Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 12, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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. i
Rv. H. Medloy Price Tells Mln-
liters Exhibition Was Worst
He Ever Saw
"I hnve nci
T life."
pr 'ci'ii m ninny legs In
The Ilev. II Medley l'rl r, pastor of ,
the. Tennent Memorinl l'rch.vterlnn
Church, Fifty -second nnd Arch streets.
thxin summed up his impression this ;
summer in Atlnnlir City In his nddrcss ,
before the flrit fnll meeting nf the I'hll- I
ndtlphla MlnlMcrlnl Association, held
today in WestmlnMcr Hull. Wither- i
spoon HnlUllnif
"It vhs the worst exhibition of the
world, thp tlesh nnd thp devil 1 have
erer seen." lie said, in expreminit his
opinion of the women who fit rrn
leffed in roller I'hnir. or loll on the
riwn in mm oi guru iiim-niiis; '' "-
latfUt l.lnn.
Hot An Awful Shocli
"I don't know wliot they're coming
to," the Ilev. Mr. Price lamented. ' The
styles have reached such a point of
brevity that sashes arc used where skirts
ufced to be.
"In one Instance, while walking
nlong Atlantic avenue. I saw a woman
with n market basket over her arm,
going from store to store She wore
nothing but n fltms bathing suit 1
consider such conduct an outrage
"I wish it weie in nn power to cor
rect these things.''
That hotels may be conducted prof
itably without permitting drinking or
gambling wa.s tlie assertion of the Hev.
Dr. Matthew Hyndimin. of the OIKer
rVMrennnt Chnrcll. wlln snlil tliat from
hi observations nf tne manner in wmcn tile commensurate with tlie facts as liere
Quakers conducted hotels at a New j n set fortli or at least allow l he prcs
"York State resort and in Atlantic City, ent scale to remain in effect until the
he wn.s convinced lawlessness was not cost of living Is actually reduced, which
essential to profits In the hotel bust- t it- Wage Hoard has ndmitted Is ah
ness. , i normally high and on the Increase, and
Captain ("Hypsy rat i miwii, n
Si-nteh eviuice ut. who has been in
America eight months, declared that,
from n studv of American veterans of
the World War. he has decided that
they are not in a receptive mood when
approached with the ideas of organized
Christian!!) .
The reason, he believes, is thnt they
were not under tire as long as the Hrlt
lsh soldiers and. consequently, did not
learn to give the same thought to eter -
nnl tbiniTs. He served throughout th
war. was twice wounded nnd rose from
a private to n captain.
Tells of Outdoor Kcinls
The Ilev W L McCorinnck. of the
Bethlehem Presbterian Church. Hrond
and Diamond streets, presided nt to
day's meeting of the Ministerial Asso
' elation. The Ilev John F. Sheppard.
of the Coiisholiocken Prettlij terlan
Church, told of outdoor revival meet
inesU: the South.
The Ilev Hr William Mitchill. of
.the Calvnrj .Methodist Church. Forty- I
eighth street and Haltlmore iventie, told j
the Methodist ministers nt their nuet-
inp in Simpson Hall todnv thnt he had
encountered peculiar advertising ot
church services, while touring the I
Northwest this inimnier. I
Among sermons advertised, he said,
were three on "Wh Is n UooMer?" ,
and "(Jettinj iod's Uont" and "Howl
to Oo Through Hell I'nfeen." I
The ltev. N. .1. Downing, pnstor of I
the Methodist Church at Sixty-first .mil '
Jefferson streets, presided Among the
ether speakers were the K'-v. Ir. I
Charles. M Hoswcll. mi responding .w- '
retnry of the assneiation, nnd Dr J. It.
Taylor (Jra of the Hryn Mnwr Metho-
riist Church. i
Gas Explosion at Shore Cafe Mixes
Cook With Cookables
Atlantic Clt), Sept. 12. A loud ex- ,
plosion rocked the Turner Hall. South
New York inenue. toilnj and sent the
occupants of the building scurrying for
safety. Clarence Ford, a iiilored chef, i
was catapulted nero;s the kitchen, '
where he beenme entangled among sev
eial live lobsters and bottles of pre- ,
serves, i
The lower floor Is occupied as a I
restaurant and cafe conducted by Harry '
Strassburg. The night cook departed '
last night, leaving two of the oven gas
jets turned on This morning w lien i
Ford entered the kitchen h started to
apply n match to the oven. The ex
plosion resulted
When Strnssbunt and llany Noonnn,
a waiter, hurried to tlie kitchen, tlmj
found several live lobsters had closed
their claws on Ford's hands nnd face
nnd the chef was suffering extreme pain.
They succeeded in releasing the chef
from the grip of tlie lobsters, mid bar
ring a few abrasions nnd n bad shaking.
he was little the worse for Ms ex
Keystone Automobile Club Also Asks
Careful Driving
Lincoln Highwaj motorists are
warned by cards issued hi tlie Ke stone
Automobile (tub against speed traps In
various townships. The dub at the .
same time appealed for more inreful
driving in an effort to redine the mini- I
ber of mrldents.
"The Keistone Automobile Club.
urges you to co-operate with the au
thorities in reducing the number of ne
cldents which hae occurred recentl
on Lancaster juke," hav the notiie'
"The Paoli police have been instructed
to arrest motorists for reckless driving
,and exceeding the fifteen mile speed
limit. Don't speed. Plow our horn.
Drive carefully." I
pn the other side of the card Is a!
' , of townships where special alien- '
n is being paid to the enforcement of'
tor laws. This includes I'aoll and
llbourne. in both of which pbn es ,
inbers nf the club have been sum
ned nnd lined.
(ther Says Let it Find Alleged
. ' Slacker Son
Defying the Government to find her
son, William W. Walton, of ILMfi
Crease street, listed by the War De
partment us a deserter. Mrs. Anna
Walton, his mother, said yesterday that
It the Government wants her son, "let
them find him "
Walton, with Edward Lennox, Jr.,
of 1027 Harnh stieet and Arthur Mor
ris, of 10155 (irrmnntown uienue, who
failed to fill out questionnaires sent out
by the drnft boards after the registra
tion of eliglbles. was classed as a de
serter by the War Department In n
recent ''slacker list "
Last Parkway Dance Arranged
Special arrangements are I. ring made
for the last munlrl n dance on tlie
Parkway, whlrh will be held a wiek
from Thursday night There will be
two fingers and special musical fea
tures. Miss Mnrgnret Willi: who is in
charge of the dances, announced that
tl) "tango trot" would be demonstrated
ly proiesNonai, dancers r -
Want Gaelic to Displace
English Tongue in Ireland
llrlfnftl, Sept. r.. Illy A. V.)
Irish hat been deelnred the nfliclnl
InngunKu of Hie Iilsh Republican
I'nrllnincnt, derlnrcil fierce Hens
Ipj , n prominent lteptibilrnn, todny
In nddreskliiK the Vnlerford (5ne
lie Festival.
He added that when the Pall
Eirrnnn controlled ltd owi jemem
ment It would "no longer allow an
English education tKinrd to ntQclate,
but would stnrt to make Irish the
spoken nnd written language of
Ireland from the center to the spa."
Machinists Appeal to President to
Reverse Board's Ruling
Wn-shJiigton. Sept ll! - Navy yard
employes represented in the Interna -
tlonal Association nf Machinist will) ntln" between members of Hie llrltlsh
,... , i. .., ... . ,, ,, Cabinet and the Sinn Fein," ho de
make an appeal to President Hnr.linKl clnrPI. ..W0llj ,,.,! to i,l(er rhi
at Atlantic ( ll for reversal of the' war in Ileland. It would mean war
wage cut ordered by (he (Jpneral Navy
i iv
I U"K''
Hoard. Following n protest
meeting heie last night a committee
headed by William II. .lolmston, presi
dent of the association, left for Atlan
tic City.
Copies jif a revolution adopted at the
meeting are to be presented to Presi
dent Il'irdlng ami Secretaries Hoover
Denby and Davis. The resolution sajs:
"We, the members of Columbia Lodge
174. I A. of M , In mass meeting as
semhled. September 11, litlll, hereby
eatnestlj and emphatlcnll. irotest
against this apparent dWu-gard of pre
vious governmental policies unjust In
tel pretation of tlie wage law and dis
regard of facts and figures
favorable tb the emplojes; and we call
upon the President of the i'nited States1
to direct the adoption of a wage sehed-
, thus carry out the real wishes of the
masses ,f the people of the I nlted
States as against the Insistent nnd well
delineil plans of minorities of our popu
lation who desire apparentlj to see the I
wage-earner reduced lo poverty, want
and shsemetic
"And be It resolved, our protest and'
the detailed reasons therefor be given
publicity tliroujhoiit the I'nited States
in order that the workers of the nation
nnil the public at large may know the j
rein injustices which are ueing iniposeu i inui Hiring ine wnoie last liny of Jliss
upon nnvy yard employes under the Unppo's life slip made outcries against ;
guise of eennnmj : nnd he it further re- i Arbiickle. hnd blamed him for her in
solved, that copies of these resolutions ' ternal injury, nnd spoken reproachfully'8"
be sent to the President of the I'nited, nf him in view nf the fact thnt tier In
States, member, of the Cabinet, to the
Speakpr nf thp Houf-c of Representatives
nnd the President of the I'nited States!
Wide Search Pressed for Alleged
Slayer of Wife
Circulars bearing a photograph nnd
describing (Jeorge Dobson. alleged
slayer of his wife Isabella, who was
found dead in their bungnlow at Hun
nemedc. neur Camden, last Fridav.
hae been sent brondenst to nld in
The circular alo bears a picture and
description of his eight-vear-old son
Ceorge nnd II.irb.un McKcnwn. Pight
jjenrs old, Mr. Dobson's niece, whom
) he took with him when lie left No
I trace of the man has been found since
j lie was known to have placed Hnr
' bnra's jnunger brother John nn the
j trnin for Mount Holly nt Camden.
It was first thought Dobson would
, go to Clayton, where he has several
relatives nnd where he formerly lived
with his first wife. County detectives
have watched and searched the place
without result.
Deaths of a Day
Shot Manufacturer and Salt Works
Director Burled Tomorrow
Thomns Weston Sparks, for many
years Identified with the social and
Diisiness nie of Philadelphia, died at
his home at 1100 Walnut street late
night, nt the ngc of sixty-
Horn In this city in IS," J, Mr. Sparks
was the snn of Thomas and Annly F,.
Sparks and a great-nephew of Thomas
Sparks, builder and original owner of
the old Philadelphia shot tower, nt
Front and Carpenter streets.
Mr. Sparks was a member of the
vestry and rector's warden of Old
Swedes' Church : member for thirty
three jenrs of the I'ninn League,
Society of the Sons of St. (Jeorge,
Franklin Institute, Historical So
ciety nf Pentisjlvania, I'ninn Iiilge
No. 121. F and A M. ; Excelsior Mnrk
Lodge. No L'ltl; Signet Chapter No.
'J.'cl. Philadelphia Consistury Scottish
Hite. and senior director of the Penn
sylvania Salt Works.
., , ,ii i ,, ,i
iMinernl services w,ll be held nt the!
tomorrow afternoon nt
Laird Weber
I i rd Weber, for manv years an ex
eeutm of the William II. Wnnamnker
tore died nt his home in North Glcn
siile shnrtlv after midnight yesterdnv
jiiornlng. The cause of Ins death while
not Immediately attributable to an auto
mobile in i ident nt Ocean City, in which
he suffered several broken ribs, was
Indirectly due to that circumstance,
which occurred several weeks ngo
William Dougherty's Funeral
The funeral of William Dougherty,
for a quarter of a century nnd more'n
memh'T of the Hureau of Fire, nnd
lately stationed nt Company 37's house.
Chestnut Hill, who died suddenly Fri.
day evening nt his home, ."iflfl," Ardlelgh
street. Gerniantown, wll be hold on
i uesuny niternonii with sprvicrs In
Covenant. Presbyterian Church. East
Gerniantown Denth wns nttrlbuted to
heart disease. He was born in tills
city. For a period of twenty -six ypars,
with the exception of one year when lie
worked as an engineer nt Cramps'
Shipyard, he wns a member of the
Fire Department He is survived by his
widow and one daughter.
John L. Landers Dies
John J. Landers, a director of the
Villi KnllwiiiH Compiun. died suddenlv
Friday of a complication of diseases nt
tlie home of his cousin, .1. J Cannon.
Hntboro road. FitXwatertnwn Mr.
Landers was forty-four years old. He
had not been In good limit h fnr several
years. Mr. Landers' home was in
York He was a graduate of St Jo
seph's College, this city. Since 1)M
iic has been identified with the niilwai
nnd during the la-t four years had hhu
n diiector of several of the rallwai com
panies He was a director of the York
Count! Hed Cross, president of the
Nntional Act militants' Association, a
member of the Knights of Columbus and
of the York Elks. Mr. Landers is sur
vived by his widow and a sister.
ilrrinn ininu rvrnirr
Don't Curtail Powers of Ulster
Parliament, Warns
Speaker O'Neill
lly tlie Associated Press
Ite'fast. Sept 12. Warning lo the
Itrltl h (ioverntwnt against circum
scribing the poweis of the new I'lstcr'
t'arl'niiieut was siven by Hugli O'N'elll.
speaker of the Parliament, in an nddrcss ,
at llall.Miiena, County Antrim, yester ,
"Any diminution of the rights and i
privileges of tlie new Ulster Purlin-
1 nient a n result of the projected nego-
between North nnd South Iirlnnd. the
horrors and niUery of which we do not
like to contemplate. The calamity, as
Prime Minister Lloyd (legrge has truly
said, would nut be confined to Ireland.
"Tlie wur would become worldwide
Hundreds ,ol' thousund of people from
Ctrenf Hrltain and the Kmplre would
support the point of view held in North
ern Ireland, nnd there would be hun
dreds of thousands of people from the
I 'nlted Sfntes, nnd possibly from tlie
Htitish colonies nnd dependencies, who
would come to the aid of Southern Ire
land i
"In brief, there would be in Ireland
a war which would embroif (Jrcnt Hrit- ,
iiiu and the I'nited States and would1
spread horror over the earth." i
Sir James Craig, the Lister Premier,
""elurnM to Helfnst this forenoon and
presided at u meeting of the Cabinet.
Tre I'lster Parliament will open its
session nn September 120, the date be
ing th sinnc as that set for the proposed
Irish peace conference nt Inverness.
Ar buckle to Face
First Degree Charge
Continued from I'sse One
heard by the tSinnd .lulv will be Miss
Zey Pry von. showgirl: Mrs. D Mntid
Delmont. friend of the den il actress, Hnd
Mrs. .lean .Inmeson. nurse, who cared
for Miss Itnnpe during the twenty-four
hours preceding her death.
.'Irs. .Imnexin. the nurse, revealed
fiance. Henry Lehnnnn. of Los Amreles ,
wes "one of Hoscoe's closest friends."
and hnd filed with the words on her
lips: "Get Arbucklc; follow this te
the nntsh.
Assistant Distrlrt Attorney CHeii
and ("aptnin of Detectives Duncnn E. '
Matheson visited her in the afternoon. '
Afterward the mnde no statement. e- '
eept thnt the c.ise ncnlnM Arbiickle was
"stronger thnn before "
"This woman." snld Captain Mathe- ,
son. "without doubt died ns u result of i
nn nttnek by Arbiickle. Thnt makes it '
first -degree murder. In our opinion. We!
clout feel Hint n mnn like Fatty Ar-
ouckic can pun stun like this In Han
I Frnnciseo nnd get nwnv with it."
It is known that Miss Prjvon here
i.ut the previous testiniop ,,( Alice
I Hlnke. show girl, in telling of Ar
buckle's retirement with Virginia Uappe
I into his bedroom, ndjoinins the room
where the wild festival was belli; held;
j of hearing the jlrl's screams, end tiling
ininly to bntler down the thick double
(ioois. and of how tlie door was finallv
, opened by Arbucklc himself, clad iii
Pfljamns nnd dressing gown.
Hoth girls snid that on entering they
1 found Miss Happe lying exhausted on
tne Deu. her clothing torn and dishev
eled. Attempts to restore her nnd re
lieve her pain followed. There Is every
Indication that Mls Prjvon mnde fur
ther revelations which the police refuse
to lay bare at this time.
According to Dr. William Ophuls.
pathologist, who performed the post
mortem cMinunnrion. mere were nn
marks of violence on the bodv. nnd I
"absolutely no ev dence of n crlmlnnl '
assault, no sign thnt the girl hnd been
uitncued in nny way.
fold, "supervened from
Denth." he I
n ruptured
Mrs Jameson, in nn interview reiter
ated her previous statement that the
girl had accused Arbiickle.
She declared, however, that the girl's
mind hail been a blank as tn much that
had happened within the room.
Victim in Delirium '
"I know from long experience that I
patienls' statements must often be !
taken with a grain of salt," said Mrs '
Jameson. "The girl was calling for nie i
continuouslv throughout the twentv- '
four boms before her denth. At times '
her mind wandered in ileHrlnm .mi i
other times it wns evidently elenr '
"The girl." snid Mrs. Jameson, "wns
more worried over the monev side nf
her plight than over the other aspects.
She snid :
" 'It wouldn't be right for me to have
to p.iv for nil this, when it wns Hos
coe's fault.' "
-"rs mmesiin won n not dc ccrtnin
tl,c HPtrc ind ..,, la, ,ho ,'?
been drugged b Arbucklc Into tlie
room, but she declared unhesltntingly
, flint Virginia Happe had accused him
jof having caused the bruises nnd the
othei Injuries that resulted later in her
ltefore Detective Griffith Kennedi
and Henry T MrC.rntli the nurse told
her story quietly and with an assur
ance that impressed the police. She
declared that she was speaking volun
tarily, without fear of punishment or
hope of reward
Wanted Him Punished
She said In port :
"Miss Happe -.aid she took thiee
drinks and did not remember anything
after that She said Arou.-klc w.is
rough with her and nt other times she
wood spy tli.it she did not know what
While at the sanatorium ihe war
calling to me to ask if wc hnd got Ar
buckle. nnd I told her 'yes' to plense
I er She tnid she blamed him for her
Injuries and wanted him punished for
it This was just before she died,
which was about 1 .,'10 P. M. Septem
ber (
"I noticed bruises nn her body, her
left tnlch nnd right arm. I think, nnd
she said tliei were mnde by Arbuckle "
In i I i rtlnuis, salesman for n New
Yoik gown manufacturer, said ho saw
Mks Happe it, the lobby of the Palace
Hotel Mondav and commented on her
beniitr He wns told her name. Enter
in th dnv while visiting Arimckio at
tlie St Francis. Fnrtlouis mentioned
lhnt he Ii it 1 1 been struck by tie beauty
of Virginia Happe. Some one suggested
that Arbuckle knew iur and that she he
called up find invited to come over to n
party This was done, Fortlouls said,
and lis Hiuuie nppiarcd nt the room in
the St. Francis. They had sevenl
dilnks. Foitlouls said, hut he saw
nothing iiniisiin' nnd heard no disturb
mice. He departed when some one In
the unity snid the "newspnpei men
were coming t" interview Arbuekle,"
nnd he nnd some of tlie others went
Mrs. Delmont has declared that in
1 '. Il Hlfjpppp .llll
LDGER-pffiLAbELPHlA; $&$&&&
I t?ti.m qtap Axrn a t t .TT.ni?.n xrinrtTM
3trS.'KQSooe. Ai-JautiUXe:
there weie live men and four girls
Arbuckle's apartments nt the St
Francis last Monda
afternoon, nnd
the effects of
that Ai buckle showed
drink anil thnt the pait.i became ex
tremely rough, ending with Arbuckle's
pulling Miss Rappe into his own room
and locking the door
Mrs. Delmont has said that she could
hear the girl scream nnd the sounds of
scuffling and that for nearly tin hour
she mnde vnin nttempts to get Arbucklc
to unlock the door. When he finally
enme out. snjs Mrs. Delmont, A'irginin
Hnppe was unconscious.
Made "Too .Much Noise"
The latter portion of Mrs. Delmont's
story has been corroborated by Alice
Hlnke. who already had told the police
that Mrs. Delmont made frantic efforts
to Induce Arbiickle to unlock the room
nnd let Miss Itnppe nut.
"When Arbucklc linnlly opened the
door," Mist, Hlnke sn.is. "I went in
with Min. Delmont. and Miss Pryvon.
We heard Mis itnppe monuing 'I nin
dying ' She wns ling on the bed nl
most unconscious nnd evidently In ex
treme pain. And nil that Arbiickle
said was: 'Get her out of here and
back to her hotel she mnkes too much
noise ' "
Miss Hlnke has told the police nf the
efforts made by Mrs. Delnioift nnd her
self to revive Miss Rappc by menus of
n cold bntli. nnd of their attempt to
dress her. only to find that her clothing
hnd been torn so badly ns to make it
useless. And then, she snjs, tlie hotel
office was notified nnd the physicians
were summoned.
To all of this Arbiickle thiiH fnr hns
mnde utter denial, declaring that Vlr
Rtnm Happe. intoxicated after one or
two drinks, hnd inliintnrllv gone Into
the other mom of his suite, nnd in
delirious manner, had torn off her own
garments. He denies thnt nny violence
wns used by him on the girl.
Exaggerated. Says "Fatty"
"Tlie accounts of the party last
Monday have been gross exaggerated,"
Arbiickle said on his return to this city
after a fast motor drive from Los An-
geles. "and portions of them hnve been
rlrn,,ntP'1 "',"!' ,1! ;?Ic i(Ica of lolnB
mo.n, cront nJPt!co.
Arbucklc bad been cautioned by Frank
nnnungucz. Ills Los Angeles nttorney.
tn "nr no wor1 to "n.v nn(' '"m(,
" luU ,nnv ' n( rotund star agreed to
obey the lawyer s injunctions nt
MaTt froin I''"' Angeles. Consistently
throughout the day he resisted nny nnd
' nil nllnmiilu tn rnt litm t", tnltr
i ..... ,.. . ... .. . .. ...I...
Even when at midnight he staggered,
led in the fine, forlorn of expression
nnd weak of knee, out of the office of
Captain Mnthcson. shocked nt the serl
ousnesH of tlie charge against him, Ar
biickle kept his word. Once he turned
his hrnd as if to speak to Douiinguer.,
who followed close behind. Hut the
stern counsel, who in the inner office
had refused fo allow his client to utter
a word In his own defense, (illicitly
rnised hl finger to his lip in admoni
tion Arburkle, in obedience, closed his
lips nnd followed his guard of detec
tiies to the city prison.
When Arhudile arrived in San Fran
cisco about S o'clock Saturday night and
was met at Market nnd Montgomery
streets by detectives, who escorted him
to the Hall of Justice, he was subdued,1
but showed no indications of great dis
tress. He personally drove his custom
built, sportively decorated touring car
I over the mad fmin Los Angeles, nnd
when the detectives met him lie wns
standing on the curbing opposite the
, Crocker N'atlonal Hank coolly smoking
I a cignrelto.
I While a photographer had him in
I charge Arbuckle made his only break
in silence or the entire evening.
As Arbuckle stood before this enmcru
some one made the trite suggestion,
"Ixiok pleasant, please."
"Not on an occasion of tills sort," re
sponded the actor in n low tone. Plnns
were mnde for the Immediate raising
of bail In ense a charge of manslaugh
ter were to be preferred. Nothing
morp serious thnn thnt wns discussed
In the (orridors of tlie Hnll of Justice,
And when It wns announced thnt Ar
buckle would be ihaiged with murder
and committed to jail without bonds
his friends literally wilted.
Miss Hnppe wns twenty -five years
old nnd wus born In Chicago. She
attracted attention In that city In HUH,
it Is said, by advice to young women
to create original methods of making
a living. She was then making $1000
n yenr ns n trnvellng art model, she
said Miss Happe came to San Fran.
-rt m i , ,
csco In inifi and for a time designed
gowns and wore them ns a model She
began acting motion pictures t Los j
Angeles in 101,. nnd took leading parts
ill several 1
was born In KnnsnH thir-I
w-tyur ears bBo. i ncn eigne yetra
old ho appeared as a picknnluny in a
HHr?-v , oiMPM sit BHH 1
Miv vv.rc mtmnm.m
Mi'- - ..h,;-. . smM6' i i
HKv' ' s skl'
1 HHPV "-' 'js-' " ' " ' ' w V" A
igyVLyAta.BapPel I "M,' ' s v5'A II i
Ihiiiiiimiibii 1 .Jrw 1 Sje.i &- 1 1
r JHE'3':'- - VI tHI La ;iHPlMv
mjm"xi WQk& K.os'tfoei'na.ii
s : - - '?.-4 VjiiBH! . i
?;" .iv. ur .
m(p'ujmk nmi
IB so. S'IPj
PHI! Ill IJ U Jin
stock company nt Snntn Ana, Calif.
Ten yenrs later he sang popular songs
lnn Ban Jose, Calif., vaudeville house,
Afterwnrd lie sang In n Portland, Ore.,
burlesque theatre, and later was a
dancer In Oakland, Calif.
Arbuckle's first motion picture work
was ns extra man for cnmpnnies pro
ducing slapstirk comedies. Since then
he hns produced many lilm plays as
head of his own eompnnj.
Sprrtnl Dispatch to Kimtno 1'ulltc l.tAotr
New York, Sept. 11!. Messages from
Snn Frnnciseo lo Henry Lchrmnnn, n
motion picture director, who wns Miss
A'irginin Hnppe's fiance, leuve no doubt
in his mind but thnt Miss Hnppe wns
murdered nnd did not die ns tlie result
of pneumonia. Mr. Lchrmann was in
n highly nervous state when he wns in
terviewed Inst night.
"The loss of Miss Hnppe hns nenrly
driven me crnssy," he said.
Ixing-dlstance telephone tnlks enve
him the information, he said, thnt Miss
Hnppe died in nn effort to snvc her
"I know she fought nnd fought des
perntely. but she lost tlie bnttle and
died. My prayer Is thnt justice will be
done," lie snid.
Wns Arbuckle's Director
"For n year nnd n half I wns Ar
buckle's director," he added. "He
made his boast to me that he had torn
tlie clothing from n girl who bought to
repulse his attentions nnd hnd attacked
her. Thnt is what results from, making
idols nnd millionaires out of people you
tnke from the gutter. Arbiickle wns n
I ar liny in a saloon when he enmo Into
the movies n boy. not n bartender
cleaning glasses and spittoons.
"The statement thnt Virginia died
from pneumonia is a silly He. Dr.
Iiiummcl. of the Wakefield Hospital,
San Frnnciseo, telegraphed me to the
Lchrmann snid thnt Mrs. Mamie Del
mont would tnke the initiative in nsslst
ing the Stnte to investigate the net
rcsses' denth.
Lchrmnnn explnined that he was di
recting the production of a picture for
Owen Moore in, Grent Neck, Long
Islnnil, nnd probably would be unable
to go to the Pacific Const. He showed
a telegram from Mrs. Delmont which
rend in part ;
f "Will tell the truth if I have to die.
Virginia did not die from comjestlon
of the lungs as first reported. An
autopsy disclosed she wns crushed and
Injured, proving violence."
"Did Not Trust Arimckio"
Lchrmann said thnt Mrs. Delmont in
n telephone ronvorsntion with lilm snid
Miss Hnppe asked her to go with her
to the party in Fntty Arbuckle's rooms,
saying "-he did not trust" Arbuckle.
Lchrmnnn reported Mrs. Delmont's
statement over the telephone ns follows:
"After we got to the suite nnd hnd n
few drinks, Arbuckle jumped up and
grabbed Virginia. He carried her into
.mother loom and locked the door. I
heard her struggling nnd scrcnining and
pounding on the door.
"They were In the room u quarter nf
nn hour when we heard n terrible
scream. I threatened to call the hotel
office nnd Arbuckle opened the door. I
found Virginia's clothing hnd been torn
to shreds and she wns unconclous."
Lehrmnn snid thnt Miss Hnppe had n
physical aversion to Arbuckle nnd he
quoted hr ns saying, "He Is coarse nnd
ulgnr nnd he nauseates me. He thinks
he is funny when lie is only cheap."
Silver and Linen Used to Fix Up
"Love Neat," Police Say
Detective Woodruff arrested three
men this morning on charges of rob
bery of one of the central hotels of
silver and linen. Juan Hlanco, 15110
Cherry street, n cleaner in the hotel,
was accused of taking $IHI0 worth of
silver nnd linen, which Woodruff said
Hlanco was using to furnish nn alleged
disorderly house nt the Cherry street
Thomns Demlo, nNo employed nt tho
hotel and living nt 2120 South Twelfth
stieet, who enme to this count rv from
Itniy four months ago, nnd his father-In-law,
Nicoln Pitassi, were also picked
up by Woodruff. Woodruff says he
found n trunkful of the hotel's property
in tho man's room. Ho charges the
father-in-law with receiving stolen
goods. It is said thnt Demlo wn.s
stealing tho stuff to furnish n homo
for his wife, whom lie expects to bring
over from Italy.
Orders Arbuckle Films Barred
Medford, Muss.. Sept 12. (Hv A.
P.I Mnyor Hiiiurs today notified all
1.1 11 tt ml - It! lit II-.. 1,. ,. 1.. .Ll.. . I i . t
UWIIWifw i iiiir llllimi'r III II 14 I'llV Ml III
nims of Hoscoe (Fattv Arbuckle e
H(.reen star, held in rfnn rWihw In
connection with the ,Pati of Mlis VI "
gni Hnppe, would be barred until
Arlmclrlo'u enur, linu lm.1,1 llBr.nuA.l ..
the courts. In one ntniiiH. hnn. .,
ArDueKie mm was withdw(n on the
Mayor's orders.
SEPTEMBER 12; Jffff)
OT lHllliri limnrO TH
Fifth Division Veterans to Com
momorato Battle Fought
Three Years Ago
Veternnnf Hie Fifth Division attend
ing their first reunion unco discharge
from the nrmy will parade tais nfternoon
to commemornte (he Hnttle ol at. ajiniei,
fought three years ngo toitn.
Contrary to expeemuons, ..i.u,
Pershing will not lend the innrclu At
the Inst moment he received order frpm
the War Department sending lilm over
seas. He had to retract his acceptance,
of the Invitation tn both lead the pnrnde
nnd speak at the exercises In Independ
ence Squnrc, , . , , ,
The route of the pnrnde. which will
leave Broad Urm and Fnlrmotint ave
nue, extends south on Hrond street to
Hprlns Garden, west on the Parkway
and southeast on the Pnrkwny to Broad,
south on Broad to. Locust, where the
lino countermarches to Chestnut street
nnd continues east to iniicpenuence
Hnll for the outdoor ietlng.
Scrgennt John L. Burke, formerly of
the Hlxty-first Infantry, 'will be the
arand marshal. Nenr the front of the
parade will ride In nutos 100 members
oUthc, Philadelphia Chnpter pf the Nn
tlonnl Amerlcnn War, Mothers, with
their president, Mrs. John E. Onlln
Rhor. , ,
Ten cars will enrry guests nnd vari
ous citv officials. Sergeant Rudolph S.
iv. nf iinifimnic. Md.. formerly of
Compnnv D. Sixtieth Infniitry, will riilc
In one automobile. 'A bursting shell in
n hnrrnge In the Arftonne destroyed
Scrgennt Frve's sight on November 10,
1018, the ilnv before the armistice was
sijrncd. Another car will hold 'Fred
White, 2021 North Falrhill street, who
is believed to he the first mnn In the
Fifth Division to bo wounded In the
wnr. He hnd both lejfs blown off nt Bnn
do Snpt.
lit her organizations in nun nnc win
be JiOO Millors nnd marines from LcngUo
Tnlnnd. Second City Troop. Veterans of
Foreign Wnrs. n detachment of 100 men
from the 114th Infantry, the Amerienn
Legion, Stnte Fencibles. tho British
Great Wnr Veterans, tho Fcderntlon
des Vcternns Francois dc In Grande
Guerre and the Society of the Forty
Homines nnd Eight Chcvnux. An im
portnnt tribute to the more thnn 2000
men of the Fifth who died in nction will
he conveyed by six caissons nnd four
After .the meeting In Independencp
Square tlie veterans) will hold their finnl
celebration of the reunion a banquet
In the Hellevue-Strntford. Among the
distinguished speakers will be Mnjor
Gencrnl C. A. F. Flngler, Hrigndier
General Joseph C. Castucr, Brigadier
Gencrnl Pnul B. Mnlone. Richard Weg
lein. president of City Council ; Colonel
Herbert Parsons, of New York, nnd
Cnptnin J. F. Bacon, president of tlie
Philadelphia society. Lieutenant John
S. Anderegg will be the toastmnster.
The mothers of members of the Fifth
Division will be entertained tomorrow
morning from 10 o'clock until noon nt
the Philadelphia Chapter of the Nn
tlonnl American War Mothers, 1S07
Rnnstend street.
The veterans spent yesterdny in At
lantic City, where they greeted Presi
dent Harding.
Two Are Fatally Wounded at Negro
Baptist Convention
New Orleans. Sept. 12. (By A. P.)
Mrs. .Tnnie Miller, h New Orlenns
woman, and tho Rev. C. J. W. Bowl, of
Nashville, Tenn.. were shot nnd fntnlly
wounded nt Inst nlsht's dosing tcsslon
of the National Baptist Convention of
Negroes. A number of persons bnrely
missed serious injury in tlie pnnic thnt
ensued anions the 2000 persons crow ded
into the nuditorium.
Dnvld Miller, the woman's husband,
is being held for the shooting, tlie mo
tive of which, the police suy. was jeal
ousy. According to their reports, nl!
the five bullets fired by Miller were In
tended for his wife, nnd the Rev. Mr.
Boyd wns the victim of n stray shot.
The clergyman is pecrctnry of the Bap
tist Training School.
Jealous Quarrel Causes Double Trag
edy at Preston Park, Pa.
Binghamton. N. Y., Sept. 12. (By
A. P 1 Hnymond Green. twenty
three, and Chester Eldred, twenty-two,
both of Preston Pnrk. Pn.. nre dead ns
n result of wounds received in n gun
duel. The shooting occurred after Mrs.
Green returned from n dnnre with Ray
Knnpp, nnd is said to hnve been the re
sult of n jealous quarrel between Green
nnd Knapp. which ended fntnlly when
Eldred interfered in belinlf of the lat
ter, his brotlicr-in-lnw.
Eldred, with four bullet wounds In
his body, died in n hospitnl nt Carbon -dnle.
Green disnppenred for n time
nfter the shooting and wns found by
searchers in a bnrn, bndly wounded.
He wur rushed to Honesdnle but died.
John A. Kellcv
s Acquitted
n pntrolmnn, 0.TI
North Eleventh street, charged with
nttncklng Mrs. Florence Tnggert, 1020
North Sydenham street, wus discharged
by Magistrate Hcnshaw in Central Sta
tion this morning.
Wltllum II Hull. 07 N. 4.1th d ami
Paulino M Marx (104 N Vosrde nt
Horrv J S'm, 014 E Ontnrlo ot., ant
Mary a. Sylwi. 11)47 E. UucUlua at.
Itnrry M. Howard Ad'lphlo Hotel, and Ethel
I. Travlor, Warhlngton, t). C"
ferbrt Mnrrrll. Clifton N. J,, and NaraJi
A Ken-iall ltlft E IxhlBh ave.
I outs l'elfr 4 Mercy at,, and Helan M
KentliiK S8R Tree el
John Golden. .Ir., Harneaborn, Pa,
Julia Wvrnatlk, 2121) Carlton at.
Frank .1 Ilium VR63 Emerald at.,
Irene It. Wellhart. Itnfl.1 Bmeralil at
Nlrhotne pn Maren HH7 N 20lh at.
Solomta Utna. 142J Park n.e
I.nula Hnll. into 1" Clenrflsld at .
Hadle Mullln, OtT E J.lpplncott at.
Ilohert J. Mcllee 2407 N Hollywood at
niltatwth II. McNeill. H14 Perklometi at
Prei nnahkn, 110 N Camao at . and Anne
our uriuciiiBKi. 1111 r,. lomac ftl
John Copper llrenloek, N. J., and It
inriaon oil) M ntn at.
William n Roeera. Altoona,. Pa,, and Mll
drid It C'onover, 1813 Vina at
Kinll J. Iloech, 21)31 E. Indiana ae.
Elaa Mcllul. .Illr, N 17th l.
John T niirlean. 31107 riurlnif at,, and Mar
itaret M Moane. 2827 N. Uomall it
MiiiitL ntnuu
Jeweled Cigarette Tub
Rock crystal, amber, jot, carved jado, or ivorj),
with precious stones.
J. E. Caldwell & Co.
Chestnut &
-."V l'l
Despite Rebuffs Mabel la a Hero.
Pint of1 Cream for Him
It Is n more or less" fortunate thing
for the family of Harry HohwarU, 3200
Mnntiin nventic, that there Is truth to
the adage, "A cat comes back."
Tho SekwnrtM nre tho owners of a
black cat cnllcd. In a hnppy disregard
for gender. Mabel. Early this morn
Ing Mr. Schwart awakened to find that
Mabel wns in his bed nnd wag briskly
miltln. 41.. Anvertnfni from bin UfKlV. Olr.
Sehwnrtz uttered nn unnlensnnt eound
nnd, picking up Mabel, despite vigorous
protests, nunc mm our oi u "
Mr. Schwortr. had hardly settled pnek
tn sleep when tlie occurrence was re
pented. Mr. Sehwnrtz uttered two un
1'lensnnt sounds nnd flung Mabel twice
as hnrd and twice ns fnr, nnd, to mnke
sine ngalnst another Intrusion, closed
bis door,
Tlie door opened quickly and Mr.
Hchwnrti!, uttering In rapid succession
no less thnn twenty unpleasnnt sounds,
lushed forth nnd chased Mnbcl down
stairs. ITnlfway down the smell of
MBoke struck the nostrils of Mr,
Scliwnrtr and his indignntion gave plftce
to nlurm. Investlgntlng. ho found a
bnjket of clothes In the kitchen hnd been
ef p-bbizo nnd fire wns threatening- the
whole house.
Thanks Governor and Residents for
Reception of Troops
Charleston, XV. Va., Sept. 12. (By
A. P.) Brigadier General II. II. Band
holtz, commanding troops in tho South
ern West VIrglnfn coal fields, whero
recently disturbances nnd elnsncs oc
curred between nnned men on the bor
Icr of I.osnn nnd Boono Counties, left
todny fot his hendnunrterH nt Wash
ington. The Tenth. Nineteenth nnd Fortieeh
Regiments remnln In the fields, under
tne command of their respective col
onels. Tlie Nineteenth, however, has
Dcen uesignnteii as n ncauquartors out
fit with regimental headquarters at
Knnnwliu City, near Charleston.
Before his depnrture. General Bnnd
holtz addressed n letter to Governor
Morgan, thanking him nnd the resi
dents of West Virginia for the manner
in which thoy received the Federal sol
dlcra during military occupntlon. "The
eeucrni troops nave been shown only
the jitmnst courtesy," Genernl Band
holtz snid.
Williamson. W. Vn,. Sept. 12. (Bv
A. P.) Taking of testimony in the
second Mntewnn bnttle trlnl began hero
today before n jury composed of resl
dents from Pocnhontns County. The
men on trial. Recce Chambers nnd Fred
Hurgrnff, nre charged with tlie killing
of Y. J. Ferguson, one of seven Bnld-win-Felts
detectives slain during the
gun fight tit Matcwnn in May, 11)20,
when ten men met death. It wns ex
pected thnt the trlnl would he of short
duration In that only two of the twenty
folir originally indicted were to be tried.
Alleged Victim Contradicts Tale of
Richmond, Vn., Sept. 12. (By A.
P.) Dr. Jesse Ansley Griffin, whom
Dr. Wihnr- Amos Hndlej, confessed
wifc-slnyer, is snid to have deelnred
he shot on the bank of the Jnmes River
in December. 1018, just before he
threw the body of Mrs. Undid into tlie
water, wired the locnl authorities frm
Los Angeles yesterday he wns In France
nt the time the murder is snid tn hnve
been committed.
In n telegrnm to Sheriff Snydor. of
Henrico County. Dr. Grlflin snid lie
hnd never seen Hndley or his wife since
November, 101(1. nnd thnt "Hndlev's
clnim of my being with his wife nt the
time of the murder is absolutely false."
Brill Gets Canadian Plant
The Canadian Brill Compnnv. Ltd.,
subsidiary of .1. G. Hrlll Company,
Philadelphia, has been formed to take
over thu plant of Preston Car and
Conch Compnnv. Preston, Out. Samuel
M. Curwcn, of tills city, remains presi
dent of the Hrlll Company, nnd sub
sidiaries. The new company starts busi
ness with substantial volume of ordeis.
Including cars fnr Toronto nnd Winni
peg street railways- and Teinlskamlg
and Northern Ontario Hallway.
it's toasted, of
course. To seal
in the flavo;
Juniper Streets
and T IWf 'UJ IVfl J ft g Hf jW
and jK?8(PCi3saw'' M
and lkWK?:rs!r, W
and Lv. .
ln WWVN. . - ''ff&JZJZ .'r
and ( PttSl vj y
VjWW fkts Xuitow .?w?
I .
i -3
. V'-
Monument to Civil War Veteran
Dodlcated fcy Patriotic
, Organisations
Potfsfnwn,' Pa.,
Sept. 12.-Vet.TA,,,
and of the World
of patriotic ....'
of the Civil Wni
Wnr nnd memhert
zntlons Joined ye(s(erday In dadlenii.i
the monument pineal nt the mvt '.
Mrs. Annie WlttcnmUyer, a Civil War
nurae, In Edgcwood tifemctcry by the
Woman's Relief Corps, auxlliary of the
Grand Army of iho He
The presentation nddr
rM was mide
by Mrs. Abbie Lynch,
(f Plttjburih,
past nntional president.
ami me spttoh
Tennlc Dins-
of ncceptnneo by Mrs.
more, department president of the Worn
iiu'h Relief Corps, Mrs. Inura E Wll"
low, secretary, of Johnfrpnburc I'
also spoke. J' '
Mrs. Wlttcnmnyer, whodied In lftnn
in Hnnntogn, was Instrumental in tv
stnlllns annltnry kitchens In flild fcnS"
Pltnls in the Civil War. She snJn't
$3000 of her own money for that nn?
pose, nnd raised $200,000 by nern.i
appeals. Hhc plnSe.1 W plins ffi
President Lincoln, whfVgavc her a n t
or trnnsportntlon to 'All the armle?
the North. She n so nM,! i ..."V," 0I
soldiers' orpsians' homo In 'bawipoV
Norrlslown, Pa.. Sept. 12 A ,.
tege n mile long followed the bod "S
George Moyer ?rom the home of hh
fnthcr in Cenler Square to Tt.isii
Methodist Church, wliire services c
conducted yesterday nfternoon. Infer"
ment was at Rose IIIU Cemcterv 1
b er. Hamilton K. Flsl, Vol t'SV S
eternna of Foreign Wnrs of Phlladel-
w 8i! mUn "roai1 V"?1' who died
Sentember 2, was 'admitted lo probate
today-. It nmount'fl to between $50 (KM
nml $100,000 nnd the benucYt" nre T
vlded nrnong four children nnd two
sisters. Other will, probated nnd dll?
posed of In private bequests were thow
of Henry Smith. 718 South Seventh
street. J5000; Isabella O. DallaT (TO
South Forty-eighth street. $07.10. nnd
KiitloTreacy,122 Hoi tier street. $4700
An Inyentory of the personnl estate of
Agnes . Alburger. $.10,240.87, and
Bestel C. Hansen. $.1424.10 were filed,
Li tiers of ndtnlnlstrntion were granted
ar1'0 stn,c f ""
Coolldge Boya Enter rvlercersburg
Northampton, Mass., Sept. 12. (Hy
A- R.) Vice President nnd Mrs. Cool
ldge. with tlielr sons, John and Calvin,
Jr.. left Northampton today fur Wash
lngton. The Coolidgn boys, wlio will
enter Mercersbursr Acndcmv, were
elated over the fact thnt their trunk,
which had hern shipped Hhend to the
school, wns the same one which wns
used bv their fnther when he left Plyra
outh, Vt., to enter Amherst College.
Mrs. Woodruff on Grand Jury
Mrs. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, wife
of the president of the Civil Service
Commission, begins (service todny on the
Grand Jury. Forty-three other women
nlso begin jury service in tlie Septem
ber courts. Mrs. Woodruff wns drown
under her maiden nnme of Florence V.
Stilwell nnd nt her former residence,
341 South Eighteenth street.
and many other
famous pianists
have contributed .
to the library of
The ,u
809-11 Chestnut St.
Between 8th Sc 9th Streeta
NUfJKVT Rnnl 1'J 1(111 ,lrplHTH J..
J'"?ved huaband ot Jlarr a' Nugent. Du
noiicu of funeral will be given, from hl
lat,'!.r,?;ll3;.nco' S7S7 N- "Uh '
. i ii:mino sept, it mat. nonEnT J..
hunband of th late. Mary riemlni. for
rnetlv of H32 (.athnrlne at. Ilelatheii nnd
il lends ... In.li.rf t tArf nnril
Jed 8.30 A. M-. from the reeldenco of
hl on-ln-law. Mr. Joseph n. Eldred, sn:o
Jleed nt High mam of requiem St. Gabriel i
Church 10 A. .IT. Interment Holy Crou
RTOVfcR.At hi. late re.ldenre. lflST S.
Will at.. Sept. 10. 1021, JAMEH M 8TU
Vhtl. runeral ervlc Wtd., !,
M. precisely, at David H. Schuyler nidy .
"r.,J?i1.-.an, rUamond ta Interment rrlvt.
l..,,.nA3..N--'A Rlveretde, N. J . Sept M
KI.tZAIlETH a. QIDHON (nee Shaeferl.
daughter of Elliabeth M. Shaefer. aseil
J.H,n''t?1 Wf1" 8 A, M . late reld;nce.
303 Kniaouth at., niveralde. N. J. Hlh
m, St. reter'a Church. 0 A. M. ,
r. H.KISHMAN Sept. 11. at Chlcao. HAM;
tril. H. KI.KIHHM'A.V. father of Louie nU
Morrle nelihman. Mr, Albert Lehman.
Mra. Fred Kltne, Mra. Julea Joeephaon.net
atliea and rlend are invited to UnJ
funeral Tuee,, a P. J,. Chapel of Mt. Sln'
iiiiEiin. Sept. 11. 1021. aKortOB w,
OltEEll nelatlvee and friends are InrltM
lo nttond funeral eorvlcea Wed., 2 P. Mj.
rhapel of Andrew J. Dalr t Son. Attn
and l Mth eta. Interment private. . .,.
WIIAHTON. )n Sept. 11. 1021. JAB
Hervlroa r.n ir.rl n 1 ut the OUVIf
H. Jlalr Ilulldlnc. 120 'Cheitnut at. Inter
ment private. ,
LIAMS. Ilelatlea and frlende Invited
funeral aervlcee. on Tuee., at 10:80 A.
parlors of Kdward J. Ullden. 8. E. cor.
23th and Columbia ave. Remain oi"
lewed Monday, 7 to 0 P. M, Interment
UASB , gold eicelon caae, m,lf?2
ll li n nri... u.. n ikp nt llrold
Htiaet Station or Oreen Hill Farme. Over
luook, suitable reward and no .Queetljni
nuked If returned to J, li. Caldwell Co..
.'hemnut and Juniper sis. 3
HOV iWanted, offloe boy for talnestln !Fi
nee; must be over 10 Teara . eio.""
. and clean. Addreia Vox C 807, Udser OflW.
irsstm marrtyswy.
tfryto--ii:t ,C!
? -iiptnrni.' rf