
had been obtained. He refused te dis
cuss it, however. ,
The evidence is reported te be vol
uminous. An authority in the case,
said :
seen frequently with her father nnd
never with her mother. "Hud" Stlll
man then said she did net understand
the situation nnd predicted that when
she did hIic would fellow his example
and take her mother's side.
Seme of the new evidence gathered
In Canada Is documentary. Among
these documents In said te be nn nfll
davit that personally cnnceriiN Fred
Heauvais, the Indian guide, uumed ns
co-tcspendciil nnd father of baby (Jny
uy mv. Miiiinan.
This affidavit was given into the pos
session of Heauvais' iiprsenal counsel
in .Montreal and furnished by thce nt
lerneys te Attorney lelin I-. lSreiimin.
directing the utilise! for Mis. Still
man. Sensational developments are prom prem
ised when hearings ate resumed al
Peughkcppsie October 11. At thnt tint'
Mrs. Stillmnu will continue her .side of
the contievcrsj .
Mrs. Sylvia Van R. Sharp Would
Organize Vare Fees
.Mrs Syhla Van Rensselaer Sharp, a
weiiinn leader of the third division of the
Forty-sixth Ward, announced today
that sin- will eendiu t a series of meetings
te educate women In the use of the ballet
nnd te strengthen I lie ranks of women
opposed te contractor mle.
Mis. Sharp carried her division in
spite of the fad that it wns the liemi
for eleven yearn. He also had a private
audience with the Pepe while in Heme.
Father Oentlle arrives at North Phil
adelphia station this evening nt 7:1."
o'clock, where he will be greeted by his
Father (Jentile wrll address hi" par
ishioners nnd later give te them the
Pepe's message.
toasted te seal
in the delicious
Buriey flavor
I .-j... nn men ii n - iiii- liuill
There is I'liieh of it, and It has had 'envision e ( llntiy A, MaHfej . nic b-ad
inntli, of lilnnL'ntu VllltnMi Sttmif UA...
Mere be.s used the bathhouses of the nteen years old. nnd Leuis Thilvedays,
Itureau of Recreation this Mitmner limn ' tlinv Willlnm (' Cilisrm iiventt oil
men, women nnd clrls together. , enned from the Ijiitrliesi Cenntv inil !,, M ""' . 'J:1 '""""',"
i .. - --- --. ... - .-..--... , . . , , , , nfnim VAiinei 111 i nnnflirimii
I,:- en.- ...Uin,.,ier "" "" " -" ..-....
Debutante Disllhes Notoriety
a far-reaching effect, for It has brought
Mrs. Anne Lriiuhnrt Petter Stlllman
nnd her nineteen-year-old daughter,
Anne Stlllman, closer together prob
ably than they have ever been.
Says "Father Med te Me"
Miss Stlllman, who had been much
with her father, visited' her brothers
at n point near Camilla this summer,
and was there when the new evidence
was uncovered, 't ' said te have
caused her te acknowledge babv (iuv
.Still mn n as her own brother
have said :
"Father lied te me. The ical facts
in the case were kept from mv knowl
edge, nnd I linve asked my mother te
forgive nic and I will always rcmnln
true te her in the future. Ne mntter
what happens, I will never beiieve any
thing any unc tells me about my mother
again, although my father told me he
had positive proof of the cburges lie
brought ugnlnst her."
Although Miss Stlllmnn never defi
nitely broke with her mother, she sided
with her father, nnd it was through her
that an effort wns made te compromise
the case last spring. It was explained
last night that Miss Stllmnn new ec-
i.nikEeil nn iiiiiiuiinl nnuitlnn In llm fitn.
! .. j. .-...-.. . I,.. ..
Ilj. as she was en friendly terms with
both her pnrents. Mr. Stllmnn ac
companied her te the steamship Olym
pic. In France Miss Stlllman will be
one of six students in a fashionable
hoel. Last year she attended West
er of the ward. Her suiitwirteis carried
twenty-seven ether division
She. sanI today the women In her di
vision mil the ethers thev curried viere
C lltllllsiastic ueikl'l'S Illll believeil tlm
with a mete thurniipli irt'iiiiivni inn il,m
could Keep the ward independent
Mis. Sharp cenfeired this incrning
with ether women winkers of the ward
nnd planned the un c-tii'tfs The tits!
will be held net week at Fittielli and'
Chancellor streets
fri Stliiii.,. widl .1 ii .. m .... f. .... ....... ..
II ' - i' ..i.i i. .. i- m i, tin , 'inn i -te
I that ninnv unmeti ill. I mn n.,.li-,. , V
- , "i "ii"
much then vel- would hair cccined
nt the iirimnty election.
Father Paul Gentile te Be
Welcome Reception
The Hev. Paul (Jentile, rector of Our
Lady of Pompeii Church. Seventh street
nnd Frie avenue, nrriveil intttni'itn. In '
New Yolk en the stcnmshipCedrie from
Itnlv. ITn snile.t fm fliei... tn.,.. i.l .A
......... - ...,.,, ,.,, ..,.,. nil,,!- i-t in:
visit bis mother, whom Iin l.ml m.i i.A.... I
. ... ., ....,.. ... ,,, ii, ri ,-,
1 V.S
I Ngs
i m
Less Than
the Truth
You'd probably accuse us of
exaggeration if we said that
our new Fall Suits and
Overcoats are the best val
ues te be had ANY
WHERE. But the least we can say is
that they are mighty hand
some clothes at prices that
leek unusually attractive te
present-day pocketbooks.
Come in any time. See
for yourself that the new
Perry Clethes are even bet
ter than we dare claim in'
was still ill dlnr the i...nl,.. T
some lliflicUltV 111 relenulnr. it..
catien from her ham
(illiseu wns (tuestiened for several
hours lij Heuben Wilsen. Assistant Dis-
rlet Attorney of King Count v. nnd
then was allowed te re te his home en
.iremi-ing te appear' when wanted.
' 271.41.'! ever lust venr
. . . . ... .
Of the,. I.. i c 0.1 1.", were boys. fil7,fl(ji!
men. (Tli.U'Jl girls and 101 ,S00 were
women i
Mrs. S. P. Levis, of Lansdowne,
Starts, Federal Duties
.Mrs. S. P. Levi-. Lan-dewnc. started
her duties this nfternoen ns ballifl in
the Federal courts here. Mrs. Levis is
the first woman bailiff in this Stnte and
was nppeiiitnl hy V. Frank Mutinies,
I'nited Stales Marshal here.
Mr. Levis said today -he was de- .
lighted with her new position and would i
cxrn an ner energy te niiiKe women
prisoner comfortable. Anether of rer
duties will be te leek out after the
women en juries.
Mrs. Lex in is srcielnrx of the Tu-nn
licth Ceiiturx Club of Lan-dew ne nn
the Association of Women's Cuibs of
Delaware County .
Wills Admitted te Probate
The following wills were admitted te
Iiebnte today : ,Ie&eih P. IJIecmer. .112
Stnughten street. ."5."000 : Alice C.
l'lnherty. died In New Yerk City,
S7000 : Samuel l). Greves, died in tlie
Hnhnemnnn Hospital. $7.'100 ; Mnthlldn
Mayer, Ocean Citv. 5(i(!0'); Hininnh
While. -V.V2 Deven street. S7.".."0. In-vcnteiie-
of tlie persenni estates of the
follewim xvre filed: Jehn L. P.. Sher
titi. S27.0i;:i, nnd Geerge II. Hull, .SOU,.
cording le reports received hy the po
lice here Inst night, were last Veen in
New Jersey headed for pjlizabcth. Heth
bad been convicted of grand larceny.
Arrested for Attacking Weman
Manchester. Conn.. Sept. 2(1. (By
A. P.I Jehn Iyennell, twenty -three
years old. wns arretted here ye.sterdav
en a charge of nssnulting M'rs. Jehn
Atkins en the street late Saturdav
night while she was walking home.
Miss Stillmnn's position in the ion-
tievcrsy xvns said te liaxc been t lint of
one who wished te avoid taking an ex
treme position en cither side. As a '
ifirl insf miterim' snelel v tin. milillnli v
p,... j..-. v.......,
'of the divorce action was distasteful te
1 lim. Tlnf l.ni. nfTnrt.i Inul lhpIi.i. fn .1.
ur,. win n.i ...v.i. i..i. i'.iii, iu vi- i
feet a settlement nnd end Ic-Rnl proceed- I
lugs failed, principally because of Mr. I
Stillmnn's refusal le recognize ihe
legitimacy of Guy Stlllmnn nnd Mrs. '
Stillmnn's di termination te refuse any
terni4 thnt illll net inpliiilci fliiu ' '
During this pei ied Miss Stlllman was
nf the fninilt
iiKinner wns .m1i.IhiI hu.i t a i. ..i .
Mil. The hlew ha. crushed h. m iu-t ns "'" nmB a'
itliMliis mother, for there was "n deep1 Wynnewood
ifffdien between him and his only! Funeral services of Hebert Tul.ind.
,'Z: ( retired banker who ended his life Frl
mere has been a let published l day night w bile despondent ever illness.
"Mat tins sad affair which is nqt true." I were held this nfternoen nt his home en
Mid Mr Hanan When the trngedv Kent read. Wynnewood. Uurial was in
append we were almost ns much in Laurel Hill Cemetery,
ine dark as te its causes as anybedv, Mr 'Poland, who xvns sixty vears oil
WW i :.,. i i..,.i i .1.. 'i.... ...
I nun iiiiiiiui i ii-ii nun inr nil nisi s-;
months been afflicted xvitli almost con
stant headaches, which affected his cars
His nerves xvere shattered by pain, and
lii- despondency grew deeper until his
I -)aC3!S6
1 . SiLVFJiaMnxc
r Sterlinc Silver
7ha and Dinner Services
eilver Dessert iSerivces
Chests of Silver
Knives. Ferks and Spoons
The meat complcte and important
collection in America
I FALL SUITS table after
table of Suits especially tai
lored for the crisp fall days
just ahead. Rich mixtures,
pleasing plaids and hand
some herringbones in great
variety. And every one of
pure wool, $25, $30, $35,
$40, $45 and higher.
Perry' b
"Mrs l,au. spvpml mntiiiic mtn :.- I
pressed me as irresponsible. I didn't
like the way die acted and I nsked mv
,L.te tr ","1 ,,r(n' the connection
itii nsr. nt least se fnr ns her intimate
nature was concerned. She had the
appearance and manner which I
meiiglit indicated the user of drugs.
iil just the suspicion of that diuiieted
..' . w- I,UVNS wns !1 eeusin of the
u.0?.1 Mx?- n",,n" n,1,l Mildred met
, Vi"sn ner lather. She had little ,
id Mildred felt sorry for lier.
ChIN Rivalry Absinil
"Mildred was a Kned-henrtcd gill and
wr goodness 0f hPnr, hns new ,.,, ht,r
r life. I'he suggestion that rivnln
ettween Mildren and Mr. I.nws feri
My am s attentions existed is absurd I
ire I.nws was forty -five nnd net i
inirty five as the papers have been
, ,"re.'URKCst a motive for sucli n
rtime is almn.st impossible. The enlx i
'iplanatmn is that her nrt nK ,hnt of j
" insnne wemnn-an insnim person
"wa nn motives '
''s I staled, I was disniiieteil nhnntl
IStO Wulnut Stnt
Credit Manager
Ten cars' experience as credit
manager in retail and wholesale
establishments is the qualifica
tion offered by agKreasive young
man, thirty-two yenrs of age,
who desires connection in like
The Murmen .It has al
ways been knexvn for its-remarkable
ease of steering
nnd driving1.
for your new Fall suit, builute your measurement
in the daylight merchant tailoring shop of William
H. Wanamaker store.
Last Spring we did a phenomenal business
because wc gave customers geed service and made
suits te measurement (strictly custom tailored) for
the same figure.
But $45 for a suit te your measure with selec
tion ranging into scores of different patterns in
Winter weights is greater value than for Spring
Merchant Tailoring Shep 1217-19 Chestnut St.
Bex Springs
Hair Mattresses
Faultless Bedding
Faultless Materials
Faultless Workmanship
nie the reason for the supreme
luxury of Dougherty's Bex
Springs,, and Hair Mattresses,
and al.'e the reasons why they
are the most satisfactory and
economical of all. Think what
such bedding means te your
bodily comfort, and you will
net wonder at our constantly
increasing patronage. Yeu will
continually sleep well en
Dougherty's bedding.
I.uxurlniik lint SprlncH. Krllnlil llnlr
Mutlrrw.. Miiliiirniiy llrilmrad. l.uclMt
llnnn 1'iirnliurr. l.inum. IHIntv lllnn.
Uft unit iinirert.ililf"., Wiln- I.n.imrlril
burners rrrifceriii, rtr , Hi
EARLY "have your cake
and eat it, tee." A fine new
Topcoat is just the thing for
chilly evenings and later
en you'll need it in a hurry
Loese-fitting models that
just naturally slip en
smooth as an old glove, $35,
$40. $45, $50.
Founded in 18G5
The Heuse that Heppe built
New Strap Pumps
Just Arrived!
New Shade of Tan Russia Cnlf
Rnby Leuis Heels
W Is tlw
I'ricc Ground
or Sheps
l Actual
$S Quality
Mndnnie, this is one of the reason's most exquisite
ereatiens, n pump you would expect te pny ?8 for any
S e'i r,1,83 is our nr'ce- an exnmple of the Royal
aernii(. loer economy nlucs. Come in enrlj this week!
Reijal Beet Shep
PbiadcpA,e3 Cfdefnf Sconemv SAed ler Uef)(.i
1206-8-10 Chestnut St. 2nd. Fleer
Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881
Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets
Any VICTROLA and a year
te pay for it en
Rental-Payment PI
iHROUGH the HeDDe ene-vear renlal.naum.nt le ,...
simply rent a Victrela and have all the rent applied toward
me purcnasc price, t?ing tree te purchase or return the
Victrela at any time.
This is the easiest and most sensible plan ever devised for buyers of Victrelas
Call, write or phone for full particulars. When writing, use the coupon below.
Heppe's Victrela Outfits
Victrela IV, $30.10
With six records
I'an f.'i down, 50c weekly
Victrela VI, $40.10
With six records
Pay .?.'! (nun, Toe weekly
Victrela ,10, $50.10
With s,ix records
Pay $3 down, $1 weekly
Victrela 100, $158.50
With ten records
Pay flO down, f2 weekly
Victrela XIV, $233.50
With ten records
Pay $20 down, $2.50 weekly
Victrela XVI, $8J.eO
With ten records
Pay $25 down, $1 weekly
v- v
nr '. t;
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iV . "-
Tear Out This Coupon and Mail It Tmlay:
C. J. Heppc & Sen, Philadelphia
1117-1119 Ch.tnul St. Sixth & Themp.pn St,,.
,!"''"' 1""? ""' f"'' ''"'" ulars '" th. HPpt. Vu-lreln
eutnts and thr Heppe l-jtar.Rental.rn nirnt "l.m
JThic IVoelais, Plus Fine Tailor
ing, Make Fine Clethes
I I'h .castm's woolens arc back again te tin
old ITTic standards et quality that prevailed
e before the War.
DuriiiR the period ei sc.untv ,t u a .litluult te Ker rc.illv
B"el we.,1. and cIethmK labncs Mtfleied , con,-een,o
hut no we are rpci-iMnR doth. 0f splnuli.l texturr--ersteds
tweeds dicviets u htdi ue tneu will ..,.
eruc. ' "
q Hits tpe of woolen made into clothing wlu.lj i
wtuctfd en RtfdS Standard of Tailoring make a com cem
hmntmn that m unbeatable.
q J'lu e.u Suit price are ?0 te 57. .a - p c
lt(i.(1. Winter ()eneat. ??0 te S.
Sports Suits meant for hill-
side tramping as well as
country club golfing. Twe-in-one.
Regular business
trousers with a pair of
knickers te beet ! A remark
able value in three - piece
Sports Suits at $35. Other
attractive values at $45, $50,
First Leng - Trouser Suits
with the same fine tailoring
! that's found in ALL Perry
Suits, Plus some lively
young touches in style.
Sirfgle and double breasters.
Dark checks, herringbones
and a particularly pleasing
gray with a bluish stripe.
Values that can't even be
tied net te mention being
beaten at $24.
thousands of Winter Over
coats arriving day by day.
Wonderfully loomed fab
rics with beautiful linings.
Many of them imported
Crembies. And skillfully
tailored by craftsmen who
have spent their lives with
us. We get some "birds" in
last Friday at $50. On dis
play in the cast windows.
Perry & Ce.
16th & Cheatniit St. ;
i.eu e :c s