. V )' ! "hi ; r ?: ti , y & $ I v ( 11 ! II If I I is ST'1 fe I I a fa & P i f ?& IL Pit. kju 23 "AFFAIRS OF ANATOL" HAS MANY STARS jWally Reld Surrounded, by Bril liant Constellation Other New Photoplays Stanley They might nlmost have called It "Who'B Who on the Screen," this Do Mllle nroductlon of "The Affairs of Anatol, " which breaks n Stanley rule br comlns for a two weeks' mn. With so many stars act ing together, ami several of tlicui In comparatively unimportant parts, one suspects that there might have been homo truth In the rumor that It was dona deliberately to show these stars that their own opinion of their inill Tldual value Is exacKcratcd. and that, therefore, exorbitant salaries need no lonser be expected. That was only n rumor at the time "Anatol" was In the makln?. It may or may not have been true. The story Itself Is a somewhat scat tcrliiR and diffused account of a very human younc man (played verj im manly by Wally Held), who, thouph he loves his wife. N l.v "" menus lilm-l , to the rharmi of other girls, uiourii lie Is blind enough to think that hW 'af fairs" are prompted by high and noble motives. It's simply that liU affections have had a bad oase of wanderlust, nnd they rove around until his wife threat ens to leave him for another man. and then hubby comes to bis keni.es and all nds well. . . , . , Held does some of the bct work of his career In this picture. The part was icemlngly made for him. It Rives Mm a chance In every thousand feet to get Into the close-up with a difffreut girl In bis arms, and yet It alio brings out the o.u!et little comedy touches which he does so well when he has an opportunity. ., ('florin Hwanson. as the young wife, makes n charmingly pretty young wife, and dresses and ujidreics the part most alluringly. She seems especially good at changing her stockings, but, after seeing her iVi it twice in one ll'iu. no one can hate her for tlitt. Hebe Daniels plajs the most vampIMi of all vamps and she does It as only she could. But. though her stage name is S'atan Svnne.'shc turns out to he really a perfectly admirable man led lad and Bo one ran hate her, rither. Wnmln Ilnvvlov. the flrr tour on An- atol's amorous journey, is as plquautly prcttv us always, nnd .shows In her urt lng the possibilities that It takes a De Mllle to discover In her. Other dlrec tors do not get her across o effectively. Agnes Avres has rather an ungrateful, small part an the wife of a farmer (Monte niue). but even the drab ging hams of til" rural hou-ev.ife cannot hiilc her enthralling beauty, l'ollv Morun and Julia Faye pla. minor characters effectively. . . Klllott Dexter, one of the most popu lar of the screen's leading men. is ex cellent os the mutual friend of husband and wife who keeps them both from losing their bends and each other in the big climax. Theodore Huberts and his Inevitable big black cigar cast smoke and good amusement in a number of the scenes, and Raymond llatton and Theo dore Kosloft are oxtra added attrac tions. , There is an excellent bill of surround ing pictures, nnd the musical feature Tschaikowsky's "1112 Overture" with a strikingly original and effective stage setting deserves a word of special praiee. Arcadia The picture here this week Mems to bo designed to make husbands Bbrlvcl up nnd admit their general worthlewMioH. "The Truth About Husbands" Is explained In one of the '" picture's sub-titles to be that every bus band has some fin on his conscience which his wife must forgive and forget. Better have an nuswer ready, then. If your wife, sitting next to you, turns and as-ks, "Is that so. John?" It was none other than Sir Arthur "Wing I'lnero who wrote "The Truth Abjut Husbands" not under that title, but as "Tho l'roftlgatc." one of his long hcrics of domebtic dramas. Aside from the change In name. Sir Arthur has been kindly dealt with in regard to tlilb brain-child. The production of Whit man Bennett is careful and painstaking. The trenchant wit and powerful meta phor of the English dramatist have be.en kept, as much as possible, in the sub titles. The story of the erring husband who had n sin en his conscience when he married, and finally suffered the penalty of having that sin find him out. hns received nentle treatment from the cen sors. Tim picture has escaped the wholesale cutting common in such cases. and is coherent nnd logical, with fetv. If any. inserted sub-titles. The ending is ilecldedlv out of the beaten track ot popularity. The film ends on a note of Badness culminating In the death of one of the most appealing characters, nut the producers have made it strong and cons stent nnd thoroughly artistic. May McAvoy proves conclusively that her work, in "Sentimentnl Tommy" was not a IttHli in tne pan. in ner naru role a"s o wife who discovers her hus band's amour with her secretary. Miss McAvoy rises to every requirement. She dazzle, with her beauty, and right away thrills with her poise and sureness of touch. Holmes K. Herbert is splendid ns the husband, and Anna I.chr is espe cially line as the guilty woman In tho rase. In several scenes the caineramnn failed to do justice to MIfs I.ehr's beauty, but Bhe easily rose above all obstacles. Victoria Admirers of Tom Mix could Brnrcelv ask anything better of him than "The Night Horseman." It Is Mix at his best and it Is, too, an absorbing nnd well-constructed story that is some. what more convlnc'ng than most of the Westerns with which wo have all become familiar. As Whistling Dan Barry Mix appears first as a homeless wanderer on the plains, of unknown parcntngo. and with no desire except to keep going and to follow the wiul geese north nnd south With the chnuging H-axona. He rebels at ties of friends anil restraints of civ ilization ; he fights when ho has to and whistles always whether his life Is In danger or not. In these early scenes ha Is admliable In every way except that he has no human affection in his make up ; friendships quickly turn to mur derous hatreds, and gratitude for favors Is something unknown to him. But the story shows the developments of these finer Instincts nnd the coming of genuine love In the end. Thu photography is unusually good , and some of the earlier color effects are ' quite notable. Mix rides and fights nnd shoots and handles his beautiful horse through enough exciting episodes to sat isfy the most ardent lover of Western stories. He Is ably supported by others In the cast, the most notable of them being Harry Lonsdale. Mae Hopkins, Jos-ph Bennett, Charles Anderson and Uert Sprotte. Capitol Eugene O'Brien nnd beau tiful Martha Mansfield as his leading lady are two attractions that could 'carry almost any play, as far as the movie fans are concerned. "Gilded Lies," by John Lynch, U not a re markable story, but it la a consistently Interesting one with a variety of scenes including some In the great north land. The hero, by tho way, is an Arc tic explorer, and just ns rugged and brave as you would think he would be. Trust O'Brien for that, and also for .his ability to wear civilization's drew qjfthea well In tho scenes when the' Mis' comes down to the marts of wewUMMfvUkej abodes of cultare. The Photoplays Elsewhere 8ARRWK "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," the famous novel of Ibanez with an all-atar cast. PALACE "FootllBhts," with Elsie Ferguson, BELMONT "Just Out of College," with Jack Plckfonrd In n, typical comedy role. STRAND ."The Great Impersona tion," a thrilling adaptation of one of 13. Phillips Uppenhelm'n stories. James Klrkwood Is featured. COLISEUM "The Woman God Changed," n drama dealing with the regeneration of a woman. Scoria Owen and E. It Lincoln are starred, LOCUST "God's Ccruntry and the Law." a James Oliver Curwood story, with Gladys Leslie. MARliET STREET William Rus sell, In "Singing niver." COLONIAL 'Tho Orcat Impersona tion," with James Klrkwood and Ann Forrost. ALIIAMURA "Singing River," 11111 Itussell ns the Mar. a It EAT NORTHERN "Sheltered Daughters." with Justine John stone nnd a stnr cast. IMPERIAL "Chargo It." with Clara Kimball Young in four different roles. CEDAR "Poor Dear Margaret Klr by" with Elaine Hammersteln. JUMBO "His Picture In the Pa pers," with Douglas Fairbanks, RIVOLt "The Moth," with Norma Talmadge. LEADER "The Mystery Uoad." whole picture Is entertaining, well staged, pleasingly acted, and contains many stunningly photographed shots. Regent "(Jood summer 'movlelng" would be an ant description of "Ever Since Eve," which brings pretty Shir Icy Maium bnck to Philadelphia. This photoplay, based on a magazine story by ,locpii i-.rnest Pent, matt lies very exact) certain novels which are rend in hammocks on hotel porches dur ing the summer-time. It mis life and comedy anil a plnrh or two of ni)strry thrown In to keen the viewers guessing i as to what it's all about. .s tor tnriii. .it nas a tire on a launch, which Mis Mason, In the role of Celestine, a mischievous, frolicsome French girl, tiles to put out witli a pillow, while the hero swims giiilnntly tit the rescue from si neighboring boat. Miss Mnsoti, by the way, is pretty nearl) the whole show. She runs the gamut of vivacity, auger, misihief nnd grief, nnd, iucidcutnlly. she wears an array of gowns tlint will please the feminine portion of the audience. Herbert Ilejes is dignified and sincere as the hero, n ml Charles Spcro Is ex rellcnt lu a comedy role of n voung would -be poet. Ethel l.)nn, Kvn'Cor don. Mrs. Vin Moore, Louis King mid trances Hancock are others In the cast who do good work. "IRISH EYES" OPENS SEASON AT ADELPHI Walter Scanlan Assumes Man- , tie of Olcott, Mack and O'Hara ' With Songs of Old Sod Adelphl Fashions In shows may come nnd go but there will always be. so It seems, a large populace t'o patronize the roinentionnl coinedv of "Did Ire Inud." with its Irish brogue mid it matched cottages and its tales of l ,....! honest folk, with a silver-voiced tenor to warble about mavoiimeens nnd machrecs and the peat Logs and the shamrock and everything. Chauncev tJleott and Andrew Murk ntul Pln 0'IIura made their famines with it and now comes Walter Scanlan to reap where they have sown. And. judging from the .sbe and the enthusiasm of !n-t night's audience, the crop is going to be good this year. Such plnvs defy criticism. They are frankly tailored to fit u certain class and, if they tit, they must be con sidered good. Therefore. "Irish Ejcs." is good. ou na groan inwardly (if1 )ou like to prate about the mission of, the drama mid that sort of stuff i but I if you stand at the door and watch the crowds come out bubbling over with the pleasure they have had. there is nothing to do but make up your mind joii don't know anything nbout it that the play was fashioned for these people and they nrc the ones to judge. And they like It. Therefore, again, "Irish Eyes" Is good. Mr. Scanlan can sing everything in his line from "Mavourneen" to fnlsetto particularly falsetto. And. if the au dience Is a little slow In coining across with the applause, nil he has to do Is stand and smile at them, and they rise and give him four encores and a sort of apology for missing their cue. But the encores never failed to be forthcoming and hysteria threatened somewhere In the house at every joke and at lots of things thnt weren't Intended for jokes nnd even if the scenery and the me chanics and much of tho acting did look a good ileal like the Opry House at Perkins Crossing, the npplause and the laughter were there and a good time was had by all. Therefore, once more, "Irish I'jes" Is good. If you used tn like Olcott and Mack and O'Hara. jou'll want to sre this show. You'll like Scanlan, too. And far ho it from any one nround here to say )ou shouldn't. Tastes differ. It's n good tiling they do. It gives n lot of people a chance to give a lot of other people a chance to have a lot of fun that a lot of still other people never have a lot of chances to get. And so, we re peat it "Irish Eyes" is good. "RIP VAN WINKLE" IN FILM Thomas Jefferson Puts Stage Classic Into Photoplay Form Academy of Music There Isn't much question but what the general run of audiences will declare that the Word I.ascelle production of "Illp Van Win kle" Is just what it should be. And that, after all since those audiences arc the courts of last resort Is the principal thing. Thomas Jefferson plays his old role, that his father made famous before him, nnil nlnvs It with effeetlve hlzhllirhts and excellent m""- " he lacks o.iiiil' in ittt .,(.'. c niimn- ..,.,, ti.,-o u, iiij- topiay art lew win notice taeir aosencc. The scenes In thp old Washington Irving classic are things of real beauty, and are, as a matter of fact, really the picture's best nsset. It seems a shame, then, that the director failed to show an occasional glimpse of tho river along which the scene Is laid, since, after ail, the Biilrlt of Hendrick Hudson Is closely bound up with the story's legend. For all thp viewer of this picture would imagine, Kaatsklll Is an inland town. The photography, interior and exterior views inenmed, is excellent, though the' rain Is a bit hose-llke In Its vehemence. I The story of the old drunkard who fell asleep adheres closely to the stage ' version. Almost too closely in some eases. The famous line. "Here's your health and your families' j may they live long and prosper," Is repeated, as It was hy Joe Jefferson, many, many times. A false note is the almost slapstick humor attending the scenes of Illp running from the bear, Blp shooting the rabbit and Blp's wife belne chased by the bull. These would be goon In a farce comedy, but seem out of place here. However, many In the audience liked them and testified their approval by loud laughs. So why criticize? The best In the cast is little Gladys Messlngcr as Meenle. She will capti vate the hardest heart and Is never over "cute." Minna Davenport as Gretehen Is excellent to Is Max Aiher as the ion. kwper. EVENING PUBLIC NEW TYPE OF SHOW OPENS THE WALNUT Morosco's 'Lovo Dream3,' Called a 'Melody Drama,' Pleases Friendly First-Nighters Walnut Street There Is one thing about Morosco's "melody dramn" Idea; cither you'll like It very much or you'll dislike it very much. It isn't the kind of thing that will be Just pleasantly acceptable to the majority of theatre goers. If it happens that you are one who dislikes it you will say that it hasn't enough music to be a good musi cal comedy or it has too much music to be a good comedy or both. Vt the judgment of an obviously friendly audience at the opening Saturday night is to bu taken ns a criterion, most people will like It; in fact, many will be quite enthusiastic about it. The idea itself should not be allowed to fall flat because of this one vehicle, for, unfortunately, the story takes an odd ami unnecessary twist that gives It an nndlng unsatisfactory to most people, and this ending rather mars what starts out to be almost a triumph. If the nuthor had tnken the trouble to allow the plot to run smoothly along tileasinB lines to a happy ending, there would not be much doubt of the success of the niece Werner Janssen's musical score in dicates that ho is n distinct "find." He has an amazing gift of melody. Re marknbly enough, though, while every thing he has included hi "Love Dreams" is decidedly lilting and sing able, there is nothing that sticks to the memory to haunt you afterward. You enjoy it thoroughly but you forget it immediately. The audience on Satur day night noticed the evident Inex- t TlOtlCed tllC evident Illex- pcrience of the man who nwkwardlv , songbird of vaudeville''; Walter New waved the baton over the orchestra, nnd ' nmn nnd comnanv. In ''Profiteering": those who knew the nrt of conducting probably wondered how he ever got to be a musical director. Tho program gave his name 'as Claude MacArthur, and those who watched the halting baton didn't think Claude was so good. Then it became known that Claude had suddenly become sick and that his place had ben tnken at the lat moment by no les a person than Werner .Tansscn himself. As a conductor Werner is an excellent composer. "Love Dreams" i, full of really ex p.,Hnt v.miiv. if Ufrt. hri.rl.tlv l lull Ul uun ,-a- nnd it continues brightly with spots every here and there that are almost brilliant. The cast could scarcely be improved upon. Everybody in it seems to be able to sing, dance, act and eloeutc (if there is such a word), and that's a combination hard to find. Morosco found it nnd the rcnult is fine entertainment. Paul Burns rnther ran away with the honors in Ills rnmnlv nn-ss ncent r,,,p' bllt- ''owovcr fast he ran. Maude Ebourne, In her grotesque maid's part, "aR always close enough to touch him. .Milium is n genuine comedienne anil nobody would have objected if she had , Mnimi aw na,1(,y chattered interest had twice as much to do. inKv nn( danced. Others on the bill Lisa Abler, the leading woman, has Wl,rc chlsholm and Brecn. F. Barret a most pleasing personality and cvl-j Carman. dialectician; Goldie nnd dently an esc client voice, but the music I Thome, singers, and the Randal SIs assigned to her docs not give her the ters dancers, chances she deserve.. Marlon Green, so I ' pleasantly remembered as Monsieur , Allegheny "Inside stuff" about the iieaucaire, still has his silver oice, ''i,R l)rcf,CIlt vehicle does not offer him anything like the scope lie hod in the Mc-wiger operetta, either musically or npurionicnii). but he scores In what he has to do despite the shock of seeing him in modern clothes. Tom Powers. Miiurlce Holland and Edna Bates are all excellent. There is a miniature chorus of eight pretty girls who wear beautiful cos- tunics in the first act and not much of anything afterward, thereby appearing more beautiful. In one of the songs there in a line, "They will show more next season." If they do there'll be n riot. And the present reviewer hopes to be in the front row. HEIR BORN 2 DAYS AFTER DEATH OF BURDETT-COUTTS Grandson of Phlladelphlan Inherits Fortune of British M. P. Srein Cnblr DUptitch Canvrloht, 1011 'furtnCrd rom Todnu'i 1'utlic Lrdotr Iondaii, Sept., 12. The will of William Ashmead Bortlett Burden Coutts. M. P., who tiled a few weeks ago, has just been probated. It disposes of net personalty of .$.",000,000, with large real and corporate Interests yet tn )t fwtifmi tp1 I In irnu fltn l,,,kl,.i ml , 0f the late Baroness Burdctt-Coutts, of the famous bankine family The will of Mr. Burdctt-Coutts gives the bulk of his estate to his nephew, Scabury Ashmcad-Bartlctt, on the con dition that lie take the name of Burdett Coutts by royal license nnd that the fortune fchould pasa to a son. At the time of the testator's death Seabury Askmead-Bartlctt had no son, but two days later n son was born, making him eligible for the Inheritance. Mr. Burdctt-Coutts was the son cf Ellis Bartlett. of Plymouth, Mas.. who married a daughter of John K. Ashmead. of Philadelphia. On his marriage to Baroness Burdctt-Coutts, In 1SS1, he assumed her name by royal permission. a. (f;vHW 1W,wmwws. L? Coty's Face Powder Compact Size With Powder Puff Special 25 Cents Diane, Natural, Rachel LLEWELLYN'S Phllik.'n Htundnrd Drug Store 1518 Chestnut Street m YA m,,MM,W,MiM Thoroughly mixed paints Wilson palnt3 are thoroughly mixed, right at tho job producing the greatest pos sible spreading efficiency and protectivo value. Let us estimate on your next job. Ul GOOD PAINT tlMGl X Willslandthelestofilmo LEDGEE PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, HOUSE TENSE AS MAN SAWS GIRL IN TWO Illusion Act at Keith's Mystifies Audience Other Vaude ville Bills Keith's Horace Goldln, "Royal 11 luslonlst," sawed a woman in two in the Illusory sense nnd the big bucksaw which ho used in the rather dcllcato operation sawed deep Into the nerves of his spell bound audience. He drew two men from the audience by lottery. Then ho Introduced Miss Irene Vandcrblllt, upon whom ho was to operate. After "hypnotizing" her be suspended her body by belts which caught her ankles nnd shoulders. She was then lowered Into a cabinet, In one end of which were apertures for her ankles and in the other end an opening for her head and two for her hands. The ends of the cabinet were put In place over her neck and hands and ankles. Tho men chosen from the nudlcnco held her feet, protruding at oue end, nnd her hands at the other. Then tho lid was clamped down and the box rnnrninftiff tho wnmnti. wah sawed in two. The two halves of the cabinet wcro then nulled nnart and ! wniricu about. They wero put togctiicr again, ui.uissected Jid was iiueu ana ! Fc "iBjcct or. the operation was re leascd. well and hanny. much to the relief of the audience. Tho Ford Dancers contributed lib erally to tho evening's entertainment, Johnny Ford exhibiting unusual abil ity In his reminiscences of Vat Rooney and George Primrose. He was nbly as sisted by Lottie Ford. Edwin Ford, Evelyn Bennett and William Cutty. Other good numbers In n well rounded bill Included the Thren T,nr. dons, In n clever bar act ; Helen Morcttl, ,vlm ,,,Rtnlnn,t l,nP rnmitnltnn no ,, the Walter I'linton and Julia Roouoy, In a dancy, talkysklt; Emily Darrell, com edienne ; eiungton cross, in songs and chats, aided by Dean Moore, and the fast animal circus art, the Corra dinls AntmnR Aesop's Fables, Topics of tho Day and Pathc News, the movie features, added to tho attractiveness of the program. Globo Ben Turpln, the screen star whoso funny eyes have made the whole country laugh. Is here in person. He 'appeared in a funny skit with a cana- i - .:-""' . " i---.---. -- ble company of co-operative comedians, ' Thc '""Rhs started early and they stuck ""nnd to the finish. Other good acts ' '"eluded the "Dancers Supreme," A,,"S comedy rour, rnberand uernct, Stanton and company nnd Seymour and Jcauctte. Cross Keys The bill is very palata ble, both from n musical nnil comedy sense. "A Creole Cocktail." in which music nnd quick surprises abound, landed a solid hit. The enjoyment of tills offering lies in the fact that ono ' movies was told by Tlieila linrn, the film star, who appeared in person with a nlm showing a typical day in the life of , a screen star. She told brlclly of her experience In the picture world and said she despised tho characters she was ' obliged to portray just as much as the ' general public did. Others on the bill 'are the Four Readings, gymnasts; Lew Cooper, comedian, and Schwartz and . LlitTord Broadway There is plenty of dash, music nnd color in the show, which is headed by a musical tabloid called "Od dities of 11)21." Margaret Osborne, in the leading role, sets the pace for ar tistic action and is well supported "PAWNEE" PIPELESS FURNACE r& .iir.rBc. u t. L. uccus iuc Through An even, healthful ,fi Intnlnrtri a!tl,ri,,(l (r maintained although Installed under the most rigid Easily Installed without tearing up floors or walls. THOUSANDS IN USB Write for Booklet 'JjleckBjros. Co numbing. Heating & Paroo Sapplles 50 N. 5th St. 506 Arch St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CAMDEN, N. J. I.AN8DOWNE. PA. sniMKB UKSOBTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. .1. QJhr WITH ITS SPACIOUS EXCHANGES AND OPEN AIIl PLAZA IS PARTICULARLY ATTRACTIVE DURING ATLANTIC CITY'S FAMOUS SUMMER SEASON June to October, Inclusive Exauldtei muile a feature. Horeebaclc Riding, Golf (2 Chimplomhlp Courata.) HoUlng Chain, Piers, Theatre., UotIu. and countless other amusement. OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT JOMIAU WHITE Jk NUNS COMPANY IN TUB MOST UKAUTIITI, SECTION HUDSON Michigan Aw clone to teach. SPECIAL FALL AND WINTEU. HATES ALL ROOMS $1 or $2 dally $0 or $10 weekly Larre airy outelde-vlew roome, running water, pvt. bathe, oVctrlc lights, elevator service to street level, convenient to all plera & ntntisemente. Every attention ulven to comfort and service. M'KCIAL HKIIt'CKD HKPT KATKH l.OCEAN AVE. ! i ust aoui I rom Uiftch ind ottr looking octan, Ontrilly (octUd; flr proof j Itvttori prir bathi, bit hint from oul. CoolMt Dlnlntr Room lo city on toD(th)f1x wltfe immtww, HWOUOITillXfUiWm. M A. Kentucky Ave,, udjacent to Utach Eery appointment. CUISINE and HERVJCn I'NEXBLLKn. Ilea. eonahle rates Mr. H. nrtHCKrirt. Prop. 7Tc X RAYMORE & Worlds Greatest Hotel Succea SFNATflR Hack to pre-war prices, llealn. JUWlUn nlnir 8epti Vi i4 per day Aln, Plan Fireproof, first hotel from Boardwalk nn Virginia Ave. Booklet. DCtUlWUUUg ,, , liewkly., IS dly. beginning Sept. 7. Geo, W, Lauree. Wntrminsrm- Kentucky Av. nr. fleaon. vreiuninsicr Elevator! private balhs! running water, Open all year, C. A. ICOPP. OCEAN CITV. N. J. TTin A Iron Brighton Place. Special Hep. I HO ivyn tember ratea. A. YAUOEIt, Riieavna Hunnlng water all roomsl spec THE IMPERIAL areatly .reduced ratea for Beptember, Continuing Shotos FORREBT'-Thii Love Letter," dainty musical comedy featured by the singing of John Charles Thomas and the remarkablo danc ing of Fred and Adelo.Astalrc. LYRIC "Cornered," a comedy crook play In which winBomo Madge Kennedy makes her triumphant re turn to tho stage and shows she has not forgotten how to act SIIUBERT "Irene," returning to Philadelphia to renew her success of Inst season. Tho original New York cast, Including Pattl Harrold in the name-part. Tunefulness, taste and tickling humor. Smith and Nclman kept laughs rolling rapidly, xitc bill also Included tran ces Rico and Jules Rubell nnd Dorothy Wahl. "Strnlffhl From Paris." with Clara Kimball Young in the leading roic, is the lilm attraction. Grand A snappy show full of good comedy Is offered. The headline at traction, Cabaret de Luc, Is all that tho name implies. Bright, snappy mu sic, including tho latest melodies from harmony land, Is offered amid gorgeous surroundings. Hlbbltt and Sialic kept tho audience. In hilarious mood with their clever Southern stories. Other acts on the bill were Jean Bcrzac's in door circus, Lang nnd Vernon and tho .vidians. Keystone Something to suit every taste is offered. The Seven Military Maids entertained In artistic manner nnd scored n solid hit. Duffy and Kel ler stirred laughs to constant activity. Good results were also obtained by Frank and Teddy Sablnl nnd Gcrnrd's monkeys. "Hurricane Hutch" is tho photoplay attraction. William Pcnn It's a toss-up as to which act is the best, as they all landed solidly with the uuclicnec. Jack Levy and his Four Symphony Sisters were an artistic hit in a high-class musical offering. Tho show also Included Princeton nnd Watson, Valentino Fox and Larimer and Hudson. Bebo Dan iels in "Ono Wild Week" is the pho toplay attraction. MOTORMAN KILLS BANDIT "Sunny Jim" and Pal Foiled In Plot to Rob Conductor Toledo, 0., Sept. 13. (By A. P.) An armed bandit identified by police ns Frank tin Pont, alias "Sunny Jim," thirty-eight )ears old, wns killed by the motorman of a btreet car here, lust night when du Pont and another ninn also armed, attempted to hold up the car at the end of the line. According to Motorman Evans Mc Gilvcry, the two bandits opened lire when tho conductor of the car resisted efforts to rob him. McGllvcry, sitting In the vestibule of the car. shot tin Pont through the chest. He died in stantly. The second man escaped. THIEVES TERRORIZE TOWN Mysterious Shooting Adds to Law lessness at Prospect, Conn. Watcrbury, Conn., Sept. 13. (By A. P.) A mysterious shooting nffray last night, a hold-up and two thefts are the latest developments In the crime wuvo that Is sweeping the staid old town of Prospect. So terror-stricken have the inhabitants become thnt they waited fur tliij light to investigate the shots that were heard about half a inllo from Prospect Center. A milkman wus held up, his clothes rifled and some milk tnken. Thieves stole lot) chickens from the farm of Merrlt Walters, n former Statu po liceman, while ho was Investigating another theft. A truck load of farm produce war, taken from another farm. HOUSES WIRED VKBY RKASONADLY VMt Our Showroom RELIANCE GAS & ELEC. FIXTURE CO., 1511 Arch St. iifL-i. ii Yriiuie nuusc One Register tcmneraturn conditions. SI'MMEIl RKSOKTS ATI.AXTir flTY N. .1 1 IS.SO np Dully. Special IVUIy. Amer. plan. ELBEROM ft Fireproof Annox. Tonnenueo Av. nr. Ueach. i-ap. 400 cmtral; open uurroundliiRij opp. Catholic & Protestant Churches. Prlv. lithe. Running Water in All Rooms i Excellent tahlej freeh veca. Window. Jl White service, llklet. K. II. Ludy, M. D. SPECIAL HKPTKMJIKH KATE3 FLAHERTY HOTEL J'' Y- Atluntle Are., block .... .u. f.r.om p n- n- Station, central to everything. All outside rooms; cheerful and scrupulously clean, families accommodated! nnest beach, free bathing from Hotel : show er bethel European Plan, SI. BO up dallyi Kpeclal weekly, "THE HOTEL WITHIN TOOU MEANS" SKA flirty. N J. Announcing completion and opanina of Stockton The On the Ocean front Open Through September In the plr.e and holly eeotlon one mile south of Spring Lake: a charm ing hotel accommodating 1!00, with Its own boardwalk, It own private beach and bathhouses, eight acres ot grounds, clubhouso and grill I tennis, golf, SAME 5MNAOtMF.NI At THE WAKItEN. HP HI NO UKI W. It. HTIIIIIIH LONDON, KN Low Cost Cuts Coal Bills sao'&rmti SEPTEMBER 18, 1921 DR.HAVEN EMERSON QUITS FEDERAL JOB Medical Advisor Says Veterans' Bureau Is Being Made Football of Politics $500,000 FOR PATRONAGE Colnmbns, O., Sept. 13. Dr. Haven Emerson, medical adviser of the Vet erans' Bureau at Washington, charged in n speech before the Mississippi Val ley Conference on Tuberculosis here last night that the newly organized Veterans' Bureau was "being mado the football of politics" and announced that he had tendered his resignation as medical ad visor, effective September 15. "Plumbers and policemen' Dr. Kmerson declared, "are being substi tuted for scientific medical men In the Soldiers' Bureau at Washington," which he said had been taken away from the Public Health Service and was being handled as a political organiza tion much after the fashion of Grand Annv of the Itcpubllc politics. "Unnecessary salaries to tho extent of .$500,000 a year," Dr. Emerson de clared, "are belntr distributed for po litical patronage." Dr. Emerson Is a former health com missioner of New York fond widely known ns n public health expert. He conducted a health survey In the city of Cleveland. , His speech last night was an in dictment of tho svstcm In vogue rela tive to compensation and enre of dis abled veterans of the World Wnr prior to tho enactment of the Sweet act, passed lat month. Doctor Emcrbon Ills been In tho Wnr Bisk Insuronce and Veterans' Bureau since November, 1020. WHISKY STAYS IN BANK Media Magistrate Refuses to Release Seized Liquor In Vaults Media. Pa., Sept. 1.1. Mogistrate V. V. Williamson refused to release S.10.000 worth of whlskv now in the vaults of the Medln Title and Trust Comnnny, seized ono week ago by Chief of Police Cooper as the liquor was passing through Media in trucks Tho whlskv was consigned t.n the Imperial Drug Company, WIlkcs-Biirrc, Pa., and It was bclnc shinned from (lie Stewart Distilling Company, Balti more. Adolph Scbaunbron. of Wilkes-Barrc. appeared at tho hearing, and he said ho was the sole owner of the Imperial Drug Company and tho whisky was shipped to him. Assistant District At torney Van Kodon endeavored to show that St'hnuiihroii was having tho litpiot shipped to him for other purposes than non-beverage and medicinal. The truck urivers were nciu in nail. PARCEL POST FORSTFn Cron & llrl.lco Work rmteti, J3.00 up 40 N. 8TH ST. Wnlnut H!0 Formerly sf lSlh R. AuiiT ur . . 0pT? 10, A: M- Ur"'l ' r. M. rlntra Ilcviilrr. 1'ninleKi Kitractlon ftJH"yOAIJ JOCK No. 44 Given yon a I line of real comfort and th assurance of perfe protection whllo exor. cluing or playing frames of any kind. Allelaa. tic Per feet fit. Will nnt ahAf. PtrfMtlMraeh. r.t.nti1nnna be la front. &Uy b. boiled to eletnM. TWO WEEKS TRIAL. If Mttifictory return and money will a rfnndtd. If tiltd oa rtMlnt of prtn.ll. tfcaUwtlitmuiartaMat,lMrMag THE WALTER V. 1V1BK m -..s .,-. .. r - 7V I'hlladrl Juno npnng n i reef OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO NEW Reconstructed. war1 nd First class work guaranteed. Blip Cover Made to order. Wo carry a large .trick of uohol- ilcrlmr materials at wholesale prices. American Upholstery Co. Oldi-M nnil Lurgest House of Ita Kind 12S S Second St w' or 1,ll0n o i. oecona si. imbRrd 0537 Formerly 305 Arcb Street eatija BArtTSlAM. Near Jacksonville. N. J.. Sept. 10, HORATIO N. 1JART.MAN. in his ja year Relatives and frlonds, membere ?' 'l societies, Invited to funeral. Wed., 10.30 a M , from II. II. Knrncst'H funorul ?,.rIo,r,"',,13,attr,,en ' Holl' N. J. In" band of Rrffaela Uattlata. Funeral Wed. "ou a. m., late residence, 673J Pino st. --....,,., ymoi(, ii ubs b i ransngurotlon Church 0 A. M. Int. Holy Crom Ccm. " jo. .jciii, n, auoAiy, wire or the . .? Ji? vl uase. Funeral services Thum.. 1 v. m . at St. Mutthew'a Church. 6Tth nnd Summer ts. Int. Edn Cem. Friends call hornVnWVIne"0.?. 8 tQ " 0"ClClt' at "or i,"n9w,N.---Al 08l"i City. N. J., Sept. 1ft. KM.MA. W.. wlfH of James P. P. firown JiSlat'Sre n(1. 'rlenda are Invited to eerv ?m"' .,Tu"" 3 J' M.. late residence, 53 AVt0vnCem aien"ld0' P'lvMo. o,,JiYL,Nfi"'Se,,t' n- formerly of Olenbrlde Mhi..,.lf.y!ymou,r't' bounty Wlcklow. "ret i.n1.' ,SUJ!A widow of William Hyrne R"u ". RelatUas and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8:ao A. M.. from her latS KnUii'.ne'..18,,-S Ingor-olt ,t. High mass if tVI ' ?J ,st Church of the Gesu 10 A. M ni''AiH,?lY,sPI"", Cem. L.ALHOUN. Sept. 12, 1021 MAROAltPT fHf.9nH.f Wllll",m Calhoun. Sr." Rela.ivS'.Td friends, also Daughters of Ulster. Kb. 170 Thu p" nlnvlt6.1 i ?uPrul rlce ri.JA' .r,TI!f at her late home, 3708 5'ant0 ,'-i rl'a of Schuylkill. Int. prl. J?i t'iU.'KJl m,y CR" Wed. eve. u Si '.'lA1,1?1 Suddenly, on Sept. 11. 1021 SAaYASPKU CA"PAiJ6. belo?ed hu.baml SLAnf"n.a.' "'"tlve- and frlenda are "in- sav..aa ifuonraAd,r.,w:td? irr. 8 "Mln'ilo'cro5.1;. n"a'" Chure ! CARR. At Masonic liome, Ellzabethtown Pa.. Sept. 0, PHILOMKNA C.. wife of ia? mSii' , , Ct" "',tlves Ind friend. 1'. vltod to funeral services, Thurs.. 2 p m at parlors of Seher A Hes.lnger. Susm, hanna uvo. east of Front et. Int. privMe Ureenmmint Cem. private, CASEY. Killed in action at Argonn. band of Mnrsaret Casey and in of Jl and late Thomas Casey. Relatives nrt friends, also Co. K, stnth Infan ?y ChaK. H. Crowe Post. No. 250. V. of F. w. w,t? Mothers' Asso.i employes of neneflclHi fl ing Fund Society, are Invited to Stuidfrn neral, Thurs.. 8:30 A. M.. from his mother", residence, 1038 N. Jud.on et. Solemn re! qiilem mas. at St. Elizabeth's Church in A Jl. Int. IIolv Cross Cem. ' . CLARK. Sent. 10, 1021. WILLIAM n husband of Florence A. Clark, saed 7ii Relatives and friends. Penna. Jl.' n Relief' also D. and L. F. and K are Invited to attend funeral services. Wed.?" p.m 1. his late residence, 472 SllverwooS .1 Manayunk. Int. prlvaje, We.tTIS?el iVlli CLARK. At his residence. 1228 Locust St.. on Sept. 12. 11121, EDWARD U, CLAJIk! Notloe of funeral lai.e. ' ""'". uSmifnTi? cdoW,h.. " rwK, I f a a n.nt. t liihU nBATHH CROWLKY. Sept. 11 CATHARINEl T.. widow of. Timothy Crowley. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, Thurs., 8:30 A. M from her late residence, 242 pe Lancer at. Solemn requiem mass at St, Joseph's Church 10 A, M. Int. Cathedral. 1 davis. suddenly, sept. 11, frank m. Wed,, 3 P. M,, at Shurtleft'a funeral apart ments. 8020 Market at. . DKAN. On Sept, 12. 1021, JOHN A., husband of Jennie Dean, Relative and frlenda aro Invited to the service, on Thurs day afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at his late reel dence, 1S14 N, Orati St. Interment private, DB FEO. Bept. .11. 1P21, JOSKPH 8.. son of Paul and Antonette de Feo, aged 40. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Thurs., 0 A. M., residence! 020 8. '10th at. Solemn requiem high mass at Our Lady ot G6od Counsel Church 10 A, 21. Int. Holy Croes Cem. , DOYLB. Sept. 11. ANNUO, widow of Pat. rick Doyle. Relatives and frlenda. also Bt, Domlnlo's Ladles' Ren. Society, are Invited to attend funeral. Wed., 8:39 A, M., from her late residence. 8024 Comly et.. Wlssl. nomlng. Solemn reciulem mass at St. Uar tholomew's Church 10 A. M. Int. St. Domi nic's Cem. DtJRKAN. Suddenly. Sept. 10 JOHN DURKAN, aged 03 years. Funeral Wed., 8 A. M.. from the parlors of P.J. Carrali. 244 N. 4th at. High mass St. Augustine's Church 0 A. M, Int. Holy Cross Cem. FARRELL. Sept. 12. ANDREW, son of the late Hamilton and Ann Farrtll. Rela. tlves nnd friends Invited to funerai, Thure.i 2 P. M.. funeral parlors of E. R. Yerkes, 1725 S. 88th at. Int. at Mt. Merlah Cem, Friends mav call Wed , after 7 P. M FAUNCH. On Sept. 12. 1021. BENJAMIN B. FAUNCD. aged 77 years. Service on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock at the Oliver H. Ralr Uldg., 1820 Chestnut at. In. terment private, FINN. Sept. to, ELLEJ (nee McNulty), wlfo of Patrick Finn, Relatives and friends, also Sacred Heart, Altar and Rosary So cieties Invited to funeral. Wed., 8:80 A, M 723 E. Thompson at. Solemn requiem mass at the Holy Name Church 10 A. M. Int. Hlv Cross Cem. . FLEISHMAN. Pent. 11. at Chleaio. SAMUEL 8, FLEISHMAN, fnther of Louis and Morris Fleishman. Mrs. Albert Lehman, Mrs, Fred Kline, Mru. Jules Josephson. Rela tives ana irionaa are invited to attend iu reral, Tuea., 2 P. M., chapel ot Mt. Slnal Cem. FLEMING. Sept. 11, 1021, ROBERT J,. husband of the lato Mary Fleming, formerly ot 1182 Catharine at. Relatives nnd friends aro invited to attend funeral. Wed., 8:30 A. M. , from the residence ot his eon-ln-law, Joseph H. Etdred, 2H20 Reed at. High mass ot renulom St. Qabrlcl's Church 10 A. M. Int Holy Cross. FORRT (nee Clehly). Sept. 11, MARY M widow of John W. Forry. Relatives and friends am invited to the service, Tues., 8 P. M. at her lato residence. 4B18 Regent st Int. Yorkana. Ta. Kindly omit rtowers. aARDNEH. 11th Inst.. MARY ELLEN, wife of Thomas W. Oardner. Services at the late residence. 1707 N. liber at., Thurs.. 1:30 P. M. Remains viewed Wed.. 8 to 10 P. " 'oinSON. At Riverside. N. J Sept. 11, ELIZABETH O. OUISOtf (nee Sehafferl! daughter of Elisabeth M. Schaefer, aged 33. Funeral Wed.. 8 A. M.. Into residence. 803 Kossuth et., Rlversld". N. J. High mass St. Peter's Church 0 A. M. OREER. Sept. 11. 1021, OEOROE W. OREER. Relatives and frltnda are Invited to attend funeral 'crvlces, Wed,, 2 P. M., rhapel of Andrew J. Hair & Son, Arch nnd llith st. Int. private. HAAS. Sept. 10. LOUISA, daughter of the late Martin and Marie Haa. ngod ft8. Relatives nnd friends are Invited In attend funeral. Tues.. a P. M.. residence, 4010 IT" ueesn st. int. uroemount 1 em. Jtemains may ba viewed Mon.. after 7 P. M. HAINES. Sept. 12. a. patient sufferer at rest, JOHN, husbnnd of tho late Sophia Haines, of 214 E, Allegheny ave. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to funeral services, Thurs.. 1 P. M. at the parlors of John E. Stiles & Son, 1417 L'. Susquehanna ave. Int. Oreenmount Cem. Frlenda may call Wed. eve. HENDRIXSON. 8ept. 13, 1021. RICH ARD K . husband of Julia Hendrlxson. Relatives nnd friends, also Veterans o. Foreign Wars, O A. R. Post, No. 77, In vited to funeral services, Thurs., 2:30 r. M., at residence, 410 W, Mt. Carmel ave.. Olen side. Pa Int. private, nt Hlllsldo Cem. HENOEN. At Ooeai. City. N. J., Sept. 10. FRANK HENOEN. of Philadelphia. Pa Relatives nnd friends are Invited to services, Tues,, 11:30 A. M.. at the residence of his son-in-law, O. M. Preston, 113(1 Ocean ave., Ocenn Cltv. Int. Plessintvllln Cem. HEYDORN. Sept. 12. .MINNIE K. HEY DORN. In her 71st year. Funeral services Wed., 3 P. M.. at her lato residence, Olen Riddle. Ta. Int. Calvary Cem. HOOQ. Sept. 10. ESTELLA M.. wife of Edward P.. Hogg nnd daughter of Thomas P. and Estetla Lego. Funeral Wed.. 7:30 A. M.. partntv residence. 1713 3. 24th st. 111.111 mass at St. Edmoi.d'a Church 0 A. M. Int. Holy Cresa Cem. 1IOWLKV, Sept. 12. MARTIN, son of Michael nnd Anne Howley. of County Sllgo, Irelund, and husband ot Margaret Houley (nee Ryan). Relatives and friend, aro In vltod to attend the funeral, Wednesday morning, at 0 A. M.. from his lato reil dencc. 10-V) N Allison st. Solemn requiem nines at St. Oregon's Church at 10 A. M. Interment at St. DenK Cmetery. HOYLE. Sept. 12. WILLIAM, husband of Eliza Hoyle, Ralatlves and friends, also Tuckahoe Tribe, No. 271. I. O. R. M., and Phlla. Hardware Asso.. are. Invited to attend services. Thurs., 2 P. M.. late reildence, Rerry and Morgan nvea.. Droxel Hill. Pa. Int. Arlington Cem. Friends may call Wed. eve JEFFRIES. On Sept. 11, 1821. CHARLES T. JEFFRIES. Relatives and f 1 lends, also Eastern Star Lodge. No. 180. F, and A. M.. are Invited to the services on Wedne'div afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence, 1514 Mt. Vernon st. Inter ment private JENKINSON. Sept. 11. HELEN R wife of Thorn n E. Jenklison (nee Clnuer). Rela tlves and friends Invited to f mitral. Wed., 6)80 A. M., fumral narlori of Thomas F. Roche. S. !C. cor. aiitli and Cedar av. Solemn mass of requiem Churoli uf messed Sacrament 10 A. M. Int. Holy Crosn Cam. KELLY. Killed In action, In the Ar gorne Forest, Franco. Sept. 20, 1018, MAR TrN J KELLY son of late Patrick and Murgnrct Kelly. Relatives and friends, also Co. D. 315th Inf.: Captain Charles H. Crowe Post. No. 280: Holateln McCabe Post, No 3S8. V of F. Ware: Lawrence E. De laney Post. Amer. Legion: 81Sth Inf. Asso., American War Mothers, and all other so cieties of which ho was a member. Invited to attend funeral, Wed,, 8:1ft A M from residence of his sister. 2430 W. Jefferson st. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Eliza beth's Church 10 A. M. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Friends may call Tues. eve, KELLY. At Atlsntlo City. N, J.. Sept. 11. 1921. MARIA DOROTHY KELLY, bt 9ved daughter of John and Mary Kelly (nee McNeills), aged 1 vear 3 months nnd 18 days. Relatives and friends invited to funeral, Wed.. 2 P M precisely, from parents' real dence. 8830 Florence uve. Int. prtvato, Holy Cross Cem. Viewing Tues.. 8 p, M. '";'. At wnodatown, N. J,, Sept. 11, CLINTON 8 KL'LTY. aged 81 year?, netf: tlves and friends nre lrivltcd to attend the funeral services, from his lato residence. Woodstown. N J.. Wednesday. Sept, 14. 1021. at 2 P. M.. standard time. Interment Lawnsldn Cemetery. fjk0"0.1 Se"t- t "I" residence. 100 Queen lane, Oormantown, HARRY, hue band of Florence B. Thompson, aged 42. Frlonds may call Wed.. 8 to 10 P. M. Services and Interment at convenience ut the famllv. t KI-EINaUNTHER. Sept. 11. 1021. JU J.IUH. husband ot Lena Klelngunther (nee Kllng). aged 75. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, Thurs.. 2 P. M., at his lato rosldence, 2078 E. Clemen tine st, Int. Oreenmount Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed., after 8 P. M. KNIGHT. Sept. 0. SARAH JANE, widow of Joseph W. Knight. In her 87th year. Fu neral services Tuesday. 2 P. M.. at her lata residence 23 N. 40th St.. and nt Somerton M. E. Church. 4:1ft p. M (daylight-saving ,l1J?iT,,,'!ter2leni William Penn Cemetery. TKNr1',-",!tu4de,ilyt8eit' 10' ut Chester, Pa.. MAURICE, husband of Hilda Knopf and sun of Isldor and late Flora Knopf, aged 47. Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend services, Wed.. 2:80 P. M. precisely, at the residence of his father. 349 Hansberry St., Oermantown. Int. Mt. Slnal Cem. KOISNIQ. Sept. 10. CHIUSTIANNA. daughter of the lute Frederick and Mar garetta Koenlg. Relatives and frlenda also members of the Fifth Reformed Churrh. are Invited to funeral services. Wed.. 2 P. M.. at her late residence. 250.1 Sopvtva St. Int. private. Cedar Hill Cem. Vlowlng Tues. eve. .,.ScQnKU'' . slt- 1- THOMAS Mac CORKLE. Rolatlves and friends, also Local Union, No. 4H, Brotherhood of Carpenters ar.d Joiners of America, Invited to fcervlces. Ved.. 2 P. M . 803 Oreenwood ave. Jeni klntown, Ta. Int. Davlsvlllo. Pa, Remains may be viewed Tues, eve.. 8800 Havertord ive.. Phlla, MAHSA Sept. 10. dOETLIEn J., hue band of Caroline Mnssa, aged 87 Fu neral Wed.. 2 P. M. 327 Roxborougn ave". Roxboraut. (Services In Bethany Lutheran Chutf5:.2jr,-. Jnt. LJverlngton Cem. vpiiMEf,ZF,.VS,nti ", CHARLES MET ER, Relatives and fr ends, also members of St. Mat k's Evangelical Riformed Church and all societies to which he belonged are Invited to funeral on Wed., 1U5 P. M.. from SffiSPfi nnVaRefoVrn-ed feirS ?ftS:lr,fc, annVnWlfeS Ai&Vt.MX!?,5,riv?ff 2:ao Pt 2m ONchBYTr,,- ofMiteSin N8.UgneYa: " Jd friends Invited to fun,?a.e'Thur, a.30 A. M from her late residence, 80S B. i8,h ?' Snllm0 requiem mass at St Teresa's Church 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral NUOENT. Sept. 12. 1021. ARTHUR J beloved husband of Mtry A. Nugent (nee Cu len). Relatives and friends, also all so cletles of which hevvas a member. Invited to funeral, Thurs., 8:30 A. M., fram his iTi. residence. 87B7 N 16th at Solemn reoulSm mass at St. Stephen's Church 10 A. M p?S. clwl. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. ' Mt pr PliATT. At her late residence, 40B1 Bpruce st., on Sept, 12, 1021. JESSIE n wife of William H. Piatt. U. 8. y., Vel PNDERTAHKRH Mvl BROAD Afco V DIAMOND CEMETERIES AKDSLEY BJJRIAL PARK bWJ. aJ, !.!!. TO!" .'.."'X'M n Thursasi, .. Tt. ', "iirer . uair lildr VaA ? r. WiV ,nAe,rrj?J! Private; r" l8J CheitaJi'i aF ffikgm&Z . BCHTtADER Suddenly r n M widow of the T lata W Bli '"RXTllra Schwab). Relatives Sn 1 f ?.n5.h',Mf "ff. iim.i-ne.'.rW0 :- (davllrt "C.U LanVdale"Pa. IntrLansdeli'Vn l! 8CHULER sent in Cm- 7 SCHULER, aged 87. .UIaiIS'.. ajA V ar. 'nylted o funeral. Wed . ? A'M.Wtiffi her late residence. 1405 j;i.8 A- It.. VS k,AaiE7.Utt1sA rro?' EMMA 8.. wife, of Tti5. Orilii "? Inst" Relatives and frlendi I'Jre IiCT . $? at Into residence. Run V"M ,n 'rvif.. Tuesday. 2 P. M. Interment ."i00" vl Laurel jflll Cm. Remain, ?,;" '& Monday, 8 to 10 P. M. miy b leVi 4;5J2mr,,Fr5,nc'i. Nov. 5, ioi r...Ari BERT j.. co. h aioth int?. 7hih k, '""-S loved son of Amanda L ii! ,Ln .Dl",. hs llam IL Simon. In hl.lfh yer' 'i": and friends, also American il,..n,''ll llam T. ahetzllne Post, No" m'Us w tilriVAa nt nirssa..! -.iJ Y .Us Uriel . .. --- -. '...vu 111 Hn, An . nt 'iiinvJM Vfll --.-..( s , 80UDERS. Nov. 0. 1018 klll.A 1 In Argonne Forest, France r..Lll!?.l'Lctl n husband of MabelR. SVude,. 'EDW'1 DnnaMV anil .nn .. tj .' ?0U?H (nil If.' M. Souders. Relatives and frlemil Ut War Mother's' A's-'n.1 InVfe'd TiXj2P fl 2 P it., from his late reild.n'r!,.'lS. "SMU!. IT-1' "? .SdltMI It ML' K w" SrViTft"" :?J;..A' "Jl. THnf.. at 2 o'clock, at his rosldence 4V,,?"?li st. Interment private. Klndly'0m,Vl STENSON. Sent. 10. Trwf. - . e,Ji5V,r i"enon nep Kennlr) 'rt.i!J?" nnd friends. St. Agatha's Holy ViJl"? elelv. nil nth.r .n.l.fl.. . T'l1.7. -T3ITJt 8a. member, invited to funeral WeS "' Sf M.. 3721 Iftandvwlne at. 'solemn' J.30,' Holy CrS.1?""" w'wrcn I0 A' "-Int, STOVER. At his lnt resldene. is.. . 12lhat.. Sept. 10. 1021. JiMS! J4 !"?? Funeral services Wed., 2 p. sf Br.,.f;KB, Dtvld II. Schuyler Bldg., Broad m'V mond sts. Int. private" tn4 6- T-AVf-nlJ U.n. . .... TAYLOR Relatives' and "f , WiSt iffi Monument Cem. "' prcllr. Inl TURNER. Sept. 11, WILLIAM VPtjsnv ..n e -VVMII.m T ...4 .v. '.A.Jl r.W0V. Turned, 'aged 28 year.r Kn rsl 8'30 A. M.. from his father's ro"dem-e ..!.' M 19lh ... Snl.mn hl.k Z.i:.""!Kt 2103 nt tho Church of Our Lady of Sterei .i .1 VAN HORN. Sept. U, mi u , HORN, diirhter of lata Btnlimln unj'irTi'' if ay call Tu:s. eve. "' "t a nli1.t a I - 1 r. Iiimtii Walte Tl..ln .1 and O'Donnell Post. No. B. Garland Post, No. li St. No. 239. V.rVijS' No. 10 and Llicolm &' r of the National Ar5,5f, ,Y,'. J Sv-S?".1'! 5' -Monjl AmrS. w.i .,,., ,,., ui.u vuilMojrtJS ot the u n i Point Breeze, are Invited to attend is.. neral. from lis late re.lrt.n,.. , ,& 'J ' neral. from his late residence? "fn s si" st.. Wed.. 8:30 A. M. Solemn i reqiiiem,.? at 8t. Edmond's Church. 23d and rMiffl!?V! A. M. Interment Hnlv Pn . . ''""n. 10 . HI. IHHiMHIll "VI, VrUII XJtJtl m i,nrti,xw ii, a unm. KOCd Hill fl mm Slant 11 IflTI t lltm . tUU Emily E. Weber and aon of EmS,".." .f t late Charles F. Weber. Service at his KnK? Edge Hill. Tn.. on Wednesday morn'ri"?) 11 o'c ock. Further services mwH.5 afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at tn. oiiv.I if Balr Bide.. 1820 Chestnut st Interm.aVit Mt. Teace Cemetery. "iiat WENTZBI.T W. FRANK, sued 4T . died suddenly nt Wlldwood. N. J.. Rad7. morning. Remains may be viewed Tues ,..' betvveon hours .of 7 nnd 0 at son E Vil nolla ave.. Wlldvvood. Service Wed' iu5 A M.. Burial at Overlook CetnetcVy, MaA ion. in. j WETTEN. Sept. 12, 1021. MAnQAnPT i:.. widow of William R. Wetter . F.S Wed.. 2 P. M.. from the reflJence of V. son. Robert Wetton. 223 Sumac St. vim l,l.trnn K.rvl... u,lll 1 I.., , , 1. ''"W othy's 'Church 3 P. St. Int. m the chSS' WHARTON. On Sept. 11. 1021 via GARBT HENDERSON WHARTok d 82 yearn. Service on Wednesday aftsmeoa at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver If. nil" BU, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment private WII1TLOCK. On September 1?. HEVbt C. son of the late Friend and Ann Waif lock. Funeral services will be held from the rorld'nco of his niece. Ellie Whltlock' Rose. 2201 De Lnncey place on IVedneidw afternoon, nt 2 o'clocU. Interment prlvsti WILLIAMS. Sent. 10. I)amki ivit'. I.IAMS. Relatlvea and friends Invited it funeral eervlces. on Tues., at 10:30 A. parlors ofEdward J. Ollden, S. E. cor Mill and Columbia ave. Kumalns rair t viud Monday. 7 to 0 P. M. Im.rm..! private. W1TWER. Sent. 11. ZADOK. hurtipa cl the lato Annie .Morgan Wltwsr. Rtlttlvti and friends, also employes of Wllion t Bradbury, are Invited to funeral lerrlett, Wed,. 10 A M.. late residence, CIS 3. Slit, t. Int. private. Friends may call Tuia, 7 to w t". 31, WURTlSLK. Sept. 10. JOHN O.. beloved husband of Sophie Wurtele. aged it, tilt. ,lves nnd friends are Invited to attind f neral services. Wed. 2 r. M. Brtcliiljr. it his late residence, 800 W. Lehigh avi, Jut, private, Mt. Marian Cem. LOST AND FOUND DE'ED Lost, -died In the name of Dtnlsl Conner (or lot No. 102 N. P.. In sectbaU, Mount Mnrlah Cemetery. Application baa been made for a duplicate deed. Return to Patrick J. Conner. 1430 8. fi.Vh st. L'YE-UISS CASE Iial. sold eye-ilan case, marked 11. U. E.," Frldav. Septem- bur U. cither at Broud street Station or uri'en illll rmmi, uvvroroua. ouitsDis n ward and no questions asked If returned U J. E. Caldwell & Co.. Chestnut and Junleer sts. WATCH CHARM Lost, Tail Hlrma Delta watch charm, between 80th St, Tirmtsil and Lansdownc; reward. locust 2ol. PERSONALS JOE RUDOLF has sold the grocery stars, fixtures nnd stock, located at 720 Button. wood "t., to Tluo. Zubrlskl. All crtdltpri apply to B. Flnberg. 717 Walnut t wltbJo 5 days. f WILL not be responsible for bliis eiespt those contracted by myself, Joseph rum den, B048 Brown st. r. mil l,- . ii. HELP WANTED FEMALB A NUMBER OF POSITIONS ARE STILL OPEN FOR ALERT, WELL-BRED Y0UN0 WOMEN ov (AOEM 20 TO 23 YEARS) ., WHO ARK INTERESTED IN AND W0UI.p APJ-nECIATi; A UOOD STEADY J'0I' t'ON: HOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR AD VANCEMENT. APPLY BUREAU OF EMPI.OTMEST WANAMAKER'S CANDYMAKERS wanted. Jtprlenced 1 making hard candles and filled goods. Wire application Atlaa Candy Company, Une- burg, Va. DIRECTRESS of nurses wanted at ones for suburban hospital. P 1015. tef Oft Ice, - iir.nuifiinu ,... u,.l. .nrf alllrt fin- ishersi also Improver. Apply 1301 M- CUBt St. OIRL8 Ilfty girls wanted! "teadjr emlo ment, afreeablesurroundlnss. Appir Croft & A len Co.. 32d and MMket its. Wj tween 8:30 and 10. Nona need PPlyunr 18 years ot age and must have birth record. QIRLB, over 18 years. ..TrttiliI!trTvftnt Mfg. Co., 4000 N. 18th. Nr wan' Junction. OOVERNESS. for girl of 0. In DUrM,' atate full partlculari, references, 1 lima irfpger urtice. .1.1.111 HOSIERY knitters and toppers on "MJ hose: Bannor machines. Hyslenio ri unnerwear 1.0. -4in r". nu.... MILLINERS CTr!SrmTl?SrTY,T5 3 ,AN..9 W?h ANT ' WORK IQB. PJ.KA8ANI "K,,jj. THOHOUOHLY L1NEKH. HHItH! IS WORK IN A IRQB. PMJABAjji ,'gf,. ROOM, NATURAL LIGHT. OOOD T1LATION. APPLY BUREAU OF HMPU31ENT WANAMAKER'S sarawfe W want womin nfl KOOi r 0 yr of tm "IKSS i-tunltt. K SSSWE ff? JWASSMllSSKI nth at. . Solemn hjgh mI',wnetr jiH'iV Church 10 A. M. IHt irnil'Btl Edlv.lS ROCHE. Sept. tV ' 1 X,8Py1elS, r''' ROCHE. Relatives ina ir;R J8jfA?"H attend funeral, from rVii f..in" lnritS cLA' A lnt- ".', JU'ry Wati's -IlU0 frSlr J-WSft John'. Church'loTV .ffi-ffl..'? ft Lionsi fVoj .,f.:,fVt,'Wf!;w., ,.., Main Offloa. lOlsasltte. ruu!7 Kth J&sm. yancemen X, Mtw. '.v- v uer A9iuc r. ,v,. vHt n'iili,- ,,j&-i&biX,i 3fittS