i"i n uiisieeawsi wwr 1 i wi:r?.- irr- i ; njonRBi wr wrr,, . ft rW ;i. u'i, w, .-, -.11 X, V ' BEIig WANTEDMALB fUtMEIt Kxp. man tor farm work; .Ingl.t prefer ma rnrth W ' mm who ran milk It' W, lfK W. Evans. WHIM. 1',. . ! 1. Hog nft ffltfiB NIUHT C0UHRI9 In scientific sale' pr.wi. Jfl,,c Kr lifetime e7ng corpoi rsiint position and would Ilk to Qualify etime poui'on wiin a young, last corporatlon, npplv to 710 Wldenor EST.' Biiai"f v.n wanted for clrculnr snrlng need! macbin! mult bo fully competent to take Stt. Addree. stating qualifications, M ft i, ledger onicc, FLOORMAN nfffn KNOWS MEN'S CLOTHINO 9& ibcl llrctn.r riulrc a capable man of Staling personality wno Knows tne men' Itnthlnt business, to take entire oharge of Wperlntendenfa Office, fourth floor. LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE) For two or thrro ambitious, tnduitrloui n wno nave nau (,Aincnia m g ur muro I the following departments, positions are ilm with a growing, prosperous life Insur inc. inttltutlon located In larco Ka.tern M . . (a tat at Vi Ma Af fiMmldM. iecountlnff department or ajrenU commit- Cblef olerk' who la familiar with the rou tine work of the agency department In a "'i.ti. l,t iti tan ti nti , i s.1 IjniCl vICIA H'lu ii tuns viiaa Uk u Artitorraph department, tending out of pre- Cnlef clerk, man or lady, who can tako astro of atPlleatlon and polloy department. otve 'UU partlculara ae to nte, personal ailiarjr. -5"v VJ. Hi.' I "'" - enoee. Ji a" --ut myr MEM If T0'-1 n mn ' "v enllb-ir and ambition! It you have an nutnmobtlo and can nnanow vui wii vaiirvp, you may tl nn. of the 2 men to b aelected by a nationally known manufacturer of a aoealalty rerxrded ae a neceetlty In up-tn- Site urocerles. meats and dellcatmsen etoree SJt.li and rjelauranta. to fepreient It Ir Mlladolphla and vlclnltyt aome men In thli In thlil MlUnJT orKanizuiiuii io vm ii.uk cuininieiiona M - .a tin Aftn nnniulf. .kif. .... rmountlnir to U0.000 nnnually, while aov emoununc y. t.w.vww ..... niuio bt- Ml ,re makintr aoore. oooo; also on op. Jfrtunlty tor E8? Lancaeter rind Potta tTiln Addrcia T 1030. ledger Office. rmJ Vhi Atboitoa Corporation, of Naw rorlt. deelrc to complete Ita Philadelphia aranoh nlea srnnliatloni experience In our line rot nxearyi commlielpn bajta to Mart. Iror interview call Mr. Northrop, Spruce froo. MES3AOB TO THE MEN To read thla ad coata you nothlnr. but to tike advantaRe of thla ad's meesaco may miin the arentOBt thin that ever came Into ur life. I am dlitrlet manamr of one of IheUre-tet aalea orcanliatlona of Ita kind In the country. I am looking for a few enor etla mtn with a determination to Bet more ent of life than a mere existence, and who m1 that with proper aupport and co-operation oould aucceed. Call 10 A. Jr. to 3 P. M., Koom 203. Smlth-Auatermuhl llulldlntr. 0th and Mi iBd MarKti ai.. v",ua". IfANUKACTUllKRB' repraaentotlve or aalea' nan w niuun ....c v v.w...u u.tun n. ttnea In Btate of Pennaylvanla. C 321, Ldtr Office. MANUFACTUnEU of ladlea underwear, haa opening for sood man to take chares of cutting and newlne departmenta: nil re nlles alrlctlf confidential. Ecllpae Mfe. Co., Ilalllmore. Md. JtILK product! concern, marketlni awott cream, irean ana oarroiea conuenoeu. oui ir and eate, wanta experienced repreeento va to aollclt confectlonorr. dairy. Ice cream. bakirv and grocery trade In Eaatern Penn aylvanla and New jeraay territory; atate age, minimum enlary. aalea and dairy expertenot frit letter: (nod connection right man. M lW, Ledger Offlco. fUJMI)2ns. l an hour, ateady poaltlon. Apply itoom l. ixzh Arcn at. IAtR3 MANAGER wanted to tako complete charro of Philadelphia branch controlllni lano dlatrlctl man solecled must iirovc him Nit a real producer, be able to set ard hold a number of aaleemen oalary and commta rtoa bael. Tor Snttrvlew call Spruce 7790. Kr, Northrop. iMT.ESMANAaEn I want a producer with proved atiiity: to aueh a man I can offer a real, renuino monermaklna proposition: bend required. Itoom 100, 1414 3. Penn nquare mat. SALESMAN Pennaylvanla territory open ior rum aaieaman to repreaent large men tfuUrtr with national dlatrlbutlon aelllnB ramiture ana aepnnment-atore t ratio: aalary, naTiiing expenaea ana commleaion: write fully. lln ao, oxperlenco and referencea. reJcral Adrertlalne Agency, 0 Eait SDth at., Kw Tork City. IALE3UAN. butter, cheeae and erza: want- r u"'""v hiuu iw uanuie vnaienaie woiioiltlon: In replying; give outline of capa- HMM confidentially. P 1020. ledger Office. UtESMEN Splendid opening for two ll!fmn In ..II n.ll..tl. ... .,-. proauctaj eloctrlo oleaner, waaher and Ironer; atclnilvy territory alven: exporlenco not ao to referencee required. J. T. Buchanan p-pytr vo. ina uneatnut at. lALESMEN Men of honoet character can E ". wer- anu more; we tram you and give you a chance to connect with Bualaeag. Apply 1001 Colonial Trust r.. 18th and Market ata. llALEflMEN wanted for ground-rioor demon """"' n-vvtj uin aiarKex at. IPHOI-STEllKJl wvnted on over-atuffed lurniiure. Appiy William Hitter A Dro., B. Oermantnwn ave. F fejiulre watchmaker having; thorough I """'"'? - "" American ana uwiea gmraentai muat have own toola. Apply raployraent Iluroau, fourth floor. U1J.UUU JJUir.llE,... I WINDOW trimmer and card writer wanted. .-, bim. uugHitt.Mu luriiianinK aiorei WW poaltlon. Address L.. Law. Nantl. Pa. TUNOMAN who haa knowledtf of direct aLnVa-tlaHe-iia e-uaiU a..lil. , . noleule hardware houao; good ohance for Iaffl5ne?W,V J,,llsr ,ln "n handwrltlnsr. I( .7: V. ?.,. "V'"n". ?'ary expected Ita a'art. to H 102. Ledger Ofllce. General WDUBTniAL MANAGERS WANTED ! 2 nd"n4 production and 7SKt .'n. '." 0H1 States la keenly S!?irie,-U(,.,n ."?"'? maximum P?o-IM.11!?- ?.' mlnl.raum expense: to do Sil."QUJ" not on' modern equip" nent and modern methods, but also 6SJtffi?.nS!5?r,Und INDUSTRIAL. MOINEERWQ. and who can In UUItently direct a factory ora-anlia, INDUBTRIAti ENOINEEniNa feiUln.f .w aecordln to the SS"r PI" to thouaands of m?n SK S?.&K wa In Indus" fij,t,liw.0irk Th) 5" eraduatou of teonnloal schools th. ,.". Vi.. . v""iY"'"--T"eeo men nro iOM to handle the Important ex. cut In work in in,... .i.i .'.?? IT.." "r" inauatriai orcanlia. i.M! t5?? . hm have already fe'lM4 ,h,lr !' 200 per cent to 400 per oent: their presSnt sa.1- PM m??M 'm ,2000 t0 ""00 8S!,tewS. K..eJ"?A I" . lnu.: tin ntanf.T.;.i-- "' tuu nave naa ........viuiiiw cxperitnceu will ,SI?.'ir f.avru". Investlicate A7a eTinX. I.. " " "?": Profes- tJS Wy,Mn,,"o"tyou,. Ter,,UviI. WDUBTRIAI. EXTKNaiON INSTI- 0 13. 43th ft'.. few York, N. i. Hi I ttWirtT aPBeiAMZKn employment 'W f.u".''!"5 nrollment wilt admit of a Wttn, Q ,,,l,,an,; fictoVyand wv.r 8? ooSnJ'. ',. !nlcal. Vale, engmeer. W wtinKtlona our apeolalty. aeeurin. HUt mIviS Tv.nn.hir '"'"K'-ade appii. 31 lend fnr VS !'b.'.0 '1 lo0' "'Idenla 2 nt.bif.hr.df,iLorB,nrT' V& ob0.".lt um. - - .. .uv a. nm lirSflf3" HEHVICE CO.. 1H4 Land Tltl"." MxrZS: ..T'- .'.l"'".'."!". !.. tutv aviiiiur, tSUD, ,-.- T, .if A' i HELP .WANTED KAliB fleneral CIVIL) HEtlVlun vxaminttlona, November .and December) many vacancies: eala-v JHno-tlHiMi. writ fur aamplo teat. P 818. -dger Oflee. SITUATIONS WANTED MAXE AMUITlOUa youns; man. 32. married, 12 yenra" experience as executive, desires con nection In any capacity with live house where future advancement la nsaured as result of earnest eftortl personal Interview Invited. CJ 222. t)"lgcr Office. AB8I8TANT SOPEKINTENUKNT Meohanl cal engtner, etp. on foundry and rr.aohlno ahop production and on construction and maintenance of building, deelrrs poaltlon In Industrial plnnt. M 103. Ledger Office.' tsxncufivil. with flnancla , accounting, purchnrlng and sales exp., who etartnl at bottom and wirkod through the organisation to tne top, la open for naw connection In manufacturing; Una. C 204, Ledger Office. liUTI.IClt and cook. Japanese, wlshoi steady position; take full chares of small family or apt.: bnt city refa. C 334, ledger Off.. CHAUWEUIt Vouna; whits man. single, dealrea position with private family; ex perienced, careful driver: references from last employer; nlno willing to do other work about place. Call Woodland 7B00. HOU8EWOIUC Japantso wanta position general housework In small family; best references. Iso, 003 Pine at. SALES MANAOER Responsible sales man ager with character wanta to handle State of Ohio or look after Western Interests of good party. Address P. O. Box 823, Lo rain. O, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MHP. KANE, (111 S. 10th Wanted, whllo couples, Protestant cooks, chlldnursas.'Rlrl for lownnte.lrs work and cooking, country help. Apply at onco. JJItH. HOOEltS announces her removal to 817 S. 20th at., cor. Dp Lancey; first-class neip supplied nna wnni-u, MRS. IIARVET. 1010 Illttenhouso Squaris Only rellaNo help sup. & wanted; all na tionalities; j'rot. a cam.; numerous vacs MIRS IIARKIN3. 11)04 llalnbrldgs St., sup Piles competent (l'rot. and Csthollo) help: male and female. Spruce 3027. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LIM0ZAINE 'THE BUSINESS BROKER" SUITE 814-B1S 1011 CHESTNUT 8T. j COMPANY producing highest gTade bitumi nous coal needs 1111,000 ; can give amplo security: will repay loan In coal It desired: Investigation by coal consumers invited, M 107, Ledger Office. 8000 SQ. FT. FLOOH SPACE for manufac turing purposra; nine-room dwelling, all In Soqd shape; v.111 sell at a bargain: Immo late possession: only tnsoo for all W. T. WRIOHT Newtown. Ta. CA8II UUVEHS waltlnir What have ynu to sell? List with us for immediate results. Universal Service Association, 807 Orexel llldg. Lombard 5004. SALE Mnchlno ihop, or will tako partner. C 230. Ledcer Office. BUSINESS PERSONALS CASH FOR DIAMONDS For moro than B0 vcars wo havo been buy ing diamond" and other mecloua stones from the large jewelers and department stores and from their customers recommended to us WE PAID a woman $08.50 for a lot of "'-' ""-' Jewelry alio had beon ortored (40 for elsewhere. Bring your old gold and silver to us or send postal; representative will call. THQ3. R. LEE A CO.. 712 Walnut at. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY CO.. 032 Chestnut St. Bulte 21-22, second Hoor. over Child's Rest. niAMfiNinS A- McCutchen. Omcs. 031 !7.vL r,eal E,t- Tr- mi- Droa'1 BOUGHT $ s,b A ate "'" ....m,M s.u yum muu. iv m i DIAMONDS BOUGHT ItAnRY W. S.MITK. 717 SANSOM ST. OARPET OLEANINO NATIONAL CARrET CLEANINO CO.. 8300 N. 10th: Tioga 0312 Cleans, scours, re- palra carpeta and rugs; colors equal to naw. DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY DltEHSMAKEIt wants few more customers moderate rates. 1020 N. 13th. Popl'r 7003 M PAINTING PAPERHA NQINQ ROOMS papered. Samuel Joyner, $8.00 up. call or wrlto 021 S. 10th at. OLD GOLD OLD gold, silver, platinum, plated ware, old' style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1B17. J. J. Clark, renner. 807 Bansom. CASH paid for old gold, sliver and antique clocks. Rogers. 45 8. 17th st. Locust llll. USED AUTOMOBILES 1921 'Stephens? pass, tour.: cord res: Ilk new leas man v price, icrms or casn. 1920 StUtz'ncn rWoay"0"'- 1921Studebaker0nil0to8(j rndlator and lamps; 1300 down, balance I venr. 1Q?ft Fv "aan; liko new; priced I vt.J L,aacA nt a gTea, reJucUon. J vear to ray. 1918 Paige Coupe '.f wire wheels, l921Sludebaker--;--n! tlnn- can be bought very cheap. 1920-19 Hudson Sedan SuSX condition; terms. 1920 Oakland Sedan UfeiSiT' original paint; very little used. ln Oaklands. Maxwells. Dodges and nulcks; prices from 1200 up. RARON S 0tn Bundny. Pop. MOO 040 N. BROAD ST. fmuwmMMwmiwmmmmmmm& Auto Parts USED AUTO PARTS MOTORS, REARS, GEARS, STARTERS, TIRES, MAGNETOS, AXLES, CARBURETORS SCH0BER 84th and Market Sts. S!ii!:iiijji!i!iirj:iii,ji:niiiii3iraiiiiiiiiiiiiiMrai!iiiiraniiiiiiiuifcj : NEW OR USED Demountable Rims FOR ANY CAR Used Ford rear wheels at greatly reduced prices In stock roadv for delivery SATTLER'S 1C01 SPRINO QARDEN ST. nr r.ainiru.n 1020. res a perfect istntn. thiou'a-hout; 0 tires and rlma: repainted: bsrusln. 012 f. UOth at. Relmont 6308 V. I) to 4 o'olock OVERLAND Zml. Call Mc- Michael. 130 t'QPiar st. iTHRn Truik. worm drive, exnresa body: rJtU Ph0(lp, STANLEY AUTO CO.. Ulll N. nrnad at. Poplar 71-20. REO tourlne and winter top, 1200. Uroad, Oregon 7817. 720 S. DnT7i7 2,4-lon truck, atake bodv: owner IUWl haa no use for same: i-Ml cheap Royal Motorcar Co., Inc.. 020 N, Droad Pop, co.ia. FORD touring: sulendld car: must li.i seen to be appreciated! $223: terms If desired. HI2D Arch st. FRANKLIN touring, model U-A. wood oon- dltlon, little uwd: owner leaving country; bargain for cash. Phono Wuyne 18) ' AUTOCAR ohassla and power-operated coal body, oompletely overhauled, repainted, tested nnd guaranteed, this car Is attrac tively priced and will be eold qulcklyj small down payment and easy monthly terms: will Tl'llS AUTOCAR SALES AND SERVICE' CO. Market end 23d ste. PAnin AP 'n T'P"" Call Pop. CAUlUUrt ,nr J24B. Mr. McMlchael, 1H40 Pooler at. CADILLAC, model 01, 1U10, 7 paasenaeri A-'ef 'lyt.? Mrfoot condition. Alien v,, ie. i a. Lanqistar a,v., Ardmoro, P- Ardmora eSO. 7, &i f J5UV ENIKG PtBitC iiEDGKPfflfcAtoBLPHIl, WEDNESDAY; USED AUTOMOBILES Thousands of owners vouch for tho In business. 800 CAES TO SELECT? FROM 1920-19 REVERE Victoria! In beautiful condition and a handsome cart efso a, Roadster with wire wheels. 1921-20 CLEVELAND Touring and Roadster; in absolutely A-l shape; looks like now and runs the same. 1919-18 CADILLAC In all models: perfect mechanical con dition; come have original paint on and fnrd tires. 1920-19 BUICK Touring, Roadsters and Sedans: equal to new; some have been reflntshecl and re. tired MARMON Touring and Roadster: vary hllli claas: fine ears; will run equal to now and look like new. 1921-20 ESSEX Touring and rtoadster: In very fine condition and cannot be distinguished from new rare. 1920-19 STUTZ Touring and Roadster: original paint and many extra equipments; will give seme service as new. 1920-19 HUDSON Speedster. Sedan and Coupe; abso lutely the samo as new cars; at ths lowest prices. 1920-19 PAIGE In all models and prices: a' I In ths very best mechanical condition. iw m x v s nr J Reliable Automobile Company (All That tho Name Implies) 249-251 NORTH BROAD STREET Agents' Wanted OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINQS Send for Free Bulletin SlBll MOTOR TRUCK SALE SEPTEMBER 15TH TO 30TH BIG REDUCTIONS AND BARGAINS This is the annual clearance sale of Rebuilt Vim Trucks which we have been preparing for during the last three months. All Trucks thoroughly overhauled and repainted. Fully equipped. Some as low as $150. Others $97.00 ON DELIVERY BALANCE ONE YEAR TO PAY This sale positively does not open until 8 A. M. Thursday morning, September 15, and closes 9 P. M. Friday evening, September 30. Open evenings until 9 o'clock and Sundays from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M., so the out-of-town buyer will have an opportu nity to take advantage of this fhnarkable sale. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. BROAD AND HUNTINGDON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. W. M. GREEN, JK MANAQEIt USED CAB DEPAItTMENT 'Exceptional Zest Cord Tires Firsts Fresh Stock 8000-Mile Guarantee 30x3, $8.75 30x32. $10.75 Empire Tires Non-Skid, 6000-Milo Guaranteo 33x4. $15 FREE TUBE WITH ORDER FOR 2 TIRES TIRE BROKERAGE CO. 932 North Broad Street MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY SHIPPED PFIONE; POPLAn 2211 BIG TIRE SALE Slightly Used Tires Standard Makes of all Sizes 80x3 32x4 34x4 ?3.00 7.00 7.50 8.50 35x41, $9.00 36x412 35x5 37x5 9.00 10.00 10.00 34x4ya Firats, Special Lee Non- skids. 32X'J. Siu.uu NO. C. O. D.'s DURINO SALE AJAX RUBBER CO. 1331 Race St., Phila. IF YOU WANT a f ( MADH A vine JnKi'AinBD rtAlUO ) KTRAIOIITENnD H (WELDED nilQlTlC'S STRAiailTENHD Fl BTRAIOHTENBr rarnpi. LENCITHENED Wl V (ELECTRIC Pf linOT lACICTYIJlNB CJUlll, (nAMMERBMITn WB CALL TOR 'XIIKU WE DELIVER TIIUU AMERICAN AXLE WORKS 12TH AND MONTCIOMFRY AVE. AN AO'IOC'AH rliK'ala Willi un fitpress body Is reruKnlzud a tlia Ideul equipment for general hnullnrs we can placo an overhauled Autorar chasuls with an express body In your eerWco at a very low price and upon exceptionally easy monthly momenta; chaa. sis repalnud. tested and nuaranteed by us. Call, write or phone TJIli AUTOCAR HALES AND SERVICR CO. Markut and g3d sts. AUTOCAR rutaiy dumpi tills cur Is In ex rullent mochnnlcal condition. Iiavlnir been tt.oruuuhly overnauien oruuuniy overnauica oy us. reraintea. tested and Euarantced: price Is ery low: Ih easy montniy payments, THE AUTOCAR H.VLEB AUTOCAR H.VLEB AND BERVICB CO, uaravt ana zud ata. 'i" j" r " USED AUTOMOBlXCT Don't Let Your Dollars Fly Away When Car Buying h'laco them where they will .cturn to you dividends or excellent service. Reliable Used Cars are noted for the wnrthv service they render. straightforward method wo ubo TIME PAYMENTS 1921-20-19 OAKLAND Tourlnr; wire wheols) run 20 00 miles: also Sedan. Coupe and Roadsters; very low prices. DANIELS Sport Modell equal to pew In retT detail) cord tiros and at ths pries of a cheap new oar. 1921-20-19 DODGE 4-door Hedanl like new; also Touring, nondstrrs and Coupes: alt In perfect condition. APPERSON fl-pnss. Sport Model! Just like newt this Is a beautiful car; ths pries la verv low. 1920-19-18 CHANDLER 4-door Sedan: velnur uphdrtwi n'" Speedster. Tmtr'mr nnd Roadster; an In perfect condition. 1921-20 Scripps-Booth Touring and Roadster: a high-powered O-cyl. car; perfect shape; vsry low prices. 1921-20-19 FORDS In all models. Including a Town Car) l.-o frif nre prlred verv Inw. 1920-19 COLUMBIA Coupe and Touring: run 1800 miles nnd equal to new In every detail. 1921-1920 MAXWELL Sedan. Roadster, Touring and Coups; In absolutely perfect mechanical con dition. n Bargains' Henderson Giant Cord Tires 10,000-Mile Guaranteo All Firsts Fresh Stock 30x3i2. $13.75 33x4, $24 Fabric 33x4, $15 n HAynES USED CAR DEPT. Hnyncs Sedans, Sportsters and Tourings, 1920 and 1921 models reasonably priced. ' Cars of other makes: 1920 Oldsmobilo Sport Model 1920 Paigo Larchmont. ' 1920 Onklnnd Sedan. 1918 Buick, Rex top. 1920 Mercer, very fast car 1920 Mercer, special built' 1920 Columbia. 1921 Pilot, run 200 miles 1918 Pilot, looks liko new. 6-cyllnder Studebnker. 4-cyllndor JefTery, very cheap. - .,, ,,..4J, cneapj T H. A. ROWAN, JR., CO. E R M S Phono, Spruce 4720 E R M S 905 N. BROAD ST. 23 N. BROAD ST. MR MoDONALD TIRE CLEARANCE SAF P REO NEW-6000-MiIe TIRES-NEW 30X3H .?:." ?2SS St., N' S- Tire, 114 on 33X3 Vi... 31x4 ... 0.00 3ltU in.oa ... .vv aufu .... lnn 1 . An a.. .. ! 114.00 SPECIAL LEE NON-SKIDS 32x8ft, ?10.00 NO C. O. D, DURING BALE AJAX RUBBER CO. 1.1H1 RACK ST.. PHILADELPHIA n. C'ADlLUClli;d'l"nAvV,0kn;rf ca. ip.. tso N,firrUl?opfI?o130o!,CAit USED AUTOMOBILES tw m jfWf No Sale Ever Equaled This Wonderful Event. Selection Was Never Better. Price' Never So Low V Our policy has always been to offer the greatest amount of car value for every dollar spent. People know our policy. They expect just such an opportunity as we are now offering. We will not disappoint them. Every Car Buyer Should Inspect Our Stock and Take Advantage of Our Unheard-of Low Prices EVERY KNOWN MAKE AND MODEL TO SELECT FROM GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-40 NORTH BROAD STREET AGENTS WANTED OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS SEND FOR FREE CATALOG MfflMII Fifth Annual Clearance Sale TIRE BARGAINS Bargains Both in Price and Quality Fresh Factory Surplus Stock Poaltlvelr perfect Flrat Quality of lat est conatructton, which wero factory Kuarsnteed for 00(10 and 8000 miles, Hut were aold to us by the manufacturer In slice of which tr-ey had a aurplus at sacrifice prlcea with factory auarantee waived. And We Guarantee Satisfactoi'y Service UNITED STATES Fabric: plain tread; In original factory wrapper. Regular Our Size Price Price aOxStt $15. DO 8.S0 HiixHk HMO 0.75 32x4 27.50 13.23 83x4 28.33 13.7S FISK CORDS neeular Our Price Price .128.88 110.23 . 34.03 18.23 43.28 23.30 . 32.13 29.45 30x3 V, Non-ekld 31x4 Non-ekld 33x4., nibbed 3x4tt nibbed . REVENUE TAX INCLUDED Mall ordora promptly ahlpped by Par eel Poet or Express. C.O.D. SUBJECT TO TOUU APPROVAL If unsatisfactory, money refunded. We mako no substitution In your order. CRESCENT TIRE CO. 1312 Arch St. Dell Phone Locust 3444 SLIGHTLY USED MOTOR TRUCKS Mmt Be Sold and Priced Accordingly 8 -ton U. S. with stake body. Used less than three months. 5-ton U. S. with stake body and cab. Used three months only. 5-ton G. B. with platform body and cab. 2Vs -ton Packard with van body. 2-ton G. M. C. with platform body and cab. 1-ton Garford. 1-ton Republic with bodv. A number of others of vnrlmn manes. EASY PAYMENTS An exceptional onnor- tunity to get a good truck at low price and with little cash down payment. L. S. BOWERS CO. 245 N. Broad Street PHILADELPHIA AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS 10.000 IN STOCK NEW. FOR EVERY MAKE OF Cn REAR AXLES " FOR EVERY MAKE OF CAR (1000 IN MTOCK READY FOR DELIVERY LOWEST 1'lUf'ES OUARANTEFD WE MA1CE 'KM OPEN SUNDAY Sattler's Machine Shops 1801-15 BPRINO GARDEN ST. CLFVELAND 1931 "n1""i big re. LUCVLUtlU reduction. S T A N L HI AUTO CO Win N Hrcad st l'jp. 7V'(i touring, 1018 model, excullent con.n j tasn. Wynmlnr B02A J nt coni31. tlnn HUDSON Um,ou?lnf r"uut.-1 moJi-,- ,7 ,,K0JXJ0F ,'uneral or hacking! small amt. of cash, bal. e.isy terms, Royal Motorcar C. Inc.. (TjO N Uroad. Pop CnSfl? DODOE 1010 li-pasnencer touring car rre. ?!?;v,j!.c,lly,1Kf,r,ff f,' Jur!,l,?,r ,". Mid caator avo..Ardmore, Pq. Ard mors S3o, HUDSON x2?2 W' hndsom Job; run nUUJUII ,ery llttlci bargain. Royal .Motorcar iu.. im- . ii.ii ,- uroad. Pop. flo.lfl iniiuic lf-liO- touring, a pasfonger. mce'hir. callv nerftcti cord equipment. Uainn Lan-ster ave., Ardmor! Springer. 123 K Pa, ArJmoro ti&Q HUDSON 11)20. beautiful iH ...iii - ?. ' royal ""iWi,issri: T . -i . SEPTEMBER? 14, USED AUTOMOBILES masJ Way Below Pre-War Prices The Beason for This Tremendous Value-Giving, Money-Saving Opportunity Is Due to Our Determina tion to Move Our Stock. Business Must Go on Regardless of Any Sacrifice We Make. Come in Today, Do Not Wait. THIS IS HOW OUR PLAN WORKS Select any car on our salesfloors. Pay a small percentage of the purchase price down. We will spread tjhe payment of the balance of your account over a WHOLE YEAR. Nothing could be fairer or easier for you. PACKARD USED CARS The most beautiful, healthful and exhilarating motor season of the year the Autumn is just ahead. If ever you want to enjoy a car, NOW'S the time. SOME SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Packard Twin-Six 3-35 Touring Seven passenger; thor ouehly overhauled and re painted. Looks and runs like a new car. Packard Twin-Six 3-25 Touring Excellent mechanical con dltlon. You cannot pur chase a new car at the same price thnt will offer anything- like tho same per formance, appearance or Icnirth of service. Packard Twin-Six 3-25 Imperial Limousine IlnncVomo enr In first class mechanical condition. Packard Twin-Six Smart looking', and ha? best poeslblo Cars of Other Makes 1920 Stutz 4 passenger 1918 Willys - Knight , Coupe Hudson Speedster 1911 Cadillac Touring USED CAR DEPARTMENT PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 319 N. BROAD ST. Locust 3900 Race 6?41 mm S' v jTrTTTT-rmTTTTT--,lln "I I. IIMIUIIimmrn irn A Car Is Just as Worthy in Back of It. The GEORG stands paramount amontr used-car than ever. The savings are big enough to dem tt. attend? L.5eldm grat an PPortunity oTered the public to save VERY EASY PAYMENTS ARRANGED DODGE 1920 q,e,lani "" " llt- Touring Curs and Roaditers, large variety, low prices. BIDDLE 1920 Touring 4 pass j wire wheels and extras, very classyi used a. short n'tllii, wlii Hioriflci' NATIONAL 1920 Tun'' ,n 2 7 0 0 mlls. very powerful, equipped with cord tires. BUICKS 1921-20 wJfr" and Roadsters large vnrletv A-l condition. 1a. prices ESSEX 1921-20 nd; " " Touring Curs, equal to new. fully equipped, OLDSMOBILES 1920-19 Touring Cars and Roadsters, 0 and ft cyl. models, excellent condition; as low as 1473. JORDAN 1920 """ Touring. 4 . ..u . pa..'! yory classy; equipped with extras big sacrifice Hundreds of others to select from. Georges Automobile Co. 338-340 NORTH BROAD ST BROAD ft CALI.OWIULL REMEMRER THE NAME AND .ADDRESS OPEN HUNDATm a,. - or..TW vuj iiinu.Mn 11UJ,KTIN HONEST BATTERY SERVICE STATION ,Wtt.EUII4 YOU OUR UATTRItT 1921? USED AUTOMOBILES rxnQ uJ rices Packard Twin-Six 8-25 Coupelet Custom built. A thor oughbred In every respect. Finished In deep maroon : black fenders: new up holstery. Packard Twin-Six 2-25 Roadster Four passenger. Good condition. A compact and smooth-rldlng car. Packard Twin-Six Duplex Coupe Very latest model. Only sllBhtly used by owner, who changed to different model Twin-Six. nun less than 2000 miles. 1-25 Phaeton always been kept In the condition. Biddle Coupe 1918 Chandler Coupe Locomobile Touring Mercer 4 passenger Columbia 'Six Touring &FJ VAF m-iiir as the Name N ame lmvorc n., .- are now lower CHANDLERS 1920-19 Tour- BtlM.l.ln.. -. . "! rftty? IniSre.iVnS'prTce.:1'"" IMW "- MAXWELLS 1921-20-19 aTi?6'1, ""idsters and Sedans, ex Mao?1, C,"1'"1. very economical, NASH 1920 Sodan. "hows no vftar , ju IV uhols,er-1,.1.P-aOPHnal;',Pe: beaUl'- LEXINGTON 1921-20 Tfn PAIGE 1920 I-rchm-t, 4-iss , CHEVROLETS 1921-20 efqOArr!pefd.C,V'loWnHsn,SS0't"'' '"y OAKLAND 1920 sn; .how. cellent equipment, bl, I',."r c- Tour present car taken In exchani". AOPNTq vyj'i,Na8. ,, ,, t r-iJ X MERCER 4p" apou "T- ' 177. iorCo.J ? U .'"jmce. ll?? , nAlr! AMf Ho.i.r, -.... .. !.;.'.- V-,tluUI i , -'"..ring UKe new, 27 . TOK SALE tV C 'C fOLDINO CHAtM Big baenhee wnm' loda-s pad.ttala, tu,'u ehalry. eho"l ' restaurant ana Ice cream tbl na if. lunchroom et.alra and counttr stool, nanra) teaks nnd chalra dare assortment). Special valuta In workroom chalra. Invalid chair aold and renud. Cbaira and tabu rtntd lor all occasion CHAIR EXCHANGE Cor 6th and Vine Su. MARKET 3S4H ttAIN B TYPEWRITERS RENTED VIBIBLB a MOB. in.no AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriter! "Seo Out New Mnchlnt,' the Century" American Writing Machine Co.- 802 CHESTNUT BT. Walnut 24M Main 420R FURNITURE Trices direct from factory: will My to r V ma before buylnit. For Information writ 031. Leaner onrice. . OFFICII FtJIlNITUni? Large lot f dralta, safes, nlea, rablnets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We buy, sail and exchange. I'ATTKN FUitNITtlfin CO. LOrtTBT 4070, 1127 AUCH ST. ItAQB 4j08t KOK BALK Encyclopedia llrltnnnlea, alavi enth million, handy-volume atrle bound In full hrown aheerKln, kooI a newt coat new S128; .price 100. Lynns L, Jlerrltt." quakertown. l'a. , HAUH- i'-'.no un. trunks, traveling hng and aultraaea. hlah jrrade. exceptionally bamnlns, wardrobe trunks Ilfi! lara-a as. a k & TaAAt a h T Jtah VI a. a i T a aiurtlliriu. jirnuri w iil Jhk.ZVt f 1 f t 11th. KOIt HA LB or exchange, motorcycle ma chine shop; machinery building material for electrlo flrllll storage batlertra: rectlflsr.' motors, magneloa, etc. 27m N. Hembargar, FOIt SALU Walnut bureau, marble topi oak aldeboard, bevel mirror, large leo chest- pictures and frames. Call 701 Sprue atreet. FTviM'IECE leather mission suit and ma hogany bedroom suit; will ran for half. REFRIGERATORS I FlXTUrtEB; term If de- sired It. T. Kendall U Co.. 831 N. Second at. COLUIlI. Orsfanolo. cost S12D. only n.1 almost new. Itisdsr's Loan Office, 220O South st sold to make room at almost one-half of cost. Howe Bcnle Co., HOP Arch at. imEAICl'AHT suite, 7 lileera, Jtorgor Utorago Co.. 1409 N. gray; cbeap. B2d st. HORSES LADIKS AND OKNTLKMKN'S riding boota. DO English new and used riding saddles, new Imported riding bridles, all kinds of harness, horse clothing. Harney Cuff, 1212 Cherry at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS HYNAMOH and motors and repairs: rewind fields and nrmMures. Thomas Tearslcy ELKCTKICAL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOLS 1WVKI1 KQUIPMENT O'ERIEN MACIUNFKY CO.. 110 N. 8D ST ULIXTRICAL outfit wsntod, either dlraat cennrctod or baited ICO K. W A. C. 220 volta, 00 crclas. 2 phase C 224, Ledger On. FULLkiYJ. lxnirers. ihnftlnr. KAliln . price Motor Kxchrnge. 327 N. 3d. DOGS. BIRDS AND GOLD FISH MAKINO DOOH HAl'PY HINCB 1888 . Consider the health and comfort of your pt thfo trying hot days; use (lood's dog aoaD: kills fleas, cures mange: Invigorating. halta tul: sold by druggists; avoid substitutes. Innlst on "Good." JAMES aOOU, INC.. Kens.. Phlla. KOH SALE Police dog pupnlesi prdlgrerd blue-ribbon stock. Itox 38. arenloch. N. J. STORAGE AND MOVING LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE BEST IS T7TT; rWRAPE8T Fhe BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc. 8th and Market Phone Baring lain WANTED Two return loads or household goods, freight or merchandise, comlni lS the vicinity of Hchnectndy, Troy. Albany Amoterdam or Qloversvllle. fc', y. Nell fr rtyan 232-234 Broadway, Schenectady V y VICTORY STORAGE 6208 PILBCRT. Phone Ilslmont 4870 fee tlmat. Plsrce-Arrow vana. ' THE JOHN HHOAUS CO. Storage, packing, moving, carpet oleanln ia--f, lanca3tbr ave.. ffWrinS" MONARCH STOnAOK CO.. 3870 LANCAevi TEH AVE. AUTO SERVICE. STORAQIL PACKINO. LONG-DISTANCE MOVINO WANTED ' SECOND-HAND de kettlps. following alas Inside measurements. 3 ft. deep 3 ft. wlda 0 ft. length. Answer to I' 1010, Ledger Office. We" WANT at once, household' furniture' store fixtures, office furniture: pay sum cash: honest value. Phone us about It. Lo. cuit 4214. Old Church, cor. 12th c Chtrry. WILLINO to buy saddles or bridles, all kinds of harness and horse cloihlnr P liaB, Ledger Office. .MEN 3 clothing, shoes; highest pi Ires paid Stern. H37 N. 4th st. Market 244H. ' ANTIQUES, all kinds feather beds feath. its. big prices. 12.10 N. Uroad. PnnUr a?ni I ANTIQUE china, furniture, cold, ullvxr .11.. raonds "Antlnue," 028 Chestnut Wal.702a HKIUKHT prices paid, ladles' and children' apparel Stem. 887 N. 4th Market 2448 ROOMS FOR BENT "" BKOAD N.. 1438 Two unfurnished second-story-front rooms and bath. Pop. 14T2. CHESTNUT. 20UO Largs single and double rooms, running water. DIAMOND, 11107 front; iveii ruriT oisi Miwlo room; hath, nhowcr: prlYHte phona. RITTENHOUHE SO . W." " 210 nooms a suite, with tmlh for gentlemen Hpr. lam WALNUT. 4307 Two attractive rms.. double and slnelo all mod conv. , the Little Tea Itoom In building. Phono Itnr. 0734 J. 18TH. N. lSIn HOTEL, RURIO Deav tlful turn, rooms, spotless clean, elect dally and weekly rates; conv. to station! but accoiTi. for traveling people Spruce 1034 218T. 8., 107 Well furnished: exrrllent lo catlnn: running water, good service. HANDSOMELY furnished room Tit largo modern furnlahed home, electrlo lights; 10 mlnulnn to Cltv Hall Phone lUrlng 0413. ELEGANTLY furnished room rcml-prlvat bath, tor couple or gentlemen. 1831 Lo- cust at. 3317 N 1HTII Furnished room for gentie man private family reference required. Tioga H77R W. ' CHESTNUT. KiO Room with bath; slngl mom electricity- refHrnoe WEST PHILADELPHIA 8000 CHESTNUT Larue cheerful rooms. unfurn run water: iroo.1 dining. room. 43TH. S.. 42ft Attractive third flour rooms In reflnpil horns, nlec. Woodland 0443 J. PENNSYLVANI HUlUmiJAN ELKIN PARK. PA. Near train nnd trol". ..'Cy' !arBe:. a,.rv rofner room. eceltont table, at tractive location. A. H. Orlscom. OVKKHKOOK " OVKItllllOOK Owrer of horns can nceom mjdate S or 3 mtn of rut. OverbrooU IIOOMS WANTED WANTED Double room by two young m.ri! lec. lmht nhono and i-nnvrnl.n.... i tlklla ..v.. farpai. n.... a r . m .. n P lOi'O Idg.r Office BOARD WANTED UENTLUMAN da.lrra room and board vato family. C Suit, Ledger Office, ' pr. COUNTRY BOARDING A fRN. PA -Maple KarmrTd"Ial location: high elevation: all convonlencea; .Uctrl l'Khts, Ideal for father or moth.rt best of care, a ral rest f,.r any one; excell.nt water, most .ultable for oonvale.cent.: aul.c nnd refined, open for entire year. APARTMENTS WA1-NJJT. 21!0o U.autlful new apt.. 2 rn.s and bath, unfurn. elec.. Janitor rlc.' v. nrly or longer lease: ref. egehanaed ' NASH APARTMICNTH 10i7 Hpru(- jZ lease... 1 rooms, 2 baths and kltch-n..." unfurnished -vv. kltcheii.tte ft bath, modi' conv. .,"?, n burhood. doctor's iHUneilBll(liyVrd 1 av Vim HENr-3 pf... 2 rm, iTrbaTb-Tr ,i,,:.. ii if .1,. iininrn .,. . spruce si. near Z4tn Edward n :":' 1014 Land Tltl. llldg. 4 Land Tltl. llldg. """. aTiitfr..u, bt ai . . ' ' , bath, unfuriilihed second-sto" tioau fiV erence requlrd "" ao.n . mint 01 vurnnri O rooms .. ni-ur Tlosa Htwtloni best s.etlon '.m- APTH.. bath, u... ,tvu.....Vlll. a steam heat, lec. 1640 ... hnii..li..i.lad a rcx.m.. niw llh h 142ft MORRIS UT Thr.o-ro. .'o .muiuuh ur Thr.o-ro.tn apt. tnrftnt all copvonlenres for light nousVejmffS1' J.'il 8. 6TH Klv. room and baihi'muiarTr. MB. Ku.hln ft Katsman. fli r" r" 21BT H '." ,.,u7"-;T.,vo "Mm and bath, wait brt, maid scrvlcei rsasonkKil' w" turnli Wll HAVE sev.ral dtslrabi sp.s. ior rsni. iuiuane, Jnujj 142J MORRIK KT.-.Thr...room apt. VoTrtmi all convs. for llglit housfkeepTng. '" j- HINOLK nil double ' bauhslor par'tlnent: ? -. ;' i -i r 8 '. 1 blu aa. t cl 'P A ' ' '., . b i. m ,i :) H fl u J 4'J ' J 14 'J id j .1 CO., INC., C30 N, nron n. Pot. 6088 i rvuunu oatt.ry. ih RUCH 1TT4. HTANLKY A lIMWn,.""'.'!.'1!'. o?Mv w' BiO N. astruM ioa ana un. iz b. isth . -.,,....,,, .) HrlW Urooa rvvnr ,tii r:&7utr '! y. 4- .n"itt. .lil.V J . . t w '' t&.