fSjyimtti '?.,pi 02 EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA EBIDAY, SEPTEjMBEB Bimt t'ij THE PEOPLE'S FORUM I! 1! & i Letters te the Editor i' Opening Up Old Weundi Te tht Editor of the Evening I'mMIc Ledger: ' air De th readers of the People's Ketum , think It Is tltht (or a wife te continual!? kp calling te mind Infraction! en the part of her hufcbaml before they were married' X am having that experience, and I am mire It Is telnr te end disastrously If It Is con tinued, Dteausa Mether Kve was the first te iln. de we men cast It up te our wives that the belnc from which they sprang tarted ln In the world and that a woman u the first te tempt a man, net a man a tt-cmanT Dees a woman ever ferulve, and If shs does forgive does she try te forget nn In fraction of the marriage vow by the hus band? Should she forgive and forget'.' Or Is It fair for her, after apparent forglve ferglve ir.ess, te forever bring the matter ut through all the years whenever sum, slight jar cpms up In the family Is this con ducive, te domestic harmens and Is It fair when the offending husband lias prove,! his straightforwardness since the ene 'fall"? These are questions which 1 neuld like readers of the People's K.irum column t. discuss and give answer te r bellec there sre many such rases as my own. Whe.-e the wife has premld forgiveness, smoothed rerythlng ever and a mutuit agreement Is reached the subject should net be brought up again, unless there is positive proof of further dereliction bv the guilty party, and yet the women forgets her forgiveness premlss. Jteaeeri, wr.at de you think or knew en this sueject. which Is one of the greatest trouble-breeders tn the domestic life? 8. 1.. It. Philadelphia, Septmhr 1. 10SI. That Service Club Te- the Editor e the Vvrnwe PnbW Ledger- Sir I am heartily in favor of a service elub for the men who are In th naw. Marine Cerps or army, and who are sta tioned here or who visit here. I wish te be mere emphstlr even than these who have already chronicled their Ideas tn our paper. fluch a 'lub Is rn absolute neceseliv. Fathers and mothers have entrusted thetr boys with th Government te leek after tbem and shield them from Mrm, and see that thsy come through safely en.l un tainted. Willie under the supervision e the.- of ficers they are kept under stilct deport ment, but when they get the'.r leave of absence Is when thev are liable te ui into trouble, and It Is up te Bur clt'i-ns te see that they kp out of trouble as mu. h m pos sible, and this can only l done if we estab llsh here a resort for th m durltiR their Idle hours. In the first piece a suitable building and location Is necemary. and then the. proper environments should be thrown around the place. Ne list of setetatts should be thrown about 'hem with their red-tap metheds: the boys should be allowed full freedom, for It has often been prevtd that If men and boys are given their full libm they are less llkelv .te go wrong than where the constant "den t ' Is star tig them In the face. The club should be tun entirely by men. for It has been proved In many Ifstencej where women have controlled surh organiza tions, that the b. -ather than cntnv'ng their club-home, have become dlust-d and remained away because of the otfi-leusness and exactions tbat are asked of tuem b women who de net understand thl- nalure Let's hsve such a club' H-gln new' It won't take long before It eeuld be rentra.ly established, and the winter will have set In. and the boys will thoroughly appreciate the privileges of such a retreat for them when they come up town. Instead of consigning them te the corners and the pathways of the intlcers. DAVID T. LODGE. Philadelphia. September 21, 1021. . A Geb's View Te the Editor of th" Eien.ne P tb.ie Ledger- Sir I notice one of you' readers lias esd the expression of a service man. as te the desirability of a club centrally lwe.te.1 In your cl'.y. It Is prehsblv liardly fair te xpress Lew much eucli a club would le appreciated by the service rr-n. when thev have no hand In the financing and are only ttx. receive the favors. Dut I would like te sav that I believe very servlce man would thoroughly- eppre elate It. There Is plenty of amusement at the navy yard for the bejs. but they nat urally get tired of the name location and desire a change of fene. They com up Inte the city. Why? Ter mlech ef? N'e. they eeme up became they a-e entitled te a cer tain amount uf freedom, and naturally they will go ewav from the yard. I have been In lrtualiy every large pert In the country, and I like Philadelphia and Phlladelphlans the best We a. I ns- that yet feel mere at home with them Thev giv us no clubhouse, or few factllties, but we are net beggars. We have little money te spend, but knew the experlerce of managing I with what we ha and" we help one another. T have heard manv of the robs sav when asked whether thev are going up town en i Ihelr liberty "What can I de" I den t knew where te be." The newcomer will go , te the park or walk about the streets, but the novelty of that Is eoen worn off. Then they want a place te rent If Philadelphia -can't prevlds a club for them when, after i walking about until they are tired, would I It net be poislb.e te And a resting place for them' A place where they would be able te "wash up." have a little quiet rest and smoke, w'th a chat with their comrades and an occasional diversion In serre ether w.iv. It would be irexpenslve, and. eh. mv hew It would be appreciated. A GOD. Navy Yard. Phlla.. September 21. 1U21. Defends Marine Service Te the Editor e the Evcnxrg fubllc Ledger: Blr "Es-Martne" must be like a let of the rest, that Is. doesn't like te be teid anything or submit te the rules of the service I put four jenrs In the Marine Cerps and never had a better time or w.is never treated as well by Chilians as I was by the officers uneer whom I served, at any tlms. whether In peace or war. It's net the servtce but the man. De as ou sre tn'.d. whether It Is in civilian life or In the ervlce. and en never gets Inte trouble. Ne doubt the reason "Kx Marine" had te work se hard was beeauee of some. Infraction of the rules by him I knew, for I worked en the read mvss f and It was no man s fault but my own. and I had no kick coming. The marines re all right. Se Is the army and nav- . It Is the guy who kicks who is usua.ly wrong. S W. L.. Philadelphia, September II. 1021. Weman Defend Yeung Men Te the Editor of the Lxevmg idl.c ledger Sir I read with aliter .. :n-nt tl.e Uttr f Eleanora lf,'ce In regard 'e 'he oevs and TCUng men of 'lai I der't kr. iv wr.at she can be th.nk r.g about Is she a nvi'h-r Letters) te the lfcllter should be an brief nnd te the point nn pesslbU. avoiding anything that would open a denom.nntlenal or sectarian dis cussion. Ne attention trill be paid te anony mous letters. Names and addresses must be signed as nn evldenre of geed faith, although names will net be printed If request Is made that they be emitted. The puhllcat.eti of a letter Is net te be taken ns an Indersement of Its views by this paper. Communications will net be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. main production will be shown and the audience can thus bcttrr enjoy It." New :,i- suggestion Is: Why net keep the late comers bsrk for a short tlme and then tiiake a halt In the show until the late comers ci n Iv seated? This would require erly a few minutes. It often occurs that there aie a number of people cemluK In while the main production Is being shown, nnd In going te their seats nil theso nl nl lemly seated hsve te rlse te allow them te pass, thus blocking the view of nil these In the rear seats, and this often makes a bad break In the play, as the nudlence e!t"n m'psee an Important point In the plot of the show. J. W. 1IAZEI. Philadelphia, September 0, 1021. Questions Ansivcrcd or has she no brothers or a father or no male cousins that knew am thing? Surely she mUBt htwe m-t with a very uneducated let of men in her time. I am the mother of two sons and the aunt of two nephews, and I nsnme you they are far from what she claims the eung men of teda;. are These four boys, or young men. ns we will call them, all held geed-paying posi tions, nnd they are all under twent) -th-ee yea's of age. and thev can all cenversn' in subjects political and financial, also en the labor question, nnd without becoming excited, either, te any grint evtett. Thev nlse pay their beard te me and their respective mothers, net because they wanted te through selfishness. or they wele willing te give all their money home, but we. as their mothers, would net hear of eueh a thing, and they never sec us short of money either. Mine has provided tha home with a beau tiful ployr-rleno en.l a talking machine. And I feel that If any of the three eldest ones felt like getting married they would be able (e rte se. And another thing Many of the young mn of today would like te talk en worth while subjects but some people only vvsnt te bear said sublerts in halls or club rooms, where the-, go te ber and some times net listen i the.n Mils HAIl-UI Me.rSt.ADE. Phiiade'phla. Seeti-mjer 7. ll'L'l. Things of Mere Importance Te 'h CTiler n' Mi, ltuij Public I.tder': Sir ! Is interesti"g te reed one PhlU-' Oeiphla mans high n--n.il vUw.s en short fklrts and babied lm,-. A visit te the sea sea sher. bathing beaches weuid give him mere worries. Such dr. speaking of the ex treme cafes, en v ehuvv feeb.e-mtndedness. I suppes. the man w-he favored surh clothes had a picture of hi own sister or mother In mind dressed it. s ich attire. There are, Ik ever, werss things than short skirts te werrv ever. Fer example, gambling. Ueheld. we attend a. carnival and pay for one chance out uf sixty or mere te ressess something. Again, during each yt'.ir In the Un'ted States Gu.OOO yeuns girls dl nppear. Why dun't en- young men with high mera, help tight for decency? Again net anvthlng pleases our public mere than moenshlt... jek"r .ird p. tures. We hee-haw and make a Jeke of wh.it we paid in all eorleusn'es te put through One uf Hoe"vlt most ardent qualities was his daring te eiif.rc- American laws and his rpi.' for liw The itreatejt thing geed Amerian '.uhe-s nnd mothers can de Is te educate nn-l prepare their sons and daughters f..r geed . .tuensh P Surely n lepubib- that was built through suffering and hardships .i v,f mere mportitice te i American tlun'a few extra dollars. We should increase our punishment for drug peddlers, moenshiners and slavery It .s Just a slew form of murder, and American e'tlzene tolerate It but cannot punish an immediate murder quick. v ereugh. MRS. MacGEOnOH. Philadelphia. August 31, ll'21. Merely a Suggestion Te the Editor of the Evening Public I.'detr Sir We read se much about the bonus In the People's Forum. Sometimes the type Is a little blurred, and I de net knew whether It says bonus or bonuses or bceus. but after radlns carefully both sldis of the cuestlen I believe I' no mere than fair aivi right that th bes a-e deserv.ng of the lenus. and I believe If our smart men In Washington wanted te they could '!nd a wiv of satisfying the boys. I was net tn th-j icrvice as I a-n net only past th.- three score or 1 t'.n men. but I am past the four store. Nnv- se that th bonus boys de net have a monopoly of the practical, popular tiL.An-.n'a I'limm t unulit like tn make, a Hlllr- Igfstlen. I have frequently noticed that an officer rflen hilts a parade te as te allow trei. cars, automobiles, etc , te resume traffic. I aed I thought why cannot something en ! th.e order b' dene In the movmg-picture I theatres. Seme of the theatres show en th i screen the words "When nil Is quiet t'ie Americans at Verdun, Etc. Te Mi- i.'illler of the Ki'iiiiia Public Ledger: Sir Did the Americans de any flghtlr.g at Verdun nnd was It s.-vcre fighting? Did we get our form of Kevernment from the fngllih ' K. F. T. Philadelphia. September 17. 1021. Americans fought Important engagements t St. Mlhlel, south of Verdun, and In the Argonne forest, west of Verdun, but net at Verdun. The Kr.gllsh have no written constitution. Its constitutional Inw Is cne of precedent". It cannot be nld that we copied from Ens land in shaping our Constitution in mero then a verv general sense. English com mon law. hewever. Is th basis of our Jurisprudence. A Gaelic Pronunciation Te thr Editor of the Evening Public l.tdaer Sir I note, one of our readers wishes te knew the correct pronunciation of the words "Dall Etreann." I think your In quirer will understand when I state that It Is j renounced us If spelled "Dhaw-lll Ay ran " S. I.. MCCARTHY". Philadelphia September l-l, m.'l. Settling an Estate Te Mie Edtli.r et thr Evrn.ng Public l.edjr- Sir Will v-ou kindly print In the people's I'erum the laws of this State gevitruliv a case where a man dle without a vein and b.s prepertv has a mortgage en It. and hew t . go about getting appraisers and filing bends, an 1 .Van hew te get an adniinlstr. ter nppiniiteds j.- w Philadelphia. September 1(5. lO.'l. When a man dies without leaving n wi.i le.ters of administration are gr.in'ed bv he Itegister t.f Wills of the county in which he dies The office of the Register of WliU In rhlladftphla is at the City Hall and out K'd if Philadilphla at the ceuntv seat of each county. The administrator Is i. quired te enter a bend proportioned te the sl?e of the estate This requirement will be let understood after consulting the Re.ni.ter. As te Information Is given cenrern'ng the fenil.y surviving the decedent In this cnee. It Is Impossible te tell who ar entitled te thla Property or In what proportion It Is te be distributed. Colored Men as Officers Te tht Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Has a colored man ever rone higher than a lieutenant In the United States Army? W. V. V. Philadelphia, September 1.". 1021. I A U,.l 1 OOO nntnt-Ait nn U.Ii.JIhw OSA ef 41UUb iw bifiuivn ,,,v,l, 1 1 IV I llll , ,, It mw w. I the medical corps and sixty Nei re chap- lulns, wrre commissioned as army nfflcers during the World War. The highest rank ' held by a Negro In the late war was that of colonel. This rank was held by Otis 11. tmr.ean, who was promoted te the rank of colonel when the old Klghth Illinois Regi ment was Bent overseas aa the 870th Infan try Regiment of the regular army. This tiglment wen the Croix de Guerre. On ether colored man also holds the rank of 1 colonel. He Is Charles Yeung, a veteran et several wars and a srnduate uf West Point. ' It Is Against the Law I Te (he IMKer of the JJt'fitlne Public l,tdg'r: Sir I am n reader of your paper and I would like te have you declde a bet. Is 1 It against the law te make home brew? F. I.. T. Camden, N. J.. September 15, 1021. I . 1 Hew States Assist Soldiers Te the Editor et the Evtnme Public Ledger; Sir P.ease st.vte In your Pcople's Forum I hew msny States have enacted legislation . for World War veterans. OEOHGK T. rr.ICE. j Philadelphia, September IB, 1021. All but flve States nnd the District of Co lombia have enacted legislation beneficial I te veterans. In value this amounts te mere , than J1KI, 000,000. Legislation Is pending In ether Stateie which may add ;2O0.O0().0OO 1 mere te the State bonus total. Assistance r.irges front outright gifts of money te help In getting an education, acquiring land, ob taining livestock, .frm mucnlr.ery or tools. i or securing an apprenticeship In trade or ibt-ttness, nnd even leans up te 10,000. Poems and Songs Desired "Old Stene Schoolhouse" 7"e (Ac Editor of th" Evnlne Public Ledger: S.r 1 nm desirous of getting the com- rleti poem of which the following Is a par' "Old stone school house, thou art est 111 the same. Them's the very steps se oft I've mounted. And tne window . rcnklnc In Its frame. And the notches that I cut nnd counted; Old school house, thou art still the same, C D. 1 Philadelphia. September 1,1, 1021. Fer skin blemishes Soethinq and HcjJinq It reduces irritation and usually restores the skin te itsnonnel healthy condition Trialfree DePU2T Resinol m ML Zri Just One Little Pimple Will Spoil a Beautiful Face 1 A pimple will often appear despite 1 the care yen Bive your sltln. This I can be avoided by thp use of n pure ' nenp and a geed clcanplng cream. Hut, hew te remove the pimple, which j appears almost withe ut warning? lust a little Ueauty Dlcach, applied 1 nt bedtime or whenever convenient and this little nnneyint? blemish disappears. Beauty Bleach, the Ideal skin heautlfler, also removes ether skin blemishes, such an tan, freckles, liver (.pets. Yeu should use Black and White Seap. It Is a pure, antiseptic compound of oils - -like Beauty Black, Is delightfully fra grant. Te keep the skin soft anil the pores free of all Impurities, use Black i and White Cleansing Cream. This popular benuty treatment should I have it place en every woman's dressing table Black and White Beauty Blench, i 50e the Jar; Black and White Seap, 2Se the cake : Black and White Cleansing I Cream. 2Ge and r.Oc the package All I ure guaranteed and sold by your favorite drug and department store. ! Wr'te Dept K, Plough, Memphis. 1 Tenn.. for your copy of the Blrthdnv Boek and an Interesting leaflet which 1 tel.s you ail about Black and Whltu Toilet Preparations. Vocation RED- Records "ALL BY MYSELF" "SATURDAY" "ONE KISS" Made for TOlTt Talking Machine BLAKE & BURKART S. U'. (or. llth and Walnut . 85c Auther of Peem Te the Editor of the KvenUtn PulHe Leiettt Sir Please tell me the nt.me of the poem from which the following verse was taken; "Oh, her heart's adrift with ene On nn endless voyage genel N'lcht and mprnlne- Hannah' at the window binding shoes." a. vr. i Thlladelphla, September 1R, 1021. The poem Is enlled "Hannah Binding Shoes," nnd was written by Lucy Larcom. "Per Pacem ad Lucem" Te the Editor et the Evening Publle Ledger: Blr I nm desirous of knowing the name of the Peem from which theee lines are taken: "I ele net nsk, O Lord, that Ilfe my be A plensant read: I de net ask ths.t Theu weuldst take from me Aught of Its lead," JANE M. CI.nMENTS. Philadelphia. September 18, 1021. The tllle of thla poem Is "Per Pacem ad lAteem," end It was written by Adelaide Anne Trocter. Did Tennyson Write Them? Te the Editor of the Evening Publle Ledger: Blr Tbe following lines have been at tributed te Tennys-jn' Ne meaning of the ban tall forth, strong ship, Inte that ijloem which has Ged's face for a far light; .. Net a dirge, but a proud farewell from arh fend lip. And pralae, abounding praise, and fame's . faint MarJInht. Ne meaning of the bir. musical drifting. Of lime's waves, turning te the eternal sea: Death's soft wind all thv gallant canvas lifting. And Christ thy pilot te the peace te be. Can any ene tell me where I can find them? O. VT. I,. Philadelphia. September 10. 1021. The People's Pernm will appear dally In the llrenlng Public le-nlger, nnd alia In the Huniley PuliHe I.reler. I-etters discussing timely topics will he printed, ns well ns requested rme, nnd question! of general Interest will be answered. 'iOrace DVrllne'" Te the Editor of the Evening PuMle Ledger: Sir In a recent Isrje a rentier asks for the song "Clrace Darling." I Inclese It. ANNIE M. 0'P.niEN, Wayne, Pa,, September 11, 1021, OUACE DAIIL1NO 'Twas en nn ocean lighthouse there dwelt nn English maid, Pure ns the air around her, of danger ne'er afraid. One morning Just nt daybreak a. aiernv tossed wreck she spied. And though te tc.v seemed mndnees, "I'll aave the crew," ah crlad, CII011U3 And ehe pulled away o'er the relllnr sea. ever the waters blue. "Help! Helpl" she could hear the err of the shlpwreckesl crew. Put drace had nn English heart, and the raiting storm she braved! She pulled away "mid the dashing apray. and the crew she saved. They te ths rock were clinging, a crew of nine, nil told; Between them and the lighthouse, the sea lllte mountains rolled. Said Grace; "Come, help me, father; we'll launch the beat," said ghe. Her father cried: " 'Tls madness tb face that raging sea." One murmur'd pray'r, "Heav'n guard us." and then they wer afloat. Dctwcen thorn nnd destruction the planks of that frail beat. Then speke the maiden's father, "Iteturn or deemed are we." Dut up speke brave Oracs Darling, "Alene I'll brave the sea." They bravely rede the blllewa and reach'd the rock at length: They saved the Btornvteiej'd sailors. In heav'n nlens thetr strength Ge tell ths wide world ever what British pluck can de, And sing et brave Grace Darling, who nobly saved the crew. Jeseph Ceughlln nU for the poem "They Called It the Tropics." Can a reader sup ply UT "Sid." The poem you ask for was prlntsd We Are Philadelphia Headquarters for i tnn&? I KTARr IfcB'W mf mm aVaaVsilBll a S LEDGERS I It Cesls Less en Arch Street JRI m&mf Fer every business or personal need Corduroy binding, red back nd corners, 200 sheets and Index complete, ni.ix ll?i. Itec. price, 313.00. $g .50 Complete line of Commercial Stationer. Transfer Hinders, Itlng nooks. Columnar Miceta, 2 te 130 columns i each. Ledger Sheets. Minute Heeks, Special forms for utceuntuiit. IMMEMATn II11I.1VKKY. HARRY B. LEVIS 702 Arch St We Recerd I of Quality- In the BMHttKO Ptntue" eeee of "'' 18, 1921. We cannot raprlnt It ie seen. "P. h. T." asks for !" containing centaining containing thcte lines: "I grew afraid of human eyej, Flashlnc and ihlnlng everywhere, Catherine D. Polk asks for the poem con cen talnlng these lines: "Where yetta you en the day ci tsraeeI VVh.n the thunder shook thi "orb)"', And, the cry went through ths heavtms And the aelld hills yore hutltdt" "W. I I,." asks for.,a poem by th. .". Hareld Jehnsen, nn Englishman, ceni.ii-' the following lineal . "mMnln, "Fellow the gleam, lad, corn what Whatever the world and folks . ? "" ei-j,' I "Our new plan for financing time sales mekes the purchase of a Pierce-Arrew truck easy.", Pi leice 7. O rrew Trucks CHASSIS PRICES 2-ten $3200 3'4-ten $4350 5-ten $4850 FOSS-HUGHES CO., 21it and Market Sti., Phila. Lancaiter Reading Wilmington Bethlehem Coolness Cemes These mornings and evenings have the touch of coolness and bring a real appetite one satisfied only by geed feed. Meenehan's Crisp Rolls' and Wholesome Bread are just the sort that give real zest te all meals. MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 18 Seuth 52d Street 14 Seuth 60th St. 2604 Germantown Ave. 4009 Market Street le-aa Seuth t 1. i.l'"Vi, k . '4 r .e " , DANCE, dance, dance you want te keep en dancing when you get' the OKeh swing. Broadway's latest hits all keen music nnd in faithful register. OKeh dance records spell successful parties. Ask Your Dealer for Ne. 4406 "Bronce Tret," Fex Tret 8Sc 10.ir.ch "Old Blue," Waltz These records composed by "Tnm Mix" GENERAL PHONOORAPH CORPORATION NEW YORK S&1 ?s5 y & lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllllM w tfffifiM Special Excursion LURAY,VA. Civinc an opportunity te visit the j Famous Luray Caverns j sl It. ii'i ni; t.r la- J JP Sunday, October 2 Geuting's "S H00R-TREDS" Fer Grewing Feet fT IS the duty of parents te safeguard the health of their children's feet. After 1 mere than thirty years in the study of "growing feet and the merchandising of mere than twenty-five million dollars worth of shoes we produced the "Shoer-Tred." Mints' "Shoer-Tteit" (Sprint heel up te all 12V.) 123 ,H K fi tf v. s)cv USJS-"' v Children's The Geutina "Shoer-Tred" in also carried out in footwear for dress, dancing end gymnasium even in our famous "Foot "Feot "Foet lite" Ballet Slippers. I !&& It has ample tee room with n narrow heel te prevent rub bing or slipping It is as flexible as a glove, allowing free mus cular development, yet se shaped and lasted as te influence a cor rect stride and poise the body weight. Shoer-Treds will will give twice the wear of ordinary shoes yet they cost no mere. Step in and see the Sheer Sheor Shoer Tred and let us make a fitting chart of your child's feet. Sizes 6 te 8 Children's . $4.25 Sizes 8 te 11 Children's. 4.75 Sizes 11 te 2 Misses' . . . 5.50 2 Beys' 5.00 6 Big Beys' . . 5.50 GirfY "Shoer-Treit" Sizes 11 te Sizes 2 te Sizes 2 te 7 Yeung Girls' 6.75 eT by e . M A Bey 'Shepr-Trtds" Beys' Triple-Leg Black Scheel Stockings They'll Stand the Strain 50c, 55c and 60c, According te Size 1230 Market St. Shoes and Stockings for all the family W&wMi&r 1308 (pronounced OYTINO) "GStllUt Ot. Shoes and Stockings for all the family 3BBI.lBMaiBsHMHHsiinBai m IB . m n u i H M db I H ,11 I ta ti IB I U i NI la te a a B i a a ka Outings Frem PhiBadelphia mmi ghunk and Return Every Saturday and Sunday (Until Sunday, Oct. 30, inc.) Alse Columbus Day Wed., Oct. 12 NEW YORK and Return Every Other Sunday October 2, 16 nnd SO November 13 and 27 December 11 nnd 23 Stxclnl Trains Irnve Iienillnic Temilnnl 8:00 A. M. (fetumlnril Time), stepping (it Culumlilii Ae.. Iluntlnsilen Ht YVuyue Junction, I.ecun itnil .IrnWIntimn Returning sitnnflard Tims Leaves MAUCII CHUNK 6.00 P. M. VP,.r vnnir W. 23rd St 7.17 P. M. leaves N EW ORK , iber,y st 8 00 I M. Philadelphia & Reading Railway 53BBBBBaBaHgHBHBBB3BflBaBBaHBnEriBaBaBggBBBHB.MBHIBBI83 The Stores of Fe.meus Shee V THE UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION INVITES TENDERS ON LUBRICATING OIL 4 Senled bids will be received until October 7, 1921, 2 P. M., and then will be opened publicly in the oflke of L. Vnn Middlesworth, ManaRer Department jet Purchases nnd Supplies, Roem 3068, Navy Building, Washington, D. C., for furnishing such quantities of lubricatinK oils as may be required for the use of all cargo ship3 operated by the U. S. Shipping Heard or for its account for a peried of threo months after fifteen days from dnte of award, with option of extending an additional three months. At Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Coast Ports. Proposal forms, specifications, and ether information may be obtained from the Manager Department of Purchases and Supplies. The Beard Reserves the Right te Reject Any or AU Bids. Sealed bids should be addressed te L. Van Middlcuwertli, Mana ger Department of Purchases and Supplies, Roem 3068, Navy Duild lug, Washington, D C, and indorsed "Sealed bids for Lubricating Oil. De net open until October 7, 1021." CHAUFFEURS Drivers Mechanics Yeu will get them quickly through an ad in THE PUBLIC LEDGER MORNING EVENING SUNDAY SturtST enlr, ADicent h,.,,,.. s -s-irsj trip en Ocean City Ilrsuch Oct l Accommodation trslu. t c Ixiit trip Ocliibsr 1. J Kicurtlen truln - lst trip October .1 f-Klrst trip en eltaii tn iiuinn e, i laii Leave le leyays i-" tape I Wllil- Stour Bea Ili f'" Msy j'oeil Harber Uli I ( ''l '. AM AM" AH AM A" I ! 7 I'1 fl nui it no 0.43 ,.,;a PM PM PK PM W. bl.OC.1 1,1,00 M.' iQOl 4,00 4 eai 4.0JI . MUNIAYH .JI bit l.i ru i 4,00' d5.ll AM , lilt IS PM 4.00, 15. Ul AM . bn..i PM I 4.02 (15,lt I s m h SPECIAL TRAIN OT Jul- ST passinc threueli the Cumberland 121 pBJy' Tz and Shenandoah Valleys CJ lBH' ,. LC l.rnt's llreud trrrt, Snturdaj 0 14M.i til Msiit. eviub.T i. ii ni' m ji 11 .1 r i m Mr laWV OJ Arrlrrs l.uriu imiKV. M. Tr all the rami! mLjP W' Si l.ruir. l.ury 1 13 f. M. 31 tt" "Ic aaaaaay V&W IjBjjp 3m tf r Sprtlnl riilf for mlinisslen te XX , M ffl Umse,. mjjnriu-i, ,., g. 1 9 Seuth 1 1 th St. (Quick Service Men's Shep) Ml: -S n i p . MS rm Qj rennySlVania OySiem y Every Feet Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brethers Supervising KHBWPiliN Beware of Tender Gums Unhealthy soil kills the best of wheat. Unhealthy gums kill the best of teeth. Te keep the teeth sound, keep the gums well. Watch for tender and bleeding mime. This is a symptom of Pyorrhea, which afflicts four out of five people ever forty. Pyorrhea menaces the body no well as the teeth. Net only de the gums recede and cause the teeth te decay, loosen and fall out, but the infecting Pyorrhea germs lower the bedy'a vitality and cause many seri ous ills. Te avoid Pyorrhea, visit your dentist frequently for teeth and gum inspection. And use Ferhan'a Fer the Gums. ' Ferhan's Fer the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea or check its progress, if used in time and used consist ently. Ordinary dentifrices cannot de this. Ferhan's will keep the gums firm and healthy, the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. If gum-shrinkage he.8 set in, use Ferhan'a according te directions, and consult a dentist immediately for special treatment. 35 c and 60c tubes. All druggists. Formula efR. J. Fethan, D. D. S. Ferhan Ce., NeiO Yerk Fethari t, LtJ., Mentieal J( U5 f fiir -1 & isHial ST 7) , .taw. f?5 ix i '85-8sj S II mX 1 IflBIBBBBBBBBBBHBiasTaskbw e S 3 v' t T'MsW'saP'WPi .BflaHsssslMsHBftBftBBBfillieke'. n "" M-t.ti.. -m ...t.t-4..M--"'l "" vmmum iCK IIIIL9J -v--""" t EASH0RE -a-tM-aWaifBjjiMria(HMtMBfarHMMaHHMtnaMaM(yjjMa1 Express Trains mm Wm "-l-1- -M-aT Ssjl-i-a-sl-sfs-lB-a-sfa-ssfsB-s-sl-smsfs Autumn and Winter Schedule Effective Sunday, Septerpbcr 23 l'hlladflphln and Atlantic City iVKIIKIIAYS I.T,PhlU. Ar.Atl. City I Lv.Atl.CItT Ar A.lll AM 0.00 11. DO " 100 PM s.oe 4.00 " C4.8C " 0.00 " 6tJ0 " fl.OO " 8,30 " 11. SO " I'lilla. and Seuth Jsrssr nsserti WKHKItAYH .Southward Arn ('ps Mijr. "Tu. ie.O A ArrlvuArnve l Arrl' Arrljt uceanilm lilrl stens xivn; i;ii 'iisrnerijriMe . Phils. Jat , ii.:iuam: TT.TT ' ")- i - .": t.fj rt.si n.i. a.h a w . . . i 111 I'll ' Jit a. . ,,'Zr ". -T.'l AM AM AM i A9i 1S.40PMI his ' A5 "'',0 -"Mi 10S7i VJ0 1 2J15 ' 5 ill " i,,'St ,, pM PM PM PM PM M0 '" ! ll'M " I lS:88A'il M.XIIAVH . " , . ... ,2i!0AM AM AM i AM AM AM AM 1S.4&AMI il7.'"n ci.,. 1,11 ii.a)' ? ' KM ie sei ..;.;: mz m i! i' Kt'yi,AYS ffiM;;:;;: p7l t"e'JjI il'mW Si'Ji. ?0A?I AM" WKIIKHAYH Sertliward Z. 't-:: . iw gv fs as 48". 4 i.ill AM i Am" ruin. I.M dS.S Philadelphia & Reading System A'1'IjAKTIC (MTV It A If im A II tim.i4.a- -A-t.,. . - - - V4 ft - - --,. i.-eJ..tt..M,-Ml "-"-... i.M-M.i.H4--i--HH BWMJBMMiiBiliiiiiiiiTii' iffi ' t I mjMb., " t J BBBwWbBBBBBBmWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM --'''-s-etl-r.-a--