Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 20, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 21, Image 21

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    '" y
EEtCTGfr TUEStA.fv EEgTEMBM 20, 1921
f ' '
y Defeats Scrubs in First Perm Scrimmage of Season, Four Touchdowns to Norte
P" ,' r
Eight Runs in Eighth Spell De
feat for Mays and Yanks and
Loss of Top Rung
vf.M runt In the eighth Inning off tlic
XtvlAcrof the American League
T.St P tchcr o member of the lea. -
,ndr a 'lnv In the pennant dash, is
M, or a ""J " . Tiger this morn-
,hepr.0,ii ov "it bar Ivi their chairs In
" n! .iW hotels In New York.
"Ji'vaw t lo submarine bnll artlHt
9,rl tSl tw rlor In ' the American
,BdI?wmi twcntv.five victories,
'''"J10. J tnsk of winning his twenty
Wftesttrday nflcrnoon.W ho prove,
.l For seven Innings he hurled
, beautiful a game n 0ronn,u. Aa
P,ny.m0?Blrd to lo anything.
hrobb a d hi" hlreilngn, smarting
rrr Cobb ami ii kj t0 ti,Pm on
onfc L 'J iloyt and McNnlly,
8undtnTthclr wrath In the eighth Inning
rM?.nr ami punched out an octet of
jMtcrdnr ami I hl l0werB mid
ff?Rhawk"rok the hill In uh enort
,0 FC?n,l before the ninth frame wan
""'AS TUwr two more runs had
fiSM nnf W-lto Iloyt was back
The,f,n 'Stiiilp of the sce-the-&unu".
ScriM n-Oothnm crowd, read
Sti 0. Col" was f"ccJ t0 use tl,VC
Eighteen to J'w ff tlic bnl9
'.Ke Si cracked out twelve,
while ie "" .v(.rP charged ngninxt
?hflS"nMnndPrtwo against Cobb's
t? Cdftn,lT5STn ffl.
?? ? 'fi divs an 1 Cleveland idla , a
lt.?Te.d. f l,o vnearios of the
Tj.i. 4 mned right ba:k Into the top
,CUifter an absence of twenty-four
"C U"tl National W the PI
?. minnccd to break the long win
S.5k of the Giants by taking the
W nme of the scries, two to one.
I- .h-nlebt had been taken by the
'Y rkeri up to vestordny. with In
n" po ntin : to a tenth. In the
S Inning the Ginnts counted one off
Bbc A "ms but after that they were
IM m lew by the veteran, who per
ttlttflsx hits during the nine frames
Fen's single, a steal and single by
fjung counted the only Giant run.
Three and a " Games
As it stands thin morning, three and
the Pirate;., with the odtls favoring the
men of (lot mm. mcy iuhciu ..
B. .' ..i... ,..i,iin Hk 1 rates huve
twelve. ThV Giants must win seven i of
their remaining games m.; "
rates nre winning ten out of the dozen
remaining for the lend to change. With
tho Oiants going ns they have been for
the Inst three weeks or more, the pen
tint neeinu to belong to the Isow lork-
MAs nmial. the two looal teams lot
jMterdav. tho Athletics dropping their
tenth straight, the lirowns in the opcu
iDr game turning tlic trick. 7 to 4,
r... tll,a l.noft.,1 Wllhur llilbhcll
In a twirling duel out In St. LouIb and
the Cards dctoateit tno i-iuis im- w
fourth time. TIip fina.1 flgifres rend o
to 3. Tho Cards bnnged out an even
dozen hits off Hubbell, wlille llninca
pernltted eight. . ,
The Red Sox won botli cnd3 of a t In
VI1 1 , (t, VI,(n Jnt nn In ltonn-
town Tctitcrdny. Hush and Ivnrr turning
in tnc victories over i-oiiiiiuij' uau
Thompson, two rookie'.
In the Niitlonnl League Hcott and
McQulllen had the edge on Itlxcy nnd
Coumbe in n butting duel which the
Braves won, 0 to G,
f Boo5 and Saddle
Fair Phantom appears best in the
nepchcre-:! I.nno Ilnndlcap nt I.atonin
today. Violinist nnd Carpenter should
IIVAlint fn.. .n.nnml n,il ftitil .lf.Aa
a-lVllllb II, I rrvUIIU .11.,, ,1,1.1. ,(W., It
The HeechcreMt Is n six -furlong dash
xor two-ycnr-oiiis, sixth on the card.
Other lioises well placed aro : First
race, Dlnek Hncklo. Lou Wlldrlg. Ln
Derniere; second, Hutchinson, Sain
mander. Iliicklnglinm ; third, Diana,
Gloria Frnncc, Hidden Jewel: fourth,
Bttlnn. 'litt Ktn Ti'niinct.ln fifHi
Jack Hnre, Jr., bullion, Sewcll Combs';
M,n,ti 1 .--I X... , Vlt.l !
At Ottawa: First race, Hnppy Bux
ton, Fast Trinl, Xnvisco; second, Mu
eto, Lndy Mildred, Tnlent; third,
laddy Hoar, Tnrnscon, Hib: fourth,
Duke Ruff, Iltey T.. Ulazoury : fifth.
Mown of Gold, Illnnipy Hoy, Lndy
dranltr' ctrtl, n.,i- T..rr ....:...
. - -,., .,ui ikuii, inn,', , uh
VBle. Mormon Klder; seventli, Ilour
fion Green, Just Fancy, She Devil.
At Aqucdurt: First race, Tricks,
Ooodhcart, Adclin S. ; second (steepl
Me) Uobert Oliver, Algurdi, Docl
wve; thlid. Dominique, Krowcr, Ned
4m: : fourth, Devahtatlon, Two Fcntli
ers, bedgelield ; fifth, Last Girl. AVltoh
ork Lady Uelhi ; sixth, Carefree,
wrecker, Ruddles.
Scraps About Scrappers I
Varsity Eleven Shows Brilliantly in First Scrimmage
of the Netv Season Scores Four Times
on Scrub Eleven
New Athletic Head
"If enlrlt. enthusiasm, fight, vim.
dnsh nnd nil the other words used to
deflnp stlck-to-lt-lvcncsfl count for any
thing we should have a good football
team this Benson. Mark me, I did not
say a t-rcnt football team or winning
one, but a good one." John Vv". Hcls-
mnn, ticad coach of tho University of
Pennsylvania gridiron tenm. wns talk
ing. "The wny those candidates showed
up yesterday afternoon Is criterion
enoiiffh to nroVn that they have the ohT
spirit. Tho willingness of the squad
Is something the conches have been taiK
lng about for days. Everybody Is
smiling, things look bright nnd I am
confident, once ngalu, that wo nre go;
lng to have a good team thin season.
Conch Helumun echoes the senti
ments of the other coadies. Bill Hol
lcnlmck, Gus Zlcglcr, Uy Levcne,
Bert Bell nnd Lou Young are nil of
tho tamo opinion. The Ann 8P'r.it
shown by the varsity and scrub cnndi
dotes, their eagerness to learn, ana
their desire to let nothing slip by them
hnvo made the coaches feel Hint they nre
In as members of n new era for lieu
and Bluo footbnll teams.
Great Fighting Spirit
The casunl spectator out on Frank
lin Field yesterday could not help but
bo Impressed by the great fighting
spirit displayed by Cnptnln Bex V rny
and hln mates. It was first mani
fested In tho enrly practice drills when
the four-score candidates went Hirougli
the preliminary drill with n spirit that
makes for the right kind of gr dlrrm
teams. They fell on tho bnll. hit the
tackling dummy, caught forwnid pnsbes
inn down linger punts, nnd performed
the ordinary tasks of the early season
drills with n vim nnd a zest that bo
speak well for the future.
When the scrimmage drill started,
the scrubs, anxious to show their wares
after their two weeks practice under
McNnmnrft and Hollenbnck, sturted a
drivo against tliu varsity that looked
great. However, Bex Wray nnd his
squad got under wny nnd counted tour
times ngninst tho weond btring players
in tho fifty-minute scrimmage drill.
At the start Coach Helsman used
Bex AVray at quarterback, l'os Miller
nt left half, "Wlttmer at right half and
Lukas nt full back. Tho inc in
cluded Dav nt center. Thurmnn
nt right tncklc. and Gig Gcnthner lit
left tackle, Sutherland nt left guard,
Cochrane at right guard. McMullin
left end and Frtrcsvnng riglit end.
The combination worked to perfec
tion after tho first few minutes, but a
desire on tho part of Trainer Lawton
Robertson to prevent any possible in
; . ..... ... iw, nimiliri ordered a
corps of assistants to take the places
of the varsity, uwyer repmcuii -mcr,
Brydcn replaced Lukas, oegc
lin subbed for Miller, James tonic the
place of Wray. Foley went in tor Day,
I'Icrknski for Thurmnn, Greoiiawnlt for
McMullin, Humes for Gcnthner, Arm
strong nnd Bosennst alternated for
Ertrcvaag. Dern for Cochran nnd Oll
lete for Sutherland.
James Shows Speed
Tho first varsity scored a touchdown
... .,. n.., . ..... inimitiui nt nlnv. when
l'os Miller shot off tncklc for 4 yards
nnd the first score or ine ai-nnm uu
Franklin Field. Tho varsity line div
ing in low nnd hitting with force opened
a big hole for the Lebanon youth nnd
ho had little trouble slipping through
Tho second score came thiougli tne
medium of a forward pass, iv mcu
formotion nnd the scrub drawn back
gave Captain Bex Wrny the desired op
portunity, and he heaved the pigskin
"5 yards into the waiting arms of
Lukns, the up-State lad, and be
sprinted tho remaining 20 yards for a
touchdown. Tho Interference, it might
bo wild, was well-nigh perfect, nnd
Lukns went on his way uninterrupted.
After thc-c two scores Ilelsninn mnde
several changes, James, n newcomer,
tlifmSL5'"""''." P,n-"' hlniNeir under
O'Dovrdn v" " Ji0 nlllon u,uj :'IJ1
v"oa In .NIW York for his new protcuo.
crardin'1'? of, ,he ,w"t ,'ox,',, I" 'h w"'
cats ,?:. ? fvr.cy I.lilitcnmeln. of Chi-
"ut4linn,0' R loc"1 I'anlHin. scored a kno.k
Uc. ?n v "e,01"1 round out Johnny Wul
' In cw York inm WcoV:.
Vrimi1,,lu" ,.,"". Joo M-ndll and Kid
Hlrahv Vim ."'"'.'''hla Ptmticrs aro under
amnr Miller's wlnir.
StSp l?ii..?nnu?' rrimloH of tli ThondorK
I, ,"'', Hrl(, aK MVit Noirla street,
,''0ca1nn,'ll"r!ln has hl" f"1''1 ''',f'1 for
TVjlla?. n,. r,."-' Me'- """ rrnni-hcltl, Joiy
iy Jovcu und Clurli-y ilunuj.
rf IirVl,,,,,rV are '" ''"' "nder tli colors
110 ai i- l'r'''1 J,rei. imii Hammy Uoip,
4 l'rniiri n-r ,3n- 'tu-nm' "" "
ranKI noeno. lso.
'orSair i ' "', t"-'" nelKlit. H preparing-
ttnny n'j,' JI C"1"1, '"bniiy llocd und
,.?. "Uller. .1 fenllnTiieiulit I. nnilor tha
"HI K i'oe"'"1 Ullrte" ttl, "',0 il"e
teur11. ,,,'rk'. of Houlhwark, former nnvi
laitch ,,; '" rrnil to.- Ihiuis. IIU lout
'Kattr un "'"'"-ruunder with ilii i
Vut? I. r''2' ,in "I mined Ida first ihov
''m .. :? ,,"l';r. .'. n
tk n "'"" " uirnniicii ni urst Hio. ni
12 4 , rOOtll 111 ., .Ill nu fnllnll.l r.irlt
" Slfr.M '"""y Woluni-t. lliiv i:.ns
HBoks "" " Karl Hnrtman m,. Terry
SEPT. 21 TO OCT. 1
(Eastern Stundnnl Time)
Speelal l-rnn.ylyanliv It. I. Irnln
Ie.ne Ilrouil Hf. Htutlon 12:34 r. M.I
lVrst l'lilla., 1S:3 I. JI. direct to
course. hurrlnl . nnd O. train
IrnVe-T 21lli and Cliestmit Sis.. 12i30
I'. M.
Admission firiimlslnnd r l Tad
dock, $1.(1.1. Includlne Gincrnment
nnST RACK AT 230 P. M.
IMilla. Country Club Bain
(TaKr I'nrk Trolley to Wiiodslde)
V, S. Aon Made, ('apt. 1". i:. finest.
II. C. M.icoii, I)eereux Jllluurn
I, K. fitoil.luril. Ilodiniin WnnninnUrr.
iV wi tson Wfbii. it. j:. '""J1r,l,'l!lf "
Tickets, 55c, 1.10, $2.20
n t i c i:
Notice Is hereby bIwii (hut nnll.f
1'n'rliliiK Hl''; ;' TI'l(S,"rc,",er"'1
for lust Satiiriliu's Oiinu-, .Sept. 11, are
canceled. .... ii.t,,.iion nnd
TlrUctB for future cuiiien, inunt upply us
lMfi.rv nt tut wnirr "i i" ""
I1AI.A. 1A.
A. A.
showing brilliant form. He wns sub
bing for Captnin Bex Wray. Shortly
after he entered the fracas he grabbed
a pnsfi from Foley nnd sprinted through
n big hole In the scrubs, right side for
25 yards nnd n touchdown.
A few minutes nfter II. nnd when
Ilelsman had ordered a few more plays
before the aliowcrs, Jnmes found a big
moid in the right side of the scrub line
nnd, straight-arming his way through
the backs, went 45 yards for a touch
down. Outside of n natural tendency to be
.offsides as the result of curly-season
earnestness, the vnrslty showed excellent
driving power nnd fight. Few mistakes
were made for the first scr,lnnnngo drill
of the season, nnd fumbles were con
spicuous by their nbsenco. The knowl
edge of signals, which evldcntnlly had
been drilled Into the qund by the
conches with all the earnestness neces
sary in the early part of the season,
must hnvo told, for except on one oc
casion, when a player did not hear tlic
signal called by the quarterback, there
was no muffing of the pigskin.
Whltohm In Togs
Big Mike Whltehill, the former But
gers Ind, bronzed from n long summer
in the outdoors nml nnxinim tn not Into
the drill, gave n punting exhibition that
thrilled the crowd that wended Its wny
into the field before the "Secret Prac
tice ' sign wns tacked up on tho big
north stand gate. On several ocensions
n uiiL'iiiii hoot, inc pigsicin uown mo
field for fifty-live and sixty yards nt n
It Is said thnt tiio conches of the
vnrslty squad have been forced to
change their abbreviated Hcismnn shift
considerably since the meeting of tho
Utiles Committee last Saturday night.
It wns not noticeable yestcrdny. tho
shift being used but seldom nnd then in
such n form that It was hardly recog
nizable ns n shift. There is n certain
reticence about the conches when tbey
arc asked about the shift, with the re
sult that only the rcgulnr games will
display the real nttnek promised for
opposing tennis this season.
VKf-'- H5fff:'""JsssssssssssssB
Evan3 Bowled by Wookey After
Five Tallies in Match
Against Canadians
Ho lias boon elected president of the
Mlddlo Atlantic Association of tho
Amateur Athletic Union
New Yorker Has Slight Margin Over
Phlla. Boxer In Boston Ring
Boston, Mass., Sept. 20. Johnny
Dundee, the New York lightweight,
won the decision In his ten-round bout
with .Too Tipllti!. of Philadelphia, nt
the Fenway A. C. meeting, in tho Bos
ton nrenn here, nttcr ft decidedly close
nnd interesting bnttlc. Dundee scored
the more often, showed thu grenter
science nnd the better ling generalship.
TlpliU has improved .ft lot since his
Inst showing hero.
' Freddy Madden, of Boston, wns
awarded the decision over Frnnkio Con
way, of Philadelphia, in their ten
round bout, much to tho surprise of the
fans, who booed the decision for fully
five minutes.
Holocovltch Knocks Out Cllne
Montreal. Sept. 20. Moo Ilnlscovlteli.
claimant of tho Canadian weltorwewht cliam
plonshlp. knocked out "Irish" rotsv Cllne.
of New York. In tho first round of a sched
uled ten-round bout hero.
Tho Canadian and All-Philadelphia
cricket teams met today on tho tabic
of the Philadelphia Cricket Club in
tho forty-fifth match between United
Stntcs nnd Canada.
The local expert went to bat first
nnd piled up twenty-eight runs with
the loss of only ono wicket. .1. Evans,
of Merlon, was the first Phllndclphlan
to bo put out. He wns bowled by
Wookey after tie had made ic tnllles.
Evans went to the crease with W.
Long, of Frankford, nnd their com
bined batting netted twenty-ono runs
before Evnns' wicket fell. Tho Canu
dlnn bowlers woio II. G. Wookey mid
L. Morrison.
Long continued his good work and,
with J. M. Grossman, of Merion, gath
ered another run. Tills brought lilf
string to beventccn. Crossmnn gitlnen
six runs.
Tho cricketers; diew stumps nt 1 :!'.0
for lunch. After the intermission the
will piny until 0 :30.
Tin- international mntches were
started In 18S4. Of tho forty-four
tiliivul America tins won twenty-seven
nnd Canada fourteen. Throe have been
drawn. Lnet year the All-Piilladelphia
tenm lost to All-Toronto In Canada by
nn inning and 100 runs.
Tho Canadian sqund Is composed of
G. E. D. Greene (cnptuln;, Toronto
Cricket Club; II. G. Davidson, Toronto
C'rirkct Club; Rogers Edwards. O'.
tuwa; W. C. Greene, Ho'-edale. To
ronto; A. M. Inglls, Toronto Cricket
Club: Mnrsdcn, Yorkshire: It. C. Mur
ray. l 1'robyn. Wcstmnunt. Montreal ;
II. S. Held. Northern; C. B. Somw
illo, London; II. G. Wookey, North
ern. The scoro:
.1 Krnns, b. Wookey r,
W i.oik, not out 17
J. M. Crossman, not out it
I VKAond
I todevelop
Broad below nalnbrldire Street
Monday Evg., Sept. 26
Reiervation$ for Scaaon Scats
Now Boohed
iiiintn am i.nrrnT stiikkts
h, "ts Now on Knlr for Openlnn Hhoir
We worked on Camels for years before we
put them on the market. Years of testing
blending experimenting with the world's
choicest tobaccos.
And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manu
facturing experience and lifelong knowledge
of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making
Camel the best cigarette that can be produced.
There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY.
And there's nothing else like Camels wonder
ful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and freedom
from cigaretty aftertaste.
That's why Camel popularity is growing
faster than ever.
A better cigarette cannot be made.
We put the UTMOST QUALITY into
Rum Scored for Week
in Three Biff Leagues
Cincinnati. . ml 0 22
Boston .... 1) 15
Ht. Louis... (I 5 11
I'hlllli-s .... 4 3 7
Chicago ... ft O
Pittsburgh. . 2 2
Nrw York. . 1 1
Brooklyn ...) 1 1
Iloston . .!. M 14
Detroit.... 2 10 12
New York.. 4 fl 10
Chicago ... 7 7
St. Louis. .. 7 7
Athletics... 4 4
Washington. 4 4
Cleveland .. i 1
Borhesttr ..127 10 n7
Syracuse ... 12 111 ,ii
Buffalo .... 12 17 20
Jersey City. 13 8 21
Baltimore .. 17 17
Beading .... 10 7 17
Toronto .... 211 m
Newark .. . j H 1 s
Thirty-two Aspirants for 'Chick'
Evans' Crown Tee Off
at St. Louis
8ets World Motorcycle Marks
Hrraense, N. y Sept. ;o. Saw world's
records for motorcscle rncea over a dirt
trade wem set here for tho one, Hve nnd
on-inlle dla nnres nt tho national motor
i?cif. cnrnplpnsirilpw. rred I.udlow. of the
llnrlev Daldaon raclni team, set all three
'i'S'.T. ' 10 L'" """.. for '"" ml!f" w"s 1
1 i... ..,'"lnl"' 1I,H ol" record was
mnut" so'. econds. I,udlnv.-s record for"
S...i. ... 7-"0 """"". Hitainst tn olii
nf... of .i,"i4.0- ami for iho mlM was 3
nn WA-i'4 s'"l. against V minutes
uwtuv nv.jiui,
Joe Reno Shades "Battling" Johnson
Trillion. V. .f . ha . . n
ship, shaded "llattllni:" Johnson, chnllenjer.
v-.tTi... . u" ' nKnl nl tno Arena here.
.,.".,Vlyn i."? J" ba,1y hurt at th
llnlsli. although Johnson was forced to hold
S?.. ', 1Unl round to snvc hlms-lf punlnh
'"iP.K. I"1t1hV,nl"lv'l.,,UI' Johnny Kins out
fousht lvld Burns, of this rlty. In eieut
rounds. Klmr did nil of thef orelns.
By tho Associated Tress
St-. Louis, Mo., Sept. 20. The first
round of match play for the nntlonnl
amateur golf championship was played
today over the links of tho St. Louis
Country Club after the contestants had
been reduced to thirty-two by Satur
day's elimination round nnd yestcrdny'd
thlrty-slx-holo qualifications In which
Francis Oulmct had the low medal Horn
of l-l-l, tying the previous record for
the event. The hl.tbest score to remain
In tho play was 102 with two tied for
the Inst place with 103.
As OuJuiet set ft course record pf
00, It. TJ. Kncpper, of Sioux City,
equaled n previous record of 70, while
other contestants displayed superb go f
nt certain stages of the game, even if
they did not keep up tho pace in thu
qualifying round. Excellent mntches
promised to mnrk the first day h holo-bv-hole
competition with two Britons
bidding for the title now held by Chicle
Evnns. who won it for the second time
Inst year.
In a pool Inst night Evans was fa
vorite with Bobby Jones, of Atlanta,
while Oulmet wns n close second, and
Bob Gardner wns third In esteem. 1.
D Armour. Scotland: Ivncppcr, .Tes-
(inilford. Boston; Willie Hunter, Brit
ish cbnmpion : George von Elm. bolt
Lake Citv: Reginald Lewis, Connecti
cut; Max Mnr-.ton. Philadelphia; Jess
Swcctser, New York; Harrison U.
.Johnson, St. Paul; James Manlon, St.
Five Leading Batters '
in Two Major Leagues:
amkhican i.KAmn:
I-lnyer :i(ib o. All, n.
Uellmann, petrol! ,118 B7I m
Tolilt, Iletrolt .....13.14117 Its
Itiith, New Yorlc.,,14? 8f iflT
glsler. Ht I.onls. ,VM ftlt I Iff
Speaker, Cleve. ... 120 4 SO 10(1
. rinver Club . fl. AH. It.
Ilornslir, fl. I.oiiU.tll fCIIJ US
lonrnler, Ht. IxiuU.lin Afll .l
Cutshnw, Pitta... , 01 StO 4(1
Itoiisli. Cincinnati,. ion SJI8 0
Mrltenry, Ht, Iritis. 141 Oil g
if. rn.
10 ,qi,
lOTi ,SAfl
sm .sin
II. rc.
221 .409
1.1A .AM
117 .814
13.1 .Sis
1H4 .310
Louis; E. Hoover Bnnknrd, Chicago,
and Boger Lord, of St. Louis, followed
In order.
Jones was medalist last year with
1C4, or ten strokes higher than yes
terday's best score, while seven were
tied for last place nt 1(1.". Evans, who
won by defeating Oulmct 7 nml 0, fin
ished eleventh with 100. wlillo Oulmet
and Gardner lied nt l.'fl.
The geographical dhtrlbutlon of the
contestants Is wider than ever before,
ranging from Boston to Senttlc.
II. Chandler Egnn, of Portland, re
turning to the contest after twelve
years' nbsenco, failed to qunllfy by oifc
stroke. The former titleholdcr dlsplnveil'
the r.pirlt of golf ln the elimination
round by nn net thnt attracted consid
erable attention. Putting on the six
teenth green he lifted his ball to allow
his partner to piny. Egnn's bnll hail
a large lump of mud on It nnd he might
veil linvc pushed It off with his finger
to nllow a "III-" niltt. but Hko n Iran
1 golfer he replaced ln hall cnrcfully
I with the mud rittttched and with the
I impediment toward his putter just ns
It line been when lifted. One of tho
spectators seeing the Incident remarked;
j "They can't indict him for thnt."
1 The first match to stnrt today was
thnt between Von Elm nnd Guilford.
rniieii irgnnst uuimcr, was .Mnx Manr
ton, while the defender of thr title.
Chick Evnns, nmtched his prowesn
against Charles Dexter, of Dallns. nml
Aimour crossed rlubs with Lee Stell,
of Seattle, Another Pacific coast golf
er, Clnrl; Spiers, of Seattle, plnved with
Gardner ajid It fII to Bnnkard to try
to npel the British clinmpioii, Hunter.
Wednesday mmeWA 111 HI IP IvkM
yr" f 1 -Jfm -utta .Mnift. BJ f If 5BIU
0 A. wJMMmxyUtMUmBk
rimmsm?mjimm& . i u r
WOfSiSBflSmvil1 Hi
Right in Lobby
Take Elevator
Look for the sign as you
walk in the Lobby. Ex
press Elevator takes you
up in a jut u no
crouds to elbow
thru, no loss
time no wait
Arrived Too Late For Our Opening Birthday Sale!
Val. to $25
I'll V " (Hill AVK. AM) CASinUIA
1 ""(uACKA.iAfit iiv:r1,i.T"'5
Baseball Today, 3:30 P. M.
Nllllli: I'AltK 1HT t Mr."ir.H AVK.
rillllll. 'yisxics . HI'. LOUIS,, ,
Kcsened Het Otabela- nnd Bpaldlni'
1 .- i
3 i iWJ, I SF-'EX m imwk r B
" LMHiJHlMttiN f "tfTTJ' EIss Bs
r 9 A JJ 111 J.
i cio'amuS" yyJ -
WBk ""'""' "" . REVNOLD3 TOBACCO CO., Wintton.SaUia, N. C, ji
" ' '" " :-;SS ,
Val, to $40
Most Suits With 2 Pair Fastis
1325 garments, representing a delayed shipment of
high-grade suits and overcoats which were pur
chased and "promised" for Monday's opening sale.
Due to a transit "mixup" they are only arriving as
we write and -will be placed on sale first thing
Wednesday morning.
The Best Suits and Overcoats
in the World for the Price
is the least and only word we can say for them!
"Why?" you ask! Because we bought them RIGHT
and at the RIGHT TIME when we got a "LUCKY
BREAK." That's all there is to the whole propo
sition !
SUITS in Unfinished Worsteds, Chcriots, Tweeds,
Cassimeres, Flannels, Homespuns and Pencil
Stripes in newest models.
Great, big, roomu
Ulsters, u o n n g
men's Ulstcrcttcs,
Fancg Tweed Over
coats, Half-belted
and Full - belted
Coats. Some half
sill; lined.
ft Hum wmKb8
wfi Wmmi KmWR .
$7, f
- i-'iJk'.:'y'' to 'J.'j
y.."miw - sr, 't'i-'aai!fia.iaivn.-i.uv"rf,fe-'ti!.-)t?f
ESVaTi-f .At 0.'jnit, 'lXi.,
,,j).,-.. Jif , .,' i,JZaiJaj&i,t!,n ,Btj.aFftt.Aifeft