'' . f .vw tJ sir - "' V MIS AND BOES IN CRUCIAL SERIES '' ;i 'I. f 'BTvTEOTKGr TOBLfife. LCT)OBPHlijADMJIBtA:, frftiPAY. SEPTEMBER " ' ' ' " "' """ t x . y.. ... . - . I .. t.i - n m 1921 'It' Tjiroe Wins by Now York and A ' Pirates Will Bo Virtually l Out of Race 'YANKS AND INDIANS WIN : r- ny0 anil n lmlf fines In the lend fc In tlio Nnllonnl ficnguo rttco the S fli.nts led liy Mcflinw and Jennings, i ffiJiVd I'HtBburgh hotel thl ng for Mint they hone nn1 think will be n pleasant and profitable four 'darn "to? i t l They aro not on n pleasure jaunt. htw Giants, but aro In Smoketown for It. .rowed nurposo of proving to tha Bac nnd the fans tlint only one team In the lcaguo Is worthy or meeting n-i American League team In the world's ries, and no whispering Is neccssnry J discover the name of the city own- ' hrcVof io four dny In PHtabunii -jll be used In nlnylng the real crucial . 'Sierof the National League. The i Wrfltft up ngaliiRt, the wall In thqlr efforts to regain tho lead they held so lone will meet n New lork Wnui Imbued with' one thought the chnm- ' Chip. And wllh thnt tliought aro idlied all the other thoughts thnt go to make up a club chuck full. of confidence, ' with n good pitching fctafE and an oc- ,tet of slucgcrs. i, Gltnon. whoso twiners , pulled him through to the top of tho heap during July and August, U up ngnlnst It fot pitchers juit now. Wilbur Cooper nnd Adam., who bore tho brunt In th 'early inonlliH of the tihmpnisn, arc In n pit, while Hie youncRters, with tho pos sible exception of Morrison, hnvp been fooling the batters In reverse English of f late. " Rtmcmbcr tho Last Series The (iinnts on tho other hand 'have " Nchf. Unmet. Douglnns. Toney nnd Tat Shea ready for duly. All have been twirling grent ball In tho last few weeks, 'flic Inst ecrlcs between the ' two clubs in Xl'W York is n matter of tlrtory. The Pirates riding on the crest of n wave of prosperity went to Ootham seven games In tho lend. When tuesMeft they were badly demoralised and Just two gnmea njiend. Slnco then tho Ulants have mautriip the remaining two games and two and a half more. If thol'Irates can turn tho tables on (he Giants by winning the three games of tho Bcrlcs the race will become once ngnjn more Intrlcnte, If tho Me Qrawlics are nblo to tnko three, straight or even two out of three tho I'lrntes might as well be counted out of the tnce, for It will menu n lead of cither flvo and a half gftinci or four and a half, n handicap that can hardly be mado up, , After the crucial scries tho Giants will hnvo nine games to play and the I'lrntes twelve. To loso the title the Giants- would hnvo to drop" six of tho remaining games, whilo the Pirates would be multiplied to win eleven of their last dozen games. Of course the foregoing Is nil based on the Giants making a elenn sweep of the series start ing today. All of which goes to prove Just how crucial the scries are and what George Gibson Is Up ngnlnst to bring a championship to tho Smoky City. Gain Another Gamo Yesterday the Giants edeed another gnme away from tho Pirates when they easily subdued tho llcds, whilo Boston was hanging n knockout on the Itucs. Itube Mnrquard nnd Jess Dames were having a flue hurling duel for four Innings out In Clncy, with tho score standing two all when tho expensive vlkltlng team started the fireworks that yielded n half dozen runs. The llcds came back In tho sixth nnd seventh with two runs In each frame, but they were short of the necessary couuters for even n tie. Wilbur Coopc, tho mnlnstny of the Pirate staff, was the victim yesterday. The veteran Scott bested him with case, the final figures reading 0 to '). The Plrhtcs flared up In the ninth nnd scored twice. Twelve hits were mndc by the visitors and seven by the home clnn. Over In the American League the SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE Bread and Sprlnu Garden Hts., I'hlla. DAY Classes In ELECTRICITY AND AUTOMOBILE A nine months' course In ELCC miCITY, both theoretic and practical. A tuo months' courso In AUTO ME CHANICS. rpulr shop cMicriuiiiu. tfnndlnjf remains he'itoo between "the innks and tho Indians, ino wrmcr won twe) t rdm, tho' Browns nnd tho lat ter trimmed our Athletics twice. Babe Until, the bchomcth of swat, inndo his fifty-fifth homer of tho se'nsou off Bnyne and created a new world's record for four-base ptys. Bliould Get Sixty With fifteen more games to go nnd with tho TJgers, the Indians, Whito Sox nnd the Athletics yet to bo met, tho bustln'' ticrson should cnBlly rench tho sixty mark ho predicted for himself Inst spring, thnt is, if ho continues the pneo bo hns been going nil season. Tho first game over In Gotham was nil St. Louts for about ten minutes, after four runs had been scored off Mays n tho third. Tho Ynnks enme right back in their half nnd evened the score, following which they went out nnd iilnmmcd tho sphere nil over the lot, the flnnl figures reading 10 to 0. The second gamo was almost n repetition of tho first'ns fnr at a big score was con cerned. Thirteen Yankees crossed the plate to flvo of VUio visitors. Plorccy was tho winning hurlcr. Connio Mnck sent four brand-new lcft-hnndcrs ngnlnst tho Jndlnns in the first gamo nnd they showed nil kinds of Btuff. Thnt is, they hnd lots of ncrvo to even nppenr on the mound. Sixteen bases on balls were hnnded out by the yunrtet, which equaled tho American jenguo record made by Carroll Brown when ho wore a Mncklan uniform. Taylor and Bishop, brought Nlown i ru.t$iAfrPn. last week: MJnor, who camo from no one seems to know where, and Wolfe, tho 'ormer, Lebanon Valley collegian. fc" tho Tlctlms. Bishop, who looked better than any other of the quartet when ho was not wild, gnvo nine freo one to first. Elglit Runs on Thrco lilts Eight of tho Indians' runs in tho first game wcro scored on thrco hits, nod two of tho trio of blngles were easy bunta "that no ono fielded. In tho first jft GIFTS T" ATLAStJ 53! Machine Shop Practice Machine Shop Mathematics Pattern Shop Practlca Automobile. Elec. and Mechanical Nlsht Clause Eloctrlclty, AppJ'nd Mechanical. Archi tectural nnd I'rco mum' Imiitin Iloolt Illustration Arithmetic Mathematics Fit yourself to tnko advnntaeo of tho opportunities opsn to technically trained men and women. Exceptional I'ncllrtlei nnd Low nates. All Clataea Open Senlrmbrr 10 Illustrated Uqoklct. Unroll Now. S , Baseball Today, 3:30 P. M. iniui; l'AiiK 2iht m i.kiikiii avi:. ATlir.KTir.S h. 1IKTROIT RnerTcd Sen Ik (Umbels' nnd SunldlnE'H -- w ftis1fitttiBfflBHBftfH95itLiP?iH I jtotlHflMliiTisilKsVnfcW " i M.WM1 I II !! I ' ' ' ' '" .'r.T.T.T.'L. .""' ' amJirmtmf 1.35 ! i "Say It With An Emblem" CLASS RINGS & PINS All Kind of Frnternil Kmbltms THE RANKIN CO. (Irt Kfinn Tim f n tf I11S-50 CIIKSTNUT HT. t Itiiimmiiiiniiiiniiinm Take icirvn tor) unui iruiinn rif iri f m Readin' 'Ritin'anil Rithmetic game Cy Perkins lilt- safetly lils, first two trips to tho pinto nnu ran nis con secutive times ntybat bitting up to six. Then he stopped. s Eddie Jlonimcll wns easy In the sec ond gamo for the Forest City sluggers, who mndo twelve snfotlci off his deliv ery for n sextet of runs. Slim Cald well, bnck in the good graces of his manager, proved that ho wns in shnpe by holding tho Mnckmcn to four widely Mattered binglcs, "Wlft Mttlng two of them nnd Collins una jonnny thicit the others. Jumping on Stuelnhd, n recruit Cub twlrler, in the first Inning, the l'hlllica scored flvo runs, enough to give 'them flvo runs nnd the verdict. Winters hurled for tho Phils, nnd hij win mad it two out of thrco for the WHhelmltcs. The Phils mnde 'eleven hits, to mix for tha Cubs. LARGEST OLD BOOK STORE IN AMERICA and the nee essary text books on every other sub j e c t in your school or college course, are here at a fraction of their original cost. Perhaps later you'll need the money you can save .now, if you buy your text books at Leary's there may be a Class Pin to buy, or Fraternity dues' to pay. The books are in good condi tion, even though they are not new, and it's surely worth a visit, if only to compare prices. Books Bought. Libraries Purchased. Leary's Book Store Ninth Street Below Market (Opposito PoBtofllcc) Come In and Meet Tom Maloney ! See what he offers before you order your New Fall Suit! slUTi 5Jadet0 J J I 1 J Measure With Extra Trousers n A .50 I This Is Tom! Tom Says: "In all my experi ence I've never seen better values. That's why I ask you to come while the new Fall stock is nt its best. Come in to- morrow, nnd in flvj minutes i li show you more for your money than ever before." 24 29 $ OVERCOATS Made to Measure $24.50 $2950 pocket pack of ten Ten fresh, big "Brokers" in a new, dust-proof, moisture proof box that slips snugly into your pocket. Just the thing for over the week end. Handy for the desk drawer, too. Get a pack or two today. Antonio Roig & Langsdorf Philadelphia Ettablithid SO years GIRARD Never gets on your nerves P. B.WHITE & CO. TOM MALONEY, Manager 808 CHESTNUT ST, OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Jfrrrnnnnnnw Formerly 104 South 8th St; A "Get a Classy Lid! from (ho neatest, smartest and best appointed hat domicile in town. Exclusive but not expensive. from .50 The NOVUS "If 8 a Frank Mackin Hat!" $3 FRANK MACKIN Hats and Caps Only. Made in U. S. A. 1724 Market Street e.VjyjOjjQo. MwJoub Our Feature Hat for Fall 1921 The "Cub" has a narrow brim and all tho ear-marks of tho most approved Fall style. Colors : .. Russet, Pearl, Brown, Havana, Filbert, Walnut, Palisade. BeisonHafs 12 S. 52d St. 4012 Lancaster Ave. Headquarters for Stetson Hats In West Philadelphia KELLYATIRES There are few more uncomfortable feelings than the sensation of skid ding or the constant dread of it when sudden showers convert the dry asphalt pavements into dan gerous highways. Once you have ridden on the new Kelly Kant-Slip Cord over slippery streets, you will experience a feeling of safety that will double the joy of motoring. And best of all this tire will deliver the great mileage you generally get from a Kelly. Tha exhaustion of war-priced material and thm economies made possible in its great new plant have enabled the Kelly -Spring field Tire Co. to reduce prices drastically. Now you can buy Kellys for the same prices you will have to pay for other tires that have always sold for less. The quality of Kelly products is better than ever. The only cut is in the price. Size "Cord Tubes 30x3fc $28.40 $3.35 32x3 36.60 3.60 32x4 46.00 4.30 33x4 47.60 4.50 34x4 49.40 4.65 32x4& 53.00 5.45 33x4& 55.00 5.60 34x4 55.40 5.80 33x5 65.40 6.65 35x5 68.00 6.95 'Ksnt-SHp or Block and Button Tnad Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. u-: Factory Branch: 1400 North Broad Street f Philadelphia, Pa. $A.50ZZ fil?r "W m I )c on tonturiW ftTrWHm. t 1 o'fWTj . ! It rtaldtnc. T33 .V. iii U lotonNd i.v(MK.., tJ tfYXfATf Hf. of Louis . Ivln. m1 tit, Ri'iit; l. A, : Jlrtrrl. tUbnr Lodg. I. O. 'V !, Invltod to tund funanl. Frl.. 10:J9 A.K.' inl. rcildcnce. Sit N. 4th at. Int. liar H, Washington 3bT Baltimore 3"T,f, XVnr Tx S addltlnnM Sunday, Septomber 18 SPECIAL TItAIN I.EAVKH Iln.tirn Hl.ndard Time nroad Street Station 7:fln A. M. Wut Philadelphia 7:SBA. M. nirruttNiNa hUAvr.a , UBhlnttton. .7:15 P. M. llaltlmor. (Union Bla.). . ..8:20 '. M. CHImllnr Escnrtlon Oct. 2, 10, SO, Norember IS. J7 ami Ore. 11. Pennsylvania System The Ilollle of Ih? nfon1nr Tlmltxl eatljs Cn. IXlFTua. In Pari, on R. JOSEI'JIINn MJFTUB t Atr. IT. JHU , wlf. of Majitar i' of th lotn, Wf, iMh, of Phll' will bi hjh! m. J. loftu.. And dauchter Ham i'. nnd Mary D. lyeech. Church of tho Heavanlr Ht, nn Bth ,v rIhuo 45th t.. Now York, on Pept. IT, t S r. M. Interment at Family ToraW at Wnodlawn Cemetery. . I.Y81KI.V. Killed In arllon In tho A; onno wi, wa, lino. "ri. yj.i.ti te AIITMAN (nco Iteardon). Sept 14, MAnY. wife of Qeorve W Artmnn. rtelatlvea nnd friends, nlrn Frlendehlp Circle. No. W2. C. of tlio V and the I.adv of tho I.ord Beneficial Society, am Invited to attend fu neral. Mon.. BUM A. St , late residence. 2223 Wharton t. Solemn requiem ma, Bl. Chnrlea1 Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy Crosa Cem, DATTnN. At Atlnntln City. N. J.. Sept. 14, MARY DAII.KY IIATTEN. aged n2. Fu neral from the reeld.nce of her "later, Mr. Llnnora Ilulon. Bwedesboro. N J.. Bun., 1J noon (daylUht savlnr). Int. . IMIIilda Cam., uontltomery uo.. ra o x. ni DENEDICT. In Lancaater, Pa., on Sect. 13. 1021. ADDISON, huabahd of Mary Bene dict. Bervlco on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at hie late reeldenco. 540T Catha rine at.. I'hlla. Interment at ernwood Cemetery, Friend, may call Friday evening. DILLia. Killed In action. In tho Arijonne. FrnncY Oct. 12. 1U18. Flrat But. JOHN L. IllbMrt. nsth Inf.. Co. ll, 4th Dl v.. on of Wellington J. and Clara 1-5. UllllB. RelatUe. and friends, also It. Thomaa M. Oolden Poat. No, 0(13, V. of T W.. U. 8. A., wh ch will officiate, and all other posts, are lnlted to the funeral. Hun.. 2 P. M.. from his late jealdence. 0U03 CallowUIll at. Int. Arlington Cim IinnAM. Sept. 13. 1P21. 124 Merchant at.. Audubon. N. J.. JOltN A. boloyed hue. band of klllle C, Dream (neo Spahn). llela tlea and friends nro Invited to attend fu neral services. Sat.. 1:30 P.M.. at-reldence of his sister-in-law, 20 0th ave., lladdon Heights. N. J. Int. private. Evenreen Cem. Itemalna may bo viewed Frl, eve. imOWN. Suddenly. Sept. 14, ALBERT II.. huaand of Ellen U. Drown, itelatlvea and friends, also Ellsworth Castle, No. 07, K. of M. CI Pluto Tribe. No. 231. I. O. R. M.: employes Atlantic Riflnlns; Co . Invited to funeral. Sat.. 1 P. M., residence. 2227 S. Chadwlcl: at. Int. Fcrnwood Com. Friends may mil Frl. evo. IIURW3CK. 13th Inst.. SAM S.. aeed 7S. husband of Kalherlna C. Ilurlock. Services Frl.. 10th. at hla home. Now Dover, N. J. CLAnK. At hla late realdence, 1228 Ix euatit.. on September 12. 1021. EDWARD n. CLARK, ated 85 yeara. Relatlvea and frlenda, also Potter Lodee No. 441, F. and A. M., and Master Plumbers Assn., are In vited to the service on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Ilalr Uldr.. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment private. CLARK. Sept. 13. JAMES CORTTRN. liuabanl of dinner Clark (neo Moore). Funeral services, Frl., 2.30 P. M.. 6033 bpruce st. Int. private. Friends' Southwest ern Cem. Frlenda may call Thura. eve. rr.AYTOM On Sent. IB. 1021. LILLIAN CLAYTON, of 2007 N. Mervlne st. Service on naturoay ariernoon. at zmu o ciock, ai the Oliver II. Ilalr Uldr,. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment DNvate, DICK. Nov. 0. 1018. while In action In Dolleau Woods. Franca, Private CHARLES A DICK, died nobly while cnrrvinz his com rade to safety, of Machine-dun Co., 314th Infantry, son of Eucenla Dlrlt, acrd 21. Relatlvea and friends, also Ueorce D. Mc cracken Post. American Lesion. and War Mcthors. are Invited to attend funeral serv ices, Sunday. 2:30 P. M at his mother's residence. 8305 Lansdawne ave.. Llanerch, Dolaware County. Pa. Int. Arlington Cem. DIETZ. Killed in action in the Meuse Arironne Ifattle. France. Nov. S. 1V18. I1KNJAMIN DIETZ. private of Co. F, 318th Inf.. beloved son of Marearet C. and late Harry Q. Dleti (nee Bheppard), In his 20th j ear. RelatUes and friends, also members of St. liontfaclua' Drench. No. 720. C. K. of A.: Captains Albn-Cnpron Poat. No. 22. V. of F. W.. and Auxiliary; Harry L. Greenwood Poat. No. 832, A. L.J Henry L. Schmidt Poat. No. 180, A. L.: Prlvato Mc Cauihey Post. V. of F. W.; National Chnptar. War Mothers of America, and all otner orsanuationa or which he wns a member, invited to attend funeral. Sat., 8:30 A. M from th residence of his brother. Harry T. Dletz, 1008 N. Waterloo si. aoiemn requiem mass nt st. ooniraclus' Church 10 A. M. Int. Holv Redeemer Cem. DOOSHALL. At St. Juvln, France. Oct. 10. 1018. Lieut. WALTER MAYER DOUS HALL, Co. II, 820th Machine Oun Ilattnllon, 82d Division, son of Amanda M. Dorshall and the late Jonas D. Dogshall, formerly of Fcrkasle, Pa. Relatives and frltnds. also McCalla Lodio. No. 60fl. F. & A, M.. and members of Co. D. 820th Machine Gun Ilat tallon. 82d Division, Invited to attend funeral services. Sun.. Sept. 18. 2 P. M.. stand ard time, at St. Stephen's Reformed Ceme tery. Perkaale. Pa. DOLAN. On Sept. 14, 1021. THOMAS J., husband of Katharine Hushes Dolan Funeral on Saturday mornlnir. at 8 30 o'clock, from the Oliver II. Ilalr Did.. 1R20 Chestnut st. Solemn hleh mass at St Pat- ricK-a wnurcn at in o'clock. Interment pri vate. DUFFY. Suddenly. Sept. 14. GEORGE A . son of Ueorce W. and Annie Duffy (nee JennlnEs.) Relatives and friends Invited to funeral on Mon., 8:30 A. M from late residence. 831 N. 43th st. bolemn requlerr mass Church of Our Mother of Sorrows at 10. A. M Int. Holy Cross Cemetery. lUiKUHACH. At Atlantic City. bent. 14 AN.N'Ii: IJItOMLKY EUEItllAClf.' wf.Vow of Jolln.I-,KJorJ,.acn .and daudht.r of lute John and Luclnda Ilromloy. Relatlvea and friends ui iii.iiru w .uraii lunerai services. Hat., 11 A. M.. at realdenco of her eon, John Iiromfev Eberbach, 1031 N. IJroad st. Int. private. rENTON. Sept. 13. 1021. MARY A., dauk-hter of Louis C. nnd Thoebe A. Tenton (neo Judy). Relatives and frlrmls. nl.n i.-.,i. eral Council. No. 0. D. of L.. are Invited to im tuiiciai ncrvicrii, Ortl, 11 M . parents residence. 7407 Palmetto st.. Fox Chasp rhlta. Int private. Evercreen Cem . CTm,J- "' J'a.F.rJen.1 my c" Frl ee. IIKE. Suddenly, on Hnt. 15 mil ALEXANDER W.. hnsh.nrt ...: Fife, of 1711 S. Hicks st. Service on Satur- u oiicuiuwu nv ti u ciock, at in Oliver ll. Hair Hid., 1820 Chestnut at! Interment fill HkVi I HKN'CH. Sept. 10, WILLIAM H . son of Ida and Into Harry n. French, ared 10. Funeral serlce. Hat.. 2 P. M.. rhauel of Kirk Nice. tISOl Oermantown a"a. Int. prUale Pleaae omit flowers. OAURATY. Sept 13. 10J1. JOHN T,. hus. band of Madellno M. Garrnty (nee i.ane) Relatives and friends n0 Holy Name So cletv of St Agatha's Church, and emploes of Oarraty & Co.. are Invited to attend fu nernl. Mon.. 8:30 A. M.. from hla lata real dence. 30.1 N. 3th st. S'olemn hUrh mas. of renuum St AViatha'i Church 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral Cem. UAItVIN. Sept. 14. 1021, IDA dauaht.r of Eiliabef. and late Matthew O. O.rv t" in '"-,," 'i"""".l fi -?!ln i-onn coun ell. No. 151. 8. nnd 1) of U. ire Invited to funeral. FtI.. 2 P. M at her late real ""' 5..& "P" "V. St. 'LVetn'n HALL. On 8ept', 14. SADIE P liii.i (nee Malln) wife" of Thoma, Hall, "i No. 33, O S. 11,, Girls Friend So lety of St. Pau 'a P E. Chutch and War Motile?, are muted to funeral, Saturduy, at 1.30 P. M.. from lato reeldence. 1042 E. Vennncn at Services In St. Paul's P. E. Charch 2't? Vr M,' . rA,',n,J 2nH.y ca" Friday after S P M. Int. Oakland Crm. v H!?tUtTTtr J1""?.1 of. rtvate JESSE A, HIGH. Medical Denartment, 311th In fantry. 8enty-elhth DUI.lon, will be held RT.,w.fl5llk V; J : on Sa'urd"'r' September IIS?1. 2 P' iUi "Joudard time. All friends nd eterane of A. E. F.. reapeclfully In- HILL. Suddenly. Sept. 14 WILLIAM J . beloved husband of Laura O. Hill (nie Un ruh). R.tatUes rnl friends, also employes of Atlantic Relit ir.ir Co.. sro Invited to at tind funeral servicos, Mon., 2 P. M. late lesldtnco, 2332 Motrls at. Int. Mt. Morlah Crm, HOADE. Sept. 14. MARY I).. heloved daughter of Susan M. and the lata Patrick I'oade. ag-ed 10. RelatUes nnd friends, also St, Gabriel's 11. V. M Sodality, are Invited to attend funeral, Sat 8 10 A M . from her mother's re.ldenr., 1.1.M1 K Hi.nUw u. Solemn hlah mass of requiem, St. Gabriel's iiuiru. iu a. ;i. ini iioiy uross cem. HOCKEN1IURY Killed In action. In Ar (tonne Forest. Oct 17 1018 GEORGE W . Drlvate Co. A. 104th lnf son nt nm. u' and .Minnie Hookenhurv Relatives snj friends, also Michael J. Joyce Post. No. 877: Captain Allyn Cnnron Post. No. !-2 Serveant Hamilton Ilsh Post. Nn ?fl: Vt--n- Foreign Wars War Mnihers, American Le. Minn, juoernian Ainieuo Association, em ployes I'hlla. Electric Co , Invited to funeral services, Silt.. 2 P. M., from hla parents' residence. 2.0 W. Allegheny no, int. Ureon- lilitiiiii , rill HOXWOIXTI? At Dojleatown. Pa.. Fpt. lunerai nervlcep-' UuUtown rrribttrlftn I'lim.li An Unml, u (Jan. .O . m ,. ... Int. Doylastown Uemeiery. KELLY. Suddenly. Sept. 14. EDWARD, pun ui tfniiir-nniiu ino mi. v-nmarina Kelly tiarlsh of Cumber Claudy, County Derry Ireland. RelatUes and frl. nnu. ni.n n -n. rletles of wh'ch h was a member, ur. In- neu ip uu.iiu tunerai nion , H.3II A M from his lata resldtnre. 2143 Cross st, Solemn requiem mass Church o St Ed mond 10 A. M Int. Holy Crust Cem. KENNKDY.-Kllled Inaction. VlT.mpacn.. Mont lllann nrfenslv.. Frenr. r., inia Pnrporal WALTER MARCY KK.n'NUDY' aV-iisrieii i.vsimM. rn. Ti ninth Inf.- aged TT :-": -' ..'', --- - - i -nvii. r-t.. .... jteiatites una irieniis. mini ","v.w,!"'",l War Mothers! A. L. Tost. V, F. W.I afrari College Alumnli P. n. H. Y. M. C. A., Flf; mount Rowing; Ass'n. Oermantown Boyg' Club, employes Hell Telephone Co,, ara ln vlted to attend funernl. Sun., IP, M., from residence of hi brothor, 1011 N. Aldan at, lnf Fernwood. ... . . . MARSHALI Buddenly. Sept. 18. VB nONICA. daughter of Henry nnd Mary Mar. shall, aged 0 years 11 mos. Funeral Hat., 0:80 A'. M.. from parents' residence, 1219 N. ItOlh st. Int. Holy Croas i Cem. MAUDSLEY. Sept. 14. WILLIAM J.. husband of Julia At nnd son of James A. end Margaret Maudslay, aged 40. Funeral Sat,, 1 P. M.. late residence, IBM Waka llng st., Frankford, Bervlc.s at Bt. Mark P. E. Church 2:30 P. M Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Itemalna may be viewed Frl. "mATTROTT, Sent. IB. FLORENCE! 0.. wife of Joseph II, Maytrott. Funeral Mrvleea; Mon, 2 1 M at her late residence, Fox Chnee. Philadelphia Int. private. . McMACKIN. Killed In artlon. In thw Ar conre France. 8pt. 27. 1018, .Trivets JOHN 3. McMACKIN. Co. H. 10th .Thfantry. Rein lives Hnd frlenda. at William P. Tmehe Post. No. 31. A. L.I War Motherat St. Sal vador Council, K. of C.lDlv. No. 78, A. O, H.t employes of Adams Express Co. are In vlted to attend funeral. Sat , 8:30 A. M.i from residence of hla sister. Mrs. Charles Rradtey, 7121 Grays ave. Solemn high moss of requiem St. Clement's Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy Crosa Cem. MILLICK. Bept. IB. J. FREDERICK MILLtCK, aged OH. Funeral services Hat., 1:30 P, M, precisely, at the realdence of his son, Charles Mllllck. flnoi) Green, at.. Oer mantown. lrt. Fernwood Cem, Remains may be viewed Frl, eve. Progress Lodge, No. DOS, F, and A, 21, nnd Jerusalem it. A, c no. 8; Washington Camp, No. 848. P. O. 8. of A.; employes of the storeroom of tha U, O, I, L.O., iwia ana Allegheny are., ar. in vited. MURPHY. Sept. 14, HALTIB c daugh ter of the late Patrick J. and Sallle Jlur phy. Relatives and friends aro invited to ntl.nrt fltnnrnl Unn. R A. M . Int. r.al dence. Kilo italtlmore ave. Solemn high mn-a or requiem St. Joseph's (jnuron o:ao A. M. int cntneqrai cem, O'DRIEN. Killed In action. In the Meuse Argonne Forest France. Nov. B, 1018. PAT RICK O'URIEN, Co. A. 01st Infantry, son of the lato Martin and Sarah O'Drlen, aged 26, Relatives and frlenda, also William Thompson Post, No. 884. V. of F. Vf.t Wil liam D. Oxley Post. No. 183. A. L.; Dlv. 30. A. O. II., and National War Mothers, ars Invited to attend funeral. Sat.. 8:80 A. M.. from the parlors of Warren E. Titus, 8044 Torresdate ave., Taeony. Solemn requiem mass at St. Leo's Church 10 A. M. Int. St. Dominie's Cem. Sat.. 2:30 P. M. rilARO Nlnt'i Month lBth. 1321. HOB P.RT r.. husband of Sophia T. rharo. Rela tives and friends aro Invited to attend fu neral servlzjs. (Sat.), Seventh-day, Ninth Month 17th, at 1 P. M lata realdence. 711 licechwood ave., Colllnzdale, Pa. Frlendi may call 7rl. eve. Int. private. PHILLIPS. At Dravgny. Francs, Auc. 17. 1018 Corporal NORMAN 8. PHILLIPS. Co. V. 100th Machine Rattallon. son of Wll. Hum H. and Sarah Louisa Phillips, aged 17. Relative-? and friends, also Albert Clinton Wnnderllch Post. No. 03. American Legion; William C. Orlezu Post. No. 008. V. 8. W.. are Invltid to attend funeral. Sat.. 2 P. M., raren'.a' residence. 100 Owen ave,, Lan downe. Pa Services All Saints' P. E. Church. 3 P. M.. Darby, Pa. Int. Arling ton Cam. I'lRHH. Died at Erookllne. Mass.. Sept. 14. FRANK PIERS, in the Slat jenr of bis age. PIERSON. Sept. 14. ANtfA n daugh ter of Edward II. and Emma M. Plerson. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. 2 P. M. (daylight aavlng), parents' residence, Huntingdon valley. Pa. Int. pri vate. Train for Rethayres leaves Rsadlnir Terminal 11:4B A. M. POrE. Sept. 14. 1021. JOHN W. POPE, aged 70, Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services. Sat., 2 P. M. precisely, at the residence of his son, Ralph W. Pope, 4333 Manayunk ave., Roxboroush. Int, private. Friends may call Frl. eve. PRICKITT. Near Vlncentown. N. J Sept. 14. ELIZABETH A., wife of Oran vllle E. Prlckltt and daughter of George II. and Mary E. Powell, aged 28. Funeral from residence of parents, near Vlncentown, N. J.. Sun., 1 P. M. (standard tlma). Int. Daptlst Cem. POWERS. On Sept. 18. JESSIE L. TOWERS, daughter of the lata John and Margaret Powers . Funeral services on Saturday, at 11 A. M. Int. at American Mechanic Cemetery. Fhlla. RATLEDOE. Sept. 14. JOHN H.. hue band of Hester A. Ratltdce. ag-d 70. Rela tives and friends and nil organizations are Invited to funeral services. Frl.. 8 1. M late resldenco, 2313 N. 20th st. Int. Frank ford Del. ROHRBACH. Sept. IB. CATHARINE nOHRRACH, widow of lato Michael Rohr boxli. ared 78. Relatives and frl-nds are invlt'd to attend funiral services. Sun.. 2:80i P. M. (standard tlrre) nt Whltemarsh LU-, theran Churoi. near Flourtown. Pa. r ROOERS. Killed In artlon at Monfntieon Sept. 27. 1018. Pvt. FREDERICK MIT-' CHELL ROGERS', aged 20. Co. C. 148th Inf., S7th Dlv,, son of Caroline and lata Samuel M, Rogers Relatives and frlenda. also Frederick M. Rogers Post. No. 1,18, and Ladles' Auxiliary, are Invited to funeral. Sun.. 2 P. M.. from his late residence, 441 Horace ave.. Palmyra, N. J. Int. Mor gan Cem. ROOERS. Sept. IB. 1021. RUTH A. ROGERS, wife of Elmer Q C. Rogers, de ceased, aged 78. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral servloes on Monday, Sent. 19, nt 10.30 A. M.. from her late residence. Glnssbnro. N J. Int. Manahath Cemetery, ROSS, Sudlenly. Sept. 14. SAMUEL T. ROSS, agod 71 years. Funeral services and Internn-nt private. Friends may cell at residence 438 Old Lancaater road. Haver ford. Pa.. Frl. P. M. and Sat A. M. SCHWIND. Killed In action. In the Ar cnnnn Foreat. France. 8ept. 28. 1018, WIL LIAM son of Henry and Elizabeth SchwincT, aged 27. Relatives and friends also Co. ll SIRth lnf : Rlohmond Lodge. No. 230. F. and A. M.: Llbertv Courcll. No. 83, Jr O U A. M . Court Oen. Orfleld. No. 02. F. cf A., empes of nrlnton Mschlne Co., In. lted to attend funeral. Sat.. 2 P. M.. reel dence. 182 W. Wlldey at. Int. Greenmount 'Smith. sept. is. matilda eisen- RROWN. widow of John N. Smith. Rela. tlves and friends aro Invited to attend fu neral rervlces. Sat , 2 P M.. at her late residence. 4010 York road Int. nrlvate. SMITH. At West Chester. Sept. 13. E. JANE, widow of Edgar Smith, in her 01st vear Relatives and friends Invited to attend services on Sun., 2 P. M.. at Mount Peace Cemetery chapel. BTANKOWITCH Sppt. 13. SRETA STAN. KOWITCH. aged 81. Funernl services Frl.. 2 P. M.. at his late residence. 0312 Wayne ae o-rmuntown Int. nrlvate. STOKES. On Sept. IB. 1021. ELLEN O., widow of Henry S, Stokea. Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to the service, on Sat urday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at Christ Church, Tulpehocken and McCallum sis.. Oermantown Interment private. Relatives may call Friday evenlntr at the residence of her son-in-law. Dr. E, F Kamerly, Jr.. St W Upsal at., Oermantown. from 8 to 9 o'clock. TAOGART. Sept. 14. 1021, PAUL, son of Charles R. and Mary C. Taugart (nee Case), iged 7. Relatives and friends nro invited to nttend funeral. Sat.. 7:30 a. M., from his rarenta' residence. 222 Point st Camden. N J .Ancol mass at tho Church of tho Immnculate Conception 0 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem. T1TMU8 Sept. IS. 1021. WILLIAM E.. husband of Anna C. Tltmus, Relatives nnd friends, also the Star of the Union Council. No 77 , Waseca Tribe Nn, 48. I O. R M . ar Itrvtted to attend funeral services, Mon. 2 P. M . at Ills late residence, 1710 W, Tioga st. Int. private. Baltimore and Richmond papers copy. TAYLOR. Sept 15, 1021, ISAAC V . beloved husband of Ella Williams Taylor Relatives and friends, also Covenant Iidee, No. 430. I" nnd A. M., and employes of ")te Phen Greene Co.. are Invited to attend funeral services. Mon.. 2 P M , from hla late rel- ' il.-nre. 1734 N. Houvler at, Int, Monument CcmMery. WALLACE. Sept. 18. CATHARINE widow of John W Wallace, aged 72. Rela- thes and friends Invited to funeral. Sat 0 A. M parlors of E, Bowen & Son, lot's S 2d st. High mass rt Church of Bt Philip Do Nerl 10 A. M. Int. private. are Invited ts tho services, on Friday afternoon at a n'elnek. at the Oliver II. n.l- iim- .... Ch"tnut st. Interment Private. WERER. Fourth-lay. Ninth Month 14lh MARY A wife of late Ch.rlea W. Webr (nee Oirford), aged 81. Relatlvea and frl.nd. are Invited to attend funeral services. Bev.nl h. day Ninth Month 17th. 2 P. M . lata rial. denc 3084 Richmond et. Int. private Re mains may be viewed Frl.i 8 to 0 I. M WILDE. Lnnsdsle. Pa. Sent. 18. 1IET. TIE C. wife of Goorra W. Wilde. Rsji. tlves and friends, alao members cf I.ansdata First ITaotlst Church members Prisellla Chapter. No 04. O E. 8 nd Patistliio Slirln- No. B Order Jf White Hhrln" of Jerusalem, Invited to nttend funeral serv ices Frl., Sept id. 1 P M. (stanlard tlma). Tlist It-xptlst Church. I.ansdale Int. flr.enl lawn "en. Frlands may call Thurs., 7 to 1) P M. ( YERKES, At her r.sldenc. 4004 Chest, nut et. on fl.pt. IB. 1021. AMANDA llON. HAW. YERKES. Funeral service and In" terment private. U'HI.I.R tied Ninth Mnnth till. w IMiylf'lolS :y,'..nr,irW "vle, on rrci'liu i.wr, ,v,,t, n, , ,uw ,-, .it , lnllel to funeral services. Sun,, 2:30 I. M. .1 c.,,rlU p' l: Church. lUvorlon. N, J. lot! llerlln Cera. aenil.ASH. On Pent. 19, 1020, Eri'IB 1L. rife of Arnold J. klaah. scad 22 yiiisl flarri . - I : time, from 'the resilience of her son-lmlat. 0org. II. Cllne. Marlton. N. J. Frlin'T; may oall Seventh day eenln and ;l Iirit dsv st the r.sld.nre of Mr. Elaood Kv.n. 120 King's Hlghwny West, lladdonflold, J? "j UNnwiTAKintd 1qCu Vfjjsh ?1 .IB li i I I M. 3 m, tm Ml M I ' m 4 sti . KM ' J-. t i&kV MiLMv'ivP . LtfOt & iLr .' T. L " JH fi . " c flssssl