Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 11, Image 11

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' .-r 'v.v 'vr
Maryland Furnishes Mrs. W)lson With
: Ideas for Preparing the Succulent Oyster
it i
'A Southern Cook Gives Her Secret of Frying This Appetizing
Seafood Rolling m Orated Chccso Will Lend
a Pleasing Taste
"I jucm Hubby Dully likes
too.:' chuckled Judge senna
.MM list, hi Mrs. It. A. Wilson,
nEPTEMBER, which Is ono of th-;
O finest months In the year, brings to
m the succulent ynter. pjrsfcrs from
the Chesapeake Bny hove ,a delicious
MIcato flav" th,t V nU their own (
V.a many people make ft special trip
KhfrMtern Shore to cnj'.y the dUhes
if S5 famou Maryland oyster cook.
Here the art of breading oyster for
hiing. ni It 1 called, U done 10 that
fisttlut 1 completely envejoped, when
iiSd In a delicate brown cruet, and
Si oMter Itself. Inside the crust, U
SWKr nd cooking until tender and
knot Bccklo Johnson, who nlms to
.nfald the reputation, as Is befitting
?h. ne.tigranddaURhter of the fnmoiS
m Jnntlo who was cook for the Cal
Tert?, "ells h:r method In the follow-
kf'Da rookbook say, take oyster and
.b an' pat dry well Ah, may as
11 tell you-all right now, yo' shnr
'naff gwlne tcr have n time t keep on
ia coats in dls way. All's nigh ontor
fiVhtr year old, nn' Ah can tell t'ota
'Mrleneo dat no self-'spectlng oyster
wfil stay Js' Put ,'nthat manner no,
lTfiCtho o7t. that they will
jMltln your mouth you just take about
Two eggs.
Out-half cup of cream.
Nowadays folk! can use evaporated
iik instead of. cream. Beat well to
Sand then place on the table, a flat
?,n with sifted breadcrumbs and a
St of flour nnd the cream-and-egg
filter seasoned hlglily. Lift the oys
iS between tho thumb nnd finger, look
eucfuny for bits of shell and then roll
g the flour. Lay, on paper covered
Mtir with sifted flour, until all oys
Srt are dipped. Now take away tho
Sm. Dip the oyster In the prepared
Sim-and-egg batter and then place
to the crumbs, patting the crumbs well
U&y "d P "Vor V,n
butts. Turn over ami let under side
Sw off. Fry In smoking hot fat. Do
b3 fry more than three oysters at n
time. Let 'drain a moment and then
mm paper-lincd tray. Oysters fried
H this method will be found to bo dc
K Wm Plain milk in the egg
Sp causes the batter to becomo too
Ddmonlco, of New York, ndds tho
fellowlng to tho egg-nnd-cream dip
Ont tablespoon of Worcestershirt
One-quarter teaspoon of Cayenne
One teaspoon of grated onion.
A famous oybter grille in Baltimore,
known for tho dollclous fried oysters,
rolls the oyster first In grated cheese,
then in the flour, and dips it in creyim
j ..- k.n.r nnri thon in fine crumbs.
im7 lmck to the old auntie on
the Eastern Slroro nnd see her prepare
the crumbs for the oysters, audhj .
lects her fctalo bread for more than a
...II. Worn tllR nVEtcr SCUSOn OnU
dries It by plnclng in a clean Hour bag,
huni In an airy place to dry.
8ho then crushes this dried stale
V J .1-1.. In lin lintr. flllll USinE ttlC
rollin Pin continues to roll until it is
.t.,i t fin crumb. She then
t. . it- ...-nnnrort (M-limtlH into ft COl-
.,, nmi tq them into a bowl or
psn-tho fine crumbs she uses for fries
tad the coarao crumbs are used tor
bikes, grilles and au gratlns.
Grilled Oysters on Half Shell
Select largo primo oysters nnd have
them opened on deep shell. L ft the
outers and look carefully for bits of
shell. Roll in fino orated cheese nnd
then In breadcrumbs. IMace in shell
nd then sprinklo with little finely
mined onion and bacon, using n table
spoon of the finely minced bacon to
tsxh oyster. Placo in broiler of gas
rure snd cook for ten minutes. Serve
four oysters to a portion, or this grill
miy be bnkod fifteen minutes in hot
Baked Oysters, Eastern Shore
Prepare largo oysters, dipping and
eromblng as for frying, nnd lay closely
la a single layer In a shallow baking
dish and baste with a little bacon drip
plan1 I'lace In hot oven for ten mln
ntts and then lay thin strips of bacon
orer the top and bake until tho bacon
Is nicely browned. Sve on thin slieen
of buttered toast with a little hoi
sadiile sauce.
Oyster Loaf
Look carefully over thirty sranil
Titers and then dralu well nnd cut in
wU. Strain and measure the oyster
lltfald and add sufficient milk to mak)
obi and a halt cups. Now bdd
Ilntn level iaolespoont of flour.
Stir to dissolve tho flour and then
Wng to a boll nnd cook slowly for five
nlnntes. Turn in mixing bowl and add
Ont-half cup of finely chopped par
i!V, Ont medium-sized onion, grated,
Turn hard-boiled cfigs rubogd through
One teaspoon of salt,
Ont-half teaspoon of pepper,
Os.juofer teaspoon of thyme,
Tht prepared oysters,
Two and one-quartor oup of 6read
ommJi, TAree tablespoons of melted butter.
Ml thoroughly and then turn in
Wl-grcased and floured loaf-shaped
Pn. Bprcad the top smoothly and covor
iw coarse crumbs, Bake in moderate
2' J or forty -five minutes nnd servo
TJ'hpjstcr sauce. This loaf Is dellcloui
Wo hot nnd cold and will be sufficient
l two meals.
Oyster Sauce
.Mince ten oysters 'fine nnd then placo
j a saucepan and add sufficient milk to
t ? oyster J,lice to measuro one and
ai cups. I'lace In a saucepan and
Jhrce bags of fine Table
oftlt for the price of two:
Three 5c Bags, 1 Af
Jhree 10c Bags, OA
fecial for this week only
mid seven tablespoons of flour. Stir to
olMolro the flour and bring to a boll.
Cook slowly for five minuten and then
One teaspoon of salt.
One-half teaspoon of pepper,
Two tablespoons of butter.
Two tablespoons of fintly minced
And the prepared oysters. Cook
slowly for ten minutes.
v Oyster Pie
Pare nnd cut in tiny dice sufficient
ootatocs to measure one and a half
"up. Covor with boiling water and
cook until tender. Drain nnd then but
ter a baking dish, Now prepare the
seasoning as follows:
Put through the food chopper tho
green tops of celery to measure one
ualf cup,
Two medium-tized onions,
Six branches of parsley,
One green pepper.
Now place a layer of potatoes in tho
prepared baking dish and season with
salt nnd pepper. Now a lnyer of small
stewing oysters. Season tho layor of
oysters with part of prepared seasoning,
using fifteen oysters to tho layer. Re
pent tho layer of potatoes and then A
second lnyer of fifteen oysters nnd part
of prepared seasoning. Hnvo the top
lnjcr of potatoes, use the balance of tho
seasoning. Now pour over a thick cream
sauce Inndo by adding sufficient milk to
liquid drained from oysters to measure
one nnd a fourth cups. Placo in n
saucepan und add
Bight level tah)cspons of flour.
Stir' to dissolve flour. Bring to boll
and cook for live minutes. Pour over
tho prepared oysters and then cover
with a top crust of pastry and bake for
forty-five minutes In n moderate oven.
Judge Sense
Dubby Bully hurts and harms the
toys by treating them roughly and
breaking them. Jack and Janet go
tcith Hobby liounccr to the Mysterious
Garden, there to ask Judge Sense to
judge Bubby Bully. Judge Sense
says he will trap Bubby Bully.
Trapping Bubby Bully
JUDGE SENSE had sntd he was
going to trap Bubby Bully so he could
judge the bad boy for his mean acts
against the toyB. As Judge Sense was
no larger than the toys thomselvca nnd
as Bubby Bully was a big lad dozens
of times larger than Hie toys, Jack and
Janet wondered how tho Judge-would
catch him.
"A boy has wits enough not to get
Into a trap," argued Jack. "It may be
easy to trap birds, or mice, or rabbits,
but I don't see how you are going to
trny Bubby Bully."
Judge Sense smiled at Jack. Then
ho pointed at three ripe red npplcs that
bun-c In a tree above them.
"Do you like apples?" ho asked, as
if changing tho subject.
"Yes, 1 like apples, and so does Ja
net," answered Jock, for tho sight of
tbo three apples made him hungry.
u, I'llUL'Kll'U UUIIHC OKunv.
At that Judire Kenan becan to stretch
toward the apples. Aud he stretched
and stretched so hard that bis arm be
gan to' grow. And It grew and grow
so fast that it became long enough to
reach into the tree and pick tho three
red apples.
But Judge Sonse didn't glvo the ap
ples to Jack and Janet. Ho ran on
until he caino to the wall of the Myste
rious Garden. Against this wall ho
placed a ladder, lie climbed to the top
of the wall and tied the stems of tho
three apples to a maple tree branch
that ovorliung the street outsldo. This
done; he fastened a long string to the
branch nnd, after letting down the lad
der on the street side of the wall, he hid
himself in another tree near by.
Bobby Bouncer showed Jack and Ja
net a peck-hole in the wall through
which tvey could see without bolng seen,
As they looked through it they saw
Bubby Bully coming along the street.
In one hand he carried Isabelle-Marle,
tho doll, holding her by her leg. In the
other hand ha carried Captain Brave,
ine toy soldior. It was plain that bo
was teasing the poor llttlo girl nnd poor
little boy who owned the doll nnd sol
dier by running away with them.
Bubby Bully aaw tho thrco apples
hanging in tho tree.
"IliDO rod onnlesl" rrlnl Ttnhbr
Bully, nnd ho threw Isabollc-Marlo into
tho tree trying to knock the apples
down. Isabcllo-Morlo flew over the
anruen wan and came down kcr-plunk
on Bobby Bouncer. That saved Iea-
peiie-Marle from being hurt, but it
Knocked tho breath out of Bobby
Bubby Bully now saw tho ladder
against the wall. Bubby Bully laughed
when he saw the ladder, nnd up ho went
to the top of tho wall. But when he
got to the top of tho wall he found thnt
the apples, Instead of hnnglng over the
wall on the outside, were Just beyond
his reach inside the garden. Tills was
because Judge Sense slyly had pulled
ri u" uru"c Dy me string tied to it.
Bubby stretched far to reach the np-
p..c . at '"deed, -thnt his ftfot
slipped. Ho grasped nt a branch, but
it broko In his hand, and down ho
piungeu into tho .Mysterious Garden.
.110,1..."01 JIy npplc-baltcd trap
worked!" laughed Judge Sense. "My
wits have won because Bubby Bully
man i uhu his whs. ii no had, they
wuuiu nave ioiu niin npo red apples do
not; grow on maplo trees."
(After the toys get Bubby Bully into
tho MystorlouB Garden, they find he Is
as hard for them to handle as a giant
would be, as will be told tomorrow.)
, -eA
Just What Your
Girl or Boy Wants
Real, red-blooded, robust bodies
want support but need room to de
velop. Don't cramp and crowd
them into lurt "a waist." Get tho
ccientificall? constructed, thought
fully tailored "Hickory."
For all ages 2 to 14 each earment
fits perfectly. Body ot durable,
high crade materials. All buttons
genuine bone.
Made and guaranteed by tho makers
of the nationally known and nation
ally shown Children's Hickory
You should fini litem at your dealer's
tn the notions, boys' or Infants'
department. If not, pitas write tu
for men
ii !ST"?n
The Dinnerware House
of Philadelphia
Suitable for City and Country Homes
Famous a generation ago, as the China
store where the largest variety and the
finest patterns of dinnerware could be
had, this house is today as unequalled in
the size and beauty of its greatly in
creased stocks, and its moderate prices.
Wriglit, Tyndale 6? van Roden, Inc.
Reputed the largest Distributors of High-Grade Dinnerware
1212 Chestnut Street
Ambassadors of Business
The magnificent steamships of the White Star Line
carry on every crossing an increasing number of
American, men of affairs who go to buy or sell or
otherwise participate in the reviving business op
portunities of Europe.
Autumn and winter bookings for such Important travelers
are now being made. The great commercial centers of London
and Paris always appeal at these seasons to business men
Then there are many special events, as the great Commercial
Fair at Lyons, France, October 1 to 15; the International
Sample Fair at Naples, September 8 to October 15, and the
International Aeronautic Exposition at Paris, November
12 to 27.
To these ambassadors of business, the White Star Lino
with such far-famed steamers as the Olympic, Adriatic, Baltic,
Celtic, and Cedric is an indispensable transportation service.
The White Star, Red Star and American Lines operate the
following passenger services with frequent sailings!
New York to Plymouth,
Cherbourg', Antwerp
wurrn staii
(few York to Cherbourg?
and Southampton
New York end Doeton to Aioree,
Qlbriltar, Nplet and Qcnoa
Philadelphia to Liverpool
New York to Hamburg
via Cherbourg;
Doiton to Liverpool
NrwOrlcana to Liverpool
The JVhltt Star Line will operate, this winter, dis
tinctive voyages de luxe to the Mediterranean and
cruises to the West Indies, Panama Canal and South
America. Write for beautiful free booklets.
Montreal, Quebec to Liverpool
Only four dare at aea.
American Line XJK &f Red Star Line
Philadelphia Passenger Office: 1319 Walnut St
Prices of Women's Suits Are Decidedly Lower
In Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store
600 Pair of Women's
Low-Heel Oxfords and
Street Pumps,
Special at $5.40
In every detail they are exactly what women want
to wear right now. The leathers are good quality, the
Koles are sturdy and welted, with white stitching1 out
lining them.
The oxfords are of brown leather and the one
strap street pumps are of tan leather. Both have
indicated tips and ball straps and many perforations.
Ordinarily you would have to add considerably
more to this price to buy shoes as good as these !
Soft Kidskin Shoes That Older Women
Want, $4.90
They have turned soles and low heels finished
with rubber. The soft black kidskin is in two lace
styles. One has a tip and the other an entirely plain
It's been years since such thoroughly good suits, In
the height of fashion, could bo had for such low pricci.
Women who have been hesitating over tho matter of a now
Autumn suit will be delighted when they seo what
Charming Suits Can Be Had
for $25 and $29
Really good velours are used in the making and the
jackets are lined with silk.
One of the suits sketched at $25 has heavy silk
embroidery trimming the jacket. Itcan be had in reindeer
and French blue.
A Suit Frock at $25
is another example of superior value, which is sketched. It
is of velour in navy blue and wood brown. The slip-on
frock is well cut and the jacket has a collar of fur.
A navy blue velour suit at $29 has a fur collar and
fur-tipped tabs trim tho front and back of the jacket.
Extra-Size Blue Serge Suits at $27.50
are cut on simple, tailored lines and trimmed only with
black silk braid binding and black buttons. Yes, the skirts
are cut comfortably wide.
Blue Tricotine Suits Start at $30
and prices rise gradually to, $48.75. At $39 there is a
particularly good suit which is elaborately embroidered
with heavy black silk and iridescent beads.
The Real Sailor Suits That
Boys Like
Broad-fall regulation Bailor suits, complete
with regular anchor buttons, white Bilk braid,
chevrons and bands on sleeves, and everything,
even black ties!
Tho Navy Serge Ic All-Wool
and parents know that regulations of this kind
are not usually obtainable at this pricel They
are well tailored. Seams are carefully finished
and the suits are well reinforced.
Sizes 4 to 8 Years
(Gallery, Market)
Center Aisle
Women's Odd Sweaters, 75c to $2
20 wool sweaters with laco vests marked down
to 76c.
40 sleeveless Blip-on sweaters of wool marked
down to 75c.
100 Tuxedo coat sweaters of wool marked down
to $2.
40 coat sweaters of artificial silk with cotton back
marked down to ?2.
Broken sizes, some soiled from handling.
Children's Muslin Drawers, 25c
Made of fine cambric-finished muslin neatly fin
ished and ruffled at tho knee. Size 2 to 10 years.
Surprisingly Fine Velour Scarfs
$1.75, $2 and $2.50
Half lost year's price for rich library tabic and
piano scarfs of velvety velour.
Some are 16x5-1, others 10x72 inches.
All are interestingly embroidered with artistic
designs. Colors are decorative shades of blown,
rose and blue. Almost every home has a placo for
such scarfs and they will make splendid Christmas
Odd Silk Petticoats Drop to $1.50
Black-and-white check taffetas nnd natural pon
gee of the bettor sort. They were a third to half
more originally, but there arc only odd ones left,
so any of them can bo had now at ?1.50.
Underclothes, 50c and 85c
Pink and whito chemises just in at 50c.
Nightgowns of Winter-weight cotton with lace
at 85c.
Autumn Neckwear, 50c to $2.50
All sorts of pretty "specials" for slip-on sleeve
less frocks and college clothos.
andNS2 50?lmPeS WUH Bloove" lnco trimmed, $1.50
Collar and cuff sets of tho better sort, 50c and $1.
Men's Corded Madras
Shirts, $1.35
Fresh new shirts of excellent madras cut over
Wonamaker patterns, so that they nro sure to fit
nlenty of P00jn jn I?em t0 exercise as energeti
cally as one needs in theso first Autumn days.
7f0l!0 a?Z to 'tripes in good colors. Excel
lent pearl buttons. Sizes 14 to 17.
Children's Knitted Sleeping Garments
Unbleached knitted sleeping garments, well fleeced on both sides,
are made with feet and have drawstrings at the wrists. Sizes 1 to
10 years, 60c to $1.05, according to sizes.
Luxurious Corduroy
Breakfast Coats, $3.85
Of soft, deep, wide-wale corduroy, generously cut and nicely
finished, they are in American Beauty, orchid, grape, Copen
hagen or rose. What delightful, cheery things for early
morning, almost sure to make a cup of coffee taste better to
the woman wearing one or to any one seeing her wear itl
At $6.50 there are breakfast coats of corduroy with a
delightful new feature the linings, which are of voile with wee
roses in it to match the color of the corduroy. They are in
grape, orchid, Copenhagen, American Beauty and rose.
Adjustable House Dresses. $2.50
Of neat percale in lavender, pink or blue stripes, they are
made with adjustable waists and hems and inner reinforce
ments under the arms. They are trimmed with plain - color
collars, cuffB and pocket-tops.
Sale of Fresh New School Frocks
Special at $1.25
(Average Half Price)
Gay plaid gingham frocks are
made in three pretty ways
with shirring, sashes or cham
bray collars and cuffs for
Regulation frocks, in one
piece style, are of pink, blue
or green chambray.
Sizes G to 14 yeara.
are of white jean and either the
middle or the pleated skirt can
be worn separately. The collar
and cuffs are trimmed with tan,
green or Copenhagen banding
and white braid. Sizes 6 to 12.
Every one of these frocks is
fresh and new and marked at
about half its regular price.
A Sale of Standard Grade Axminster Rugs
at Less Than Regular Prices
c?v.WnSPeC-ial ?urcl!a8e kes Pssible these splendidly durable and good-looking rugs at con
siderable saving in price. So far as we know, the prices are less than today's lowest regular prices.
Axminster Rugs Are in Demand
and there is a scarcity at the mills. Considering that and the low prices, it will be wise for vou to
make Bure of your selection as early in tho 'lay as possible V
9x12 feet $37.50
11.3 x 12 feet $52.50
... 1
V Vn Incr 3-45 6 x 9 feefc $22.50
36x70mche $6.75 7.6x9 feet $28
fi r
'." nW'.Uvy,J',' r Vk
.V,- .!&, "W-,, " ,JA , ' J