BB?-T Ty -ti.r ..!'. i v '. " v X i. 4 -' nAI v-o: K- p ! f I ' i (,i i i l r. ki V ' Euentng public 'Seftger : " i PHILADELPHIA, FKIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 BBUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHbMilI iiHilkMr bbbbbbbbbbbbbbe9bbbmHjbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk. riB5BT-:BmK3iSI?$BBBBB BBTV - : fBfe4'tc-TF'SSH8ftJB BBBmES ImKPMmMkt.- "( '-,, 1bfAk!1 Pp J a 1 h . fs 9BHf j,- ,wKi1BBKJ mw- jimhh LVKSBSlMBiifii..2dA vIevL? - -i Wit ls- H ,..-9AYAYArkJvJP WWVFvJMHBflPA "fc'X St. v- L - mat iililiT w, BB'BBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBB BBBBft vOflBL '"vf BBIiiL. xt . ' Bl BmB;'sBr IB ' j& v! ,:V,idLMWii? - sm BBBBB1 C "SBBBr M" iHfc-Jf'v;? ' ' 'mL.uBBK VifcLv .MSBBBb TWO PEARLS IN A SHELL: They are Miss M. C. Hapran, of the Ventnor Fire Company, and mno uuvvy .eeus. ixo wonuer tne Atlantic city pageant was a success when this sort of thing iia iutiuutu 111 iiiu ruimiKcnair pnrnuc Lftlgor riioto Scr(. HPwfo?f df ijffvHB8BEpBlfftBBfc afri 4tfnBiTTjWFPWTtfff BHtfBwJf dBvfty( $$!? THIS IS A MERMAID. Any one who had never seen one of these strange and fascinatin creatures had the opportunity yesterday, when a eeasholl garlanded with flowers was rolled alon with the captive mermaid inside !,. dger i-hoto sr I r 1 I t . . a1 1 I ,! , I I ' 1 1 . 1 I I 1 I wD HERE'S ANOTHER ONE with n great big. white dog. Note the pleased expression on the face of the dog. Tommy Ford, Jr., in his littl lifeboat, was not pulling any bluff, so to speak, for ho rows the boat out in the ocean just like a real grown-up life guard. Ho swings a powcrfu' oar, ana shoves off whenever he succeeds in evading the parental eye Ledger Photo Servlof W77!7 Z '' ??? S ii o. -Ki i ,. s ur iAm cw ak A .MRtl S 1 W Ay imgumi, .it & AiHrR; '. -T t.'&M 1 t ... f. r . HDBL V '( . ( TWIKVa lb. :Pr ' V VIBB . ' - '17fc ..KW u ffi, r V IHm.. i" i VBH.r TV-- i--&rr-imw,u ti" , iBKHr- "i! iy n JQCw&yOHBSnsBBBlBSflHnBflK' VS3BBBWA "'"isw jOBBBBBH QHEBMKnSBBBSBMBWBlBKl9ralBBKFV S9WBBBBBB1 iliBVJvBBBBflBS9wBSBHMdBBaBBV' V SBBBBBBa JBBOulSBBBBiBBHHBBHBS iIESE THREE MONKS, straight from dear old Borneo, gave the humans a orcful looking over when they arrived in port recently and have since appearcu very, very dejected. They only brighten up at mealtime BvJBtt w" VJHBBflflEBlBVJBBBBBVMBBYAYABYJlBH w f fii BiBIBlTBBffvBWrff7fh'3HffjTJBTJMIBB BbbWII yBBMBMWKIBBBggnl I Li it itMMBhWLii ' I ill i" i-',Mi'4Vf''s JUBBsliiBBBBBBB)IBBUFCV'WsrM' HSba V3jk VmS v!- vKBBBBBmpBBBWr:tiif2jT!k w jmi iH llBMjilr Ji TBBBBBMKBBBImn n t .Ai.1Bi1.1t- i TJC ; w7;19Riif!HBnHfJI&l V;7aBBlnffiWw'V;i;w iWSBBB'lHBKiwif'v 7 IfttBVAVAVAVAV&MKBBlBBDBMiNX ,HpHIbH'PEbIb9v3P. BHBBTBTBTSKlaSiBBKSBTBT&BIB viVflBBBBROBBBBBBiBBMVlKlC&iBM 'nBHIIBBBBK!PwBBHBBSirlaB I TwiBBWBBBiBBfflHBry m fcffiaBBByBMyfeiyr bbbbbbI 11 MHKIiy&liiiH UHbTTbb5Kbbb: OESsJBvMSBBlBn'1lBVl I nBBBaBJM"?W JBjMBaBjfBjBJBJBjBJBM: ATjBaaPJfaJBBBBjBMMBjBjnBBjBjBBjBJtic' tBBJBJBJ iHEf BHbB 'SIhbbbbmSbbhVCSbsbBbbbbIbhbm IW .iWLESaliaMamliBBEgB BliwBBTSrVBTBl'-'lBTBBflBBBFjB tz&M ' iIbbbbbbC'a bbbhKbbbbbbbIbbbKjBbbbbBbbh6bBbbbb 'fedC' - wuSKREHn BVBVvRQlsVlRiraPBaMiBBBBaAUl w.MY POLO PLAYERS in practice at the Bryn Mawr i 'ub in preparation for the big matches at the PhiladM' 'ntry Club, which begin tomorrow at Bala ic.icer i-hoto .cvr i mhmfXmmS !CKTW , ,... j. '., .. t V f i 1 1 i we AWMeafctf. vy t?r:z. '. . r t s::r-ri.rin n' IBvv s ' ' i,i i r .xit "i ' W&JUttt ySJBBBTlHBr uuk. "X? BBBBBBBBBrr ifll A NEW MOVIE CAMERA that ",1 hooks over the operator's shouldcra- fi iwiu iiua iiK.imst nis cues j.h, DUM AND DEE, the well-known Tweedle brothers. These gentle men live at the Zoological Garden. When caught by tho camera man they were buried in thought Leaser rnoto arvic MAJ. GEO. W. EVANS. In Interior Dopt., Washington, sinco Lincoln's time- - u RASPUTIN'S SLAYER, tho Russian Prince Youssoupoff, who is roportod captured by the Bolsheviks u- ,T MISS EMMA RAUSCH with prize hen at Atlantic County Agricultural Fair, Egg Harbor, N. J. L- r. s JACK AND VIRGINIA EBELL and the prize pumpkin from the County Farm, at tho Atlantic County Agricultural Fair. onows now pumpKins grow in Jersey U-1b r 1'hoto Mn HELEN McCONNELL with a pet gout at the Atlantic County Fair at E?g Harbor, N. J. uib't l " e"M OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO I &-. '' . v- r ll l& l ll MAILI 1 h - . .t:: .yM', . i I - HOW SILVERWARE IS CHASED by. Chris Heck, of 2413 West Thompson llmt, ftt the plant of Lonla J. Meyer, Inc. silver plater; fh JTW f vrork of tho X- dellcato, n r, &!$ at 801-0 Wnlnut street. tUXO Ledor I'bato Stcvk PRTWTTWr! MA MR nn immltrrnnt latest wrinkle SUg gested by foreign authorities as a way to end passport frauds, which havcyjrown to large proportions "Mm ED L. PATTON, just ready to pang one, looked up when ho heard camera cllckri i r. u. JAMES MEADE, 2402 Oxford street, 31 years n service. Route: Third toiSoventh Vine to Cullowhlll street LcJpr viiio rvu. 1 ' ''THREE LITTLE MAIDS FROM SCHOOL ARE, Vg Jtf Anmei washmead, Dorothy Fisher and Reba KonCTw'i on th.r way homo from thoJIoraco Binney School l'yl oIc . ll "r. i- - -.jjf.t.s i"5iatiSt ' .fn.f'jisuia ij2Jiii.?')it.fl'i.J'ii ,-.., J!J - . tU L?'?im v-,r -itn.ytt ji