pppwPPPWIJ Wl.lPIw,ll'i'T AWW'fJlfP!lv ' 'M'WW'WPWW'1-'11 -pwmwpu- r -a -- ,.". tr'il M If f ' Mk MlriCSlP OF rrffr CTDCCT ? I JTIJI - AYA-A-i A . .. . - .. tiA wAll.liinwn A director 01 uv "- " - ntliltr companies, on IiIh return yestcr i'.r from mi Inspection trip over nomo I tm lino In tho Middle . Wert, oh itcd hi found evidence of u distinct finrovcincnt In nil tlia principal lmlus- Mm In that section. "Ve enmo In close touch with the Jnncr of n wide tllvernity of imliiN trics trnverroil by our system ana In lich cum sutMfncloiy umnovcinunt wim i.nnrtfil. IIC IUUU. ' -mere iins ucun ep' .. miiiIi nf orders nnvwliere. but ?' .' ..m.iMif in stnrt thu wheels mov- lit ncnln, which ' ,nin' Instances II l. urn In. WHICH III nnuiy iiisuui k.re remiilned 'die nil iiunnjr tno sum- '-. Wt found coiiiiriuiuioii in me ErrenMni,' earnings on both our trolley linM and power" service. From my per tonal observation It only require some K?nr to mnkc ft lnrt. flint 1m to wiy, David Whitney Bldg.-Detroit.Mich, Our ability to apply large-scale production to the manufacture of steel structures is one of the reasons for the growth of this organization. McClintic-Marshall Company (Jrnrritl OfllMsi rittshiiHli, 1'a. riillndrlphliii Morris Hide. McCHiitic-Marshall SteelBridges , Buildings oino particular Industry to begin to sh,w signs of revived nctlvlty and you will find tho mt will soon be following In Its wnkc. "We found the banking poMtlon throughout the Middle West much more comfortnblo thnn It was n yenr ngo," ho concluded. "A great many loans nnve been liquidated nnd the loaning In stitution!) hro In better position to not only nld tho crop movement but also give tho farmers tho needed assistance. Altogether, tilings nre looking brighter nnd It lo almost certain the worst of the business dcprcslon has been seen." Railroad Situation tho Keynote It was ngnln insisted by those who had much to do with directing recent price movements that nil the develop ments tlmt might come as n sequence to thn change in business nnd llnnnclnl conditions In the last two years can he regarded as n closed book ns far as market Influence is concerned. These In tercets nro looking forward to new de velopments that will have a broad and bettering Inllucnce on tho Industrial situation generally and on the trans portation, field In particular, meaning that they look for favorable action by tllC Seiinto nil flin rnlli-nnil f.itifllut 1.111 as noon as Congress rcsumca Its work on Wednesday, nnd the enactment of that measure Into low is expected to be followed by the placing of railway orders for materials necessary in con struction work that hns been held In abeyance for practically ten years. Llttlo construction or nddltions hnve been ninde in that time, although rail way engineers hnvo been making every effort to obtain allowances for needed ciiunges nnu improvement. This is ex jicrled to be n nucleus for new activity in the steel Industry nnd should extend also to the copper trade. Prico Maladjustments In pointing out the Inequalities In liquidation ns an obstacle to business revival, the current number of tho In dex, published by the New York Trust Company, Fays In pnrt: "While considerable progress has been made in the readjustment of prices im portant inequalities still exist, and it is generally agreed that these maladjust ments constitute onn of the principal obstacles to business revival. Ky com paring wholesale price index figures with the prices of individual basic com modities (all of which nre Included in the general index number) it is possible to find out just where maladjustment exists, nnd how great is the Inequality in prices as related to particular com modities. Such an examination indl cnU'H that while some nre selling miite vlally below their pre-war levels, eer- tain of them still command prices more than double those of 1013." LlUle Strain Front Crop Movement Two Important factors augur well for Improvement' In tho money situation, both In the West ns well as tho Hast, namely, tho recent successful llnnnclnl operations of the Uovernment In retiring Treasury certificates and tho reports ot a substantial Increase In the rescrvo of tho Federal Reserve Institutions. It Is apparent that tho period of nil tumn purports of sufficient funds for taking enro of tho crop situation where by little strain will be noted In the sup ply of funds for nil sections of tho conn tjy. In fact, tho opinion Is expressed that some easing In rates Is forthcom ing. However, It Is hardly probable (hat. when business revival takes place, which Is looked for on a modciuta sculo between now nnd the end of tho yenr, that tho requirements for manu facturing and Industrial concerns will bo sufficiently strong to keep money intes on about tlio sumo basis as they now exist. Cutting Down the Overhead rursunnt to its announced policy of retrenchment, tho Mcrcuntllo Bank of Amcrlcn has still further reduced over head cxpenm's by releasing a largo num ber of employes. Among those released aro one or moro vice presidents and managers. It is expected that this last reduction In its forces will reduce the operating expenses of the bank to n point where present cnrnlugs will show a profit. Whether or not tills hnnk wilt even- '"ally liquidate Its affairs entirely Is not definitely determined. Humors thnt the bank Intended tn llmllrlnto hnvn en fnr ucen ucnieii by tnoso responsible for Its affairs. It was pointed out that tho first problem to bo disposed of was to put the bank on n paying basis. After tnis nns been effected the directors will then take up the question of whether or not to continue activities. In nnv event it Is not expected thnt there will be any immediate chango In the present policy. As in tho case of the recent sale of Its Argentine affiliate, the fianco Mercantile y Arrlcola de Buenos Aires, the disposal of more of Its brunches nnd nlilllntes may be ef fected in the future if favorable oppor tunities present themselves nnd such ac tion is in keeping with the policy of the bonk at the present time. TUB TRADER. Raw Sugar Market Quiet New York, Sept. 20. Tlw! raw minnr mar ket remains oulet nnd unchanced on th busts of -Is c. i f. Importation were IS. 000 biws I'orto n'cos and J4C0 basrs fosta nicna conelitnrd to Importers. Tho lncnl reflnprt market Ij unohanned at 5.fl0c to S nnc. less 2 per cent for cah for Una Brnnututed. Financial Briefs Th vrit prlo of th twenty active lr QUHiriai lincKH qdcuiku U.I I lr cent rrn- terday to Tn.ofl. while thn twenty railroads accimeo. u.io per cent i" i4o. noureau A Evans announce that they have opened a hond aepariment under tno mnn aeement ot Warren T. Hamilton. O roue earnlnm of 13,113.07$ aro reported hv tin, Market fltraet Aallway for tha four month ended July SI. Net tarplnra after taxes and After Inclnaton nf mlaenllanenus Income amounted to IRON, 407. and surplus after flxed charges S242.5I1, Itecently tho city engineer 01 nan l'rancieco niacea a val uation of 110:000.000 on the cnmpany'a prop erties. The Voters will rieMrift Ihla fall whether they wtnt the city to take over the system, . The TVnneylvanta Hankers' Association has sent out a circular ntklnr puhllo co operation In an effort to limit operations of tellers of worthless securities. The cam paign Includes use In movlna-picture theatres of slides asking prospective Investors to "ask your banker" heforo buylnc stocks and lunui ot wnicn iney kiwiy notnine. Atchison' loadings last week were 80.SOS cars or 290 morn than a year ago. rhls Is first weekly Increase this year. This gear's totnl Inndlngs to date are 057,829, oft 2 0-10 per cent. Tnld In capital nf the flnuthwark National Dank lias been Increased by 1230.000 to fSOO.noo and surplus by 12.10.000 to infiO.OOO, maklmr capital and surplus 11.1.10,000. Au thority fur the Increase was voted last sum mer. The Minneapolis. Bt. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie nallwriv Company was authorized to day by tho tnterstato Commerce Commission o Issue and sell at not less than DTU per cnt of par and accrued Interest (Ki.OUO.oon f ten-year flli per oent nollattriil tru'.t colld i onus; to issue ana pieage ns collateral se curity for the proposed collateral trust uold bonds! J12,r.OO,000 of first rffunrtlni: mort gnro bonds, nnd to procure authentication and delivery of tho carrier's treasury of $2. M10.UOO of first refunding; mortgai?e bonds tn be held In treasury until the further order of the commission. Today's Range In Liberty Bonds High I-ow Liberty 3V4s 87.1)0 87.74 Liberty 2d ls.... 80.10 80.00 Liberty 1st 4Vis.. 80.28 80.10 Liberty 2d 4s... 80.30 80.18 Liberty 3d 4V,s.. 02.04 02.81 Liberty 4th 4.s. SO.fiO 80.30 Vic Notes 3-s... 00.0(1 00.00 Vic Notes 4s. .. 00.08 00.01 l:30 V. M. 87.84 80.10 80.28 80.30 02.02 ao.no on.rm 00.00 DIVIDEND8 DECLARED Bteel and Tubo Company of Amerlrn, nuar terlv 1 H per punt on preferred, payable Oc tober 1 to Mock of record Septoml-cr CO Dodge Manufacturing Companv. quarterly 1H per cent on common and lai per cent on preferred. Common 's payable October 3 to stock of record September 24 and pre. ferred October 1 to stock of record Septem ber 24. Philadelphia and Western Hallway Com pany, fiuarterly H4 per cent on preferred, payable October IS a registered Septem ber 30. New England TeIephon and Telegraph Companv, qunrtorly of 12. payable Sep tember 30 to stock of record September 21. New York Bonds SALES IN SIOOOl Adams Exp 4s 1 OJH A S ft II' (Is 1 77 1 11 Am T It. T clt 2 "an Am T T Ss 0 SO Am T A T o T.... 2..., B..., 8.... 14.... 20.... (1. jno'i 100 100 J 00 100 101 mi A T A 8 l"o Is 1. 20. 1. 2. 78tt 78 78 i 78H 2 78A Atlantic nef'g ct OUs i.... mm llalt A O.ilo cv 0 7,1 llalt A O 3Hs 2 88 llalt A Oho 4s 1 70 Halt A Ohlj ns 1 72 2 72W Halt AOhln ns 2 03 U A O P I, B A W Vn 4 s 1 08 Halt A Oho S Vn 3" 2.... 83 11 A O Tol 4s 1 B(l llkn Udl P 7s 2.... 102 2.... 102 1.... 102 Hush IIM'K 5s 1 73 Canart'n Nthn 0'4s rets 1.... 101 4.... 101 Canad'n N 7s r.... 104 B.... 101 1.... 1014 1.... 104-14 Cent of On (1 2 04 Ctl Paiinc 1st 70S Cero de Pasco Cop'r 8s 1.... 108 1.... 108; 1.... 108l C A O cv 4s 1 70 C'k A O cv ,1s 1 84 C A A char Bs 8 BBU Chi Hurl A Q II 3a 1 74 C II A Q ns 102 2.. 1. 1. fJ, 2. DB , 0B , 0R , DB IIBt Oove't K It 8s 2.... 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.. 1.. 1.. (I'd T'k Os wl 3. 2. 1. 2. B. O'd Trunk 7s 1.... 101 O Nothn II 7s 03 0R 0B 0.1 0B 1.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 4. 102 102 102 102 102 Hock'g V 4s B 74 Hud A Man M B 07; n 07 2 07 Hud A Man In 1.. 4.. 31.. 8.. IB.. 10.. 2. 4B 4.1 4S1i 4.1 4B 4B 4.1 Panna n n 7s 1.... 10 2.... 101 Heading Co 4 2 70 1 70 nep Chile rct 1 08 1.... 08 1 08 2 08 nep'e of lira guy 8s wl 1 00 2 00 nio O ft Vn clt 4s 1 B7 Home Wntr'n A Og en ' 2 00 St L, I n Mt A S'n nty 4s 1 7fl Htl, I Mt A 8 n i a div 4s 2 72 St I. A B P ej 2 00 1 00 1 00 St t. A S V In 10 67 1 87 St Lo A 8 Ff Series A Int M ct 4s 12 12 Interb II T fd B.. 10. 03 03 08 03 03 S4V 04 Bin B4 78 S4 04 B4 To All Telephone Users Become a partner in the "Bell System" by purchase of American Telephone and Telegraph Company stock. We believe that there are few, if any, concerns in this country whose positions are more secure BECAUSE : B. 1. B 1 1 10. 1. Chi 1 Financially Its Jissets in value equal not only all its in debtedness but also at least twice the par value of its outstanding stock. Its stock holders have paid in, IN CASH, much moro than the par value of the stock. There is no "water" in the capitalization. Commercially Its growth is sure and steady regardless of the ever-changing business conditions. As it has come to be more and more recog nized as a necessity, its expansion is more rapid than the growth of the country itself. Earnings THE AMERCAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY has never paid a dividend which it has not earned with a wide margin of safety. It is now earning at the rate of about $12 per share plus its equity in the undivided earnings of its con trolled companies. Record For forty consecutive years the Company (with its predecessor) has paid uninter rupted dividends of at least $7.50 per share. The Directors have now placed the Company upon a $9.00 per year divi dend basis. Prospects THERE is a large business in sight and the evidence of the past points to an endless increase. Distribution The $515,000,000 stock of this Company is owned by more than 175,000 different people, an average of about 29 shares to a stockholder! We believe that no other Company in the world, having no pre ferred stock, has so many stockholders. It has many stockholders in every State and is adding new ones faster than ever before in its history. Politically The Company is "NOT IN POLITICS." The Public Commissions NOW know that this is true and they know that the Oper ating Companies endeavor to be fair with the public and with the Commissions. They therefore almost universally accord fair treatment to the Company. Character A CORPORATON may be quite right in all the above respects but still be unsound be cause of its management. This Company is sound. This Company has CHARACTER in its Management, sound, honest, faithful intel ligent CHARACTER. Its traditions are those of fair treatment and efficient service to the public ; its per sonnel is saturated with these ideals from its President, H. B. THAYER, all through the organization and through the organiza tions of its associate companies. . .. 102 ... 102 ... 102 ... 102 ... 102 ... 102 Hwys Ss ... 04 C It I A P fd 2 "... 70 Chicago Union Htn. ct 0a 1.... 100 Chile Cop'r Os 1 73 City Heme 8s 2.. . 001 Cty Chrls'a 8s 2.... 101 City of Copen hagen 6s 1 81 2 81 C N Yk 3'BJ 2 73 City Paris 03 1.... 00.15 City Zurch 8a 2.... 101 B.... 101 Cl'd Cln Chi A StL gm 4s 1 70 1 70 Colo A S'n 4s 1 8.1 Cons'd Oas 7s 1.... 101 Cuban A S 8s B 08 1 DO Del A Hud cv 10 84t Denmark Con ct A 8a 1.... 102 Den A II O 4s 1 07 D A H O 4s 1.. 71 Det Edl Co Os 1 01 Dot U H 4s 1.. . BS'S Do Canada '20 1 03 Do Cnnnda'31 8 00 D do Nenviurs Pdr 7s 1.... 1.... B.... n.... 3.... 2.... 1.... 1.... I M Marine Os 1 78 Jap Uovo't 1st 4 8B Jap Oove't 4s 2 00 Kan C A S 8 1 BO KCT Rly 4s 1 78 1 74 B 78 Keokuk A Des Moines 6s 4 03 K Helglum Os 2 0.1 B 01 1 03 K Helg'm 7s 3.... 102 3.... 102 1.... 102 K Oelg'm rets 1.... 101 2.... 101 K Sweden Us 3 80 Lack Steel 'SO 2 70 Lake Shoro M S 4s '31 1 85 Lehigh Val tls 2 87 f. 1st n Ss '37 1 00 L A J Odge 4s 1 08 Lo A Nash 7s 1.... 101 3.... 104 Mkt 8t Hy 1st 1 73 Mex Pet'm 8s 0 00 1 00 Mid 8 A Or Bs 1 77 1 77 1 7T M StP A 8 Ste M 0s wl 1.. 10.. 2.. 1.. 1.. St Ito A 8 Fr Series O 1 70 St Lo A 8 Pr Series C 1 01 St P'l Minn A Manlt'a 4s 1 88 Sao Paulo of Hraill ct 8 8 03 Heab'd A I' J 1 20 St Clair Con Oil Corp Bs S B3 Sinclair C Oil Corp'n 7s 1. 4 1 1 S'n Hell 7S. 02 02 02 02 T Bs 83 S'n PaclOc fd 78 78 78 78 78 1 1 20 1 1 8'n Pao cv 4s Hsale) 83 Stand'd Oil of Calif 8s 3.... 10i Swu'd Con 8s 1.... 100 a.... 100 Third Ave aj B 38 Tidewater Oil Co ct 0s 0 07 Union Pac cv 1 82 Union Pao 4s 1 02 1 82 U K Ort llrlt A I'd 1021 1 00 U IC Ort llrlt A I'd 1022 S 08 U K Ort Urlt A I'd 1020 1 80 4 80 1 80 2 80 00 00 00 00 00 T 4s 03 no no vi nn-s oo no ns oo Erie (Inl Lien 1 43 1 43 2 43 Hrlo H H cv A 2 3S Erie It H cv D 1 37 Krle A Jsv (In 1 . 82 risk llub'r Co 8s wl 13 09 i . no flene'I Kite flu 2 .. 101 Onodsetir Tiro A Itub r Hs 2.... 102 10 (1 1 3 B Mj K A 1 Mo Pacific 4s 1 54V, Mo Pacific 3n 0 70 M A O St L A Cnlro Ss 1 78 Mont'a Ctl Os 1.... 103 3 103 Mont Pwr Bs 1 80 N T Cent'l 4s 10 80 ' Y Ctl on 4s 1 71 2 71 N Y Cent'l Os 1 03 3 03 S n.v. 4 03 N Y Cent I 7s 1.... 103 New V N II A II 4s of MO 1 3N N Yk Tel 4s r 8 1 3 84 8 84 New Y W C A Host 4s 1 33 Nfk A W'n 4s 1 70 North West'n II Tel'e 7s 3.... 10,'PJ 1 103 1 103 2.... 103 1.... lO.'H. N I'aclllo It 4 1 77 3 77. 2 .... 77, N Pacific H Os 4.... 10. 3 102 Vj Nth S Pwr Ss 3 02 Parard Motor : 80 ! 80 U IC Ort llrlt A I'd 1037 1 80 1 M 2 60 U S Brazil 8s 8.... 100 1 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1.... 100 V 8 Mexico 4s U S Mexico Bs lO(salc) B4 1 . 1.. 3. 102" j 1"24 102 Oove't French It 7h rets We recommend the purchase of its shares, which are now selling" at about $106.50 per share, and should be glad to receive orders for any amount from one share up or to give any further information desired. 0 mi 0.1 !:. ns n.i n.i n.1 (Mil, ts Car 8s 1... , I 1 1.... P.i H cm 4 'is 1 81 Tenna It It Ss 1 80 Penna It fls 07 07 07 07 4.. 1 I 1. 101 imiT, 100 101 100 101 1 73' 1 73' V V 0s wl 1. 4.. 3 . I.. 4.. 101 1, 101 101 mil, 101 101 2 .. 1111 W-st'h'e Hieo A Mfk- 7s 2 . 102 1 .. 102 1 . . 102 2 102 Wis Cent'l 4s 2 71 L Kidder, Peabody & Co. 18 BROAD STREET 115 DEVONSHIRE STREET NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS Thos. A. Biddle & Co. established mt 424 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA "We do not guarantee the figures and stutenients contained herein. ut t'.iey aro Uken fium sources whloh wa believe to bo rellabls, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New orlt. K.pt. 20. Them woh i sternly tom throughout the entire list of axeliuiigp rates thin morning, there oolnc hut xnmll clinnge in qii'itatioiiN, ns eiimpureil with jcxterilny'n' limit. Iliere uns a fllxpoyltlnn to believe thnt ' .sterling will work lower within a Hhort ' time, when eominereinl hills begin com ing into tho murket in volume, as mut neeeksiirlly be the case as soon ns cot ton begins (lowing to murket in uny considerable amount. , The following (juotntionH were re- ! loriloil : .J; "I sterling a.71H. cable. .ilr's; franc cables 7.0li-., checks 7.05'...; lire cables -1.11. checks -l.'Jl); Swiss cables K.L'n. checks 17. '.M ; guild er cnbles .'(l.fi.T .'IimcUm .'tl .in. im.. cables 7.00. checks (l.il'.l ; peseta entiles lli.ori. checks lS.O.'lj .Stockholm cables ;'" ulceus -'i.iki; riiristlniila cables ll'.lir.. cheeks l'.MIO; Copenhagen cnbles I 17.70. checks 17.0." j marks .114. I TllO (Vll trill Klinwimtn ,w silt m. ....... were generally week, particularly (Ireek I mui'ii iiiuiie a n.v low on tills move ment. (Jiiotathns were; ltiimntiinn .117, Austilnn .Oll'-i. Hungarian .ixi'. Serbian 1.7Mj. Ittiljcnrlmi .71. n.m.i 4.11.", ('(Cecho-Slovaklan 1 .18. .luirci. Slavlnn AWiC 1'olMi .()2W.. The premium on New York funds In ' .Montreal tmlny was lower nt ll'x, p,T iriu. iiiiniiinn iiiniis in .New York were stendltr at UV per cent iIIncouui. YBSTKnilAY'H PINW Ol'OTATMNN Hlerllnu Krunis I. re llu IiIits Demand 1.71 7 ii-. 8n ai 41 CnbU-s 3.71 7.0(1 4 21 31 60 TjllnV'H iml-'VIIv.n ntvrtt.n.... 8,.,ll'.n Francs Lire Uu Wars Demand 3.71 7.03 4.20 Si in . Cable 3,71 7.08 4.21 81.05 ' $1,540,000 Public Service Railway Company 7!4 Equipment Trust Certificates, Series E (ISSUED UNDER PHILADELPHIA PLAN) Bankers Trust Co., Now York, Trustee Guaranteed principal and dividends by the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey Warrants for semi-annual dividends mature February 1st and August 1st. Certificates and dividends payable at the office of the Trustee. Certificates in denom inations of $1,000 each may be registered as to principal. Dated August 2, 1920, maturing semi-annually as follows: On February 1, 1922 $140,000 On August 1, 1922 $140,000 1, 1923 $140,000 1, 1924 $140,000 1, 1925 $140,000 1, 1926 $42,000 1, 1927 $42,000 1, 1928 $42,000 1, 1929 $42,000 1, 1930 $42,000 ii if ii i it ii a ii ii ii 1, 1923 $140,000 1, 1924 $140,000 1, 1925 $140,000 1, 1926 $42,000 1, 1927 $42,000 1, 1928 $42,000 1, 1929 $42,000 1, 1930 $42,000 ii it U II II II II II II II 41 II Secured on following equipment: 200 Safety Cars 15 Snow Plows 100 Trailer Cars 15 Snow Sweepers EQUITY Cost of Equipment $2,434,400 Equipment Certificates Issued 1,820,000 Equipment Certificates Matured and Paid 280,000 Initial Cash Payment 614,000 Total cash paid $894,000 or 36 of cost of Equipment. The Public Service Corporation of New Jersey was incorporated 1903 in New Jer sey, under perpetual charter. It operates through the medium of subsidiary corpora tions all the gas, electric and street railway business throughout the larger cities and more populous districts of the State, excepting the shore resorts, the gas business in the City of Elizabeth, and the street railway business in the City of Trenton. The cor poration serves one of the most important industrial, commercial and residential sec tions of the United States, having a population of nearly 3,000,000 and an area of 8,224 square miles, and receiving a constant overflow population and industry from the great centers of New York on the north, and Philadelphia on the south. The net income of the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey and subsidiary companies as reported by them for the year ended December 31, 1920, showed a sur plus over all charges and available for dividends of $2,218,408. The maximum annual total of principal payments and dividend warrants on this issue amounts to $391 650 We offer these certificates, subject to prior sale, when, if and as received by us at 100 and accrued dividend, to Yield 7l4 Plympton, Gardiner & Co. 40 Wall Street reliable. Cassatt & Co. Philadelphia New York, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Scranton The Information contained in this advertisement has been obtained from sources which wb consi.i.r. e. While not Guaranteed it Is accepted by us as accurate. consider New York Exempt From All Federal Income Taxes Duval County, Florida Bridge 6s, 1931 Price to yield 5.62 CITY OF Middletown, N. Y. Street 5xs, 1924-35 Price to yield 5.30 -5.10 Town of Islip, N. Y. School District 5s, 1929-1933 Price to yield 5.35, Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Jirvr Turk Itostou ChlrntTO Detroit September Investments Investors with funds on hand at this time will find it to their advantage to study our list of offerinpts of Canadian Government and Municipal bonds which have both prin cipal and interest payable in United Stutes funds. Added to the paramount fac tor of safety of principal these bonds enjoy u broad international market while American investom may now purchase them at prices which yield 6.50 to 7.50 Write for Circular P-020 Wood, Gundy & Co. liunrpnrnt-Ml 14 Wall Street, New York Torontn I.omlnn, Kiik. Mnn'rriil M tlllllprK rprr, Ii : izzz'u ' .." . , m jssrsssr r ' " "" I Self Preservation Is Nature's First Law TO PROTECT oneself and those close to one is a natural instinct as old as time. From the days of bare hands or the war club, self protection has developed with civilization into many complex divisions. One of these divisions is insurance life, accident, fire, etc., and latest, but far from being least Credit Insurance. It is almost an instinct for most to protect themselves, their homes or their buslnesies with the first named forms of insurance, and as a better knowledge of Credit Insurance is had, no business worth while will be without it, for it is the only perfect safeguard against excess loss from failures. To get that better knowledge ask our agent today. OUUSUPEIV " SERVICE dfcPeaSF AT YOUR. SERVICE Established Eighteen Sixty-nine Losses Paid In ArnericftnCurrcncy LONDON GUARANTEE AND o ACCIDENT COMPANY LTD R. A. IRVING. General Ant-P,4i1 it7....A.r: Xtlt. "A" .?.m.!V: M-naaerAII ethereally l.nes. " wiii-nuiHimunTu , wiinitr Sr v . . " ATiinniMi n tiun int.- fflcrticll Sron. & (Co. gubllr Utility lieruHtiro fiock xrbanne Bullhlnn. Jhila. American Gas & Elec. Pfd. Lehigh Pr. Sec. 6s, 1927 Portland Rwy., Lt. 6c Pr. 5s, 1942 1'iiunrsi l.uiui uo-i-K-.l-i Prlmts I'hmiss lo Nw York llostnn NEW ISSUE $45,000 NORTHEAST TOWNSHIP ERIE COUNTY, PA. 20-Year Road Improvement 54s Non-Callable Dated September 1st. 1921 De September 1st, 1941 v t r. ,Intc,TVH March l8t nnd September 1st Free of Pennsylvania State Tax Exempt from Federal Income Tax FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed VnluMlon, 1921 t2 ,,R ... Estimated Real Vnluo "' 'J Total Debt (including thi. issue) . . . . , ,. , ,. '. '. ' ' ' ' 'oZ Favorable Iwl "Pinion of Men,. IlrooUs rcnllRh A Qulnn. 'f Krle, Vu 1 rice 103 & Int. to yield over 5.25 Circular on requeit TOWNSEND WHELEN & CO Members of .Vciu Vorfc and I'hihulelphta Stock Kxchanpra I I I Vtr lrtr , Krruniini'iiil for Imrslinrnt Penna. Water & Power Co. Stock Yieldinj 8.20 JosepKW.Gross &Co. 1421 Chostnut Street Coi-re;iondsnts Aldrmd ft Co '' " - ' -. Si S I We wish to announce that we have opened a Bond Department under the management of Mr. Warren Hamilton. Boureau & Evans Member. n',I:i',,,':p'',0ri. "" I I iilrHco Hoard of Trd 130 South 13th Street, Locunt ClBi Phlladolphls llaoe 1711 - ii r I I if is. , US r . IF 'I t I t I h. ; ,41. :dr ,1 , ri J if i i i v 4 . Juan,-1 '&.'.' M ..& .. i Artrj2M