w ;liiicr : WILLVFSITPHILA ramous Winner of International Cup en Way te "Sea Mu , seum" at Annapolis NAVY IS TO BUY CRAFT Tn.h mid tomorrow flie luilk of tlie J Se Aael.f Amrrlen will 110 nt the Si "' l'n i liiHiiu" Vuchl Club. ,t i;jihk' . ffcilnrcdn) iiiernlnjt. .",. f Plillnilr n i 11 ke tlmt flip may. If it T.nOlf "' ',..... ' , It.. nrnr ,-l.tnli ..ntr 'nrNdKe wen tlir chnmplenshlp Z for tin- Hiltcd Slnles. wl,(,r lt 1M uliir-e icmnlnril. (lie Amcrlrn will u tn oil ip ,,1P Iilnnrp te n point ibeve MniKrt -ti-pet. " in,.,iinich nftpvwnnl -he will re- furl'' IK1.1' 0 UK" "' lilL ik 1'- '"-nh'.imlilip will bf allowed te view ,u Ainerien from Hie dhlnncp of n ' f,w hundred feel of water. A eloper in- , Hwctlen. npperdlns te Hip men wlie navp i,L..Fiit lin Iipip. would tee much an ,, or her rciille timbers. She Is new linreiy morn I""" 'i " ""i , ti are dewn: her liggtng has longiever by the Confederates, and with her ilnre retted nwny. and mi aecidpnt ,t Umil.watpr jpMenley nflcriioen fnM-lied a Inrgp part of l.pr mil. ' (Jelnc te Annapolis hi il.ln-s wfll thp America will A .nml U "in tow fl e nnvn "w, p s V Inte FrWnv after oet, 'ubl!',n V. l..!i..r , in.. w ...ill "i. "'?'."' ,: ;? ,1 M, sold' igrui"!'.' JMrrrnW XfaTf I.estZ Vender of the yacht llPSOh.tr. which weccMfnlly defended the ; Amerlca'n cup list year, -v- " " '"" " .MTCrnl ynclitsniPii. who interested them- . reives in saving ine America irem oo eo oe lirion. and tuining her ever te the Gov ernment in the hope she will be kept lameng ether famous sen rellps in tlie ijiititieal museum in the Spvciii Illver. I Maryland. William U. Stene, wlie is .accompanying the America in the purely 'honorary bertli et "commander," is nn I etber of these men. It is understood, 'liewtver, that the Nnvy. in accepting the America, will make no premises as. I te her destiny. Was Ituilt In ISnt Tlie America wu built in New Yerk Mn 1SG1 anil in tlm same jenr she raced in the Intprnntlennl regatta of the Hrit - l1i Ilejal Yacht Sqiiadi-en. nnd te the ;.TttOBllim',nt of thp whole weild enr- n'd off what was then ealld "the Hun- iirid Guineas Cup." This nm hns been liriecferth known as "the America's cup," and though for two generations' KnglHi jaelitsiiien have been trjlug te regain it. the trophy has remained licre. The America, curiously enough, was old te senip L'tiglish jaehiHincn. but at the outbreak of the Civil War np-iw-il in Savnnuah. She was tuken MECHANICAL DRAWING T", fil rf m prenrTltv U " p Tic Ids, ' u - ld lalvrr is pet Te;. I'ltfll P"me Ions ar- te'iuv pt.-i of i lr e s i aui 'line i hew r rnjn .he l.s'DWS Is ii nun hu wr'.l tali in r.x frn- tt .1 'c nf Yeu Can Learn Drafting Funinp coie-ic br7(tis MemUiv, Sept IC Tuition meilfrai- KureU this vrek. Y. IV!. C. A 14?l Xr1,1' s'- i Philadelphia's Merchants Marine .i te drnm of thp fc'ur They hac heep eatahl'Hhcd 'In yeare lirn ut T N Watpr Ht Ak nnv aldpper lie thej nr he'll t II yen F. Vanderherchen's Sens 7 N.Water St..Phila. It f ia- t th .salt" WEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Pe mi 'i(n when our mirror se rUrngP refl. cts ome f'.cinl sKIn blem Mh, niiii iii for a qnlcV and cany way lf cle.irniR ellr skin? Therps a rkm l)eautlflr--a delight full frnRra'H tinted cold eream, known ' BUi-U and White ncauty Illench 'h'n ueri In connection with Hlnck n1 While snap and Cleansing f'rpum, the I'n.lts ar surprising niael, nml White Heauty nien. h clean jne I'enipiexinn of plmpk's. blnckheadB. .i ," "v''r "Pet sillewness makee ,' "oft an,! smooth ninck and vnite Senp l an aid te Heav.tv UUnch--ifJDa the vUin In jurfpct condition Hiack ami White Clestnplnif Cream re ;"Hs nli dirt and Impurities from the Hrt makes the skin Heft and velvetv c "I0.1' nn'l White Heauty Bleach. COc ; ??.p' 5c' nm! rleanslnK Cream. 25c nnd ILi'A Vft l,el,' nn1 Kuaranteeil by all ioea flrug and department Hteres. T.i.lt0 Dept D- ''IeukIi. Memphld, ffl' ,.a cops' of J'eur Birthday "?0H and leaflet which t!ia nil ihmn tck nnd White Tnl'e' Preparation LAST EXCURSION SEASON 1971 NIAGARA FALLS Through the Kvrltirrland of Amrrli'ii Saturday, Oct. 1 r$16--?".n.r.r AJilltlumil ! hi' '""""l ' 1rfV Reed In vv:'yy;r w, v -- nraiiK Terminal 111 "liilailclpIuaXKeailiiigRailwa)' Wfnt. "t Write vfe$7' 01 aU3SSaJ Irrlplr H VSL T I.tnfl.f U i 'hlfU V.tUjr lUllre.a M Skipper of America Vvwr' yT7 v , Cvt,, .? WILMAM V. hVA In command of the old nip winner new islthiff this pert nnnip elu.ngpd te .MpiiiiiIii, wns used n. n . (lNpiitf-h IkmI until nIip turn uiik In tln St.lehuN Kiver in 1MI1. ... ,,"".," . ,. alkS Herc 5ee Uberty B" It,,v!,r" I!"l,K,r- Alif.irk. Arl-c.. n ' ?eUlh'r ;,t 'l"rl..tte. X. C . nlkH nml 'beggpd rl.b-H fieni his ,.,m. te I'hiln- ilelplila t.. sen ,!. Uh,.Tly plI. A Rimrd found him nt 11 o'clock last ff.Jl !!?, 3 P'"-. ' I i'ie ? fir e T, tm)k ,lIm ,0 (VntralStntlen for tlie nlglif. Up will be turned ever te the mllltnry authorities. It' n, ' .'x ..'.& it m I . .Si HJiiaraBZmtiSSftJffJMH i ASCO ASCO ASCO MsTOOWCelli ASC07 ASCO ASCO J i The Magnet en the Window It is significant that when we open a new store, it quickly be comes the centre of the business life in its community. What is the reason for this? The name plate en the window is the magnet. The public knows our name and what it stands for. Our years and years of honest service te the public have earned for us the leadership in our field. When a housewife sees the name plate lSii$ en tne window, she knows she can walk into that store and be certain te receive "Geed goods at low prices" Rich dOIUv Creamy AH355re3 Pure dsEsif JLCna UeliEiittuI liavOr cheese. 5 eu'U Asce Half-Salsl&jr Buckwheat pkir 10c I he nneet of ever .nei"llnt vcn mllU In nitileil- all that la neesai in te mil water and pour et veur irrlddli. Aace Gelden Syrup, "" 9c Bet White Potatoes nL. in.,. itsv.ib,.) -L72Z 's pit. a bu. (7!6 lb..), 25c (30 Ibi.), $1.00 Cook like hall of flour, nic, dry, mealy fellewR. lb Butter eg Tha fame of I.euclla Butter Is pradinc far and wide as "th flnaat buttar la America,." Richland Butter, p 48c Pur creamery prints. Ijff value. Best Granulated Sugar The price needs no comment. Coffee ib If you pride yourself en your Reed judg ment, you'll like Asce Coffee. It makes friends nnd kreps them! Big In All of Our 197 Sanitary Meat Markets Visit one of our Meat Markets and reap the benefit of the rare values we are offering ,m our Tuesday Special Sale. ut.j, Fresh Beef Liver ib. lOe GENUINE LAMB " Legs of Lamb ....... Rack Chops ....... ,b- 23c Lein Chops ....... Ib- 35c Shpuldera ib. en Rib chops . 30c NedC ." :;:t:':: ill Breast (for stewing) ib 7C Genuine Lamb LJver 29c Lambs' Hearts ea. gc Have Yeu Vhifd Our Big iVewombmtenoey Sfer. and Meat Mbrhet,- At pMpBppup ppiaHPipy AS?0 ASCO ASCO ... EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY,' SIX PERSONS HUR I E IN AM 10 ACID N I trying te avoid took the Injured man in .... . . .1 te the hospital. Weman Hit by Machine en Bal-, Douglas Cnlderwoed, twclvp years told, 2144 North Thirteenth street, was tlinore Avenue May Die I furiously Injured nt "j o'clock Inst pvp , . '"nitif? when n blcycjp he was riding wnn et injuries MOTORCYCLE IN CRASH , inc 1)0 was cm line uruispii en mr head and body and his skull may be Twe women were seriously Injured I fractured. Ue was token te St. huke's and four ether pcrt-ens were HliRhtly 'lesPItn hurt in automobile accent ytrrtlifj ' fhnninan. a 5' ""';; "'' rv,... f .i . ! , ii . lieifl today in .100 bail for a furtlipr lour of tl,eP Injiired were e.cllK ' )1(.nrlng October :i by Magistrate Price Death may result In the case of Mrs. at the Twenty-second "treet and Hun Mar.v Mef'lnln. fnrtv-fnnr vn.'irs old. nf ', tine Park avenue station. fll'." Seuth rerty-nintb trp"t. who im lineekpd down by a taxlcab last , night SIip was ere.-sing Ualllmere, avenue nt Pertv-slxth -.tree) wIipii a 1 taxi, driven bv C. A. !,n.rs. of 1!U.S I North Slxtv-spfeud 'Ireet strmk her. ' Dr XyenietK. nt Hip Mlserlcerdln ' Hospital, said hpr skull had Iippd frac- ' lured. Pollee of the Fifty-tifth nnd ' 1'iiip streets station arrested Hlinwers, who attributed the accident te wet ' streets. A young woman wns injured seriously i inst nignt when tlm motorcycle en whicli i sup wns riding was xldpwlped by an automobile ai Tlmn.l nml IVileml stipett.. , Tall Itrcnks Shnll Sk j. I, M, n(fl. -jivift Seuth D.uien stripi. IIpi- sl.nll red rnkle wprp fiar "'T'1 " the fall mid m. i. spvpipK nit J""'. ,,,"i-'' l'Mw IIIH. of NVw Yuri. 1,'ln.l , was rMing. iriwl "n,J -"Klit btuNe.. The woman W in pt. AKnrs Tle.pila The aiitomebilp which struck thp me- I terrclp contained n man and weinnn and seven small children, nil of whom escaped injury. The car Is said te haw been driven -by Frank Lnndsberg. 200 Belgrade strpct In nn pft'ert te avoid collision With rwr lb. like this rich The very lineat lard made. A typical Asce Oleomargarine ,b 25c A pur hutter suhstitute. Beld In hundreds of our Stores. Quality through and through. Asce Peanut Butter, 1" 9c IDtcter Our Master Bakers nre proud of their part in pro ducing such delicieusly wholesome bread. It's a bread te be proud of! Victer Raisin Bread leaf 10c Very Choice Onions ,b 5c Tlie fellcr, would anjey a nice .lulcv steah, amotheied it. thee fine-flavored onions. Geld Seal Eggs 54c Ne wonder the hens cackle when they lay big beauties like these! Selected Eggs, der 46c Every teg guaranteed te satisfy. Waah Day Yenntr'a Seap Chips Ulnse Aeoe Ammonia Asce Bluing1 i"cls Naptha. Bobp P. ft a. Wapthrt Seap c Teas V2 lb. pkg., 23c; lb., 45c in.?"11?'' .ls BOme'hlnfr that can't be imair. ISesfrSn. Ca" teU " ,n every' leSTf Uranfe Pekoe Mixed Old Country Style Tuesday Special J- Ml p , VJ ASCO ASCO . . m . ma i nn nutomebllc. Hujrcne Wilsen, twenty seven years old, of 4T)3." Ollvp Htrcct, rldlnt; a bicycle, jnmnipd his brakes nnil 'wnw thrown te thp pnvement.nt Forty fifth and Aspen streets yesterday. I lip wns tnken te tlip West I'hllndel- i phln Homeepnthlp Hospital, wherp he wan treated for Injuries of thp head nnd body. The motorist whom he whb 'struck by a motorcycle, driven by Heb ' nrr i nnnmnn. i-iimur ert Chnnman, Camnc street near 1 Dauphin, nt Tacony Creele nnd the ,loecvc,t Ueulevnrrt. vMpi. nil liv d.. , ; ,rr "" " .)M ,, Angellne Connelly, eiphtepn years old. student niirsp in St. Luke s Iepltnl. suffered bruises when s1,p was stritel; b "" automobile nt njne and HiintiiiB ''"''' nventies ypstprdaj . Lesing control of his automobile as he turned it te avoid hitting a , .nehine ahead, Penjamln Cuplnn. of S.""i Seuth street, dieve up en thp cinb nt Pread nnd Spruce streets yesterdaj. and crashed into the steps of the Hetel tjteuten. Jlotercjcle rellccman iiees nrrestcci Cnplan en n chnrgeef reckless diivlng. rOOT ANT MMB TltOtJHf.E IiiKlantly rcllevM l.y eyr ipwlsl rii f.iippert fltted and diuitiiJ by fxprtt, Our Seamlsn ninstlc Itealcry, th, m e t comfort h' support for vrl vrl cem eln, Kvellra llrnhj. weak knt nr.d nnklef. 1'rnuteii. shilernlnil and athtMle ur ur ef all kinds. Tsrrir nmnt Eerara of deformity appliance! in ti world i I'hll idelphlH Ortlmcmllr Ce.. 40 N. 11th 8i. ' ort- cat out ana knd ter renrtiie..-. i A S c u A; ii 10' s c n Lard n tf" lb. u epcn-kettlc rendered R I Asce bnrgain. 1! O A S c pe Big Leaf U SI (C4 u Just packed with bic; luscious raisins! A s c New Crep Calif. Evap. Apricots 29c With all their rich flavor retained Try tome for des sert tomorrow evenlnc. let A 4 s c 0 54 Carten of twelve Necessities ply no 3 pkjra a0e bet Oe toot 7e . (ee eaka (4 for 3Be 12 Ci V lb. plB-, 0 R Plain Black India Ceylon 0 A 5 : O A S C e A SJ i c A trr a mri. "" . f.Ppa Zh'TZ?- fmZ ASC1 NEW PARTY MEETS T0NI6HTI United Bedy te Organize In Each Ward A meeting will be held tonight at the headquarters of the Central Laber Union, 232 North Ninth street, te or ganize the United Party in every ward and obtain a fund fop the campaign in the ii'iunlclpal election. The United Party wns indorsed by the union at n meeting held yesterday. The delegates who nt tended the con dition of the Allied Workers' Political Council, which formed the new United Party. Saturday, submitted their re ports of the proceedings. After con siderable discussion, which threatened te develop Ttcrleiin differences, the re ports were approved by the meeting. Jehn A. I.evpr, one of' the delegates te the convention, declnied he was nt Economy A Fine Array of New Fall Apparel Fer .Juniors and Girls Girls' $2.00 and $2.50 Wash Dresses, Special CM AQ at .. Of pretty plnid mglinm, in checks nnd plnin colors, trimmed with centrnsting color pockets and belts. Sizes 0 te 14 years. Intermediates' and Juniors' $3.50 and $5.00 Dresses at $2.95 and $3.95 Various pretty models in checked and plain-colored ging ham; some jumper dresses in the let. Sizes 12, 14 and 1G years. Girls' $2.95 Regula- fl1 QC . tien Dresses at . . . ,ye Of geed Lonsdale jean in white, Cepcn and white with Gopen cellnrs; trimmed with chevron en sleeve nnd anchor en shield. Very geed quality, at an exceptionally low price. Sizes G te 14 years. Misses' and Girls' SI. 50 and $2.50 Bleemers AQr & Full pleated models of serge and sateen; fine for gymnasium or general wear. Girls' $10.00 and $13.50 New Fall Coats. Special at $5.95, $7.95 & $8.95 Geed-looking, serviceable coats of kerpcy, fancy chciet and mixed coatings; some have lovely fur cellars, ether arc trimmed with fur cloth nnd smartly fin ished with pockets and belt. Splendid styles nnd geed values. Sizes 6 te 14. SmLI E'.BURjjS I'conerny Basement Women's Night Gowns and Envelope Chemises te Match At Very Special Prices The Chemises, 39c Each Of lingerie cloth, finished w i t h hem stitching or shirring. Cut geed and full, in strap shoul der effect, with dainty touches of color. Pic tured. The Gowns, 69c Each Of lingerie cloth, in bquarc neck effect, with short puffed sleeves, finished in shirring te match the chem ise. Pictured. F'.CL' ENBURljS Eoenoni' BaBement Women's $5.00 CORSETS At $1.98 Of pink and white ceutil, with medium bust or girdle top and long hiplines, well boned and nicely tinished. Women's 79c A.Qr Brassieres at "L In w h i t e muslin, prettily trimmed with lace nnd embrold embreld cry and strongly re-enfercec". SsrLLFNDURijS Kconemy Bailment 100 Dezen $1.29 Hemstitched or Scalloped Table Cleths At 85C Ea. Firm, heavily woven damask cloth?, in six beautiful designs. Hi yards. Square or round. bNELLENBURflS Eonemy Basement . i C' I VK p, ! Aj. SEPTEMBER 2G, 1921 "': ,,,',B"fJ!, ncllens of t,,e LUIKMIilVil tlllV uuuis "TIip ntirnesp of the men who started the new party wns net te help the la boring people, but te deliver the labor movement Inte the hands -of ether or er or gnnlzallens. The party will be n failure en election day." IK3X33C5DC33C3 ) DEBUTANTES (j THE CENTURY (J FLOWER SHOP M j arrangements of y Fietccrs for J DEBUTANTES U 12th St. bcl. Chestnut Q rsnnsr srt canes: CJEeCR Basement STORE OPENS DAILY 9 A. S memav. skpti:miji: '!. 10"! I. pC nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK- M1RKET I I t I2T- STREETS L 1 Newest and Best Fall Styles in Women's and Misses' Tricetine Dresses Women's Sports at $15 In all the new fall heather shades ; geed styles and firm, heavy quality cloth. One pictured. Women's $1.50 Tuck in Blouses Si AA nf Vnile P1UU 4 SI 0") Of fine white voile, in Tuxedo or round neck styles. Many have embroidered cellars; some models are prettily tnmmcd with touches of color. Almest all the styles arc suitable for jumper dresses. $18.00 Large Fur Scarfs 11A CA Geed-looking scarf of fox, in animal style, with heavy brush and lining of shirred crepe dc chine. Is a Geed Foundation for the New Dress Women's $1.50 Pantalettes and Petticoats at 89c Fine sateen in black and a geed range of colors; the petticoats are finished with a plain-tailored or fancy pleated flounces. Women's $1.00 and $1.25 Repular and Extra-Size Flannelette 59c and Petticoats at Well made and well cut in the wanted dark colors ns well as striped patterns nnd all white SaB -sh "rViS Economy Bnsemen 'I Rugs and Fleer Coverings Special for Tuesday $1.25 te $2.25 Inlaid Linoleum, sq. yd r a All you wish cut from full rolls. Seconds. Kind'y 5"! C bring room measurements. All 2 yards wide. $25 Weel-Face Tapestry Brussels - s nr Rugs, 9x12 Feet 3 1 U.UU thanaSnlg's8 ?retty rienUl des,frns- ChnPcr $20.00 Cerk Linoleum Rugs 200 in 9x12 Feet Size..., Seconds of a well-known maker, felt-back rugs. c Special for Tuesday! 500 All-Steel Felding- Cots Te Sell at $2.95 Each With a Cotten Mattress Pad te Fit In perfect condition, made of 1-inch tubular pests with all steel sanitary spring; 30 inches wide by 76 inches, long; finished in black. Each cot is provided with n 22-pound cotteji mattress pud, HsA.. made te fit nnd covered with " fancy art ticking. Any number sold te a customer, til I Mil fJMilfHtlK A. .-u ...J ... i; iHiiuiiiP xa ucTii Willi the Fermer Camden Bey a Recter The Hev. Jehn N. Ilorten. n one- time Camden boy. new curate at St, Paul's I'retrutnnt Kriscepnl Church, Apartments at the Rittenheuae Rittenhouse Hetel, 22d and Chestnut Specials for M. CLOSES AT 5:30 P. M. $15 at $10.75 Wonderfully Smart Medels And an Amazing Variety! A splendid selection of brand-new dresses in tricetine sure te interest the girl and woman who is looking for just such smart, serviceable frocks for school, business and general wear. $22.50 Extra-Size Suits Sl.1.00 b'.ELLE'. 317105 Economy Basement Sale of Women's $5.00 Jersey Tuxedos at $2.85 Fine e u a lity feather -wei ght ,T e r sey sweaters in the p e pular Tuxe d e i t y 1 e . Wondei fully p r e t ty ii e ather mixtures broken range of I sizes. Jv .1 Kconenv Basement ....$8.79 Each Cheaper than the advertised r,-V-4'5 Fconemy Basement TuuvA-rr, rl . Scu ( eraer untu.ciiouije economy uaFcmcnr 3 "? "3UPPOIT v 1 Ptiffnle, N. 1M hen been elected wjerf of Grace Church, Huffiile, MU-cecdluJ lUshen-elcct Jehn (.'. Wiird, of lhl Diocese of l'rle, Pn. Mr, Hnrten nova u tlrncc Church next Hut unlay. mvrvn Renovate d, refurnished made spick, span and Inviting. Outside rooms, cool, chccrfuL Pick from these: Twe Kooms and Bath. Three Uoems nnd Datn. Four Reems and two Baths. Tuesday Beys' Clothing Beys' 6.30 Combination Black Rubber Rain- QA CC coat and Hat, at. . Of extra geed quality te 18 years. Beys' 54.25 Oliver Twist Suits tl tVl , Sizes 4 $2.25 y in blue, Of fine quajity corduroy in blue, preen and brown. Beys' Norfolk Scheel Suits.. $4.25 Sizes 6 te 16 years. Of extra geed quality cheviets, strongly made, big assortment of colorings te select from. Knickers fully lined. Beys' Corduroy Suits $5.50 Sizes 7 te 17. Splendid quality full-lined knickers. Beys' Norfolk Suits. 2 Pairs of Full-Lined CC CC Knickers 'J)0-00 Of extra geed quality fancy cheviot. Strongly made nnd well tailored. Sizes 6 te 17 years. Beys' Knickers, S9c Geed quality fancy cheviets and cordurev. Well made. Nene sent C O. D. Beys' Knickers, $1.39 Sizes 7 te 17. Of extra fine quality corduroy, just what the boys want for school. SNul-LEMlJJRjS Inemy Baeement A Special Let of 400 Pairs of $9.00 Lamb's Weel Plaid Blankets at $5.98 pair Woven from fine Minnesota lamb's wcel with a small percent age of cotton in the warp. Good Goed Geed looking large block plaid patterns in all the desired color combina tions Full double bed size. $9.00 Weel-Filled Comfertables . . $5.95 Covered en both sides with bent quality flowered percaline in dainty patterns, with plnin 12 inch sateen borders. Filled with tine oft lamb's wool. Full size. CTi -s s. tF33 k-COI,eruy Bnement Fer the Roem That Xeeds Xcw Curtains 59c Scrim Half Sash Curtains 29C Pa' line qua hty w hit e scrim, full 1 e n g th a n d . wi d th. trimmed with lace e d g in.c; a n 1 prettily ruffled, value. ery -pccial tj viij Tla.rt:c! t 100 Duck Enamel Suit Cases Special at $2.94 Made with sfnng leather straps running all around; neatly lined and fitted with strong handles, locks and cntihei. Splendid alues. Ma,l or ,,ilene orders filled while they last. F ' '.. -i '"i"im llmement 18c Striped Outing Flannel 10c Yd. Oce.J qiahty outing flannel in a large assortment of pattcniH and tolers. W...!?! I ritBiifnC lrjAnnm,r 1..U . rS7; npT i rl 'i A i ! .( - - 4 JXN. SNELLENBURF rn ' J 4