Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 24, 1921, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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, r.y.A.;u:
f : ",. - ,V
Many Stay Away Because Vot
ing Places Are Objectionable,
I Says .Mrs. Wanamaker
totter and clenner polling plows m.
Jni demanded by women in all nee
Mi'demnn if'whlrh was heart nit-.
ASinl election last year nt
V the women here voted for the
lit time. lin come ncnln with greater
A.'.i. lnre Tnccdny.
.?".- f-AmmUslennrs Knee fie n-
K of district pelllne places that
..Glared unfit for women te remain
tie County
tl!)M 0'
'"for even se short a t.mtas it takes
,fllieedemnnd Itself innv lead te burnt;
t.rre change in the, whole technique of
tfnr here, for tinder the present sy?.
jl most of the balletlns Is done in
fflte "hop, rlgar stores billiard
Ks racnut buildings or bark rooms.
P Mr. Jehn Wamimakcr, Bd. of the
Brtebiican Women's Cemmltti. has
!Sd the use of the publle rcIioeh.
iKe that nan been nuwenHful y
frlJ In a number of State-.. She ml
Hi. eivcvr. two objection te thN
f mm VrovlMen In the Oltv Char
K which prohibit the use of hpIuhiI
rLT,.l aV nnlltienl twrpen-t. and ttif
f. hat under the present apportion.
Cnt thw i net a nchoelhoMc in .-very
Siii, illttrlct of thcrlty.
Handicap in Oettlnj; Out Vete
-One of the difficulties we found when
hilng te get the women of the city in
.rested in the primary campaign." tai(l
v, winamaker. "wnR the objection
frnyef them had te Reinp te nnplenranl
TOting places pf their d trlct. I de
ret consider thnt a vnllld excite for
Electing a duty, but 1 knew thnt
h many cases there was rensen In It."
Hardly nnv of the some 14(10 pcilln
throughout the city could be tH-erid
en elertlnn day as n nice homelike
tlace " There nre n .number of reiiMms
hr thlfi i se, nncl tlm rhlpf of them,
iccerdinj t County C'ommN.ieiier IM
pr h. Lank. ,ii thnt sucli plnrt;s must
c token nnd net chosen.
.Hard te Get rolling riace
m Net anyone, as Mr. Lank points out.
h willing te entertain nil tiip adult rrM
nN of hi" voting district for twelve
Inun. and a dozen election officer for
flltefn or twenty hours after thnt for
n. K thnt is allowed.
..'.. i. !:.. ..!.. i .
Mn are npi n pinj iri-ciy ami cnsll
v j
Ilar:r ';..,,"""? p:;.
public building: fill the place with
Hjekc, stnw the iloers with crumpled
pesters, yample ballets nnd handbills,
(jirerate the walls and window with
dickers and make personal tabulations
en the deer pests.
"Certainly women hnve the right te
I clean poll though 1 hnvp no doubt
JnfJ eltK "n "M ' wvw...uij tin ,ii Hi
tht thi-re are many places 111 the city
Un thej arc being denied them," said , footsteps en the front perch of eve
lir. Lank. I nines when he returned from work.
Voters of one district In the Seventh ' er mother. Mrs. Edna Williamson,
TVird, which includes several fine eH ' ls net k0 optimistic. She appealed te
Iebm en Twelfth and Thirteenth streets "' Kv&si.nci PfBLir LEDOEn te nid
Mjen the south side of Spruce street, 1 ,icr in finding the hubnnd-fnther, WIN
tele In a billiard room nt 1223 Pine Ham Williamson.
'itreet. Further down in the nmc ward.
It 40H Seuth Tenth street. Is another
hildlng, occupied ly JcTcral Negro
bm MS. Ull e ectien ( av tlii front
fVJMen, or "parlor," uith cracked plaster
inay paper, uiibr and wnatever furnl
fcreis net in the wny, la given ever te
tie electors. Residents of nice heni'M
en Pine and Spruce streets use thlt
polling plt.re.
At iO(i Seuth Seventh street is a one ene
ditlr shaving and Iiaircuttinz "empo
rium," tthe;c solitary bnrber Is n
Kfjre. Here must come voters from
either side of Pine street for u block te
the west nnd from the lower side of
Spruce sheet.
ForCreolis, Out, but for Painters, IS'c'Vairc, They Say of Ber
tillen Identification
Artists here don't bellce it is nes-
IWe te dietingimh between a genuine
nd epiirleus old master by the finger
print system.
They are sKentlrnl of a rlisnatch from
tenden, which nvs that fineer-nrlnt
Cperts felvwl nn nrt controversy thnt
lid raged 500 years.
ThenUeStlnn una ulii-tlmr "Tim Vir.
f'0,!" Hecks." a $45,000 painting
1Q HIP NnMniml 4... I-.-11 .. 1... I
, --......,,,, ,,,L ,itui.Tt. u rt'llll 'I uiuuei hi 1 11 in, mil lu ivil I1U Ollgllllll
U wonarde dn Vinci. A Scotland by the finger prints Is net plnuslble.
rd Inspector applied the finger-print Originals have been er cleverly
t ami decided thnt the painting was hepied. that cannot lie disputed, but
'7"!n,e- there is the verv brenth of the real
t nteSs l.Pnnnrrli .in V!n. . n npllRl 111 tin Vlnr.f'c ..ntnttnrva nntl nf
"imrnai. n,Us Prof Pasqunle Farina,
would they have a rceyrd of his finger- I
prints? The avcracc trpniii ioe net I
we impressions of his ten fingertips'
' be handed down through the aee. !
"en. tee. is net the fingerprint idea i
Wet te have been n .i, t, ...e
ure? " v" ""'
"Suppose da Vinci had been vvalkinc
VMeef his Kchelars who was painting I
f k ' " " u"nc- Perhaps, but
' bf compared te the master's w-
net i
n.... -,,r"":u in ine master r
..!. '
" lltf 10 PO lilu n,.nll. !. .1-
, ut i.
cf might i,ve pffi;,,,e,,cann,. upl
n m hand. Tim nainL net wt.Aw. I
CiY ,nk:u t ImprcBRlen of hi.
li'P."".' nd there von are. A vm
,i I, lm'tatien or, rather, copy, of one
fnr.lnn '"pieces with his evvi
"Wprtnt. Nethins is proved.
'.( i,'?1' re'n artist has a prculiar vvn
eenKfl"',.ra,i!,,',a '" tl- '
BlitiiVki "'. "" ll,,ps "'lien are un-
Mi S! I' Dml ,00' bc is "llre-l. He
Atltl,, hrl ".",l sAul 1"tn h's work.
""Utuear in hn ni. .i. i. .i
net knr .r ""vb mil- nurii Will
gjjavs the hrnuiP.s nf touch, hence
Credit Manager
'n years' ,...: .
mlna" r? MPenence as credit
"libflsL" fta." and wholesale
hefi:0 yea.r" ,f aRe-
Mpacily cnnectien In like
m '
:r -.. v ' EjirrF
i ; ; r T, 38 " 7T"
Honors for Here
rrlvate of 110th Infantry, who"
t1ll In France of wounds sustained
In action, nnd who wns liurlcd this
afternoon from Ills late home, 4031
Havcrferd avenue
Family Outing Almest Fatal te Little
Mrs. Aleyslus I Duck took her breed
te the IJread street entrance te the
Roosevelt Boulevor1 yesterday with al
most fatal results. There are six in
her family. Coming te the circle, hhe
was attracted by the open bit of grass
in the midst of the esphalt nnd de
ployed her children en te the picnic
Some time later Mrs. Duck mlsspd
little moncle i;dnn.
Edna was the Inst
tO leflVP llCr u!iptl nml llnrl nlnnva liean
delicate. Mrs. Duck made the com-
plete rounds of the circle without re
suits. Then she glnneed out upon the
fctrcet and uttered a terrified squnuk.
Kdnn was directly In the path of mi
Casting thought of personal safety
te the winds, Mrs. Duck dashed after
her child nnd shooed her te safety
just as the car shot pnst.
That wns enough for Mrs. Duck.
Talking irritably te herself, she col
lected her breed and set off with all
Little Edna Wllllamaen Walts for
.... ril
ruincr vvne uisappcreu
Four-year-old Ldnn Williamson, of
855 North Forty-seventh street, still
be,licu's her daddy will come home,
although n 3 ear bus passed since he
She sits fn the same little, chnir where
she used te watt until she heard Ills
IIc wns n foreman for. the P.rill Coin-
Puu ""ere ne disappeared. emce
tl,cn Mrfi- Williamson's savings have
"evil usru. uuu sue new icavfs nur
children. Edna nnd Wllllnm, Jr., witli
their grandmother while she gees te
work te earn n living for them.
While Kenneth Petersen, Richard
Carlsen and Steve Hergcst, enmpers
living at the Tent Colenj In Tacony',
were swlmmine In the Pennypack Creek
this mernlpg, tlikes entered their tents
nnd made off with all their clothing.
Fortunately the jeung men were wear
lug bnthlng suits.
of Masterpieces
the uncertain! in the lines is bound te
be detected.
"Anether process," continued the
artist. "Is the X-rnv test. The mineral
paints used hv old masters held the
rays mere a isibly than de the vcgetable
and animal paints used by the mere
modern nrtisN."
Leepold Sejffert labeled the finger
print idea as "hunk."
"I admit." lie said, "thnt I have
net considered cry serieul the pessl
UIII.I... .. .1.1.. I.. .4 .. -,! .. II 1
denlers nnd eonnejspeurs nre sufticlently
familiar with the characteristics of the
great artist te recegni7e his work."
Mr Scyffert is leaving Mendnv for
rhicnge, where he will hnve charge of
'"' f"'
k.. t - V.K.Inn.A' I nn... .. 41.- .
tri etuuriiin irtiKUC UL lut .ill
"I nm net ieavinsr Phlhidelnhin.'
Mi(1 Mr- s.(,Jfff,rt. "As a matter of
? am .0I,lnf. mvntmlle here and
returning quite often.'
mm walnut m.
Seating 350 Seating 300
Seating 2j0
parlous Smallfr Idmenft IInin
Bell, I'evlar ill Keystone, Race S770
Hetel Jbrrairve
rire-proef Canatrurtfnn
OnniTshlc Aliumsrmrnt
Dread St. nt Fairmount Ave.
Oven Baked Beans
In Individual Pets, 10c
You'll never knew hew
(reed Baited Bean can
jl be until you try euri
J' .5
&. 2 Rtitauranti
ttntrally lecatid.
1 BrkWg 6
VI 1
Legien Pests and Geld-Star
Mothers Take Part In Mill
tary Funerals-
Tour vnr heroes wcre buried here
this morning nnd funerals fdr ten merp.
"rc nem mis nttcrnoen. mineral
ervlccs for two ethers will be held
Among these for whom services were
held this nfternoen was I'rlvnte Frank
A. Ruff, of Company F. 110th Infan
try, Twenty- eighth Division. Ruff,
who enlisted October 24, 1017, was
wounded in action October 7, 11118, and
died the next day. Ills reburial took
Place from his late home. 4031
Haverford avenue. Twe pests of
the V. P. V the Corporal James .1.
Cochran Pest nnd the I.icutennnt
Ihemns M. (5eIdf Pest, the Ilrccn Me Me
Crneken Pest of the American Legien
juitl the Philadelphia Chapter of Amer
ican War Mothers attended the funeral.
Charles W. Smith, who was killed
hi action en Armistice Dnj. Several
pests of the American Legien nnd ether
patriotic associations attended the fu
neral, which was held nt 2 o'clock, from
424 KnM Wlldey street.
IMwnrd Smith.' Company A, 315th
Infantry, was burled from his parents'
home, 0042 Mnrsden street, at 2 o'clock,
with interment in Maguelin Cemetery.
Sergeant Claude It. Robertsen Pest,
American Legien, and Veterans' et For
eign Wars nnd War Mothers' Pests, were
in attendance Services were held at
his late home, 3100 Salmen street, nt
1 o'clock, and Inter at St. Luke's M.
L Church.
Sergeant (. larence I'anceast was
burled from his parents' home, 130S
North Sixtieth street. American Lc
gien members. Veterans of Foreign
Wars, War Mothers and members of
the 315th Infantry attended the fun
eral. Private Harry V. Hicke. killed in
action In the Argenm Ferest, was
buried from 1415 North Hollywood
street, the home of his pnrents. .Vet
erans of Feielgu Wars nnd all societies
of which he wns a member were pres
ent nt the funeral.
Private Hemer Euan. Company It.
Sijctj'-first Infantry . was burled from
the Methodist Episcopal Church of
Clayten, N. J. The funeral was in
charge of the American Lesien pest
named in his honor.
Darrcl W. Bjcrly, .'U4th linfnntr,
wns buried from the Drewcs' Funeral
Parlors, Darb. Veterans of Foreign
Wars and relatives nnd friends at
tended. Private Alexander Frledcl wns burled
from his parents' residence, Oxford pike
nnd Summerdnlc avenue. American
Legien. Veterans of Foreign Wars
315th Infantry Association. War Moth
ers nnd Red Cress Society attended.
Corporal Jehn Avre, Jr., Cempnny
IC, 315th Infnntrv. was burled from
his late home. '..017 Enst Clearfifld
street. American Legien members. Vet
erans of Fereicn Wurs. pests and all
societies of which he ns a member at
tended. Private 'Geerge . Turner, of Com
pany R. 314th Infantry, was buried
this memlns at the Cathedral after
funeral services et his mother's resi
dence. 440 North Fifth street. Geerge
Turner Pest. Ne. 140. of the American
Legien attended the service.
James" A McG'ene, of Company L.
314th Infantry, was buried thlR morn
ing in Hely Cress Cemetery. Funeral
services were at the home of his
parents nt 4701 Brown street, nnd
were attended by Breen McCraekcn
Pest of the American Legien, Veterans
of Foreign ars, .11 1th- Infantry ,s ,s ,s
soeintlen and the Shnnnhnn A. C.
Services were held for Private Lewi-,
Lehmuller. nt his late home, 3027
North Fairhill street, and were nt
t ended by Sergeant Hamilton Pish
Pest. Ne. 20. Veterans of Foreign
Wars nnd representatives of the Ainer
lean Legien. Interment was at the
National Cc.metery.
Patrick J. Egan, of Cempanv A.
315th Infantry. Seventj -ninth Divi
sion, was burled this morning at Hely
Sepulchre Cemetery. services were
held nt his late residence, L'541 North
Nineteenth street, and were attended
by Martin J. Clenden Pest. Ne. 1118,
Veterans of Foreign Wars and nil
societies of which lie was a member.
The funeral of Private Merris Gold
stein, of Ambulance Company 3"0, was
be held tomorrow afternoon at the par
lors of Merris Reenburg's Sens, 2000
3?pth Company, 305th Sanitary Train,
X sh
shoe, where the ftmrklp of
SpriiiK, the Joveus llfe of Summer
nnd the Rorpeeus riot of Autumn
arc always In bli em
The Sign of the Heic
Walnut 0799 221 Seuth Bread St.
Reme Beauties
Tht'rr h-autlful tee The finest apples
e he had anj there llanil-plcked, preful
nsckfc) and graded In perfect condition As
;oed ss ours of last jcar. Cemi ami get
hemelhlns rnl
Annies Coel, nr ent 'era.
t luer Inst eet Apple Juice.
Pure rider Ineitar Plckllna- Time.
Chicken lellew i fry nr stew 'cm,
Vtlilte Potatoes The Mandaril,
Ths Tllnck Herja Tea rtoeni has llsht lunch
and, from 1 te " V M , ecrvea Its famous
fine fresh farm dinner.
Drive out TValtlmnrn ae straight threuih
Media Bnd I ' inll.s beyond te the
Phenes Media I0J
Several attractive
apartments are
new available in
The Hetel St.
James Annex
One room and bath two
moms and two baths
up te live rooms and
four baths
The Hetel St. James
Walnut at 13th St.
1 J-:
Soen te Marry
v. jp 3
- v
Central News Photo
Daughter of Captain Themas T.
CraNi, U. S. N.. and Mrs.
Craven, of Washington, whose en
gagement te Lieutenant Redman
Drake lie IJay lias been announced
(Jeorge Imhoff Pest, Ne. 310, of the
American Legien and War Mothers
were pret-cnt. Interment was uindc In
A (In tli Jcshurun Cemetery.
Dr. Wallace Salvas Enters Estranged
Wife's Heme Through Window
Dr. Wallace Salvns, a dentist en
Market street near Thirteenth, jumped
through the window of his estranged
wife's home, nt 322 Seuth Sixteenth
street last nisht when she refused te
admit him by the deer, nccerding te
the police.
Mrs. May Snlvns. the wife, who is
suing for n divorce, summoned n pa
trolman and the dentist wns arrested.
He was taken te the Twelfth and Pine
streets station, and wns arraigned to te
laj en the charge of disorderly con
duct. .
Magistrate O'Rrien sentenced Salvas
te thirty days In the reunty prison.
Assistant "Dry" Chief Doesn't Knew
Hew te Enforce It
"We don't knew where te start."
said A. F. Sinter. asit'int State pro
hibition agent, in comment inir tednv en
regulations received from the Rurrau
of Internal Revenue, stating it is un
lawful te manufacture without n per
mit, in the home or elsewhere, beer, ale
or porter.
"A t-trict enforcement of the riillni?
would fill nil our .fails with lelntnrs.
The sjmpnthy of the general public en
the manufacture of home-brew is nl nl
mest solidly for low ioIatieu when
the law cmes te encrenchlne en uhnt
the public terms 'personal libcrtv.' "
5oefhmq and Healinq
for Cub. Burns.ScaJds
M.30 ri.rt ei tm;t
FIXTURE CO., 1511 Arch St.
Vocalien RED Records
'"'i iNusisairri' xmi
Mndi for VOflt Talk n? Michlns
h. . Cor. llth nnd Vvnlmit
kmmi i
hie ones dclkleus enra In
eiery known atk. One llt nnd
eu'rc n rutren for 'if prnve It.
nth t..im '
Modern, Fireproof, Elevator Buildings
18th and Walnut Streets
15th and Pine Streets
Juniper and Spruce Streets
fi rooms and 1 bath te
11 rooms and I hatha
1210 Otis Iltilldlnc
Owners obtain the utmebt
satisfaction from their
v ';; t- ,: gr ,s ar
Mil KopmebuV R WMMB
iKMremi nK.vi.KK
JJ37 Irinkferd ,"e.
Metne ATr A Wnslilnaten l,an,
M .V -1 K - ".n
Stewart 4 Uincaster Ave..; Haverf,,,.,,, pt
KhT nill'A. IIK.I.KR"
emit 4 Wulnut Sta. " t
r - tUt . u
Coergo W. Price "Has Appar
ently Beaten Scott, Accord
ing te Straggling Returns
The official count of the prlmnry ehc ehc
tien returns may show thnt the Vnrc
slate for magistrates was broken In one
place and that Magistrate Geerge W.
Price, supported bv the Voters' League
and the city Administration, may hnve
been reneminated. If Magistrate Price
wins, then Ames Scott, Vnre Negro
lender, nnd one of the Vnrc slate of
eleven, will be defeated.
The possibility as te Price seems
borne out by unofficial returns, which
give him a vote of 02.030, against
07.317 for Scott, with however p
turns from 200 Independent divisions
yet te be computed. Scott wns the low
man en the Vare ticket nnd was cut
heavily ever the city, even in Combine
County Commissioner Kueiuel. hew -ver,
stated today that from a study of
I he returns he does net see hew Price
can edge In among the winners
May ITave Weman On Dry Ticket
Anether ray of light for the Inde
pendent candidates for magistrate was
seen In the fnct thnt Miss Katherlnn K.
Fester, Magistrates Price. Carsen nnd
Renshnw and Henry di Bernrdlne
probably wen the Prohibition nomina
tion. This was accomplished by the
use of stickers under the direction of
tee tier. m. J. Fanning, n member of
the Voters' League and n lending Pro
hibitionist. The expense of this wns
only $20. In the Berne manner, the
v eters' League ticket for ceuntv offices,
headed by Colonel Geerge S. Kemp for
Receiver of Taxes, wns probably named
en the Prohibition ticket.
Influential women leaders will meet
next week te decide en their campaign
in behalf of Miss Fester.
The Voters' League Is bound by the
policy of supporting the winners of the
Republican nomination, se no Independ
ent effort in behalf of Miss Fester con
br had from that quarter. There i
nething1, however. It Is pointed out.
te prevent individual voters threw lnc
,l...in ..........i. . n i.-..4 , .i.
meeting next week is intended te crvs- 'ams CX.PC" evolved it. A world werld
tallize this rapidly growing sentiment. tamedsurgicaldressinBhousepreducesit.
The Voters' League will determine j " freeing thousands of people
plans for the future at a meeting of the i why net you? Try it en one corn and
beard of managers next Fridav. I you will always let it end yours. Start
The official count is proceeding slowly tonight.
I'cause of the size of the balietc. 'J he Your druggist has
First nnd Second Ward counts were, T . .. ,
completed today. It nnv lcnulre i Liquid or Plaster
nmnth te conclude the tally in all fertv- T 1
cigm wants. jt l u e i a V
The three County Commissioners are i
dividing the task of supervising tli'- steps pain-ends corns
count. Mr. Kucnzel is titling from it I t,, q. ni i j
M. "until neon. Commissioner I Inline-. a Bailer & Black product
.mil n.it'iiniii in .lilt.. I'l.i.'i :iiiii in.
V Polished Girdle DiamendH!
National recognition for "Supremacy
w vutmynaa eeen accorded this
most brilliant of all diamonds.
Sold in Philadelphia
enlr&yihis Ccmpatiy
Philadelphia & Reading System
9 Atlantic City Railroad
Atlantic City, Ocean City, Stene
Excursions 1
7 30La" "t UToTer.n,t CthnJtrliS 'S'""." t for Atlant.c .its I
Ch..inu. 81 IVrryTse,,A.CM' .Wh f Sfpgfiy 7 le" V 'v' " " Ma' Ua4e I
rteturnlns from all points r.-ta P. jtt. !
hl'NDWS. SKPT. 2S OCT. !
IeHm Chestnut nnd feutn '
r.rrlfs II .-10 A.. XI. for Schr
inir l.andlnii (Cape Xfsv i r.
turnltic lea i c Schellni-i
Landing .1 30 P. xr.
The first cast
is practically the last
Teurln? Car 11080 Roadster J1C3 v-h, .,,.
Panel Business Car $l-iV dan ,l915 Ceu,,e ,1705
uar 51-16 Screen Bulne(e Car 1U6
Parkway, Eait of 18th St.
Ddd gb Breth ers
1921 '
. j
Ci-nm tiec.n until .1 T M".. nnd CemmiS"
dener Lank from 3 1'. M. te 0 1. M.
Pert Pest for Nell, I Repert
Osrnr B. Nell. Penrose leader of the
Thirty-seventh Ward, who had figured
In the gossip ever the pestmastershlp.
Is new mentioned for Collector of the
Pert te succeed William II. Berry.
Henry M. Stevenson, representing
five electors, has filed a petition pre
empting the political party name of
"United Party." The petit inn shned
hv J. Benjamin Harrison. SOD North
Eleventh htrcetj Henry L. Murrnv.
2451 Cedar street: Frank Burch, 1823
North Eleventh street; Geerge Sim
mons. 1518 North Alden street, nnd
Jehn J. McDevitt, 2008 Aramlnge ave
nue, was filed in the office of the Pro Pre Pro
thenotnry of the Common Pleas Courts
Mr. Stevenson is a brother of Jehu
K. Stevenson, who was a candidate nt
the primaries for Judge of the Mu
nicipal Court. Beth arc brothers of
Magistrate Stevenson.
caiStt fIndballot-bex
Container Frem Fourteenth Division
of Fifth Ward Missing
t i iriiit.. i"in ti,i.., ,...
Israel Hitter. ts30 Redman street.'
came te City Hall today te try te find i
some trace of the ballet box of the
fourteenth division of the Fifth Ward,
which cannot be found.
Merris Flitter. Israel's brother, is
mnjerltv lnpeeter in the division, nnd
if the box is net teunci may ne neiu re-
. 0ll,1n for II Israel mum lie lnnl
PI Ull'mii " ' " " -
ili.. ballet box te Cltv Hall nt 11:45
-.'-1..rtL filnnt inn tiiclit n nrl Inff It nn tit it
V' . ... ..."..... ..
Hcventh fleer, outside the vault, in
charge of a patrolman.
Isrnel does net knew the putreliunn's
name, but snjs he would recognize him.
He will appeal te the County Commis
sioner!" te aid him I" Ms search for the
ballet box. nnd will seek te identify the
patrolman with whom lie says he left It.
Why De Yeu
Coddle Cerns?
Simple Touch Can End Them
and at Once
WHY pare a corn and keep it?
Why pad it and let it remain?
Or why treat it in old ways, harsh,
crude and uncertain?
Millions have found a new way. It
Is Blue-joy the plaster or the liquid. A
touch applies It, and the pain steps in
stantly. Then the whole corn quickly
loosens and comes out.
I he way is gentle, scientific, sure. A
Harber, Wildwood and Cape May
Pheue, Spruce 1040
; '
ii Pft
mIHQiii. ft 'tVl
Norristown Jury Convicts Hetel
Owner as Principal in
Gaming Resort
Jehn J. McGnldiiek. ptoprleter of the
Wheel Pilni'i Hetel, evir the reuntv
line near Chestnut Hill, wns convicted
today of heinj n principal in the oper
ation of n u.'inibllns came.
The charges iSnlnst McGeldiick. tried
In th" Montgomery Ceuntv ( elirt nt
Norrhtewn. ileveleied from the sinn
tlennl rnid mnrle Ausust IS en the Imti I
t,r?tn, "oeioi-.
fhe IieIpI man s crune asked u new
rnI Sentence wnsdeferr. d until next
s.iturdi.v . when the (Vurt will rule en
tin- motion.
'"l7.". Swart, when charging the jury
discredited the assertion of Mcf.eldrlck.
hat he did net knew the MK room in
M Vttrl' """ eln? used as n gambling
" "
"" .Mill
(liaree was bpcun
0:30 o'clock this morning nnd ended
11 .'III A .ri..nn T.. !. ,
! rnltli and the defense closed
(lll'MPI'l." l,l HI!' 1 IIIIHI'lll
This Is a Fine Time
te Buy Clethes.
1I Our price range this
season for pall and
Winter weight suits is
$30 te $75 last year
it was $45 te $110.
$ This year's woolens
arc better than any we
have had since before
the war.
(jj It's a fine time te bu and
evidently people rcalic it,
.is vvc arc doing a splendid
business! decidedly bigger
than last season, both in
dollars and in the quantity
of goods sold.
CJ Fair treatment, unswerving
et quality and workmanship and a correct
g true "style" arc the
inc business.
Biismegii Hours, S'j'O te 'j:Je
. M24-I426ChestiEn Street
t -TOTS"
ft vv.
$3.00 Baltimore
$3.50 Washington
and Return
(War Tax 87c Additional)
8' i
s &
Special Train leave. 24th and Cbeitnut
Sti. Station 8:00 A. M., Returning leaves
Wa.hinrten 6:00 P. M Baltimore 7 00
P. M. Eastern Standard Time.
I i !
i r4
Baltimore & Ohie
Lewer Prices,
All Cast Iren Pipe and Pipeless
Equipped With
ers--Get Our PnVpc Tn Y
Wc mil Sell Yeu One or One Thousand
HOW AliD MIU.HR, resident
Between 2nd fe 3rd and Ra:. di Vine St.. '
We are Distributors fnr r,., D ...
Jersey, Maryland &
" '"J w w
caN, last night. The trJnf jury Mek
decided McGeldrlek'n fate Included tWf
women. v, '
Judge Swartit reviewed the testimony
with great thoroughness. "The Jury
must decide whether te believe the de
fendant' statement that he believed the
place was being run aa nn nutoiheblle
club, when there were 200 persons In
the room and only ten nutoiuebllci out
side. Yen must decide ulse whether it
would have been possible for McGold McGeld
rick te hnve overheard the expression! of
satisfaction or despair of the gamblers,
as they left after w Inning or losing,
without realizing It was a gambling
Supposed Phila. Girl Committed
After Attempt te Flee N. Y. Heme
A young weninn of twenty, believed
te be Kiln Mergniisierii. daughter of
Jay Mnrganstern. a clothing jobber of
0 North Third street, Iins been commit
tPlj te n,r Bedfeid Reformatory by New
i vnrtr nutlierilies.
Lust February the cirl wns nicked
up by a pelii email in u lonely section
of the Borough of (Queens nnd after
ward sent te the Wiivslde Heme nt
Valley Stnnni, L I. At thnt time she
gave her nniiie as Delnia Mahllye. An
attempt te escape from trie home led te
her commitment te the reformatory.
Old Wine Seized In Raid
Prohibition agents fieni the Federal
at Building rnlibd a hotel nt 401 Seuth
at ' Second street vestenlny and cenfix, nt".
bottles of old wine anl
The prLrrt' for 1 (til .SitVs
rnid Tep Coats arc .$.10 and
upward the vwxt attrac
ts r u Inrh ire lime been
nhlr te offer for years
ctpecial values at $45 avd
adherence te a high standard
factors which aic giving us such
New Policy"
' '4 --"-- nn'-ii i g;
- ' ' -.
I 4C
A '3
UK $
Prices Reduced
Te Dealers & Users
Prices for Pipeless Sunbeams
in. Fire Pet
in. Fire Pet
in. Fire Pet
in. Fire Pet
in. Fire Pet
Pipe Farnacts Reduced Same Proportion
Dirt, of Columb