t' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEiRr'miSADELPJail, !t)XYr SE 'it i - ' s -tv r- V Mr i The Western Ohio Railway Company 'JTo Holders of the Western Ohio Railway ? Company First Mortgage Five Per Cent, i Gold Bonds, Due November 1st, 1921: Tho undersigned have been requested by the holders of n larfjc amount of tho Bonds of, the above Issue to act us a Committee for the protection of the Bondholders, and being, cither pcrsonidly or in a representative capacity, holders of bonds of such issue, have Consented to act as such Committee. The Bonds mature November 1, 1921, nnd the Railway Company will not be able to nay the Bond3 at maturity. It ii therefore necessary that some plan be worked out and adopted for the protection of tho Bondholders. A Bondholders' Protective Agreement is in course of preparation, under which The Union Trust Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, is designated as Deposi tary. All Bondholders ure invited to forward their Bonds with May 1, 1921, and subsequent coupons attached, to tho Depositary, which will issue receipts therefor! The Protective Agreement will contain appropriate provisions for the appointment of additional members to the Committee, if desired, and wlll'iurthor provide for tho withdrawal of deposited Bonds, in the event, the- plan of reorganization is not satisfactory. Pending further, announcement, Bondholders are requested to with hold deposit of Bonds elsewhere. The Secretary of the Committee Will' be glad to'a'riswer'ihquiries. 1 I. F. Freiberger, Vice-Pres., Tlii Cleveland Triut Company, Cleveland, (). Henian Gifford. lllnlr Oonipnnj, Inc., New York I'llj. The Union Trust Company, J. P. Harris, Vice-President, Cleveland, O, The I'nlbn Trout Conipnnj-, Depositary Cleveland, ). E. J. B. Huntoon. Mpqe 4 Webster Organization, lloston, MnM, Thomas H. Jones, Secretary, L J. Wolf, 12th Floor. Wllllninsnn Ilulldlnr. Cleveland. O. Cleveland, O. VV E take pleasure in announcing the opening of a Trading Department which will deal in domestic and foreign issues, and will specialize in Pacific Coast Utilities. Quotations on securities fur nished from the principal markets of the United States and Canada. Direct private wires to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland Blyth. Witter. L Co. 61 Broadway - New York San FranHsr Lea Angeles Bad Debt Losses Come Without Warning! That's why it is so absolutely vital to safeguard aeainst them. The logic of this is clearly defined in a letter recently receied from a holder of the American's Pol icy of Credit Insurance. This letter acknowledged our payment of 19,465.77, covering abnormal, unforeseen credit losses, and then stated: ' The few losses we Lave had in the past have invari ably happened as accidents; that is, we have had no occasion to distrust the accounts until too late to avoid loss. Jf'e wish to emphasize the fact that Credit Indemnity appeals to us particularly as protection against unforeseen and accidental happenings. " These unexpected bad debt losses hurt any time, but they hurt most right now. Protect yourself against them with the American's Policy. Get the full particulars; write or phone now. Payments to Policyholders over S 'It', 000, 000. 00 AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO or NEW YORK E. M. TREAT, president' HaUBi STANDARD UULIMITIO POLICIIB W. J. Morphy, Manager J. F. MacFadden, General Agent 1011 Chestnut St. Phone Filbert 5S0! Philadelphia, Pa. 3itk$nAUMVn rA eigi North Philadelphia Trust Co. Broad St. and Germantown Ave. Above Erie Ave., Philadelphia fe 3fer''i? uiumltlee. Seattle I'nrtland means your protection just as with any other form of insurance. Would you place $2000 fire insurance on a $10,000 house? No! The same principle ap plies to Title Insurance. i viVw AiV trtut ' ff-v- - i . j-.-. , .j Atrv. . - a..,, .hi ,,-. , CASSATT & CO. Investment Rankers COMMERCIAL TRUST 1ILUO. l'hlliidelohln New Tori: Haltlmoro Scranton Pittsburgh1 BROKER "Wanted to underwrite Initial ls.ua of mall order educational concern. Incorporated: now dolni? business. Only ons of standing having cstahllaned sites forcv who has suc cessfully "put over" other Issues will be considered. A lltiernl rontrnct will be given on li time basis, Am''.v V fiJS. t.MXIKIt OITICK CONSULTING MANAGEMENT ENGINEER vvhoe practice has .ioretoforo bean moit y nut of town deMres to limit hli future work to a fow represcnta live Philadelphia Manufacturing con cern, Experience nf nineteen yearn In all phases of Industrial organisation and management c-no. Li;inrcu nmci: SALESMEN C We iloslre to pecure the pervlccs of two (2) of tile host bond F.tle.4 irifn In I'lillnclclphlii, to lmndlo tho highest grudi! Investment bonds. C The nrrnngement we contem plate mnkliiK Is straight commis sion, on it very liberal basis. i We tvlll only be Interested In hearing fiom IiIk producers, who linvo on estnbllnhod clientele, an 1 know the bond selling business from A to Z. T This Is nn oxcpptlonal oppor tunity to become associated with n fast-growing New Yorlc and Philadelphia house, which Is being built up on conservative principles. T Send us full information about ourself. All letters will be (onsldercd strictly confidential. Addrers C 117, Ledger Ofllcj To get posted on recent activities . of stocks Read this week's Issue INVESTOR & TRADER It is filled with important news col lected from all avail able sources on many stocks graphic illustrations of price fluctuations and special articles on securities and on market conditions Copy given, without obligation. Ask for TL-491 PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widencr Building 1 -1. .u..., fell Locuit4"10 Telephone. Ke1onCi .Ujcc5d6l BALTIMORE OFFICE 433 Equitable Building Telephone 1 St. P aul 8451 Direct Private Wires New Vork Chicago Beiten Phll)elthi Putiburfh Detroit Dililmore CltrrlinJ Jones & Baker Members N'etibr Curb Marie t L. M. SEIVER President Automobile Banking Corporation Widener Building:, Philadelphia Branches In Baltimore, Md.; Harrisbur, Easton, West Chester, nnd Grecncastle, Pa. Correspondents in Other Cities in Pcnna., New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland PHILADELPHIA'S LARGEST EXCLUSIVE AUTOMOBILE BANKING INSTITUTION Experience, plus ability, plus a business and its logical development, service to the automotive trade. We take pleasure in announcing the opening of a Branch Office at the Waldorf - Astoria Hotel Louchheim, Minton & Co. ileii6e)'8 New York Stock Exchange 71 Broadway Hotel Astor New York Investigation showed that 00 of thoso merchants starting business with an invested capitnl of but $3000 to $5000 failed. The successful lOTe in most cases sought the advice and counsel of a reliable bank 4tt frilcf nAIYiniMir i nil irinL iHnHn!nl .1 A 1 ! , w uuuk vviiiuu ill uii kUCli llllUl.vJlUl UUUlUlSt THE REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA Broad and Chestnut Sts. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOrAlI STOCKS Cash Hnv . . ni Aalt ,03 ,dl) ,10 ilt ,13 ,07 ,"T ,05 .i liiliu ,113 ,12 Jim uuuer MacNamara . , , , MacNamara Crescent Midway Mlzpah Extension .... Montana. ,,, North Star Rescue Eula Tonopnh Extension , , West End West Tonopnh .o; in ,(iu .11 .0(1 ,o:i .0.1 .211 l.ea'i .Nil .10 divide STOCKS Allied Divide ot Alto Divlda I. .01 neither 01 Htlcher Extension 01 Hen llur llrough. Dlvido 117 Divide. Extension 'j Divlilo C0113 ni; Dividend o:r East Divide ill lltrmlll if lla'hrouck Dlvido UJ High Dlvido Knox on Revert Dlvido re' Reno Divide Ill Itnselta 111 t'ller King ot Sutherland 112 Tonopnh Dlvido 11,1 "lonopah Hnsbrouck 02 Victory Divide lit Vcrdo Divide IIJ Hone uu OOLDKIELI) STOCKS llooth lis t mlilniitlon Fraction 1)1 t'rnckerjnck 11. 1 Illamnndfleld 11 II ,02 , ,112 ,02 ot ,y i'.mi ,0:1 ,11.1 ,02 in ,iii hi ,11 on ,02 02 ,112 03 n.'i 114 iij 03 II ,03 .112 114 .OllVi l .11 .03 .112 .112 .n. .02 .03 unVj on 11 .03 Iloreiico ,10 lloldtleld Cona uti lloldllolil Development 112 lioliltlcld Deep ot tlreat llend nt Jumbo Extension 11.1 Kenanns 01 l.nno Star 02 tin lied 11IIN 3.00 filler Pick Oil f peorhead 02 MISCELLANEOUS Ampin o Arlaont L'nlttd Cnledonia .... l.OH 10 II III ,l 03 33 D1U HV,l no 02 an 1)2 1(1 113 02 .0.1 !:,! n .111 .112 .32 .lit 4.2.". .'..T.-i .01 .IT. .Ill .0.-, 112 .01 Emma Sliver , Croesui Holly Lollrt' ' ! ; Hill .. Wonder Eureka Ei.nka iitrla Mother Nrtnila N'ewidu Sureesit Tieiip.i Mlnlni; White Caia , Wllbert ... , Trade Dull on Parte Bourse I'nrN. Sept. 2I. Tradlne iii dull nn tlm Uonrse todav. Three per rent rentes ,"flf. 10r. exehaiiBO on London, 02f, BOoi B per 1 nt lean Mlf, .lc. TIil doluir wui (iuotd at lit 13c. THE BUDGET habit is a good habit, especially if, when you have paid your bills and set aside enough for your current expenses, you bring the balance and de posit it with NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY or buy a money order and mail it to us to be credited to your Savings Account You may withdraw up to $!00 at any time Without Notice P. R. NEUMAN Treaiurer thorough understanding of the enable us to render unsurpassed CAPITALS500,00O00U ( SURPLUS (EARNED) II 11 2r000.000.00 1- Jl A Recent Nation-Wide ('.,... ..JV. . TOLEDO BOOSTS CARFARE Community Traction Co, Increase! Rato 8econd Tlmo In 81k Weeka Toledo, O., Sept. 20. For the bcc ontl tlino within six wr-cks, the fare of tho Community Traction Company of Toledo has been Increased. Tickets will now sell nt the rnto of six for forty cents, or six nnd two-thirds cents each, nt nicnlnnt n rnto placed In effect on August 1 of eight tickets for fifty cents, or six nnd one-quarter cents each. Tho cash faro of seven cents and tho one-cent charge for transfers remains the same, to which point It was raised from bIx cents cash nnd one cent for transfers on August 1. , The company can change Its rate of fare every ten days, If necessary. It Is operated under an ordinance which provides for whatever rate of fare may be neccssnry to mnlntnln funds for re placement, working capital nnd amor tization nnd to pny Interest charges on its bonds and dividends on Us preferred stoek. A committee, composed of city nnd compnny representatives, mcetn every ten days to see If tho profits nre large enough or too large, and has full authority to change rates any time It sees fit. Tho present nrrnngcincnts Is tho cul mlnntlon of n ten-year controversy be tween the street ear system on one side nnd tho city nml people of Toledo on the other. The system Is n Doherty property, formerly owned by the Toledo Itntlwnyn nnd Light Company, nnd the stret car property was taken over by tho Community Traction Company un der nn ordlnnnco resulting from nn npproxlmntcly three to one vote of the people. The Community Traction Compnny wns authorized to issue $8,000,000 twenty-fWo-yenr 0 per cent bonds, which the llnll-Liglit Company received in payment for thep roperty. These bonds nro fullv protected because, In nddltlon to providing for n flexible rate of foe nlwnys Milnrlent to take care of all charges, the ordinance stipulates that the City of Toledo shall pay to the compnny n sum of money sufficient to redeem nt par nnd Interest nny bonds that remain outstanding nt the expira tion of the grant or nny icnewnl thereof. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates OITIelal rodl-enunt rnlis At til tvele led oral Reseivo Uanlts aro ' follows: Treaf, Ut. lorn 1 B1;m elf, bond, p.ipjr. accept. noton .-.' 5'i M. f'i nw York . . . ..' r, m, r-H Philadelphia . r.', J'n JH 5!? fleveland h 'j "' "' ll'ehn-.ond ' ' " Atlnnla H " Chicago (l II 1 II Ht. I.oula n it , f''i Mlnneapo'l. . . . r.'j "l7 II ICansus City . . . . a " "'-a Pallas (I '1 , Sun Kranciseo. . . . B's Va 3't ,M U. S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int. Maturity Itlltn Ditto r.Vj Oct . 1(121 .'! Oct , IWJl . n tl..- 11121 . . lld l,xil YleM 10i 1(10 S-32 4.1'J . )0fl 1-3 100's 4. 'ID .ions loon a.s7 r.'.l roil., io:'.'. . .rno's mow 4. so tn Mar., llir.'.. . .10(1 S.32 100 S-10 4.11(1 t'.'iU Mar, 1H2L' 100U JOllVl 4.(1. t.4 Jlar . 1H2J . . 1005 100'i 4.87 t'.'.'i June, 111.'.'.. . lnvi 1H0. 4.P0 nu aub , 1P22... .ino1 ioiiN. rv.no tS'i Sept.. 111-'.' . .1011 in(it B.02 t'.'. June. 1024 101 lOHi r..:ni t,.'ili Sept., 1(124. .. IdO'i tOOS '"ST Ksempt from Federal nurnial Income tax. Atcoptahle for panri.nt ot Income U ilue on dato uf maturity. i Liverpool Cotton I.Wenmol. Sent. 20 Hnot olton was aulet j today with price stenly ou the bums of nn mltonn ot ua poiiiih ror niunninc ac 13 Md. The nale.i were 14.000 bale Tho receipts were MOO bales, all American, l'u tures wern (Meaily In the enrlv deallncs. Hnot pr'cea were; American, middling fair, 18.ilSd. Rood middling, ll.llhd: fully mlddlln. 14.2Nd; nriddllnR, 13 S.'ld: uod ordinary, 11.7BU. and ordinary, 11.03d. Lone Star Gas Dividend Deferred 1'lttNliiirRh. l'u.. Sent. 20. Directors of the I.one atnr Has Company, meetlnu In !'(irt Worth, Tex., dcferied tile nuaiterly dividend .",0 ent due Hoptember 3d. Tho unanlmvniH opinion of the bourd la that tho cil dend can be restored Deeember SI. L0NGP0RT MAYOR RESIGNS AFTER RECORD HARD LUCK Harcourt Hasn't Time to Attempt Rebuilding of Shattered Sea Wall Arlitiite'r City. Sejit. 'JO. Following n urn of throe years of the hardest mu nicipal luck on tho Atlanta; coait. with srent winter storm sens smahhliiK his pet project nf n protecting sen wall for i is resort, Mnjor Ilalpli Ilnrcourt, of Longnnrl, lonii the .voungesl mayor In New Jeraey, realBued his position Inst night. Mayor llaicoui't, wlio U n lawyer hv profexsion, ns in IiIk early twenties nnd started whirlwind cnmpnlgn lor improvement ot I.ongport which at tracted attention nil over tho State. When cnciouchmcnts of the ocean washed away acres of valuable land, much o fit owned by Philadelphia sum mer cottagers Mnvor Hateourt took up the project of buildins a great sea wall which had been partly completed at u cost of $200,000 when terrific storms toreout entire blocks of tho abutment. While citizens nnd property owners of the sister resort to Atlantic City stood by their young mayor to the limit of their financial ability, tho executive declares that to again bring the sea wall project on the road to success there must he n mayor who can devote ids entire time to the work and that his own law business requires so much of his attention that he will be unable to tnckle the job. United States Com missioner Hiram Steclman, associated with Major Ilnrcourt In nn Atlantic City htw firm, also tendered his resigna tion as city solicitor of I.ongport to take effect with tiiut of his superior. GRAFTERS DUPE STUDENTS 150 Pennsylvania and Temple Men Cheated, They Say (Jetting "stuck" selling "stickers" to 'indents was the novel experience of lo0 ITnierslty of Pennsylvania and Temple I'nlversity tojs eatsrday. Ther ap earid this morning in a body before Honialno (' JIassrick, Chief of tlni l.i-gal Aid Mm can, and told him they 1 ad been swindled out of $1500 by two men who said they represented a Hus ton offlce-M.pply house. The men advertised in newspapers for co)lo men to sell their "patent sticker," a kind nf glue, for which they were to receive 11! a week salary and li ner i cut commission on all sales. Yesterday being pny dny, the "sales men" went to a Chestnut street sta tlonerv store, the "hradqiiai ters" for tho "Boston representatives," nnd nuked for their pay. No (race of the "sticker experts" could he found. Many of the college men had in the meanwhile turned in sales ranging from ?0 to $18. Inuuirv -it I lie store where the men set up their "business" Hhowcd their names were .iipno.ed to be "(Jould nnd Stndtlntd. of llostmi," The police are waiting to stick thn "sticker" "Milkers" In a cell to pre vent them frimi "sticking" nny one else. VOTE ON FALl7sluCCESS0R New Mexico Today Is Electing United States Senator Albuquerque, N. !., Hept. 20. (Hy A P.)--Xew .Mexico voters go to the polls today to choose a United Htntes Senntor to serve out the unexpired term of Albert II, Fall, who entered the Cnb- ln't of President Harding an Secretary f the Intri lor, Tl.e successful enn- dldato will serve until Mnrclt. 1025, The cnuilinlgn closed Inst night, when Holm I). Uursiim. Republican candi date, appointed by the Governor to serve until thn election, spoke at Socorre, and Richard II. Ilanna, Den:, ocrntlc nominee, spoke here. LONDON STOCK MARKET Little Interest In Oil Group Rub bert Steady Kafflra Soft London, Sept. 20. Oil shares had tht appearance of being tired on the stock exchange today and there wns little In terest in the group. Shell Transport and Trading nnd Mexican Englu were quoted at , and Itoyal Dutch at 37 Vj. Improved reports ns to trade caused the Industrial list to harden, but deal ings In it wcro light. Hudson's Hay was r. Tho rubber department dis played steadiness. Although sluggish, dollar descriptions were better, moving with New York Kxchnngc. Home rails also made stnnll gains, but were quiet. Home profes sional selling led to a setback In Argen tine rails. Gllt-cdgoil Investment Issues were dull and weaker. French loans, which were Inactive, alsv.faflcd to mend. Knfflrs were soft and lacked leadership. Generally, the markets were quiet and lrrcgulnr. John T. Dyer Quarry Co. ttuslnes EstaMUIieil IRfll BIRDSBORO TRAPPE ROCK Harrison Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. r.rtebllihed 1M ,,0'h Miorwt William R. Chapman & Sons 1506-08 Wnshineton Ave, MASON BUILDERS AUO OWNERA tire rnn.ADKi.rniA nnicn compact Cpiritr of SO.OOO.OOU per nnnom Korbaugh Lime Company BulUtr' Wminll nXANTIAT. TJII3 ASir.IlICAN ril'B MAXCFAC- TUItINO COMPANY B COM.AT- KllAI, T K IT 8 T CCnTIFICATKH, HKUIKS "A," VVV OCTOIIKB 1, 1027 Notice la liertby ghen that punuant to tho terms of tlia trust niirBciuent, dated October 1, 1007, 150,000 of tho Rbovo cer- tincatn. numbered as below. rmo been drawn for redemption at 102H and accrue'! Interest, as of October 1, ll)l!l, out of moneys then pjable to Hlnklnu Fund, vls: 44 5:MI l4 44 .'.ill 0.1 1 7at Hit P-0 till i4i 1.01 4U4 BOO 0.MI 74U SIS 8.1.1 IBS L'.VI SOU -1UU .-107 70. 7ril' 8111 SIM inn mi am 470 nn.i 7011 70a st7 ss.' 1011 1!!J1 4111 4NII -031' 710 811) Hill tSU Forty-live cerlillcntes for IIOOO each. IS 1170 UII4 0'.i7 101.1 03.1 U!IL' ''Hli 1005 10bS Ten certificates for 1300 each, The abovo certificates, with all unmalur-d coupons nttached, should he proisnted for pnyment ht the offlco of th3 liustvo 01 or after October 1, 1021. when all Interest theie on will ceate. Attention Is called to certificates hcreio foie drawn for pajment and still ouitcuml Intf series "A" aercement n above. Called for pjment October 1. 1018: 771 for llvuu ejcii. lu.'i.l for lilOO each. Called for pnmnt October 1, I'JIl optional pajment on or after August 1. lieu: , ml, 177. uio. son, an. ., sen, MIS. Bill!, 701. 73f. 74.V 7.17, S30. S07 for 11000 each; DOt. OKI, 1002, for !300 each. rierlrn "It" oareement Kebruury 1. 1'JIH. Called for pameut February I. i!-2. optional paymeni on or after Aiicunt 1, 1021; 107, 170, 103, iOO, IBS, 808. 334, .141', 3flL, 000, 014. 028, 034, 048. 030. CG0. 713. 734. 701, 770, 778, 810, 81S, 814, 858, 83fl for $1000 each: 028, 1008, 103S for $500 each, OIltATtl) THUST COMPANY, Trustee OEOUCJE H STUAUT 3d, Treasurer. Phllailelplila. Pn.. September 0. t02t. 1'roposnl i'RnrnAi.s l on suh-stathin ihiiijj- I.MiS, KI.KOTRin CKANKS AND 1'I.U.MniNH Department of City Transit. City ot Phila delphia, ileentli floor, 1211 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, Soptember 12, 1021. Sealed proposals, addressed to tho under sinned at the of(l:e aboic mentioned, will he received until 12 o'cioele noon, on Septombor 27 and October I, 1021, and opened Imme diately thereafter for the followlne work appurtenant to the rranliford Elevated Hull way, atithorlred by ordinances ot Councils uf July 20, 1010. June 20, 1020. and Februaiy 17. 11)21: Sub-station building- on tht south side nt Cumberland street exist ot Kensington uv nue. Contract 632. Ulds will bu received on Heptember 27, 1021. Hub-station building- on the east side of Orlsccm street north of Arrolt street. Con tract 033. Kids will bo received on Septem ber 27. 1021. lloth sub-stations, Contracts 033 and 0.13, ground In ,one contract. 034. Ulds will be lecrlvcd on Heptember 27, lli2t. Two 20-ton electric traxellnsr cranes, to be ln-tnlled In thn Cumberland street and Orlscom street sub-station bulldlncs. Con tract 030. Bids will be rccehed on Oc lober 4, 1021. I'lumblne work for the sub-station bulld lncs on thn south side of Cumberland street vast of lCensinKton nvenuu and on thn east nlriA nf (Irlrtcoin street north of Ar.nli btreet, Contract 033. Ulds will be received on October 4. 1021. Plans and specifications can be aen at 1211 Chestnut stret, twelfth floor, and copies of same, with blank forms for proposals, will be supplied to Intending bidders upon application, A deposit of 510 will be re quired for the plans for the sub-station bulldintss. Contrstts 032 and 033. This de joalt will be refunded upon the return of the plens. Contractors will be required to comply with the Act of Asiembly of July 18. 1017, relative to workmen's compensation In surance, and proof must bo furnished the department by the contractor that he has accepted the provisions of said act and In sured his liability thetcunder or secured the exemption tneretrom. For each bid that Is over 1.100 a proposal bond In the sum of Use hundred (500) dol .4rs must lie tiled In the Law Department, Hoom 400, City Hall, In accordance with the ordinance of May 23, ISIIO. the certif icate ot such niins to bo Inclosed with the Lid. The Director reserves tho rliht to reject any or all bldo as ho mav deem best for the Interest of tho 'lty of Philadelphia. WILLIAM 3. TW1NINO, Director. DHIdends WESTINGH0USE ELECTRIC & MANITACTIIHNO COMPANY. A quarterly dividend of !!'r (Sl.00 per shore) on the PnUFIinrWD Mock of this Company will bo paid (ctolr IB, 1021. A dividend of S (11.00 per share) on the COMMON .Stuck of this Company foi rho quarter ending September 30, 1021, will be paid October ni, 1021. lloth Dividends are payah'e to Stockhold ers of record ns of Heptember 30, 1021. Jl. r. IIAKT.. Treasurer. Nmv Tnrli S pteniber 211. 102, TIIK PENNSYLVANIA f'USIPANY I'OH INMKANC'IW ON I.IVKH AN II (RAMINd AXNI'ITIKH Heptember 111. 1021. The Board of Directors has this day de flared ft reuulur quarterly dividend of 7 per cent (f 7.00 per. share), payable October 3, 1021, to stockholders of record at tho closo of business on Heptember 12, 1H21 J. P. CAHPUNTEIt, Jr . Treasurer Annual Mrellnrs KlgP MAM-MOTIl VI.-IN COAL AND IKON COJIPANY General Offleet Itrncllnc Terminal Philadelphia September 20. 1(121. The annual meeting of the stockholders and an o'ectlon for tlve directors to nerve for the ensulnir year will be held under the charter of the company nnd In conformity with the bvlnvvs at the oftlces. Headlnic Ter mlnal. rhllortolphla, on Monday. October 10, lU-'l. at 11113 o'cloek A. Jl. DAVID WII.RON. Hecretorv 2 DKLAWAItf: COAL COMPANY"" -" (Irnerul Offleet IteiidliiK Terminal Philadelphia Beptemlier 20. 1021 The annual meetlriK of the stockholders rnd an election for nine directors to servo for the onsulnc ear will be held undor the with the bv-laws at the nmcei. Headlni; Ter. mlnal, Philadelphia, nn Mond.iy, Oclolier 1U 1011, ot 11115 o'clock A. M. ' MAVIU WILSON, , t-'eeretary, JCgPTlIK PIllLAIIKLPIIIA AND RKADINtl X" COAL AVI) IKON COMPANY (Iener.il omce. ltendliu; Tennlnnl Phlladolphla, Pa September 20, lujj The annual meetlne of the Htockhnlders and an election for president and six directors to serve for the cnsulnc; enr will le held m,ler the charter of the rompnny and in conformity with the by Ions nt the offices. Heading- Terminal, Phflarie'nhla on Mond.tr, October 10, I0.M. nt nun o'i'lock A. M, W. II, SlacKWAN, Neeretnrv. Prnimila Hr.M.r.D innpo'sLs wilt, tf. ffE celved at ItO'im 216, CUy Mall, until 1" nV'oclt noon on I'rld-iv, Heiilrinher .10, ircM erd opened at that tlmo In Itoom 21H. c7tv Hall, for ' pcunnur.r. -a" main srctmts AfillDAI.K HT. betvvcsn the Present ter. inln-is nai I-nnt st. anil KIsW st EI5.,K..Ay,S if.roim "Jt ,0 I'l'llml'lphla and Ilustleta.i Itallroad. PACKKIl HT 'Jet;ve n 221 rt. and Penrose Place, and In Moyamtnelng nv between Penrose place end C ilorudo st, (18th at I TACKKIl HT between I'.nroso , i"o mil Color ido st. " ' "i'iikdi'm: "if it 2co.nTm'CTioN NINTH HT. from.Mnore st. to TasUer st. ML It 1.1)1 I, (" Beyers In DIll.AWAltr, AVi: Lotvveen 3ny. der avo und Hitler it. " Inquire it Room 4tH. City Itsll. I'VtANK If. CAVBN, Director. Gat Co. Offers Stock to Employes The stockholders of the Counties Oa " Eleclrlo Company, at va recent ..njeetlnjr, authorised nn Increase In Its capl tal stock conslstlne of 00,000 shares of the par alue of $00 each, or a total of $2,500.0(10 class A 8 per cent cumulative preferred stock, $1,080,000 ot which It is purposed to Issue at the present time, mock not taken by stockholders, the company proposes to offer to Its employes and Its ess and cleetrlo rustomers nt par and accrued dividend. The sale to the employes will start Thursday and to cuetomers nbout October 1. The company has Incurred a floating- debt caused by larae expenditures necessary for addi tions nnd betterments to. Its properties In order to meet the demands of Its business. PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. EDWARD LOWBER STOKES Investments 20 SOUTH 15TH ST. Philadelphia I.ocn.t 031,1 Knee 8330 Additional Capital If you nro n responsible, going con cern and require additional capital, wo shall provitlo samo without col lateral. Confidential. C G03, Ledger Office C. S. PATTON & CO. 3D ft CIIKtTNHT STS. BANKERS Niiccessors tn HAIT,l;it St 8TKVKNS0N Ilonds und Blocks hauih nml sola Member Phll-t. 8'oek nxelmnne WUV has no Investor ever lost u dollar of principal or Interest on nny secu rlly bourlit of 8. IV. Hlruits Si Co.? Write for our booklet 2-U nnd learn the reason why. S. W. STRAUS & CO. fitork Exchnnie Hide.. 1'hllmlelnhla rflRi LEBANON A CITY ON THE MAP EIGHTY-SIX per cent of our 30,000 folks in LEBANON, Pa., are native-born. They STAY in Leb anon because it is a splendid residential city. Education is given high place here. We have a $485,000 high school, large junior high school, eleven grammar schools, business college and three parochial schools. There are also two colleges nearby. Lebanon enjoys educa tional facilities of excep tional strength. In Lebanon you LIVE! ADDRESS LEBANON CHAAiBERoF COMERCE LEBANON. PA PARCEL POST mmm Croiv-f & llrldce Work 'i 'tea. 3,oo up 40 N. 8TH ST. Walnut 4820 Formerly of 13Hi R. i Iff V . Ill Open 10 A. M. Until 7i30 P. M- riatea lleuulreil. I'ulnless Kitruetlon I OLD PARLOR SUITS MADR EQUAI, TO NKW lleconstruotsd, upholstered and ftvvCiciknni polished. nrtrfnn'iragWs cie nn,i rirst class work (ruaranteed. Slip Covers Made to order. We carry a. lam inclc of ushol- terlnr materials at wholesale prices. American Upholstery Co. Oldi-t and I.iirzrst House of Its lUnd 121 S vWnnrl ;f Wrlte or P'10n i4x o. accona at. iirotmrd ess? Fnnnerly 80S Arcb Street (UHTPKJBJ! JOCK No. 44 Gives you a feellntrot real comfort and the assurance of perievrt protection while eier cislns or playlna games or any Kind, Alleles, tic. Per fect lit. Will not ehaf e. Pert t poach. I'aUaLd opea tft( la front. Mu Detailed tooleanee. TWO WEEKS TRIAL. U aet satii f aetorr rttara fild money OJ ee rot ended. Uallt d on rtctlpt of actee.tl. wunlilmiumuuiil.1 TUB WALTF.lt P. WABK CO.. Dent, I lUIIU HurliiK rttrcft Pbiiaurlphk Another Novelty Borax Surprise Save 5 Wrappers gffisEsE C I IIUO T r-Dirt C I ll" f rUUV 11 S.A W Ladies Umbrella, full 20 inch of Genuine American Taf feta with Bakelito Handle. Given away with 5 Novelty Uorax Soap Wrappers and $1 cash. Actual $2.50 Retail Value DAY & FRICK OUT IJKPr. 17G0 North Howard St. "Sale llt'fjim: Sept. 2ilh" ADD lUo VOIl DlXIViatl.NU I w viHSFjUsvdU pnbl lsW ski "a-. 4V W 'iV,. Canadian Nat'Rwy. Deb. 6s, 1936 HARVEY FISK & SONS, for Lund Title, Bid., PhlU. Ner York Chlcato IlurTnlo Hoiloa U. G. I. 8 Notca, 1923 Seaboard Air Lino 7 Notes, 1923 Anvcr. Gas & Elcc. 6s, 2014 Penna. Water & Pr,.' 5s, 1910 ARTHUR C.RICHARDS& CO DREXEL BUILDING Pelll I.om. 70B8 Herstonei Main till $100,000 Stock Carried o?" Builders' Material Including Iron and Bteel Uars, Bolts M,,. nivets, Washer. Illack and ailvaa?.A u'llTrner1' Ang'"' Chann"' "8 DONNELLY & COMPANY Office, 317 Vino Street Warehouses! .117 Vine t.j833 Wood St., 38M0 nrewn L Market 0100 Main sOTOvSj"' Have Our Representative Call ACME GEAR CO. N. W. Cor. 7th & Wood Sta., Phila. TOTRREPf1IRS Valve loats planed In position (J and new valves furnished. All kinds of engine repairs. Plinne Wnl. IBM nml Mnln 31(4 EmilneeeaMaaM1.?. 212-222 S.DARIEN ST.4 HELP WANTED FEMALH COMHIN'ATION stenographic-clerical! silsre liiu: atate age, exp, C 000. ljtif.nr riff COOK White family, n adults, care f kitchen, dlnlne room and pantry: second girl nnd laundress employed; separate slti Inir room! permanent position: reference r. uulredi stato vvauca. Address Uoz It i 'v nwyd. Pa. ' (.'MOM Wonted, a cook, Apply 2321 K l-'nvvn st OOVERNC33 Ileflnod,, cultured worain warned to take rare of and act as irover. nesa to B-ycar-oId girl: irood pay. Apple 40 Liberty llulldlnit. IJroad and Chsitnut sts. BALHSWOMAN TniMMINOS X very sood openlmr for a saleswoman el '' tho unusual typo refined, good presence ana thorough experience accustomed to handllar first-class clientele. Apply llureau or Umployment WANASIAKIiH'S STATIONimT Wanted, hand de stamper. Apply llureau of Employment WANAJIAKKU'S STKNOGHAPHUR. oxporlenced: one who can assist In handling sales-department rea ords; clvo full particulars, experience, an, alary wanted. C OnL'. Ledger Ofnce. TELEPHONB OPERATOR Wanted, a. competent telephone operator: Hell """J1!' Bau of Employment WANAilAKEU'S WOJIAX, 'JS-40. hlgli school or college sraa- tiate. preference Klven to dlsciwssed teachor. for permanent position for eitiiea. tlonal work; merit lewarded; not ollloi Wrlt' M 123. Ledger Office WOMEN, white, expel leno'd In meat and ck-etahlo cooking: cafoterla work; 1 njtil .lniiv r, nnye a vveew. i- u-n. ..." . YOUNO WOMAN experienced In canvan Ing. 7UQ t laiuivrw j.i'.. flenernl CLERKS. 18 upward, for Postal Mall Serv ice: $120 month; experience unnecetitrjl examinations October. For 'W.J""'"!"! ot instruction write J Leonard (former CItU Hervlce examiner). 00a Equitable Hid.. Washington, D. C. , , CIVIL SERVICE examinations. Novimby ar.d December: many vacanoless slinr. (1400-flHOO; wrlto for sample test. P JH. Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MAXE ADVERTISING AND BALES, MANAGER wanted by a large silk waist ran ; turer: must possess originality and Initiative and le thoroughly experienced In direct mail and to tr.ide-paper advertising; also pre pare copy, cuts and lay-out: only those whoie experlenco and ability wUI stand thoreush Investigation rt-ed apply: to a clever Dim ness builder this Is a permanent position, with wonderful opportunities for advance ment: wrlto complete Information In teller. Elgin Wnlst i;o., Bin nnu nwuiiju. llOY wanttd for oltlce: oxcollent opportunity for Intelligent, ambitious boy: state je, educational qualifications, wages expected to begin. 1 1201. Ledger Office. I SnJneeMWols" llK f. 212-222 S.DARIBNST.V EXECUTIVES Executive ability Is one of the most valuable assets a man "",?, ' real executive should corn from I7B0O to 120,000 or moro a year. If you are not carn'mr nt least that n your present position, read our "ad unaer SALESMEN nog , OILLIAM BLDO.. 1013 WALNUT ST. GENTLEMAN. Catholic preferred, well edu cated and of itood character and standlnl for work of spoclal naturo. Address o !", I edger Offlre. MAN wantod. between 23 and 0 Vjars. ! act as ass itant to sales nianager. muM he ambitious and willing to learn; Jn"nedl ato returns to tho rlnht person wM '" iiuallfy; must have reference. Write for m- lervlew. M 727 Ldger nfflee , MAN and wife white, butler and cook, ts take entire charge of small house In tM country. Apply 2033 De Lancey Tlace. Wtd- nendav txtween 1 and a I'. M. . jiANlTcTUiiKn'H ".pi'J'llNTA'rivL Of salesman to handle line of e'fftrlo nxturs fittings In Htato of I'onnsylvanla. t. " 1 .edaer Offlre. MEN Bometlmes a man tretsi In "'" a chango Is beneficial. - A taken many men out of ,bu"'n,e" groovea. given them n fresh view point and led thorn to much bijr euccesHos. Read our "ud unoer SALESMEN. BROS. & CO. QILLIAM 1ILDQ.. 1U13 WALNUT AT. OPFICE ASSISTANTS The term "offtco neslstarrt" has besa coined by the business ""''." cover duties which are so nonae script that thoy cannot be dnn''l5 named, norcan they over command a decent salary. If you aro reading this ndvort'soment with the Umet heromlng an office assistant, Blltn THAT IDEA Ql I-K. Read our ad; vertlsement under "9AI'''s-Vouh- 14 MA0N,'LBLi- I.ROS. CO. ioVJ-'n'us't. PILL AND TAIH.KI' COA-nSIt FOR IMIAIlMAU-i.UJIUAU ',",""Vl,l. line A man thoroughly experienced in ''? .',', and competent to handle all hinds of J"":, work mutt he an expert, not a novice oi a cxpeilmeiiter; a, irod opening for a eo,",? with opportunity tor advanetment. Jo" Mllllkeii A Co., l.nuis. .vnt PI.ArtTEllKRH, union: lontf Job. 'yP''. ",". falo City Hospital., Orlrter aniKenitntioa eve . Ilurtalu, N. V. W. 11. -ook. C lonu- Job. Apply bu.. tiactor, lino lso'1!' if rennirl sai.i:kma:i wanteil to carry KIUVO BlIJV llUnilTljr ,ui ,.," -. -..,, an. ,.. - -,. t . ... Ulnl. vanlu: strictly ominlnalon Iji; " (r0 sweia held confidential. A. J. Uachner i--. Inc . filoverHvllle. N. . .. SALESMAN, experloncod In butchera" 'OPSiJ nnd market-llxturo line, good openinc . flrsi-i lata e.ilesniun: slnle uuu and ei" ,, eni'i' M UN Leiluer ()fllr - - vrr;MTVl....."i.".Trri ,. ..n iiiii-i:m" v stiucturul sle. 1 futtory tiullillpgs on JJ, I iiiImioii, Tho Arthur U. Shepard to.. VI liuciui ave.. uieveianu, vJ. , HA1.ESMAN with outrldo selling sipsrUu ivv nanuero uiog, fX tW,i, -u.w-JjU'tiLJilt) -i&.ivfcWTJiSiiAji