u-', h-i;? v: ,a I'l IB' 1 1? r? 11,- . Ti l ii. m Mi t hi S Mi I I ..j fcff,Tirn ii IB fl .(: ;V; .j'e-'V" THE Letters to the Editor The Cluy Splker Episode, ft t Editor of th vnN0 PuUle Ledger: Sir A(tr rending the news Item In your taper today, which states that Mrs. Guy ' fplktr has lift he r husband. I. cannot refrain from wrltlnr to "Bloat ft bit" over the ful fillment of my prediction! at the time of that very Strang marriage In Fall Illver. (.bout two years nro. I ald then It would never work outt that It waa an Impossible (and to my peraonal way of thlnklnr), an unmoral arrangement which would never erne rliht. And so, sorry though I am when Ideal Ute, auch aa Ouy Splker, find that others will not live up to their Ideals, I cannot refrain from saying. "I told you o. Most men and women who know anything f human nature know that such unnatural rrangemenU do not turn out as we would plan them. Ouy Hplker could not love this woman he did not know, and he could not hut his mind to the facts as they were, that this weman whom he had married hart been the mother of his brothers child (and that whn his brother's wife waa still liv ing). He simily could not respect her. Of course, In the queer triangle, or, shall call It sausre. vte have yet to hear how thlots so with the extraordinary wife, tor. ' .... .it of hi four In the mix-up. her attitude, the being willing to nave me to families live In the same house, was mo . most rf.msrki.ble part of the whole thins, Th.'i nn comment I have to ma ": I InaKO. however. Ouy ha shewn some good sense when he says. "She can stay aay." MRS. CCS. Philadelphia. September 12, 1021- Is Man Superior to Woman? To the Editor 0 the Evening Public Lidaer: ur-rhi. I a fundamental 'ntlnt li all male animals that forbid, them to of fend the female It Is distressing to see 11 many young women taking advantage of this condition and uslna a man for n iinod time. If they get away with It. they prlds themselves upon their superior Intelligence, km If thev don't get away with It tho man Is a cheap skate 1 a m woman ver produced a work or lasting fame In art, science, literature, in- riu.lrv nr inv other Meld mni. nrnwt that man Is of superior In telllgence. s nnjbody would rath, r be tiled by a Jur) of men thin one of 'xomen. I feel that men hje more consideration for the other fellow than womrn hae. And as for being cheap skates. If you ladles feel that you have something on us there, why drn't you set a good example and make us feel It' I am sure that a gre-xt lumber of women have misinterpreted man's consideration for thrm and his Inherent tense of decency. This Is largely responsible for many men going wrone. and woman Is the ringleader In the art of going wrong. Ask any good woman of real broad Intelligence If you went proof In conclusion, let's say that man's con sideration for ttom.in is due to her weik Iiess and to his Inherent sense of decency, end If woman could but accept graciously and continue to do so wo should certainly bave much lesj trouble In the world. JOHN T. TtOYER. PhlladelpMa. September 7. 1021. Defends Ex-Service Men l"o the Editor 0 the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I cannot read Miss Price's Utter and pass it oer lightly, becausj It Is an awful thlnt to deliberately denounce the ex soldier before the public, as Is the lase of this writer. I am one of th ex-eoldiers who fought under the Stars and Stripes In five battles. Including Chateau Thierry and tho Argonne, helping to win the war. for some one to hint that we are "dumb bells." Yet we were wt enouih o beat in .v.rv enrragemnt the greatest army the , world has ever seen and send It to a crushing defeat. The writer sajs she knows quits a lot of ynunr men who know very little of eurren' topics. My advice Is to get In the right class of men. Yes. we read the sporung pages and we learn the names of the movlo 1 stars taking you gins 10 mp uiuv.-., ... certainly must be a proud feeling to be so Intelligent as to bs In a class nboe so neat a majority of people Would I be Tight in saying In a class by herself and should te put tn a glass case? I was discharged a little moTe than two years ago from the army, was then married and since have furnished our home and hae encus-h saved to pay the writer's fre to some foreign country where sho may find the kind of gentlemen she likes. My n lf did not work to do It. either nor wn I of a wealthy family who could ovrcom the big handicap In the path of knowledge, but worked my way up from the age of fif teen without a parent In the world. On the other hand, I would like to tako a fling at the offensive. Wo nsk the writer If she could cook a square meal for n tnan. or la she one of that great army ,t Iris who think of nothing but a man's pocketbook who need a cook and a maid to do her housework when she gets mar ried: I hopo the writer will do the ex-service men Justice and retract her statement against them. EX-SOLDIER. 100th Infantry. Glenalde. Pa., September 7. 1021 Can't See Benefit To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Where are the gcod things that the prohibitionists promised us in those prs dry days? The billboards then gave vlld pictures of full lunch and market baskets. Soapbox speakers told how poor homes would vanish and crime anil vice would take a lone leave of absence: our police force would be reduced and our courts would go en half time Rut what have we got? Erug users hav Increased, and so has the police force, almost doubled, and taxes have also gone up. Thousands of men and women are out of emplojment. so what have we benefited? T T. FRANKLIN. Philadelphia. August 31, 1021. Corrupt Politics To ffie JJdltor 0 the Kvenina Public Ledger: Str Those wlsenhelmers clamoring for cimpulsory voting sure mr.ke one tired. Th" reason vvljy peop.e will not take the trouble to vote Is that they are beginning to lose faith In those hr hae to do th taking and counting of tho ballots, especially the f.nat computations Here Is a rase In pclnt. A party asked me to support him for nomination as Assemblymsn I lulu Mm I would do so conditionally namelv that he . would be nominated besond a doubt md the newspapers would announce it as su n but, a couple of days afterward thej would an- J hounce that It was not so sure of his having received the nomination, f upon later r I turns It seemed that his opponent was avln- I Ins in votes, and then he ehiu.d get bus at once, go to tho County Clerk's ofTUe and closely scan the returns. 1 lie did so, came back nrrt said that In th ' returna from Just one ward they had transposed 200 of his votes to his opponent and when he drew their attention to It they I said: "John, for God's sake, don't make j any fuss over It and don't say anything I about It, and we will take care of )oj later on." The fool acquiesced, his opponent ot the office and John worried himself sick, dying shortly afterwara. . That 1 not an Isolated case by any means. It has been going on In this rotten I political hole for the last forty years Philadelphia Is .not. nor las ever been Im mune to It. That Is why decent people W I 1 not vote. I Now aa to compulsory voting The hailot I is supposed to be secret. Well, tell us what Is to prevent a perron who has bein dragged to the registering and polling booths from taking tho ballot, go Into tho I ooth. remain a few minutes, fold the ticket, ceme out and vote it blank? An fcX-Unlted States Senator a year or so ago Introduced a compulsory votlrg bill in the Senate, and when his attention nai di rected to the evasion promptly withdrew the bill. This Is something for the compulsory voting wlsenhelmers to think over. VERITAS. Camden, N. J., August 7, 1021, Refuted to Hear Letter to Gompers To the Jfdltor 0 fh Evenl.10 J'ubllo Ledger: Blr At Point Breeze on Labor Day, Mr. Voll, president of the glass-blowers' locals of the United States delernl an address before a thousand or more people. At the elosa of his remarks I asked him the fol lowing questions' Mr Voll, during your address you said several times that "cap italism must U attacked," Will you tell us the weak part In the capitalist's system? Tell us the strong part of the worklngman's system! Mr. Voll did not make any reply Is my questions. I then started In to tsll . The PeopU'a Forum will appear dally U Evening Public ledrer, and also ) Bandar PublU Ledger. Letters iUsussrtag Um-lr topic will be printed, f we M resrooated puems. and qaeatlong teMr4 fattens will tw arwwervd. PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to the Editor should bo m brief and to the point as possible, avoiding nnythlns that would open a denominational or sectarian dis cussion. No attention will be paid to anony mous lettois. Names and addresses must be signed as an evidence of pood faith, although names will not uo printed It request Is made that they be omitted. The publication of a letter Is not to be taken as an Indorsement of Its views by this paper. Communications will not be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript bo saved. the people the antwers I asked of Mr. Voll. After a few remarks, I said: I can best fall unl. K. ....lln,. . !. T hftV. Snt tO Samuel dompera, president of the A. P. of L. Just as I started to read the letter, the leaders of the proceedings Interfered and the presldont of tho Philadelphia C. L. U. (he resembled a picture I saw of the C. L. V. president) very forcibly grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from facing tho people. For twenty-five minutes the people refused to disperse, and the writer was many times Invited by members of the audience to go ahead and finish ray talk. Not wishing to make any disturbance, I refrained from any further cnorts to grant tneir wisno. .. , ... ,.iy ,nat h(l charge of the ,,,. department talked with them did they disperse. During that twenty-five minutes a ..- ,.,!.. -am. In mn nn,1 nnkafl ma If f would let her read my Oompers letter, that I was nbout to read. She read It to the entire satisfaction of fifty or more that lind gathered round. After she had read tho letter there were several that said. That woman (meaning the lady referred to above) said there wre objectionable things . 1. .1.... 1. ..... nnt ft tn h. hfnril: tin ivhrnil n ... ..n.i l. l.itap nml I t thn nennle hear nuu irw , .. - ---- r .- - It." Leaders of organized lalior are ever prone to speak of our dally press as "Tho cap italist's subsidized press." 1 wish to say. and I know from experience, our dally press. If they want to take lessons In aubsldtia tlop the) will find the Subsidised Labor rrs a past master III the art. I have made at least thirty efforts to get articles h) ,0aUc,j frte labor press lie..,.,, t will not cater to the teachings. preachings and screeching of the leaders of organised labor my articles are refused. If the fifty or more that heard the young lady read tho letter thought "there was nmhln-r objectionable In It." why should the thousand or more that waited twenty five minutes to hear It read bo deprived of the pleasure of reading the same I know they will have told their many friends of tho affair josnni snARrLEss. Vice President Chester Central Labor Union. Cheater. Pa . September S. 1012. What Is the Objective? To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Mi ........ . -- - Sir I.lod Qecrge says that England will 1 l.ulld more ships than any oiner nation. Who does she expect to use them against?! Arc Japan and England racing now for thej day? Is America the common foe? To I nlr.hmt llTinhla' August" 81 " 102L I Philadelphia. August31. 10.1. r ,, Mr.-Anwlran Pronananda IVUIIIWO wirrimvi - - --1 s- Tc the Editor of the Evenino rublie Ledger Sir Why all this agitation about the re born Ku Klux Klan? Does not the writer know that all those barred from the Klan bae secret societies from which other peo ple are barred? So why cannot the Amer icans organize for tho purposo of upholding the traditions of the founders of this re public? w 0 TTInn ns- unv other secret orT.r because I personally do not'fscVth. need of such membership, but r ihinlt it la hlah tlmo for aoing some-.mng .. ,k-. .h. n.Amertean Dropaganda of , some of the foreign associations that) havo taken root on American soil. F. L. II. Philadelphia. August 31. 1021 Ingersoll on Crime To the Editor of the ErrnliiD Public Ledger: Sir The letter written by John P. Dun can and appearing In today's EvrAiso I cu Ltc Lepoeii Is ar intellectual treat that might have be;n continued to much greater length htd It bcn printed in full, from tho beginning to end, as originally delivered In an aldress before the State Bar Association at Albany. N. Y.. January 21. 1800. by the lite Colonel Robert O. Ingersoll. entitled "Crimes Against Criminals. ' The subject Is handled In the pame skill ful manner that made Colonel Ingersoll known as tho most brilliant foe to every form of hypocrisy and superstition. "Crimes Against Criminals" Is contained In full In Volume II of the new Dreslen edition of Ingersoll's works. CHARLES E. COCHRAN. Philadelphia. September 6. 1021. Questions Anstvered Mummifying of Dead To the Editor ot the Evening Pub.ic Ledger: Sir Whv did the Egyptians mummifyr their deed' W. L. S. Philadelphia. September 7. 1021 Tho Egyptians believed that after the soul departed from the body It was Judged Ir the Hall of Double Truth beforo Osiris. the Judge of the dead. After It had under gone all Its transformation It would return and again enter the body in the tomb. If by any chance the heart was destroyed it wruld not be posslblo for thn dead to enjoy life In the uorld to come. First National Road To the J.'ditor of the Evening Pubtio Ledger: Sir In what part of the country was the first mtlonal road built and Is it still used? W. L. D-YOUNQ. Philadelphia. September 7. 1021. The first of the great national roads was the Cumberlard rosd, which ran from the Potomac to the Mississippi. Starting from Cumberland, Md . It ran wct through MarWand Pmnslanla, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois to Its terminal point at the Mls H.sslppl opprislto St Louis. It was built by the United States Oovernment under the supervision of the War Department. In 0. S. Army Auction Sales 526 Frame Buildings with plumbing, lighting and heating and a large lot of miscellaneous equip ment at the Ordnance Reserve Depots Seven Pines, Va., Sept. 19 Penniman, Va., Sept. 21 For full information and catalog of materials, ivire or write chairman Ordnance Salvage Board 1710 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. EVENING PUBLIC IEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, order to secure funds for the constant re pairs necessary Congress passed a bill In 1R22 orderlns the establishment of turn pikes, with gates and tolls, but President Monroe vetoed the bill on tho ground that Congress had no power to pass such a sweeping measuro of Internal Improvement. Two years later he signed a somewhat sim ilar bill, and tho road received the needed appropriation. The last appropriation was made by Congress tn 1844, Parts of the old tcad are still In use. To Charter a Club To the Editor of (he livening Public Ledgeri Sir Several young men who have char tered a club desire to secure a charter. Kindly Inform me what would be the propel course to pursue Avhat Is necessary and the cost of getting such a charter: also what are the advantages In holding such a charter. r, L. D. Philadelphia. September 10, 1021. It will bo necessary to employ a lawyer to apply for a charter for a social club. He will Inform you what the total costs will be. Tho advantages of holding a charter are to give a corporation existence, whereby nn organization may hold real estnte and other property and sue tn Its own namo as dis tinct from the liability that may attach to the officers of a voluntary association, "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" To fn Editor 0 the Evenino Public Ledger: Sir What Is the origin of tho exprcsslo.i "lobbing Teter to pay Paul"7 S. L. Y. Philadelphia. September 7, 1021. This expression has Its origin In the rivalry between St. Peter'a Cathedral and St. Paul's Cathedral in London. In 15.10 an appropriation was made from St. Teter's to make up a deficiency in the accounts of St. Paul. This nctlon met with much op position, the people saying: "Why rob St. Peter to pay St. Piul7" Tho provorb wna nfterward relved upon the death of William Pitt In 1771 Each of the metropolitan cemeteries laid claim to the honor of his burial. The city of London argued that so great a statesman ns William rut should be burled In St Psul's. while Parliament took tho ground limb ...v ..uTv ut du Krrai n mnn ni nr should come to the dust of kings and that rot to bury him In Westminster Abbe would again be "robbing 8t. Peter to pa , St Paul " The dispute lesulted in favor of 1 Westminster Abbey. William Pitt, the elder, was called the "Great," securing the ' title when he was made Earl of Chatham Poems and Songs Desired Dickens 1 Wrote Doggerel To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Plr The doggerel referred to by "S. L. W.": "There was a little girl who had a little curl Just doin In the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very. ery rood, .... ...... ..,; ,,., i.,ij p,m .ua uuinu. , was wrttfn by Charles Dickens about one I mr ..'hen mHm .....a ).. . !.. ...-- u-,.i .. 0f his daughters. W. P. Philadelphia, September 10, 1021. ! "Though Loot to Sight" I To "" """ o' "" Evening PuMlo Ledger: gr, wm ,pprfcat( ,t ,f , u, ml. wn? wroto le words of the old song, Though Lost to Sight to Memory Dear.' S. A. L. Philadelphia. September 0. 1021. There have been several songs with this title. The one best known and containing the lines: "Though lost to sight to memory dear. Thou ever wilt remain: One only hope my heart can cheer. The hope to meet again." ' Printed In sheet form and the poem I. c-d.ted to O.org.Lnd.ey a Poet of the - - ..... .. v w to muslo and published in London In 1848. Thrro Is an old Oerman volkshlod of the fourteenth or fifteenth century with the same title, according to Vllmar's "Ger man Literature." "Negro Lullaby" To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I will appreciate It ery much If you will print In your People's Forum a Bong entitled "A Negro Lullaby," which I beard sung in the South some years ago. The ch'irus ends with the following lines: "An' 'cordln' to de wife I'se got, I'll be contented wlf me lot, An' nobody's coin" ter spice, I knows. De violet, case 'taint de rose." S. W. L. Philadelphia. September 0. 1021. FUELING BARGE FOR SALE Equipped with McMyller type "A" Barce Fueling rrane. 00-foot goose nei'U boom and clamshell. Equip ment all new and has seen practically no use. Machinery properly mounted on a model Iron hull 120 feet by 26 by 13. Hull built for United States Government and la In excellent condition. Now at Mobile. MOBILE COAL COMPANY MOIIII.K. ALABAMA RKSORTS STKAMROATH L TO BALTIMORE ERICSSON f imf Lvery evening at B: Saturdays. 3 o'clock Fars. cne way. la.OO round trio. M.oo i efc DAY STEAMER From Philadelphia every Tuesday. Thus., day. BatL-day. at 8 o'clock. Far.. 11 as ne way; 12.50 rounl trip. "0, Most beautiful water ride nut of Phllarfst. pbla. Send for pamphlet. No Sunday steamer Steamer leaves on davllght-savlng iimL' Office Pier 3 South Delaware avenue. rwJls. SPECIAL SUNDAY r"n' EXCURSION j All day on the water to Beautiful Lorcwood Grove on the Chesapeake & Delaware canal. Home ".? ??me evening. Krlcason Line. Pier 3. loutu Delaware Ave. : 8 o'olock every Sundas Morning, daylight saving time Fare, ll.ta. Fall River Line To Boston Splendid BtMraera, Splendid S. v. Plr U N. U. (Fuiton Bt.) t. 1 !!?T, trJ," N- " "on Bt.) e. r. at. Dny Daylight Tima Oreheirtra on each iuu; !tr Lo"2'5 lrwl!h) Um. Lt. Pier 3 N. B. ii'Tii'P P-UBi'ftJt'W ounoy. iav. St.) &. P. M. (Kieept ; lb (Xbd SU.0ir. at VrtOK. STEAMSHIP NOTirKS NAWSCO LINES Pier 19 North Foot of Vine Street S. S. West Isleta Scheduled to Sail Sept. 17th DIRECT to DISP vhHrS TA?n gaSKANCISCO. OAKLAND. SEAI-TLE, TACOMA PORTLAND, ASTORIA AND VA'rniTT'rr t r SAN For Rates and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Aarnts V S Shipping Uoard 13GS. Fourth St., Phila. PIiorc Lombard 5791-2-3 ; Main 7781-2 7T HOTaNYCSEXKAfA 5SSe vj ii FV.A Beatils to Car Ku.t Fortnlihtlr. New York to the Orient via l'aasvaui FrejunUr New York to British Indian Port Monthly. Vox Particulars of Passage or Freight Alipl to Coruponj'a Ofllos. si,... .... a.sn Mwgg Kraliasis- ChUao. naiiMuta uyuuiuK. ru reports STCASinmrs ldat SUMMER VACATIONS VKfstrmmmmybrl 8 Days $91.00 JS?1;',,,, Cool in Summer No Passports Ballings Every Five Days via steamers "Fort Victoria," "Fort Hamilton" and "Fort St. Georfe" Sailing Alternstelr Send for Special Summer Toura Polder FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Mt.. N. Y. FURNESS, WITHY CO., Ltd. Hours lllilg., Phlla. les Cruises Four Do Luxe Cruues of Twenty-three Days Each Leaving New York Nov. 26 Jan. 4 Feb. 4 Mar. 4 via Palatial Twin Screw S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" 14.000 Tons Displacement Rntes, $278.00 up to 8S0.00 tncludlng 18 rooms with private baths. For Further Particulars writs FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 31 IVh'trhnll SI.. New York TOURS ACRUISEdeLUXE TO THE AVEDITERRANEAN Bythe &S.CARONIA of the CUNARD LINE Sailind from NevYorlt. fl H JAN. 28E1912 DURATION 61 DAW ninciiyumiiea 10 jjv uuesi The Itinerary inchiet vlsitt to MMlI'.lltA, SPAIN, nillRAI.TAK, M.dlKRN, MONTH CAKI.O. MCI'.. NAPLES. IIOYPT, PALliSTINK, CONNTANT1NOPI.K. A T II B N S. "O.Mi:. EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT' THOS.COOIteSON 225 Sontb Broad" St. (below Walnut St.) M' wjui. s..ui..jjjmj HTT.AMSIIIP NOTICF.S rCORSMERCIAL. aicumanir Lined PHILADELPHIA to CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY, SLIGO Other Irish Ports It Sufficient Cargo Offers S. S. "EASTERN BELLE" Expected Loading Sept. 23 E. W. STRINGHELD Philadelphia Manager Moore & McCormack Co., Inc. 428 Bourse Bldg., Phila. Lombard 0S85 Main 7.-.1!! SERVICE To Danzig Riga Libau Stettin From PHILADELPHIA LATE AUG. U. S. S. B. "Oronoko" HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., Inc. Agrnta Lafayette Itldg. I cmi. riaao-l; Mnln 7a?n FRENCH LINE NEW YORK HAVRE PARIS 1A TOI'RAINE .. Sept. Li;0l'01.IIINA . hept. 17 Oct. 10 Nov. IB u wet. xu niAsrr. LAFAYK1TF. . LA LOItUAlM". ItorilAMHRAU PKI' mifAfiO I.A SAVO'K SeDt. 21 Oct. IS N. .Sent. 28 Oct. Si ov. Ill Oct. 1 Oct. 20 Dec. s Oct. 1 Nor. 8 Dec In let. ! Vov. 1 Nov. ?3 Oct. 12 Nov. 18 Urc. 21 .Nov. 12 Dec. 10 .Ian. 1 IIAVKK NIAGARA -UAN.IU . . .Nov a VIGO HAVRE Ni;V YORK LA IlOtHDONNAIS Sept, 17 vnntrr Rules Now In ICTect RMII.K C. ORYni.lN. Oen. Agent 1333-37 Walnut HI.. Philadelphia Pnone: Wnlnnt 0131 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW USSB SS "OPELIKA" Expected to Sail Middle September AT CONFKUKNCK RATE Harriss, Magill & Co., Inc. 25 Lafnycttsj Uldp;, Philadelphia Iximbord S220-1 Mnln 73?C SEAGER LINE PHILADELPHIA to Cl'.fistiania, Copenhagen, Gothsnberj, Stockholm, Helsinglors and Rcval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS lsiH r,8 "JIAHOlh". About Sept. 18 AT MIH'PINO HOARD RATES Throusli Hills of Lmllnc Issued to all NomeElan. Dullish anil Srdlsh Ports. Illrrrt s,illlnzs for nil Hcnnillnuvlnn und llultlr Ports ns cargo offers. SEAGER STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. PHILA. AC1KNTS Lombard BIIfl.7 Sun Chestnut Nt. Main 07H5 IRERMUDAI West Tnd Fast i'nlntial Passenger Steamship of 21,000 tons to JAPAN. O-EINA and MANILA I mm Sp.itfln n Unn-. U ..: G"L.vr - .. V""'-:. """ .",a 4tVi luauiiuma, noua, nagasaKi, Shanghai and Manila AiSO FREiaUT SUItVICEH qi r ,-.' "'-- i p-TiMnr- ftst s.M,aa ., iisir idtk .ii.U,, WPMMKtt B1WOKTS ATLANTIC! CITY. W. J, IIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinn i EXTRAORDINARY CfteJBreakers ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. ON THE OCKAN FRONT flREPBOOf ' Offers remarkable Reduction in Rates from SEPTEMBER 19TH Amtrlco TT op weekly, Double PlM i r42 up vfeefciy.2int.io i It., ! Celd Sea Water 1st all Bstkreems nsw coi.r cum mrvtucu. Hllllllllllllllliililllillllllllll''''''''iiiiiTnTiiiiiiiiiiiiirmTTTmriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir 0IIfr flRaTlborougb'BIcnbcini WITH ITS SPACIOUS EXCHANGES AND OPEN AIR PLAZA IS PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE DURING ATLANTIC CITY'S FAMOUS SUMMER SEASON June to October Inclusive Exquisite music a feature. Horseback Rldins;, Golf (2 Championship Connta.) Rollins Chairs, Piers. Theatres. Movies, and countless other amusement. onMinsnip management JOSIAII WHITM NONM COMPANY HOTEL LEWIS 1711 Pacific Arenue Iear beach nnd amusements, Rooms with running; water and private baths. Ulcctrlo Hirhts. RATES GREATLY REDUCED European Plan fl dally I.1.U0 weekly. CHAS. D. LEWIS, Owner Mnnacer A Modern lintel nt Moderate Rates S'iuth Carolina Ae, near Reach. Unexcelled far comfort and service. Electric llRhts, run. nlnfr water. Private baths. Uxce'lent cuisine. BACK TO PRE-WAR RATES Correspondence solicited. Open all year. I.INTON n. ARNOLD. Owner i. Mnnnier PLANADE Wkole Dlook on Ocean Front Coolest looatlon In Atlantic City. Ideal family bote) In Chelsea Section. Capaolty Fire Houdred Uwsxrakip Ulrectiea BeoUeL W. F. HAW "Open All the Yeitr" Brtek, Staal and Stone OonstrneHana PRINCESS oq. Luoimi Ave., near imassv bathing from house and essr own Ilosrdwalk bath hoosaa. HOT AND r.oi.n RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Mod.IUtr. Kltrster. Freneh Chef. OrehMtra. DuelEa. Cae'y OX. Bkt. msiled. rAULCROSKCHAiU.Osraae Let Us Make Yon Feel at ITnme in th "Cllr of Robnst Health" HOTEL MORTON Ocean Knil WeTator. I'rl EZRA C. nE Vlrcjoln Are. Cnnnclty 300 RELI. ft PAth. SI. COPE. PrSpfc sSHOIEnAJVI Vlretnla Avo. Close to Beach nnd Steel Plsr . Capacity 250. American plan. Private battle. Running- water. Elevator. Electricity, pec. Sept. & Fall Rates. ALOIS ORUBEB Virginia av., 3d hotel from Reach. Prlvata baths; run. water: elev. : Roduced Fall rates. PAST ELI.IS. Owner. N. J. COLLINS. Mer. HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open, always ready; terms moderate. Write or phone. M. WALSH DUNCAN. Npw Plnrirm Kontucky Avo. adjacent to new uianon ,loarilwik, s. K, nonitaco. OCEAN CITY. N. J. IhhncoIm OCEAN CITY N.J. x3eptemberl5tKopew theSsasoaforNAWMlen. 8pecial atten.tioto GurcrdngrPartie FALL RATE1S - T-CTIVKnJ LA MONTE 8th & Ocean. Open all lear. lli.ntil rooms with runnlni; water. American and European plans. Fall rates. M. B. THOMAS. THE ILLINOIS Cen"Hy located. ,. '"., """"" open until Sept. 1,1th .Special nrr.war rntes. F. W. Mlchener. wlI.?!i,I!.I'I1.Co,t,rt ,4M CENTRAL AYE Excellent t.ible. Near bench. E. II. OII.KH. DELAWARE WATER OAP. PA. ENJOY THE CHARMS OF AUTUMN AT The Mounti.fi. Paradise KITTATINNY DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. Tho ldnal Accessible Mountain Hotel Open to December. Special Tali Rates. 8 hours from Philadelphia vis. P. R. R. ..) miles by automobile, good roads all the wa. Magnificent scenery, gorireous au tumn foliage Capacity 000. Strictly modern Steam heat, lotr fires, private oaths, running water In rooms, E'e tatorti. electric lights. Spacious porches and sun parlors. American plan, ex ceptlonnl cuisine, also a 1.1 carte grill for tourists. Orchestra. concertB, dances. '',?"!, tennis, saddle 'lorees, mnuntaln climbing Hunting, rasa and pickerel rUh. mij. canoeing. Booklet, auto maps and t rmi upon request JOHN TURD? COPE. MOINT 1'OfONO. IA. The Clairmont ,nT "H'lv M"'1"". . . . , l.leetrlo Lights. Steam lieat. Rates mndrrnte. llklt. C. L. SMITH The Ontwood 0rn " year Accom. , v"lTu ,00. Mod. Eleg. locat'n. Sucel table. Booklet. E.L. ft E.V. ARTMAN THE ELVIN pn unt" Nov- N" .... remod.: prlv. bths show, em. Write for bltlt. A. J. BLOTTER. LAANNA, PIKE CO.. l'A. BEECHNUT ('t)lTA(iK Spend your fall sacatlon In the Poconos. Special fall rates. MR. (1. B PARfaONS AROUND the E$r M M&h$ B ""j Tours do Luxe, perfect in every detail, will sail from New York October 15 by S. S. "OLYMPIC." nnd on November 23 hv S. S. IITT 4 1,, ..... . . . v aim uiu," visitintr I'ans Algeria Tunisia V Tcv At Eovpt Palestine Ceylon India Burma V AmtvJ'j Java I'litlinvines Southern China Japan Honolulu, etc. FALL TOURS to EUROPE Exceedingly attractive itineraries ofTerinR worth-whllo travel in comfort and without care, embracing Gibraltar, Italy, The Riviera, Parts and the battlefields Belgium Holland and England. Next departure Sept. 30. ' Detailed information and literature on request. THOS. COOK & SON 225 South Broad St. (below Walnut Street), Philadelphia Telephone, Walnut 0300 and 2C32 150 offices throughout tho world. SEPTEMBER 14, BCTfMCT nwaOBTB ATLANTIC! CITY. N. 3. ANNOUNCEMENT: I EiittraiM I S4.00 up daily, Double risn i o;.ou up usjij, jiuio riRnrnoor caraci on frkmisrs Ti WKItNKKSVII.LE. PA. Tli. HicrMjinrl 0n South Mtn. overlook Sept. with its InvlgoratlnB air. Oct, with Its zorireous folluge nre tho most delightful months In the yr. Spec, rates for these mths. llklt. on request. J. HOWARD FRIES. Pres. Htlletrln Heautlful scenery. tTlv. llatbs. I1ISIUC Vnfl nates mod. Kath. O.rhart nnvoN. pa. WYNBURNE INN ""at flrabla for business men with famlllec looms with a bath at reasonable rates. Danclntr. Larre grounds. Wide veranda, I'hone llerwvn g.ta W. HrmVKNKSVILT.K. PA. PERKIOMEN INN SCinVHNKSVII.Li:. PA. Modern lmprovoments; Ideal location; boating-, bathlns, fishing, tennis, dancing. Open until Oct. 1 l'or booklet write dins. lTnirer. Prow.. SclnvenksTllle. Tn, IIAtil'i: ON LAKE C1KOROE. N. Y. HOTEL PHOENIX on stol isway. UU1CL. rnuiiiiiA overlooklnc tho bay. Open until Dec. 1st. Special Fall rates. Booklet. MRS. O. L. STREBTER. LAKE ilKORflK. N. Y. ISIVNU HARUOR HOUSE null Cottages, llnjuf-on-l.uke (leorge. Same mgt. since 1883. "Notod for Its table." Open until Nov. 1. Make your reservations for Sept. now. Book'et. B A. CLIFTON. Prop. JEFFERSON. N. n. New Waumbek HOTEL COTTAGES and SUNSET INN Jefferson, N. H. IN THE HEART OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS. GOLF TENNIS FISHINO Frank F, Hhute, Manager sTINClHPfTMIN. MAH.t. WINCHENDON, MASS. A Comfortable Country Home Moro LIko n CouBtry Club Than a Hotel Rett or Revel at You Cbooie Golf, Tennis, Swimming Pool SADDLE HORSES, TRAILS Usual Special Rates for September and October TOURS Three Months in the enchanted lands of the Western Hemisphere South America The Raymond Whitcomb Fall Tour leaves October 29 for the Inca Monuments of the West Const, tho high Andes and the great cities of Chile, Argentine and Brazil. Splmdid Tours of 5 to 0 months Round the World Sailing East or West and includ ing the fantastic Asiatic Coun tries. Other Tours to Japan China, Europe, AlgerifL Tunisia, French Morocco. Delightful Tours "Without Escort" to Bermuda and the American Autumn Resorts. Send for Booklets RAYM0ND&WHITCOMBCO. 1338 Walnut Street, Philadelphia I leiepnono ruoerc a04 California Honolulu PALL TOURS Oct 1C 3fi or B9 ilnys JST.O nnd ud. FRANK TOURIST CO. WORLD COOKS . . " nml Nnrthar-n X JTnQ JL r-t r ti -si s i j ii y-, . , ... t t,, " u'i rUUBIPnW K.one 'felepSfn. "A.ehtlo 'n. .S levied ''S ' Estab' 1875' JjeUjeSpruce 0852 !S.u&ffT5ra8?5 Vf-pfl! svswsobsm. ii iivrH iiiiri irionn inuffak.i A 1921 w tnrtrnnVAMT on.-louisr, JOBKPitnm Amon, ed Sept. 14. lBlO. HER CHILDHEN. anti who d!( ZBeatfjs ..IlINnilAM. Sent. 11. .Wlfi.vJ'; "ni NOONB, wifo of Kdward JP'"''"" tlauhter of late ratrick and Brldwt Noon. Ilelatlves and friends, also .Lf " J?',?0 Sacrid HearT are invited to tWl'"-l 8:30 A. M.. from her Tuts '"'"VJhf.V.J'le 'Solemn requiem mass Church of Jasner at Visitation 10 A. Al. Int. New Cathedral com. IIOOOS. Sept 18. BUSAN. wifs of the late Livl Boms. Funeral services Thura.. I P. M.. a. St. Matthew's Church. B7th nml Summer sis. Int. Eden Cera. Friends call Wed. evenlnir. from 8 to 10 o'clock, at her home. 8300 Vine at. nnANEOAN. On Sept. 12. tOJl. JOHN, husband ot Allco Rrsneian. """; Ices 8:30 A. M residence son. HoJiMt Brjnj. pan. S034 Ilrown st. Hlrti mass Mother of Morrows' Church 10 A. M. , Int. Cathedral Cemetery. Relatives nnd friend Invited. UURKn.' Sept. 12. THOMAS P.. husband of Aiico Uurke. Relatives and fiends In vlled to funcnl rervlcos, Wed., 8 P. M. pro clsely. from late resldcnco. 1423 Jackson it. Int. Mt. Hopo Ccm., Choitcr County, Pa., Tliurs.. 11:80 A. M. CARDELL. Sept. 12. HARnj J..on of Harry J. and Alberta M. Cardel jnej Krauis). Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend funcra I. Frl,, 2 P. M.. from Mr Jnl?' residence. 20.13 S. 18th st. Int. Trinity Lutheran Com. nomalns may b viewed Thurs. eve. CARR. At Masonlo Horns, Etlzabethtown. Pai. Bept. 10. PHILOMELA Cwlfo of lato lwls O. Cnrr. Relatives and friends In vited to funeral services. Thurs.. 2 P. M nt narlors of fleher & Hesslnirer. Susque bnnna ave. east of Front at. Int. private, Orecnmount Ccm. CLARK. Sept. 18. 1021. HIRAM W,. hus band of Ella M.Clark (nee Peters). Relatives nnd friends, also Marion, ensue, no. u, a OK. of M. C, ar Invited to attend funeral services. Frl.. n P M. dftyllht 'savin?), nt his late residence. .Chews, N. J int Hertdlngs. Friends may call Thurs. after 8 P. M. CLARK, Sent. 10, 1021. WILLIAM R husband of Florence A. Clark, ared 48. Kolattves and friends. Penna. R. R. Relief, also D. and L. F. and K.. aro Invited to a tend funeral services. Wed.. 2 P. JL. at his late residence. 4724 Bllverwood st.. kanayunk. Int. private. West Laurel Hill Ccm. nomalns may be viewed Tue. eve., 8 to W o'clock. CROWLEY. Sept. 11 CATIIAniNB T.. widow of Timothy Crowley. Relatives aTnd frlonds aro Invited to attend funeral, Thurs.. r'so A. M.. from her late residence. 242 Da Lancey st. Solemn requiem mass at 3L Joseph's Church 10 A. M. 'Int. Cathedral. DEAN. On Sept. 12. 1021. JOHN A., husband of Jennie Dean. Relatives and frlonds aro Invited to the service, on Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late resi dence. 1814 N. CI rati st. Interment private DD FEO. Sept. 11. 1021. JOSEPH 8.. son of Paul and Antonette de Feo, aired 40 Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 0 A. M.. residence. 020 S. 10th st. Solemn requiem hlah mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy Cross Cem. DUNSEATH. Sept. 11, MARGARET CRAIO. -laughter of lato Crawford and Mar tha Dunsf.ith. Relatives ar.d friends are In vited to attend tho funeral, Thurs., 2 P. M., rrrlors of W. J. Phillips, 048 N. 10th at, Viewing Wed., 7 to 10 P. M. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. FARRELL. Sept. 12. ANDREW, son of tho lato Hamilton and Ann Farrell. Rela tives nnd friends invited to funeral, Thurs., 2 P. M., funeral parlors of E. R. Torkes. 1723 S BBth at. Int. at Mt. Merlah Cem. Friends may call Wed., after 7 P. M. FARRELL. Sept. 12. MART, daughter of tho late James and Ann Farrell. Relatives and friends, also 11. V. M. tiodallty, are inWtod to attend funeral. Thurs., 7:30 A. M., from her late residence. 232 E. Price st. Solemn mass of requiem nt St. Vincent's Church. 0 A. M. Int. private. FRIEL. Sept. 11. rRIJDENCE rniEL. aced 83. Relatives and friends nrn Invited to attend funeral. Thurs.. 0 A. M.. from parlors of J. W. Conner. 3038 Fronkford ave. Solemn reau'em mass Chinch of Ascension 10 A. M. lnt Holy Sepulchro Cem. FULTON. Sept. 13. JOSEPH, husband of Rebecca Fulton. Relatives and friends, also Pennn Lodce. No. 380. F. and A. M.i Ken sington Chapter, No. 233: II. A. M Invited to funeral nervlces, Frl., 2 P. M.. at his late resldenco. 2001 E. Dauphin st. Int. private. OALLAOHER On Sapt. 13, 1021, KATE GALLAGHER (of the Powclton Apts.). widow cf John N. Gallagher. Services on Wednes day ovenln. at 7 o'clock, at tho Oliver II. lalr Rid'!., 1920 Chestnut at. Interment at Steubenvllle, O., Thursday afternoon. GARDNER. 11th Inst.. MART ELLEN, wlfo of Thomas W. Gardner! Services at tho late residence, 1707 N. Uber st.. Thurs., l :3 r. At. ucmains viewca wea., a to 10 P. ,M. ' GREER. Sept. 11. 1021. GEORGE W. GREER. Relatives and friends are Invltod to attend funeral 'ervices. Wed., 2 P. M.. rhopel of Andrew J. Pair & Son, Arch and 10th cts. Int. private. I HAINES. Sept. 12. a patient sufferer at I rest, JOHN, husband of tho late Sophia Haines, of 214 E. Allegheny ave. Relatives ' nnd friends aro Invited to funeral services, Thurs , 1 P M.. at the parlors of John E. ' .stiles & Son, 1417 1J. Susquehanna ave. Int. Grcenmount Cem, Friends may call Wed. eve. HARKIN. Sept. 13. WILLIAM J., hus band of Sarah Hnrkln. Relatives and filtnds, also Phlla. R. 11. P. No. 2: L. O. 1. No. 10 aro Invited to attend funeral. Tri.. 2 P, M . from his late. residence. 1003 N nCth st. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. Friends may call Thurs i-ve. HENDRICKSON. Suddenly. Sent. 12. CARLTON MOFFITT HENDRICKSON. aned 00. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral nn Thursday, 13th Inst., nt 10:30 A. M. 1 tc resldenco, Mantua. N. J. Int. Wenonah Ccmotery. HENDRIXKON. Sept. 12. 1021. RICH ARD K.. husband of Julia Ilondrlxson Relatives and friends, also Veterans of Korelcn Wars. G A. H. Post No. 7T. In cited to funeral services, Thurs.. 2:30 P. M., at rerldence. -110 W Mt. Carmel nve., Clan side. Pa Int. private, nt lllllsldo Cem HENRY. Sent 13, DANIEL L. HENRY, of S. W. cor. 3th and Race. Due notice of funeral will bo ulven, residence of his sis ter. 2010 N. 22d st. HOYLE. hcin. 12. WILLIAM, husband of Ellra Ilnyle. RelotUes and friends, also Tuckahoo Tribe. No. 271. I. O. R. M.. and Phlla. Hardwnro Asso., are Invited to attend services, Thurs . 2 P. M.. lato residence. Ilerry and Morgan ncs Drexel Hill, Pa. Int. Arlington Ccm, Friends may call Wed. eve JEFFRIES On Sept. 11. 1021. CHARLES T. JEFFRIES. RelatUes nnd fi lends, also Lastem Star LodRe, No. 180. '.: .ni A M.. aro invited to the services on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his lato resilience. 1311 ilt. Vernon st. Inter ment nrlvnto KBI8EL. Sept. 12. ANNA, deunhter nf Into .lamas and Caroline Koisel. Funeral services -m Thurs.. jt 3 P. M., from Upper Dublin Lutheran Church. .KAailOLS!. Sept. 12, nt his resldenco. 100 Queen lano. Oermantown. HARRY, hus band of Florence E. Thompson, aged 42. Trlends may call Wed . H to 10 P. M. Serv ices nnd Interment at convenience of tho TBI?,L',va,UN""in SP- . 1021. JU LII'H husband of Inu Klelntrunthcr' (nee Kllna-). aed 7.1. Relatives and friends are InMlert to attend funeral services. Thurs.. 2 P. M at his late residence. 2075 E. Clemen tine st. Int (Ircenmcunt Cem. Remains "'J!" ' viewed Wod. after 8 P. M. n, N0.P.VT'i7wVTd.ltn.Iy Ke"1- 10. ftt Chester. Pa MAURK'n. husband of Hilda Knopf and son of Isldor nnd Uto Flora Knopf, need 4T. Relatives and friends oro Invited to at tend rv ces. Wed., 30 p. xt. precisely, ut tho nsidence of his father. 310 Hansberry " i-,Sim.?.ni?wnA. Int' Mt- 8I'"" Cem i-.mH5HNL?,". SoI,t' " 1021- FRED LRU KA. widow of John (.'. Kushnle. Rein tie miiI friends are Imlted If th sorvlces, en Thursday afternoon, t '.' o'clock, at the r,n, df.nco. ,.' ,"'r ron-ln-Uw. Peter II. Hill, U !. ..''i,"1 I,' Interment private. M. DOl a Sept 12. MARY JANE, wlfo of Charles T. M.'Dolo. In hqr 03th year Relo tiM's -ml fri'.iiUs nr Imlted to nttond fu- i ., F'itii--u, imiro,, a J", ,M., lit lior , ....v im.ujiiio i.ui iripnine si., uincy. Int. I J ,"''l','l '-e'"" at tho convenience of tho fn.ii ....v u u. MeKADDEN. Sept. 12. 1021 ROSE n S.MT "f";il"mePj: M"crartdeh (me Don. nelly) Rrlntlyos and friends aro Invited to attend fumrnl, Thurs.. 8:30 A. M . from her at Churrh of tho Immaculate Conception 10 A ...mISIm,"01:,' Hepulchro Cem. MINT.ER Sopt. 12. K.iTHHYN H.. wife iLJlxmM Minder nnd dauchter nf the late C,h.'.' C' '"A, anna, M. BolsswaPKcr. Rela- fea.5s? fffjsM.terSi5?"& ;. 2?"K?,u"&,nS..iT.,8o,.' ,h0 p"ln" . MOYER. -- On Sept. 13. WILMASf ir . lusnaiid it iMuiire Moyer (r.ee Raiier). Rola. n an a if ,h:'i.Mu '" '.."?' ""., 13th t. ;l.mn requiem n ZV at St Teresa's Church 10 A. M. Int. CathedVal NUOENT Sept. 12. 1021. ARTHUR J Moved husband of Mary A. Nugent (nee Cullen), Itclat Ives and friends, alio ail .n cletles of which he was a member "nvlfid to fureral, Thurs . H.3n A. M.. from hlM lit. ' lenSe:?l.H- 5. JL HilVm? Pe'nulelS ...o . .,,. iiicriirii h , nurcn 10 A M nro. cf,;JS,t.:.l,0K. Sepulchre Cent. ' '' Pr0 PAINTER Killed In action ln th, Ar. S?,?nr; ftrVT ,f.,,ct'..3.'. IS.. S'cnnd.J.lSmX ..... ......v.,,,, ,, inrantr; denre of his uncle Snmuel'Tlley. 0217 arcen. '" 'nt Mt Mirlah " urcen' ri.iiMr..-iiir,ii nept is ALHEUT. son of Alphnnsiis nnd Cnrrle Permuntler. n'e.l 8 months, Relatives and friends aro nvlte to attend funeral, Thurs, at 12 noon T non CNDEIITAKERS I !(ii5"m" ?31-i-V ii . .1.. " ' :.i '.". v? ". duun r a Kin. up ii. i rt,."s ir.ii. in if iiih v, nephew of Samuel nnd M. n,ii.:: ?,'"'cl 2?'r.,u.0J,'"S" nml frlnds, also iiiufa H'iard Fleldlnir Post. No. -It. A L- v nf F. W . Phlla. Chapter of War Mother. nrt emploven of Glmbel Ilrothers " Invltod to nt. tend funeral Hun. 5 Ii t ii Vi -,0 "'. SVIW BROAD a,d DIAMOND sssUBMsssssispassVssMsjsavBlasBSBasjBssasBBBBBSsaBsa . 1-lL !KATrM ""'"'S1 fences.- wr?r int.' 5se,0f',r.8?.A ftWiVJm tired. Service on Thurso..' u- B. if b.f tho Oliver H. Ralr fiwl '.,V 1 it Interment private; '" "2 Ch,:,;. M , RAMRO. In NorrlMn 'w.' ANNIE n wife of jo.,D?'ftpV en g,., tM 04th year, Relallvei i .8'.nmb !!' J". family re Invited to at?.'.rln "of &$ from her lata rs.M... ?'.ejld th. P' Iks V Thurs.. t 0:80 A. M. 'litJt9 "kis,;riy, mass In SL PatritV. J"h solsm'L,',k, Int. private. " '-'"" tio7Jp lUMin in. Bent. 1 HENCE, husband of rmlii s,PonEm? r.. "J Ot Ids. m BT8. P. and A, M l' 1ZH . rqipsM .VJlM R.L :!. neril eefyioeV.- ft : .VVnIil. o ii&Ai 140 Isal 6l ave., aienolit;" '' reeiZ.' Oowen ive.. Mt, "Airy. "bV.' M,"inciMS i crtu" " Int' rrlv' ifolr iL$$i! nODOERB. E8TELLB Bs.., dhui nnu nnni i. d r -M4nij. v 18. 1021. Funeral .fv SeV .lSS' her sister. Mrs. T. n aill.F'WnXPh St.. Thurs.. 8ept. IB Jp w B' N i nA Wlfmlnrt nif' " M. V.i! 114 BHAW. - At the rffl1 ?4 i Hen. i. 1091. V?t li'.'Werlan w-;. . cn Bept. 18. 1821. clara'tr!?" Itew,. of Wayne. Pa., widow of WHS? Bjfi IWCET'S '. Elliott 2," "nanJr.'"i m. iB,2f.i;s services, nn Thursday a.i?.vl,,d to nli o'clotft. at 1820 Chss.ll:!'r,lxn. at s'!J5 Vte. '" ""Wirunt ,253 5MMA A"' L." la arVn'vm""' Jul iieiauTea ana inenas nr InvilM .."' sntlol;l at late residence, ".ate " ' tnJ? ki Tuesday. 2 P. M. Interment !iwood- ra" 1 lUIIUe'i V IU iU Xa eU. ' v IIVCf I W.nusTan8dUdof'Ut. ... fel WT. Sa.ndr,unna.'rar3' Mt WA Relatives inviti residence, Creemont v.! vrnliJ U, S mass Bt. Davld'e Church 10 j ?'V- Sepulchre. "i' Int, n3j ,1It BMITII. Sept. 18. IfATTTTw frlendg are invited ??'! "'' I Ices. Bat., 2 P rt .?,tnl fs. 4oin York road.' in". i ' ttuwl IWITCJI. SnClt.BRei1: -A ncrnl sorvlces rnmiiom n, 1 1 1, HianivuvYliUil. Hsnf is o'ir KUvii'Uit,. area Bl. Funeral .7iS?TAir.j 2 P. M.. at nil late resldsne. "V.VS't. Tit,f. ave Germantown. 1',-In.l'.P"t..'"'w WTM' i n.-.V''Mir. ii mond sts. Int. private. ua fr TAYIX3R. Sept. 10, 1021. Mi., l. funeral services, at her late rsM.i""M ti k 20th t.. Wed.. 3 P. ji" pr;cte-"l Monument Cem, "recnely. iBtJ THI IX). Sept. 12. EMMAM.wtf. . i llsm Thlk. (nee Itenrlch). l4 Bf,?Jll services Thurs.. a P. M, at Bsai V."ffl int. privaie. ureenwpoa (K. of n i ". Friends may call Wed., 7 to DP Vr -. WAT80N. Killed In action ArViS-. -est. Bejt. 28. 1018 CTIARLns EDWa' husband of Marie J. (nee Murk) siii .ARui Walter and Mary Watson. sa ?J '." ' Relatives and friends, also lc..i.:'.7,ln. and O'Donnell Post, No. 200. V. p "W 1 R. Garland Post, No. 10 and Llseoisi'i01"1"'! V m W.. Chnntsp nf (h. V.Ti.-1'."! Port. I War Mothers, also employes ot thi 1?$ Point Ilreeie, are Invited to atts'il tiS'i. nsral, from his late residence? ms sf' St.. Wed.. 8:30 A. M. Solemn i riiu-l'J at St. Kdmond'e Church, 23d and lS5Si?l,' A. M. Interment Holy dross Cem mtU-- WEDER. At his home, EdHM s. on Sept. 11. 1021. LAfRD hu?bT.A Emily E. Weber and son of EmrnVTi1." late Charles P. Weber. Service at niWV Edne Hill. Pa., on Wednesday rnowV 11 o'clock. Further servlc. J,S?.M- afternoon, at 2:80 o'clock, at the niSrff. I Hair nidir.. 1820 Chestnut at. InUmsatT. I Mt. Pence Cemetery. ""rai I WHARTOM. On Sept. 11. leit ii,."1 1 al 2 o'clock: at th," d l?.?,rBia.. 1"0 Chestnut st. Intrmn l.,..' B'i , WH1TLOCK. On September TiirMiir I C. son of the, Ute TrU-nd and Ana mlM Inlr. TTimsrnl uritl... .Ill Ei "?. '1' I lh residence of his nlee vim. ,,'J,.ir"i ..I Rose. 2201 Do Lencey rlaco. on WoniS.Vl afternoon at 2 o'olock. Interment Brlr.t."l ZlKirAii'iit. aepi. 13. UHMSTIMB U.J-1 dauihtor of Elltibeth M. Levis and srtf. .!', !5i J"2 S5- Vh T-r,?'lbV'h' . i t eve., Bryn Mwr, Pa. Int. private. """"'.. I.KOAT, ADVERT1SE.1IKXT8 - ' 535 KSTATK OF MJUU3 WOLHTO. nV . "- censed Letters of ndmlnlstritloa ei, the above estate havlnsr been eranted to Id. I underslened, all persons Indebted to thi nil 1 estate nro requested to make payment. itsJ" vlthout dolay, to ELSSin W0LK1K, Or to her attorney, liATinv nnwifw. " 1B11 S. fith st. 'Mi LOST AND FOUND i-! r' CASB Lost, sold eyes-lass case. m.rk.J ii. -ii n.. rriaay. Hept. 0. either at nrotiv Street Station or Green HID Farms ni.i brook; suitable roward and no question) I'l asaea n reiurnea 10 J. u. (.-aiaweii ft W.;rl unesmui anq juniper sis. CERTIFICATE Lost, certificate of msnibfM l tile Commercial Eithint. J ship No. 0.14 In the Commercial Excluntt oc rnuaaeipnia, ln the name of Cltmtni 1 . Aiaencr, cr. havlne been lost, notice Is htrrt;,i that application has been roida (or i Klvcn n n w rertlflcaie. (Sinned) M. C Clennni, 1 Dl.'KD Lost, deed ln the name of Dtnlri 1 Conner for lot No, 102 N. P.. In nctlon UW Mount Morlah Cemetery Application bat'i b-en made for a dunllcate desif. ftaturn Is Patrick J. Conner. Man S 5lh st. WATCH CHARM Lost. Tau fllnna Dilli watch charm, between 00th St, Tirmiui and Lansdonne; reward. Locust 2411. I PERSONALS f WlTTa not b reiDomlblsi ft 'ai dKfi fl. trnctM other than by myself atintz. Jr. -i --" .";,', 1 1 .inuwi A. ' i . HELP WANTED FEMALB -i 1 ACT AT ONCE ON YOUR IMPULSE TO ANSWER THIS ADVKRTISEME.NT OF WANAMAKER EMPLOYMENT OPPOR TUNITY FOR GIRLS, OVER 18 TEARS Of AGE OR OTHERWISE. TO OPERATJ CASH REGISTERS AND TO 1N3PBCI MERCHANDISE. MISS OARNELL IS EXPECTINO TOO W.tl THE i:mpixjyment OFKICK , st riRST-JLOOR UAliLitiHr WANAMAKER' 3 CANDYMA1CERS wanted. ..n.rl.ni. IS making hard candles and filled iroodi. wlri application Atlna Candy Company, burg, Va. Ltucb- DIRECTRESS of nurses for suburban hospital. Of! Ice, wnnteii at bncl P 1015. LeJnr Jl DRESSMAKER wants waist and skirt fV."! liners: also improver, avvii iju. -,s cust st. ' l 1 I GIRLS Fifty Klrls wanted, steady emptor- I ment. agreeable surroundlnss. m I Croft A; Allen Co.. 32d and Market stj.bj- I fween b:30 and 10. None need PPly.w' I 18 years of age and must nae mnu . ! - JI. an-ses AbVPiTB QIRLS over .10. years. . "',& Mfg. Co. Junction. luuo r. loin ' "" OOVERNES3. for Slrl of - '" '"""iS state full particulars, references. P 1003 Ledger onice ftmlif HOUSEWORK .......I. nn wasnins! uiii, rit.tv.,... - ',- rtf 1Kn. Ilnrmnn Awn 2317 "' of 3 tiii iii i.iMi.-iiM uHnteil Call or pnono K nsi.ssinr ave """"" - "-----:" : ....,i.. iin PAPl.'K IUWCBH EPnd euujri ., wiices desired and give references. - O. nox 3300. oailAI'HER. hkeepln. sensrsl JgJ tile office work; scctirate. rellawj. HTl!S'f ni.ntllM nffirA wnrki exu snlarv. etc C 0110 r .,'lc.r 0(ltM STENOGRAPHER wanted In I" V'i'os 1 lH prat.; state salary a--1 "' v t2- office I i'"'' Oenernl --SS CIVIL SERVICE ISinatloni. .N0!Sr. .. ',. .. UT,, ami uecemoer. iiiun "-,,.., P ! I1400.I1ROO: wrlto for sample hii. nml Decemoer: nn.. u,iannu, "... Ledger Office. ' HELP WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITORS -' 5jJ,! men who have had Keneral ejn'' cr orliartlslnir In lha rPI'OUH situ '".. .1 RIO MEN ARK BCAIU,. , If vou are over years on. --:- . hi, to take nstructions, vve "",: "jion: man of you in our on orgsnl""0"',,. " ".r.i.! ere promoting men every Jour Cfj I ncers and assistant ninagers. yo ur , i tunlty I hsres come In "V ills WVI Moorso-Haven Sugar Corporation. -- i I ere promoting men every wf"J0U7 '?' tunll Moors ner RldK. TT..w... ii-.n.nJnefd fool ,r,i "A.ryn'v"vvoVrk" roi'i!2J2SSb- " '" ' ""M.tn.iisJ'i' U'ASTUl) . . .i 4. for chiinlrif' control of 'll''W rinuiy. must havo knottl.edgo, of '", ...ii.t, alcohol and Its uses, etc 1 local " ,"Motr(Uj,'j Apply Piesldent. P. O, Rox .1 jj Qui'liep COAT.MAK.KH Wanted, 1 nr.t.eiasj r..iSBi . "1". hrcisj i.. ts arn.su a men of agency oxperiein;. .-.. v - r, ,3T mm of wide acnualntanco ln,',Vmii,,t OPP" world wanted! practically unlimited ow- tunlty to producers of actual rQ volume: confidential. P l""' L'nrr - who can mike vest." and xnt-l ,,-, I. .,.rnt...t. AddrSSS John M. ! niBKer anu , ituuii" v- --. ..ofisj ..!. sn.l sanmin D BW" j .- .. nr uuuu - -- -. ( B. Gay it,, Knoxvllle. Tenn, 6 . vii t', M,"tvvM"'''fV2.