(Fr .:7 ; " Wl't ;- v?', ttVfiNiNOP PtiprJd'' fiEB'&iSS-PfeDlDELPHiA-, MOMPAY. SEFJEHBBB 26, 1921 M? SCO SURPRISES PENN GRIDIRON COACH Vcisman and Other Tutors Praise Quakers After Del aware Debacle; Wray's fork Brilliant re. I mrtst say that I was pleased ..a J,; ,n f t,,c r,rsUf aB"rh n htrire en Saturday. The size of the Serpri-d me, for I hardly thought .i.t tip would lie nblc te equal tne eleven, which dc l".nf the 1019 ML Delaware by the same score." il'v Helsman, head coach of the SeViltV of rcniwlvnnla football FlL wrfathed In smiles, wu talking. "Wi.I.n Ins reason te be happy. A Rrf n"'1 BIU0 rlev.c,l en All J"1",,,, te ride roughshod ever 'nflwarc eleven and score 80 points 11? hevlslters were making none. Sv M, core ties the bRt previous !'. bl AcIn Vrnnklln Field in the ."" r..r IU 5"'' nVnln, 80, by Bert Hell's !... v. e n m n renm. . i ah nrniiiHi i lit: ritii n"n m Jn had "evcrythinR the most opti epti ,1, would desire. The backs . with n finoethnes and prwl V thnt l". the first varsity backs TinHe tl em appear machine like. JK co-enffnatSS with the back. In i . .win holes In the De nwnrc de- :.,! no end of cemratm u. line fenr times "'"';"""" , , :- ' ThVrws little opportunity te tet lslve pew.rH of the ed nn. . ' V"" ,"BirV,: Vntl e fertvV Pem 7'eant JTiM Wear Numbers Next Week According toieno of the athletic officials of the University of Penn sylvania, the lack of numbers for the corps of substitutes sent Inte the game en Saturday was net due te a desire te co back te the old no number system, but te the non appearance of all the Jerseys ordered. They will be en hand this week and will be distributed te the squad in time for the came this coming Saturday. Considerable confusion occurred when the substitutes went into the game for the scribes and fans alike who wcre armed with n neat appearing program that did net mean anything. Delaware played the entire team without numbers, although they wcre notified early in the week by the noting graduate manager at Penn. Coach Darby offered no reason why his team ap peared sans the numbers. KM minute of the game am, un kit t me mniie uiih u. ..-.. -..-ulnrd jurt 10 yards from scrimmage. Ph Tards gained come nil In the roc ?, I half During the first two periods Aware backs Called the Red nnd Wie line jut twice, without any re l except a less. On the ether hand. R"n galnd 222 yards the first half ind 243 the second. That Tenn team en .Saturday had rnMd, and lets of it It was n revela tion te the select few who have wit nessed the squad in practice drills te im hew they went up and down the lti en Saturday. Big fellows like Oenthncr. Thurmnn, Cochrane and Bbtherlsnd are net tiwially fast, but en Saturday they exhibited speed that must life been latent during practice. The end v.erk of Hill Grave nnd Carl 12r tretavaafr left little te Ix desired. Their Interference worked te perfection during the afternoon, pnrtlculnrly when White kill, Wrny, Mlllrr nnd I,ukas would rwlnjt around the flanks. ghlft Net t'sed Once The first vnrslty eleven demonstrated vlth straight foetbnll just whnt its power was. The Helsman shift was noticeable by Its absolute absence. The only reminder was the shrill call of the quarterback with his "hike." Helsmnn himself stated that he was n llttte leary ibeut the use of the shift, and until such time as he could demonstrate it te the officials would depend en ether kinch of football. Hex Wray's generalship was un questioned. He handled the team like the veteran he is, while his brilliant running back of punts nnd skillful dodging through n broken field was something that will remain in the memory when Red .pnd Blue football heroes nre npeken' of. Te run eighty-five yard twice in five minutes for touchdowns after the kick off Is a feat that hns never been ex celled en Franklin Field. Seme have run ns many ns ninety or ninety-five yards for a, touchdown en n kiekeff, but no player, at least In the last two dec ades, can beast of scoring touchdowns twice In five minutes from wltMn the shadow of his own goal pests. Wray's straight-arming, sidestepping and dodging gave the fnns n thrill every time he carried the leather. Fer a man weighing 13.1 pounds it seems uncanny for him te dump ever men weighing ns much ns fifty pounds mere, nnd often when they were all set for n tackle. He proved ns tdippcry as an eel te the Delnwnre team, who seemed unable te step him before he had registered sub stantial gnlns. WhltclillI Scintilla'tVs The entire bnckficld showed power and speed. Mike Whiteuill, always rated as n star, proved the right te be thus catalogued by breaking through the line for substantial gains every time he carried the pigskin. Mike's booting was nlse high cIsbs. He nver nged n little better than forty ynrds te the punt during the nftcrnoen. which isn't bnd for this time of the jear. The game was only n few minutes old when Whltchlll ripped off twenty ynrds en a sweeping end run. The nnkle that bothered Whltchlll se much last year steed the strain Sat urday without a whimper, nnd Mike is of the opinion thnt he is going te go right through the Bensen without miss ing a game. Iast year he was out of most of the games because of the in jured ankle. Pes Miller, the veteran, free from the cares of calling signals, which ham pered his work InBt season, proved nn Ideal running mate for Whltehlll nnd Wrny. The Lebanon lad showed his class time nnd again by making spec tacular runs. Jehnnv Lukes, the Shnmekln lad, had little opportunity te display his prowess, but when he did run with the ball he left little doubt In the specta tors minds that Helsman had made a wise selection. Helsman was net nlone In his praise of the varsity. The head coach stated With emphasis thnt the nlnjlng of the second vnrslty In the fourth period pleased him Immensely. The seconds did valiant duty, particularly Vegclln. McAnally nnd Dcrn. The Inst named received an Injury en Saturday thnt will probably keep him out of the game for three or four weeks. He suffered a broken bone in his shoulder that will make playing Impossible. Dcrn will be remembered ns the captain and center of the freshman eleven last season. He came te Penn from Salt Lake City, Utah. Oilier Coaches Praise Team Hill Hellcnback, Bert Bell, Imv Le vene nnd (ins Zlcgler were all enthusi astic about the team. Bert Bell, who captained the 1010 team thnt humbled Delaware 8!l te 0. had the following te say: "That crowd looked mighty strong out there today. Of course, you knew It Is enrly nnd Delnwnre was net the strongest team In the world. How ever, they looked like our old club did bnck In 11)10. If they keep it up the tenm should prove n stumbling block te some of the se-called big tennis." Big Bill Hellcnback chirped In with the view that Bell's team would have T,''c",VnH-v fnr ,n" year's nggregntlen. Bud Hepper hald, "net a chnncc." Bill Htewnrt, who played center, for Delaware ngnfnst Penn In 1010, i-aid .that this j ear's Penn eleven looked ns geed te him as the one he plnycd ngainst. Conch Darby could net be found after the game, but Captniu Holten. who Is n great friend of Hex Wrny, said thnt he believed Penn would have n wonder ful season. "The team certainly leeks strong. Thnt varsity backficld Is n pippin. They nil knew hew te enrry the bnll and hew te fellow their ln tcrfVrence. "Believe me. I knew when I sny thnt the line is strong nnd powerful. The team Is n geed one. I hnvc no nlibls te offer for our showing. We nre in anything but geed shape, need lighter games for this time of the ma son. However, new that we are past the Penn game. I think we will have a geed team. Yeu have te hnnd It te that crowd of ours." v Secret Practice for Lafayette KftMen. Pi., Bept. JO. Fellow Ini his policy nfleptixt two yearn ngn, when he rme te r.ifayette CeII'kp Coach Dr. Jnclt Hutnerlund nnneunred today Ihnt th l,a l,a fijxitte football practice for th rpmaln'W of the season will be held behind locked nnicn. n A Coel Player im$ . r 'a'"JW' HALFBACK rOKTKK Captain of the Philadelphia Ameri can Lcngue soccer club, who pulled Ills team together after Coats se cured n 2-0 lead in (he opening ganie here Saturday NOT A FALSE ALARM Firemen te Play Real Baseball at Phils' Park Tomorrow Morning The chnrnpiens of tfie City Firemen's Baseball League, Eighth Battalion in Platoon A, nnd Fourth Battalion in Platoon B, meet tomorrow morning nt 10:15 o'clock In the first of a scries of three games for the city championship. The second game will be plajed en Wednesday, and the third. If necessary. en Thursday. There is considerable rivalry between j the clubs and the Mayer, Director Cor- i lelyeu nnd Bess B. Davis, chief of the Bureau of Flre. lire expected te be In attendance nt tomorrow's gnmc. The! public Is invited, and the gnmes will bii played nt the Phillies' ball park, Brend nnd Huntingdon streets. TODD AND PHILA ELEVENS ARE ID . - Beth Teams Have Been Suc cessful in American League Soccer Games Played American Soccer League r. w. i. r(t 4 4 S 2 O T e fteal , r. a. 0 2 10 3 a 4 4 3 B 4 4 5 0 0 0 0 I'Mln.lrlnl.lfi .2 1 0 Todds, tlroekljn..? 2 O w Vnrk .... 2 1 O Tall Itlver .... 2 1 1 Kalrrs. Ilolreke..? I J Hnrrlwn 2 O 1 fonts, rawtVk't.2 0 2 Joiner Clly, Cel tic 2 0 2 Philadelphia Is tied for first place In the American Soccer League with Tedd s Shipyard representatives. The ship workers nnd lecaN nre the only teams thnt have been succcHsful in their two games played, nnd ench hns the same number of goals scored against It, although the Tedd aggregation has one mere goal te its credit. Tedd's last week had a picnic with the Jersey City Celtics, who appear te have strengthened considerably after yesterday's game. In the Tedd match, however, their defense was found for seven goals. The shipbuilders yesterday met tlurrisen. an eleven tlint was touted ns of championship caliber. Harrison lest a te 2, but they played n btreng second half game, the same as In the previous week's clash with he New Yerk Field Club, when they tied tin? scen- at li all after the New Yerk- lers had a two-goal lead. In the eher match yesterday tne Jersey City Celtics, wlh four new plnv irs iii the line-up. proved n stubborn fee for the New Yerk Field Club, and tlie Getlmmites were hard pressed te score n 2-0 victory. WANTED AUTOMOBILE WHOLESALE MANAGER Ter a hlRh-class, we'l-knewn, rstabllshrd car, represented In rhlln.delr'ila several rars, te reer terrlters' of Kastern Pa., Southern N. .1. and DclRuarn hulldlnu up dealer organization. Splendid oppor tunity for right man. Hint" salarv ex pected nnd experience In first Utter r-7tH. I.IJOBR OFTICK -Philadelphia fans weite initiated Inte the ways of American TiCnsue soccer here en Saturday nnd they were do de cidedly pleased with the team and the showing of the players. The arrange ments were well nigh perfect, and whlle the attendance hovered around the 1500 mark en n duy better fitted for bnseball, Manager James Waldcr were n bread smile and when .the sea son advances it is safe te say some rec ords for attendance nt soccer games here will be hung up. The locals had as their opponents J. & P. Coats, of Pnwtuckct, who were beaten the previous week .'5 te 0. The visitors get the Jump and two goals by Beb Millar right nt the start gave them an Advantage of 2 te 0. But after twenty minutes of play the Philadelphia front line began te get going and once they were working to gether there was nothing te the mnteh, Campbell plnycd his usual fine game nnd the work of Tem Fleming wns n trent te wntch. Spectnters nre wondering yet hew Whelen, the visiting goalkeeper, stepped ene of his wicked beets for the neti Whalcn, by the way, is a former Mer chant Ship player, nnd he gave n won derful display of goal-tending ability nnd only for his plnying the score would have mounted considerably higher. Captain Perter was nlse 'very miicB. In the limelight. He Hlwajs tilnys v consistent game nnd Is best when hl&V team is behind. He pulled the boys (e. gether and once they were started the result was never in doubt, H The Cents players were In fine shnpej nnd It was net condition that wen, buti the superior playing of the winners, 5 Galvanized Beat Pumps Manufactured hy Jfnlrt S71 ilarket OSH I, It llerrr Cn . S'l v "' iraiiiiiiisiiiCTreiriBiiiiniiniraiiwtiiiiimiHtiwiiiiiiii DiM'uiuiauraK.iJiiiiiiiBJffliiiffiraaiinii'i !7u2fri v! l:iIiilMII!IIN!!liW!llilll;!lll'il(ItllI,IIWrHliS.liiaMli3'D ii;UMm,iji;t:ffli,iiiiiirai;iiiiiiMii!:ii!iraii;ij:!ijitia Beginning Today Yeu Can Order Your New Fall Suit or Overcoat Built te Your Exact Measurement I $39 This is Wananiaker & Brown's great Fall and Winter merchant tailoring offer. Thousands of men atid young men are looking forward te it in the certain knowledge that no tailoring preposition anywhere in the East can match it for value or quality. T IIESE suitings and overceatings range in regu lar fair prices from S50 clear up te 575 and it will be geed news for our customers te knew that for $11.00 additional they can order an extra pair of trousers and thus own virtually two buit- at the cost of one. THE SALE STARTED WHEN THE STORE DOORS OPENED THIS MORNING AND IT IS LIMITED TO TWO WEEKS' DURATION, FROM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 TO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. Please register ieur order early, remembering thai early orders mean early delivery. CTANMERING m PVeur Npeeeli Defect f'errrrteil I jV tiir kinesi,i:y foundation I I ".Were Than a Scheel" I III Call Phene Rlttrnlieuan '.'2(10. or Write I Lfi 3''- '-TKrilKN HlltMtD IIIDI1. I I mmm -' ' Jzi't ftircrt MMMq T- 2 -BM EDISON RECORDS arc first, with BROADWAY HITS Special relenaea ench week BLAKE & BURKART 'The Heme of The New Edisen S. XV. Cor. nievenlh & Walnut Sin. Wanamaker & Brown ) Market at Sixth I Fer 60 Years iMMM Hni,rTjnt n-iriRtnnirnfiii'irFi'nnn inirviKnaitiEiiiinniniiiiisniisiii) jia.mi wia'iRiiiniisfl.imitnniuianRiiaBisraiiun'iri'iaiBiaiiiiiinia iiiirniiMHraiffliraiiHiwiiiM - "" """ " "'""" mmmnttrillu Let Fattma , smokers tell you. Ask th newspaper men In the Press Bex at the World's Series, or "covering" important political events, or running aewn the day s news notice hew many of these "go-getters" are faiuna-jana. r- k-rziTin a ciet W"V.,:llrfn Jffl :0M lMfr'r7-- v&ssBie FATIMA CIGARETTES TWENTY for QJ Jhut tatte thedJffwaictt Liggett ii Myers Tobacco Ce. Mere ATLANTIC users than ever! The consistency with which motorists and truck owners stick te one gasoline is a geed indication of its quality and service-satisfaction. "I stick te Atlantic because in Atlantic I knew what I'm getting, whether I buy it today, tomorrow or next month; whether T obtain my supply at the big city garage or service station, or at the wayside pump. 1 stick te Atlantic because I can be sure 'there's an A tlantic Pump en the read I am traveling'" That is the voice of thousands of gasoline wise motorists today. It carries the message of absolute dependability and unequaled convenience. Fer Atlantic is always of the same uniformly high quality. And always obtainable! It is such solidly founded merchandising principles such well-earned public confi dence at has brought a steadily growing majority of motorists and truck owners in the State te use, believe in and stick te ATLANTIC Gasoline. And don't forget this: Today's Atlantic i, higher in calorific power, finer in balance, mere complete in combustion better than ever' ATLANTI C GASOLINE w ;l I i PutsPepinYeur Met TT -et u or A j. . . . ,v