;,,- MV.;, . - OTffl -' Jf" " rXB v "-WW. i i vr , wtprw f I " . ,U....t jf.'i .jiHjr A J j - : v: " ' f HE MfrHfi 'Fair tonljthf liHtl Saturday with mcdfrftle temperature; moderate northerly winds. TKJtPKBATItKn AT KAnt HOUR' r i o no 111 112 1 n guuTHl fltr, 107 !(' 170 171 I7H 172 j ' r wv.- r,'':, ." . , , r A ,.- . . WIGHT EXTRA tr- w- ' , i l rtnr irTTT Mfl Q Entertd ds Second-doM i Mailer nt th PoMofflw nt Philadelphia. Ta. a vuu. '"' i,"" " PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1G, 1921 Published DnV 'Except" Sunday. Hubwrlpllon Pr(r 1(1 ortar by Mall. fcopyrHht. 1021k br Tub'lo Jlr Conuwpir ,, mttt rnTmn m ', . riUUaVJ TWU UiINXO Viff fci mi mo yoi ox Marcn a. mm UNIONS AGAINST KU wwrrTw. J- "vrvwwivirwB v. '.;. '(' ,I . ti ." . ' ,U V' ,7-'' . " l""i'W, rtt X..& A " . ... - ..Ait.' , V , i , i y I . a '" A fcf. ' v s,-.U fniettttm Bumtc meatier I . " s' 'Jp ft. , . ' i - x 1LAB0R LEADER WARNS KLUX (Matthew Woll, A. F. L. Official, Demands Federal Prober 'of Kljun's "Invisible Empire' mv, f iWHISPEREO LIES" SPREAD ' I by Ian to fan hatred I AGAINST JEWS IN AMERICA MM t Menace of World-Wide Revolt Engineered From Moscow and Uprising of Blacks in U. S. Broacfied in Anonymous Attacks WORKERS MUST HELP STAMP OUT k SECRET ORGANIZATION, WOLL SAYS l'K , Lieutenant of Gompers Denounces Followers of "Fiery Cross" as Enemies of American Ideals and Fomenters of Class Feclirtfl and Discord ME Ku Klux Klan, Inc., while pumping the virus of racial and religious prejudice throughout tho Nation, makes use of poisonous propaganda ty against the Jews. V' Evidence of these whispered or outspoken maledictions can bo found P 'in the Searchlight, the Atlanti publication which has on its mailing lists V, a multitudo of Grand Goblins, King Klcagles and other functionaries of f the order. ? Just ns the Klansmcn mask their identities behind hoods and gowns k does tho order shroud its anti-Semitic attitude behind anonymous signa ?' tures in "contributions" to the Searchlight, which is mailed to all the I' States in which tho "Invisible Empire" has gained a foothold. P One of the vicious attacks made on tho Jewish people is that agitators t of that race are plotting, to creato a war between the whites and the Negroes, to destroy the American Government. The Jews now, the allegations go on, are interested in overthrowing Christian Russia and, through the Third Internationale at Moscow, are working to destroy all the Gentile Governments of the world. With this object in view, the allegations continue, Jews are boring their way into every Government on earth except the Governments of China and Japan. Another aspect of the Klan's activities, its relation to labor, is attract- ing attention and condemnation. Workers in some sections of the country havo been threatened with bodily injury for insisting on the maintenance of wage scales. f The Negroes also receive a full share of Klannish attention. Tho 'jC attitude of the Klan overlords toward nil men but those eligible for 5 "naturalization" under the "Emperor" is flamboyantly set forth by tho "Imperial Chaplain" of the order. By manipulating hatred, bigotry and intolerance while professing "100 per cent Americanism" the Klan's kluckers of "Imperial," "Grand" and "Kingly" degree are busily engaged in extending the frontiers of the '(Invisible Empire." '''The text of the Klan oaths and the flowery language of its "Kloran" show that tho leaders of Kluxism have established an "Emperor" and an "Imperial Palace" in a Nation which has thrivqd mightily with a President and a White House. Ui CLOAK OF ANONYMITY USED BY KLAN IN SPREADING HATRED WOLUS WARNING TO LABOR Washington, Sept. 10. Warning to organized lnbor against tho conduct of tho.Ku Klux Klan and its antagonism to trade unionism was issued today by Matthew Woll, vico president of the American Federation of Labor and close nssoclato of Samuel Gompers in. deter mining labor policies. Mr. Woll called upon the Federal Government'' to make a thorough investigation of Kil Kluxism and its operations. His statement reads: , ' ' "Ku Kluxism as preached by its self-styled Emperor and ns prac ticed by his followers is a menace to Amcrican''freedom. The very title of tho principal official shows its un-Atnericanism. There is no room for any Emperor in" America.. "I am satisfied that it would be impossible to find a trade unionist who belongs to tho Ku Klux Klan. Trade unions stand for democracy; the Ku Klux Klan stands for a sneaking, cowardly autocracy, working in the dark, striking under cover, making ono pretense hero and another somewhere else. "The conduct of the Ku Klux Klan in the Northwest should be sufficient to warn every labor man of what the spread of this Klanish ncss may mean. In that great section tho Klan has been bitterly hostile to trade unionism, and I have no doubt will be, when oppor tunity offers, just as' bitterly hostile elsewhere. "In portions of the South tho Klan has been driving Negroes to work, regardless of wages and conditions. It is an outrageous institu tion, abhorrent to every American principle. In tho Klan there is a vicious principle swathed in a mass of ritualist buncombe. It3 greatest attraction is for tho credulous, the superstitious, the vain and the foolish. - "Tho United States Government, through proper agencies, should investigate thoroughly the whole range of Ku Klux operations. There is no room for an Invisible Empire in a democracy, and I am satisfied that the whole voice of trade unionism demands its eradication." Other lnbor leaders indorse the statement of Mr. Woll, among them Thomas Flaherty, of the National Federation of Postofflcc Clerks. Scnti'Final Matcho.S'in National Tennis Today '- Court--' 2:30 P. M. 2-AVMIam T. Tildcn, 2.1, Phlln '' dolphin, vs. Willis K. Davis, Cnllfornln. 1 P. M.' 3 J. O. Anderson, Atistralln, vs. Wallace V. Johnson, Philadelphia. ARBUCKLETOH PARTY' DRANK 40 PHILA. MAY HAVE, QUARTS OF LIQUOR 0 F1NALSTS KLAN INTOLERANC DRAWS WARM F E IRE DAYLIGHT BANDITS Officials of Fifth Division and Society of Friends Add to Denunciations EXPOSURE WINS PRAISE The tactics used by.' 'Emperor" Sim mons and his Klengles in ttie orsaniza tion of tho Ku Klux Klan, ns exposed In tho EvEJfwrci PunLTC LEDOKitfCon tlnuo to receive condemnation ; not merely from members of the groups against whicji tho Klan has sought to rouse the passion of bigotry, but from representative men in creeds anil or ganizations which tho Klan is, pre sumably? willing to tolerate. J. S. Amloregg, vice president of the Fifth Division Society, frays: "The ex posure of the ICu Klux Klan In the Kvenino Prnuc IjEDOeh is one of chc most useful feats of journalism I have Keen. It lies succeeded In making these triekstcri. and tho fanntlcnl fools who ure their followers tho laughing stock of nil intelligent men. , "I am quite sure no soldier of the Fifth Division is a member of the Ku Klux Klnn. Ku Kluxism, or Klanish ncsH, or whatever it is called, is n nega tion of cventhing wo went to war for. The statement f the Ku Klux organ izers that thov have been working among soldiers and sailors is the cheapest thing n iirniiiienni a 1 Have ciicouiuvruii. Jt Ku Klux Klan is to get out of it nt onee. Whatever they hnvo been told they know tin- facts nooui 11 now 'Secret and iniriiimifr nml tftll i,fm. .....!.. . ..,!... mttiwmi nr lie Ding any compromise thereof in nny and all I exposure is to be comineiiueu tilings. Tlmt ii)irni.i. "Wlilf,. ...o.. vns the rallying erv of the nrlcin.nl Ifn Klux Klan of the reronstruetlon period, and the modern counterfeit has clung to it to siieli nn extent tlint at the present i subvert law and order oi time the secret countersign of the order ' of religious fieedom. ' Is "white" and the secret password is I Tim Itev. Alfred Clay, I "supremacy," unless they huve been Episcopal Church of the uiiKi'ii vi -v rrccnuv. Tiri..kivtn mm .uiiihi: n White Supremacy is further empha- ! Unions bigotrj nd mob -violence have :ed in Kiiipernr Simmons' copyrighted ' no place in tin T'nltcd States or In nny mjihlet, "The Practice of Klanish- civilized country. As a t'lirl-tlan mill- 1 ' Mrunr "; f ? ,fr0,,lt l""50 8,"-y n ilorn Ml,e r slor-v iH bended "Foreign ' S n r.Ai,mT r,n 1'(1,,s With Ag i. " Slira l! "w ,il,i,;.r" ,"0flk,1l "'' "Vi LK , H " "' "Typhus Vermin" ,.Iifc!.;v?Mon U Threaten ,"'" is " ft .ietW;J,c;,,,,,!imtili,y: "win i, -- '&l And from the ' I'so Old Ilallylnc Cry "We avow the distinction." runs the! conslde'f'tliat any soldier or former sol dier who would become or remain n member of the Ku Klux Ivlan dishonors his uniform." ,, . Wilbur Tiioinas, kituuvu .- uiui; x ait- ,1,1.., i ;::;:'. . .." ", """.'i.-'""" w";' vr T." Service Committee mankind ns same 1ms been decreed lv prove of the exposure of any movement the Creator, and we shall ever be true ' that tends to break down law and order, to the faithful maintenance of White ' Tho KVENINO l'uliuo hUu.H or nnj ;d. underlinnd attempts to denl out justice are not n keeping with the spirit of a democratic nation, lhc Society of Friends has always been op posed to nny movement that tends to OK THE first page of the July .10 j middle of nil these look out the pic i r .i ani,iui,t irn n I '"red faces of the "Only Wizards of Ki issue of the Searchlight was n ,-,. ,.,i,., .,... , ....,,, "comiuuiilcathm" from u person writing .iming their tenure of oflice." Cenernl I attempt to give a 1 avor.of courage from New York City and stnluartly Nathan 11. Forrest. "Yesterday," and ( nd chivalry to "'"'"f . "J"' ls ln" k Unh,g himself "American." f'olJ.el William Joseph Simmons, "To- trinsllly """J ;fee men , This person stated that investigation -T; . .J who have 1 n tricked into joining the . . . . , 1 1 1 .l..l. , . -"..V '. ". -." .... i.M.n in , ...... T.-l., 1 naci)' mm nas proveu ui-iumi ii uuiiui- rnp Klan is self-evident. "Emperor" ' that the Negro situation is being made , Simmons himself Ims voiced it in the !' increasingly dangerous by Jewish ngi- "Ku Klux Krred." printed on jingo 2 Utors, who are plotting to uring nuoui ; ins secret arm copyrighted sacred I e race war, not to benefit thu Negroes, I Kloran or ritual. but to destroy tho Government. 'Tor the same reason, " adds the anonymous patriot, "the .lew is inter- Mted In overthrowing Christian Kusslu. But remember, he doesfliot Intend to stop at Hussia. Through hi:i Third In- - 'ttrnationale of Moscow he is working to overthrow all the (lentilc Ciovetn- ' ments of the world. In all ' my twcntj-live enrs traveling about over this continent I hnve never met a idlslojal American who failed to be cither . (orc'gn-horn or a Semite. With the bfst wishes for the biicecss of the Ku ' Klux Klan." v Writers Conceal Names I A column on page li of the July -3 , hssue, headed "A Messsnge From Jcru ulem -Esau, the Wanderer, Must Pay for Ills Pottage the Mightiest Wea pons of the .lews Are Pounds and Pence," is tilled with n similar diatribe. "Doesn't Think Much of the Jew" Is n unsigned letter from New York in the Searchlight of February 12, and in It the writer says: "Their religion is to control wealth "nil thereby control all nations. And , you cannot deny but they are doing ho under false names. Jews aru entering into every Government, every nation on Mrth except China and Japan, where wlr heavenly God received little ree ftnltion They spread their ingenious , 'W,n ""at strangled the ignornnt nml "Miilous by causing dissension to their javantnge." " ifU.St n,'ove tl,Is screed, boxed in with C.Iy "'ul'hc spoco for display and , T(,imUlll! tltle- "llloo'l Is Thicker ibsn Mnter." the Seiirehlight edilo- A.? mnk?8 ,l,f cl",r'J', that Japanese lent, are inciting the Negroes, of Amor- h. VL . nB,,in,lt tho whites, while on '""Tnnnnnt l'nf.e..!! """olulu story headed nH is typographically ployed up. ' Stress "AIIimi Mn,..,an .-.... mvimio BLACKJACK DEALER Tilden and Johnson Very Likely to Reach Last Round in , Tennis Today CHAMPION PLAYS DAVIS Suspects Captured After Joseph Schmull, Kensington Ave nue, Is Beaten WOMAN FOILS ROBBERY rector of the Redemption, i.'if.',....iHi mid Market streets: "He- size pu ness 'the secret unselfish communion ister I am. perforce, opposed to sow the of a loug-signntured nml long-winded Heeds of racial and religious strife, and soul with its God which has already Jcertninlv I am opposed to nny organl been discussed. yntion 'which arrogates to itself the "Itni'iii! Klonishness," snys the soul ' .'.ieilt to administer its conception of M"' M.1" "y"!ic':j,J At'i'tn. ! ustice. ... .. ... .m m- ' viiiiinp rniirnn at t nn 'oili er- uur,ic its exposure oi mu m iu 'i"- i. .i- ...,iniiilii t wnl lirlrkiid Imtn spreu.ling iiruiii.i" "' """"" ". L fl!U OpilW ' lJ IMf,IUII.lllltlU urn k in nil i 1 1 1 1 1 l- n i i nil iiiiii nin i t the Caucnsian race. Its traditions and , vIkc,,.i1 Church of the Holy C civiiuntion, anil keeping its civilization f,rU,r Forty-eighth street and lln pure liy prescrvng it from the contaml- ". i nv,.mie: "Tho Evkmno Pun natlng interiiuxture of alien races and r ri,cii'n Is to lie congratulated for their inllllenco. mnlntnfn fli1fA mm, i kf'', , .. ... ,t. -tl.. l.. I Joseph Schmuy, 28J0 Germantown avenue. -mnntfirer of " ihh Atlnn Tint Shop, 2.'?(l,'lvcnRiBgton avenue, wan bInekJnrarbrTroyo(tnK men. police. s-ny, vvnen no turned to get silk shirts they asked for. Th hold-up occurred at 104." o'clock this morning. The bandits lied without taking any thing when a woman, looking in the window, saw the attack 'and screamed. One nlleged bandit was overhauled nt Emerald and WIsiinrt streets by Pa trolman George Taylor, of the Belgrade and Clearfield streets station. An the hold-up occurred in the dis trict looked nfter by police of the Front and Westmoreland streets stutlon, the captured nmn was sent there. Ho snid ho was Leslie Hehlinair, twenty-two years old, of Ilortville street, Ken sington. The second suspect was caught about an hour later. No said ho was William Smith. Jr., nineteen years old, of Hast Stella nvciwre. Scliniull, whoso scalp was cut by thu blackjack blows, was taken to the Episcopal Hospital. Physicians said his condition was not esrlous. A uoemgcii-rny examination of his skull will be made. Schmull told police he. was standing In front of the store alone when the two men entered. lie walked back of a counter to wait on them. When one inquired for silk shirts Schmull turned toward a. shelf. The blackjack blows were given ns his back was turned. POISONOUS MUSHROOMS NEARLY KILL 3 PERSONS Lives Are Saved by Prompt Use of Stomach Pump Antony Dnlphlas, his wife. Antonotte.. 107 Carson street. Mnnayuns.. and Mrs. rrhorcMi Santa Maria, n neighbor, were iuimiiicu oy mushrooms inst night nml were rushed to the Memorial Hospital just in time to save their lives. Dnlpliias gathered the mushrooms josterdny afternoon in West Mnnnvunk believing they were n edible vnrietv! His wife prepared them for supper, cooking them with garlic. Mrs. Santa Maria, who lives at 10." Corson stieet, was invited to help eat the mushrooms. Less than nn hour later Mrs. Dnlphlas becamo seriously HI. Her hus band was about to summon nld when he was taken ill. Mrs. Santn Maria realized what had happened, nnd in spite of cramps in her stomach she hurried across the street to the Mnnn yunk police station, and told tho house sergeant she and Mr. nnirMrs. Dnlphlas had been poisoned. All three were taken to the Memorial Hospital, where Physicians used n stomach pump nnd saved their live-. THE FROST IS OfT'EM Prosecutor to Decide Today if Murder Charge Will Be Pressed , WITNESSES ARE GUARDED TO PREVENT TAMPERING By UOBEKT W. MAXWEUi Sports Editor Evening I'libllc I-rdctr This fair city of our 1h going nhca.l in tennis ns fast ns. it traveled back ward 'In big leaguo baseball. If you don't believe It take a look at the four national tennis tourney survivors who battle this afternoon in the semi-final round nt tho Germantown Cricket Club. Two of the four remaining in the center of the stage are Phlln.Wphinns, Willlnni T. Tilden. world's champion, and Wnlinco F. Johnson, the former Dnvls Cup player, and - what's more these two are very likely to be the finalists tomorrow. The other half of the sciiil-final pic ture is composed of Willis F Davis, the Cnllfornian. nnd James O. Anderson, the Australian, who flashed to the first row when he eliminated It. Norris Williams. Philadelphia also takes pride in the fact that three of tho four semi-finalists, lu fact all of the American conr testnnts, ure University of Pennsylvania men. This afternoon at 2 tfO Tilden will take on Davis, and nt 4 o'clock Johnson will battle Anderson. Our Will is an odds-on favorite against Davis, despite the splendid ten nis exhibited by the Westerner in de feating Itobert Klnseylin. five thrill-full sets yesterday. Many consider the Johnson-Anderson tilt fitl- ovtui-iniuiyy-bet, nnd It is, but looking nt it froma Phil adelphia standpoint Wnlly has much moro than n fighting chance. Yesterday Anderson eliminated Fran eta T. Hunter, the New Yorker, in ..iii .. . . i ,. , , . . '"' . r.iii'i l ..'-. iiii.i ..ill ur. ,i. i... ii'i'i.iiv.' . ... . .. ... .... . .. .. " - .,"", , i V ,1 . o'l.-K'.' iraiisnorieii -iiiiior in the ma- a manner that thousands believe ho (.him. . . ,,,. ,,,,,, bl. fl will trim Wnllace Johnson. The Aus- L.m..i i... T.-,.Ii1.rni mitlmriti,',. nn.in t, tr.Ua.. has a terrific forehand stroke , g, ' "" "" Sjii Francisco. Sept. 10. District Attorney Matthew Brady lias an nounced that lie will make public today his decision whether to try Koscoe ("Fatty") Arbuckle for murder In con nection with the .lentil of Miss Virginia Knppe, or whether he will prosecute solely upon the manslaughter indict ment returned by tho Grand Jury. Arbuckle was to be arraigned before Police Judge Sylvian Lnznrus today for preliminary examination on a charge of murder preferred by Mrs. 11. M. Dcl inont. Attorneys for the film star yesterday deposited S.'noo ensh bail to cover the manslaughter ( linage, nnd should Dis trict Attorney Bi.ulj announce his de cision to prosecute on that cliatge alone and dlsiiil the murder complaint. Ar burkle would lie e'igiliV for release. Should decision be made to prosecute for murder, luiwcver, Arbuckle would be forced to remain in jail. Under California law first-degree murder is not a bailable offense. Probe Source of Liquor Federal investigation Into the source of liquor nlleged to have been consumed nt the Arbuckle party In n hotel suite here, nt which Miss Rappe is snid to have suffered injuries which led to her dentil, has been carried to Los Angeles. Kobcrt Cnmnrillo. Assistant United Stnte.s District Attorney, declared in Los Angeles that several people bad made statements to him which would show that Arbuckle transported twenty quarts q whisky in his automobile when he moto ed to San Francisco to stage his imrtv. .It was also learned, Cnmn rillo said,, that a case of gin nnd other liquor wire delivered to the Arbuckle room-nt the San Frnitcisco hotel nnd that, in all. more than forty .pinrfs of Jfqiior were coniinivd at the party. The automobile i.n wliii-h Arb'uck'e Is aid to have carried the liquor from Los Angeles to San Francisco is de clared to In- wortli S''.".00n. Officlnls point out that hIioI.1 it be proved Ar- ("ontlnnril on Tare To, Column 1'Ive MAN BREAKS WINDOW TO ' GET AID FOR HIS FAMILY Victim's Body Goes to lhdlyworxl The body of Miss VirJlnln Itnnne according to announcement, will be sent J to Hollywood, probably late today. Hollywood, n .suburb of Los Angeles, is the city of the motion-picture pcopjo. Witncs,.cs in the Arbuckle cn-e ore being watciied and guarded by police Seeks Arrest In Hopp of Getting Food for Children A man broken window in City Hall to prevent their possible intimidution Inst niffht In order, he snvs. tn lie nr. Police officials stated this sten nn. rested nnd call nttcntlnn 'to the plight '. taken, in some cases, at the request of of hlmselt and his wife and children Call Kintfs Physicians to Attend Lloyd George Inverness, Scotland, Sept. 1(1. (By A. P.) Lord Dawson, physi cian extraordinary to King George, has been asked to attend Lloyd ."er5',, tho Prime Minister, who Is miff-ring from a chill and neuralgia ut Oalrloch. A dentist also has been summoned. It was announced nt tho Prime Minister's official residence in Down ing Mreet last night that ho was suffering from a chill and that It would be necessary for him to remain indoors n few days. BEAUTY-SHOP MAN TRUCE IN IRELAND 8TILL ON DESPITE BREAKIN PARLEYS British Public Opinion Solid In Support of Lloyd George's Stand EXPECT PRIME MINISTER WILL MAKE NEXT MOVE HELD IN RUM PLOT C. W. Holden Charged With Being Leader in Smuggling Conspiracy TO NAB 6 OTHERS AT SHORE City Hall Gunrd But'er heard a crash vlnies- thcin'-elves, District Attorney Brady jn n state- . . , .. .. . . . .7 . .. I..... I.... ..;..!.. .,.,.- . . or c ii-.s. invest irutinc no loun. n wi h - im-m mw m-H uiKiit uecinre.i he wa ieyed man standing nenr a broken win- prepared to bring Arbuckle to trial in .low in the Bureau of water. aiiout three weens, in. expressed the "Arrest me." the mnn cried. "I . mwt that the iietcifc In the cas,. would wnnt to be arrested. I'm starving nnd I lh' ready to proceed within that time mv family is starving." I also. The nmn Is David Blum, fortv-five. Aibmkle (c-terdnv received twentv 422!) Germantown nvenue. He said he hix telegrams and 101 letters, sent to came lrom l-jstnonin two years ago. """ "' '"" "' "" '". Jan. .rmt.ki o.-y first, last and all tho time. Fnlth fully protect our politics a.id society from the haughty, ambitious and arro gant aggressiveness of colored races who seek to mix their creed with the blood of our Government and civilization. Kecognize the distinction be tween tho races of mankind ns they have been decreed bv nature, and pre serve jmto death the peculiar distinc tiveness of the white race from the foul touch of it lower stock Keep Caucas ian blood, society, politics and civiliza tion PUKE!" thnt tends to engender racial nnd re ligious animosities nndi to any organi zation that presumes to hold its own courts nnd administer its own punish- ' Bnblil Bernard I,. Ivlntlial: "The Evj-ninu Pi'iu.i" Lr.iuiKU has done n great service in tiennii oi true Allien- ...... .i.inniiiLK. in ii i. ii i ii L' iiiiiiivii run facts about thc organization calling itself the iv u iy ui iviiin. "i-IiIk orcanlzatlon nvows itself nn posed to Jews, Komnn Cuthollcs, No- I 1 .I.a (n.nlitll liM.t (r n groes nun m iw-w" , Gloucester Sartorial Censors Swat Straw Hats Twenty-five self-appointed sartorial censors, who gathered last evening on Burlington stieet near Bercen. In .:!,.- cester, deleted moro than one hundred iiost-sensnn straw hats ns they passed in the human procession beMven,, ,., Gloucester motion -olefin-,. linn,n I . .." ,--....v llllilllL' llll 1 k,,..v ....... ,, . .- ,i... i, ,.., ..,.., ... ..rliie nles 111 Hint HE tnnwii t u. "' niiiiuiui siiiuwii ii. ! :- .... i". I.... T,."" I;ive liiimireil persons watched the hall and farewell procedure, ns the hats were reduced to so much straw. Sev ern! hntlrss men went to tin, r,n,. it there .are "tatlnn to swear warrants for tho lint- rere it. i ...tr ...i ... ,.i.n.i ..... i I1C llll II lni; aim no i-oiiiiit'u in vi-ii and thirteen years. He declared he lind not eaten for twenty-four hour and that his family was in the same plight. Dr. Euan, police surgeon, ordered the man fed. Blum nte ravenous'-. Police. were sent to his homo nnd his story verified. The mother nnd children were weak from lack of food. Magistrate Kensbnw. In Central Po lice Station this morning, nsked Blum what benefit he was doing bis family by being arrested. ' "If I am sent to prison." Blum said, "my wife and family will be able to have n'l the food that charitable people have given us from time to time. I'm willing to work, but have not been able to get anj thing to do for fifteen months." Blum went to the Twenty-sepond street and Hunting Park avenue police station two weeks ago nnd demanded thnt he bo arrested, it was testified. The patrolmen made up a purse, paid the rent nnd the gas bill and got n quantity of food. Magistrate Kensbnw told Blum he would be held In MOO ball until Mon day, when he would decide wlint to do nhoiit the matter. In tho meantime, lie told Blum, his' fnmlly would be taken care of. JAPAN FIRM ON SHANTUNG May Refuse to Discuss Question at Arms Conference Tolilo, Sept. 111. Illy A. P.) It was Intimated in responsible circles here today that if China declines the recent proposal of Japan with regard to tho turning of Shantung over to China, which the Government consid ers eminently reasonable in nature, Japan may refuse to discuss the Shun, tuiig question nt the coming Washing ton conference. spend his tun- in his cell reading liU n. nil. ti'igr nnd magazines, accord ing to pii'oii .itteuilnnts. He avoids reading nev -i-nner-.. they said. The iiifiu motion that more than fort. qunrt- of liquor were consumed nt the "death" i.irt a given by Frederick Fi-i hbai-k. n Member of the party, when ipicunmil nt Lot. Angeles. i' iciioiu ii -. m- fiiii'in , wnich taken down b. a sreuogrnnh'-r. wa. wa I'onllntml nn Titer Tim, Column 1 tirn By (ho Associated Press London, Sept. 10.--Primc Minister Lloyd George, from whom tho next move in the Irish negotiations is looked for, wns still nlllng at his vacation-' time homo nt Gnirloch today. He wos reported to be better, how ever, nnd as contemplating a return to London earlier than ho had expected to consult his collcngues on the situa tion nrllng from Eamon do Vnlcra's statement in his letter made public yes terday that only ns representative of Ireland ns a sovereign stnto did tho Dnil Eireann hnve power to act, and from Lloyd George's own cancellation of the arrangements for the proposed conference nt Inverness. Public opinion in England, so far as. it has found expression, is virtually solid In support of the Prime Minister in Ids contention thnt all the advance, possible toward peace hnve been mado by Great Britain nnd thnt the Govern ment cannot go further to meet the Irish republican aspirations. Hopo for Irish Plebiscite There wns hope that Do Valcra would ask his people for a new mandate, and, that a plebiscite in Ireland would result In favor of the acceptance of Dominion, homo rule, but even the Irish Nation alists, according to expressions from them received here in Dublin, believe now thnt the result would be contrary to English expectation. It is pointed out that Lloyd George's -eply to De Valcra left nn opening for the continuation of the discussions after the Cabinet had decided what should' be done, but the preponderance of opin ion here is thnt there can be no further concessions by England. The Govern? inent, it is thought, may therefore de cide upon n general election to obtain an indorsement of its policy fronv the public. It was made plain by the Prime Min ister that he could not meet the Sinn Fein delegates if the claim of Irish In dependence mid sovereignty were In--isted unon. The British Parliament adjourned on August 1!) until October 18. but Prime Minister L!o.d George announced be fore the adjournment thnt if negotia tions with the Sinn Fein broke down and the position beenme hopeless, the Speaker of the Houe of Commons would be empowered, nfter consultation with tho Government, to Riimmon Par liament on forty-eight hours' notice. Truce Itemalns In Forco There was no indication here today thnt cither the British Government or the Sinn Fein would denounce the truce Sprclrtl )i3jiotch to Xvtnlno Public .rrfecr Atlantic City, Sept. 1(1. Charles W. Holden, who conducts a beauty shop nt 1(1(11) Pacific avenue, wns arrested b United States Deputy Marshals Moone, and Ossowitz today, charged with being one of the ringleaders in the gigantic smuggling conspiracy which has been Hooding New Jersey and Pennsylvania with contraband liquor brought from West Indian ports by speedy schooners. Arrnlgned before United Stntes Com missioner Steelmnn, "Dr." Holden. on the request of Assistant United States District Attorney Pearsc. was held un der 510.000 ball for a further hearing. Mr. PeufSo declared the arrest was the most important capture in the Gov ernment's enmpaign against rum-runners so far liuide. with the exception of Cnwsland. the Florida millionaire. "From information nnd evidence in our possession," be said. "Holden has been the finnncinl agent of tho cou, spirators and has been acting ns 'go between' for the North and South. Fur ther thnn this I cannot announce at the present time." Holden. dressed in the height of fash ion, wns ill nl ene when he faced the Government officers. Asked whether he could procure ball, he said that be had been trying to locnte a. friend in Phl'n delpbia who would get botne ono here to go h!s bond. In the nbsence of nnj bondsman be was lodged in the City Jail and will bo transferred to cither Trenton or Camden this afternoon in the event a bondsman fails to appear by then. Warrants for six or eight other men. most of them residents of the county, hnve been issued and will be served b a force of deputy marshals under the command of Chief Deputy Mnrshal Snowden as speedily as the men can be located. Customs Inspectors McDermott nnd Ke nobis, who have been assisting Mr Penrse in securing evidence against tin- WTiiiii'i'iiirw urn ui in in imii inn ir it n t i on their Information that the 'warrant- ?.rran,:,'i '"o1 months ago nnd resume, were issued i11 """" "injure miii cost scores We have learned thnt the cargo of!"! ,H,?S ".ml Ut,royed V.r.Perty va,ue1 the schooner Hcnrv L. Mursbali. seized llK" '," the millions. Warfare is the in New York, wos 'unloaded off the const '"r .t,ll,1B olt,"r wd" desires, and no here and mo-t of the liquor wns sent to i elT"rt- ntparently. will be spared to Philadelphia bv truck." -aid Mr lircv,.,"1t nn ovm "ct '"" "'ill place Penrse. "We know who helped to load I'-"1 ,,J,1'op.t,.lP lespoiiHiblllty for resum the Trucks and some of them will be ,nRt '"stl ities. ( .in-, iiui nn- ,-iiui i ein win (jo was iinesieii ninny. i no Dooze, of course, has been well distributed by thi.s t'me and we have no hopes of hunting it." Auto Hits Pole; Driver Hurt Elmer Wnrren. a Negro. Matchtown. N" J., was injured toda. when an unto ii.ulule he was operutlng struck n pole nml overturned on the Murlton pike opposite Cnhary Cemetery. The ear neioiigeii to i-.mii jiner. a tnmden store keeper. Warren was taken to the West Jersey Homeopathic Hospital. LIMEBURNER JOINS WEGLEIN IN SUPPORT OF VARES Councilman Alexia J,' Liraebumer, of the Twenty-eighth Ward, who wnj. brought into the limelight during the controversy over the Roosevelt Boulevard transit bribe, nnnounced today he would join Richnrd Weglcin, president of Council, and Thomas J. Cun ningham in supporting the Vnre fifty-fifty ticket. JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS' ILLNESS NOT ALARMING NASHVILLE, TENN., Sept. 16B.cportti from Mcmtcugle to day inaicate that Senator John Sharp William, who last night caiKcutd an engagement to &pcak here today, waa mffcrius from it.ups.-f.:, md.spositlon and his condition wab not cautdug ultu-iu is. i.... ::i.iide there. seemingly n difficult question today. Two points made by De Valcra in his note to I.lojd George were cioseh- ox- I nmined by those who were trvlnir to determine what p'un the republicans had in mind. The first was the state ment: "Oiir notion has formally de clared its independence and recognizes itelf a sovereign State, and it is only ns representatives of that Stnte nnd its chosen giianllans That we have authorj ity and powers to uct in behalf of our people." It was suggested thnt the Dnil Elre iinn might intend to go to the Irish people with the question and seek to determine by a plebiscite what tho do- sires of the people nre. The result of such a plebiscite would, it wns pointed out, either confirm the stnnd made by the republican leaders, or would glvn them n luniiilnte to waive the demand for separation and enter a conference with the British Government. Strong Sentiment for Plebiscite i There has been a strong party In Ireland that has been urging an election to determine the steps taken, there being n number of tiu-n In the councils of the Sum Fein who have believed it would provide a means for accepting thu British Government's offer of dominion stl.tus. The other sentence which attracted "Imperial Chaplain" Artho mi.- iir.......-inl 11M-.....1 t in.. ,, . iiic jiii ii-iuii iiKiiiii, iiiiu an tr e i rovnliv. inaliitn us nn Imnerl.il ( !.... aildwl in ". ' (-'""i- "" great ""V'v"' ' "mii v ...... - - ----,-,--. . !- . . ,. t i tiiAhtnniiu ii'iirk n ia t !. i. it-i.il nil logaiU '"rtV Snili' TtlK ' 1 n?rrtl,l?. frrrtom-lol . Batrolmnn Houston Uied to stop the1 inner" -hiiisel" the Ku Klux Klan logically must be destruction, but didn't succeed. Sev- , Tie h r Chaplain Is one Key., opposed, also-lt will bo seen timt this eral cltiieus, who expect more than one1 ii, p! i lV HI,' otherwlso 1.1.,,. . nrgnnlzat on Is ngainsf cve.ybo.y l the year's service from a straw hat. checked! Is. , pastor of the Central Bap it l'''B' hm,CS Vi "M ,,U"lU,'U ,P,n- ".'"' ?,' " V,"L forXml,,r,Uro U,L" ;.. :...i. r a. i,. m ,.,oi ei, nil.,,,,,,, nr , bers. ..... ... n'!.9. n,,'i ' ' "ed tor them later. i linrrn in . "." I ."' ti.,p mi i e o cer who una ,( Tin linn nne n f'1,,1. .11. 1 1,,, iiixln Defenso committee wli ch i,nu l, re i f cttve ill Atlanta and othc communities where lcadjng white and Continued on Lfe.s.ftV.wcaftl.....w,r rim Jp' 'I drtrtn, Coluwa Two immediately. !tltfl...l ,1.1.... f.mnllenl minority, and binds himself broken hilts on a tree In ,.,. ..:,- In allegiance to Its lenders, has violated clubhouse, nt Cumberland and Burlln. Ids oath of oflico nnd should be removed ' Ion streets, (his morning, troubles nf l.nmeillntelV." tl,a V.nlHn "' M"l""ca 01 1 Hotter Be Keerful, Squire Squire Yerkes, Mlllbourne's "line miller," today displaced a postal card ho had received. On it wus written : "Better watch your step, I Signed) "K, K. K." "I don't know whether IC. K, K. stands for the Ku Klux Klan or the Keystone Killing Klub," said tile Squire. , V NABBED AS DRUG PEDDLERS MRS. BIEG TO RECEIVE BODY Two Philadelphia Men Are Arrested Widow of Airman Left for Brook- by Camden Authorities i yn Today Ferniindo Kiola. of II,". Delair street, Mrs. Valentine N. Bieg, widow of nnd George Kjbus, of Lombard street I Lieutenant Commander Bieg. killed in near Fifth, were arrested this morning ' the ZH-2 disaster, left Philadelphia mis morning with her mother-in-law Mrs. K. II. Bnrlow, for the Brooklyn Navy Yard to receive tho body of her husband, which arrives from England on thu battleship Dauntless today. tMie was notified by thu Navy De partment the battleship is expected this afternoon. The body will be brought to their home nt; Havcrford, lu Camden, charged with pi-ddling co caine. Four paikuges of cocaine were found nu the men. According to the Cnmden authori ties, the drug was pint of a shipment smuggled into this ei untry from Europe, Th I. wrltlnir . , '! r V ..rn.vt'tft.j sw--at.i- '.rotAut, ro WIUTINO IWI'IUtStdJ? tit (iintlnurd nn I'nrit Four, Column Oaa NEVTCLASHES IN IILSTER Unionist Farmers Exchanged Shots With Party of Republican! Belfast. Sept. 10. (By A. P.) En counters between opposing factions In Interior Ulster were reported hero this uitcinoon. Two unarmed constables, on cycle patrol near Cookstown, in East Ty- tone, were shot nt bv scouts alleged to be Kepubllcaiis ut drill. They reported the matter to their barracks, mid n pa trol was sent out, which intercepted three cjcllsts, one of whom had a loaded revolver and other weapons, This nu, u was arrested. Unionist farmers h the district, arm ing themselves and setting out, stir-, prised n party of KepubllcunK, and shots were exchanged. Tho Cookstown cy clist contingent enptured eight loaded' revolvers they reixirted having found upon members of this party, nod seised a youth who had been Hhot in the leg The wounded prisoner was tukeu to TV hospital In Belfast. " Military forces n Belfast during th, . night conducted a rigorous search .M ' bouses In ere street, the center of yeL, -tcday's dlsturbancea, , -,f! sit ., . k l,v,. . -n -. ..Fffllif-jf " ! ! V' l . Jt .ID ,' ,- (u i i. . r -.. - ti . t m i iii - . LEj.rvjs.-a: