'"'V'jnrc u T ' ' EVKNING PUBLIC x DGfEr-ifeLADEEPHIA, FRIDAY, SBPITEMEK' 33 IQfll r tf WSMBEffl! Nil R OWN GAML Allentown Fair Concession" naires Are Forced te "Buy , off" Clever Youth RECORD-BREAKING CROWDS AllMltOWII. 1 a" "Ll"" ""' lb Alontewn fnlr had it- banner ,y tenlnr, today Premise te be 0Un.l. Many whom the rain 1,1 cut of attending tlie fair en SltS m. yesterday but ,i," vim could net come until te- S v "wellwl the usual l'riday crowd te , w by a eWer Ropho Repho Rophe fair y,'e""VIl.i1icni,prB Cel ekc. who C S un !mer !.elef.clrrklnK at At ffScntjr. nmi there he became chum 1,n i h one of the fakirs who ran one B,fciS "wlnRlnB ball and tcnpln a -Jf-th nt wlleh the prize is a kcwple f iMf ve, ever manage te hit the ten S' The fakir taught the student the F'tficef hitting the pin. Mr Seph went along the midway. ,nd in about an hour had wen nil the wnlc 1I0IN at the fa ir. a wagonlend of Am which he handed te his girls. Th fakir were desperate and held a Sfwltallen. They approached the S with a preposition would he SSM te refrain from raiding their mc. The fifty looked geed te the KSSmere. "he pocketed five bright SSrten-Hpnte and took his very best Jd te a fried chicken dinner. Herse Hace Will He Thriller The blKgest delegation came from Jkasic t cheer for Jehn K.. the ). rarrr owned by Creuthnmcl and Srlren by Johnny Sprcnkcl in the spe riiUy arranged match race with Grace nirct during the course of the after JS?. Se popular is Jehn It. at home tkat all the stores and factories in l.Vr li"e cle'fil for the day te enable, the 'Smlrcrs of the here te come te Allen tnvfii te i-cp liim race. Almest the en tire population of North Pcnn Borough Many came by auto nnd the rest by train and trolley. Hprenkcl premised te tee Jehn H. surely in 2:00, nnd per him In 2 :0."i. ever the fast Allentown nick, nnd nt that rate he will give Grec Direct the race for her life, even In ice of her record en n mile track ofUlOPAe (Jrace was brought here by Sin Taring, from Hichmend. nnd she b according te her record, the fustest in'imal among nil the .".5." harness rac ial entrants at the fair. , , . The race will be for hloed. the. fair management having offered S100 in real money for this bpecial race, winner te take nil. A reward of $100 has hern offered for information that will lend te the arrest of the only known vandals in the fair. These uceumlrcln Wednesday night per petrated Fnbetage On tlm IVirflann trim. ter used te drag the hnrrews arid ether appliances te get the track into condi tion. The metive is n mystery. The fair in several thousand dollars shy in receipts, owing te the flooding of the subway through which automo bile, enter the parking space inside the race course. Fire engines from the city fire department mimncd out thn wnier en one side of the passageway in thre te allow half the space te he filled, but could net get rid of all the water in time te let the autos through the ether side. Hew they get them coming and going is indicated in the case of a eteran keeper of n "deggie" stand. During the inflation period het frankfurters went up te a dime from n nickel, nnd nobody said a word. New that dcflntlen is upon the country with n buyer's strike, some people are counting nickels nnd mnny ask the price. Te these who kick at a dime the man blandly says: "Weill I have te charge a dime for my frankfurters, which nrc firt-class goods, but across the way there Is a stand that sells pretty geed ones for a nickel." The stnnd te which he points is also his own, where a clever assistant just as courteously sells them for five cents. Identically the same, kind of "doggies." Even nt n. nickel he makes three cents profit, it is said. ,'Che concessienaries nnd eating stands did an enormous business, and a hurry call was sent te the packing houses and wholesale feed dealers for extra supplies. The- thirty-seven eliewe en tin' inldwny comprising the Werthnin nggregitlen announced Inst night that their patrons iluring the day numbered upward of 00,000. A unique new enterprise nt the fair wns the hahy-ehccklng station con ducted by the Women's Club, with the co-operation of the Hcd Cress. It took enre of children up te six years for fifteen cents for the flist hour nnd a dime for ench succeeding hour, and when they get sleepy the tots were placed in cribs nnd cradles. Their feed wns milk fresh from the prize cauif exhibited at the fair. Upward of (500 babies were cared for, white their mothers took In the fair, feeling Fccurc the little ones were safe in lov ing hands. The city and county officials were in disnercement during the day ever what constituted gnmbllng devices. The police maintained tlint arrow I throwing and wheel turning were nil matters of chance and ought te be sup prcsicd. District Attorney Iobst took a mere liberal view and allowed every.? thing en the grounds te go into which entered an clement of skill or strength. Vll raffles, however, were suppressed. Farm Prizes Awarded Thcra wns much Interest in the work of judging the agricultural diBplny, and farmers surged Inte Horticultural Hall. Frem among upward of 200 displays the silver cup for the best bushel went for the second time te Albert Heppes, of Gcrmansvllle ; second prize te Erie Llndc nnd third te the Trojan Powder Company. Se close wns the competi tion that the judges were compelled te examine and compare each Individual potato in the three competitive bushels. The prize for best acres of potatoes went te Wilsen K. Peter, who, in spite of a dry summer, produced en his acre 580 bushels. The Lehigh crop tills year Is upward of 2,000,000 bushels, and it is thought Lehigh 1ms at last surpassed Aroostook County, Mnlne, ns the lending potnte county of the United States. I 1 TUrl i DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING THEY all go te the corner drug store, where Coca-Cela is the perfect answer te thirst. TIIE COCA-COLA CO., AtluiU, Q. )gmm nnni Apartments at the Rittenkeuse Renerated, refurnished made spick, span and inviting. Outside rooms, cool, cheerful. Pick from these: Twe Reems and Hath. Three Reems nnd Bath. Four Reems and two Baths. Uittenhease Hetel, 22d and Chestnut smmwmmmmmmm&mmism Remarkable value! I Whole cuts I Chuck east B, li 21 lb. 8 At all our Meat Markets gj s 'airaiiaiiiifiij'iiriiiiiiii iue SJafff i r .r 'HkiiH....MtMP'- j w auM met, - A. HE iMfll iiaMVfVlli I CREDIT TERMS that will : aress you in the BEST CLOTHING made I Men's Fall Suits! llest navy Sfrge, li e r r t n Rbencs, h t il nnd i y novelty : dSM W.Bre w r 1 tS r a " Fa vSIi Tih Wk&. B()ys, 1 rWVjjl $n.50 1 Women's Coats! Sninrtu ..... n. """ 111 Vcl- C . :-r'k"lMa una u,i P n a. an a.uin. ' I- I Ceat Suits: I 5 N" UirR, ,r Mtf ration.. 1 :!lfii r m t fmtLY HTZGERALDi Adjuste-ljte Fer ever bed, chair, dresslnp table, desk, shnv inff mirror, garage and many ether places in home, office or store where fixed lighting is inadequate. $5.00 (Brass) $5.50 (Bronze or Nickel) Guaranteed for 5 Years J. F.BUCHANAN SUPPLY CO. 1715 Chestnut St. SSfi Thene: Bernee G510: Rocs 71101 Light Where Yeu Want It IT CLAMPS EVERYWHERE Stt it DttntnitrettA Gifts of Geld for Infants Our large stock affords ample opportunity for selec tion, offering many useful as well as attractive gifts. Rings Handy Pins Mi Lockets Bib Clasps pf Bangles Rattles Ai ' Garters Tea Spoons lVinw S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Sn Manv Reautiful Hats at $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00 uoeu siyic in every imu. ; .... back Hats, new scalloped brims, new slushed and dented nffnirs; soft draped effects some of the Turbans are just pulTs of velvet, but such becoming puffs; ethers are medium shades of the soft, semi-handmade type thnt take such becoming lins en the head. There are trlcernes and In comes nnd quatrecernes nnd demure little cloche shapes that seem te hnve been de signed especially for a veil, iiunureus 01 new ideas and glorious shades Sorrento blue, Byzantine red, nnd the gray and brown and taupe shades, of furs, with always plcnt.v of black Ready-te-Wear Hats, $2.95 te $8.95 Hundreds of them all copies of higher-priced models. Tailored and Dress lints, for all types and ages and for practically all occa sions. Many dignified styles for the matron. 'frr - Httawlrrldae A C'.ettilfr Sc eml Heur Market Strmt. If'"i lfflW 1 1 I Jbuis FWlSER 25ate264 Seuth Kjfth Streeir Between Locust and Spruce Fer 25 yean we have sold only the beit furniture manufactured f IILJlzSI! 4TlJ FNjjr L-, i i i i li tf Qi w DO Jlgi'Vgl Jb A beautiful walnut bedroom suit, exquisite Queen Anne design. Full style vanity, and very large bureau. d1 nrff 4 pieces, price p 1 O A SPECIAL VALUE factory closeout. 100 living room suits, tapestry or velour; positively worth (240. d1 HA Price qlZU r Our location and ability te buy in large quantities means a small overhead expense. This saving we offer te you in the form of lower prices, i We have devoted five massive floors te the dis play of furniture; also 75 smaller rooms, charm ingly decorated, from which our customers get hundreds of ideas te make their homes attractive. We take pleasure in showing them. Mail orders accepted. Open Saturday Evenings. 3ROWNING,KlNG & Ce, FALL AND WINTER SUITS jl M $22.50, $25, $30, $35, K $40, $50, $60 A wide range of fabrics and models. The values are excellent. The Oxford Suit at $25 and the Blue Flannel at $25 would still be geed value if priced ten dollars higher. 1524-1526 CHESTNUT STREET "Better Shoes for Less Meney' fienVtar Lewer Prices, New Policy' SUNBEAM FURNACES All Cast Iren Pipe and Pipeless Equipped With "E KARBURET0R" Prices Reduced Te Dealers & Users Prices for Pipeless Sunbeams (TO THE USERS) 503418 in. Fire Pet. . .$112.50 503820 in. Fire Pet. . . 125.00 504022 in. Fire Pet... 140.00 504724 in. Fire Pet... 165.00 505226 in. Fire Pet... 195.00 Pipe Furnaces Reduced Same Proportion Dealers Get Our Prices Te Yeu We Will Sell Yeu One or One Thousand FREDERICK SABIN & CO., Inc. HOWARD MILLER, President 237-239-241 BREAD STREET, PHILA., PA. Dttwetn 2nd ft 3rd and Rae & Vina Sts. We are Distributors for Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland & Dist q(Cplumbia - JiisH WMUmt flHi ampertantSairing! tDitiarresr 5rrap Pumps PI f V With High or Baby French Heels Silk Hosiery Special $1.50 .J Heal Sit) Vnlnc A SNUG-FITTING pump, com bined with a claintiness 0f line, that cannot be surpassed. In Dull Black Kid Anether instance of DelMnr Ktonemy without any sncriucp ns te style or itnlity. Our Second Fleer location cash only hales makes possible a saving of ?!l.0. Upstairs Stere for Women UcCHar&Compenu 12U.Cheslmil ShreeV Next Doer te Oppenheini, Celliiw & C'0. Bremley Axminster Rugs Under Price ! The celebrated Jehn Bremley , & Sens' Axminster Huka, in tve j of the most popular sizes: IIukh, i).12 feet new S37.S0 Kukh. 8.3x10.6 feet new S.'i.".."iO COCOA DOOR MATS The extra-stout kind; 10x27 inches .$2.75; 18x30 inches, $3.23; 20x33 inches, $3.75. c ih' Department of Lewer-Priced Fleer Cevering ALKX. SMITH & SONS' SKAMLESS VELVET Rurh, Gxit feet SI 6.50 Rukh. 8.3x10.0 $18.7." Riiks, 9x12 feet $19.75 Strawlii'l I '',ethlr fourth K.oer . All-wool Challis New Patterns, $1.15 Attractive new designs by the dozen in the;p soft, lifjht-weifjht, but warm Printed Challis. Dainty little flowered patterns for little girls' frocks, conventional de signs en daik grounds that wom en like best for winter wear, and ninny strikingly effective novel ties for negligees. In 27-inch width $1.15 a yard. StrawtiiJge i i 'eth'cr A'j. 7 intr New Mesh Bags Special, $9.50 Fine silver-plated Bags in that distinctive new shape that is t,e smart-looking. With Gothic frame and finished with a tassel. A small group at one-fourth less than regular new $9.50. S'rawbiidge 4 ''lelhi-i--Ai', !, Ur,m vrM' Gelf Clubs at Clese te Half Price- A J. Reach & Ce. $3 QQ first - quality Drivers, r Brassies and all kinds of Irons. Geed Gelf Bags, of heavy can vas, black leather trimming, at $5.00. S rtt-biijK 1 " evru' Koirth Fleer Hair Goods 'Special At $-1.85 w a v y AU a,euni1 Transformations nnd 26-inch triple-stem Wavy Switch es, including gray, under price. Manicure Tickets, $1.00 A saving of $1.00 for these who buy one of these Tickets for Ten Manicures (single manicures. 50c) at $4.00. Hirawbrldg A ' e Mm I'lrnt r Inei lialcern Kilb.-t Htrr New French Veiling Special at 35c The new chenille detthat all women want just new. Fancy Hexagon meshes with chenille dot- in vaiieus shades. Siij'b iUr 4 Clelluer ill! 13 ''-nlr Sweaters for Beys and Girls Scheel and college students will find us well supplied with all popular kinds of Sweater.- for every need in speit. Prices range from $5.00 te $18.00. S'rawbrlde 1. ' efbir r e i b r jer Cap-shape Hair Nets New 75c a Dezen Which is a saving of mete than one-third te one-half. Deuble mesh, all perfect at 75c a dozen. S'rwvirMg Cletlil-r r' j F.er Ua'' of r 1 1 tie: ' v'tie'. SmartNewBleuses of Crepe de Chine Smart in fabric, smart in atyle nnd moderately priced. At 55.00 Blouse in flesh pink or white, with the youthful, becoming Peter Pan cellar. Nar row frilled edge en centre botf betf plait and cuffs. At $5.00 and $G.00-Over-Bleuaefl in Mohawk, Yellowstone, hiHque, navy blue, brown or black shades. Variously trimmed with novelty braid or hemstitched blocks at cuffs and hem, another cellarles model in bateau style, and a fourth with Peter Pan col cel lar cress-tucked in contrasting shade. At Sfi.00 and $6.75 Sni tailored Blouses in blnck, navy bine, brown, bUeue. flesh pink OT white. All With Inner Hveil. Heceml r'ienr Cnlie Women's Autumn Scarfs Are Ready . Fibre Silk. $.'1.50 te $10.00 Plain shades, $-1.25 ant SG.Of). Reman stiine.t in beautiful col cel col eiings $3.50 te $10.00. Pure Silk Scarfs, $12.00 ( Our own importation. Beauti ful effects in wide htripes en dark grounds; also plain gray, brown, , navy and white. Weel Scarfs. $:$.50 te $11.50 j Brushed wool, plain, bordered j and colored-stripe effects, ninny j with pockets and belts, $3.50 te $10.50. Camel'B-hair effects in light and dark shades, $11.50. ,SirvibriiIffr i fVethlfr AtV" 11 Murk: Strt BED LINENS Appreciated Beth by Bride and Matren I-or where is th woman who , dues net set (-tore by her collec tion of fine household Linens? j These prices will make them ea- ' pecially inteie.sting: Hemstitched Linen Sheets Single-bed size, 72x90 inches, $13.50 u pair; 90x96, for double beds $18.00 a pair. Linen Pillow Cases Hemstitched te match the sheets, 221?x36 inches $3.50 pr. M awbr a" I i- u h!r - Alle I? Centre Women's New, Up-te-the-Minute Tricetine Dresses $15.00 te $20.00 Theie seems te he no end te the comments en the quality and style in these Dresses, f'eat models, the ery newest fashion; tunic and the slim, strnight-from-neck-te-hem styles with a carelessly draped girdle or knotted belt; wide and cleie-fitting sleeves, some in bell etTetf. Beaded, braided and embroidered models. Tricetine Dresses, $25.00 One Medel Sketched Circular tunic, panel and straight-line effect?, and the fnh.ennble ceut models, some opening ever colored vests. Attractive beading, cm cm breidery ami braid trimming the model sketched is heavily stitched in silk in the eirect of a scalloped tunic. Practical Weel Jersey Dresses. S12.75 te S18.75 .lft-' is light te the fore in the stiaight-line and slip-en models of the -onion a very practical an-1 serviceable combination of style and fiilnii-. Hrewn, black, blue ai . mst. Excellent types for school New Winter Coats for Little Fellows Deuble-breasted Coats, nicely lined, that will keep little boys of 2 te -1 biiug and wurm in coldest weather. With belt and pockets like big brother's coat. Of chin chilla, in dark blue, gray or brown $8.50 te $23.50. Pole Caps $1.50 te $3.50 Of chinchilla and ether fur cloths, also of iordurey $1.50 te y.'1.50. 'atr'lKl'etlur hlT.I Fiuw West Umbrellas, $3.50 An exceptionally low price for these .Men's and Weman's Um brellas. Covered with piece dyed union taffeta (silk-and-cot-ten). Kitted arieusly with bake- lit.-trimnipil hnniilfs finishpH with wrist cord or ring, or with hook I ei i reek handles en .Mens lm biella .'!.50. .V'iwbr tla J- ethtr - AIm.w 7 Market atrett Men's Knitted Silk Neckwear Under Price 75c and buin's r- r St-a- U i 1 -t- i ti. 1 F oe lj -' e Lntil this (oUectieu arnved, men were glad te pay one-third mere te double for these Neckties. They are knitted of pure silk, in the -.mart narrow shapv -new se popular. Ne end of handsome patterns and colur-fembmations. S'lkWl r' lg t ''lethlfr -Kail .Ur,.t filt-el A Han is as Yeung as Eis Clethe One reasen for the remarkable prowl h of this Clothing Stere is our recognition of the tact that men de net (row old nuirada!t' The besi. designers in this country produce ultra-smart models for our young men customers and there's no uge limit for geed style. We provide Clothing for CRITICAL MEN conservative as well as youthful models, of course; but CORRECT STYLE and C.OOD TAILORING are neces sary qualifications of the Clothing we sell WICKHAM and ALCO Autumn Suits and Overcoats $.15.00 te $65.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Autumn Suits and Overcoats $15.00 te $65.00 And please remember that we are as insistent upon geed stvle and geed tailor ing in our SPECIAL FEATURE GROUPS as in our liner grades, therefore, you must SEE these te fully appreciate the unusual alues: Men's and Yeung Men's ALCO and WICKHAM Suits $28, $33, $38 New autumn models, all wool fab iii.-, well taileied, in all mm's and proportions. Matchless allies at these prices. Men's and Yeung Men's Suits with Twe Pairs Trousers $27.50, $34.50 Worsteds and i'.ihsimere at $27 50; weihteiK, silk mix tures, nerges, tweeds and hei -ringbones at $.14 50. ('mutual Men's and Yeung Men' Tep Coats Autumn Weight $29.50 and $33 Snuiit new autumn Overcoat-, of hei ringbene febtlcs, tweeds, plain gray and black jvereuutingx N i p i t t y alnrs e-, 1 s ,eer 1 t0 t,escribe in (k'tftil eul' "ew Gabardine Tep Coats from Londen at $25.00 and $3..O0; our special groups of Men's Trousers at $t.r0, $0.50 and $8 25' and our youths Leng-trousers- Suits, with Uxtra Trousers, at $27.50 but veu'll come te this Clothing Stere of Constant Actnuty with assurance of finding what you want when ijeu want it. t " nb y MrjwbrMr- 'i fc j t"0r., lia.t Strawbridge & Clothier MARKET STREET FILBERT STREET EIGHTH STREET r r S,