fTy-i- EVENING PUBLIC -LED(ER-PiEIIi;ADEtPHlAs M&ttD'AY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1021 1I fc CONFESSIONS OFA STAR As Told te INEZ KLUMPH YOWRE GOING TO SEE MORE OF THIS LADY rC& Daily Moyie Magazine ft -" Jrx h-.'jru Vv? f ' mmmm-i -1 lL lilllilii1 51 ;Si Kflfl W i CLOSE-UPS of the By IIKNIIY M. Aemin May Net Ge te Algeria After All mWO or three week hre everything wns oil et for Nerma Talmadge te take JL her outfit ncren the nrean in November and spend two month' In Southern Franee and Algeria Aiming Rebert Ilirhen.s' "Voice In the Minaret." New Nerma tells me (die 1 celly doesn't believe they'll go. after nil. If nhc could secure the film rights te "The Gnrden of Allah," "he'd make the trip. The book has already been plrturlml, but she feels that she could make It sufficiently different te justify the journey, lint she can't get It. "Se I really don't think we will go," she told me. "ou see. 'The elee in the Minaret' Is bound te stir up religious feeling. I really doubt if it would paps some renser beard". Hut. regardless of that, it is the kind of ster. that would have te hurt somebody's religious convictions and what's the tie?" Sensible. I calls that. If every producer considered the convictions of the public in that way. there'd be no need for eenser-hlp nt nil. But you don't have te knew Nerma Tnlmadge very long te realize that this common-sense viewpoint of everything Is characteristic of her. She carries It Inte cverv detail of her work in the studio. She is se common-sensible that her geed judgment prevents her from going into the tempernmental spasms that meke most stars se hard te work with. She seems te realize that every man and woman in the plnce is there for business, mi,, I thnt It requires the most patient co-operation en the pnrt of everybody te get results. I'LL gire you fust oiie instance of se dtffeient from most star ami stand alone in my own humble estimate of the people 1 have ecn enrl: hrfmr fhn camera. ONK dnv eari.v tins week I spent the afternoon in her 'tuilie watching her working en some cenes for "Smilin' Through " There was one seml-cle'.e- , up shot that took most of the time. They did it ever and eer again ten time i at least. 1 should .iv. Nerma had been sick abed the day previous. She was still feeling weak and net nt all up te the mark vet Because Sldnev Franklin, who is directing this picture, wanted te get through with that particular set that dav, she didn't utter n word of complaint, but worked through the d.iy steadily from ! in the morn ing. And when 1 left, nbeut K in the afternoon, she was going up te her dress ing room te change her costume and work another hour or mere. Ten girls who think your job behind typewriters or ribbon counters are tedious can get some idea of studio conditions when the star who owns the whole plant has te work such hours as that. It was a particularly trjing bit that she had te de that afternoon. She only had te open n deer, come half way out. smiling brightly, suddenly we some one in the distance, register astonishment nml then teirer and horror, and slem the deer shut again. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Tint right in the midst of it she was inter rupted by some distinguished visitors. The Hre7ihan Censul called with most of the bra.s-beunder of the Brazilian Navy te invite her te be the giict of honor at a farewell party aboard some Brazilian battleship that departs next week for Its home waters. And instead of being nnnejed and showing it Nerma was nil hospitable smiles and stepped work te dint with them and pee before the tlll camera for a group photograph that the officer-, could take buck and show proudly te their friends in Km de Janeiro te pree that they had actually met the star who is the most tiepular of all in Seuth Atiierha. After the group photograph, she began work again. Firt she went through it without any diieitlen. nceetdinis te her own Ideas. They -het it thnt way and then Kninkliu took her aside and explained Ins idea of It t. her and she went through it that way. And incidental, this showed ngnm what I have, se often pointed out te you- thnt the dincter of n geed picture He is eff-stace and an son things in her live, for week, with the w hdle s,ery in his own particular part. BIT star and Jnrrler tire net the only ones ic'ie mnle a pictuie. Maybe, ichen you ire the name of the cameraman flathtd en the credit.i en the sciccn yen nk yourself, "Who carrs who photographed tt!" Hut rhen you go te art ueur own photographs made you go te a man whose reputation is known te you, don't you? If you will watch the names of photegiaphers en the screen, you will And that they will seen become known te you by their treik. CIO. AFTER this scene had been shot O director, the cameraman said he was net satisfied with the lighting. There was a glare somewhere that he d.dn't like, and he felt thnt the effects of the! sack and top lighting could be Improved And se the star, who had get hcrse'f well into tie mood required had te & w lmmmmMmlKKKtB gtt out of it again and sit around talking te people uue.nding myself 1 bare been very much In her mad. nnd whom she nviM have wishei! chatkn or Timbuctoo or a place a geed deal warmer tlinn that. But nhew it She was as natural ami gracious and unaffected as though it were Dtirelv a social affair, and net own did she mention the fact that she had been tee sick te work the day befeie, and that moment. Then the lights were fixed and the muted music and she went te work all irn'T llll" Mt'lIP "an MlirilH 'Ul.1 iw 'rnnklln The.v did it again Iih way ightltiB and again mine elhei wav And each time Nerma, instead of . -11 ... .l ... .11 ..... ... .... ........ ,vi n Once the scene was satisfactory te F ligh It all. turned te director or cameraman an extra. "Is that the wa.v you want it I have in mind two women who think thev ought te be as popular as Miss Talmndse is. and who. nf about that r-tage in the proceeding, would have thing a ehnir through the glass deer and lleun I up te their dreeing rooms In a temper. And when .veu see 'cm en the screen ou are conscious of the fact that thnt In jiiht about tlie way they would de things. Mn.vbe that "s eue realmi why they're net se popular as Nerma that, and the fact that they're nimpl net in her clam in acting ability and Intelligence. Hut then, few ether stars are. The outstanding fait about this little imldent i that here is one star who (.pends a whole afternoon doing things the wny SOMKllOUY KI.SK WANTS THRM Of INK She ported the group pictures the wn the Brazilians wanted them posed, nhe aded the scene half a dozen timen the way her director wanted tlinn acted, and then half a ilni n' mere the wav her cameramnn wnnted tiirni lighted. And net urn e did 'In- sigh weanl.v and eny, "Oh, d'-nr ; isn't that geed enough "'" , rllEllh' -s enlii our ihina I wish hn ihtctvin would de fur me and far you and tot all 'hr ret' of ui tern I wuh thru would play up slxmiiri the i i y brilliant ai'd atltattnr iinilr she ha and the fascinat ing flashes of her lightir moods. They are itrrssinn tee much the heavier and mere weepy emotionalism -I think without realizing that fan cemW be made much stronger if they gave it mere of the dramatic contrast with the brighter side of her personality. Of court that'i only, my individual opinion. And no director thinks my opinion worth MOVIE GAME NKEIiY thii spirit of fieri It prove her iirnr - ilnr.i thnt it aimeir tnnfrrt her should lime ns much cietlit as the star acting that she uintiet see. And he i mind, wheeas she lives i,h only her ; according te the ideas of both stir and who must In Inm sIip didn't was just nleut strong enough te stand violin nnd viola and cello stnrted their ever again the cameraman but the action didn t suit hi.- 11111. niiMUll ij.ii . ..-- - .".I H..111 l nillL and aBain with another rbunge in the showing the effects of the te.l.e,.i,esH of .. nn. I (111IA1I n c fhilllf-h & Ii d rr.a ina.Aln and usked, as though she were merely THINGS Mil' upper view shows tne car ter shop at the big Cosme pelitan studio, where thev lime te innke everything from n toy deg te n house with n fence around it. The picture In the circle shows the band saw and its operator, one of the phases of work-in the carpen ter shop. On this machine the fine scroll work is done for elab orate sets IS THE TWO-REELER COMING BACK INTO FILM FAVOR? R I'.t'AI.I.lNC the earliest dais of the tnpidl. without seeming te. It is net ., . . , in remarkable sterj. but it Is story. motion pi. tures, when two ids ., , ,..., ,,.;, :,, nillff ,i. were considered much tee long for any picture, Herbert Howe, in the Septem- , ,, . mimmr nt Mnnen , r .e glz P Us.WSt-3 III'" Jtllllll I'l .III' I'.V-ir.i.i -II. ........... .1... a.-,..-.. t .1.. IIII..VIU.1UP ns it is being brought about by Sellg- j I.erk in their series of photoplays from ' stories bv famous authors and with all- , star casts. 'Anether old favorite 1, trying te 1 stnge n comeback." writes Mr Howe. '"There Is nlvns something pathetic ehnnf the rennnear.ince of a former idol whose public has forgotten. tt s like - " reincarnation no one recognizes ou. "Se it was with a heavy nnd dubious heart that I went te Selig-Rork studies ..,... ,hp ,,,,. f the eldest of all favorites the two-reel drama. 1 snj the eldest of nil. That Is net correct. There was a time when the producer who made a two-reel drama was con sidered a gambler. Then, as new. there were the Themases- who said, 'The pub ic will never stand for it." 4.r.1AMAt t!Alt na riTli. nf ihp fist. If nut the first producer te venture in the re.ilm "t tlie mnsio.ienii.- Nim . tnirtn.li' in two rlf S lie ilia. The .. , .. 1 fli .. . ... .. ...Ill lll'llll1 Ili'lV I IU III I i'l I ( lis ,-i nil, -i . i , hut 'the inhibitors couldn't see it ns a feature for one night Se it went forth i s twins the firt rel shown "lie dnv and tt.i oilier nail tne p -01111 uu. 1 .."- 1 lMi 'ce that tne phote.lrama bus grown 1 about a re.'l a vm Although we li.ne net n vet Ind a leiineeii-reeier. hnve 1 nd tvvelve-reelcrs "I hal no idii the motion picture was se old until Colonel Sellg whis peied her real age te ice. Like her stars t'ie s.-reen Is touchy nbeut her jmr V.i'iirding te the flvenf of t el '....1 c.,i, Itili!., tin. movie had I "' ' '"." .. : .."... . .. n'l... twentv fifth birthday tins ,enr. 1 m- colonel commenced making moving pi- tures of fiftv te a hundred feet In iv.ifi Thev consisted of such exciting plots as , a girl feeding . hlckens and a train go- j in,, kv Tim m.wt nenular classic of. i, I w nw n watermelon contest the nt iiuni v ii'iti, i'l - - Hv.le.' Bin Van Winkle.' 'East I.vnne , iBnaia - t . i. i . 1 . .. ., 1 1 i bih I'rst uroeiiiigs ci uiuiiiii. .v. t,!, .. --.. A" "i,v as " seems, for .Mr. Semen benra a 1 ... ..,., nnd wheietere of the unit captain, i cm,,- .i,. iu D AFTER experimenting with I he , , ,.,,, hut Mr .Helding m. 'fcf" motion nletnre ,. ' A Helv Cirv.' the colonel went I wnH H(.tillR innes for Faullne Fred- I .er,w'k'nS "' "I'heiiShf mfrlM back te ene-re-'eM In that brief space , ,..,, , ,)riilll.,ielli ..Thp Uxre of ; ." , efU n',,g ' .i TH I .1 .. .. - t .Ian n 1 t T IV tllltf Tl lint mil (IT! 1111.1 Til kill IIIIII. tl 11 ' . a - 1,110 ' Tale of Twe Cities ' It was 1014 that 'The Spoilers uiis,J( ) oil .all 1 fllS UeSCrtlOnr lptedtiee.1 in nine reels, r rem ttiin tune en the tvve-reeler was forgotten nnd nor until 1021 did it enjoy renaissance Vntnrnllv . lr wns net easv te m- If.ice directors and ncters of high ii'iu- intlen into demi-tasse drninn. And 'Messrs Selig and Ilerk knew that it i iuinlri.il siinernnl nsencies te nus'll,e , favorite from the dead. Thev t'n inAr , seeiired Bertram Bracken as due, t..r Frem tlie slieives et inn P"" '"' " brarv nt the Selig plant. Mr. Bracken telwted 'The I'elicemnn nnd the Bab e lemedv ilrainn, and 'The Northern Trail.' n trnge.lv. by .lames Oliver Cur weed, as the first of the series or I these he secured plavers of repute il Ham Desmond. Lewis Stene. Ethe f.re-v Terrj. Wallace Beerv. Eliner Fall and Margaret I.andifc Director Bracken has negotiated me al. .,,,. ,, the twe-reeler In a wnv that should mere than reinstate It in favor When I viewed The Northern Irail I 1 realized mere emphatically the fault of the motion piciuru Commercially I ll. , speakim,', th. fivP'rP0'"AnH 7, , ! Ij",',?,.' nrtures There are. of course ''"''""P " niPtur of from five te I H1HL111 I II 1 I I .. . ii,f r..U which have been ettertlve "Te go beyond the ntietlnn of mere dimensions, the chief trouble with the motion picture hns been n fense of limi tation Commercial methods were iim! , te standardize, juRt ag canned beans and , l.reakfait feeds are stnjiunreieu mn ntundnrdlzed entertainment Is a para dox, for variety is the qutnteshencn of dlvernien. One of the prima limitations was ln the matter of footage Kvery film hnd te be stretched te at lean live reels just hh in 1004 It was thought that everv film must be kept te one reel Thus we had producers making long stories out of short ones I'verv thing from a ptlt'tn te n college veil wa. dram atized te standard length And vvli-n anything Is attenuated. It le-ies its kick (ireat nrt demands the elimination nf all Irrelevancy mhe sheTt story has been the favor- X Ite form of Americnn literature. O Henrv. of all writers, in perhaps the most typically American, because he wrote concisely anu muuiuuy 01 vem THAT PICTURE FANS NEVER SEE MTwWMPWfffBfeml' l& MS ' IH kUBSMbIUM. ."" 4jnSTffiSk Wj si -aiiaisisw s ms tren Ameilcan life. Seme of bis stories were produced as tiw-rcclcrs without much success, whereas tluie done us tve-reeler.s often overshadowed the fea ture of the program " 'The Policeman and the nnb' has much of the (). Heniy spirit. It moves II IIIU..-. II. II. .III. ... ..-.... p. uPS nf jts ,,0 nn,i ltnei is drama, 'The Northern Trail" is traged. done .,,., ., ., i,, ,,..,, len.h thnt it has -,,', f , he me, bid. .... ,, , , !.. ...l. , JlZt theVe p,oduc,?e,;;: thus fU0J Weic done with the minimum of economy. By economizing en time, n ' producer can ntlerci tne ucsi nciers. en i-'00lj ., Wives." which is supposed cameramen and directors. te have the continental touch. "Other producers are watching his . eNperlments. readv te fellow in line. A -lay or se before they left "Fool "Feol "Foel after the manner of geese and film Ish Wives," in twenty-four reels of producers. 1 tie success seems ..sau,,.,, ..... ......i. r, n .ii.t iiruni'im iiir.i.i ..Ti,,. :, ..m mppiu thnt the photo- ler sie u us i in- A..... ... u . jramni like the shirt, gams much by shortening But. of course, all depends lPen what is shown after shortening. Helding's Pink Uniform Wern in New Picture Shocks Naval Officers YOF can well Imagine the feelings nf the officers and sailors of the San Diege naval station at San Diege when Themas Helding, well-known pnding man. appeared among mem in an officer's uniform tinted a sunset pink "Helv horrors:' M,nint. ,, iried one nsienisiiCTi . , 1 What', this?" "We've gene pink-eved"' exclaimed h ' , , another, somewhat alarmed. And there was Themas Helding standing before them in a suit ns pink , , , 1 i,ii as the inside of n huge sea .shell. Then they put It up te lern liunseii nml nn exnlnnntinn was forthcoming. ha dfi's I H. explained te them that he had been , He is working for I.asky perhaps tnak M ... , . , 11. lnB animated cartoons. . i.-i . 1...... :e I I ,,. runipeiieu 10 nine me uiiiiuiiii 11.nu " get .1 softer white .oleriug effect en the film, deseribing te them in detail hew the camera sees colors differently m most cases from the linked orb. The effe. f of the uniform was se start - ling, however, that it was necessary HAZE Ten AEl. DAI.Y, who plays opposite m .Moere ln Heating tlie Lame, has never Deen directed py any HtK Uru I'll -uiiir ii mr ftriif-s, - ether director tlinn her husband, until lending man. The nnme of th story npppnring in this fleldwyn comedy. Miss' iPcreti i,ut It wns written bv Knth Daly's husband Is Ilnrrv Beaumont. Prinp J'mkerten and (Jrnce Drew. Miss who directed Tem Moere in "Step, Drew will be remembered ns the nrlmi. Thief '" ln which she also played. """."" J Oling btar PSOIV lupe . . ! wt.si.ky i rm.iivi,i;s "i haiiry Marshnll Neilan hns decided thnt his youthful Mar is new "ripe ' for thu name part in Iloeth Tarkiugten'h "Penrod," and will start production been. ,4'-' X i i ' ' 1 K?r ' i '' . & . .- J 'it?" ' & . I 1 VISITING CENSORS SAW 24 REELS OF 'FOOLISH WIVE$ Hy CONST ANCK PALMER Hollywood, Cal. WF.I.l.. the cen course, you 1; censers hnve gene. Of I ;new the reason Carl j I ,! iim,iii tl,ni n,,i i,nm ...i,l ,Zr,ZZ l 7 , i I "ntl & U"m '"trrtnined every blooming minute, was te put them In a nice frame of mind when they passed approximate continuity, was run for their delectation. Twenty-four reels get that? It started at 0 in 'the eve ning ami lasted until 3 :.10 the next morning. And then the frenzied press agent puts down in the public prints that "the changes suggested by the censers were of unimportant nature!" They would be nfter seeing twenty-four reels. I'm only surprised the censers could speak at nil. IN HIS new ceme.lv, "A Sailor-Made Man." Hareld I.leyd will engage in a fistic combat with Al Kaufman, well- known hen v. weight. Thej tell me llnr old himself is net se slew' with his feet either, for he held the lightweight title' ln uenvrr once upon a time. This cemedj premises te be as funn flS "T Til '' ll'lllnll 1 nil Mult. n.t.v.1 .. r. b " ...-. ,, vi, ..,i,-.i ll.llljll. 11 11 prnrtlcallv perfection in lis own class. ITIiere's mi Oriental palace In it, with ' " ni vei s an wi.at-net. .New. .Hareld, deu t 1p like the rest of them. n,v.. like .veu because .veu're se differ- ent. Tem MncNnmnra. who draws Skinny Slimier, is back nmeng us. About n ,w (( mf dcl.hte,j w,h ( llls niiiet'wlt. working In conjunction I with Chick Sale, who wns also out here. I Dhl jeu knew that I.arry Semen used te h" a cartoonist en the New Yerk Evening Sun? Frem the sublime , te the ridiculous. His new contract 1 calls for S.ViOO.OOO in geed money for the writing, acting nnd dirpcting of a series of comedies. This is net se large REAI.AKT sends out studio is today twi word that their iy twice ns large as it This certainly doesn't . W fl a 11 in r 11 vm . leek 'Ike hard times, does It? Kddie Sntherlnn.l Is Hehe Iln.ni.iQ- ,0nna of "The Chocolate Soldier" nnd 1 "Alma Where De Veu Eive?" I '"n.e I.ane Thnt Hnd Ne Turning." writien bv Sir Gilbert Barker,-will be Agnes Ayres' first starring picture. hiie win probably start werlc within a few days. Universal Keeps Fleet of Waiting Motorcars A IT.l;i;T of fifty meter vehicles Is mf mntntnined nt T'nlvernal City te meet the trnnspoitatien requirements at , the big Mudie Touring cars, fast racers, light and i heavy trutks. tractors and mciterev Cles nrc m dnilv use nnrl ii fnllv eenln. lied department nf transportation U nn imnniiant bureau nf the Mlldie I he cars are nil nf ilm lietter tnnkiik nnd are used exclusively for the pur pur pesn intended. Ter location trips of long distance the players nnd the pro ducing slnff nre conveyed in blar tnnrlnir cars. Fer transporting extra people te Him rrern location, huge busses are utilized Fer light hauling nreund the studio and for chertrr tripB the lighter cars are nsfd. while the motorcycles nre In use In the messengers nnd the liai son nflicers who must scurry back and fnrtli nvi'r the studio's TiOO acres en dispatch erviee. A lnt: meter park has recently been laid out in lonnectien with (lie trans, portal ion department und there are pinked ihe hundreds nf earn which ar- nve nt 1'nlversnl City cverj morning v ith tlinvp who hnve n hnnd In the production. i Ce-operating with the transportation department there is malntainen an au tomotive repajr department, where eklllcd mechanics keep the fleet of mo me tor lehicles tuned up te perfect pitch, THE STORY BEGINS WUh the early day ' the eM Fine Arts studio In California tehen Cetlcen Moere, the Oish girls, Iicssla Leve and a host of ethers were net much merfl fAau extra girls, Diana Ohcyna tells hew she and her cfcttm, Isabel Heath, sat loncsemely around the studio until I'hil Craney. the famous director, chose Isabel te be the first of the screen's "baby vamps." They arc seen together a great deal, and a scandal is created by the director's wife. Deny Win chester, a friend of Diana's, is called en te help, and Isabel tries te "vamp" him. Then Isabel an nounces she is te be starred in the East by a Paul Markham. Dcrry gees te France with the aviation corps and Diana meets Keith Oor Oer hnm, who strangely attracts her. On the eve of a romantie runaway marriage, Keith is killed in an auto mobile accident. AND HERE IT CONTINUES CHAPTER XXX ON SUNDAY nfternoens most of the motion-picture people in New Yerk nnd lets of the theatrical folk go te the movies. The four big theaters are nil crowded, nnd every one manages te get te at least two of them, sometimes te all four. Every one wants te knew what every one elsp has done, nnd when a big feature production, like "The Miracle Mnn," is put en, excitement runn very high indeed. Dcrry and I nearly always joined the crowd, going from the ' Illalte te the Strand, end then en te the Rlvell the Capitel hadn't been built yet. Mal colm Sandy nnd Mrs. I.ane went with us Mr. Sandy didn't like te have me seen alone in public with Derry. I dressed early thnt nfternoen, hoping thnt Derry would come before the blend airplane mnn that's what I cnlled him, though he'd been Introduced tib Mr. Quentin the night before arrived. I wanted te go te him and sny "Derry, I was a silly little feel te "lie" se horrid about the Leng Island girl jesterdny. and I'm just jenleus because I love jeu se much, but I'll try net te he ngain." And I put en a round-necked bronze velvet dress thnt I knew he liked, nnd tucked some daffodils into my belt, nnd later when 1 saw the enge'r light flame up In his eyes when T came Inte the living room, where he was waiting for me, 1 was glad I had. First of all we made our peace about the Leng Island girl. Dcrr. like the!"",'1 bcS,nnl"F '" ,,r",mp nlen? , w" , "" boy he is. was perfectly nnivnl th.it i jl'Iewnlls. 'I be wind swooped along be had been put out because he was nice ,llm ,"s- "".ving us with It. se that i.ung island girl. Derrj. like the'"".' "t, " ' It" " ., ' """ "" " '" her. "But slip's n ceusi thing of Sandy's." he protested nr- unii ii it- m- m" i (i hi it vuii in si mi if shindig last i.iBht. nml sl,i 1 if t".i lie told me lie was taking into tlitii ni,.i .., ri.. i . 'nw"j,S fi.1' Tl..,", P.01"!.0''" ir ' ,u""' ,""""" Se I did. (imi. en ever here en t he davenport bv the window and let me rub my cheek against your hair; I fw.j lately as if we were acting In a serial. alwnyH being separated bv obstacles vl.... ,1.- i .... I. mil. H uir ie;.s, iiuiirv ; " - ,-,1 1 told him about Nan Slwniip nnri bought the screen rights te a peach of -h.t .!,. n.iiui.1 i',.r,'?..n2:...n"i'n story. It's been done en the stage, marrie(1 ..."..I hsti"b 'Thiit's tlm nest tl.i,,,- f.. i,-.i III t s tne hest tiling I e heard ' ' ' ha i nil nr.u "I m.w. !.! trying te lneet his keen cjps nmi lwt succeeding very well. Derry and I are alwavs having silly little ' iniiiiiuler standings, and I'm net really happy living here with Mrs. l.nne. eveii though and I get married right aw.iv ' I'll work harder than ever afterward, I1011- sue s se nice ie me. i-iease can t llerrv ustly 1 will. Even before I'd finished I could see thnt he was angry, but I wasn't pre pared for the storm of winth that descended en my head. He snid I was ungrateful :u. feel lsh. and was throwing mvself awnvi en a youngster who would never be anv- thing but an assistant director, and niOTeri.AYs TNMU trwuiu Alhambra ?: d'LIK'.. WS ETHEL CLAYTON In "WM.Tir Trrcmr'Tu "EXPERIENCE" A nril 1 C S-.':' 4 THOMPSON ST. APOLL'J MATIN''!'! !4tl.T ALf,STAB CAST In I-ABA3IOI "ST'S "DECEPTION" ARCADIA ftMTO ,3 BERT LYTELL In "THIi JI.WJIII" . "A OT-7-s.D KHANKLIN 4 VJ1HAHU m ASTOK MATIV-'1-' liII.T HAZEL DAWN BROADWAY f. "nd" " GLORIA SWANSON In TJIKJfiHKAT JIOMESr' - A IIITAI '13 MAHWI'-l di. Lrtri iwLi STCETAp In "MAMMA'S ArFAIUS rn .ON AL Ul an t ...d r. u. ELSIE FERGUSON In "FOOTI.IlillJin DAraYTHEATRE KATHERINfc MacuunnLu "" n "Cl'IlTAIN tr'KtPRFSS , 'r.tXu ii MAIN HT.. aiAWAiunis iiiTivnr n tt v THOMAH 11 "THE BRONZE BELL' INC'K'8 I'liui'ii'..- caTrMOI jnt - "ath . Olrard Ave MVTivrK haiiiI HOBAKl BuevYvixin In Tllri -iJ!,l' "'. pi . .Ill V THKATH1S . '"",'? MiAIVllL.! DAM "i -IIJ- - ii.A. t-.i ac CAIRRANKS uu.uVh?r.,. ,7 ,v ln"ii;' ""?iii-:: rrpTTc r i".A'jTfVW WuS I IONEL BARRYMORE L, ."iibi.kvii.-h emii.kn'l. Hobart Bosworth, "The Cup of Life" KlIII'UISK AV1KVILLB vqnnr; wmi makkkt ai. CATHERINE MacDONALD : v,"Py:.1 r!:T,:""KY" vr de it while Nan's here te he nmtrn, ef"r course, nml lie ynnts somelied te jeu lest track et ner for a tune honor Sandv won't n.ln.l ! , iB' ln ' lr w"" H" '" direct, you , ever, sue will tic seen in a new Why ? ,.,P s" n e ths 'e" wan J , ",e ' "-' '" U' "'"J ,"' h'!i ".' ' M tM' wait Is well en lis wav new." ,0 , ineivf.niw hence. I looked l.e h-ri.-t Feililled bv his assurance. I snnk- t , "vtT. tl!ls ',''".nV "!"1 , ! ' . wn? . ' , '':"h?.8l'h K(lit" .'"' Air S'nidv nheut our iiuii-iin.. ,,i,.. i ceuiii cie wmi ir . .iviiii ir weuiun 1 1 v iiunm wuncan are marred. I arrive.' f el- mnn en.s ' ,'. 'e " '" " I,e imjch te make, nither. because I Skinner is the daughter of the ..I .. ... .... .1., ... ..... most of It could he done with px- actor. Otlss Skinner. She n-lll m i run i ke en mis wav. i te hi mm. GRANT ' f" Viatinhr Tinuv, RIALTO irih iwhen WILLIAM A, IlllAUirp I'liwnuuiliiN Harrie fans will remember the girl who played en the stage with Gil lette In "Dear Urutus" Madge Bellamy. Here she Is consulting with her director. Jeseph Ilena bcry, during the taking of 'The Call of the North," n I.naky picture. nil that sort of thing. And he con eluded with a statement that gnve inei the kev te the whole situntlen. "W'fiv. if veu wait for six months veu'll find that jeu've quite get ever' tnrlug for him. lie declared, conn cenn dently. "You'll be glad then that 1 told jeu te wait. You've get tee mueh ability te let our whole career be ruined by n puppy love affair. I wish I'd had it put iu your contract thnt jeu wouldn't mnrry for the next three yen is." He stormed around for n while longer, and then went off down the long hall In search of his sister. "Get your coat and hat !" commanded Derry. the minute Malcolm Handy was well out of the room. 1 hurried te my own loom nnd riithed back, struggling Inte my fur coat, and together we hastened out te the elevator. What is it 7" I demanded went out onto the Windswept drive. " knew you have something in mind what is it ou re planning? "Something tlmt'll menu mere te us than anything else we've ever done." !" answered, tucking my nrm in liis ' . i..ii' i - Bf. Brl. battleship swung a ret ml it itH mooring. I loved the wind It. seemed ...match the excitement that was surging up nsde me. I , . , ,,..,, . ' I f "Here s the Idea.. Derry went l nflrr a minute, drawing in,, up vU n j, , Vu M,,,r i""1 brmll,,R .1'. ?, .hr"'1 "", ,hn I I oenld hear him. " I his morning I iirm tnlhltiL- with ll felleu w'le lins t ,)nt wlth ,,,,,,.1, siuvps,. It has winner I I screen possienuies. ineiign. ,, ., .., ,,ii ,.! f,. ,i,ttf J" "litu " i ' i'h'mh-, h isi n.n. -v i. , teriers. nnd there's n little place down the Coast where wp could de 'em. I "This chap's get some money enough te make the picture, nnd when .,,.. ,. , T we once gpt It made and bring It back1. 'vMIi Marie Dore is net plajm here nnd show it. I knew we can sell m pictures at present. She is te ap It and get some big 1 outrun out of nfnr '" u Ile"' ''ns' play with Nerau it for ourselves. It'll absolutely make l''c"er tills chap, and me, tee. Then why, of i-mirse veu'll de It. dear." I etclaimed "Ves, under one condition." he an swered, pausing en the protected side of 11 big tree and looking down into niv "'" 1 will it jeu 11 marry me lie- 'ere ' B. CONTINTED TOMORROW ruoTeri.ws Tlie following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. GREAT NORTHERN -"W! THE OLD NEST - imperial uuT?i,.A..j-ai, "THE OLD NEST" ,1 nliirrK Pilee Uermanlewn Ave. ui suemgn raiace t.hiKh Avnu AMI. 1.1 AM A. IIHADVS rRODlCTION "LIFE" LIBERTY "".kW- JUSTINE JOHNSTONE In "Hlir.l.TKltKO AtillTr.KS" O VERBROOk" wu lVlne CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "IlAXOKKOt S Ill'SlNliSS" PAI ArF -l MAHKKT HTUEE7P 'l-s-'I-i in a i in ll as f. M IIAVII) 111'TI.KR In "THE SKY PILOT" PRlNrFSS 1018 MAIIKET BTHK1ST - ..... .m n .,,, A al Teil '10 1'. iS. SHIRLEY MASON In "V. i:il MNCK i:VK" mXtttt J""tiik i'itix('i:ss or m;v mihk' RIAI TO UEHMA.NTOW.N AVENUB ,..JZ".:. .V Tt'U'i-unricKN ht. WHITMAN IIBSNKTT'S ntOIH'CTION "NOT GUILTY" Rl IRV MAilKET bT. UEIvOW 7TU l-'-' I IU A r te 1 1 :1B 1. U. HOPE HAMPTON In "LOVE'S 1'KNAI.TV" 55AVDY --11 11AUKUT 8TUEBT J- VUI h A M TO MIIJNIOtrr . ,OI IIH Mil II MOKKIS' STOKV "A Tale of Twe Worlds" , Sherwood VaJ?rVi 1 GLORIA SWANSON in "Tin: nniiAT memii.nt" STANl PY MAiiKcr.AT ibtb - ..VttT' n A M tn " 1R l". 1 INUKMA TALMADGE . "' "t"k hii.n en the nnnrt . 333 NLARKET,.-?-' U'frj" bETTY COMPSON in Mvr 'i ii i: i.Mi or the wehi.ii VI I I IV I A "Vi 1-1 ft I Al. l,l f i 1 1 1 ii i. UU311IN hAKINUM In "THE l'UIMAI. LAW" AT WEST CHESTER IDLE HOUR -!".' "'uW!:KV' In "LOUS'b PENALTY'' lirlnlTl lsHsiiEHHBliHHBKI -'iMI BHPa i jffir m)li Insiders te Questions Frem Mevie Fans GLEN -I cannot help teu te n. admittance te n motien-picturc studio ; U ifj ratlcr difficult thing te de. Tht only thing I can suggest is for you h write te the mnnnger of the stiiili'e, and if there is some geed reason why je, -iiuum w; iiu nun-you win ueuDt. less be given that privilege. 1" nil ,ru c pi iijii vx imtip .,..: ,)n ,.,, .,.-"'"' perience before ., - . . mi-a.m uiv uenert Agnew w, born n 1K!U). Ills latest work has been lt! x'nrma T n c7 n "Th? L, Fewor .. ..Tl . Sign "n the Doer" J3 "The Vvendei fill Th"ng " miuiui inmg. Clll'nMtV lit ler i r.... l bllhllJIAN I LAtlv .Time Wlkr i-. playing oppes.te Ernct Trucx i: "Six Cylinder I.eve." Faire ISinney hti - " no- iiumnic .stage m '-Jlii Tenser." Pi-nhnlil (l.n I. .!. ...... -..-.. . ... u.. u.. ..( v j ili- I CBsnn . He- pictnn ion anl ernelii famem ntra ti, , debut en Breadwav in "Bleed nl . Sand." Her father 'plays an imneriint role in this plnj. VRl.l "f.ilinm" ll.n. 1...., ..I..J for the screen. The siaee venlm h cnlled "A Trip te Faradise." If t saw the plnj "Idlinm" jeu mnv beta- Pi appointed In the picture, ns the ndapti-'ilJS' lien varies n geed hit from .Melnin play. However, Bert l,jtcll is said tl de some hue acting in the role e! I.lllen. rilOT(IPIYH photo-putt ty&eu. . HMMNT W A fcOrAMtUfCA The NIXON-NlRDLINGERfrt THEATRES U BELMONT ft.'l) AUUVK ilAKKK 1 an a n 30 te 11 r. n. MAE MURRAY In "Till; (ill. 1)1-1) .," CEDAR ;0Tlt CEOAR AVlOTl - M.-STn CAST In "The Weman Ged Changed" COLISEUM ""KTAT nr J,,,,;s Mu:n ecnnoeD's 'Ged's Country and the Lav' TTJIMRO fient st. l eiiiard aj JU1UDU jumbo June, en Frankfort 'V PAULINE FREDERICK In ".SAIiVAdi;" I FAHFR 41BT 4 LANCASTER AV Al.lhTAU C ST In AMz-hTAU CIST In "THE CONCERT" BSD A LOCL'ST STBEBTi F.vgs USUI'" Elsie Fergusen in "Foetlighti SVMiKSJl B ;"' nivm I CJD AND HANSOM 6TS. IK1VULI lATINEE DAD-T MATINEE WALLACE REID In "THU I.OVK SPECIAL" STRAND aTTMvKNANoe tir. ELSIE FERGUSON In "IOOTLK.HTS" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. G. 5510 ilernvantn"n IA' ermantewn Watim:k vn UEOINALH IlAHKEll'H I,"VCT' M. I JEFFERSON n?hAS"SS VIOLA J5ANA In "HOME Tl IT" - PARiAK.r".1" a i irir LAKE In HIE (HIIIATIIK "'"'' - - . . ...tit WEST ALLEGHENY "'?,..... 25th t AU"', ELSIE FERGUSON la "BACItUU AMI rHOFAM'. W', Tr I'M: It ft C ft I ir.J ten It khc :. l rtl: W .11 W rr' m UlU Fwc in kin it.. katt 'i MI HE be, lar. It, u JVMI fnr Of Ill Mm 'llll N ' mi (HI. ilk 110 I'l Jilt PI tB fill ft llr 6 : X f liH b4 ..-SV ij JtW, j .i;iiU J iMmMm&htmi f idtrtng fl