n1 .' , 2?,;wmrmwvwww.vQKr Uy Mm SALESMEN TUB JtAOIC LADDltn ! t UI OUWW.JM This advertisement may mark lh Mrninf point " our "' " . tiers If what we offsr to ratrietlo Md ambitious imm Jit. A -vroftli-whU. lnooms. tiA What If fseoinlatd at. th lost yaluabls ana effective tralnlnir SiJ!gt Mlllnf under proper supor tlilon. U. An opportunity tt advanoe Btnt In th rapidly irowln ailitam irranliatton. our salesmen hav baok of thetri a wnflftenl advertising eampaltni f bandlf ft Hn of hlh repute J?htrf thi "salesman la welcomed by lb prospsct, tt If worth while tylnsr up with Mcn an orianlxatlon w. are lookln for the rlfht eort tt men. particularly men who have !tnSled ealenmanihlp. They will re !iwl intenelre iralnlnsr and every JSSortunlty of promotion w th the fflfifim orrenuatlon. Druwlnsr ao ?oint to men who can qualify. Thli chance may be easily worth U,, i'nerenoe between failure and fUCCMf. ' Call and fee W. P. Bhrlner li"..13 WAUT ST. SALESMEN .' .,... electrical contractora In the WJ!?.".' hfih-class promotion for clean V&fr commission Vile; detailed In.truo c.,fB.ioi.m with co-operation means as " Sill opportunity for advancement. BJiatHrt l! Manat.r. B S. dth ft. n'uciMEN. 8, and ant. manaier. with an. 1 S?biM pre., to cover excluelve territory mull. rnti bela. and ho. New Jereey. 5 7.oreient the manuf. on hluhly salable Met, Ad. induetrui Sale. Knlneerln ""ji itrnad et Newark, N. J. (TtTgMGN wanted- for jtrouna-noor aemon tArh."iT Apply Old Market it. w-?T?.. mn-u.nu :,nrimAi linlnn nav. Inntf mclerment. tranjpprtatlon paid. Addres n liox 8.11. Norfolk. Va. TOUNO MEN A yeunf man's flrat buelnei connec tion! are more or e experlnwntal end many i nd themeelves square Mti in round holee. IF VOU ARC Rot satisfied with youh present work ok income). rd our "ad" under "aAL,E3 tvxt " '(JILMAM BROS. A CO. OILLIAM BLDd, 1018 WALNUT BT. flenrrnl CfDUoTRIAL JrANAOERS WANTED Jfi who understand produttlon and who can get resultf; every FAC. T0BT In the United States le keenly nterted tn ttttlne; maximum pro. duetien t minimum expense: to do mil require not only modern equip, mint and modern methods, but also tn who understand INDUSTRIAL SNOI.NEERINO. and who can In" tttltiently direct a factory orcanlia lion. INDUSTRIAL KNOINEERINO b bolnn tsutht accordlna; to the inlverslty Plan to thousands of men who are already entered In Indus. MM tfork or who are graduates of lechnlcsl ichools these men are tolni to hsndle the Important ex ecmlte work In Industrial orKnlia. tloni: many of them have already Increased their salaries 200 per cent to 400 per cent: their present fa I. tries ranee from S2000 to 133,000 iir year. Whether you are enraeed In Indus trial work or r. hether vou have had no manufacturing exporlencr It will he to your advantane to Investlcate tile opportunity In this new profes" ilin of Industrial enrtnoerlnr. you ore In earnest. If opportunity nteans anythlni to you. we Invite you to call or write for further In. formation. INDUSTRIAL EXTENSION INSTI. TUTB. INC. "" B E. 45th St.. New TOrk, N. T. tLEBKlj. IS upward, for Postal Mall Serv. Ice: 11:0 month: axperltncu unnciry ttmlnitlons October. Tor free particulars it lostructlon irlte J. Leonnrd (former ('Irtl lV.'.,ili,-',rnv!;, 02 Kiultable Ill'd. sAsinlnirtno, D. C tlVII. SERVK n vxirrlnetlnnn .M,.v.m.. tijSni.5.mISr:. m.anr '"ncancles: sal-v 1.V...W "f"B iur ruinpii lesi, 1' am. vi V1IICV. PTOATJQNSWANTET?- FFMALK EXPEItlENCKn FASHION ARTIST OPrN FOR Aiuitr rsrt nr full tin-. ,A.i.. i ..,.. experienced In department store i!nd speclnltv ?. rt fequlrements. C 621. ledger SITUATIONS WANTKTi.-M-AT.Tr ri,iie.VAi,i olneo managor. 7 years J1.?.,.? .p?b" oecountlni, costs, credits. Smi. .' BU,B "?ftf. desires chance from U1C, .n 5!"?W. work-- - "forences. ACCOUN'TA'T.liiiri-i-nu'iifn .. . fnfg r i. , wwefc-. nn, ii years JLC:...A,UJ aovt- "" d'- cn-: I i..Il,.l,.h".no,-tlon "1 lumber camp, em- M'E TWd;","",- W. "J? "" . - - - . ... iiuiiiiiihuii , j. I fte?.8-?". "' deelrci emon In drur I r.fVr0:..fir,l!: WW-V- O. P.; best iSj'JU. 'I1l., wants position small coun- sv: c,v5or,flKJusas,rere"Bc,! 4 I'X"..0 or aa-.hns.nt. age" iiU mtntif.pinr.- ii"7- cperi.'nc with Urge ..r1,cturer In East. thor.,uhlv ramtiinr Trts r .. PV.rchll!lnir departmont work, do- Tiii. --;'""""" "i i near i'niu , huh- 1 "" " """ Al 111. Ijilrtrtr (sff tiit Hr'i unm'fd. who line had 3 1'l il're m?n',eJc.e '" yuu "ellln" and re wlvHiPa in.? .;",""t .,n on ""rlor Penn firel .ho..wni .'" m,n nnd women's op- erenslbit iv .Vk. v"""" " irusi una re- K?e rat, "s afary p W,U bo rtconll!,''- with 00011 r"nces as to character oifa Integrity will file me a chance to demonstrate? Address p UIH. Ledger Office. agents' Ml jJu" nJi ,'",KRSJ -MahTTnd fr.7 I '?.Ur B KOOcls. WO Show Mill !.!... Mr, huh ViV. hiT.-.k . i ""sn nonu tn I rjlils "' nur,f. chambermaids and sS5Sij5sHS T.JiuA.'.'X.. iio Ritt.nhou.ft 8,.,,.;;;:- fiattonanM'-i""1""' for every wPft.lt. of all yMACHTNERY AWT) T00L3 WU8IOAL TtlR'Vn.XTMVKi'ra lMssssir:t.v,uMomiSi WAIMT-PTI in'.A.vP r. Uurroughs llstlnu mil .XiTi l?'l'tf,".na;Lr.,'cj:rJ rJ- P Bmllh typo- Ir't-clais rJ.AiTi """" ii a mi" mone s; 1-1.11 yi Ail ,...-.'. -....- .v. b..,,, arr " .""'" -prii I'-W .bout s lun.n,"l""' oo liKhii1 l.' by 4 feet b il I ml. ...aH.&.i ..Vh'4 ...., nii,,cui niV.V "'. ,ct" uv "a neon. Phi a Storage BRtt,ry Cn , Ontario and S-i'S, I' we nil,.,?.1 "'!?," nousenoiu turn lure, ni boms "'.'.V, 0,"t furniture: uay spot w 4214 Km'0.' Tlione us shout It. Lo-fwjgUl-g'd.Cniircri, cor 12th Cherry tnon3.-'.fr'nf. furniture, gnhl. silver dl. ""' Anllnu. " 28 Chestnut Wal 70j3. " IT A NT ... . PKIIJTINO ftil'a "pJHf ?nrt cutters s big bargains. " Prlnuri- supply. 14 8. 2th ft. pr... tejj v ' I i .. 1 ' T -li i . ' f . i ; .- i ssss -,. WHttim .o-TiVivi . A.?TkU,1E"d' "h"flr or JoMms. llrP. ..,ou5 bu"ln en eh basl. hy lei. lioelvableilnnulre about our s,irvl7e and Ion I ales, (j ooi, Lsdtor Office. INSTALLMENT furniture business Jn north' o"i'.M.ot!on, wm "crlflee If eold nt once SiVllT Jr,n cU'! muu " dUpoeed of; en 5J5ih"h?.iiJi"re',lm,n, ProPfty to be fold ... Humniii, xrxf n'MitTi.t. 9019 Frankford ave. Phone Kenf. BTll W LIMOZAINEf "THE BUSINESS BROKER" BtTtTFl alUlo lrll CH1CBTNUT 8T. E KTAtnilSHKD ronfectirnery and lc cftam . iiinv- with dwelllnas select nelmilxr nood, on one of the main atot of Olntyt tt2p,S,1,m.0rn'. HAMILTON & THOMAH, 7002 ' Pen Nonlng' Wyomlnif DllUQ BTOHH n Trenton at real sacrifice: I0P averate dallyi beautiful proposition 2Sa i0cVJo05 T600' phon '' flleael. BOO Bouth. riroad it.. Trenton, N, J. SF.NIOII PAnTNKn will eell half Interest In eatabllahed auto mreeelty alea agency: 1 competition! falt 12000 monthly: trow r. r 71. Ledcor ortlce. 18th and Vine. nn In, BUSINESS PERSONALS CASH FOR DIAMONDS For more thnn B0 vearf we have been bur. In diamond and other tirecloui ftonea from the Urn Jewelero and department e tores and from tnelr cuetomere roenmmended tn ue WE PAID ? woman eeg.80 for a lot of .V . "IU. Ifwelry eho had been offered HO for eliewherr. Drlni your old old and liver to ua or fend postal: representative will call. TH09. n. I.Rto U (JO.. 712 Walnut a". DIAMONDS A eafj nslshborhood to Villi lUAH MM... Mk 1SH J II BUUbMl quickly- A. ItcCutchtn, of Pldr. Dfoad and Cheetnut ftf. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND.rFfW .TKICT3. 0n DIAMONDS .. ,. K.ELnV, c? 0" Oheetnut St. tlulte 2132. eernnd flmir. over rhlM'e It HADT carrlaaef and wicker furniture done . over like nw at reasonable price: eetl rnatee alvjn: called for vnd dllv-rj. Cramer'j Mf Co.. 273 8. 6th ft. Phone 1imrnrd nana. " i WHEN vour typowr:tr needs repilrli ir, onll ' ii. iiiuuiH ii. nourrie, wainut ldon. I do nothlnif but rebuild, overhaul, retmir nit makee of typevrllere. 034W Keal Kttato. Trust Plrtir. H Port YOUR ct)lnet work. Ishlns. bill ard renalrlnr furniture Call M. relln-Scop- run, xtniy i-emorioge Poplar 7731. DIAMONDS IIARRT W. SMITH. BOUGHT 717 RANSOM ST. FOR BALE WINTER BLANKETS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FOR INSTITUTIONS, HOTELS. APART MENTS PERSONAL USE AND OIFTS! SUPERIOR KINDS ONLY AND AT PRICES MUCH UNDER THE RETAIL STORES. W. H. SMITH & SONS 014 WALNUT ST. TYPEWRITERS of nil mak-e sold nt a very low prlco! cheaper than elsewhere: see our stock: no obligation to buy: 10 days' trco trial and one yrnr'n s-uaranfen: nhone. BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. Walnut RS74 1005 Chestnut st. OFFICE FURNITURE Lane lot nt derks, safes, files, cabinets and eeneral office furniture, store fixtures. Wo nuv, soil and exchange. PATTEN FURNITURE CO. LOCUST 4070 1127 ARCH ST. RACE 420. FURNITURE Wholesale Prlcee From Factory Save Retailers' Profit For Information. M 122 Ledger Office STAMP COLLECTION Frlvate collection of 1000 stamps. United States and foreign countries: will soil as it whole or separately. Address C 405 Ledger Office. DUDES cabinetmaker. BS1.1 W. Berks, has walnut and mahogany bedroom suite for sa'e; all kinds of furniture made to order; antique furniture rcnovatud. HANDSOME, substantial oak dining-room suit, 0 pieces, coet )32ft. sell for f 1C0: other articles like new, 1402 W. Dauphin. HARDER SHOP FIrst-clsss. good buslners; northweetern section: death causa of sale. C 410. Lertrer Off ce, ranch: oven pnftl. Hoenr good condition: doublo suitable, boarding house, restaurant. 4010 nsrlnir Phnn Preston 434il, vNr.QUE and m idorn furnltu'e, rutfs. books; unurual opportunity: limited price. Cn'l for wpnn'ntment Frankford 0380. RUnS fVrvak, finest grade heavy royal Axm : H ft. u in. ny i '. in ; oxc. par terns; 1411. close out. 1705 Falrmount ave I'A tTTNO PAPEflH ANOINO FIRST-CLASS papcrhnnxlng; rooms papered, SI up, materia Included, scraplnit. slxlnz free. Goldberg, 2201 N. 3d. Ken. 1304. USED AUTOMOBILES 1921 Stephens IZ pass. tour. 1 cord res; like new; less -n ij price. Terms or cash. 1Q9n Q.iri -l-paff. tour.: big aacrl IVZU OtUtZ Hce 1 ear to pay 1 mi Cs..J.Ul,.v0: IVI Jiuucuua.i nck, idlator and lamps: J800 down, . plated balance 1920 Essex :f v "' - .1, .MA eeann, iiku iiqtv, imtcn great reduction; 1 1918 Paige Coupe Wl 1920 Hudson Touring Sedan HHoclt absorbers, perfect mechanical con dition: terms. 1920-19 Hudson Sedan cVm rirrtltlon: terms. 1920 Oakland Sedan SMST paint, very llt.tle used. 10 OaUlandi. Maxwells. Dodges and u'cks prices from 1200 up. DADnM'C Open Sunday. Pop. MOO nrwin J no n. imoiD t BOURNE TRUCKS two ton; some with cabs; 1.100 to 1700 DODGE TRUCKS One ton; open express body; Torblson rear; (700, ery good ,F0RD PANEL BODY EXPRESS 1918: very good condition, 2!S0 PIERCE-ARROW SERVICE CAR Very good engine end chassla. 175 FORD ROADSTER Just painted, eood condition, I1B0. Will pay tn Inspoct inee dc ryri- burins '"""Vr, H. e Mr. Cplu. pp "svunlt nve Atlantic Rellnlng Co., 3144 I AM an aiitotnobl e salesman employed ay Herbert Brothers, distributors of Chandler nnd Cleveland 0-cyl cars, am offering for i"e the 1U20 dandier 4-pss Dispatch usod by me 'n sales work so that I may so ure u later model, will consider any rea sonable offer, alsj trade in another car or arrange time payments If drn'red, car guar nnteed as to cond lion, demonstration to suit Jour "omentrnco J R Masteron. 21116 S fltst st lU'tn phone Woodland 1)5-12 It; ilt'y nhonn. Snruce 423, RAUCH Si I.ANO 1U20 IJieotrlc Ilrougnam wli- .. in nnlv one ;0Ar ivld and has hid .1.- i,..t of cars pneumatic cord tires: wire .m, J II. D1VI3R, Manager. Used-Car li.Duitmsnt. Kiank.ln Motor Car U., VI 1 M Ilroed st. fQl'i'r 40.1H CADILLAC n.i.r- special t'ullt bodv: shi-w er: come S2k tH over ROYAl, MOTORCAR CO.. VnO 'Sjo Tllraul st. Thune Poolsr 0080, PUAMnl FR dispatch 1(120: like new! LriAlNM-1- jimi, .Tiiinf terms, Royal ,..n,,.r n. . Inr 020 N Ilrnq.l p n, nnVi .rnummi.E 1020 7-pa'songcr: porf-rt Nir uhO'it. 1 barraln 12 3. tires aim rinmi rriminirq; 00th st llelmont b5B8 W, n to 4. r - fc - . . . ... , ... ,.. sioilier. with tmndeomo body nnd many ...,?!r,r. features, practlcallv new. cost ITilim Mt... ..---. . . - aaarince hv nrlvnf. In tiiiv. niioirii --."..-.:. .'i-- -.- .. ,1 ir i nati.hu r iirnr i i 'full If 1' Pstchett tcil't IftOO owrr FORD Co. Inc.. Rnadstsr. 1D20J like new: first I27S takes It Royal Motorcar - NJ.'L0,) ' r"- "3'1' 'i if irCf1M Coupe, inzin oeautirui lob; HUIVJUII iu sairince. lloyal Motor car Co. Inc.. U2U N. Itroua n. lop B03II. LEXINGTON 4'puss. sport moduli hand- M Job. IJH0, bul. terms. Co . Inc.. 020 N Uroad Rova Motorcar iln'lil 1' pin V'' vwin I touring, late model, like IVlAAVVC-LtL. .. nrst '.'7S takes, Rotal Mntorcar Co., inc. J'-!'iJi'.'";-''.i-S;i;' J"'J". JVdi?DPT7D 1020, i-pass, Bport car, series mC.lwl-'l 5, utmost new 1 1200 worth: lirnfCPlCC racor, dlro wheels, ver MEKLtUtO f.. BTANLKV AUTO CO.. 019 N. Broad. . 20. 0 cs6 jwfcteo- . . .. Yiiii"""' r TJBKB ATJTOTdaiXWI No matter whnt car you want or what prlco you want to pay if its a closod car wo have it and now is the timo to buy while prices nro low and the selection big. Terms to meet your require ments can be made. A FEW TO PICK FROM 1920 Buick Coupe and Sedan 1920 Dodge Sedan and Coupe 1920 Ford Sedan and Coupe 1920 Chandler Sedan with Westinghouse shock ab sorber; also a Coupe 1920 Oldsmobile Sedan and Coupe Hudson Sedan and Limou sine (late models) 1920 Peerless Sedan and Coupe 1920 Chevrolet Sedan and Coupe Paige, late style Coupe Chalmers, late model Sedan 1920 Stearns 4-Door Sedan 1920 Oakland Sedan Tho above cars are fully equipped nd guaranteed. Also a complete line of Touring and Roadsters from $175 up. AUTO CO., INC. 227 to 231 N. Broad OPEN TODAY, 9 TO 4 Agents Wanted )im Used Car Department- Tho following cara are In pooel point aiwl mechanical condition, and equipped with good tops and tires. MARMONS 1017 7-poss. Touring HUH 7-piiss. Touring luio 7-psss. Touring 1UI8 Sedan lOlHlown Car mm Chummy Roadster 1017 Chummv Roadster HUPMOBILES IfllH 0-pnss. Touring 1018 Sedan 1017 Sedan Will B.paes. Touring 1017 Model N Roadster CARS OF OTHER MAKES 101 nulck Roadster 1020 Monroe Touring 1020 Dorrls Touring 10ai Cleveland Roadster 1017 Overland Touring 1UU! Olds Touring 10t7 Rulck Roidster 1020 Oldsmobilo Coupe 1B19 Cole 4-nass, fiportster Wis l'alce Town Car 1010 American noadster 1010 Chevrolot Touring 1017 Htuta 4-paes. Touring HUH Ilujnrs Touring m?n standard Tourfmr , 1020 Reo Touring 101 II Mtandley Keamer Touring linn irulck 7-pass. Touring 1010 Hudson Hprrdster 102(1 Franklin l-pass, 1020 Jordan ."-rues. Touring 120 Premier 7-pass, Touring 1021 Paige I.srrhmont 1010 Fierce-Arrow Coupe TheHaichMotorsCp. 720 N. BROAD 6T.PHILA. BELL PHONE -POPLAR 7670 LAST WEEK OF CLEARANCE SALE This week ih your last oppor tunity to purchaso a quality used car nt a prrent reduction in price. You will bo proud to own and drivo one of these cars at u price thnt will suit your purae. Como in early nnd inspect our stock. Neel Cadillac Company USED-CAR. DEPT. 142 North Broad Street Call Spruce 0210 P1K.KCE-ARROW roadsteri A-' condition; recently OYtrhauledi 10-0-80 1 dsmonstrs. Hon by appointment, Ph. Woodland 0810 W. BIT ft CLOSED HI TOI HI? ROMAN I 1 isd I T3C? T3 assss Mlipill! i;44i-tU Aax-iski. t,.i. j-ti k -..--i jj-j.'ifcji; 'BHI1 'rfokACHE AND MOVING BSTARUmiRD 1S72 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES .20th St. ab. Chestnut, MOVING STORAGE PACKING oniiwTAtj and hmrrcsTia KUliS AINU CARPETS TWI.KI'HONH I.OCUHT 'in "11 ' WATSON'B STORAOB nlshee load or Si rf load to new xora or uoston, between iOth -a qatht . load or nnrt Inntt n w..t.V.:r.'" or TakonlsT Park, D, C... loth to "an hi Vi" claltles. Boston. wasn,ng,on Harrlsburg and resortsi nrlees r.... " ","a all sasM"'' 047- N. ltth St. roiur0534. ' "' surance ONB MONTH men ESTADMSIIED 1SH8 THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N, 8TH BT. PHONE DIAMOND 2471 LONG DISTANCE MOVING Die BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Ino mth end Market Phone rinri-jn iVANTED Two return loads of houehVTT.. goods, freight or merchandise, coming0 In the vicinity of Bchnectsdy, Troy. Aii?Jn VICTORY STORAGE !;?lDTrce.An,;'.mon,ja70Jar Hope & Curlcy Express ;i jmi tanco nauniii r nr exuari nna rsrnriit ... In et rntes 7SS2 Rulst ave., Wnodl'd 4linw MOTOR VAN, 71)4 cublo fee t. local Rr,d ong. distance hauling. Stand, lllil aerman- town ave. Hell phone Market fl.-.OH. man TUB JOHN KHOAD3 CU. tf.AA?clAn5TEmR?vAnvrfc.c'w,iTST!!fwl," MONARCH 8TORAQK CO.. .170 IMNCAn. TBR AVn. AUTO SERVTCB. STORAaiS p PtJIvn r.QNd.DlBTANfr .tnVivoA"'- J. II. McCANN. movlnr. packing and shlp Pimt to all parts; padded rackard motor trucks exclusive. 1740-48-00 N. lltn st, ROOMS FOR. RENT UROAD, N 2823 Well furnished, elncle or en suite hardwood floors, electricity, con tlnous hot water. CllKBTNUT. 2000 Large single end doubts rooms: running wa t er. CHESTNUT, 2030 Desirable vacancies, sin. gle or n suite wllh or without bath. DIAMOND, 1007 Front: well furn. , also single room: nam, snower; private phone MONTGOMERY AVE, W.. 1720 Third floor front, hskpg,: bath. i2on7Hsa w PINE ST.. 188(1 2-aty. front, hindsomely turn,? twin oeqs; runnins; v,aicr;singie vao. SPRUCE ST.. 11938 Nlcoly furn. Xd-fioor rcom, conv, to "L" and gurfaco cars, nusinces penpie protcrreu. 16TH. N 1S. HUTtii. ItURIO nu. tlful furn. rooms, spotless clean. alo.i lally and weekly rates, conv. to stations, rest acco.Ti, fm- traveling people' Cpruee 10.11 10TH. S.. 81G Two furn. rooms nnd private bath with shower: eleo. Spruce l)2fli), 1STH. N.. .1084 Des. furn. se ond-flonr rooms for' gentlemen, near Tioga Sta'lon nnd car linn: refs exchanged Tioga 87112 V 20TH, b., 223 Hooms. 1 small and 1 large room- clean: furnished: board optional, reference IOTH, 8. 227 Rooms bath. Prest. 4130 J, with eeml-prlvate 00TH ST.. S . 810 Nlcly furnished front room ior 1 or: gentlemen; private family -f two. l'OR OENTLUMAN Sitting room and bed room, adj bath: furn. or unfum.. elrr. Owner, vicinity llith ft Oxford. Pop. 3020 W HANDSOMELY furnished room in lam modern furnished home; electric lights: lo minute to C'ltv Hall rhnne Ilarlnii 011.1 ELKOANTLY furnished room, seml.privets bath, lor couple or gentlemen. 1031 Lo cust st. SPRUCE ST.. 20222 rms.. prlv. bath; fire place; elec ; suitable for 2 gntlemen LARUE furnish il room, bath and porch, for snml-lnvalld: board. P 1138 Ledger Office. WEST PHILADELPHIA EXCEPTIONALLY well - furnished rooms, high-class home, rcf. surround'; 3 baths, 2 phoneo: vicinity 4flth tt Spruce: In furn. 2 adults; gentlemen only: refs. Raring 0330. 3305 ARCH ST. One third floor elnule mom euttabe for gentlemen: 2 large unfurnlrhod icoms. 2d floor, running water: hot-water heat: near 32d St. Station COTTNTKY BCARDINQ FARM DOARDINO nnardlng nn farm equlnped for same: cltv conveniences In country: Ideal for rest aoj reoreatlon. MAPt.n wood rnu 7:phrata. pa. APARTMENTS MODERN APARTMENTS Just finished everything of tho b"M, no up-to-dite conv omitted, wldo street. Imposing entrance, each suite consisting of Inrga lhln room, bed room, combination breakfast room & kitchenette 6 bath; all light, airy out side rms, (half of the suite havlnc spacious brick column porches), pri vate servlco stairs to each kitchen: Jnnltor service; 2 of tho suites can bo rented furnlslitd TELEPHONE COL. 1301 Location 1828 & 1830 N Park ,ave. WALLINGFORD APTS. EOth abov Chestnut. Isr secon I floor npt for rent. October 1, HUng room, 3 bedrooms tl o bath end shower, dining room, nantrv kitchen, mild room and lmatory Uarlnu 17t'l v APARTMENTS to rent, all ilzes. furnished or un:urnnnea; an sreuons. UNIVERSAL SERVICE ASS'N 807 DREXEL IILDO. LOMBARD 8004 13TH ST. N.. 2J38 Fln-iv furn. third-floor mod. apt.; small adult family; 2 bedrooms, living rm. bath, dlnlnir rm kitchen; SH3 eml-detached house: h.-v. hat. elertrlc hdwd floors: continuous h, w. Wyo. 4702 XV FINELY FURNISHED bachelor apartments single and double: eaeh with mod. tiled bath and shower 124 S 13th st. THE NASH APARTMENTS, 1027 Spruce it' To lease, apartment, 8 rooms, 2 hatha and kitchen, unfurnlihed 140 Four-room cornor apartment nunosure: 080 N. lllth nt. southern IfFRBHAW It f'HOW .',21(1 Chentnut st 1020 N. 13TH HT. First and third floors rooms nnd bath to tent to u email, desira ble foml y; n ferenc FIVE-ROOM hskpu apt also 2 rooms and bath; strictly modern, 1400 Jefferson st Pop 1010 XV 1830 PINE suite of 3 Wslnut 7187 ST First-floor housekeeping rooms, completely lurmsnea. 1S2I SPRUCE Hkpg apt . 4 also 2 rooms and bath, h.-v hdwd floors: hy appolntm't. rms. & batn, '. heat, elc.. Walnut 48,".:i OIHARD AVE AND 8TH, N. E. corner Modern apartment 3 rooms and bath. PTS . hnth furn, h uekeiilnx, 2 1 ma sf am 'est ew 1ft to n prlvute liiih st 44TH ST.. S. 228 Mod. 4 or fl rms and hsth qpqr ment linmedlato possession 1033 8USQUi:iIANN AVE let. 2d. 3d floor apartmnnts lllren, 17th 11ml Norrla bl'itUCW. unfurnl 1131- ihi.rl I'wo large roorim un$ ttli, t .(mil fr nt lef required WKhT PIIIUIIKI.rm, MMI!i!!i;m:H!!iLi;illll!l!llllll!llllilil!i:iillil!II!!lll!;!lli: 8-Room Apartments Tho finest rpartment house In West Phlladlphla has 2 nonnclos flist and Mcond lliiors, eech suite consists of large .irlvita hall, lltlng room, n bed rooms with lllod bii'h, mnsnlflcent dlnlnj room, pantry, kitchen, mnld'n room and bath, ail rooms are un usually larse. brlntit and nlrv they are all outside ooms, southern ex posure, front lorclise, cxctutlve nelgli iiurhu'd, open for Inxpcitlnn THE IARTINIQUE 110a-lG S. .16th St. (4Gth nnd Chester Ave.) Rent. $150. Apply Janitor or Henry Bergman, Jr. P 1220 B 38D HT & r' I WOODLAND n03D g iiiBiiiwiinwwiiaiiiiiiM 330T ARCH ST.. APARTMENT Private baths, steam heut, hot water, eleo. trio, near "L" and subway cars, West I'hllsdelphla station " c" ilIKbTNl'T Hi' 4248-.li) ijhe Edlntwrouuii) ntrictly high-class Or .- ant ; ii.th. 1 U..lllu( ...l.l. lBlm Udlln . ,.VVJ tli'llllllH HI, .......vi W".l.-r- rnt 4l,i.t ROOMY apartments. 4 rooms ma. Sft.1. R n. L and bath, I70i opposite Park, fine oundi" Hon Janitor 421H i-arasuie ave. HEhT.NVT ST . a03-0T, The l.eune I,ar7e and small unfurn, hskpg upls , ih.i un to UI lnll 111 In II '"' U'' l0 ATTRACTIVE rooms and suites InToTo'l Camden 2d nnd Punn sts., I'auvlen. N j exosllent rest-iurant, Tel. Parmlon 1.1111 ' 1 . tM.. 'jVtlt-lV 'ivHL.f.v,?. APARTliyTS JTTHILAI)F.I,rill APARTMENTS Several very attractive 2.room-and-batb apartments In the PARK APARTMENTS 82D AND LUDLOW BTS. Mostbaum Bros. & PIclsher 14S4 B, PENN SQUARE 4818 CHESTER AVE Two large com rms., nrlv. balli.t Private fprnUv efrtrf. 40TH AND 8PRINOFIEI.D AVE.. I'Oil. IThe Albert) lleautlful southern exposed zd.fl. cor. apt,, sun parlor, 0 extra-large rms and bath! 1150 per mo,; open by appojntmnt, Tavlnr Son- 27 H 40th. Ph. Pre'.mn 8301, 4234 CHESTNUT 2 rms,. bath and kitchen etts; B5, Taylor A Son. 27 8 40th. nnrtMANTOWN .MODERN efficiency housekeeping apartment: 1 acres of land! high elevation and Ideal surroundings! rountry club and 18-hole golf links within 1 blook; garage on premises! 2 blocks to station and 2, minutes to city cen ter; only 1100 per month on yearly lease, MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO., N. E. cor! Ilrosd and Chestnut. PKNNHVLVANIA SUUCnilAN APARTMENT-H.-w. heat, else gas; rar.i irood locn for chlld'n. 1001 C'wealth mag. FKRN HOCK 0901 YORK 11D. Four rooms and bath: I0O. HBRUERT HOPE 8001 Yoik rj, Wyoming 4887 EFIEI.TJ FIVE rooms, bath, hall! $76: large grounds, porehes. shade: garage Overbroak 7340 XV FURNISHED APARTMENTS 4&TH AND CHESTNUT STS. (The Setter ,. 7 rooms, 3 lee Unusually weJI-furn. ant halls. Preston 8120 .1 U'KST I'llll-MIKLI'lllA 4039 BALTIMORE AVENUE Handsomely furnished apartments, 3 roon snn bath ffOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS 1623 SPRUCE STREET 2 OR 3 ROOMS VI SO SEVERAL MOD! on 3 itomtn with hath ALSO SEVERAL MODLTtN OFFICES MEARS & BROWN 202 8. 1.1TH STREFT 2400 I1LOCK N. Opal st Two story. v.sis niiu kt.iin, lUeUlTUIHIO PUBSflSllOn. H. J. FASY l&TH ANN THOMPSON HTR RACE HT.. near 2d Three iir.iiitiii., rtint.t for 4S.j; will bn sold at abujt assessed value: In itood ordor. Arthur Uoswcll, 233 N 13th st. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2721 N. Opal t.; 2 story, O rooms; all con venlences. J V. NAOEL, 1233 nirnrd nv. 1014 INOERBOLL ST. and bath; vacant. -Three story. 0 rooms 18TH AND H. J. FASY THOMPSON STS. SPRUCE 2117. 2110 Cor. hskpg. nrU. A. L. Ward, 41.1 Stephen Olrard. Rlt. 2808. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED 3. 4 and S room and bath aDart menta'iti West Philadelphia, either fur nished or unfurnished. UNIVERSAL SERVICE ASS'N R97 DRKXEL JMVDO, lyimhard r,094. WANTED Unfurnished apartments of 3 rooms and bath: must be moderate, state rrlce, M 20, Ledger Offtro '9 WE GUARANTEE to rem your apt Com-m-n-lal finance, lfitl Diamond Open eve APARTMENT HOTELS The Gladstone llTH AND PINE STS AP.KOLUTELY FIREPROOF APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED LONO AND SHORT-TERM LEA3EB HOTEL BARTRAM 33d and Chestnut sts. ENTIRELY REMODELED. NEWLY Ftrn N1SHED; FURNISHED AND unkiiu NISHED APAH1-MENIS: DININO itoiiii (iv nwi-n Miqg rsin rv' i.iitfTTY. OWNER. M1SH FARLEY.' Mfin. HOTEL WINDERMERE Uroad and Locust sts. Weekly Rates Single room with bath fir. up. Doublo rcom with b.ith. I17..10 up Hulte of - rooms and bath, J!3 and 830 Dln!nc-rm. service n la carte or table d'hn'ta PELHAM COURT PHONE nERMANTOWN 480n HOTEL COLONIAL SPRLTCi: AT 11TH BT 1.2-8 rooms and bath permanent or tran- sltnt. C. PITMAN rtvKER .IR Manager. DIE LITTLE HOTEL, S. lirnad st A Rood place to live vhlle In Phlladolphli. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 137 N. Warnock, mod. thrtiout Or, b.. 50300 37 N. 7th St., h w h., elec, Dutch hall, gas klich.-ri rt4no 143 N. 2d Or., b.. else., .dy. tray. rch. fl4IUi ' rw. in or . f, eft- pir rnnn 10th, Or. b elec exc cond .. Kkn, Or., b., h w.h.. shed, pch. tlth, dr.. b . Hrgo jard, porch . Mm 1 3flm N. Kkn. r,3o 4300 4U13 N. tlth. dr.. b . Hi JOHN J. KERNS lOlIt .V 7th sr $10011 PORCH FRONT A-l condition; 0 r.icm-. bath nnd shed, good locality; wldo etr-et FRANCIS J. DOYLE REALTOR .V E AI.LFHItSNT 837 UO.N1ALL HT S.x 1 noma nnd bath, hot-air heat elec. IWhts nil newly panered tbroushout Dutch hnll, good cond, Apply BUCKLEY'S OFFICE 1030 E. Cumberland ft, Kensington 2443 2832 N. TAYLOR ST. Flvo rooms, bath, hot-air hat good condition: rents for 130 per mon'h Apply BUCKLEY'S OFFICE 1030 E Cumberland t. Kensington 2448. 2620 SOMERSET ST An Ideal home nt a low price. 2 story. Torch fiont. 8 attrnrtlve moms and s'led, will lluante. Hutzel, 23th nnd HoTViiet. 2813 E. MAKUBANr, 2 sty., 7 rooms, h.-w. heat. eli'C gtrage for 8 machine, gn rrK rent pavi all carrvlng charges. Idot). ( ommerclal flunnre, 1.141 Dlannnil pja.ilklr, C"OR. ELKIIART i rilANKIMHD Sto7 & dwg . Just remodeled, C-i ioni-nnd-balh ttits. ot 2d nd Jd floors, h -w. heat, gua i eAl U". O'Neill, 3010 Fkil ave WAI.Nl r r near '.21st- Largo brown stone reiidence with 11 brdroima and 5 baths, prlf u oo. only J3G00 cash r- tlUlrt'O. I " HI" ' uimn 7R FOIl BALI! -2'.'.'U Wntklns st.. botneon Mor ris nnd Moore, rented at 2o per month. 0 rooms and lath. Apply to onner. J. p. Maher 11.1 M H4th t LA1U1K. house with slioii In rear, lot luxlot) to lm.-k street, 1203 Ml Vsrnon t., near 13th and llidKu ave. Arthur llosucll. J33 N l.lih st ull 13 IMl'LAK nT . UOl D7V, Marshall TT IN F. ,ornr) (loud business location, bargain for nulck sale. J. F. NAOEL. 1238 illrurd si" 2uns Ml'TVBU HT Four rooms bath 1100 2MB Parlen i st . 4 rooms, bath' s..,u HAMNUKi:. 1130 N AlleKhenv li Tlon 7.13 . IMMFD1ATI1 POSSESSION "724 N u,al hl '-' l'torv " rooms; all con ,enlet.e,h Nui-, irn olrB,,, ' M-.-M !' '-"'. n i ins. i,1u EDW..M. .KAHAlV "t.r ''"inn et 32 S Sunn '"141 V- MM iii.ii- i wo "bith- JIHO'i Onxn'O - M.M Kit 220 J N 2d s r40d N D ST 1310O. ) riorcs baT" her" train. u. salon. ULnGMAiL'rt. 22U2 N. JaTi rnJiTiTv umii7 n. wciTTsTTlJt 17x70 "ssssied $ 3J00 a real Larsjsir,. MTKlii4 i' -- ni'lj" "'-e SJidin.t, HAmiAIN- .'1300 Unci. N -'-'. 3 sly.7T rooms, laundry .lj-it J7000 i'ommer-lal rirxnce Co 1111 H'amnnd m "-'ai J"T ' ':l: "", : ' -;1 ior II n-eiclol Finance iq l,illI)iarnund st Com- 30 3N HUH .'T 2 'I.im porch, rort diTaT h neat elec . 3 mln. to atntion I mm ros.es.'.n. HfTZr.I. 2MII N 2Vn '" 47"31 N "TH fcT--2-sui dwtr Inclosed ,t,r n. irt.'. ,, -' , iti ,rn.i ,i,, ;..ssloi lirTfllL VjOI N 28t, nim. IN SI'AIIIM -:i ..n.V -. . il r iu .nriTi nrtco )lin) esoh. XT t w.... MAnKMAN5Ll.SC OuFlnanec Pldif; OlK.AP-'rnjr 2 14 N. lflth. :i aiy..u nni steam n-i". i"" ' cor lath and T orli UAIV1AIN 8 "lory 10 hub i (. tlci.77 1207 A'. Cimbrla. Getr a S?n, it, and Y irk. JT1T2D AND ALI EllHl V I, rn," t. hath -jMiOJlt l.cieh Meixnr J100N. Sj,' lfnil" HLl)i:K N GllATZ' six rooms Vnd K,o"t N IfAII.nV Poic i 7 ruo'rii iMr,, ,uT ss.V'Q OFT', a SCN i r.iji iiryor i"'"n 14H N- KBLTONhlx ro.niw nle .L-'ttY ress.uiBhle Innulio nni;r.oni.. , llAHUxlN' I2T3H II ro ni hrck OueliliiK iilrnvs hM in mijiH 2.1.'U I: Dnknt, "031 JlPSiN Mods" n (I rtn porch, h w i. at elec . 4ft00 Frlek Jtidsoii a T In,ll. , 18011 DIAMOND 14-r.. a baths steam heati .., hardwood nr. QUniv,nil7 Columblil &.H. Veal esatr for sale C1TV KIHnfllfflB The Finest Will SELL on satisfactory purchaser, or BUILD and Broad Street North Phila. Station . 27,000 sq. ft. fronting on Broad Street. 350 it. on Pennsylvnnin Railroad; wonderful siding facilities ; opposite Pennsylvania Railroad Pas senflror stntinn nnrl Imvinp 17fi ft. frontage on Park Avenue. Would rnako wonderful site for salesroom, atorago warehouse, manufacturing plant or offices. One of the few lots in Phila delphia having both Broad Street frontage anu railroad sidlnjr. KENSINGTON AVE. AND P. R. R. In Kensington, one block from Frankford Junction Station and fronting on the new Frankford Elevated, 67,000 sq. ft. three street fronts. In the heart of the finest industrial section of Philadelphia. Has Pennsylvania Railroad siding. REYNOLD H. GREENBERG 309 Morns Bldg. Locust 2400 MIKMlI!lllllli;,lllll!IallllllllllilraMlll:ll;l'raitll, iBiMIIICTTOW wmmxmmmiammmmmsiMm 141R XV. AM.rnttrKT AVE D tachsd A-atory dwslllnr, ntar Hroad St.: modern hat and light; 2 bains; rducd to H2,firi0. Id2o K. EIIIG A V. Tines-story cor ner prop-rty including ons hpbvi ntcut nnd B stores, i-t.ti nlnr: tfood In comti stesm hftt. eloetrlc lights, hardwood flnorsi cucollent condition: well financed B. XV. COnNEU VENANOO AND CAnUHI.B STS Physician's rssl drnes: 12-room housei mudarn litt and llcht. $10,000. 8. E. COTlNEn TIOOA AND CAR LISLE STb. I-antu n-story housei suitable for npartmsnts, irood con dition. Edward T. Flood & Son IinOAP AND VE.VANOO STH. Members of riilla. Ksnl KBtiito Hoard itsuui:injnum;nm:iii:irritiii:nnr.nniin:i;Hniu;nina3iniiniiinnnninin3gt7Hi Homes! Perfection Homes 1 Beautiful Northwrod sicton- 7 rwn. In closed pnrchss; wliltsj ft i ishocany, hardwood floors: mas A Hectrlc, turfed In every de tail: mastercraft built. Bar.tKO privlleiasi homes for persons of discernment In a healthy and convenient locality; near now 5100 Block Saul Street Convenient to Mrs. take !. 4 or B to Pra't nt., walk west a blocks, sample liouso 0103, Agent on nrsmlnes 2 to T P M HMITH SCHMIISK 724 XV. E'le avn. fvTMPimmwMffim 927 CLINTON ST. Suitable for room loir house. Price $10 S00 Assessment 110,000 EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. WBffiiiiwmim 3M0 ELLA, renovated. r & b , vac.jaiinol :H0B Memphis renotted. Or. A b, . vac 2S0O 8IVI0 N. 22d at.. 10 rms. elec: vacant. 7B0I) M48 IIopo St.. 0 rms. and bath; vacant 2. inn na.in-3A N. Front, ripe for Imp.: each. 42.10 3-sty atore & dwe.. h.w.. elfc.; 17r.. lO.OOn 18.10 E. Orleans r.. 4 bdroums, boss. ,r,00;i RYAN 6c BRUNNER fiht PARKWAY REAL ESTATE Peslr.ili'.o property for sale ' h up. C. D. ROTTNER 1121 C'HESTNI.'T AT. PRICE, hnu.-e urd street will attrait 8 these. 221 10 P'shor nv. , Olncv, 7 rooms Inclosed porch t.iorruith'y modern: can rill on 110H c-ih, ImTedlate, possession AHERNETIiy. 112 Chestnut. KLENGLL, 2721 N. 3th, 17UU Hai-e st : orposlte Pnrkwoy 1701 Mne st . IS Svlln 2!7 N. 1.1th '... nufmolilln s-ctl.in J. Edward Lutz. 240 N. 1 7th St. UIHIil E Ct'MHEIl!-ANI). opposite huu school, vacant, nnovitod, 10 rooms, brownstone. laru'e ard. mjd"rn, electilclty. liiutlful home. Meyer Grosltln, 2215 N lllth st. mi'st he sot n to ci.oii: an fstate 182 OUe st lot. 17.0x07 ft.. 3-itory brtck ,ALllEnTAHPlLAD.N,2n. INC.. 3lh ft Green IMIlil VIN --'21B n"d 40 to f,2 Ruttner st.. $18.10 ei-h -ry lltlo cash ridiilred: r, ,ms. and bath ho, ilr heat, irood cond.. will sell ono or all Woi, (J Nelll. 3010 Frankford RVPj , .. 1014 INfJEr.SOLL 3T 3 sty.. 0 rms. and 3T 3 IS 111 bntn, nciiH H. J. FASY and Thompson streets ITlhollLOl'K N OI'AI. HT 2 sty., 0 rooms nnd bath. Inrnartlato possession. H. J. FASY 18,k nn.lrTc2fr"on IS0O CASH HK.L-llli:i Torch front d looms, tile bath, open fireplace; electricity ard srao- hot-water h'at; B442 N lltb st For iiartjcuiBrs call Uoodland 4011 J. 1782rnANKrOHD AVK. Store nnd dwell ing; pon.1 coniiuinn. i.irnuici ircailon; loiv tirl co. uuuriii unii' 'i., noj iieai i;s- tale Trust II di 1'h ne Walnut 4120. J'1115-WAIt prkei. 0 and 7-room houses, near Konslnuton n.l AlkKhrny elevated na tion $1000 to I2d.vi small amount uf cash teiiujred P J Itafferty. 31B7 Kensington. WIC HAVIB .ipts to- srle. Diamond st. be tween llroil an 1 2"th st unusual busl ni hs tiusjllilitlH In this eectlon IIIIIFN, 17th and Nor-'s "'jL.r noJJ"iijnJlh33 HArillFIfi:--'"or . liloltv 17t"h and " Pin monl. f. sto v 12 rjams. poxs ; 17300 Commercial Finance Co , 1341 Diamond St. Diamond I184B 3001 OXF' hnt-tfr dtli r nnrch e ec. Ilsrhts, r.l.KVN 1,117 Columbia. JU10 I rjAKFORH r ronine, rlnxnced. J Shrl ev lrtll .lackson et MOVK IN 1MI Iihi st il roorni, financed ,1 T Sharkey I till .lackwon st F.33 MONTO ".W'r. . It rms Dutch hali, mod . fine oid'r t.lenn 1.117 Cn'umhla. Ilillldlne lot rirtorr "iltcs Jltr. TIIIIEE-Ai'll': Liir-Hino ot in- iot In no'thoxst R..ctlin f.iiin nr inratlnir mnini factjrlntr plant 3 fr.is ft'rhmord st nest- Hut'er. jner will talo back on snort-g.is-0 entlro pric of 'ot tf purch ner wl'l m Iinve wlti bul.dins I! U. MELVIN 411 )teodEiMe Trust IldK BITmriallioxd Perm i unci Heading S20O0 per acre and un HIKTRftl Cll 737 Walnut limine'. I'mneriliM nnd Hinres s W. C'uH Hioad and P.is.unk xve" JS4 ft. on Proa 1 117 ft n Iihnvunl. ai. contalntns; r. stores ami 4M p. ,ate k.irnu, . Ili'.OOon IVm C lit x d- l.lih nnd siud-i KACTOIllKH wareiiil.es rnnro.ds can flnanc- IUKTI'HIi'H 737 Wilnut st. raclnrles lVnrelioiti.es. Mnniifiirturlnir 11nor A BEAUTIFUL TEXTILE MILL Oni uf tlw tlrext we etr offered. 70 000 feci: cxtra-hUh clearance, sprinkled New England inu'udlit p wr tlanl railroad aiding Tin: Finsr ti.mf offduf.d CHESTER 1). ROTTNER 1421 CIIIISTNL'T ST. NORTHWEST SECTION TiTo-story fai tor or warehouse about 20.000 q. ft . lot 110x110. bnll.rs, enclnes dUrtitor, plonty srd r om Hasy terms 1 H TOMI.IN.iON. JH LINCOLN H1.IHI . 37 H llltOAU HT. Factories and Floor Space J. LUK PATTON LINCOLN HI pij fWO.STOJ(V"brck (itc) rrnnufnrd fiontst 10,000 siiuai f.sl, loom for e." tension! 1 squaro P It n. Station. 2 sonant. U.adln Station. IJ. V, MULVI.V. U Ha" K.tat Trust Bldv, ' tw RBA1V 8TATB gQR SALE riTY wmimmmKKmmmmmaammKmmKmaummmmmKim Industrial Sites in terms, FINANCE building construction for responsible RENT on a long-term lease to reliable tenants. 1421 Chestnut St. "Let's Talk It Over" M'F.WT I'HII.AnET.l'HIA iiiiiniiTuiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiauifflaiira $300 CASH Buys Four-Bedroom Home (Garage) in Wynnefield Greatest Value in Philadelphia BERKS ST. 54th to 55th St. Motor vli Fnlrmount Park to S4tri and IVynnsfleld av , thn souMi 3 b'ocks: or puss from "I." north to Jlala car No. 70 on .MM at. direct to C4tli and llerlts ono fare. 1 Sample House open daily. Full particulars of Representative, or auto service arranged by appointment from any section of Phila. SAMUEL T. HALL. S. 3 Phones llelmont 071'l). MlWIIitt REDUCTION AT WYNNEFIELD the J.KS.:'? hn?dr.tnCs"ar,h,IOfno.?o,w?nSTdr,,.0n and hV9 d",le'1 to "" $2?':.:. :::::::::: '' ;.?go Saving you Jl "60 Th,,. houhUanVn ,no0'beb'',r,r;I,r0dUCed " that yr'1!e' "THE LAST WORD" Home Construction and Completeness Furnished umsI. rr n In Dally and Sunday, Two-story sernl-dstsched homes with distinct suites. Larue earace. maid's of house NEW IDEAS IN LIGHTINCJ FIXTL'RFh nrth to llsla car on 62d. direct to 04:h and Oslnn? . , . Ptstlin P K. R. uainor road, 1 fare. Near I'ass no ynnefleld DANIEL E. HOGAN Factories. IVnrehonses. alfg. Floors ONE-STOUT brick warehouse stone cif?.w 10.000 squa-e fi-et yntd spacs with I. 11. II. nldlns;, derrick, lS"-trn scnl. 521 W. Glenwnod ave Kensington U12S FINE IUKNEK .SITE 227 test alone P II.. Ills feet deep eey terms, G 1VEHII, fll7 Wldener Hldir. locust 1474 INDUfcTllIAL PLANTS AND LAND. J. t. PTi-:vr.wx a son i.Nn title udg Oiirngew GAIlAOn Cnpael'y 40 cars, located on cor ner jf y main street. C. J. MITfHKLI. CO. t-pruc3IJ!3 810 JJncoln Hldir riace 37S 7IODKP.N UAItAOR to clcs? estate, cash .TOvm.nt. Fo- full pnrt'-ulars. m.r -ui,i.;,n, loan cnestnut st Fi-U .iAi.t lent nr vxchur.Ke, uuraze. 21r capscl(v n47 T.oeust st ll Stores nnd Tlwelllnts 2H.1N N ll.-.nii 31ST Vnrant Mnre mid dwedlny nmnry Hi-n 17h ami Nnrrls ivkbt rim..ii:i.i IIIA n.lDl'OKD for qjlrk sale, now 'ook at r.40il Willows ave.. with wraie. best "u; 0f. f.red anywhere, innv't terms: new home eory mod. Bppolntmi-nt . heated iur h H closure examine this before you niirfhu.. T..T-. .. wr,', t i,n, l... . .. ., .. .- . -i nnmilt t ,V DOWNUHKOL-GII-HUILT HOME n" in,.in.,.) iHsrch. etc : well ,.,-,'o.v, .. - vuv,,, imiur... nr iti,.. bult Hpert near tho Houlevard n etery re- JOHN M C KNIUTtU B20 Haltlmore ave in.,,1 i.v.1.'. ... .utrn. ,, atorv. it i,..i. rooms ana nam. conveniently located priced for Quick disposal. ' 'ucted. PHURIDAX & McCOLTinir I.xnsdowne 171 040B .Mark.. .. DKIt i ffers new homes. select borhnnd. t) rooms, srarsge. financed iTi'.nn rticaKes placed. value $02 jr.o ...,,.-''." 10. ( 17,10 for quic.t Oftlce 133H HAIN11S ST noreh. all conv C. UMHAKDT. Id Armat (-rm ..r..: 10.13 COi O'l nnJ Klr.KBe8ilr.ii: ae ; closed porch, elec. JUht, ffarae nn.v It.OuO. Prlvllec, - . in' it t' r.ui'i.w ii miu t t.fium Qvt . t tirsniMvin w.n.m j . . Srt7 PIINTIIIDGK ST 2 sty. - hot-water heet eli i trio nun inclosed porch seeslon. ucrltlce price pos- D V UKDD1NO .Jd nnd Chester ave Of.u.l PINK HT Six rooms and bath main st . central location Kood conditions and modern In ovrv respect John M. Enburr 207 Halilmo'-'i n IF TOi' .xtiiM tnis ouice ou mls the best xelectlii In the purchase of a home He member "CKOSiH" stands for all that's good i, real estate 59th and Larchwood $3900 Nothln like West Phlm for the mone r nms and bu Baker & Son. 52d & Baltimore PACniFI "n--3n0 bonk Anicj leFrai e story 7 rooms Inclosed porch h .w hrnt" elrc , annlnm and rii'ins, Jr7.10 I'nmmve. elm rinunc. j'r l,H Hum tiopa iisir, flOS CHIIITNI'T 'or. snd uv . eleront onsuir"!. iwvii" t .ii uuui(fpn p-lci) ery reasonable, m-.-wi .iowiestnut - N I' 1 llli'lt - I'l i Tin l,o.,., ......... EDW. M. GRAHAM -'i!,jj r 1023-27 RAYHUiUiK AVll SU larite loTTms and bath: 12.100 J. N Mc.Mlrhael .liih r,d Sprlnnfleld i r .,,,,. - -- ,,viiiM nam WO'I erful store possibilities fOOuo J v U '.J'I'll n- Wu, ..n ..,.... .... 3HTII alori .Michael .isth aril sprlnvfUld 1310 8 steam I V lll'IIV ST . . 4 l,,.. heat eail f.naiKed IIL.tiniVil A ....A y.L . or.,,-!..;. ...., tiuu i n.stpr av,. HIIMIIH with iilue. all" snotlnns Ilhl1.l,hl. lul. nrl... .. .. . .?. l"I u7;ai. West 2.1 S 321 ,,.,,. .v.. ..... ,.. .-. i ii'.i'K r.i- st . reiillor 1 stabllalifil inoi i72o cr.nAii ax i: I'wiiei-, ,utns 1 1, v will bbc-IIicb home. prih S rooms bxtl ileotriclty Apply rr-m,.e. or Lununian in V 110th si r,i I I.1HI E I IS HACK ST 40x141 14 rooms, h.i'r.l wood floods ateal atit Wi;TN'KV 203 pnua-rtj $14,00(1 lbert H'dg id N 1'Kl.TUN ST hxrjialn f r qulcli inch oo'n flr.p a -At ..'Id and Market sale, il roums, buih HAUOA1N Vnri poxs 11 Oil block xmo risi' tn r1 rook fc.tlnn 0 rn ins and bath unraite MOU (ndnnilIiHiidpwno aie IlllAUTIFri. Jr .13 1 C . Tlaoe Vi7 dortr elub, roomln house, lr.r. aarau. rii iln.mc. d liji a-d ..'.'oil Walnut. , iNo.. 1710 N Illinril.l.li ST. 7 rooms and bih eic iipni'. ii.iihi.iiii iiooih, etc. .TMIPm N MlTCHFI.l. Ultli t Market ""rinn l tun )"J '' ... 7T. V .111, mA.lk . T .OIO .lill," .,.,.' ,,,,, ui, tllllin 111,11 , ,,, slon. reiiuce.i pti.e sun i u roni r , 'ebral ! wPI lLJeejiiTl!. " 3317 HA'"K SIX r.ijMis porch clo'eo" to .fsT ated smil niunt vxeh milr 'ret I.uriNAJtl) KIURH A SON 3420 MeTket lACAM ii noaiei ii.n Conest n-n cr i nr. poicu i -,',i'i, ii. i niinernil to e.evale.1 I'HIKS t Si N, 342n MBlk'(. oloao ar.oi ham ii 'ins-col ir.ue put , o),;rr. k.t.y?i'-a" -M. wi" Ilei lHofl VVI-ANl- .lil.i I'ine si , ,m u, -room n 'IS' Hi ''"O eiio tl vi: HAVE E several Rood Invi-stmeni propo.l. end for list LMI'IHIS Til If ST OO. linns HO0HB8, .lores. . to., for sals at all prlc.r. acuon. i' juo. r,i;w . dence with trarHce. nwlv n.V -W : '. . EiTht roomii .nrt k.,1 ' noon throughout, alteplnir norch. 2 h-h-. ii. enlonci; Ajunfi Teriii!' cBpoclally attrnctlve owner lavin(- -i. " ,' y'l.AjAJ&'Ai ij itA AgTATib fox XM ; ..' pity r.v"''&. """"" " A Phila. 1 ' ' ' f " i Market Street at 30th 27,000 sq. ft. Opposite Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger and Freight Sta tions. Two -street levels. 122 ft. front age on Market Street by 220 ft. depth to Ludlow Street. Unusual development in this vicinity. Ideal for large corpor ation, offices or loft building. Excellent advertising advantages. Five minutes from City Hall. Race 4930 wi;sjt riiif.AnKT.rniA HOMES t W. Cor. 17th & Sanson, Sts. Hpruce 0871, Oterbrook 8032-J Evcnlngt till 0 V M r- room with i,..S,1'!.?."l..-. batlia maklnjr unu ,i lAtiron.n. umj ., ,...., ,.,., distlnct'y apart from resT Vnffl'lfcfA WbOO IWif $7500 ..., '"ADT FOP. OCCUPANCY .r.in M--.-Ld'"7r"r' -& . Isundry etc. sua k""-?.'"'?. ?...l"','rn"-i Putoh h. .17"! vniii.;j .." reno-uted ir-n A,"""-Modern. 'inclosed porch.' n!)77 lv-milaJto,nC:o,,J condition. Tl'ii TOro -;'ernhr0,t- J. W. CAMAC CO. 21 and Wood'nnd nr tvonrt nun WILLOWS WE west of BSth nt A most attractUe nelchborhood. with schools and church-5. stores, Pnrlt and IMrkWHy tunir nls cluh. etc.. a chnrmlnc .nmn,lifw'..r?.u we hae for sale cn thl .v , ..',.' .""'" 1 eral .... . " ziv -" ,v: "vrnuH sev 1 h,d Chambers, p. rr, .llnlnc ,nTm k.tchen laundr 'hardwood I oSr." elrc?rto ,'i.c-nLuiv inrnn.imn. ,,...,,, ... i.rm. nA ." -'"r,"? . ?r 1 on .. to, ssu r iii aj i gig iinaiiClt.ss PEMDIJKTON liHrATLS Owners BIS Harrison Bid.. 13.h and Market sts. Till 43 MONTHLY expenses, financed free. 2 left nut nf in -111 prlr 13200. only inil hath ivllh h ., ...V 1": "rooms ful., papered and "pa.,, ed" throuL-hSuf whV.'J" and-mahocany finish all floor. ""efinUhod" .InoUum on kltchon and bathroom ftoori' I new porcelain sink and bathtub, new show.; hath "SI. ?ff?l"?!M. 'i block to park October. S.im,. iii n ' ,uu PH rnt for PHlnp e, 041H O enmnpa mv- 1.... ' ??rSM.U a 31 ,T ul"vaV. 't off 03th and ljood'.ar.d ae m ..juarea south, or .1(1 car Walnut to 03tli and Blmwood ave walk iu' squares north. Oren dally. evenlntx, 7 to 0. i 8t ilc ltd neighborhood hugene L. lownsend Sacrifice Beautiful Maryln road. No. Phila., ki...r.. u... ,'.-." isi i - ii-i-n. ri urni vieciric llirnt n.r. I QUetry floors throushoul: wide street, with : ". ,-.. ,,, i-iiui, icuna to suit. I losses- n.ui., ,iiuf Ulliy UVUU Baker & Son, 52d & Balto. Ave. "Immediate poss"ession . .-"10 nstn st 0 rooms, electric ?:,' t"rl 7ty " room. " 134H Lpland at . 8 rojm. renovated , 203h S Cecil st.. 7 rooms, porch i Wm. L. Craven's Sons NKV CIVCIIIIIIOOK llOAlUHOrlalnal urtr." 1 11. .10(1 now 18300. 1300 cash i ill monthly. .! larire room, and tiled bathrL1 wiin sn.iwer inciosvd. heut.d porchi urlv (race sample house 1707 N. ,1Uth i "l oi i J left out of 20 take elev , free nass ni-J 00th st to Lansdowne ave wkP"f b! oust to .Vith st Aitent on prenllJe. dallv or iPPJy Hnrrv J Koehler A Co, 1420 ChJitnut lOCK miVT bn. houi nffet snTiu" afmii pajinnt. excepttmsl nlue n i atVh. tr.mt homes M' JIUOO o,. ". ' n,.r.n: I to ..4th 7 rami, i.xundry tub. r.sii .J .34 u,t red .ir.d modernized. nrir HSUi IPITIH-Ilnt, possession AHKRV-lTlir 132X Chestnut Owner will hell modern llnrv a . ........ . - . ' .- -ntua bbt. ' "l.l mid ' vwv. -km -.ii rs.nu ;tsl av. H.atrifv -i ... I f'IIUVI.'l llll. . t lt...i ' ' street, hot-water heat, electrlelrv i,--!ir. "A'i I c. (tarinoro... riuicnu i eivnuornuou at . ' .- - JM ... . i. s . i.i ... ----.. hitj, i Ml 3th snd m t henl.r .v 'I ..i.i mini, 'itiuKiK'u nonrs, continuous hot-iKa wulei b us of a shovel uf coal a dav th finest llahtlnit flxlurei. mnhoaany anJ white, new paper ami paint: screens awn. inrs. shides and storm windows Inoludsdi Tfc oumr on tirem'str iiii j PINK rT . 3U40 Thres-stor dweTlTruTTvitr, ' 1 l.,1 ,.hntl,.r. .I..I.,.- Willi ,fj --. ,.-.,. u ... . m r -. . ' iosiii. dlnlnir room ami kitchen. . u.. ........... . n,,,.w fiiorn. naNnp .-. for sale on easy i rms, wlhout. xny expanses In flnanelm ns or II ttle casn reiiulred, open for Inspection! li ssesslon Octolnsr 1 PEMIIKUTON l.'ST Tf Harrisi-n Itldw ,,.v i-n-.. " "i "u in no.se.ston of a n,,,M,i. ...w-...w. u,.c,llt, l,ll Til PIS. month navx all Interest, taxes and wai.e rent rlmrkes hot-water heat elecirlc llhl hardwood floors n- hii unusual opportunity lo secure an attracilxe house In prime eon. lltion HAfitAN I'OLMAN & CO N '. cor Hroad an.i chestnut sts. BARGAIN POSSESSION financed. KOW. M. MO J 'Bd..!!. '-"4n. . .. . .... ..... Jis-dll Imoiit Sinn 5H41 FLi'ItKNCK- KlBht foomi" sVil" m. tiatti naruwiion niors, Inclosed porchi irrutDifd for quirk rnil prtcv BROWN & FRENCH 1VJ-rtlJ,.r 01 N HAI.Fi)UI.l.'nd lioui.t. sn,.T -.-TSr; ash nnd locrtlyiu 00th i,nrt Market ' LKONAIU) OTUF.d, B420 lllikli Ii if iii Salic mbjoi sum n. siat'MT'aSJTr.-s lorwn porcn-iront nwejimir, mukt l ...t.f. inaki offer lvank W. illller. i.lj 'h' ,3 J"" ui.tt. .'IISV.....1 .( i ... .i - dui'4 i iiui'i i",' - . ii rnuiriM u-hiulm at tUl it. s.iov,. rnlutnhU i.vh i.tv" i , - . r - L riniC m. 47, N I'llLTON ST (02d MnTMTrT(.tL porch. 7 room. ri. In o ddy.i iL WM. C. HwypK. 1,1th and HnydYe' ill9' roams) lsc Inaloecd noreh i ,ii ".'.i t ne. plr TrtutJ Tilt utg2jP k l any !!; ill h in in I' III in ii in ii '(' :t id Ml .1 "t ll tl 11 m ij: in is 'i1 -in to hi in Ml II III I 11 I'l Jo 200 , 4030 I, 3600 l. l "ti.'i -y .,.,. 4j, &t3jF;r.,;,;. i.