Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 26, 1921, Night Extra, Page 16, Image 16

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    wB?r'i""" s'.s fji I - ""irwwR'w'''7ivi
ta1 k'Si I hdl .. u. II .A. Jrt J -U!a: 1!if,l 9 JI . u. I' tlll" ,i J. i- .-r-
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t T ' .-
Stere Hours, 9 te 5:30
pQr II e Fa8hin8 Gimbels Brought Frem Paris
T J Ferm tn0 Vcry Charming Exhibit at Stanley Thentrc This Week.
1 UeSday Living Medels.
Monday. Sept. 26, 1921
Gimbel Brethers
A woman of very keen discernment, who fellows closely u
the Gimbel fashion reviews, snld of a large "fashion show" staged tQ
.n another city, "Oh, that's just a pageant It gives women no Tlloerl
real fashion help." N "CSQay
ten..., 1 . , i . ' ", " " .... y,
I- LA V t5 .
Slide Down Awning Inte Fire
men's Arms at 2338 Seuth
Seventh Street
Eleven persons, Including three chil
dren, who were trapped in sleeping
rooms ever a blazing paint store at 2.138
Seuth Eleventh street early today, slid
down a canvas awning into the arms of
fit eicn.
Mejcr Glttm-in ernr of the store,
discovered the flame at 1 -.".O o'clock
this morning. He detected smoke,
and ran te the bottom of the stnir.
where ft gust of flame drove him up
In the three sleepinc room of the
second fleer were Mrs. Oittman and
her son, FraneK fire weeks old ; Mrs.
Rese Waldorf. Mn. ?lttman'' sleter
and her daughter, Huta Waldorf three
month eld: another M'te, Mrs. Pau
line MedwinM, and Sidney, her nn.
two year eld: Mr Clara Fink, an an
ethi'r dter and Jacob Fink her hu
band Mr Yctta Child's fiftv-plRht
Tcnrs old Mr Oittman's mother, and
leuis Childs seventeen ypflrs old, a
brother of Mr. Gittman.
The neighborhood was aroused by the
strearaR of the frightened women. As
the fire spread nmeng the paints and
oils in the store the flam-? swept up
the fairway and began burning through
the doers.
A neighbor had presence of mind
enough te lower the stout canvas awning
In front of the store. About the same
moment the crew of Engine Company
Ve 53. Fourth street and Snyder -
ue, reached the place.
Olttman aided his wlfe'a relatl-ea te
a window and as firemen waited below
helped them slide down e-r the awn
ing. The women and children were
taken in bv neighbors.
The entire two-story briek wtere and
dwelling virtually was destroyed. Fire
men prevented the flames from spread
ing te adjoining properties. Olttman
estimated his less at $10,000.
Mrs. Waldorf and Mrs Medwinskl
lire In Nw Tork and came here Bat
urdsv en a visit.
Special Values !
Custom Made j
Suits at $50
Sec the suitings of fine fall mate
rials (both foreign and domestic
woolens) that we are offering at $50
they are a specially selected let,
grouped en one special table. Other
especially fine suitings $55, $60, $85,
570, $75. Every suit tailored te the
Jenes standard.
W. S. JONES, Inc.
Caitam Tailoring
1116 Walnut Street
is the month for
Mere NoKel Heaters are
being lnstalld this month
ihan ever before Heat jour
home without Ceal Ashes
Dust Dirt.
Berul for BaeleUt
Cernell Utilities Ce., Inc.
Phene, Spruce tlli
MAKE it im
possible for
chang ing
business conditions
or family catastro
phes te give you
financial cares.
Ferm the habit of
saving regularly.
Build a Saving
Fund account te
safeguard you in
that future which
no one can read. It
takes only a minute
te open a Saving
Fund account with
this company. See
us today.
Open Mttndau and
Fridau Evenings
Six te Nine o'Cleck
m RMfensingten
M. Allegheny Ave.
These Are the True Fashions of Paris
Fer the Gimbel Salens of Dress and of Millinery maintain the greatest International Fashion-Service that Philadelpha ever knew.
Only these creators of Fashions in Paris are chosen te make costumes for Gimbels, who are newly acclaimed with the new seasons.
Ne trading" en past reputations! m
Ne "playing" favorites"!
' But each season of the great openings of Paris, the same thorough study is made of Paris Fashion. Daily, year-'round, the Gimbel Paris Organization
keeps in touch with changing names and with the rise or fall of every Paris ceuturiere. Se that
When Gimbels Say "Paris Says"
It Is Authoritative Paris Who "Says"
And Gimbels import mere "originals" from Paris mere actual works of Fashion-Art than de all the ether stores
in Philadelphia combined!
This Season, Paris Has Named Most
of the Great "Successes"
like the Famous Canvases in an Exhibition of Paintings I '. w
Gimbels captured "Lumiere" for Philadelphia. "Lumiere" (French for light) the gown pictured. And hew the 'light" docs
shimmer from the silver-gray fulguarante satin that makes it I Velvet of midnight darkness lines the long panel back that trains when she
sits, and floats when she walks.
Gimbels captured "l'Ondejjante" for Philadelphia. "Ondeyante" (French for rippling) and hew the lines de flew and ripple and
4t ' I I
f Vv!crrBaiMy float!
r i TuyftTiiiH a. Kk&iv:
j W " it .& f ks
J Hi r v :
"Lumiere" Frem Madeleine' ct Madeleine
Gimbels captured "Grand Prix" the model that deservedly wen the "grand prize." Gimbels captured "Chrysantheme" in the
new, new, new vieline shades that Gimbels introduced first te Philadelphia with chrysanthemum petals for its only, and glorious! trim
ming. Gimbels captured Renee's masterpieces Renee, who herself is Paris' latest, greatest masterpiece !
J1, the Gimbel Dress Salens you will find even the least expensive gown somehow touched with the magic of Paris the new
"lengths of Paris, the new necklines, the new drapes, the new sleeves above all, these new drapes and these new sleeves of Paris!
Reproductions of Paris Medels Net the Medels Shown, But Still Other
Medels Brought Over Fer Reproduction and Seme
Wonderful, Wonderful Adaptations
Many in black women in Paris feel queer in anything but black en the street!
But the colors that Paris wears indoors or te functions or en any occasion when she lays aside her be
loved black. I
Black silk crepe-weave "Reproductions" at $35 te $163 in every favorite
crepe-weave of Paris, whether brilliant, lusterless, or both!
Reproductions in wool fabrics mostly tricetines at $35 te $165
Reproductions of Paris Dinner and Evening Gowns in vieline and ether
colors, and black at $35 te $175 including some of the most gorgeous of pail
lette robes.
Gimbels, Salens of Dress, Third fleer.
International Silk Sale We Make It
Fashionable Te Economize
Wonderful silks all the silks called for in anticipation of a glorious social season and
a right in colerings: Black is premiere; then the vieline shades violets' mere or less
shrinking tints. And midnight blues and navy. And henna this feale it. "regular" in
fashions; most irregularly low in the prices charged.
Three selling places: Fecend Fleer, First Fleer and Subway Stere. Scores of trained,
interested salespeople.
DnTetyn. Dress and millinery shadee. Among
them will be honeyde-, American Beauty, mustard,
brick, tan, taupe, Copenhagen, navy, French blup,
jade and mouse. Qualities that were
83.73 te 510, at
Satin CharmeuBc. Qualities that were S'J.50.
Evening and street shades, also black I 1 QP
and white P1.I70
Imported Velveteen. Marine, navy, brown, goblin
njid green. 41 inches wide. ?10 quality, (JjC
at PO
Metallic Brocades. High-class metallic brocaded
satins and silks, imported te sell for S10 (Jj'T QHZ
te $18. New PtOO
Mi-Silk Canten Crepe. White, black, delicate
evening shades and street colors. !?3.50 djO QC
quality, for &t,ZtJ
Satin Charmeuse. Ivery, pink, turquoise, ceial,
orchid, scarab, bnrbear, taupe, Japan, myrtle, brown,
seal, na, midnigh', maroon, plum and IjO Ci
black. 40 inches wide. $4 quality for. . P6ifciV'
Crepe dc Chine. White, flesh, pink, sky, orchid.
Nile, turquoise, lavender, blubh, Copenhagen, rose,
diibk, total. -Materia, pillbox, amethyst, belalam,
henna, jnde, fuchsia, dansant, burgundy, navy, purple,
midnight, black. 40 inches wide. 62 Ji CC
quality, at. V dO
$7.30 Hlack Chiffen Dress Velvet.. 12 d QA
inches wide, at VU
$2.20 yd. fei 4 Black Satin Charmeuse. 10 inches
1.65 yd. for 52 Black Crepe dc Chine. 40 inches
$1.65 yd. for $3 Black Dress Satin. 35 inches wide.
$1.65 yd. for $2.60 Black Ducliesse. 35 inches wide.
$1.55 yd. for $2 Black Taffeta. 35 inches wide.
$3.20 yd. for $4.50 Black Satin Canten Crepe. All
silk. 40 inches wide.
$2.30 yd. for $3.50 Black Crepe Meteer. All-silk.
40 inches wide.
$2.93 yd. for $4 Black Satin Canten Crepe. All
silk. 40 inches wide.
$2.95 for $0.50 Black Canten Crepe. All-silk. 40
inches wide.
$1.9") for SC.50 Black Satin Chaimeuse. 40 in(hc
$2.33 d. ter $"3 White Dress Satin. 06 inches wide.
$1.83 yd. for $2.68 White Charmeuse. 40 inches
$2.20 yd. fe $4 White Charmeuse. 40 inches
$2.65 yd. for S4 white Ciepe Meteer. 40 inches
&1.63 yd. lei 4J.30 White Ciepe dc Chine. 40 inches
$2.95 yd. for "53.50 White Canten Ciepe. All-Silk
40 inches v ide.
'iimbels, bilk Salens and Grand Aisle.
U. S. A.
Women's Dresses These
Prices: $25 and $35
Rank With Last Year's Best $39.75 te $65 Values
Crepes, crepes, ciepes the favorite crcpe-wcavcs of Paris at caci.
Tricetineh, piquetine.-, Peiret twills the woel-fabncs Paris ues.
And some of the Miiaitest combinations of Puiis' favorite Wool Weol Woel
tricotine with satin or crepe.
Crepes de Chine and Tricetines at $25 '
Crepe de Chine with leather trimmings, and the nw slashed sleee.
Coloia and black.
.Canten Crepes with the new flaied sleeve, and with wheel-motifs.
Tricetines with great sash-bow of matclawje cire ribbon. Blue
The Medel Pictured Is a "Leader" at $35
Of tiicetine with the whole skiit slashed pleated, flying panels
blanket-stitched by hand. Made ever Canten erepe. All-black.
Or the most wonderful dark-brown made ever a color like a geed
i up of coffee, that has had plenty of geed, rich cream in it!
Anether$85 "leader" is of black Reshanara crepe, and icnreduces a
.Madeleine Viennct model te the life.
Tricelettes at $25 In Sizes up te 48
Four styles. One veiy cmaitly tailleur. One with ribbon wheel
motifs. One en chemise lines, very much "be-wheeled." And a tunic
model with gedets of embreidery.
Gimbels, Salens of Dress, Thiid fleer.
Linens Are Much Cheaperat Gimbels And Turkish
leweis, until r resent Lets Sell Out Then Higher
Pure Irish Linen Table Cleths eVinrmine mnml
2x2 yards, $3.50.
2x2 ,i yards, $7. '
Napkins, 22 in., $6.75 a dozen. All-linen Irish i
Dnmaak Napkins, size 24x24, $6.75 dozen.
iieniHiucneu Aii-unen uamasK launch Sets at $8
LaCe-trimmnrl Mn. it!.... T ;AH. I.. AmhrnM.
crcd and scalloped
18x30 in., $4,25 :S.vl5 in., $1.73
. , 18x54 in., $5.23
And some at $1 lace-trimmed. 18x45 and 18x54 in.
Centrepieces, 18-inch, at $2.75. 24-inch, at $3.90.
.-a. vviums, reunu, aii-mcli, at $7.50 and nme.
Ten Thousand Turkish Towels
A d L,e" T J6""1 Prices With Higher Prices Ahead
"0':.nSlUV. ft" l"JLr? v-sht CrP is WR H- '- soed are lewe..
Mil nnTMm a emvin ..: t .
Announcing a "Table Sale"
of Women's Shoes
at pj
Regardless of
Cost te Us !
All short lines and single pairs from our Women's Shee Section,
"tabled" under the one new low price.
Seme have been as high as $14 in our regular stock' imagine saving
$11 en a pair of shoes!
You'll have te select from tables, of course; but such bargains are well
worth the trouble. Plenty of experienced salespeople te help you if you
have a favorite among them, she'll be glad te take care of you. Gimbels
clearaway Shee Sales are eagerly watched for try te be early !
Gimbels, Shee Section, Second fleer.
Women's Full-Fashioned
Silk Stockings
First Qualities
at $1.95 a Pair
Well made with mercerized tops and soles.
Hlack, White, Cordovan and Gray.
Gimbels, First fleer
These- Bath Towels, bleached, with colored
25c 35c
I A geed time te buy a veai's supply.
neracis some strined nnrl nlm,i,.,i
45c 60c
flimliila 3(w ..till flflOV
" " " J
$9000 Sheets and Pillow Cases for $5000
iX iwic aiiwMutuwitu.vt wwui.u uui UlILUt 31-OCK Ul T OmOUS UWIffht AnMlrtr i.n,
Pillow Cases classed as "Seconds," although you'll find no hurt worth me tienl g
. Mail Orders will be filled while the sizes remain. Any sold out en net ?, mi" .. i
$5 te $10 Pearl Bead
Necklaces at $1.95
Fine Oriental tints and beautifully
iridescent luster.
20- te 24-inch graduated Necklaces with
solid-geld clasps. $1.95.
Gimbels, First fleer
wholesale price
The Dwight Ancher
Sheets Are
. 1.18
. 1.18
. 1.39
. 1.65
. 1.68
. 1.55
90x99 inch .... 1.G8
90x108 inch 1.68
The Dwight Ancher
Pillow Cases Are
4Zx36 inch $
45x36 inch ....
48x38 U inch
50x36 inch ....
50x3SU inch ....
HO-lneh UiliUiiliel HhtMlne. Hpuw, firm quality
VII1 seen blencji wliltf ' price, Tuesday ini .5
,nl . - . JLAgC
10,000 jnrila 36-Inch I rult.oMlie.Leom anrt Here
lllciirhul MiiKlln. Limit .'0 yaulH te J. pur- r ,,,
chasrr. Whlla this let lasts .... l7 C '
BlanketH carefully selected from the leading mills In
the country. Combined purchases for our New Yerk and
llearanrr of 000 put A lilt-. (Jruy mid I'lnlil "?X,
't. Weel und i-otten mixed tt7 0 l
.nst Reason Ul 60 te $16 E0 pair . & i VV
-'00 pair rialil Weel and Cotten C QK 1b"
Seamless Sheets ana
Any sold out cannot be filled because below today's
'''''"'''Plna hteies litinir t!ii hiirir..Ht le,lnrs urtli In
l nuadPlphla. I.ces than ;, of hint enr'a irUv
mixed HlunUta v,.fi .auin..,i i.i..ii. tJJiJ
300 palrj White and Plnlil lllunketn. Many n.e,nrii
lartfe biro Variously all-wool warp and flllliiK a""' V.f,
and cotton mixed An fltf ""
Hale Price IfrOtVO
wiuAHi",,J00,1 ,,M,a lnets. Weel and tet'",J"p,er
White Hlankets 00!, Weel Gray Ulan- fcQ 7 r,r
B ..V;."1 "' a"en 18 B0 t" - l"lr '' , xeme
HllltO Und Plulll IllnnL-.u All lentil llUlltlll SOl",
PXt.ru.sl7t ones Include! Vuilnnslv nil-wool mi'l '
ones Includtd Vaileusly
and cotton mUd
in.... ....in' ..... ... . . i . w.tmii
72x90 m-h' ri'J ". .""i ?"".. ' "," """- -A l'llf
.Until recently double
.nkrlx eni
5j pounds te the pair. (tl 9 Eft
double .. . . Jll'eyi
Gimbels, Second fleer and First fleer, Thoreuglife"'
t !