. A R l 'Mb 1 . P r bV CAPITAL WATCHING J NEW MEXICO VOTE Dofoat for Senator Bursum To day Would Mean Robuke J' for Congress 1922 SIGNIFICANCE SEEN By CLINTON XV. OILHERT Bfaff Correspondent Kienlne Public Lnlier Copvrieht, lttt, iv PuWo Lnlgtr Comsanv Wiutlilnrtcn, Srjit. 20. "WnslilriRton Is watching with unusunl interest the special election today In New Mexico, where. Senator Holm O. llursum, ap pointed to succeed Senator Vail, is up for re-election. People have their eye on New Mexico because political circles are prepared for surprises likely to result from the unstable equilibrium in which the par tic find themselves after the violent awing to the Republican lnt fall nnd with the restlessness of a business de pression prevailing. New Mexico Is normally a Republican State. Governor Merchlm carried it by 3000 plurality, which was about what Republicans ordinarily expect. I'rosl cent Harding got 11.000 plurality, which was unprecedented. But the sit uation there this time 1 complicated by a defection among the Mexican voters who have a. candidate in the person of Apolonlo Sena, supported by the Mex ican leaders, former Governor I.aro nia, former Governor Otero and Bias Cnnchcs. The Mexlcnn clement Is 7ii per cent Republican. If Sena polls as large n vote, the Democratic candidato, Judge Richard Hanna will be elected. Bursum Men Confident Mr. Bursum's supporters count upon t majority for him of 4000 to 7000. They feel that the Republican swing of last fall is still on nnd that the loss of the Mexican vote will not greatly Impair Republican prospects. The Democrat are equally confident. The, election, at this distance, appears close. A defeat of Senator Bursum would be Interpreted here as n distinct set back to President Hnrdlng. But the probability is that It would be more of a rebuko to the Republican Congress than to the Executive. Congressmen coming back to Washington bring one story, which Is that the country Is still optimistic about the Administration, but that there is enormous discontent with Congress. The failure promptly to reform taxa- : ' t ' ' ' ' .1. 1 ' . i . .I. "M,-., ' ' ' '' "J" .. ' M " tion, the confurfon and tmctTtrtyntr over tlio tariff, the demoralized condition of tlio Ilcpiibllcnnt in Congress due to an excessive and unwieldy majority and th break-up of the party Into blocs havo caused vast dissatisfaction. Relief In Tax BUI The tax bill bciug agreed to by the Senate will have n large effect in allay ing this dissatisfaction, if the agri cultural bloc lets It go through without too much delay nnd too many changes. Business gets in that bill relief from the excess profits tax. Many Income tuxpajcrs will have their rates some what lower nnd there Is no tax Im posed which has political dangers. The bill contains more promise of economy on the part of the Government than anything else that has J it been done down here. But it comes too late to affect the result In New Mexico. All reports reaching hero are that public opinion Is unusually tickle. A little while ago there was an Immense demand that everything possible should be done to promote foreign trade. Now the country seems indifferent to foreign trade. When Senator Borah was press ing his disarmament bill the eountrj was reported to be much excited over disarmament. Today observers comlnc back to Washington report the public to bo skeptical of disarmament and rather indifferent toward it. Indifferent to Tariir Slmllnrly It is t.nid that the public is indifferent to the tariff. And Washing ton is going through a change of heart on that subject The old-fnshloned con fidence with which Mr. Fordney raised utes has evaporated. Statesmen whis per that neithtr the business interests nor anybody else knows what Is wanted in the wnj of lut'es. The farmers have tried high rates on agricultural products hum im; iiwi. iuuiiii iiii-iu 11 lllll'-Uil. iil of this clutigofulncss may be reflected in tlio New Mexican election. A clos- vote or defeat for Mr. Bur sum might lnve n wholesome effect ui on Congress It would he a finger pointing fo nret fall, when the House nnd ow thlrd of the .Senate face the necessity of golns before tho voteis. If the Re publican 1'nrt.v is to prresent any from next fall, if it Is to look lll.o a jmrtj instead of n lot of groups with the name Republican for polltkal convenience, the Senators and Representatives will havo to pull together In the next few months and subordinate their allegiance to blocs to their nllesiance to the party. The fear of losirg at thp polls in No vember, 1!)1J. would have a wholesome effect on the kill. TAX BILL TO FACE SENATE T0IVI0RR0W Amended Measure Will Be Sent to Harding Next Month, Penrose Predicts SALES LEVY NOT INCLUDED By Hie Assoclnlcd Press Washington, Sept. 20. The House Tax Bill as amended by the Senate Finance Committee was being whipped Into shape today for presentation to morrow when the Senate reconvenes after its recess of n month. The mensurc will be pressed as soon as the business of the Senate will per mit. Chairman Penrose expects It to be sent to the President by the latter part of next month. Repeal of tlio excess profits tax and rcdurtion of the maximum income sur tax rate from 03 per cent to .'!2 per cent are the provisions expected to M' Apartments Septembcrlst,1921 several attractive apartments will be available in The Hotel St. James Annex One room ad bath two rooms and two baths up to five rooms and four baths The Hotel St James Walnut at 13th St. PIMPLES FACE AND NECK Itched and Burned. Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Heals. "My face and neck broke "out In a rash which left my akin awful rough. Suddenly pimples and blackheads appeared. The pimples were hard and red and were in blotches. They Itched and burned ao that I had to fan my self, and some nights I could not sleep. "I could not get anything to help me. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and found a great change, and after using them for six months my face was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Daisy Mur phy, 353 Myers St., Steelton, Pa. April 26, 1921. Dally use of Cuticura Soap, Oint ment and Talcum usually prevents skin troubles. Baapts iMk Traa of Ken. Ad4rsas:"Cstlcite ItV sralerlai, S.pt.B,M4ltl,Mui." Soldarary whf Sop He. 01atm.nttta.id We. Talcum tts. aVsVCutlcura Soap shavss without raur . AKE it im possible for c h a n k ing business conditions or family catastro phes to give you fi a n c i a 1 cares. Form the habit of saving-regularly. Build a Saving Fund account to safeguard you in that future which no one can read. It takes only a minute to open a Saving Fund account with this company. See us today. Open Monday and Friday Evenings Six to Nine & 'Clock MAKC I or t&S WSfcb. Lxa. 1 K sWKonsincItnn fr AUeghoJiyAveB. draw niost of th omtealtlon flr on. the Senato floor. Democratic leader hop to marshal their forces solidly against these proposals and they count on sup port from tho Republican side. Opposition also is promised ngnlnst ino ocnaio committee provision to con tinue tho freight and passenger taxes for the calendar year'lDlS at half tlh present rates. The House voted to eliminate nil of these devles and some members of tho Ways and Means Cotni mittee expect it to insist upon their full repeal as of next January 1, should the Senate, vote to retain them. A number of amendments to th committee measure are to bo offered on tho floor and some Senators look for extended debates, particularly on the manufacturers' gales tax plan to be presented by Senator Smoot, of Utah, a Republican member of the committee, nnd the whisky tax amendment which BeWqr CaMor, ot tfw Xtk. given notice he will present. , Senator Penrose does not cPct 'an7 serious delay in consideration of the bill and Is of the opinion tbt it can bo passed after two weeks' debate. He Is not certain now when it will be pos sible to get it before the Senate, but says he will press for its consideration as soon as possible. WORKING ON PROGRAM FOR UNEMPLOYMENT MEETING List of Participants Virtually Com plete Conference Begins Monday Washington, Sept. 20. (By A. P.) Tho list of participants having been virtually completed, work proceeded to t'ny toward the working out of a pre fer 0i natlMMl euhreoefl fovIUtWto t In the conferenw'aro fetaw unemployment which rresldMit Harding hns called to meet nest Monday in irnKiiwgion. Thoso invited to take, part in tho conference ns announced in a Hit pub lished today include thirty-five men and three women, but it is expected several names will be added, before tho conven ing, of the conference. Tho list now includes: Secretary Hoover, who has been designated by tho President as chairman ot the conference; Secretary Davis, Samuel Qompcra, Charles M. Schwab, John h, Iwls, of tho United Mine Workers; W. S. Carter, prcsi. dent of the Ilrotherhood of Locomotivo Tlrcmcn nnd Englncmen; Mayor Cou zens, of Detroit; 0. II. Markham, pres ident of tho Illinois Central Railroad, and Matthew Woll, vice president of the American Federation of Labor. Th three women who havo accepted Ida Tarbe.ll. Marr Van Kltck. of the Russell Sage Foundation, nnd Elizabeth Christmaiiy f yCeao7 Wrt'tfcHH NnllanfU Woman! Tradei ,' Tr9 League, UIJI! r:.,,.,,,.,. ...,.,, m - MUlM!lllHIIiWII!!!ll SPMMEK ItESOItTg ATLANTIC) CITY. N-. J 13 go up DIIt. Sprclal Whir. Amar. plan. ELBERON P"lrapro)f Annex. Tjnneee Av. nr. Dacn. , Cp. 400. Central; open aurroundlnga; opa. I Catholic & Proteatant Ctourchea. Prlv. btn. Running Water in All Rooms Excellent tables fresh vena Windows screen, d. White service. Bklet R. II. Lndr. M. O. IN THE MOST RKACTIFUt. SECTION HsmEDISON ALL ROOMS MlchUan Ave. close to beach. SPECIAL TALI. AND WINTER RATES $1 or $2 daily Sfi or HO wnelclv I.arfe airy outslde-vleir rooms, running water, pvt. baths e'ectrlc llg-hts. elevator ervlce to street level, convenient to all piers amusements Every attention civen to I comfort and service, special, nnnurnn hept katt-h KINGSTON IMPROVED Fall and Winter Seashore TimeTable Effective September 25 PHILADELPHIA AND ATLANTIC CITY WJJEK-D.UH PlilluUrliihlu , Ar. PhlludelphU , ,: ; Ar. Atliintic L. Atlantic nL.'"i, ' i Mur.VJ Hu Utr Ui Slnrkrt St. Uroad 8t. Htatlon I Whurf v )mrf Station a . . ,. ' 90AM 1031AM alUOAM 7.B5 A M 040AM 1 . . 1110AM 701AM 8 11 AM linllOPM SmlSPM 7 8J A M 8.47 AM ',.;,. ' 1M0I,JI sksaiMr hum .. . oiiam 1.40 P M .1 on p M x no AM l 07 A M "j,jn.r WPM S01PM 1000AM 1120AM 4.14 PM . 8.40 PM 2.00 P: Nr 'J.tO I M BiOOPM OiOAI'M 4.41 I'M 0.1SPM ...r... 8.40 I'M 7.00 PM 8.1.1 PM 0.33 PM ' P M I 8.40 p M SUNDAYS STrat keul t ran Btuh and OTerlaaalni ocaan CantnJla 6511 Wd'TC', alajatori prta betVia, bathing frm 7T"- Jrlu i in any oo topiciaiDoor wllS v ww, mm bb iur J I I asadal arkir IspfethlBoo' 7r T ILflTMOREr Worlds Greatest Hotel Success 0 40 A M 1.40 p M 7.11 P M x7 10 A M 0 .'0 A M hlO 30 A M HMAM 10 83 A M 11 10 A M 11 4.1 A M 8.00 P M 8.40 P M 1(1 00 A M h3 11 P M 4 41 I'M xB.SO p M 6,11 PM h 11 PM 8 SO P M 4,48 PM ' O.BO P M 7.08 P M 0.83 P M 11.28AM " 0.18 PM 10.18 PM SENATOR Bck to " uar pn H'Bln " ' nlnir Sept U 14 per day Amer ican Plan. Fireproof Klrst hotel from Boardwalk on Virginia av Booklet Westminster Rcntucky Av. nr. naaeb. V Klevator: rrtvate hatha ninnln water Open all year C. A. KOI'P OCR IN CITV. Blicavne nunntnc water all rooms. sDeo. DLUNDIN Electric trilns leave Market Street Wharf B 00 7 00. no 11 00 A M . 1 00 3 00. .1 00 S 00 and 1 1 00 P M. wekda SundajH 3 00 7 00, hi 00 n no 11 00 A M hl2 00 noon. 100, 3 00 8 00 8 00 and 11 00 P. M Klectrlc trains leave Atlantic City 7 20 00. 10 48 A M , 12 48 3 00, 4 41. 7 00. 0 00 and 11 00 P M weekdays Sundays 7 20, 0 00, 10 48 A M . 12 43 8 00, h4 00 4.48, hO 00. 7 00 hS 00. 0 00 and 11.00 P. M. PHILADELPHIA AND CAPE MAY, WILDWOOD, OCEAN CITY, SEA ISLE CITY, STONE HARBOR week-hays love I Murket fit. hart1 Arrin ipe May Arrive U lid-wood Arrive Orenn City LONDON. ENGLAND when In London stop at HOTE THE OOR1X3N UI 8 44 AM 10 11 A M 10 Jl A MID 41AM lylS P M 3l.11 P M. Iyl7 P M 8r1fl p M 4 18 P M 8 17 P M' (1 01 P Ml (I OP p M I-envo Orean City fl 41 A M 4.01 P if Mild-wood fl 82 A M 4.11PM IttVe 4'npe Mny Arrlte M rket St.Ulmrt 0 BR A M 4.08 P M HI NItAYh X7 10 A Ml (l 10 A Ml 0 11 A '.fl S 40 M'lO .11 A Mill Irt A M 1 87 I' M 1 S.20 !' M I 18 40 P M 8. 88 P M BiiH PM 8 4.1 P Ml 4i00 P M 8. .10 P M H BS P M TOUBS B 01 p i fl 60 p M 10 S8 p M ACRUISE deLUXE TO THE AVED1TERMN1EAN Dythf &S.CAR0NIA otlbtCWMD LINE Sailing from rfwYork. JAN. 181922 -nfJRATIOWbl DAYS Strictly limited to 350 Guests Tkt ltitrarj Ucltiti vinti to l.,.".?U. HPAIV. rtniHAi.TAr. ' 5,". MONTE CARIO, NICK NAPI.UH, EMYI'T. PAI.KHTIM' CONSTANTINOPLE. A T II E N i. EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT TH0S.C0OK&S0N Z2S Ssta Broad Si. (below Walstt ; B S'!'hdrnn r.fter Sut SO h Withdrawn fcfler 'rt li ' Withdrawn after Suit .' u Saturdas only. Saturdays only. Withdrawn ufter Oct I.xcirnlon train. Withdrawn after Oct. IS Kxctpt Saturdays. ELECTRIC SERVICE TO AND FROM OCEAN CITY VIA PLEASANTVILLE Pennsylvania System The Route of the Broadway Limited BTKAMHOATS HKHOKTH & ERICSSON LINE For flAltlmur Si WamMnmlnn T. 0.. Norfolk and tho Hontli rrenht and riaturdoy, 3 A JHH Service eirept Sunday Kianm. 6 o'elotk tWfAJ--r,i.r P. M ", 8, I.I Delaware ave Baldwin Locomotives Give Many Years of Service More than 5G.000 Baldwin Locomotives havo been built during the pant 90 years, and most of this number ure today in use homewhere in the world. Our 5,000th locomotive waa built in 1880. From time to time, our attention is called to Baldwin Locomotives, with Badfte Plate numbers lower than 6,000 .still m operntion nnd K'vinff good service to their owners. The Baldwin Locomotive Works Philadelphia J H vBBsfVPiflsm .WWaiWBsBsBtsTJX yVvlrwiMHsBaWls IRmHQi I $ 1 800 will btrj) this 8-qylinder &9m TYPE 55 with tho incomparable performance, protection, comfort, dependa bility invariably enjoyed by thousands of Cadillac owners. It ia one of tho big opportunities of the Annual Clearance Sale wkich ends Saturday, September 24tk This car Ib in first-class mechanical condition, having been thoroughly overhauled in our shop. It has alapbeen repainted and has good tires. It will givo years of faithful service to the person fortunate enough to secure it at $1800. Other famous Cadillac Models in this sale include 1919 Cadillac Touring $2000 1917 CadiUac Landaulet $2000 1919 Cadillac Suburban. . . .$3200 1910 Cadillac Limousine. . .$1100 Como in early this week and inspect our Btock of used cars, every one of which will be sold at a great reduction in price. Good cars of otker makes at a sacrifi ldJl ISrtico Sedan 1120 Premier "lourlnc 1018 Maxwell Tourlnar 1013 Stearns-Knlslit Tourms 1D20 llolmss rhatton 1!)1T rscknrd Limousins lniR Chandler Sedan 1912 l'eerless Tourlne; ce: 1020 Chandler Tourlnar HU8 Franklin Redan 1017 Packard Tourlnr Branches Neel-Cadillac Company) Used Car Department 142 North. Broad Reading, Pa.; Camden, N. J.; Pottsville, Pa. Open Evenings Street Call Spruce 0210 '3&8383gBS3a The Reductions You Have Been Waiting For Are Here The Cost of WILTON RUGS & CARPETS BACK TO A NORMAL BASIS We are convinced, after a survey of all conditions affecting the production of Domestic Floor Coverings, that the Drop of 35 to 41 in a year has brought prices to the lowest level they are likely to reach for a. long time. You Need Not Further Delay In Furnishing Your Floors Nor need you be disappointed in having your most exacting requirements fully satisfied, for at 1220 Market we have a Wonderful Assortment of Designs, Coloring, Sizes We quote below just a few of the' offerings in our nationally popular grade the sizes and prices are simply representative of tho comprehensive stock and the values which extend to every Rug and Carpet in our Store. IUKclkoA "VCitot "Ru4 Gold Signet Rings The new patterns arc made of dull green gold. Rings of this character are often worn on the little finger. y A very attractive signet ring .of 14-Kt. gold, oval top, beau tifully chased $14.50. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMONfl MKnCirANTS JEWELEnS SIIiVEnSMITHS ijJKtwjJ HTKAMBnir NOTICES STiUMHmr NOTirra I I .HK Regular Express, Passenger andOT u Freight Service N. Y, to Rio d Jansiro, Montevideo, Bneioi Aim fiS HOirrillUlN CROSS, 21,000 tons (a). ...0(1. i HH AKOI.TJS, 21.U0O tons (b) Oct, 11 N8IIIURON. 17,000 tons (b) Oet,lf Steamer of V. B, Shipping Board (A) First and third cla$$ (13) First, second and third class For ruUs and particulars apply to anr L'ftsscnfer Asrncy or to Kerssr nid., naltlmor Mobile Munson Steamship Line (17 Wn'l street. Nfw York Drexcl Bulldlntr - Philadelphia Nsw nrlenn m. ixiuia 17 "B Conwnr ntdff., Chl4tf4 i 12 DAYS TO YOKOHAMA NEW ASimirAN THANH-PACIFIC I'AHHENOEn flERTICB iMtwrtn HRATTI.R nnd YOKOHAMA. KODE, H11ANG1IAI. HOVI) KOVO nr.fl MAN1T Tin tr HHORT ROI'llS NrM snd pslttlal U S S.B. Unirrj 535 ft. lor4 21,000 toss I SAILINGS ' 1 I Hrnntrhes Oct. 15 W'erinechea Ic. 21 fToro State Nov. B hllrer Hints Nov. 20 Fsrss. mttvrjoni, etc., applv any rtllrosd or tourist etnt, er HUGHGALUGHEn.Gsn.ttit.Atl7SttsStN;Votl. assssa I II I I HI 111 ! I I Mil I Ml QheADMlRALLINE t?iy 5o- tWHlTE STAR S. S. HAVERFORD One of tho well-knouto steady-going Whlto Star Liners, sailing from Philadelphia to Liverpool Oct. 22 and Dec. 3 Aboard tho Havorford you enjoy tho comforts of a modern hotel and a cuisine and steward service interna tionally famous. International Mercantile Marine Company Passenger Ofice, 1319 Walnut St., Phila. Freight Office, i05-41, Bourse Dldg., Phila. KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia BREMEN HAMBURG S. S. "Bannock" (USSB) Sailing September 24 Hudson Shipping Co., Inc. AOKNTH LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ml Trlphnn Kerstonr Trlrnliont Imbnrd s:01 Main 6140 VAlrenff 4," FrelijhrTqn'S 9Strvc. riarn New York.sr PssseniHt &. Frelfiht Services frpm NevtYprk. CHERROT'RO ANO ROI'TIIAXirTON t nERENOARIA . . . .Sept. 23 Oct. 20 Ai;jTANI,V Oct. 4 Oct. 23 Nor. II CAUMANIA Oct. 8 Nov. 6 Dec. I I.IVERP JOl, . .Sept. 24 CAIIOVIA vtiAnVt,!!. n... ..Sept. 20 !so. 1 Dec, rRTfVvfinew) - . 13 Nov. 12 DecM IARMANIA Dec. 31 , o--J.VM0UTH a HAMHORO " I '"".," . . . - uct. zo ec. 13 ., LONDONDERRY AND OLA-SOOW YVifSJJJv"' newj Hept. i Oct. z ,"" u-nii net. .Oct. 1 No. 12 Dec. U'l l?il T WRa DIXIE STEAMSHIP LINES PHILiDELPHIAto Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow USSB "MONOMAC" UM'tCTED TO SAIL IC-ULV OCTORUl AT CONVERKNCB RATES Harriss, Magill & Co., Inc. 425 Lafayette Bldg., Philadelphia lombard 5230-1 Muln 7520 DURABLE AS IRON o 1020 Present Saving i020 Present Saving !g Size Price Price for You Site Prico Price for You Ctf 27x54 .... $14.50 $9.75 $4.75 9x9 $117.00 $77.00 $40.00 36x63.... 23.75 15.00 8.75 9x12 142.00 92.00 50.00 4.6x6 .... 40.00 26.00 14.00 9x13.6 . . . 176.00 116.00 60.00 G 4.6x7.6 .. . 49.00 32.00 17.00 9x15 .... 196.00 128.00 68.00 Q 4.6x9 .... 59.00 39.00 20.00 10.6x10.6 . 171.00 112.00 59.00 Q 4.6x12 ... 79.00 52.00 27.00 10.6x12 .. 196.00 128.00 68.00 E 6x9 88.00 58.00 30.00 10.6x18.6 . 220.00 145.00 75.00 Q 6.9x12 . . . 117.00 77.00 40.00 11.3x12 . . 196.00 128.00 68.00 0 0.3x10.6 .. 134.00 85.00 49.00 11.3x15 .. 244.00 160.00 84.00 THE HOME OF D FRENCH WILTON RUGS HARDWICK WILTON RUGS S Fine as Silk . Perfectjon in Wcavery Q SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Chiktianla, Copenhagen, Gothenber;, Stockholm, Helslnilors 2nd Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS USSR SK "MARCil'N" About Hfpt. SO AT SIlll'I'IM. HOARD ItATKS Trirouth 11111 of Lading Issued to nil Norwegian. Danish nnd Nnedlih Torts. Direct snlllnis tor nil Hciindlnuvluii und lUlllo l'orls aa cargo ofTrrs. SEAGER STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. IIIII.. AOKNTH 308 Chestnut St. Lombard G170-T Main 0703 1 (ii.I'MniA n a V. K n.. ASSYRIA ....Oct. 29 Dec". 3 Ttl t, V.vA..f'J?uro"n HORTA. ANanA. sr. JnCHAKM. MRSON. QU1RAI.TAR PAT AR. DUUnOVNIK, TRIESTE. HUME I CAI.AJ1RIA Olt.tf Viao. OinRALTAlt. PATIIAS DUDR0V-' ITALIA Oct. Also calls at NAPLES V2??Sli T0 MVERPOOL AND OIASOOW AIS1RI S,ot.2 lT " 7T.Kt A".T 3 Wepiterran iMSAILINCSl "CARONIA- . . October 22 December (.AMnuniA- novemoer i ianurv i? To Medltsrrancan and Adriatic Ports Madeira. Gibraltar. Algiers. Monaco (Rlvirri). Genoa. Naslea fRomaV Patrai. Pincui (Ath. ens), Trieste. Alexandria (Cairo and the Nile),' I MimpiuouiiT appointed Urite ittameri oner onexcelled service and cuisine single roomi, rooms with hath anrl Miimtp TlAnttinffi tO anr port and perfect freedom of actios. I onore excursions It ileslreii: aio iiop-ortn, Ideal for Independent Travel Cunord nnd Anrhor 8lrnm.iln IJnea I 1'iiH.pnirfr fimr l.inn Uninni w . 11,111. I'relcht Olllcc. Ilourse IIIiIk,. I'hlla. j t miLAUtLPHlA to NORTH AFRICA, BARCE L0NA; GENOA & MALTA S S "BACCHUS"... . . .Sept. 20 PHILADELPHIA to MARSEILLES, BARCELONA, GENOA & LEGHORN SS "SILENE" Oct. 7 Thrniifli Iltlls of I.iillna; for nil borti o( rtpnln, Morncro. AlxrrU, runLIn, (etUi Nice, (ilbrallar. Ivunt & Leihoro trans-shipment vr OUR OWN STEAMERS Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St., I'lilla, P. I.ombnrd ft2(0-01.a2.(l,ii 'Muln .1261 Aurnts for Three Star Line Sle. Affre'eurM Ren . 2,1 llrlilee St., elv .me unl BALTIMORE TO HAWAII and retard Calling at TTnvnnn. rnnamsj Oana Los Anxelea Ban rranctseo DB LTJXR STF.AMKRS BUCKEYE STATE HAWKEYE STATE Lsava naltlmor for Hawaii everv n ..w MATSON NAVIGATION CO. I Hn.",,H 4Fent D. S. Shlpplni? Hoard o nautn uar ntrosi, Ualtlraore. Utt. r nnr loeril ateamahlp nirat COMMERC8AI w STEAMSHIP LINES m PHILADELPHIA to CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY, SLIGO Other Irish Poits if Sufficient Cargo Offers SS "Eastern Belle" .Pt'!? SS"Tnshmoo" ...1st Half Oct SCANDINAVIAN & BALTIC PORTS SS "Mil'keo Bridiro" late Oct E. W. STRINGFIEL0 Philadelphia Manager Moore- ft MeCormnck Co., in' its Ilonrse Dldg., Ml',.', mmmm Lombard 0885 MalnTWjjl HardwidkiMacCb.lH2p 1M0 Street Via Plymouth and Boulogne-iur-Mer HUUKUAH 5ept 24 Oct. 29 Dec. 3 ROTTERDAM ....Oct. 8 Nov. 12 Dec. II RYNDAM Oct. 15. Nov. 19 Dec. 24 N. AMSTERDAM ..0tt22 Nov. 26 Dec. 31 I Pisicn;er Otic. 15JI Walout St., VMt. KKHOItTB HTKAVSH"1 Rnvnnnnh niiirht.Savtn( Tp vr:ir:"i . li. ik::v k i. m. lloston, Wed., 5 P.M.; Snt.2;M An InvixnrMIng enloyaDis ocrnn - are. Minions or passsnKr v-. rlart, not a llfs lost. Ticket;'"' elude meals Wth on mln ac W'wit for Wiifrnfef miner J1ERCIIANTS & MINERS TRANS. CO. ivauliUslieil Cler IS H lal. v. 11. - l100 r- "4 w A AyJn, i & r 7 Ajv, .H-, ,VfcJjl 4- atAir