mm EVENING 'pUBLIO EEDGBltPHItABErPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1921 .ii" If i ! JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE r Wflucy Wynne Talks of Several Matters Mr. and Mrs. frank Behlen, Jr., Are Cengratulatpd en Birth of a gen Dance flannea for lutss liescmary lieive i niD you knew that the Frank Boh Beh Dun Jr.'H liove a little son? He -..born en Thurmlnr of lnaUvcclc, and te . darling. Yeu knew the Hehlcns Lt one of these nttrnctlve houses out .. Herldey mail In Havnrfenl. which th furnlilml at the ttme of their ..,inre ii little morn than a year age. ?rt "cm. of hOHC .PbWe.dMl.l L.Win crny and hnH u bread perch ffrint ami the ilenrciil Utile gnrtfen at L , ride no lpk of th0 h0VBe- n'c ands arc email, but they liave cor cer SSS5 made them most picturesque. A mt eun dial In In the center of the (towers nt tbc beck of the jjnrden and fhc are dclnhlnlum, siinpclrugeu, nH- ?,. nd iliulleU In profiwlen. . , " 1.....1.... s i inev I't-nniuin. a dnuBhtcr of the Wil- .1.1..... nt t.tu filti timl U1KIIII-, "I mm '.', '"" .?. rr of Mr. Dudley lima, piiiam- Mm. IlOlllftl you remember, at linn Uucl Frank" Hi .ll7 1 ....--v , " , , , i u fAHinnp v nrn rnnK little arrival will be called but would net be Burprlted te hear that he will be Francht Beb'eu, 3d. SpEUHNG of new nrrlvalB, every one who ha read Dr. Henry Van Drt5 exquisite 8terle and emaya will tL'interi-ited te hear that bis daughter, has n small unugn- iinil mm. nnd you . Henry Chnnln. has ns tt, born last Merulny. Mr. !.r' u.. in Princeton. knew, e course, that Dr. Van Dyke Jm long made his home In that city. UWng been attached te the faculty of Princeton University for many years, btildn being in the diplomatic service. The wee granddaughter has been named Charlette Chepin. ROSEMARY HOWK will be home the latter part of the week, nud the wrtles for her will seen be Btartlng. She is the only daiiRhter of Mr. Arthur VMUiejr IIowe, und a very attractive id sweet girl. , I remember she yas Toted the prettiest of the graduating rinse i of Springside Scheel In Chestnut Hill lst spring, and that was saying ,emcthing. Her aunt, Mrs. Alfred O. B. Steel, will give, a dauce en Saturday. October 8, for her, nnd Mr. Howe will riTC a tea te introduce her ferrnnlly in November. The Hewes have been spending most ef the summrr at their home In Urlstel, II. I., where all the family connection of that name congregate every hummer In various cettnges. Hnsemnry N the panddaiighter of Mrs. Herbert Howe. Hfr mother, who died several years age, was Mies May Denckla, n sister of the late Mr. Herman Denckla, of Chcht nnt Hill, and liescmary la n first cousin of Paul renckln, whose marriage te Sarah Delan wna announced several etks age. Ily the way, Sarah nnd Taul have tUtn n npnrtment at the Teuniine for the winter. I understand. THE marriage of Mr. WUmer Kiddle te Mrs. Douglas (onion, which took place last Monday, will bring te Phila delphia another debutante, for Mrs. Blddle's daughter. Virginia Gorden, Is Just at the debutante age und se will come out here, us well ns in Daltimerc. The Biddies are nt present taking a wedding trip, but later will go te Mr. Kiddle's home in Chestnut Hill nnd will remain tliere for the winter, pos sibly coming into town in the height of tk season. The dates nre being urrnnged thick ar.d fast -new and with the dates there hue been ether announcements, as for instance, the fact that Kmily Bartow will net, after all. muke Ifr-r debut this winter Her mother, who w(i3 Miss Alice Smith the late Mr. Lilwaril U. Hmitn. lins, te Mr. Benjamin Siurnfeld ceciuea te go te Europe, iikiii;; i,mny city with her for a year traveling before I Introducing her here. Jmiily'H father was, the late Henrj Blnckwell Bartow. a brother of Mr. .TeMnh Bartow, whose datiahtfrs. Mary and Elizabeth, made their bows te Society year before lust and last year respeetlvcl. at thelr cottage at Eagles Mere, liave returns. dte their home In Hlklns Parle. Mr. and Mrs. Franceis den Bt Phalte of Mejrese Perlt, sailed en Saturday for a nix weeks' trip te Kurepe, returning about November 1. Mr. anil Mrs. Chnrles A. Stcrnberger, of 289 Seuth Connecticut avenue, At lantic City, liave Irsued Invitations for the marrlage of their daughter, Miss Dorethy Heaa Htcrnbemer, and Mr, Law Law rence (J, Leepold en Wednesday evening, September 28, at fl o'clock, In the Temple Kencseth Israel, this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Ames, of St. Van), Minn., will arrlve next week nnd will be the guests of Mrs. Amen' mother, Mrs, Leuln C. Baker, Jr., of St. Anaph'rt read, Bala, They will ceme te attend the wedding of Miss Juliana Stevens Haker nnd Dr. James V. Nixon, Jr., of San Anten e, Tex , which will be sol sel cmnlred at 4 o'clock en Wednesday aft aft aft onieon, October fi. In St. Asaph's Epis copal Church, I!m. Mr. and Mis Uugene Carter B Him Him enln, who have been spending soveral weeks at Saranac, N. V., are occupying their home, 122 Sprlngfteld avenue, Chestnut Hill. Mrs. Herman Kremer, who spent the summer with her t,en-ln-Iaw and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. W 111am Drayten Orange, at Yerk Harber, Me., has re turned te her home. 2010 Walnut street Her een-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leuis nedman Page, Jr., and their family, who have been spending the summer at Yerk Harber, will return te thelr home, 2013 Locust street, the latter part of this wcek. Miss Bernlcn M. Meflhenny. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn D. Metlhenny, of Lincoln drive and Jehnsen street, fiennnntewn, left en Saturday for Smith College, Northampton, where she will bn a student and will return for the holidays. MIm Mellhenny was formally presented te society by her parents et a. garden party lar June. Mr. and Mrs. Metlhenny will entertain at a dance en Friday evening, Decem ber 23, In the foyer of the Academy of Music. Brigadier General Littleton W Taae Taae well Waller. U. H. M. C, and Mrs. Wal ler, who have been spending th early summer in the Adlrendacks, where they were the guests for a few weeks of Dr. and Mrs. Ocorge Fales Uaker. erf the Oaks, Uosement, at thelr camp, Hep. burnwoed, Paul Smiths, N. Y and were also the guests for u short thne of Majer and Mis. W. P. Cpshar. of Quanrtlft, and of Mr, and Mrs. Loulse F. Gclsler, of Fifteenth und Locust streets, ut their estnte en Leng Island, hnve returned te their home, 2500 Seuth Twentieth street, Mlf.s Katharine Knight Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and MrB, O. Francis Smltli. who ha.s been spending the Utter part of the summer at Bay Head, N. .! us the guest of Miss Elisabeth W Ortn. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kane H. Green, of Montgomery and Itadner avenues, Bryn Mawr. has returned te her home, 4021 rine street. Miss Smith will be n, debutante of this season. Mi Charlette Mae Graves, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frrd'nand .1, Graves. of Wlsah cken avenue and Manhetm street. Germantown, has been entertain ing n house party at their cottage at Cape May Mr. nnd Mrs Graves and their family, who have been spending the summer nt Cape May, returned te their home en Satuiday. Dr nnd Mrs. S Iwls Zlegler, nf H.ivcrferd nnd 1625 Walnut street, have returned from Europe, where thev visited HngUml and tvured ttie battle fields of France. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C Wilsen are stay ing at the Ambassador, Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Bebcrt If. Dlrpy. of Chelten avenue nnd Seventh street. Oak Lane Park, nnnounee the engagement of thelr daughter. MlhB Elizabeth Gre.r Dippy, te Mr T. Walker Cleeland, son u .ir. hi mi ivirii. wn tm .i r n,4H of 6612 North Tenth street. Oak Iino. ' Mr. and Mrs. Km a H. Hh. nf 17ft.". l'l.iinenu ireer, nnnounee tne M00RE8T0WN Mr. Jeseph Dent, of San Luis Potesl, Mexico, jmd his (amity will spend the winter with Mr. Dante's brother, Mr. Henry Dcntz, of Oak avenue. Mlsif' Kalhorlne Slocum haa gene te spend her vacation of two weeks In the Pecene Mountains. Mre. William A. Hughes, of West Cen tral avenue, has had Mrs. Emma Ham melt, of 8euth Ambey, N. J as her guest, Miss Margaret Themas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Themas, will enter Ilutgcrs College at New Brunswick. DELAWARE MIsh Helen Hays, COUNTY of llldley ParH, tvIII nntertnln nt n. il vn lnuidrxd tiarty at her home en Saturday, Octeber 1, In honor of Mrs. Helen J. Howarth, of Chester, whose marriage te Mr, Ocerg,s Larkln Hutherftfrd, of JnckKonvllte, Fla . will tuke place en October 12 Tha guests will Include Mrs. Wllllnm L. Itetzel, Jr., Mrs. Frank Themas. Jr. Mrs. 12. Smcdley Ward, Miss Helen Atherhelt, Miss Kllzabeth Buse, Miss Dorethy Burlln, Mist Dorethy Chost Chest iiut, Mrs. Naemi McIIenry, Miss Mary riark, Miss EIoIbe Helllp. MIm Emily Haydock, Miss Marie Husten, Miss Elizabeth Lukens, Miss Gretchen Mon Mon Men eoe, Miss Wllhcltnlna Menree, Miss Elizabeth Messlck, Miss Florence Mitch ell, Miss Florence Blghter, Miss Sara Ilhordes, Miss Ilolieeca Hobe, MIsh Vunlta Shuster, Miss Edith Hhuster. M'ss Mi riam Htull and Miss Wlnnlfred Blean. Among the guests who nttended the card party given by Mlwi Hum Ithedes, daughter of Mrs. Jehn C. Hhedes, of Media, In honor of Miss Helen Hawarth, of Chester, en Saturday afternoon, were Mrs. Edwin Brown, Mrs. Jehn Brown, Mrs, llalph tvlns. Mrs. Clarcnce Jor Jer den. Mrs. William Perner Mrs. Htirlew Ulgby. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, Miss Jane Dalseu, Miss Irene Oullett, Mlsu Helen H.ij's, Mlas Jane Harvey. Miss Anna Harvey, Miss Haines, Miss Blanche Moere, Miss Marguerite Pryer, Vm Amelia Perter, M'ks Helen Perter, MIp-s Itenle ltlgby, Miss Rebecca Hese, Busy Days m HBE i ' w mi a m Harris ft Cwlnr. MBS. CHABLES KVAN8 UVOUKS A new photograph of the wife of Secretary of State Hughes. Rhe In busy with her plans te rntertulu during the arms conference Miss Dorethy Wells, Whirtman nnd Mrs. hardt. MISS AGNES GRACE WEDS MR. DANIEL BOYLE Marriage of MIm Dera Bren?r and Mr. laae Felntteln A wedding of Interest iweK place, this morning In Ht. Menica's Ilemaii Catholle Church, llltner and Seventeenth streets, at 9 o'clock, when Miss Agnes M. Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theman Grace, of 2520 Seuth Breed street, be came the bride of Mr. Daniel V. Beyle, of Pittsburgh. The Hev. Father Jeseph Kelly performed the ceremony, which was solemnized with a nuptial mass. The bride was given In marriage by her father and was attended by Ml. H. Jehnsen, of New Yerk, as matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Margaret Grace and Miss Martha Gruce. sisters et the bride: MIsh Mary Scheber and Mrs. Jehn Merris, of Gary, Ind. Miss lluth Haines was ftew'en girl, Mr Jehn Gruce, brother af the bride, was best man, and the ushej were Mr. Themas Grace, Mr. Jeseph Flnley, Mr Themas Haines and Mr, Herbert Rehlldaffer, of Pittsburgh. Im mediately after the ceremony a reception follewad at the home of the brlde's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs, Beyle left en their wedding trio through Cun nda. They will make their home In I Pittsburgh after November 1. FEINSTEIN BUENEU The wedding of Miss Dera Brener, of ,1022 Kensington avenue, and Mr. Isaac F.. Felnsteln, of 39fi2 Penngro-e street, wan solemnized last evening at ! o'clock at the B'nal .Teshurun Synagogue, Thirty-first and Diamond streets, fin Itlbin Abraham A. Ncuman und Loen II. Elmaleh officiating. During the war Mr. Fclnsteln was made librarian of the Jewish Welfare Heard, United Stntes Army and Nar, later serving ns field secretary at Carat) Dlx, N. J., and ether camps along t e Eastern Coast. During this tlme he was attached te the Ilalnbew Division of the Liberty Lean campaign ns a, speaker In the lean drives. Miss Brcner Is nctlvn In Yeung Judea work. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION TO GIVE DANCE Affair te Be Held In Feyer for Hoa Hea pltala and Nursing Societies The Alumnae Association of the Scheel of Nursing, Hospitals of the Graduate Scheel of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, Medlce-Chlrurglcal College and Hospital nnd Polyclinic Section, will glve a dance and card party en the evening- of Friday, October 28, In the Academy of Music Feyer, The affair, which Is being man aged by Miss Margaret W. Ayres, l for the benetlt of the relief and the scholarship funds. Mrs. Whielcr Scud der Is chairman of the Card Committee. Mrs. William J. Clothier, Mrs. Wil liam It. Nichelson, Mr. Herbert Lincoln Clark. Mr C. l r. Stout, Dr. Jehn H. W. Itheln, Dr. James M. Anders and Dr. De Ferest Wlllard are members of the Exccutlve Beard of the Scheel of Nursing, nnd the Secial Service Com mittee of which Mm. Clothier Is chair- ' man, Includes in addition te Mr. Jam's , Brown, the treasurer, nnd Mrs. Jay ' Schumberg. the secretary, Mrs. Gull- I Ilaem Aertsen, Jr., Mrs. William Ash- i brook, Mrs, Jnmes M. Anders, Mrs. Matthew Bnlrd, Mrs. Jeseph Blnn, Mrs. Gardner Cassatt, Mrs. Percy CInrk, Mrs James Carstalrs, Mrs. Waiter i Clothier, Mrs. J. Lloyd C'eates, Mrs. E. . M. Church. Mrs. Geergo Dallas Dixen, I J.'.!.11, "oergo f. Frriiman. Mrs. 11. 11. Uhlte fiteel, Miss Clara Woodward. I Mr. Christian A. Hngen. Mrs Alfred! Nerrls, Mrs Irving p. Lelse, Mm. . i Rulen Miller, Mrs. Jucnue.s Moes, Mrs. Geerge MuII-r. Mrs. Jehn P Holllngs Helllngs wprtli, Mrs William It. Nichelson, Mrs. IUchard c Nerrls. Mrs. David niesman. wrn. iitireiu A. Hanrts, Mr. Jehn Stru blng, Mrs fharles J Swain and Mrs. Harry C Tliajcr wtmSw ifitittlCT AT NINKTKENTII Nerma Talmadge IN A F1HHT NATIONAL I'HOTOPr.AT "THE SIGN ON THE DOOR" ADDKP ATTrtACTtON PARIS FASHION REVIEW (Living Medcli) AtJSPirKB OF OtMnniy nitOTHKnB STANTON MAP.KET RTIinKT AIJV. SIXT13KNTH REOPENS Saturday, Next Plrrt Phllndplthta I'rerntsti'nnl First Time at Popular Prices or tin- Wllllnm s Wonder I'tay , i. , i.,,iu,i,i uei-i, iiuuuiiue me engage !.'. v ".' I. ".;' ... . mriii ut jiii-.r unugnier, .miss "n ! of this JIMMIK was playiuff with a small boy unknown te mother and father, nnd nebnw mother did net like the way will unnll boy talked. Se she maneu Tered In various ways the stepping of thsgrewiuc friendship without liurting the ether little hey's feelings. Thlnxs re se well managed that the little ftllew appeared almost fontetten till ene day father, coming home from the effirt, noted Jlmmle en the ether bey'H perch. "What nre you doing, Jim "il(?" called father, nnd when he get the answer he let him stay; "for," U4 Jlramlc, "EdKar's get a birthday wi I'm nt it." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. and .Mrs. Geerge W. Chllda Drcxel. Wootten, Bryn Mawr, will glve a Jlnnr-ilance en Saturday evening, Oo Oe wbr 30 Mr and Mrs Drcxel, who Pent a part of the summer ut Dark Hirber, M , returned home en Friday lut Mr and Mrs. Bebcrt K. Strawbrldge. f Mearlnw Ledge, liryu Mawr, will wrtly leme tmltatlena for a dance en y. September 30 at the .Radner ""at, In honor of their daughter, Jllss Anita Strawhrldge. Mr. lUlll TrM t l'r, ...... TnMnVanl 'in entertJiiii nt dinner en Friday eve. GERMANTOWN Mr. and Mis. Frnnklln B. Sykes. of G!M7 Lincoln drlve. have Issued Invi tations for the marriage irf their daugh ter, Miss Anna Dlnsmore Sykes, and Mr Harry Freeman en Wednesday eve ning, September 2S, nt 7 o'clock, nt th liellevuc-Stratferd. A reception will fellow. Mr, and Mrs R. 8. Heward-Smith, of 4S3S Pulaski avenue, who spent a month at Het Springs, Vn., have re turned home. Mr. und Mrs. Kem Dedge, of B135 Pul:i"kl avenue, who spent the summer nt their cottage at Ventner. will rcturr home the early part of this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Gntt'n, et 140 East Durham street, will leave en Sat urday for a month s stay at Atlantic i city. Mr. and Mrs. Jelin W Whiting left yesteruay en an extcnuea trip te the Pacific Coast. 1 1.T.-.1 T",V. of the Liberty Lean campaign ns a R " '"' utmmi ' VTnDIT FRAMBES, I' .. . . - i t i ii jrn ti e si pi D I mrts 1222-1224 Walnut Street - r"""'"" SP i MiiiiiiMikMiim myfr -an -p- . si -me, A TO-MOItnOW AT 1 New fashions in V ....... I Coats, Suits and Dresses MzMimf -S 1 I ; Exclmivcly Vaudeville's Best! I GERTRUDE HOFFMANN A m "Tk "T TTh S AMKK1CAN IIAI.I.F.T I ? At New Prices : ??r"" i 5 - - m RUTH BUDD I I 1 MILLER & MACK f5 jesm. s; ' Heward Lstigferd i. Piderlek -Ina ! i Plain and Fur-Tiimmed $h 1 : II Suits iffk 1 I Mid or vciaync, meussyne, panvciaine, mecnaicx, ana einer 1N.III flTWD s m Siilyif r S MT 1 1 l.r - r - fffflm S m i j s vwjiniaiiiifStt'a vrmi 1 1 is . El & 4Ct Tl W 1 uattitei I I li Tfin 0-mI. i' Huir n Htery J; r Made One Entire. Year en Ilreadway New Yerk KiiK-rtalntn. nt for Hvery Jtemter of the l'amlly CO.VTINUOl'H Jl A. Jr. te 11 P. M. DAILY. 5e. Bflc KVKN NOH. W)c, Tfir PALACE U'Jl JIAKKKT HrllUIST 10 A M e 11 1'. M. "THE SKY PILOT" ARCAniA c",IKf'lN''-'T ,(el 1'T,, BERT LYTELL VICfORIA MAN H HO ' MAIIKKT A1J. BTH tl A M te 11 If, P -r DUSTIN FARNUM "PII.A1' ' MAIIKET HTHEUT Oenntancn TalmadKe In MAMMA'S AF PA IK ' MAHKIIT ST. He!. 17TH THE PRINCKfiS OK KKW TOftK" CAPITOL REGENT GLOBE BROADVAY Cress Keys MARKET AT Jl'NII'CR rONTINt'OtTB VAPnfiVILI.E 11 te 11 "The Bullet-proof Lady" DROAD SNYDER 2'1B. fl-45 9 V XT VAt'DKVILT.R firIRIA BWANHON In "THE GREAT MOMENT" C0T1I AND MARKET 2 'B 7 and 0 "PUTTING IT OVER" KRANKFORO AND AI.I.EOIIHNY AVES. Vauievi'e nfl Tn-amount r ture "EXPERIENCN'E" WITH nif HARD FIARTm-T.MK'-s Allegheny Alhambra 12T1I AMI ')V.f VAl'PBVI I ' KT11I.I. fUTTOS IK W-A . ., Heward Laiigfpr'l i. Pi'derlek -Ina Jee, Towle; Handera Mlllci. Hie Surrounding Shew AV.'it Ph MB Halt) Phl!n,'B. Newest Th atie Th. ASSADOR WEST PHILADELPHIA AJineupccmrnt Ih made of the wpdtlinK of Mln Krancen Stewart, of 110 Mllllek strnet. and Mr. iirpe Ucanment, which tool! pltice en Saturday at the home et the br tie. Alue the marring,) of Mists Stewart's KlHter, Minn Martha Stewart. and Mr Herbert rolsteck of this city, wh pli took place nt the brmea home en ! Satiinlny SiitPinbrr IT The rUv. Ar thur rhllllpH performed both oerftne- h:eh. Mr and Mrs jarnea uuinlan, of r,85l I Walten anue, ?ave a party In honor of thelr non. Matcr Walter Qulnlan'h, th'rd I unniverHarv Amens urn Kiientst were WnB In honor of in de butan .XuRh- ' M" ,nn,,, $2 Q !Kn M? v! or SAlPiSnia' "l K",mQnn "V Mr' &Uj5f. MWh' ... '".. nemn at I1011' I nrln On nlan. M Eleaner Qulnlan, .'irn iiiiam H. Denner will ontertaln ! riP Mnrcaret Meyer. Muster Krnncis .-..., ...-., - .1 . I.anfflU, Mauler Themas n "nnur, .m.ib ter Charles O'Connor. Master Milten Spear. Master Albert Bpeur, Master Themas Jehnnen. Muster Francis Gar rltv, MiiH Mabel Iathrep. Miss Griuie T.n'nirill. MIh Imm Bechtel, Miss Helen Tnhnaen Mlas Klercnra Bell, M is II ea. nor Qulnlan, Miss Katharlne Mips Marien Dewney. H luncheon en Krldny next in honor of If T. dauphter, MIsh Dorethy H. IledKirs, ' her home, 316 .Seuth Kluhteenth street. aii?1? le Her8e 'show- Ml3 Cenner ." b formally rresented te society at tea en Wednesday, November 23. JuuI'JS MrN- I'lllUPPUS W. Miller, of .,?' ht nvlds. hae Issued Invlta Invlta ien for a. dinner at tha Lilacs en Krl tb.uT." 0,,Pber 28. In honor of Vn L . u.tftnt'" lshtr. MIbh Mary H. jiiiter, befere the danc. te b Klen by I7ii e Mrs' K,lwiii niden Oraham, of d.lL?Prufr st'et. i liener of their t ?hr i ' MlM Oortrude A. H. Oraham. 10 no glven ut the Mellen Gelf Club. In hiln,"'c,stlnK "'JaKeKinent te seelnty i ""'1 ether 1'ltlen, anneum-eil In JulH Ti0rU ye'terday, was that of Miss nflr,lc"?,?r' I,auKlii-r of the late Mr. t5lm,,',',,,'elm T' M- Brewster, te Mr n.d IIume' et v"w Roehelle. Thfl BiRSSIS."1.. i1 -an"ou"''e".. . '? itrwij PL ' u,c' Vl U,J west UDtn - n i.1' Benjn ,iVl i ., tne frran'lnloce of the iJ'lvanl , V. ' "arrlH "rewster, or Penti- .??ril, le M.IM AttMfnnt, r!.,...l ..... ...,.,,.. ,lI-IU .1, s 'he lin V.. i e. """.Anerney (jenera el tb l,Sulf lu frfHldcnt Arthur's Ann, r.. Mr.."ume In the son of Mm. U iiunie MU"1P uml u, liLt0 Wllllum SIS1" srV,r.1- W."lllln N' Merlc.. of lllni.r,,, rll.ns Jftne' flifftmit fill "k-tnd n n.rt.n o,uie iMr,y ve- "nt Their L",1 ,hT,r ,,llR nt Silver Iike. "oedln kH- Mr-..n'tJ Mrs. Ilrbert nf;r.r",.',ir' .ma ,i ': fl'r. mid "erlee's Mrs. .Inlm Artliur Mm t n.... ti .i ,.. If..,.. li ,V".- .""" ""! " A:;.ZL': l ' w. and Mrs. sturts rrn,','ar, n?,.p'--;lf-' returned en """nt T, Jl, )L "Altlmore. where they Mr u-n, K- f llela,ia pnr,' ,Vt I'rlrVi ri", V. ' 0f''r"". "f 20 0" 8lurnv tZl ,!ermr;"",n. returned Mr a?Mfrem u valt te rl"' iuy- IS'n the ?m,..Htr":t- Ji-ninntewn. who " '. iffi irr ri'V"ln ln Knictana. ,r , U 0n l10 B,lltlu last wcelc. i thtir tl i.VChrlM Randelph Weed f wtnlly, who spent the eummer Qulnlan, NORTH PHILADELPHIA The weddlnK of M'e" Lillian Kreed. man. cRii8hter of Mr. nnd Mrs Samuel KreedmanT of IB 10 North Kleventh si reel, nivl Mr Harry If Corden, son nf Mr and Mis. Isa.u Corden, of 1900 North" l'ranklln street, took pUi-e at thu home of the brldn at .'. 110 e eleek yes terdav afternoeon Mrs. Jiireb Samuels was 'matron of honor und Mr Jacob Samuels wuh best man. Mrs. S. Wilsen Vmib'hn. ut 423B North Ninth street, trave a shower In honor of Miss Akiics If. Cress, of Nor wood, en Wednesday evening Iho wed dine of Mlsn Cress and Vr. CherleH Itewland. of Chester, took place en But-urdnV. NORRISTOWN Mrs. Ansen Tl. i:ans. of Hamllteij htreet, entertained nt a luncheon and linen shower In honor of Mrs feamuel K Tinkler, Jr. who before her recent marrlttKe was Miss Martha Kuitr. There were sixteen frm'M Miss Kdna OrlmlBy. daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. V. Grlmtny, of 711 West Marshall street, end Mr A Warren Swartz. ff Lafayette street, were, mar rled en Wednesdnv In the Washington Memerial chapel. Valley TorKe The llev W Herbert Hurk P P rector of the chapel, etllrliitid tit the cere menv Afttr a weilillnK trip Mr and Mrs .Swai tt v.111 Umi nt U-'9 Marklej street. Mrs. Walter Va Profentaln of 101 West Kornaiice street, entertalned at dinner In honor of her birthday anni versary. The Ruests were Miss Alice ru.t.iii.r Miss Charlette Darrett. Mls Helen Weber, MIs Wary Harrison, Miss Linda Lewer. of vcldyne, meuasync, panvciaine, mechatcx, and ether soft-texture fabrics, in black, navy, taupe, new shades of brown and for sports wear two-toned tweeds. The furs include beaver, wolf, squirrel, caracul and mole. Plain Tailored, $55 te $125 Fur-Trimmed, $85 te $375 Sports Suits, $29.50 te $49.50 j. Krd Zimmerman A Hene. Theatres M W. TAYI.OR, General Man,""" ORPHEUM enaantawn A Cheltcn Mat. Temnr 2 15 ORPHEUM PLAYERS T,i -THl! I.ION AND Tin: MOL.-IV ueywnc hiptirks TROCADERO f "'" I elllrw of llurleeque" mer Ai nt Sdlh Si i Orr.8 MAT. MATl.nE. ICT. 1 MABEL JULIENNE SCOTT in , "NO WOMAN KNOWS" rtKN TVrtVIN In " end neuBlinutk" NlKhta. riOr. Children Ke llnttnee. 50e. I Children. Ilr, Including tut. METROPOLITAN VT"1 nr THlaS wi:m rvy.MAT TnMOTC rc;v MAE DESMOND ffiSFS: "THE LOVE OF SU SHONG" Popular Price: 'iv,nilns- 1Bp t ioe Ilrend and Columbia Are. DANCINO TONIOIIT ADMISSION 2Se DUMONT'S ,,T" -vkch-bvjc. .mi' EMMETT WELCH Minstrels mi ATr an-tt'-" city i'aei;axt ROSELAND l,n,i.i.iMn'. I.ewdln TlieafrM GALA OPZAW TODAY MATINEE. AT 2'.I5 mmm AND CO. MILO ? KLEIN BROS. LLD(?A H0FFMAM.- BERT SHEPPARD HATTIE. ALTHOFF AND SISTER. 'IN ARGENTINA LA PINSKI ANIMAL ACTORS SHUBERT NEWS -BUD FISHER COMEDy POPULAR! DAILY MATS.25. 50f PRICES )NlTES "" T25'5O75'.0O ADELPHI AT 8.S THE PLAY OF ONE THOUSAND THRILLS AND LAUGHS iflTliMI EVOKES SMILES AND SHUDDERS. SCREAMS OF LAUGHTER AND SHIVERS OF SUSPENSE NOPlAYMTMT" MAIL CWSrfflDOM li w) HENRY VJ SAVAGE OfflUC G32vBS P a-wBBggaffi imi s-rj .-1 iWiiiniiiTrjiiiiwciimyin'iiiL'iiraiiiiim mirariiiffirmiina'iw, Street and Afternoon Dresses Tailored Dresses of Peiret twill and tricetine, in models that range from the aevereet simplicity te the most elaborately trim med effects. Among the cloth dresses navy is decidedly the pre eminent color. $25, $35 te $165 Afternoon Dresses Canten crepes, crepe satin, Reshanara crepe, and brocades in black, and black, and again in black, but with embroidery, braid, leather and beads in mere colorful shades. Leng, flowing sleeves, and longer, wider skirts, distinguish the new modes. $35, $45 te $195 J M UlPAk JFZX KrrrUiiV 1 Coats and Wraps of fertuna, gerena, moussyne, marvella, vcldyne, and ethers of the long-nap fabrics that emphasize warmth and luxury. A widely varied showing of the newest modes and colors, mnfiV trnrcrrii ial7 tvimwAl iatl Uir n..!.-.1 1 Vii 'ynx' we"f caracu and ether fine furs. $85, $125 te $395 Sports Coats of tweeds, chinchilla and ether sports fabrics, plain nd fur trimmed. $25, $35 te $79.50 All Purchases Billed November ta y fSl B rr .,. m IKLilw WP WP'llIrM n i i " " ' ""-" '"'' ' - -y"jMjwi.iwwiM mmm Xm. 3lLjru Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street-1214 New-a-days iFs Allen's Hats JUST RECEIVED AN IMPORTATION of wrtsHats from Londen Just what you want for golf, meter or sports wear, of any kind. The colors nre Jade, Reseda, Amethyst, Henna, Old Rese, Tomate Red, Taupe, Beaver, Geld, Pheasant. They are Remarkable Value at $8.00 Gleve Silk Vests at $1.95 Iles'i cnier vests of skne - k. made tv a well-known innnufac firer, ex(.-llenr value for thM low Silk BUwmers well reinforced, of the snme quality, are $2.8.'i. Pettibeckera of jrlevc silk In green, na-j- and black, are $4.85. PLAYING A DUAL B.QLE ItJ &5 wk rs rxn r rr? tri rvfi V! && FS. ITI Ij IK6 IS. lii LAST PORMAT.EP.sal50 tyiON.bCT.3THSuY ' '- "ii'7iffi, rwri.(.i( r. mm 10YE FRESH FROM A YEARS TQIUMPH AT WE MAXINE ElUOTT THArR V. Y smmm mrmsx M JtMlUiU rwiuiL COMCOY MATTEGPlECe LAST P0RMAT.WED.,V50 SCTHCATBE ,":, IV J? MJALNUTMVoncieSI M$m WEEK f OLIVER MOfcOSCOS GREAT &Sm4&mMi&r TO MELOCT DRAMA success SEE. IT BEFORE. IT GOE.S NDU YORK m HAVS DE-LIGHTFliU COMEDY mjith 3rZ HEGGE. I YJ.AR IN LONDON I YEAR IN NIVWU Women's Silk Hosiery Specials Heavy Silk Hese with seamed back SI. 15 pair. Heavy Black Silk Hese, full fashioned; usual $2 JO grade at $1.75 a pair. Silk Hosiery with lace Insteps and sports stripe: iihual $100 KTade at J2.75 a pair. .$1.25 French Veilings at 75c a yard These Velllniru am unmNtakHblv new . ix smnrtiv an,.,,, .i,. v,..j stvle Is mown In half R dozen VrUv nnASZwlr?"1): "," v " r""rll i" mi hip vanteil Autun'n 1 oler1- 50c All-Linen Dish Toweling, 25c yard ,..'. "l"i" 10e"r,ir wnn narrow blue or i el borders Th,-fl-julltv 1? frea from clrPMtm; and all pure l.nen i pi, ,J Z,, S .i.Jl'l'J wmlvm or sturrtv w chr lin fr,ii .... . " u"r'1" price ! half of iwual. ' ,uur lmur" n'!eUH- ns till: $1.00 Children's Fabric Gloves, 50c nair imiie innrir lilevps In Vn l in-',, ,, n ,.,.n nblp oelora; only cnengli for a fpw il.nn ten , HerviPc- French Gardenia sage Bouquets, 38c anu 0c Our own Importntten of Vrench Gardenlau , HpIetididK madn nf n,, Dralle's Illusion Flower Extract, 85c et m b i' m 1 Hfrei4 FORREST Tenights A. L. ERLANGFR'S Musical Laugh Hit TWO LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE V"lT n nuiMir Mt i a i rr.MErV r miT'l . H"S IN iiMKIUi A t' ' ' 'Tl '" N -w erK PRICKS: All NiKhts. 50c te 52..r.0 Pep. Mats. Wrd. & Sat.. 50c te $2 BROAD- Tonight ,tf i ni Mat'n 'MM 4 s- , .' 13 Twe Weelca Only T'irit Time in America ALLAN POLLOCK A Bill of Divorcement V a.1- y Tin- I tain H"MT1 V 1 rfe.1 Trr GARRICKl.l',,NLAIr;!-: THE FILM SENSATION! I0f THE AP0CAIYP5EI LAST WEEK A Rex Ingram Production 1 1 h f r - it ,1 ,( 1 11 m 1 '.u n. 1 All Mats., 50c te $1.50 An iml'nriPtl COnCentmlnil etlrsnl In alpoliel. J-h -li tiotlle In biiirII container of thp Valley. Uenn, I.llnp. This h a en quality. true flower ndms xrltheut rliH ednrx arc Violet I.iH low jirli-e for thlu MUndaril Allen's French Hair Nets, $1.00 a Dezen Allrn'.i Hnlr NpIh In hmh ii -ia.. ..i .. ...... . ... the POlintrv mer for rf.nV.V, .K "'". "' " ""'' H'lip r MllinUS rWrtulIy replaced If jeuimVe net ud A le ..n" f, ' E"'r -I uu lue ler a uamuia or nui: tin unrttn ..i, ... " ".lvlt" """" '- wnU ..... , , ..v,,,,,,, llv nvar id; m, m Bryn Mawr Herse Shew i Bryn Mawr, Pa. mki't. sh. -te, ii n nnd err 1 "HlVINfH ANU AFTKRVllOiq 'u a m ,?- -i Y M hah T ri.Uem mi,- nil en r,n nn), M llepe.. in; M,.,tnui Hi a,i iwt 'III e ei, Brni, "Ideirlc vnte vn laSinO JINGLE JIGIJE With HtepWjt' O'KMf - i r v "1 '1 $$mmMmTm,mwxi iJ t.f" i t ' IIMIMIIIMIIIMIIMI MIIIIll I I ' -,i . , , . t