SlJsM'V v J!v-" nrrty ' f,T "' ' '""V -(-! t a- -, - i - p -jpw(v, , rt j .-rs; 18 I EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEB-PHIIIADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1021 W.'' KUKLUX KLAN'S MILLIONS OF DOLLARS "HOG TIED" BY "IMPERIAL WIZARD" AND HIS CHIEF AIDES jsHrajBl JW i?iAvL7.a5liftfru'TraI'.'?K.i v . rf vcn.'NnIiii1!.-.' HTr.triSt! ffl 1 m I u !Ha ii as 'I a K H ri m F MRS. TYLER SCORES GLARKE AS QUITTER Klan "Empress" Rages at Im perial Kleagle for Insisting en Resigning FOR H"ER SAKE, HIS PLEA Allanta, Sept. 20. Development" rising licre within the let few dnvs give the elenreat Indications yet ob eb sirred thnt "Imperial" leadership of the Ku Klus Klan has begun te wabble under the incessant fire of publleitv focused en It by the outside jire.s of the country. A slip-up somewhere ha resulted in n spectacular collision of oenfllctine statements mnde by IMvvnril Yennc Clarke and Mrs. Hlizabeth Tv lore. A family "des fislit" has np- ' parentlv broken up their lenB-ctnh-llshed comhlnptten. and It will be diffi cult for Imperial Wizard Simmen" him- , self te escape becoming involved in their j quarrel At 10 o'clock SntttnT.iv nicht In I pcrial Kleasla Clarke sent te the local ' Newspapers copies of n lcriK li-ner t Emperor Simmons in which Clarke In slttifi that Simmons accept his rclc natlpn ns imperial kleagle mid nppeint ft Hiiccesser at the earlln-t pnsible mo me went. In the letter Clarke brim-d hi d'mund en a desne te .avp his partner nnil uss, date, Mrs Tv'er, from further "attacks by the enemv." Mrs. Tjler Defies Clarke Twe hours later, at midnight. Mrs. ! Tyler, in a statement issued tu the At lanta Journal from her home nn Unwell Mill read, referred te Clarke as "wenk kneed" because he would net "stand b hl& puns," declared the "was net thankful" te him for makinc her sit nation the basis of his withdrawal under fire, said he had done her a "sres in justice" bj net consulting her before he took such a step, and announced her intention of "sticking" by the Klan even If she "had te work for nothing." In the afternoon it became apparent thar whoever is nt pn-M-nr iir- tin,; tr Ku Klux publint vvurk nNe vli e"d i cog when he permitted Carl K Hutch eon, lawyer and politician of this city, te attack tliei exposing ti.e K in 1 ,. tactical blunder was disceveied when liivestlgnters, taking a Ian flutter through the mutilated Atlinti I'el.c Court records, vvhbh have ulreidj jlecled tip the names of Clarkt. Mrs". Tyler and Imiwnal Chaplain Kldley. found that Hutehcen, vvIm in a -igri' i article en the front page of the Search light had laid his lance in n-t for the defense of Mrs Tj ler and Amern-nn womanhr.ed in general, had himself ben twice arrested en the charge if disor derly conduit and once convicted rubllshes Expose In Atlanta Snndav morning the Atlanta (leor (leer glan began the publication and distri bution in Atlanta of a i ei r let ri. of articles exposing the Ku Klux Klan Clarke's letter of withdraw it cnine as n surprise, revealing for tin- first time in three days that the Ui.jicila Kleagle was in the imperial city. The letter, which bore the line "Personally typed" and was addressed te Imperial Vi7nrd Simmons, and dated September 24, ran as follews: "Referring te my letter of recent date nnd tendering you niy resignation ' ns Imperial Kleagle of the Knights of i the Ku Klux Klan, te be accepted nt j your plw-ure or whenever jeu consid ered th" interests of the nrsani7atlnn demanded the acceptance of same, and ' In wir of the fact that un te thi. ilate you have net seen fit te take action en the resignation, and after mature deiib eratlen. believing that it is te the best Interests of all concerned for ou te Rrcept same, I am therefore herebv in sisting that ou accept iny resignation x.t once und nppeint mv successor at the earliest moment possible. If I Mtj that this would m any waj cmharrnss you or the organization I weu'd be will ing te staj en the firng line, but know ing that jeu h-ue numv geed ii"n in the ranks of the weik that I feci c mid easily t ik mi plnci 1 ha I" I'led t i thnt this is the be-t com se f' pursue. Denies He Is a "Quitter" "I de net want you or an ' mi associates te feel that I am n quitter. therefore I desire te briefly explain te you the reason for my coming te the above conclusion. "First. I nm unwilling te remain longer nt ray pest In the work, for in doing se it will necessitate the keeping of my business associate, Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler, en the firing line e: the Klan. because I nrn neither phvsiea'H nor finanrinllv able te inrrj forward 'he WILL IT COME TO THIS? l IDO AU65L0 Thfl carioea la th work of ISmille "PENNED" SXifc G v- USERTY. "PENNED. This cartoon U the work of a reader of the Kenlng Public Ledger, who lias submit led It for use In connection with the cmxisc of the Ku Hlu Klan work successf-illy without her ince. Hegaidless of her statement te the Atlanta Klan that she was willing te mak atij sacrifice if they se p, I persona U am net willing for her te de e, as It Is the eneni s desire te crush me through cewardlv and malicious at tacks en her nersennl character, be lieving full well that if thev can crush both she and I. they will have wen a substantial ucterv in their light en the Klan. "In view of this fact, if I tav en in tlie work and keep M-s Tvli-r en the tiring line, there will be no denth te which the eneun will net steep te a - cemplish their despicable purposes. Of course. I knew through inside informa tion thut the personal character of practically every leader of the work will be attacked, but the can stand it and come through at mii"h less than cost that If a woman is forced te stind and face their villainous and ilng attacks. As nu knew. I have been closely as suci.iteil in business with Mis Trier ler several ear. nnd I found lier te be honorable ami deportable and a woman of the ver luglut tviir- in eerv wn. and tne malicious charges which huve i reernth l-ecn made nealllst tier in th, miblic press are absolutely f.iN.. in In eetting out of the work." the-efere, she will automatically be nut of same, be cause our agreement is with me, nnd she is simply m. chief of staff in the protagatien department of the work I cannot fee! it K right, just or tranlv for me te either force or allow Mrs.. Tler te face the fire aji longer, and she is tee honorable te Unve the weik regardless of the cost se long ns I remain in same and tieed her at her est of duty. Under Physical Strain "Second I have been en, In such Insicnl strain for the lust ear in put ring ever the nation-wide nrgani7.'itl 111 i i in- rvmn mat mv pns,.,an tc k me 'hat I am forced te take a few d rest if 1 am te ave d a (emnlein rihvs- i'al breakdown, and I am leaving Mr Tyler in charge te wind up t'ie d'tnll affairs ns regards nn renm-i thin with he department of propagation nnd te irn iner in nn Tderiv and intelligent manner an etnee details te mv sue- i vnr tn th.-. ,, n. lit... nn..nint .. In conclusion I desire te snv tluir say riere i no question m n v mind as te n Viler or net the Klan 1. gnu g te u.n a gnat vi'tnrv j. a re ult of the 1'ieseut effort te dls'-rrd t tl.e organiza tion. The principle of the organirn erganirn ti mi are the vi-rv highest ,,u nebles-t arid I feel nbselutelv sure that the native-born pure white American will nut be forbidden the right te organize when the aliens of America are allowed re de se. "If I can cter assist you in any way as a Klansman, .veu knew you have '.nlv te call en me nnd I will answer te the best of my ability. Of course It is unnecessary for me t) te I y u trat as seen as I get a Antde, u IMillacieiphlan, who liaa " ' ,'!.. . -'l.l II II It 111 111 1 UJJIIT' " - -"l""'... ....... ....... . ment will stand unt.l m successor takes '"C' of the Klan is shown by the fol fel i t tin 1 charge. lowing mNllllilli 1 Eveulne rublirLedier avpese of the lis Klux Ulan m fh brief, phjsieal rest I intend te proceed vi lia these who have se maliciously slandered me answer te the fullest ex tent of the law, and I believe I can better carry ierward this fight en the outside of the Klan than in same or as a member of its official force. "Yours, in the sacred, unfailing bend, "EDWAItD VOCNti CLAHKi:. "Imperinl Kleagle." Mrs. Tlcr Denounces Him Twe hours after Clarke's letter was delltercd te the local newspaper offices b Sin age. Mrs. Tlcr, Clarke"s con stant associate In the direction of the business nftnirs of the "Invisible Em pire" and the ns ent selection of I'm I'm perer Simmons for appoint as chief of staff of the Women's Division of Ku Klux, sent a tlatl contradictory state ment te the Atlanta Journal. Taking no notice of Clarke's nssertlen that his wn withdiawiil automatically included hers, Mrs. Tjler denounced her asso ciate for his step und bluntly declared she would net resign. Her decision .is announced in the following werds: "I have been informed Mr. Clarke ilas ,reMsm'" "" ls wac-Kneeii ami wen i sumo, uy jus guns. i nin nut thankful te him for making iu sit uation the basis of his actions. I am net going te resign. I am going te sta in the eider if 1 hae te carry in mj work for nothing. Mr. Clarke aas done me a gross injustice by net in st consulting me before he took such a step. I'm going te stick." EXPOSURE OF KLUXISM RflMSFS S Tfl APT flM i w w v-v w,wi iw nunuM Keveialien OT DlgOiry ana Kace - Hatred Causes Demands for Probe The wave of indignation against Ku Kluxism sweeping the country since the t,v' '' Pi Leih.hi began pre- vpnflnf n n evtimniitu nl thn iliimi tvnrlr. I Sept '- K" K,llv K,nn denounced br i.-sir-ii iT'irne ji'iuin, iiirecier ei l'n'i ' S.ifen Cirtleu and ether nt i ien h' re Sej t II! M i'U- M"Oie orders inventl gatl n nf Klan's activities in this citv. ilowrner Allen, of Kansns, n vis. iter here s,i,L. vigorously in oppo sition te Klan. American Civic Association, from Washington headquarters, disclaimed any connection with Klan Sept 14 United Spanish War Vet erans, in convention at Minneapolis, condemn Klnn. Sept. l"i A number of Senators nnd Representatives nt Washington voice opposition t tecret order. Formation of National Unltv Council te combat Ku Klux propa prepa gnn la .inneunced at Chicago. Ciiit. 1 M-itcs District Atternev f 's ,".1 1 "nil d States Marshal Valines 'e-e un-American princi- , i f K an i ( ,n ' if Ei Pase, Tex . bans ,1 , ,' i i blies of Klansmen. Ki i i. Tin' ed nt fourteenth an i i r t en of National Equal It , t- I en,-1- in Chicago. Si ' P.I- Mi ttlie "oil, mcc prei Ky , pruaibiti iii.i-iiuKi "i . .!.,.. t K K Kurricr fjevernnr e.clward I I i no if Illiiieii. brands Klan an I'a.igrnm 1 te rutnmunity. I.' iismII. Ce iiier.Jciurunl, In edi 1 1 Ml t-ars. te srfils Klun'h jiret'-n-111 ns e,f i irrintlMii Sept l" New Jersey State Depart- merit nf American Legien, in cnnvi-n tien at Asbui v I'nik, denounced Klan. (ioveriier Sprout calls Klan a menace te the Cniteel States. Serit 1! liristel Tenn., branch of Klan ilisbHed" HKJBtrates nept ini .viinimers nnil miiKibiraieB 1 lore y n in . n lemnlnR K. K. K , n an hci.-riitlen of l.nin.r. ,,,., AVl7nn, s0,fl ,. , , f , j - (,J- ; j " ' tedy by the persiianlve activities et tlie v . e vr.ire of trade union. sin hisim Mihli-cr enlv in tlie. t i,s,..i, ., X"K"'1 1 1 . i-i . bale- force they maintain. 1 n.i.retiin ,.f tcinn inaincsw, Miejecc eniv te tlie twe-tliuiW Iheaeeend watt a transfer, for a con- iin... ,, the. llMit nf tlmlr nnst his. i' iiifN ei a'lK at 1011 01 iian. ,ru vetinf n si..nP0.nft PrwinHi... Cnm '11 .t 0.1 -ha e 1 1 e ,1.1 new, in tne ngut 01 men iiast ins. 1. . .!, lr... Te.ivlsli i-'ilihU Mlpreme f.xecuttve t Om- sldcrut oil of $14,."00, of a bund for til el nr0 .(nil reeerclH iln thn "Itlff Three" I',,. estum . le-rsj. .lev is r.ibbiH. n,lt,.0 (em)0sf,(i f himself nnd fifteen t. n irnet i,,ih Kiiine let. ,lt,.,l .Inlv !t0 iel "n,lr(,r,.H' ,,l,".tAp..J"? 1.n.r(;V,.. I,-nds and '' '-rain r,...a.,n,pi.,a t , b(.rs ,, , bj , em ,,,,.,, from ; -, M,7 censl. era en inve ved " , ZcU n' ' ' V' ' ?. '-h1 u" I of .1.1. cty fires '.K ZJ "'i' tlKm'tm ',' a0;"',' "T, 1 f- n "roTnSieoinTlTC be , . nr.l ie.i.M.1p nealnnt Klan. , c-,'"?, ' T?. 3' , ' Inn; malnder 1m.i,b taken up in equity and fore itH rcn(U.rH r,rtniu fncts beal.illB 0Il rf 1Mb!- Safety at LeuH- ..;' " .' " , w ,' i""' L .'""" ""." I I,"J'U,U l"simse.menei neic, euimbiiu- the answer te that question. Samuel ('rs preslcieni or n correspondent last .Tulv he has turned American I"' !' rntinn of Laber, (l-ncil ,mp the bii'Iness nf the orfiiinirntlen K'nn atie sutel it -.iitrna;r-cl everj tent and w hose "financial Rcnlud," he has ro re eif f.uth in Am ricaiilsiu. 1 I .tesllv '.fated, he heileU in 1....J Sept '.'1 Attorney General DnuRherty av fai ts reuanllnif the Klnn before 1'iesiiimt Harding, who hanctlem ngiil inepury of secret order. CenirresMnnn Tague, of Maschu-r-ettH, Introduces resolution for con gressional investigation Inte Klnn K Y. Clarke, "Imperinl Kleagle," and Mrs IZIlzatK-th Tyler, grand ihief of women's division, offer resignations te "Kmporer" Simmons. 1'estmauter fieneral Hays nrden investigation of Klan's use of the trills Majer Allen, of Ilnrtlett. Te.ias, burs parade of masked Klansmen Sept '22 Kleventh Renrrnl council of Alliance of Reformed Churches, lueot lueet Itig In I'lttsburgh, brands Klan as traitor te fjed Sept. 4 The Itev. Wilbur F Crafts, superintendent of the Internal Reform Bureau, a Protestant body, calls en bu rretestants te leave the Klan, .K.K. Flerida Railway Surgeon Gives Evidence for Congressional Inquiry 20 DWELLINGS ARE BURNED Hu a Staff Cerrtspanitnt Washington, Sept. 20. Kcprcscnta live I'eter K. Tague, of Massncljuscttn, is being commended for his effort te get the Ku Klux Klan Investigated. Sev eral of the. letter writers arc from the Seuth. Dr. Geerge W. Helmes, local surgeon of the l-'leridn East Coast Hallway, w signed himself "A Yankee Meth idit." wrete: "Personally, I knew nethltw nlieut l-e K. K. K. Just prevreus te the last lectien a numerous band of K. K. K Mailed through n vlllnge near Or- nnde, Orange County, I'leridn. An iltrreatlen ever the refusal te allow i Negro te vote arose. Twe armed ihltiw started toward their village. s noting began, two whites were killed .ml a number of Negro men nnd. It is reported, women nnd children. Twcntj iieus-es were burned, with household 'intent, two churches nnd one ledge. "A band of Ku Klux Klan paraded tlireueh the serects of Miami a few months age. An Episcopal clergyman wns kidnapped, tarred and feathered. cting under the- appointment of UMiep Cameren Mann, also of Orlande, he had conducted religious services in some Negro Episcopal churches. Ills letter and that of Hi-hop Minn were publish ed In thn Times. Cnien (dall.O. The spirit of both ercleslasts was nicely Rwcnlcd in this public statement. "The Church dominates in 'he Hahamas; most of these Negroes are from these Islands, nnd ns n matter nf duty Bishop Mnnn had them looked after." A Texas lawyer wrote : "Of course, being a Southerner dyed in the wool nnd et sympathetic with rensnn nnd reasonable creatures, I should say nothing te a man from Mns sachusetti. But when I leek upon Massachusetts as a State that should have been Southern In the first place, iiid with which Southern States now new have no right te claim company in the second plnce; because Massachusetts has always been, right or wrong, the ex ponent of what she nctuallv believes, and somehow hns steed for Stnte rights end individual liberM . I assume the humble privilege of wishing jeu well. I have just read jour Kisltlen upon certain matters, and whether ou be a Itepublican or Democratic, permit me with utmost subsequent consideration of both what jeu de and I hope that m may de. te describe myself ' our weu-wisner ler law and order. i ne .Miueuni i.quni itigms i.engue ei Bosten wrote urging that the Ku Klux Klan be stamped out, together with its religious and race prejudice. , (( Emperor" Controls Klan's Millions -- '- - such ether literature ns is needed in the DENOUNCES K MURDEROUS RAIDS c.0Dd,,,' nf t.he b,,,M",,ss ?f ,.he '!lciwll. no (late CltV tin ie right te tiuv. Held nnd sPn real es- .. . .. . .. . Itate and personal property suitable te uil- in p 'i me si, iii.iwiiiimi, lu ""' "'"'- " ""-".n-v m.- -inn.- or any iiau ii pait thereof; te mortgage or create liens tliereen : te nrrew money and secure the payment thereof by ' mortgage or deed of trust and te ap point trustees in connection therewith; I te execute promissory notes; te have nnd te us n common seal : te sue and be sued, plead and be implended." "Wizard" Is Whole Thing Control of the business of the corpo ration as thus eut'incd in lcgnrd te both property and functions was vested in a president ideserineu in tlie charter as th" " Wizatd", and super vision of his conduct of tlie business was .-estcd in a Suj renie Executive Com Cem nut'ie 1 described in the chnrter ns the "Impnia! Klencllium" I. of which n two thirds vote wns required te veto his official acts. The Imperial Wiznrd was given further power te "contract with ether members of the beciety" for the purpose of promoting and conducting Its interests nnd general welfare "In any way, manner or method he may deem proper." subject only te the veto ' medium chosen being the Searchlight. " '"""" "" power of the Supreme Executive Cem-iThe Atlanta law firm of Hiitchesen & Finally, it is expressly declared in mittee. Weed appeared In the petition as Its tlie charter that Simmons shall have The twelve chnrter membera were' attorneys. This firm is rompeMil of power te contract with ether members empowered te adept a constitution and Carl F. Ilutchesen, a member of the of the Ku Klux society te promote and Inlaws for the secictv, te fix the num- 1 Beard of Education of Atlanta and conduct its interests in any way, man lier, title and terms e'f the officers com- active in local politics, and Jeseph O. , ner or method lie mav deem proper, nnd I esing the Supreme Executive Commit- Weed, member of tlm City Council of n the exercise of thnt power he has tie and elect tlie members of this com- .Atlanta and editor of the Searchlight. ' nctually turned ever certain of thcbusl- mlttee, te which supicme legislative power was gianted, in addition te its s preme eximne power, working ilriiigli th" president or "Imperial Wizard " Is Clese Corporation Worked out in practice under these rrovisiens of its charter, the Ku Klux Klan was made as close n corporation .is 1, nun ei- imagined. .-Simmons is im ... ',",, ,llllllllliM n enci iivmsini.enrgla Jeur nf the seven iiirRians live in Atlanta. It, 1 enduet III! 1 ,.,..... la, ..n n......l - .1. ... ... -,,..-- -..-., -ii iiM-inui-is in nie roiiinilttei' f institute a iiunrmn ; and since there i re- m ven (Jeeinians, such a (leruni ran I" rtiMlv nnd ipncKlv Msr-ureil I'nther I'nther meie, subjest enlj te the approval of tlm. hand -picked he-lj . Imperial W17 ani Si'nniens. under the. rfinnur nnn "'cintract with ether membeis of the 'eHi tv for the purpose of promoting und I conducting Its Interests" in any '"way. ' manner or method he may deem proper '' iunnB the persons with whom Sim I irenR has thus made contracts are ) Y Chrke. promoter nnd of 'Atlanta, te whom he himself stated te ami admiration Anether non-member 'if the l,xmitUt ( Ollllllitfre whnm Iin 1ms ruiseclated with himself in the con- luct of Ku Kluv. busInes is Clarke's long-time partner in the publleitv nnd organization fields, Mrs. Elizabeth Tjler, also of Atlanta. "Big Three" In Control Thus, controlled by Simmons nnd actively managed by Clarke and Mrs. Tjler, the Ku Klux Corporation has I andled millions in voluntary eontri eentri luitlnns te its "pre.pigatien fund," dln trlbutcil ether millions of dollars' worth nf regalia pun linsed by members, pur 1 based substantial piepertles in land and buildings, planned verv large future investments of the same class, bought a university and conducted an expensive telegraphic service te the American prewi and a costly advettislng campaign. In view of the Increasing magnitude of tne operations conducted by the Ku as i-ini 11 rji iinazinen. s.lmmfin,. .- ,,n. .,, f c... r.rm .in.n.i r..i.. 11 ,.....- "- -- ... , . : "SIGN HERE," MOANS KLAN KLEAGLE OOIIFIDEBIIAI Wrt-fttfttttirtitlt$ It you are a 100$, trua rtsUtloeitd Anoriesn, bsllaving la the tenets of the Christian religion en! In the oeparatloa of ohureh and state, and fcnen yourself te be qualified oe a real man, of geed taeral oharaetor, and ere aorleusly Interested In the ?rlnelples aa aet forth In the eneliasd literature, you nay have he opportunity te oeet "lth a repre3entatlre by filling eat the enolesed questionnaire and returning it te Bex 35, fie Oraiirey fork, Betr Yerk City Proper attention nill be given you. This certifies that ha i deniiH Die tarn ftf TEN DOyJCfll te IU trerittting fund f tb Knichts of theKuKIux Klan (Inc.) tHiiwiHtrrpli, Miufh tnTiOpt'm f -M CCTOKON-tutllllrf Mm VU nf Ibt OrJr duly naturaiifii M it prcUCtlei u Cilinn e ( itc Inttibl m. Pliotegraphlr reprotluctlen of tlie "sign here" card tent out te prospec tive Klansmrn by the Kale Knllectlng Kleagles. These $10 "donations" are part of the millions that lime already found their way te the control of "Emperor" Simmons and Ills chief aides Klux Corporation nnd the compactness Corporation, investigators have been of the personnel which manages, its af- able te dlsceer legal record of the use fairs, an attempt lias been made te in-'of only the $1!1,50() inveled In these vestignte some of these transactions. i two real estate purchases. Fer instance, where does the ener- The remainder of the assets of the meus profit go thnt must be involved I corporation, se far us any public ice in the sale at SO ,"i0 each of hundreds leids go, lias been used or invested under or thousands of tets of cheap cotton the contiel ested in Imperial Wizard regalia whiih manufacturers belonging Simmons and the supervision vested bj te a race prescribed from membership the charter in the Supreme Executive in the Klan would be glad te distiibute Committee, of which thn beven members at n wholesale price of net mere than from Ucergln Simmons being one of SI. '-'." n set? The Evenine Pciilic I these constitute a legal quorum. Sim Sim Lnnenn after investigation is unable te mens recently stated te the press that answer this question Who Gets the Profit? Kleagles or ether responsible officers en , gatien Dipartmint and addiessed . i Imperial Wizard Simmons. The nie delivered by express fiem the "(Lite liiv .Manutacturing Company Vtlanta. i unner a signed agreement en he eider blank thnt they "shall ever be the pieperty et tne lxnignts of the Ku Klux tvlnn Tt ' ,li.t. 1... ... I I . Klan. Inc.," theuch the meinliee 1 quired te pay SO HO for the outfit. Hut the (into City Manufacturing Company has no legal existence, or had none up te August 1!. 1021, when its charter petition, dated June 1). 1020, nnd signed by C. B. Davis and Mrs. Lettie B. Davis, was allowed bv erdei of the Fulton County Court. Until the incorporators meet and organize there Is, leirnllv. no (liifi. flti MntiM'....,.,, ,,.. ,..-, ' ..,,.. i.t., .T.i.iiitn.v Llll lilt pmnimv nn.i if if he,i e.,.in.i ,., business' up te the date of org.muntieii tlint DuMiiess lia been legallj wilduit. I0r mini it organizes it can have no officers or fctecklmlilers. Ne l)eel te Palace Filed The Peach Tree read piepertv. bought te be the Imperial Palace of the order. belongs te persons unknown, as no d eds or ether papers relating te them have been filed with the courts. At the time of the purchase nn Atlanta paper, of which a close kinsman of Clarke is man aging editor, stated in its news columns t iiiii i,i ., the deed had been negotiated by the I I'iflfn Itnilfi I n 1 nnnv 11F t itiln lt,. Claike Re.tlt Company of At aula. !! Iilnd this statement it is impossible te go until the deeds and ether p.ipeis go en leceid. The Cl.irke Heal I, v Ceinpiinv. through Clarke and Mrs. T.vler, petitioned for incorpeiatlon 011 June 27. I'.UI, te dn a geneial real estate business, as well ns te purchase persenalty of all kinds and act us trustee, guardian, admlnls ' trater and executer, vu r,,,r...i i.v c'nrin in.. ,. . ,. ,.p Its" petition wn's printed for 'four sue- cessivc weeks as nn advertisement, tlie K11 Klux nuvs IjiihI There have been two real estate transactions recorded in Atlanta this bummer 111 which tlie'Ku Klux Corpe- ration appears as purchaser and taker of title. 1 he lirst was a warranty deed convening te "Knights efth..Ku Mux Klan" a tract In Let 77. Fourteenth District, Pulton County for II CenSid- I1IIK. Out millions which ' pnuieil Inte the treasury of the Ku Klux I STKWIsllip NOTirni of all the millions which hnve Ideal SummerVkcaiiens Only 2 Days fremNewYbrk m 9 Including All Eipenici for Steamer, Hetel and Side Trip (25 Payment Iniurei Reiervatieai Balance 10 days before tailing date.) Coel, Invigorating Climate All Outdoor Sports Oolf. Tennis and Satllng, Fishing In enchanted Bays nn or Cvel ne ever smooth white coral roadways f 11 or visiting llermuaa s wenaertui v-ryiai wnvcs tuiu vO M. n .. c.!i. no rnsjperis aaiiings tvery 0 tujrs Via Palatial Twin-Screw Steamers "Fert Victeria" "Fert St. Geerge", el for Frer lie T.urn DURNESS BERMUDA LINE, 34 Whitehall runNKflS witiiv rn.. ltd lioune Hfv4M tnU r'i(ij. rnuri inrei! jw.. w, " Siiud.. .pi Jt.. KNIOIITS OlT)H!wi0Kt.UX KLAN. (tNt) "'Kl ''"' ' K Ot r" the ucceunts of the corporation had been regularl mid responsibly audited, but he did net reveal the result of the udlt te the public. Pay Cash, Hut Get Nothing In lew of such facts ns these, nnd the further fact that when members pay Sli.eO each for sets of Ku Klux rccalla I they buy nothing, since in signing the 'order blunK tlicy agree that the cur- tnents shall forever be the property of ' tlin ivlux i oiperatlon, nnd tlie still I flllln... f.w.l ,!(( ...I.nn ...nnl., I... nlttn Llllllll lllll. lllllt 111SI1 UlI'llUJ It- ftlS up $10 before they take tlie oath or learn a single seciet of the order, they pay for nothing, but make a voluntary donation te the "propagation fund" of tlie order, the personal histories and business records of the persons respon sible for such a situation arc legitimate objects of inspection. The whole income, the whole outgo nnd all the property of the Ku Klux Corporation are by thechnrterput in the direct control of "Imperial Wizard" Simmons, whose acts are subject only i te the approval et a liaud-picucd coin ! mlttee. Though tlie corporation Is eu I enced in business all ever the United Stntcs, no State but (lenrgla lias mere than one member en this controlling committee. Georgia has seven, nnd seven members Is It by coincidence? imstitutc u legal quorum of the com mittee. Furthermore, the finnnciul control thus vested in u small and self-perpet-luting group is absolute and all-em- IlillllllH. in n i-i minimi; in 1 111:1 1 IIIUI ,,.,. te ,)r(.Vet Simmons, vvith the np .. .. ,- . .' binclng. There is nothing in their char prevnl of the six ether Georgians en his Exuutive Committee, from winding up the Ku Klux Corporation and as a last act distributing its funds nnd ptepeit.v as thev might see (It. Silt h an ni t would he perfec tl legal, nnd it is hard te see hew any of the members sintered tlueugli tlie ceuntiy would have n leg of legal complaint and formal charge te stand en, since all along it had been expressly shown that they bought neth inK,?"(1 I,uid for n0 PrI,crty rIeht in anything. pss ""'"I 10 sui-ii oilier persons- Simmons, Clarke, the man he has nfiflii lincinniti iiinnntvei nf tti TT1 flkt llil ,lnrtnn, nff,.iP. nilli nmU-e's hnsine.s partner. Mrs. Tyler, stand merali. ,,.,, I10t in Mrict pesiti()n of tnlstees for I (')f melPV w,)icI, hm(r egality, in tlie or very lnrge sums ltni1u rtf tlwiiiwfimlu 1 r rvi;u n ri ,i, t-,,!.,,,! tntP l,., l, jmliicn,l .. nut ill their enn 111,,. ...v., ,,.1,..1, ,1, '..V ... ....... C'eryrfflM, till, bu the rnbllc Leclecr Cem- liuiiv anil itf rrcej i'tieiMti'10 c 0111 puni ttha .Vciu YerU World), rsTKXMSIIII' NOTlf'KS Says M & nathlng. Moter Beating nndj and Inlets. Hiding, unr- . r c n.. kIJ ill Ik, fftMf, I"'", kenett n4 "Fert Hamilton" ant! Sailing Alternately t Nnw Teltm HUM t St., New Yerk O.. LTD . Iilln iiiuh,, l'niie. KLAN AFTER SCALP OF DIRECTOR BURNS Estiblish Offices in Capital for Purpose of Ousting Catholic Officeholders CHARGES AGAINST TUMULTY Washington, Sept. 2rt. The national capital has been mere or less exercised for twenty-four hours ever the report thnt Colonel William Jeseph Simmons, the Imperial Wfcnrd of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Is here te beard the Federal liens in their dens. Hetel clerks, nevvspnper men nnd members of Congress hnvc been trying te get n peep nt the head of the In visible Fmplre. If here, the Colonel ls tither living quietly with friends or Is traveling incognito. Interest wns aroused among Federal officials by the report from Atlnntn that Colonel Simmons Is supposed te be in Washington. Federal agents, who nre believed te be in touch with the Imperial Wizard's movements, discredited It nnd asserted thnt If he has left Atlanta for the national capital lie did It en his own responsibility. He hns net been sum moned by the Department of Justice nor has lie notified the department that lie desires te discuss the Invisible Em pire nnd Its activities with Department of Justice officials. Director Hums Gees te Xpw Veiit William J. Hums, Director of the Tttirenn of Invest catien, left ashing- ten for New Yerk yesterday and at the time of his departure no intimation thnt Simmons would be in Washington had been conveyed te the Department of Justice. Attorney General Daugherty is away and decision en the number of witnesses the department will cnll in its investigation is under advisement until ills return. Congressmen here believe Kit Klux . Klnn organizers have been trying by thinly veiled methods te win friends among national legislators. Incidents hitherto scarcely noticed are given added linportnnce by these who have lead the expose in the newspnpers. Thev are beginning te ransack old Hies and desks for pamphlets nnd letters that came several months nge. but which for the most part were tossed line me waste basket without serious considera tion. A few members nre pii7zled ever the origin of n m.vsterieus letter or ques tionnaire icceived during the summer relative te their religious affiliations. Apparently such missives were net sent te all members. Few here recall them. These who de are making nn investiga tion and decline at present te discuss the matter publicly. Anether incident new being recalled is the lectipt by some members iif letters lauding the principles of the Ku Klux Klan. These set forth the Klan's claims te be operating as 100 per cent American and weic calculated te win coinnieiidatien as such. Ceitain mom- vrnxMsmr xeticks New "Verk Clierheiirfj Southampton AHUIATUJ Oil. Nev, 2 Nev. ail OLYMPIC Oct. in Nev. 5 Dec. 1( N'en Virk Liverpool rnnnir . ... Oct. I Oct. 20 Nev. 2d CIXIIC ..Oct. 15 Nev. Ii Dec. Ill H!,IiC . Oct. 'ii ev. Ml II . 17 New erk anil IleMnu Aen-a, Olliriltur, Nuiilea 11ml (ii'iina CXNOPIf Sept. SO lsii 1 ilti. ut Mmtcirn 11 nil l.llien. rnr.Tic ort. '.k AKAlllC . Ne. 3 Dec. 0 I'lilliiilelplil i, Niinlrs. licniiii ((OTIILM (Mil tliih imx'Brra enl.vl.Vuv 10 Sull from Vev erk one il Inter. riilladelphlii -Liverpool ll.WKRFOim . Oct. 22 Dec. 3 MINTl'.R TRII'S 11K l.l Mi Te Mndelm, (ilhraltnr, Alclrrs, Momiie (for l'rencli and Itullan Klvierul, (ienen, Nuplcti, Athena ml Mexnndrla, ADRIATIC (21,341 tuna) Jun. 7 IVIi IB ESs Star lam Ncvr Yeik. rhineutii. ( herhenrir, ntucrn LM'LXM) 111.27 Oct. 20 Dec. 3 I-'. .AMI Oct 1 X.HV. .T I)T. Ill Vr.l'A ND Oct. IB Nev. in Dec. 21 KKOIIM.WD (lit. 2J Nev. 2(1 rliliiiiieiimiu 111 iiiiitirc 1. in 111 D.inziE SWII.AND l.ld clnss inn'Er enlt) Oct. It TrilL-lit for D.1111I1; enlj sail from New leru one (In Inter. rhll idelnhli nhirni MAHOI'Ar Oct. llSCiTIIIAN Oct. R MIMHUlItl . .. . . Oct. 25 Ni:V YORK HYMIiriir. DANZIO MANCIU'RIA . Oct. a Nev. 23 MONf.OI.IA .... Oct. 20 Dec. 1 MINNKKAIIDA Nev. B Dec. 13 rhtlnctelpliU Humburflr sJ1UM Oct. U ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINK rhllndilphl 1 lindnn MXIIOPAC . Oct. 1 i .SCiTIIIAN . Oct. B MISSOI RI Hit. 23 HOLLM-AMLItiT LINK riillidelphli Kettrrdaiii itr.riii:i.siK . . . Oct. 10 International Mercantile Marine Ce. 1111 sTrVMiuti. l.s'io.nue tens ViiK'niKcr Otllre, l.'tID W.ilnut St rhlln. 1'rr Klit Offer . 101-41 J Ileur.c IIIiIb , I'lilln. c Euam 1 STEAMSHIP LINES lurn e PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY, SLIGO Other Irish Torts if Hnftlclcnt ( nrije Oilers SS "Eastern Uelle" ...Sept. 23 S S "Delnvnn" Oct. 22 SCANDINAVIAN & BALTIC PORTS SS "Milwaukee Bridge" late Oct. MOOKE&McCOKMACKCe., Inc. C. W. STRNGFILD Philadelphia Manager 42H llllt lts, iimmi.. enn A T.nnit.rel 0.181 MUln 7.113 SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA te Chrislianla, Copenhagen, Gethenbsr' Stockholm. Helsinjlers ?nd RevaJ " U. S. MAIL STEAMERS th'jll t5h "INDIANA IlKIDni-.. AlMint OllOIII.ll ft UK AT BlIII'l'INfJ IIOAItn ltATK TlireiiKh II1IU of Lmlliig Ihvueil 'te nil NiimeclHi Ilnnliili nnil I'erf, I Ireet unUlnga for nil "eiimllnmlen Tnj Hit I tic l'ertN ii a nrsn nffera, SEAGEU STEAMSHIP CO Inc W. J. Grandfield & Ce. ' l'llll.. rtli!..M Lembard 5170-7 W8 Cheatnn, Rf. Haln 673 DIXIE STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow USSB "MONOMAC" EXI'ECTKII TO HAIL EAULY OCTOIlEtt AT CON1XHKNCIJ IIATEU Harrisj, Magill & Ce., Inc. 425 Lafayette Bldg., PhiladelnhU Lembard HIM M.lJP7e hrtra vn1d 1H .. l munlcatlen, were sent and T The mission of the local Ku Inr Klan organization In Washington u new coming te light. It ta 1? V1! offices were opened here for the ,!' purpose of bring ng about the riSPI"! of all Irish Cntfielfca f?em the &" service, with Mr. Hums, director the bureau, which Is cenductlngTnU! efrKu Klux activities, as & ft Pressure AgalnstCengrcsi One of the next steps exnr.Mi.4 i Washington I. the erganlzatVS lebby1 te bring pressure en CengrcssLn nganst Catholic appelntmc.81? preh biting appointments en account creed or belief could be adopted bun ' Is understood that the Ku Klux ki. clement seeks te strike through tVL lecommcndatlens of Congressmen en patronage. If they could coerce mem? hers of Congress Inte refrntni"itra" recommending Catholics for appoint ment the number in the Federal Mrvii u-nnlil unnn K ,1 1. I.. 1..1. . J "wu MrVlCS V ...,. v.. w wiiiiiuiBIIUU. The present movement Is said t k. affiliated with the old efforts te remer. Jeseph P. Tumulty from office .! President Wilsen's secretary. It i,!! been claimed that Mr. Tmiiultv ..1.1 his effort te put tnanv Catholics the Federal payrolls, and the K KlSv campaign is directed tewnrd -them out. Mr. Tumulty's l5d, K Washington assert that he "a taUlj i"-' s.... -j -.i. .wuii Hinders in mnk iS lccoinlneiidatieiis for aniiefninn ions for appointment. AUTt'.MN ItKIOKTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. SPECIAL SEPT. RATES ELBERON a Flrepreit Annex. Tennnsce Av. nr Etu. i J;p. -tee. Central: open nurreundinm. etp. I Catholic ft Protestant Oiurchee. l'rlv. bthu KUIining Water in All UOOmS Whl'e service Heek et It. It. I.udr, Jl. n. Let Ce Make Yeu Feel nt Heme in it CUT of Itebuet Hcaitb" HOTEL MORTON Oreen Pn 1,f.l,nlIV At1- Capacity 3D 'if?! Hsjns. etc. AIitiit. Onim, IKt.I, S TAI'I, M. corn, prill: riernter. Tr E7RA c. nm, ylrdnln av., en nucei rrem Beach, Prlvalt baths, run. water- elev.: Reduced Kail ratia PAM KLLI9. Owner, N J. COL.UN3. Mr?. ISZarlboreualiBlciWiii HOTEL CONTINEMTAL Alwey. een, alvvay readv. termi meelerata. Write or Phene. M. WALSH DUNCAN, Hetel BoSL'ehoI 1en'uc1y Av nr beach mln llalhlng. Phene 117. K K. MARION. tiii; iiui:aki:ks firentlr Ue-ilnifil Trenrnt-Sensen Ilitu, M-I5NKItsVII 1 V GMENHMJl WERNERSVILLE.PA. Physical Comfert. Gelr. Music.DryAir Beautiful Scenery. Baths. Masscsdc, ndnatic Department. Reservations for September rdOctobfrsheuldrvot b3elayed. Tiwuih Puiuum rei Nrw Ye Piu. HowabdM.Wine MAMAOEft tvr-rvxsssssc fli,, Hlffilinnrl l -' u .Vieuntaia s. e ,r. . ,,, , ,,..,, '"O 'Vl iiilr vvlt'i Ita Inviueratlnir air. Ui uim r i h Ut gi riieeui foil me ar cat 1 muti m iuui men'na in me ear nptclal r.iliM ler thifc meni'ta fin ilclei en rcqueal. I ' ItOVARD TRIKS. Pr a. aiOI'.NT I'OCONO. I'A HAWTHORNE INN ut;;UL (lorseeuj nutumn follate, ateam heat epea fireiUtt(.e. olectile llirht, bewllnt, lennli, riJInic. apedal ratea Sept. and October. Uell I'lione. L,. M. DK.MJI.En. (illOVi: COITAOB OI'KN AI.I. 1K.IB Sleam heat, buii perch, ew In the moil enjoyable aeaien Special ralea In effect. V II WALTER Mt. Poe-eno Pa. The Ontwoed Ze&. y. iJSffi Sxcel. table. Hoeklet. K.L. ft E.V. AUTJIAN' The Clnirmnnr 'leine Ceiiklnt. 51cirlra, nicv-iiuiiiiuni Electrle Mehti, Sie heat. Itiitea medernte. Ilklt. C. L. SMITlf, THE ELVIN P" un"' Nv' N"1 . remed.. prlv. 5th . he. era. Whlta for bklt. A. J. BH'TTER. Tni'im . STHAMHIIirs Ui;silltTS est Indies cruises Four De Luxe Crimea of Tuenty-three Vnf Kacti Leavlnn New Yerk Nev. 2G Jan. 4 Feb. 4 Mr. 4 via Piiintlal Twin Hirew S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" 14 OOCI Tem Displacement Itntea. 5'J73.00 up te $830,00 IncludTiB IS rooms with private batti Fer Further Particulars vvrlta FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Fl'UN'LHS WITHY A CO.. LTD. Ileurae llullillnir. I'hlluilelnlila Fall River Line Te Bosten fn'nl.l tll.nnifrM MP emiiii P' ".j illun hi fi .1" I " i mi" i'ic-1 it ii ii mm" r-' ,.in..r, I).,iu nr l-pkira tn uteaniei. ....... .,v, ........... -,., . Vevr Louden (Norwich Line lv :,.;: k, . (Housten nt ) ri nn i VI i Lxcepi m -- ilay) Lvov ii Pier 70 1 II . ... , j. . il I' ' i-irr in i . '- m ,"-M .- stdhsr ERICS5UW uw ForIl.lllmer.WMW,',,:: pally o'eleek V.M., I'Ulad.lpUa. TO-MOIIROW AT STItAWIIItlDOi: & CLOTIIIKB'S r T O U R S "e with or without ucert Vyfvl Luiepe, cuiliernla, Vea'Vl m ludlea, Houth America, 1 0 Jmian China, Around D 1 B H llin World. Steamship I 1 H Tickets for All Llnea. 0 I B H American Kxprena Ce. UvA ltMIS H. Ilread St.. f VTi I'h'laclelntiln. I'e. MffiM W. Phene (HeU) JZSfff l,5j Uuluut 4UD1 yff rrw it. v.. tierlti K no. me ""Client wf Herrlce cicept Sunday. 'Si,. I . M f.l-.l. Kl.l nBIW" L. IwSSliUri.K'bel.w.ri."- : I jaiai i'ft-l