' f kmr 4 I , ' " , ' h " r ' S"'t u . 'Wv : THE MIGHT . ,i i ' I gnawers tnis nueniuun mm lonigut; fzuemng somewhat wanner; 'liiiirsiiny partly cloudy nnil cooler! sotiihcrly winds. TRJIPKBATUllB AT mOII IIOIHI. EXTRA -' ' .. .-- I... - t ...'..- 1 18 I 0 no in im i ' i z J I I o I rtEn4 mo itw nm ioh ia t i i rl VOL. VIII. NO, 7 Enttfcd as Sccond-fjlRM Mnttcr lit Ihj PoMofllce nt Philadelphia. Pa. ' Under the Act of March 3. 1870 rubllnhcd Bally Kxwpt Bundav. flulmrrlntlnn Prlr $0 n Yenr by Mall. Copyrlnht. 1021. by rubic 1-diter Company PRICE TWO CENTS PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1921 SWEEPS CITY: 72.575 Constitution . Revision Is Defeated in Philadelphia and State; Apathy of Voters Is Blamed ' v.: to ' "V , ' WuMtc J V - . . - - S Y9 . , V . -ft ' :ffieBaer " '''.M ' ' rlT Ji. Lr 1 J. v ' Air? -"! i t i ... ' . J -? l J LEAD IN 39 WARDS VARE X: L i . m. T V" T T ""t r K TO KU KLUX BY OATHS, IS "EMPEROR'S" BOAST irioQcrloc Prnr.lflim Siirrpss flT.uu5.w . .w . - uity umciais in biooa neage to btana by Klansmen Norfolk, va., police chief AKMbU MbN Klan Parades Streets of Two Residents Newspaper Editor Kidnapped and Ordered to Publish Notice THE Ku Klux Klnn is trying to, set up tho "laws" of its "Invisible Empire" side by side with tho ltnvs of tho United States. This is ono of tho most astounding phases of Ku Kluxism and is a tremendous leap forward from the ideas that governed tho original Klan. This dangerous tendency, fostered by a man who has proclaimed himself "Emperor,,r is of acute interest to every Artierican citizen, even though he is eligiblo to membership in the secret order. irv, vnvnlntlnna mnrlo of tho fourfold oath taken bv candidates for Klanhood and tho Klan's allusions to tho "laws" of the "Invisible Empire," and their sacred character for all Klansmen show ono side of this attempt at super-government. Another method toward this end which is employed by the "Emperor's" Grand Goblins, King Kleagles and Kleagles is to enroll in tho order mem bers of Congress, State and municipal officials, Sheriffs, police chiefs and court officers. From the "Imperial Palace" at Atlanta, Ga., Simmons, who m proc lamations calls himself "His Imperial Majesty," boasts that Congressmen jhavo taken tho blood-oath of Kluxism. The investigation in the South develoncd that several police chiefs are in sympathy with the Klanjs anti-Negro tenets and that they do not worry about its other phases. An analysis of the Ku Klux movement brings out emphatically that prejudice and hatred aro being used as pathways to profits and power for a little group of "insiders." Ku Klux in official regalia marched through the streets of Shawnee and Tccumseh, Okla., last night carrying banners and giving a characteris tic touch to their proceedings by kidnapping a newspaper editor, whom they let go with a warning note lor KU KLUX TRIES TO GRAB TUB statement that n drive Is being made to enroll public officials ns Klansmen and that the campaign to .some extent has been successful in abun dantly borno out In the official pub lications of the Ku Klux Klnn. Emperor Simmons 1ms on many occa sions asserted tho membership of mich. strategically placed men. To cltn one Instance, in n letter tinted January 1. 10?0, written to nn Alnbamnn who hail been publicly opjiosins the sprcnil of the Ku Klux. Inc.. in his State, the Impe rial Wizard bald : "Among the Klan's most appreciated and loyal members now nro members of Congress, State officials of various States, court officials, ministers of the gospel, lending profession men and legions of others. "There not only hns been no clnsh with the authorities, but thero hns not even been a hint of such. On the other hand, the law in nil its phases of just administration has not n moro effective, faithful ami fearless nrm on which to lean than our grcnt order. Quotes Court Official "Tl.lo fncf (u wnll VlimVII t.O POIirt officials, wherever occasions Imve war ranted the test to bo mnilc. As evidence of this I inclose a certified copy of n letter written bv tho Solicitor General of the Atlnnta Judicial Circuit (to the head of our order), n court official who baa intimate knowledge of the patriotic, practical, noble and effective work . Ings of our order since its relncurnn lion." Space limitations prevent printing in full the "certified copy" of n letter to which the Ku Klux Emperor thus refers. It bears in tho upper left-hand comer of tho sheet tho printed nddrcss : "John A. Boykln, Solicitor (ienorol, Atlanta Judicial Circuit, Hooms IU5 818 Court House, Atlnnta, Ga." On this sheet is a letter written Octo ber 10, mill, to "Dear Colonel Sim mons," and saying in part. "Just a few lines to eongrntulntu you and brother Kluntiiuen upon the magnificent showing mnde by tho Ku Klux Klan in tho parade today, i certainly was proud of them and heard a grout many congratulatory remarks from bystunderH. Tho Ku Klux Klan appealed wonderfully to the imagination of my little boy, eight years old; ho looked upon them with amazement npd grcot admiration. Doing "Noblo Work" "Tho work you nro doing Is n noblo one. Thouph It Is seldom my pnv lege to nttend tho Klnn meetings becausp of tho most pressing ami jruelllng duties when crime Is ram pant and theru Is unrest throughout tne world, I wnnt you und my brother Klansmen to know that I nm with you in spirit." The latter 1b signed by John A. ijoykln. and below Is tho certification signed by "V. J. Simmons" thut this is u verbatim copy of tho original rm.r ln ,lIs possession. Ahough Solicitor General Uoykln has i, never publicly admitted he is n Klnns jnan, tho phrnscology used in this lcttoi is sufficient basis for concluslvo Infer ence, la Atlnnta his membership Is iWKen for granted, and certain facts 'Hounding his election to his post a-, cniei prosecuting representative of tho k J" the capital of Georgia nre taken oy Insiders there as evidence of a r wi v".ul seiicmo to put tho office com- 'Vj'y.1"10 Ku Klux Klan hands. V At tlin oWtlnn Af- I!,.l,l'., nrt- Ponent was thnt Captain W. S. Co Ho t nnPenrcil 8 counsel for jtha fini.:" r " iVcl k a v '??,. iv.'s I' W.6 K'pnnsn, by a restaurant Wf w a anom in Atlanta early ipring. Coburn lift since appeared "iTW T T" "v ll TTk. Tr in Fnrnllinor ImHctps and ..-..-.. ..&r offers IU blANU bT WHIIb KUUtb Oklahoma Towns, Warning puoncauon. CONTROL - I OF COURTS AND CITY OFFICIALS as Grand Goblin of the Ku Klux Klan at Los Angeles. Calif., with II. U. Pitt, working under him ns n Klengle nt Fresno. If the Inferences drawn by the politically "wise ones" In Atlanta nm inrrrvt. wlilrhpvcr contestant won that election, the Ku Klux Klan was sure of having as n member tne supreme prosecuting authority of Fulton Coun ty. But there is evidence that the niem Iwrshlp solicitors of tho organization hnve nimed higher than county prosecu inrs. T.nst. snrine King Klengle Mc- Arthur. of Tennessee, asked one of Ills KIcngles to obtain for him some "strong" letters of introduction to Governor Taylor, of that State. Half n dozen such letters ere procured nnd bv if-e of them lie obtnined n henrinc with the Governor of nslivillo, nnil nfterwnrd wrote to the Klengle con cerned Hint tho Governor was consider ing comlpg Into the Klnn. Tried to lCnroll Governor A nortion of the letter follows: "I hnd n very successful trip to N'nshvllle. The Governor was very much Interested, nnd when I left as sured me thnt ho was fully In nccord with tho orgnnizntion nnd hoped thnt t would crow rnnldlr. nnd thnt every city nnd townjn the State would have a goon, live iviiwi, "He stated that lie would like to be long to the Klan, but thnt just at prcs m ho felt thnt lie wanted to think It over nnd discuss the ndvlsnblllty of joining with some of his friends. If nnV of Miem tpm your srcunu s iu Nashville plone seo thnt they say n word to him. Your letters nro whnt turned tile trlek for mo nnd I thnnk you." Most hlcnlflcnnt recognition of n pur pose to permente the machinery of tho courts nnd the lnw was printed in the Senrchllght. seml-officlnl nowspnper or gan of the Klan, on July 23, 1021, in nn editorial, as follows : "It is sometimes nmiiNliig to noto the ridiculous sltuntlons into winch ignor ance oftentimes lends men even of moro tnnn nvernge intelligence. Laugh nt Official Probes "For Instance. It doubtless is nmus ing to members of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klnn to uenr n .lutige in Ktriict n Grand Jury to probe thnt or ganizntion becauHo of its 'lawlessness nnil iin-Americnnisin, vwicn niey Know tlmt nnvwhero from n third to one- linlf of the Grand Jury aro members of tho K. K. K., and know that tho good Judge Is all unconsciously making nn nss of himself by Attempting to ex press nn opinion on n subject thnt he knows nothing about." This editorial is headed "Ignorance and Its Consequences." Another source of information to ennllnc tills plinso of the Ku Klux movement is found In the Wetkly News Letter, nn omclnl coniiiicntinl putiiicu tlon sent out from tho propagation of ileo of Imperial Wiicnrd Clurko to all his sales force nnd to tho presiding officers of nil chartered or provisional Klnns. ln u news letter dnted May 20, 1021, Conllnufd on l'lueTwcntj-lliife, Column Tho ATHLETICS' GAME OFF Four double-lionder.s nre in utoie for tho funs during the niytt six dnys. To morrow afternoon a twin bill with tho Browns that wlmltf up the serloa for tho sensontls on the card, Friday und Saturday tho hito Sox will bo met In double- headers. On Tuesday the Boston Bed Sox will b. met in u twin bill. Next Friday the Mnckmcu wind up their homo sty tor the hbnuon with the Yankees. Iniur Tour Htnltti-. Jt'h. h vtrttci win tonic Uiuwr,, a. oi.-v?w, Investigates K. K. K. IIARKY 31. DAUGIIEUTY United Stntes Attorney General, who today laid tho facts gleaned in Ills Invest Ignt Ion of the activities of tho Ku Klux Klan beforo President I lard I ne FACIS ON KU KLUX Attorney General Lays Facts Cleaned by William J. Burns Before President ACTIVITIES OF THE KLAN "BEHIND SCREEN" SOUGHT Wasliliifilon, Sept. 21. Informntion in the hands of the Department of Justice ns to the nctlvities of the Ku Klux Klan was laid before President Harding today by Attorney General Dnughcrty nfter the lnttor hnd con ferred with Director Bum's, of the do-pni-tment's Burcnu of Investigation. Mr. Dnughcrty recently discussed the mntter with District Attorner Ilny wnrd, of New York, nnd several As sistant Attorney Generals. Any Federnl action against the or ganization, according to air. Daugherty. wou'd probably be under some stntute covering conspiracy. He made clear, l.oweer. that on its faco the litera ture of the Klan wns not in vlolntlou of the lnw nnd whnt wns to be deter mined wns whnt went on behind the scenes. Urges Congress Proho The nctlvities of the orgnnizntion. he emphasized, would he given the most careful consideration before nny Fed ernl policy wns determined. An investigation of tho Ku Klux Klan is also proposed by Representa tive Tague, of ainssnchi'sctts, in n res olution which lie lias prepared and ex pects to lutioduce today. In the pre iMiible lis nseits that the orgnnizntion is "nntl-Americnn" and thnt Its ob jects nnd purpose nre "the exile nnd suppression of persons members of cer tain races nnd religious sects." "The Ku Klux Klnn hns In more than 100 irstances been eharced with unlawful selziue. abduction, trinl and punishment of certain free citizens and residents of the United Stntes," Hep rcsentativo Tngue said in a formal state ment, "and Is operating in violation of Articles IV. V and VI of our Con stitution, which gunrnnteo ngninst un lawful search for protection of life Continual on Tnito To, Commit Tour RECEIVER OF TAXES , A , a 3 o n r rs I 4003 ' 340S ;t 1303 4 2738 r, 1055 0 301 7 5270 8 322 II 300 10 2313 11 1805 VI 2187 14 2185 tl5 3107 io vm 17 2013 18 4238 10 7337 20 7730 "l 3105 03 3000 l 5004 ".I 0770 27 2121 211 4015 10 4100 ;2 4112 III 5052 35 1470 37 2170 38 3138 30 8740 41 2274 43 7037 41 5157 40 3342 47 4140 4S 1830 1003 10S4 1002 821 788 QO.J 087 302S fiOl 440 148 210 230 3378 701 700 1130 2280 15S0 4814 2 ATI 2108 017 1280 1300 730 3230 5100 1010 2351 3752 4021 1830 5050 2151 773 1357 1120 HARDING RECEIVES FROM DAUHERIY Totals ........143008 08701 Forty-two wards. Thirteen divisions mlsalng. SL ASHES HIS WE NHOME AT1EMPTS OWN LIFE IN HOTEL Escaped Hospital Inmate Dying After Firing Two Bullets Into Neck and Chest WALKS UP FLIGHT OF STAIRS, TALKS CALMLY,, COLLAPSES "While police were searching for him on tho charge of sloshing his wife's throat, Harry Snyder, of Thompson street nenr Forty-second, entered tho lnvntory of n hotel nt Ninth nnd Chest nut streets just before noon nnd shot himself fatally through the throat nnil chest. Dying nt Jefferson Hospital, he nd mlttcd to physicians nnd detectives thnt he had attempted to kill his wife Syl via nt the Thompson strct home. Police sny ho escaped three weeks ngo from tho Pennsylvania Hospital for the In sane at Forty-sixth nnd ainrkct streets. According to police Snyder, nt 0:.'U) o'clock this morning, hnd n nunrrol with his wife. Thoy soy when ho told her he was sick and wns going to die, she replied she would get nnotJier husband. Police sav tho man then became in furlated and rushed nt her with a razor, slashing her neck nnd leg. Threatened to Kill aiotlicr-ln-Law While his wife lay bleeding on the floor, Snyder is alleged to have told her that he was going to kljl her mother, who lives on Fifth street below Spruce. Snyder then left the house in n rage, pollco say, and purchased an nutomntlc pistol nt a store in West Philadelphia, intent on carrying out his threat against his mother-in-law. Apparently,' ho wns on his way to the mother-ln-lnw's home when he decided to end his own life. lie entered Hie hotel quietly nnd went to the lnvntory in the bnsement. Attendants were horrified to sec him step beforo n largo mirror, draw "a pis tol and press it against his throat. Be fore he could bo intcrctpted, the mnn fired two shots. One bullet pierced the left side of his thront nnd the other struck the apex of his henrt. With blood gushing from the wounds, Snyder, pistol In hnnd, walked up n flight of stnlrs to the first ffoor and Wont into the billlnrd room. Several players stood back in con sternation, ns tho mnn threw the pistol on a billlnrd tnblc. Collapses on I?Iour "Don't worry," ho snld. cnlmly. "I'm not going to hurt nny one. I hnd a wife, a good wife, but I wns wronged." Loss of blood wns wenkening the mnn. Ho stnrtcd to speak ngnln. mum bling something nbout children, but be fore ho hnd finished the sentence he collnpscd on tho floor. C. C. ainnger, manager of the hotel, who studied ns a physlcinn but Is not practicing, gave the men temporary at tention while nld wns summoned. Snyder was rushed to the Jefferson Hospital. While surgeons were oper ating he remained culm nnd told of cut ting his wife's thront. Snyder's wife, discovered by neigh bors, wns tnken to the office of n nenrby physician. Sho was weak from shock nnd loss of blood, but her conditions is not serious. Nabbed for Attempted Theft Jnmes Pcttnford. seventeen yenrs old. a Negro, was held in $r00 ball this morning for the Grnnd Jury by Magis trate Price in the Twenty-second street and Hunting Park nvenun stntion, chnrged with attempting to steal a motorcycle belonging to George Steven son, from In "front of the lattcr's home 1(105 St. Paul stieet. Pettaford was nrrested by n wntehiuan who saw the Negro loitering about tho machine. VOTE ON THE COUNTY REGISTER OF WILLS t . CITY TREASURER 9E S3 037 1013 18S8 758 254 183 1051 001 130 327 58. 101 101 3007 740 275 1547 1040 a-135 4280 2050 2215 581 1254 1250 550 3400 0180 1247 2730 3850 3050 1002 40S3 ' 2232 7)1)1 1284 1014 48.37 3520 1340 2705 1050 320 5103 2203 005 3303 1385 2180 2730 3227 1573 2405 7471 2231 3522 5503 0851 20 18 4540 4020 3824 4748 1143 1044 3112 8540 1010 07CI 5200 3101 4035 2308 4741 3421 1327 2082 1045 271 5253 202 041 3341 1402 2131 2585 2533 1401 2237 3520 '1504 7103 2352 3220 (1253 0532 2025 4000 3772 3752 4305 1157 1053 2530 8380 1840 0102 4080 3202 4003 1737 004 1032 1001 810 250 212 030 2852 123 303 80 100 20S 3403 701 385 1070 1832 1277 3050 2150 2005 527 1233 1050 500 3255 5755 1082 25 12 3810 3471 807 4020 22J11 7114 1100 1112 05078 142807 ' i 03453 Fruitless Victory Costly to Combine, Says Mayor "No explanations from me," said Mayor aioorc this afternoon in Heading. "If nny explaining is to ho done it is up to others to do It. It wns a complicated political situ 'tlon, full of denls, selfishness nnd trenchcry. I 'don't wonder the voters were puzzled, women ns well is men. "They mny call it n victory, but t wns n very expensive one. How much do you think It cost the bosses? Don't you think it will cost them a good dcnl Inter on? And whnt did they ngaln? Not a thing. They merely hold what they held. "The Register of Wills wns nl leady In their hands. So wns the Controller, City Trcnsurer nnd Ro eeivcr of Tnxcs. They nlso hnd icp resentntlon in the District Attor ney's office. So where wns the vic tory? Will they dlsplnco the em ployes in these offices for tlielr now Combine friends? If they do, whnt will become of the faithful who helped them win tho victory? It will be a very expensive victory. "Will the city Administration's policies be nffectcd? Only ns this so-cnlled victory may Inspire ob structionists. .In no sense can the vote be accepted ns nn expression of the people ngninst that which Is decent ln government. "The Administration will ecr tnlnly continue to uphold its civic standards nil nlong the line. We now know who is who in Plillndel phln'polltlcs." Mrs. Annette Harris and Thomas Robinson Victims of Spill OTHERS ARE INJURED airs. Annette Ilnrris nnd Thomas Robinson, of Chester, were killed nnd three other occupants of n motorcnr wcro hurt nt 1 o'clock this morning when the mnchlno overturned on the ailddletown rood nenr aiedin. airs. Ilnrris wns killed Instantly. Robinson died nbout noon in the aiedin Hospital. Tho bodies were sent to the morgue of Deputy Coroner W. C. Rlgby, of aiedin. The injured nro John Cnvnnnugh, Elizabeth Kelly and Anna aicLaugh lin, nil of Chester. The. were treated nt the aiedin Ilospitnl for minor in juries nnd were sent home. John Burthnrt, driver of the nuto mobile, wns nrreted by Constnble Mathews, of aicdla, and is being held to await the action of the Coroner. At a point on the ailddletown road near the home of Clarence Bonsnll, Burthnll lost control of the automobile. It kidded to the side of the rond nnd overturned. Gn,..n nt flio nprMinnntn wprn lmfllml elenr of the wrecked mnchlno, hut airs. Harris aim uouiusuu -ie iuuiii miu crushed. Iti.ncnll nnil nMinn momhnrs nf filu household hurried to the nld of the vic tims, aiiev niteii mo overturned auto mobile, airs. Hnrrls wns dend when removed from the wrecknge. Bonsnll Burthnrt lost controkof the automobile, nnd took them to the aiedin Ilospitnl, rP1.n "VTinltn nnf linrl Hon anv tunttt riiitu X III- i Mill .. ' - lM,- HUM i - 1 of the automobile party hnil bcofii (li'.hK.n?. TICKET CITY CONTROLLER . . DISTRICT ATTORNEY --, . M si el 4420 3320 1220 2505 1870 284 5171 370 573 3350 1301 2122 2004 2SI3 1431 2200 4100' 7352 7222 2015 .".307 5070 0000 2155 4744 3020 3078 5530 1330 1807 2118 8277 2110 0503 5331 3321) 3072 1825 1300 1083 1083 012 354 220 037 '2S23 220 320 51 211 250 3272 851 455 881 2110 1745 3005 2801 2183 073 1141 1127 000 3107 5853 1071 . 2010 30110 3050 b8l 4205 2257 877 1121 1151 330 134 157 100 It 42 3(18 110 00 144 13 55 201 882 103 307 1118 1051 022 701 1202 1272 578 255 003 02 1410 2507 300 0S3 1114 1000 505 2405 1083 520 (178 307 5525 4000 2000 3101 2105 403 5701 2010 722 3080 1428 2310 2174 5170 2074 1830 3080 ' 7813 8034 5002 4041 0 103 0710 3037 5200 3308 5783 8310 2021 300S 5551 10083 2444 3704 4485 1080 130012 OOOflO 20015 171051 CHESTER AUIOISIS KILLED IN OVERTURN REVISION IS BEATEN NPHILA. AND STATE BY LIGHT VOTING Incomplete Returns Show Little Interest in Program Asked by Governor Sproul VARE AND PENROSE MEN VOTED "NO" ON PROPOSAL Revision Defeat Halts Program, Governor Says "A tremendous educational and constructive progrnm for the Stntt will be held up by the defent of the convention, particularly the for cstry nnd good-roads plans," Gov ernor Sproul sold today. The Constitutional Convention hn apparently been defeated In both city nnd Stnte. Voters throughout Pennsylvania np penr to hnve been more interested In the nomination of ciiudidnti's. nnd in many sections there wus only n passive Interest in tho convention. In Philadelphia the revision project received more votes thnn in nny other county. This wns due lnrgply to the aggressiveness of the Voters' Lenguc, which rnnstnntly urged support of the convention during the campaign. Indifference of Vnre followers to re vision wns responsible for defent of the plan in Philadelphia. Instruction were sent out enrly yes terday by Vare leaders to Ignore the subject. These orders were obeyed by the dyed-in-the-wool Vare supporters and nlso by the Combine adherents who recently seceded from the Penrose camp. Question Wns Secondary Support of the revision plnn was given In spots In the Stnte. but where there were hot rights on candidates the ques tion' wns lost in tin shuffle. W. Hnrry Baker, secreiary of the itepiinuenn Mate Committee, polleil nil sections of the Stnte lr night from the eommittee headquarter, ."il'li South Broml street. aiont of the county chnlrmen reported thnt there was' little Interest in the plnn. "The iiMintion of the voters was concentrated on other Issues of th' uitiipnlgn. nnd thev hnd little time to consider the proposed constitutional re vision plan." f'ouncl'mnn Gnffnevsnld. 'The complexity of the ballot nlso wns lnrgely responsible for the fnct thnt the revision question wns overlooked." Wns Favored by Governor Tiie proposed convention to revise the State Constitution wns advocated by Governor Sproul It was projected for the purpose of bringing tho Constitution up to date to properly deal with affairs of the State along modern lines. Through revision It was contemplated to create a Stnte budget system, to provide for borrowing money for improvement of ronds. leorganize the Stnte Government to prevent the overlapping of adminis trative functions, abolish the office of magistrate In Philadelphia, merge the Philadelphia Courts of Common Pleiih. abolish the fee h) stein in public office Conllnitnl on I'mre Klht, Column Dm- PARALYSIS KILLSCHILD Coroner's Aide Says One Death Is No Cause for Alarm Dora Herman, twenty-two months old. of )."". North Fifth strccf, died lat night of iuiaiitlle parnl.Nsis, nccordiim to n repoit made today to the Coroner. Dr. A. A Cairns, chief niedicnl ex aminer, sniil that one death from the disease at thih time qf jear is not unusual. THIRD MAN ACQUITTED IN CAPE MAY TRIALS CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE. N. J., Sept. 21. James McLln den, road supervisor, of Rio Grande, was today cleared of the charge of malfeasance in connection with the Sea Isle City road case. After the taking of testimony the court ordered the case nolle prossed. This mnkc3 the third man to receive an acquittal in the trials here. BRIAND FAILS TO SETTLE TEXTILE STRIKE PARIS, Sept. 21. Efforts on the part of Premier Brinud to settle the strike nt Roubaix and Tourcolug have been futile. He tried to induce the strikers and their employers to agree to nibi tratiou, but tho employers me reported to have icfuwjd. The bttilfcih incepted the Picuiicr'a plan. SAMUEL REA 66 TODAY Pennsylvania Railroad President Celebrates Birthday Quietly Here Samuel Rea, president of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, today is observing his sixty-sixth birthday nn nlversnry. He was born in Hollfdnys burg, Blnlr County, Pn. air. Ren's first, "job" with tho Penn sylvania Rullrond was in the engineer ing department ns rodinnn and chain -man, where he begun In July, 1871, In 1012 he was elected president of tho company. the henl wtlllnir- paper o ivuitinq rAi'iisi-a5" Vote for the Winners as Shoivn by Latest Returns COUNTY OFFICES Receiver of Taxes Kcndrlck. Combine .... 14.1.008 Kemp, Independent .... 08,701 Register of Wills Campbell, Combine 142,807 Gnble, Independent .... C5.078 City Treasurer Wntson, Combine 133.025 Graham, Independent .. 03,153 City Controller Ilndley. Combine 130,012 Wolf, Independent '00,000 District Attorney Rotan 171.051 Lewis 20,015 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION No 05,834 Yes 43,018 MUNICIPAL, COURT Walsh, Combine 72,040 aiuurcr, Independent . . . 42,801 REPUBLICAN MAGISTRATES Beaton 07,007 Coward J3.O05 Dugan 87,1103 William Glenn 03,755 Hnrrignu 07,535 Holland 01.452 O'Connor 07,400 PerrI 00,010 Roberts 02.800 Scott 40,400 Complete returns from forty-two icanfj arc shown for nil dnndiiTatcs but magistrate, for which returns from thirty-six tcards arc complete. The Municipal Court returns arc complete from ttrenty-ciflht wards. T BYV0TERS1EAGUE White Says Independents Will Accept Primary Result on Row Offices WILL TRY FOR COMMITTEE Independent lenders nre likely to ac cept the verdict of the primary elec tion yesterday nnd probably will make no move toward fusion with the Dcm- crnts for n gropplc in November with the Contractor Combine. The Voters' League, which carried the fight against the organization into every ward, plans to eoncentrate on the Republican City Committee with a view to reorganizing it. Thomns Racburn White, a leader of the Voters' League, was questioned about the possibilities of fusion. "Speaking for myself," he said. "I believe the independents will abide by the results of the primary." air. White's views nro snld to be shared by Franklin Spencer Edmonds mid United Stntes Dlsdict Attorney Coles, other leaders of the Voters' League. Independents today discussed the possibility of pre-empting n new partj C'nnllnnril on I'n&r Tno. Colunin'Tnii OLD TRICK NETS $5.50 One Camden Family Mulcted, but Wise Maid Fools "Slicker" The ancient "package trick" wns worked successfully .esterday by a glib "slicker" on the family of Dp. Thomas Lee. 022 Cooper street, Cniuden. Tho youth, in the physician's ab sence, brought n "collect" package and got away with $5.50. The package wns bluffed with waste paper. At Dr. Wesley J. Rnrrett'n l,r.,r, 000 Cooper street, n similar package was offered, but refused by the maid. NAB. OPERA SINGER Man Claiming to Be With Metropol itan Company Later Released A mnn claiming to be Henri J. Duffy, a aictropollton Opera Company singer, wns nrrested in tho Sixty-ninth street police stntion Infct evening. Ho told Delaware County authorities ho lived at Sixty-sixth street nnd Lebanon nve nue, Overbrook, nnd hnd only been In this country a short time. The nrrcst camo after he had had an altercation with a, gourd on an ele irated train. , lie was rcleused ou bin own promise, to keep the peace. NO FUSION SOUGH MACHINE CRUSHES J ALL CANDIDATES OF VOTERSM.EAGUE Kendrick Heads Combine Slat With 143,608 as Against 67,791 for Kemp CAMPBELL CLOSE SECOND IN ROLLING UP BIG TOTAL1 Tho Contractor Combine nom inated its entire ticket at the pri mary election yesterday. W. Free land Kendrick. candidate for Re ceiver of Taxes, led his Combine col leagues by a slight margin in tho forty-two wards so' far completely tabulated. Kendrick's total for these wards ' was 143,608, a majority of 74,817 over Colonel George E. Kemp, tho Voters' League candidate, who de veloped as the strongest candidate of the independent forces. Mnjristrate William F. Campbell, Combine choice for the fee-sweetened office of Register of Wills, had a total of 142,897 in the thirty-nlno wards. Vivian Frank Gable, his op- ponent, polled 05,078. But several ol the strong independent wards aro still to be heard from. The proposed constitutional con vention, which had the backing 'of the Sproul Administration, wa'a smothered in the city. The convert; tion was a State-wide issue and returns from other cities, towns and boroughs in Pennsylvania jndicato its defeat. The Successful Slate The successful candidates for tho "Row" or County offices are: District Attorney Samuel P. Rotan, 0 Twenty-seventh Ward. Controller Will B. Iladley, Twcnfy- seventh Ward. Receiver of Tnxcs air. Kendrick, Seventh Wnrd. Register of AVills aiagistratc Camp bell. Twenty-fifth Ward. City Treasurer Thomas F. Watson, Twenty-second Wnrd. The defented cnndldntes of the Voters' Lenguc were Edwin Wolf for Control ler; Colonel Kemp for Receiver of Inxes; air. Gnblc for Register of Willi. nnd Arthur G. Graham for City Treas- I urer. I Kemp Got Good Vote j Colonel Kemp, on the fnee of incom plete returns, led the independent ticket, I which hnd the support of ainyor aiooro j nnd the expressed support of Senator Penrose. District Attorney Rotnn wns the sole candidate having the support of both the Voters' League and the Combine. He carried nil forty-eight wards, but was cut in some in fnvor of Evan B. Lewis. , Penrose Wnrd for League Senator Penrose's home ward, the Eighth, was carried for the Voters' League ticket with one exception, aiaglstrnte Campbell was given 2203 witcs t 001 for Gable. Register of WilU Sliechnn, who waB turned down bj the Combine for nu- ouier term in tnnt lucrum o oflice, man eged to deliver the Twelfth Ward for the men who reieeted him II,. u unl.i to be slated for a mercantile appraiser ship. aingistrnte Campbell more than vln dicnted his predictions for the Twenty fifth Ward, lie forecast early yester day he would roll up n 5500 majority for the Combine slate. The majority was marc than 0000. Knight Helps Campbell Coroner Knight, who defeated Campbell several jears ago for the npminntion for Coroner, proved that the trucotbetwoen them is genuine. Knight's lorty-tifth Wurd gave 3104 votes to Campbell and 001 to Gable. Subordinate in interest to the race for "row" office nominations were those for C'nntlnurcl on l'ue Klcht, Column Two WY0MISSING BANK ROBBERS GET 11 TO 20 YEAR TERMS Two Who Pleaded Guilty Qlvstt Lighter Sentences Than Others Rending, Pu Sept. 21. (By A, P.) Severe sentences were imposed here today on six men who figured in the robbery of the People's Trust Company, nt Wyonilssing. Jnmes ailnogue and Harry Bernstein, both of whom pleaded guilt, received eleven to twelve years ami twelve and thirteen years, respectively, while Stewart S. Wallace, Charles Stark, Curl Scott and John Russo, who stood trial nnd wcro found guilty, got nine teen to twenty years each. Tho men were snld to have obtained $180,000 when they looted the bank lust spring. They were pot arrested until after several months of search they were found in New York, The totul sentenco imposed on the six amounts to 105 years. In uddltlon. they were given lines vnrylng (row $3000 to $5000. The total Is &8,00, They will servo their time iu the Jm4 ' em Penitentiary. .U , Stark's counsel garenotlcs of XtkMT to higher court. His tall wsm teaTX'" $85,000, which it id not MHWmS h il il 4U U M rl ti 'W. II i ! Dl M A JQ i. i . tm , t U v : ',., ..,. .-sV vW " i.) iiiiwV .'itVi i.HSi A aty-f Muraffiairrrt' . j..,. .5