I ' The Woman's Exchange, Making Shoes Clean . j at Woman rant: Madam- s correct V" ff. ha kid shoes? y C1" A KBADEn. ,,t,n tetrachloride wll clean your ."for you, and you can purchasu ffiftt any 'drug-tore. The Linen 8hower . trjiinr at Woman' Paot! " ,-m-WIH you please tell me 'wsSisrrAn5r Bnoweri aidu the Invitations .'? Vndhow KSSd b written! Thank you. ANNA D. u.v the ehowcr Juit before you "Jvour refreshments. A very at- nrT yur. 'A..htfni vov of nrnasnt. VhS Sift Is to hand the bride-to-be IS the gi ',..,, of ay oretonno or R.SrS-bair made of gay cretonne or V-nisio of linen that has been lott If on ft drew and can be combined otr ''"PJ.r.hij muni n. Th Is receota- 2m unbleachea muBlln. This recepta VlrlU hold all of the presents and be K ' ii i..fni nfterward. . a wind, thin bread and but ..ffflwlchts and Iced tea. with olives ":. i .nu wish. "ft ivIlBMqnii should Anns", request. , the pi read: "Miss leasure of Ho Sb,', company at a linen snower, m honor of Miss '.Mary Dlake, on such Jis such a date." In the lower left-hand ,,- la "It. B. V. f. una your nuurau SKuM also be put on the Invitation. ' Adventures With a Purse tLEFT the house this morning In n 1 fearful hurry, nnd when I arrived B town It nns to remember that I had rarted out of the housr without a hat Sn Tiic entire timo I was dressing I lot assuring myself that I must be law to slip I" nto my hot, ns the own Is loose nnd the slghtcst breeae t under It nnd nwny goes tho hat. ttdl thcro wns nothing for It but to dr one, nnd ns the department stores were not open as yet, I looked nbout until I happened upon a shop which lent them. The one I bought was for a Mac hnt, nnd so I chose accordingly. A tiny rliineitcno was in the head, too Unr to be objcctlonnble, nnd suspended from that wns a elenr. sparkling blue itone about three-quarters of an inch long. To ench movement of the hend the stone will dance n merry tune nnd, ilso, It can be used very well ns nn ornament for the front of n hut. It mi priced at seventy-five cents. Nearly all of the wrist watches arc worn with ribbon these dujs, nnd those of us who do not use n ribbon sooner or later look nround for one, and that means the need of n clnsn, too. I hnvc priced these, nnd I think the cheapest ((any I found todny while adventuring. Tfcere wns one with n gold clasp nnd n old ribbon, to he worn with the gold wriat watch. Still nnother stylo hnd a thin sliver-colored ribbon, to be worn wjth the white gold, silver, or. If one is fortunate, the thin plntinum timepiece, And lut, but not lenst, was thu con ventional black ribbon to be worn with either sliver or gold wntcd. Each rib bon had the clasp and was priced at $1. Big shcnis take care of almost every tutting need. They slit long lengths of material, be It silk or heavy woolen, cut off the big button), nnd I must admit that orraiionnlly mine have assisted in the pulling of nu obstinate tack from my wall. Hut there lire the tiny jobs, tuch ns cutting buttonholes, snipping threads, and sinnll scissors arc needed. I saw some tiny fellows todny that would just about serve every small -job purpose, nnd they were priced at fifty cents. For iMRiri of shops nddrmi Woman'! Putt K-tir ar phooa Walnut 3000. or Main 1801. The Question Corner Today's Inqulrlos 1. How can an inexpensive, fly t-rrcfii of the round tpe, to be p'need over n dish, be mndc nt trnctle enough to use on the table when enting out of doors? 2. If n ball of crochet thread keeps coming unwound, how can it be held in place on the ball ? 3. In whnt easy way Is n charming silhouette lampshade of silk made? 4. Who wns the "father of angling"? 5. Wlmt beioming stylo of sleeve is cocn In a good-looking new coat for winter? 6. How fur below the wnUt should meaiiireiiinit be taken for the hips? Saturday's Answers 1. In mho it child nrrlves unexpect edly for a visit, fix up a tempo rary bed by letting down the mor rl chair nnd using the back ruMilon for n mnttross. 2. In .nmishing n floor, too thin, n rnat of vnrnih will make the brush drag, while too thick n coat will main it leave rnised ridges. 3. iien (iirbon sheets wenr thin and fnint. iilnix two sheets face jo fare nnd press with n warm iron to renew their strength. . "On the tapis," meaning up for discussion or on the program, 'Prnng-Jiom the custom of having a tapis or cloth spread on a council tnble. 5. A fiock with Inverted Y-shaped openings between its panels fills In the opening unexpectedly with mIk fringe 6. A ipmlnt froik for a little girl lias a white stole, iirrangcd tux ejh fiikhinn t t. t,ttom of the kklrt. while a white vest extends to the wnistline. lis- OTTO MEYER former .-lailstniit to Sovclk Pujill of Ysni, tenchlnK at 2210 WALNUT ST. I'hone Locust S.17H and HULA D. HKMlifiil' JJ4VV.,.'.,y . " -MUSIC fflVUL'IM'lTiui' .... III VAN I)KN IIHRMT " I'lreetors u rui Til J0TH HTIIKKT W. MANN SHAW Vocal Studio Hrmoied to 1710 CHESTNUT ST. (.iiKiti.i: iii.ix,. lw Emilie Krider Norrls S V...V P"lon und stage art Staff U' thfslnut Street. teachers Diploma Spruce a5 LEEFSON-HILLE consekvatoby niniw. k,.,7; OI' MUSIC, inc. mi i !!9' Mimic supkkvision til?, "IKHINUT ST.. P1IILA. Vjjjnfj K. AND ,OltU BOAD J- ggni'KNH HKPTKMnKK 1DTI1 HYPERION school ov musio oiU! r, Opens Sept. Oth. Vocal, ni ui ib. j-snn (. uin. NEPP COLLEGE ni... . ' -lnkln- " .." I'owers, w" S?lfW'nce "c ..., n"rl onsc loimt.... as memory. Itemoves Kear Impross r.x eiJi''on Jn Comersatim. SJiion, uratory, kio- -vumup !!--. ... . Ml'MCAI, INSTKUfTION WH'CATinNAT. 7- Ilolli. Hexes fc"t co",, KVn. C'our'ses, class and PIWsn?a.CSlf,f.-'or. -lob. Degrees. i I'rimniiA ... ... Hrvlo tiVI". B" Morn. -1'rHate 1 f4lm!n-&"" Wr,u' CaU V- - " iir.BTNUT MTHKKT "ill . . .f J Read Your Cliaractcr By Dlolu Phillip Smuro Faces You can classify nil tho faces you see Into three types J triangular, round and square, nnd each type of face In dicates n different type of Individuality. Of courso the distinctions between the types, are not hard nnd fast. Face shapes range nil the way from the ex trcmos of the three types to combinn Ions, of thcirt, nnd In attributing the Indicated character to tho Individual you must be guided by the accentuation of the face typo or t lack of It. Square-fnced people, men ami women, are "tough customers. " That does n6t mean that they are neccssarllv 'roughnecks," though the "?$ nrntfnl "V r.",,c blff, to this clasM Sreatl?hnardNb0olie,cl.e',! " ind'CatC thnt u.Ui Blunr?-faccd people nre deter mined, and In an active wny. They fn!nn'Jln8ltIVC,!,nd atCt,W '" the- tlfter- .ht.? r than m"e,y lTlvely n.M8Mnt; ??' nre' t0 8 n rule, notable for their .practicality. They're .. i ,nlnn,s of the fine webs of reasoning and speculation. They're the people who get things done. or tho most part they arc active SH: .rii1 Cap?b,e of " Stance acl,vity Um'er strnln n"l r- And they fight, not like the people jL SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES :ii Itoth Sfifa REGISTER NOW For University Evening Courses in Commercial and Financial Subjects (t"ef8frofjm Cloaca Sept. 17th) ' Co-educational evening classes, taught by regular members of the University faculty, begin October 3. On account of the low tui tion fee, the number of students is limited. ArconntltiK AdTcrtlnlns IlualnrM Correftimndtnce Commerrlnl latr Corporate Tmra Corporation Finance Economies rjmplormfnt Mnnacement I'orri'an Trade nnd Slilpplnt (orrrnmrnt Rtimlallon of nualneas Inrestmrnta Industrial Management For Catalog Address: Evening School, Room 108, Logan Hall University of Pa. Phone Baring 100, Station 239. 1 Registration closes Sept. 17th. Apply Room 108. Logan Hall. Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. and 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. daily except Saturday. Saturdays (After Sept. 6), 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA Evening School of Accounts and Finance Theodore J. Grayson, Director - SPRJNG GARDEN INSTITUTE lirond and Spring Garden Sti., Fhlla. -. DAY flames In ELECTRICITY AND AUTOMOBILE A nine month' rourso In KI.EC THICITV, both theoretic and practical. A two montha' courae In AUTO ME CHANICS, repair shop experience. Is'lulit CltuMrfl Machine Shop Practice Machlno Shop Mal'iematlcs Tattem Shop Practlre Automobile, Elec. nnd Mechanical I Electricity. Applied I Mechanical. Archl- tectural and Tree hand Dm win nook Illustration I Arithmetic I Mathematics Kit ynumelf to take edvantace of the opportunities ppen to technically trained men and women Exceptional racllltle and Low Rules. .All Clnsiea Open beptrmber 10 I'lusTrated Hooklet Unroll Now F MENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL SYSTEM For Boyi and Crl PhiladelpoU, Pa. I'OUK EI.KMCNTAIIY KCIIOOLH IGlli Knee Mta. SOtli & l4ncmter Ave. 1 7 tli (ilrnrd At. Oreeue ht. ah. Hehool I.n( Central School, ISth and Race St. Junior and senior hlch school. Including cot leo preparatory department. Develops the constructUe faculties through physical and moral culture Students taught tho prnctleal and skillful use of hands as well as brains. Small classes. Constant pertonat contact with an exceptionally nblo faculty. Large p lay ground, gymnasium, lunchroom, splendidly lighted and entllated classrooms. A few students may be admitted now Open to otner dcnnmlnsrlnn. Writ for ear book & rates, Charles Ilurton Wnlsh. Principal 13th nnd Knre Sis.. Philadelphia. Business Administration Evening Course in Acctg. Opens Sept. 19 Includes general and spe clflc aciountlng, auditing, rout and In ome lax account Inir nccnuntlng mathematics and accounting law Pre paies for C P. A exam Inatloni Write for 31th year book Pine Street West of Ilrond STUDV ACCOUNTANCY If ou are alread a bookkeeper or an assistant bookkeeper our Accountancy Course will equip you to hold a more respon slble position Duy and Hveulng Classes, lndlvlduul Instruction r.nroll uny time PIIII.A. IMJHI.Vr.HS COIXKUIS und College of Commerce 1017 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Friends' Select School ' gjg; The Tarkway. Cherry and lOlh Sts. All grades between Kindergarten and Col !V' u7..H. enr thorough work and all-round Christian character. Ueglns Ninth Month 10th, Vow open, for Inspection and ti Walter W. iravlland. Principal nroll- msnt. D,(l Send your son or daughter to jraraiis our select personally supervised, dlitlncthe Iluslnoss School Daylight looms, Sne equipment Modern courses Call, write y..PKhTAVV1.0ItUtSClVoOL. 1002 Market St. -,. i.wu ((It'NTKV DAV SCHOOL A dlstlnothely practical school, Kinder rsrten to college, open-air rooms, 80 acres It pfay.rounds and woodland. Individual at tenflon. Bus service. Phone. MVIrose 007. tention MuynoK1ciIKB. Headmaster GERMANTOWN FRIENDS enunni Opens Sept. 20. A few scan-L.rlUVjI- cles for earnest colleae prs. ... i.ovs. Htanlev it. Yarnall. Prlnelpal. ,... -...--- III. IIOIJIAN bLIIUUL. 2201 Walnut HI. rill open lor iwsniysswna , Ad,y ... tor mvty$S17iiJZIZ nz 1. IJ--rrSrHO lti-eii . . with heads that nro short and flat In back, from a sheer fighting Instinct, nor like those of long heads, for an Ideal, but rather for practical results. But, you say, supposo a person has a squaro face and ono of theso two types of head. What then? Just this: lhat person combines the two different kinds of fighting characteristics indi cated. (Tomorrow: Long Legs.) HONOR MAIN LINE HERO Funeral of Joseph Sanderson, First to Fall, Held Residents of Ardmorc, Haverford nnd Bryn Mawr stood with bared heads in honor of tho first Mnln Line youth killed In France ns tho funeral proces sion of Private Joseph X. Sanderson, Marine Corps, moved slowly up Lan caster plko yesterdny afternoon. Sanderson went through tho first six days' lighting at Hellcnu Wood, and then a snipers bullet ended his life. Funeral services were hold in the First Baptist Church, Ardmore, nnd then the long procession moved through Ardmore nnd Hnverford to tho Old Lower Merlon Baptist Burying Oround at Bryn Mawr, In tho church the services woto conducted by the Rev. Dr. Howrrd Wayne Smith, pastor; the ncv. S. R. Dout, chaplain Of Bul-lock-Handoroii post. American Legion, and the Rev. A. H. Haughey. curate of St. Mary's Protestant Episcopal Church. nnlh Sum Innnranee Monfy nnd Crrdlt MurkeU and I'rlcrs Hral Kntpte Knllrond Tronic and llatea Hulmmnrmlilp .South American Trade Thirty-seventh Season PHILADELPHIA TEXTILE SCHOOL OK TJIK 1'ICNNA. MUbKDSI AND SCHOOL, OF INDUhTIUAI, AHT Day School opens Sept. 21. 1021. i:enlnc School opens Oct. 10, tt)21. Two Dlploinn Courses nro olTered in the Dav School. Tho (tegular Textllo Course Three ears. Thorouiih and ComprehensUe The Chenitntry, Ujelng and Print ing Courses Three ears deallns with all Textiles Tho Year, abridged. Certlncate Day Courses In Cotton Wnolenw and Worsteds, Silks, Jaequard Design, admission to uhlh may be had by sulistltutlns practical work for u por tion of tho college entrance units re quired In the Diploma Course Application should be filed two wieks prior to the Opening Day. Clrculnra uU'ni' detal'a of Day and i:enlne Schools may be had by up Pljlnir to K. W. ntANCK. Director nroad und Pine Sis.. Philadelphia WANAMAKER INSTITUTE of INDUSTRIES N. W. Corner SSd anl Wnlnnt Streets Day Classes begin September 8. Afternoon and evening, September, 15 All Courses Compare Prices Wltti other Schools Dav Courses. From !?2-n to lt!n,00 0 Months Average, M BO to J12.M Penionlb Afternoon Courses From $15.00 to (75.00 7 Blonths' Average. JJ.15 to 810.75 Per Month Evening Courses, From $12 00 to $37.00 7 Months' Average, $1.70 to 13.28 Per Month Saturday Courses, From $18.00 to $32.00 0 Months Average, $2.00 to $3,E0 Per Month Gave 12.00 to 110.00 paying In advance, or pay In four weeks, Tel. Txc. 8140. for Catalog or Send Postal Strayer's Business College 807 Chestnut Street The bent tralmni; in shorthund. tjpewrlt In bookkeviniii. penmanship, arithmetic spoiling Kriiniiiur. business correspondence accountancj sucsmanahlp and caltulatlnir machine operating New clashes startlnK now Day and nUht Positions auaranteert What V.011M miii like to learn? Phono, Walnut 0381 THE FARNUM SCHOOL 1807 Pino St: nr.OPF.NS ON MONDAY. OCT. 3 Olrls Little llojn Kindergarten Miss Rush and Miss Wilson Principals FRENCH Conersntlon, reading and writing taught correctly and ranldly hv iimni. Interesting method On weekly lesion of one hour and a half In small day and eve ning olRSjea l'ginnlng SejiJ tl Knroll now Georges Grcgoire, Instructor A record of twenty jcars teaching. School. 2IH Middle City llldg. 81 S. nil. St. HrltlNil OAKDKN INSTITUTE Ilroad and Spring (iarden Sts , l'hlla. Day and Night Classes. Art, Electricity. Mechanics and Auto. Open September IB Maher Prep. & Tutoring School. Summer course, tot a urn" "f r. nn m inth st Philadelphia Turngemeinde School reopens Sept. 7. Oyranastlrg, Swim, nilng and Oerman. Hooklet on request. Knroll now. Ilrond St. nnd Colnmhla Ave. Miss Wharton's School 1716 PINK ST. KLOPKNS HKI'T. 20TII OIKLS AND LITTLK I10V8 PhiU. School of Office Training ,-.... nnuf nnd tv ready In 3n ilms iia, no.ltlons forOUnonDUATKH In Stenog. ranhv nr IlonU'Pinn lyiner llldg , no 3. in ITtENCII and pathcmatlca lessons First, class professor has few openings, rrlvate or small classes, tutorship 2220 Pino st. .milUUKMIAM, MA5r). - .-l: A.wnu Co-Kilucatloo .usiiuit i-i.-i-.m Oradualea I or accepted by -II colleiei. The test mod- I For irate cost. Address II. B. CnOWMLU colleiif. The test at mod-I Address 'll. B. CWWKlTC Tloolf-L Aabburasua, ta, A.U.. Ph.D.. rrwoi LITTLE BENNY 'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pape I had to go to tho store today and Pudn Blmklns was setting on his frunt steps, me saying, Hay Puds, I got to go to the store, come with us, will you Puds? Like fun, Im too comfortable, sed Puds keeping on setting there, nnd I sed, Aw come on, you lasy bum, aw come on. Meenlng It more like n com pliment than a Insult, ony Puds took It more like ft Insult, saying, Who you calling a lazy bum, you poor simp. Being a rcol insult, and I sed. Hay, dont get ruff, keep your Insults to your self, cant you take a Joke? I sed. You little sawed off hammered down hunk of fat, I sed. Hay, who you Insulting? sed Puds. The only thing thnt kecpH me fnim having cny scnta is because you nlnt got cny brnnes, he Bed, nnd wo kepp on Insulting each other for a wile and then I went to the Btore alone, thinking, Heck, I ain't going to spcek to that guy eny more, thnt guy alnt wcrth specking to. And I bawt tho, things nt the storo Incloodlng n dtiar.ln plums, nnd wen I went hack Ppds was stll setting on his frmit Bteps, me 'having a grnte ideer, nnd I stopped and stood still on the next pavement and took n plum out Jloth Rexea Learn to Smile at the File and Its Difficulties Business men have already learned that the best filing system they can purchase and install may be spoiled by poor file clerks. That is why they send their file clerks to us to train. Individual file clerks come, too, that they may better their own position in the firm where they are employed or elsewhere. Filing Is neither monotonous nor dull. There is enough variety of work to make it fascinating to an active mind. We have a keen interest in placing our students advanta geously in the business world. There arc positions for gram mar school, high school and college graduates, experienced clerical workers and librarians. Classes in the Day and Evening Call, Telephone (Hell Walnut a50-(W51, Keystone Main 7431) or write HeM II. Martin, Dlrrctor Standard School of Filing & Indexing Globc-Wernickc Co., 1012-14 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. CQST-C.RA.- THE PRACTICAL SPARE-TIME COURSE Enroll now and complete training within six to eight months for posi tions paying $1800.00 to $10,000.00 per year. Individual instruction. Satisfaction guaranteed. INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS' SOCIETY 509-11 Widener Bldg. 312 American Casualty BIdg. Philadelphia, Pa. Reading, Pa. Telephone Locust 3110 Telephone Hell 700 ALL CLASSES in evening work, just beginning. Register Thursday or Friday evening, September IS or 16. Full particulars in special cata logs. State course in which you are interested and write, 'phone or call today for catalog E-2. Day and Evening classes just be ginning. Office now open either day or evening for registering students. I'hone; Diamond 0(1.1! TEMPLE UNIVERSITY llro.ld ht. helow llerks A riillndelphtu .1 , .! . mi COLLEGE Kxt)ASAaoX A Business Education Pays Our graduates get positions, hold them lupldly rood paying and advance 1200 Walnut St.. Philadelphia ZECKWER-HAHN PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY Main School. 1017 Spruce Hlreet Pupils may enter any time Wend for prosiieeiuH Young Women nnd filrls Miss lllmon's Sehool for Klnilercartnera. Jr.. 9r A Oraduato Courses. Primary meth ..d,., J.'", fe'nc ISffSKW,,. 'IOi".Vj! ! A T. II.I.MAN. Principal' """'" Ilnx I.. 3000 Walnut Ht.. Philadelphia. r. Miss Sarward's Hchool for Olrls. Phlla., P.. I'ollego prep and courses. Athletics. Write Dept MISS S JANP.T SAYWlAni) Pcnnslnnli Overbrook Oterbroolc, secretarial Principal. PHILADKLPIIIA RCIIOOI or ui:shin roit women" Ilroad Muster Hts. Design Flna Aits Now Claries In Garden Architectural Design. Mural Decoration. KOSKMONT PA. HOLY CHILD COLIJiOK Tor young women, under direction of the Sisters of the Bocl.ity of the Holy Child Jesus Bachelor of arts courato. music, art, Iltautlful buildings and forty-acre campus on Main Line Kor details, address the Dsan. Uox 20 D. noscmont, Penua. " ""hiiakun iiu.lTpa7 THU ACADEMY OP THE HOLY CHILD A boarding and day school for ulrls. 87tn year. Conducted bv the Bisters of the Society of the Holy Clill Jesus. General and college preparatory courses, muslo, art, domeatla science. Hates l00. Address the Mother Superior. Don 2S D Aharon Hill, Pinna. WASHINGTON, n. r. GUNSTON HALL A Select Waihinfton School for Girli Highest standards in general college prepa ratory and giaduato courses. All forms of aVhletlcs under trained supervision. for catalog and views address: f MBrf. BKVEKLKY K MAHOP aof ItaUi'TAiMiie, VUatn, D, C. nnd started to eat It with a Ixpresslon ns If I couldent of lnjoycd myself cny irioro If I tried, thinking, O, look at him trying to look as If he dont glvo n darn, he cant fool mr. And I took out nnother plum And ntc It and I did that with four more plums, mnklng an mutch noise eating them ns I could to add to th? lnjoy ment, Puds not snylng enythlng to me nnd me. not saying enythlng to him, nnd Jeet then hln mother came home from Romn nlnre. snvlntr. How do you do. Benny, I see you like plums, plums are one froot that I simply cant get Chnrlcs to cnt. If I put a hole bnrrel of lovely plums In frunt of him he wouldn't touch one. Mn thinklne. Heek. holer smoaks. And I put bnck another one thnt I wns tent trolnir to stnrt to ent. nnd wen I got home nnd ma saw how meny plums wascnt tnerc sne gnve me noicy iicck nnd 8 fearse cracks, the werst part about It being that I dont think plums nre mutch good myscir. A8K TO JOIN COLLINGDALE Members of Colllngdale Borough Council tonight will tnke action on the petition presented to them by residents of the soutu side oi i.ainyetic avenue, which at present Is in Upper Dnrby Township. Tills petition prays thnt the street bo made a pnrt of Colling- dale borough. The necessary papers hnvo been prepared by the Uorough Solicitor. Favorable derision would add a lnrgo strip to Colllngdale bor ough and give the new section many privileges. Doth Sexro lo EXECUTIVE $5 a Month Sient ncaooi. jL 7 7 Day Tuition. 115 a Month Shorthand. Tjpewrttlna-, Bookkeeping. Secre tarial and Iluslncss Administration by epe c ally trained teachers PAI-MEIl BU3I .SHSS .SCHOOL. 10 S Tenth street. Ilretiird Srhool, 1811 Chrstnut St, i:ioc't n, Pl.n 1'roil t n olee. Kn I.oc. fi030 B l.lleru're Young Men nnd Iloya THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY (FOUNDED iras) City Lino nnd Berwick Road Over-rook If parerts In selecting n. school for a bov cou'd hae everything they desire. riey would ask: (1) A faculty consisting of men of at talnment in the.r r.,tle subjects (ill !oo.l. whnlesomo companionship amone the to5s. (8) Attractive surroundings a library good literature macuzlnea etc (4) Easy and abundant opportunity for outdoor exer cise In tho country n) A school old enough to nae traditions a school under church Influence, one lth a stronn moral and relic, louu atmosphern unoutrule, but none tho less real and definite " ne l" Parents will ilna suci a school for their boe In the Knlscopal Academy Tho IIcidm.iHter will tw nt the Academy on and after September 1 The Upper .School oper. September 22 The .Middle and Lower fachoo's September 23 r A COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Preparation for nil College nn a, i. .,.,- Schools Apply for Information. -"""," Greville Haslam Headmaster The William Perm Chcier School No. 8 bouth iSlh Street. Phlladeluhl. rounded JCSS -""" The academic ear 1021-22 begins Tue. September 20 11)21. and the I're.weti'iu be obtained on application. Buildings i will hi SRu.:Sbe.Va and ,or clao" S? Richard M (liimrnrre. rh.d. iren.im... MAPLEWOOD ""- r,h. nnih vr Por 12 h- ,... - rs. Oood tuble Hornollke Thirough Inst I VltTHMOIti: Pltl'.PMtATOKY trr huin. yoMfo'jTT" t I' CIUfAT.Nt T llll.L. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy Mt. .Martina. Ltieatniit II III i.. An ideally located country boarding and dj school fur bois Especially low rates foe CMioiu "ipnllrVKKr ,jti-w t vuui . b, . tcuircij oepirmDsr 1!7 !Uii nn ann cat wmi 5 I.. PTTrHWQV ITeairmastee PrjNNSIU'ltO. PA pr.itKioMi.N sniooi, FOR nnva Music orator . nusines ness Scholarships. Not .s.Itv'.. r,e'- Catalogue! conduetea for profit llo 111. Pennshiirg. V I NTSTKK, PA. riEANKI .IN AND MAIIMIIALL ACADICMr hoys fur all ( ullrgrs and TeehulcVl Moderate urine. Co'nlotiie. Addr,.. 5. M HMtTMAN Principal m Prepare Srliuols. K loir 413. Lanrustrr, ri, iiis'ni:iisnNvii.i.T' v c. lllue Itldge Mchoul for Hoys Belect. Arcred'. Ited school foi bovs n irs and uowaril Ideally located In delightful, healthful cl. mate home-like rellnlng Influences. RnmM.. camp reiiular seislon provide all-yr. home A school Sessional fee. S.1HO For catg.. ad. dress North rnrallna Henilrrsonvllle. Iloi I. Ma.NIII1.NjY. St. John's Military and Preparatory Sehool, ManlillS 'l ml,'" from Syracuse, ut" " Comploto equip. Well- ordered athletics Fluslncss prep course, .tun. lor Bchool (II th yr (Ion Wm Verbeck. Pres Hon 278 MnnlliiH NY WRNONAII. N J Wenonah Military Academy iii iltbfuuy situated In a residential town. A faculty second only to that of West roini in emclency. Acaderalo coui arate Junior Department, tn.10 for school wu iur llir imiiooi year. Han. 00 for the school year. Bsp- j ear. Catalog ana view book, Itox (11 DU. CHARIJiS II. LOBKNCK. Pi. MAJOU CLAYTON A. 8NYUKB, B-U - '- - WANAMAKER'S Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store New Coats Are Wonderfully Good Materials Are Better, Lines Are More Graceful and Prices Are Lower Than They Have Been in Many Seasons $57. SO $39 1800 New Figured, Striped and Plaid Bath Towels at 35c each In the prettiest colorings pink, blue and yellow and a grent variety of designs. Some have colored borders nnd stripes; some have space for a monogram. Others have a gay plaid in color. The average size is about 18x36 inches, and the towels arc of a substantial thickness. If your eyes are very sharp you will be able to find small irregularities in the weave, which class these towels as "seconds" and bring the price way down without lessening the towels' service, in the least. (Central) Thick Soft Blankets of Pure Wool, $12.50 Block plaids the kinds that most people like best of all. They are in pink, blue, buff or gray, measure 72x84 inches nnd have a good deep bind ing. Real Winter blankets, heavy enough for the coldest weather. (What a practical present for the girl who is to be married this Autumn!) (Centrul) Five Kinds of Slip-on Frocks for School Girls $3.75 and $4.50 $4.50 $3.25 Sale of Gingham and Voile House Frocks at $1 Pretty, wenrable styles of good mnterials! It is indicative of the remarkable value-giving service of the Down Stairs Store that such dresses can be offered, even in a special sale, at SI. Gingham dresses nro in three different plaids: brown-and-blue, pink-blnck-and-grcen nnd green-nnd-blue. Pleated frills of snowy organdie finNh tho long collars, the pockets and the cuffs of the three-quarter sleeves. Delightful voile dresses are in red, green, pink or black dots, bluo figures and lavender cross bar checks. They have white organdie collars and cuffs. The dresses in both groups have sashes. As these will go out quickly, better make sure of yours in the morning! (Central) Women's Silk Umbrellas, $5 In garnet, navy, purple, brown nnd black, they hnve bakelite or mission handles finished with bakelite rings or cotton wrist cords. They have stub ferrules. $2.50 for men's and women's umbrellas of very fine grade cotton with silk cases. (Murkrt) - - ' - $37.50 There never seems to have been anything so popular and so practical as these slip-on frocks. They can be "slipped on" in a minute and the blouse can be changed as often a3 one likes. Navy and brown corduroy slip ons, with leather belts, are $3.75. Xavy blue serge frocks, in sleeveless style, are plain tai lored, bound with braid or trimmed with blue, gold or brown silk embroidery. $3.75. A box-pleated serge slip-on frock hns a brown linene guimpe, made in regulation sailor style. $4.50. Size.s G to 14 in these frocks. Bloomer Frocks, $3.25 Comfortable and practicnl little dresses nre of navy blue or tan gingham trimmed with bandings of plnid. Sizes 6 to 12 yenrs. (Market) l3m . - V &K tJ Ot .My . 'CW-tav-j .MWiW'd WVZw'ii -1 T -- . " , V.7P :s!Sa7 J-5. tt K -itf ,, x. 5. ' & K.i 1 UWP3KKMS1 i!il,tiiiU' W trv -tJrrr i .if strong spring rollers hardware is included. -.....- . -. .. m s--t WANAMAKER'S' Every woman who looks at the new coats this season is going to be surprised at their goodness and at the lowness of the prices. Imagine a soft, warm coat of velour, in Malay brown, silk lined throughout, with a deep collar, cuffs and pocket-bands of beaver ette (cone,) fur for $30 ! Or the embroidered coat of velour which is sketched at 537.50. This is in blue and brown and has a collar, cuffs and tab trim ming of beaverette (coney). A coat with a wide, deep collar of gray wolf is sketched at $39. This is a most un usual coat, silk lined, and may be had in Malay and navy. A Coat With a Long Throw Collar of Mole for $57.50 This is one of the most amazing coat values we have seen in several years. The collar ends in tassels and reaches below the Dclt. The coat is lined throughout with peau de cygne. Dozens of other interesting new coats at $20 to $150. (Market) Navy Blue or Black Skirts $4.75 and $5.75 For service there is nothing thnt quite equals skirts of this sort and wom'en who want knockabout skirts have been asking for this kind. Plain-tailored serge skirts are in sizes 25 to 32 at $4.75 nnd $5.75. Box-pleated serge skirts arc $5.75. Navy blue poplin skirts, carefully tailored, are $5.75. (Murl.rt) 1 Peter Pan Blouses, $3.50 I Ready for high school! Young I women's Peter Pan long-sleeve i blouses of natural color pongee. ' Finished with tiny black bows and good pearl buttons. Improved Autumn Belts 35c and 50c , Fascinating leather link belts are of better leather and finer links and the buckles are larger at 35c. Black, gray, red, navy, snnd and combinations of color. Suede and duvetyn belts are uncommonly good-lookintr at 50c. Chamois Lisle Gloves 50c to $1 Autumn gloves that can be easily kept clean and fresh! Two-clasp gloves in white, covert, gray and blnck at 50c. Strap-wrist gloves in white, covert, gray nnd brown nt 75c. Two-clasp gloves ioi icocrt, gray nnd brown nt 85c and $1. Strap-wrist gloves of unusually fine quality in biscuit, cafe au lait and white at $1. 8-button length gloves in white, mode nnd champagne nt $1. Bungalow Aprons Unusual at 75c Think of getting a square necked bungalow apron with rick rack trimming and elastic at waist for 75c! Especinllv when such nn npron is well made of neatly figured percnle and hns a pocket. Other apron' of plain pink or figured percale have belts at tho same price. Women's Sateen Bloomers Are 75c and $1 White, black nnd pink ones good at 75c. Pink or whito sateen ones with hemstitching are of extra qunlity nt $1. Pink Brassieres at 35c Three styles nro of brocaded cotton, two stylos are of plain pink cotton or net. All sizes. White Linene .Scarfs, 25c Scalloped ones edged with blue, pink or white. Nice and fresh. lfi47 incht- Housewives will iuko mem uy tne linlf dozen. (Cera Opp A Pulling Down ofthe Prices of Window Shades Water Color, 60c Oil, 75c Not since this Down Stairs I'pholstery Storo has been in existence huvo window-shndo prices boon so low. These are good standard window D,mu3, ou menus wiuc aim iuu length, in white, two tones of green and two of tan. They have and ull thoj necessary (Chestnut) . I , .i8 : :4i '' I ! 'i " - Vi m 1 ft i j 1 Ai v KT.IZAHKTIU W 0Onf m. V y - fi tsrt & t KV.m -.' 1 -' t.U '! v?,ttV-?. -Ay' --'' V M v v. f . ..thVtfrr-.Wj,, -. . j!(&8i ivs ,