I . 4, -J4 '"S M - . ' 1 - ll' "" V 1 I i s 22 BVEKTNG PUBLIC LEDGEEr- PHUiADaCPKEA; FEED AY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1021 ffJiPIiV WPXripTV 'WwBB . EL " E v b V r; 9 i FINANCIAL ft To the Holder of Enplre Gas and Fuel Company " .Hwjff nI Collftternl Trntt Sink ing Fund n rtr Cent (loiil llonds ,. , DATED MAY 1, 1010 . rtWl r tnvlttd to be mde to B;nk. r Trait Company, 1(1 Wll itret. New Tork city, as truttee under tli Inrttnture Mtween nmtilra Qai and Fuel Company fnd aald truttee itcurlnir the Mov bonrtt, for t ha iMeto tha trustee, for the ::un. ft the alnkln fund nrovldfd for In ld Indenture. Of bonds of said lnu at prices Eof. to exceed 103 of the principal of such rinds plus accrued Internet thereon, to NJ Eber 1. 1021. On or befnro November 1. . this eompanr will deposit with the M tea sufllcltnt funds to retlrs "J,that dsto. at a premium of 8 of the principal thereof, with accrued Interest to such flute the principal amount of bonds tul.ri.,V ld Indenture to he retired by ald date. nd It Is the Intention ot "ld tute?L.r. uant to tho provisions of ald Indenture, to apply the funds so to be retelted to th purchase or redomptton of bond; ot eald issue at not to exceed the prleo tove mn tloned. All proposals should b securely Malcd and marked "Proposal for sala ot ponuv to sinxinir tuna unaer in"r"'"'," Empim Clus and l'uel Company, dated May i. mm," must be ror an or n v-- ;- he bonds offered, and must be received by saia trustee at Its corporate ""? ;-. "- nient at or prior to S o'clock I. " September 2". 1021. , , ... K. Advices as to bonds accepted will be palled on or beforo (September 20. ID-'- B Bankers Trust Company, trustee ...,.. Fed'ral Income tax ownership cerllBeMM eoverlnc nrcrued Interest should accompiny all accepted bonds Dated September 2. 1021. Empire Gat and Fuel Company By FRANK XV. FnUnAUFF, President. TO THE IIUI.DEHS OP CATAWIIA t'UWKK COMPANY . TlilrU-Xear Hlx l'er Cent tiold Bonds Duo June 1. 1083 . ... The Equitable Trust Company of New Tork, as Successor Trustee to the .'"p Atnerlcnn Trust Company, Trustee under the jnortiaira of the Calawbt Power Company dated June 1, 1003, hereby Invites tenJcrs for tho p&lo to It under the provisions of aid mortmain of aa many Iwnd ,TJ!,1 thereunder as w lit exhaust the um of Ten Thousand KUht Hundred and Slity tle Doi lara ond UlBhty-cne Cents tl Sin 91) at a price not exceedln 103 and accrued Interest Tenders tlll b opened at th office of The Equitable Trust Companv ot New lotk. No 8T Wall street. New York Cll. , l 12 o'clock noon September 20, 10J1, nnd should b addressed 'Tenders to the Sinking rund of the Catunba Power Company ' Tho rlsht Is resi rved to reject any and all tenders . THU EQfITAltIK TRfST COMPANY OF NEW YOItK successor Trustee Dv LYMAN IUtOX.DEH. Vlro Prxtdcnt Dated New York Beptember 1' H'21 HA1.K Tt) M, (tMll,N SIMKlNtieFlM) MITKT Fldelltj Trust -o npuny ubstlt'lt"d Trus tee under mortkas of the It.ile oil Con tany, lited April 2. 101 Imltcs pr. ,iosl Jc the pals to the .i1d truiteu of sufficient of the First Mortcaeo H Gold llonds of the Hal Coal tommn) to exhiu the nun of $12.750 00. proposals to be a'llres'od to tho trustee at Its ofllc Nis 321 3.11 Cheit nut et Pnllnd. I' hli. to b opem A and actd upon M'olnesfcUj cltrnibfr It. 1021, at 12 o'clock noon No cftur execedtns H'2 per Ctnt and accrunl lntiret rill le nrcct'1'd. riDEUTY TRl ST COMPANY Substituted Trustee. VII.MASI V OKT, Presld nt Phllsd:phla Pert'-mber 1. 1921 KNN!V1..VAMA CD1R.1L HKM1NI CO. Fidelity Trust Company. Trustee, under the roorteiso of the PennsUanla Central Drewlns Company, dated October 23. 1897. Invites proposals for the ialo to the said Trustee of nl or any part of fifty thousand dollars (f30 000) of bondi secured by ths aid niorta.e. proposals to be addressed to tho eald Trustee at lt office. No. 325-331 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, to be opened and acted upon ThursdJ, SrPtember 13. 1921. at 12 o'clock M. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY Trustee MTM P OEST President. rhlladelpMa Aucuft 2I 10JI DlrMemls THE NORTH AMERICAN COMPANY 00 llroiduuy, Nen ork Aucuit 31 10-1. Drt'IDEND NO. 1 ON PREFERRED F rOCK Quarterb dl I lend No 1 uf lH7o (seenty flre cent prr ti trc) on the six per cent cumulative preferred stock w.U bo raid on October 1, 1021, to stockho dcrs of record on Peptemhrr 1.1 1P21 DIVIDEND NO TO ON COMMON STOCK A dividend of lV47r (sevrnty-flie cents per share) on the common stock v 1 1 be paid on October 1, 1021, to stockholders of record on September 13, 1021 The stock trat.ifer bonks -vi 1 not l dncd J V ror.ARTY Secretary GOSSIP OF THE STREET Tho spectacular upturn in cotton the Initt two weeks, induing rrom the lino pf talk being put out on tho street the last few days, is likely to prove the lonjfsoucht panncct for nil tho ills of tho business situation. Among the many thing It Ir cspec.ed to do Is put the entiro Southland solidly on its feet ngaln. Xo doubt it is going to help a lot, in so far as extricating tho over loaned position of many of the Southern banks. It is alfo expected to rejuven ate tho fcrtill-cr indtiotry and start all theso companies on a new road toward Prosperity. Tho mail-order concerns are likowlso booked ai one of the benefiting parties, for the planters aro expected to tumble over one another to buy tho things which they could not possibly afford to do when cotton was selling nearly ten cents lower. The next thing to expect is n big rush of buying orders for the automobile companies. It only goet to show what n little thing is required to completely turn around speculative sentiment. The question still to bo honestly answered John T. Dyer Quarry Co. Rnslness Etlhllhfd 1891 BIRDSBORO TRAPPE ROCK Harrison Bldg., PhUndclphio, Pa. BETHr AJDUK1CAN CAR AND FOLNDRY COMPANY New York, Sept 1. 1021. PREFERRED CAPITAL STOCK DIVIDEND NO 00 A dividend of one nnd three-unnrters per ent tl'"V on the preferred tork of this eompany ha this day been dclared payable Saturday. October 1. 1021. to stockholders of record at the closo of business, Thursday -BeptenrtHr 13 10J1 Checks will be mailed bv the Guaranty Trust Company of New York H. C WICK. S S DELANO. Secretary Treasurer AMERICAN MB AMI FOUNDRY :sew lorn, tepr i 1021. COMMON CAPITAL STOCK DIVIDEND NO Tit A quarterly dividend of three per rent (35r) en tho common stock pf this company has this day been declared p lyable Sntunluv. October 1. 1021. to stockholders of record at the close ot business, Thursday September Checks will be mal'ed by the Guaranty Trust Company of New York. II C WICK Secretary S S. nciivn Treasurer B. W. CI.ARK & CO.. RlMvF.RS Office of the BANGOR RAILWAY AND ELIXTRIC CO. llanitnr Man Preferred tock Dividend No. 41) The Hoard or PlreUi rs of h- 1! men- Hallway ond Electric Co ha declared the regular qurrterly dlvl lend of One nnd three quarter per cent. tl'U'c) upon the preferred stock of tho compiny pajable October 1. 1021. to afcktolders of reccrd it the ilose of bU3lne September 20. 1021 Checks Will bo m-illrd HOW RD CORNING Treasurer. Proposal " T11K riTT6ltCIlGlI, CINCINNATI. CHICAGO & fT. I.OVIS RAILROAD COMPANY Treasury Department Pittsburgh Pa ,-ept. 1 1021 CONSOLIDATED MOKTGAGi: IIO.NDS f THE 1'ITTSIICKtilI. CINCINNATI, CHICAGO A ST. LOUI3 RAILWAY" CO. to an aggregate cost of $1 11" 273 28 will be purchased fur tho sinklnir Kunl October 1 1021. at the agency of this compny. the Karmers" I-oan and Trust Company New York City under the followlnu provision t the niortBano ' Sealed proposals for tho salo cf said bonds villi be received ot the aKenrv of ih su d Rnlwm iVbii n the Cltj of New York and bond offered at the lowest prlte but n t c- 4ii u par, will bj accepted and pail for Should bonds of different hn der bo offered nt the same price the n ir.ibtr of bonds so purchased shall te in a pro rata basis as neur as prartlcable tn proportlnn to the whole number of burds ' offered ' The wo-1 ' rrlce" a used In th mr tgB ta construed tu meun the cost tn tho Sinking Kind being the principal price Pius accru-d Interest to October 1st. unless the bonds an offered Hat " llnnds of Series A" and 11' aro purchased for tho .Sinking fun I i flat ex thii Oititxr 1t roupon Proposals to sell bond to the Inklns I Fund muet he In the hfinds of tho Pirmers Loan an'l Trust Compitiiv bef .re eli s ot business 3 o clock P M Thursday, hrptwn. berSII. III2I ml mut Mute the uno Inter of the bonds offered llonds accepted mum be deliver, d on ucliber 1-t or irltv fur nished that d ly If reaulreo. that deliver) will bo mado within tn das t. ii. it. Mcknight, Treasurer V12vNSl.AMV nr.PRTMl.NT or IIKM.TH Sealed nroposals for t!w lKtructlon of a plajhius and unti. ' u. tne sti to Sana torium far Tulrcui'.:il. ntar t ri-ssnn Cam brla Cour ty Pennsianii wli bo oceived by Ednard Mariin Htut Huiitli Comrnls stoner at his office in Harrlsburg until Mondai. hctitrmbrr 20, lrui. Th prtnr Ipal Items of work rinilvt of n one-slor t(.nvrete-and-ft no maeonrv build Ink- i pproximately lOOsSd f t vnd a re enforced concrete tunnel S'.vS xSO feet In size. Plans and speclf.catl ins miy l- uren at the office of ihe Stuto Department of Uenlth. Hairlsburg at the Mute N.-ma rorlum Cresion and at tho office of Walter u. ilytoti Architect Johnston n and sttr may l obtained Wcdnesdai Beptember H nt the above offices In Harrlsburg or John l6n upon deposit uf Twinty-flve Dollars II2.M for return ot each contract set In good condition , Each proposal must tu accompanied b ceitinrd cluck f.r lluli Tho successful bid .1r will be reuulrcd to Klve a surety bond for the full amount of the contract. rhi right la .rsorved to reject any and all bids Iteming tunum. mu imuiiiuhiu n't in eluded In this proposal X1115 TOLKDO. COLl'MItUs & OHIO ltnKR RAILROAD COMPANY urflee of the Treasurer Pittsburgh. Pn Heptomber 1. 1BJ1. URhT MORTGAOi: HON DM of tha SOLKDO, WAL1ION1UNO VALLEY ,t OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY ta an aggregate cost of 133 51)0 OU will be purchased fur tha Sinking I'und, October 1 lOJl, (rum the lowest bidders, at a price not to exceed par and Interest healed proposals to sell bonds must le In Ihe hands or tho i-'armers Loan HlH Trum Company, New fork City before close o: usiiws three o'llocU P. M.. lrluii), rirp. trmbjr 39, 1021. nnd must state the series loiter nt tha bunds offered. Honda accepted must W delivered on October 1 or seiurltr furnlcbid that day. If required, that delivery 'wflt G,Wde within ten days. Heaters, Ranges Fireplace Equipment Repairs given prompt nttrntlon and best workmanship. J. Reynolds & Son 1013 FILltEnT 8TRKKT Hell. So 30101 Key.. aee 8720 ' is how much ot tho big boost in the cotton prices the Growers nrc going to get. 'Wlille tho situation has bean magnified nnd exaggerated beyond nil sense of reason, nevertheless, a re freshing change is almost certain to bring good results. If it docs nothing else, it will help to break nwny the gloom clouds which have for so long overhung tho whole situation. Getting Away From It "It sometimes pays to get n long way from the market and its influences in order to obtain n clear view of the real situation," raid a member ot ono of tho largo banking firms yesterday. "For a month 1 burled myself deep in tho Maine woods, nnd -in nenrly three weeks did not know there was even n market in existence. Tho woods were full of game nnd the streams full of fish, and if ever n man got back to naturo I did. It not only did me heaps of good from n health standpoint, but when I came back on Tuesday I do not exaggerate when I say I was able to take n clearer view of the outlook than nt any time in the last two years. "In making n casual examination, I am convinced the real corner has been turned. In nil events, from the data we hnve nt hand, the general situation i" much moro improved than is generally rcnllred. At least, we, have many rea sons for beliovlng that virtually all the more serious soro spots are now cleaned up. Of course, numerous small and irritating details remain to be worked out. but the situation is well in hnnd, in fart, under better control than since the reconstruction was started. This means n whole lot, because it paves the way for tho carrying out of certain plans nnd programs which were necasnrlly held in nbejnnce until the results of the major operations were known " Was it n Feel Out? The opinion was expressed yesterday by a recognized competent market ob server that the recent upturn in the mnrket was in tho nature of a test. That is to say the "feeling" on the pnrt of certain influential interests in order to detcrinlno the real temper of tho speculating public. Tho movement was prompted not so much to obtain n following ns it was to discover tho mood of the public in tho faco of a rising market. Tho success ful carrying out of the plan, of course, wan rlilp nlmnnt nnlolv tn thn nver- extended short account. Tho upturn was inaugurated nt tho psychological moment nnd the results were entirely flflttafnotnrv. rPrta anmn Aiitifltt. nr. poets tho market to fall back about mioway Doiween tno recent nign level nnrl the. nw tnnf.L nf t,n ..,. "MnmA time in tho near ftituro," he said, "the real forward Bwmg would be started." Corner Turned in tho South Follow ins the mcctimr of tlm direc tors of tho Southern Hallway. Presi dent Harrison, discussing tho outlook for1 the South nnd the general effect of rapid rise In cotton Tlccs, said: "As to the situation in tho South, wore is every indication tho corner has been turned, ndvnnco in cotton was tho breath of wind for which Southern States have been waiting. It has been true in the past that good cotton prices affect nil industries nnd increases buy ing power "which means Improved busi ness. Goods purchased by the South win mean better earnings for tne roaus. Improvement will, of course, bo grad ual, but much is gained when sentiment changes, "Allof our roads thowed better rev enues In August than In any month since December, 1020. "Our power is all in cxcclent con- Pnerlsl Meetlnr P--37 KEI.LY-LESTKR MILK COSIPANY t Special Notice to Stockholders Notice Is hereby given that by a reiolu tton of the Hoard of Directors of the Kelly. Lester Milk Company, a special muting nl ihc Stockholders of the said company will be he'd on Friday, September ,10. 1921, at 8 o'clock r. St.. nt the principal office oi the company, 402 South Twelfth, street. Philadelphia, to take action on the ap proval or disapproval ot and to vote for of against tne proposed increase of the Indebted ness ot the said corporation from nothlnj to $38,000. ..,... . VV414CJftJ4l lr,L,l,T) MAURICE W. B secretary. LOAN. solicitor. riiriiiiiiiimiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiMiimmnMMMNiiiiiii tin ii L e f J " . L-'-iitteAVrL INCORPORATED 1803 The Plnladelphia National Bank Philadelphia, September 6, 1921 RESOURCES U. S. Bonds and Certificates of Indebtedness $2,253,600.00 Loans, Discounts and Investments 74,699,297.03 Accrued Interest Receivable 1 76, 1 60.73 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Ac ceptances 9,181,395.19 Due from Banks 15,530.604.88 Exchanges for Clearing House 3,965,634.06 Cash and Reserve 10,442.890.26 $116,249,582.15 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $5,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits 11 ,420,905.69 Unearned Discount 476,745.1 1 Reserved for Taxes and Interest 924,216.30 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 9,523,486.96 Domestic and Foreign Acceptances Sold 7,465.68 U. S. Bond Account 2,176,300.00 Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank ( Individual $63,772,204.93 DeDOSlts Bank 22,554,866.40 ( U. S. Government .... 393,391.08 86,720.462.41 $116,249,582.15 LEVI L. RUE, President CHARLES P. BLINN, JR. .Vice Prcs. HORACE FORTESCUE.Vicc Prcs. HOWARD W. LEWIS, Vice Prcs. STEPHEN E. RUTH, Vice Prcs. WiM. S. MADDOX, Vice Prcs. O. HOWARD WOLFE, Cashier George Wood Alfred C. Harrison Levi L. Rue George H. McFadden Randal Morgan Samuel Rea DIRECTORS Pierre S. duPont Asa S. Winn Samuel M. Vauclain William H. Donner Wallace D. Simmons Samuel D. Warriner Eldridge R. Johnson J. Howard Pew J. Kearslcy Mitchell Henry G. Brcngle S. P. Hutchinson G. Colcsberry Purvcs llljjjfHniiiiiiiiniiiiHititiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililHHlliHlilliliiiiiiimiiniimn'f ditlon. Ot course, wo hnvo not taken tip ns yet to nny cxtont repair ot frolRhfcnrn. "Our ncttlcmcnt with tho Govern' ment has been concluded nnd will bo cxplnined in detail' in oiir next nnnuftl report." TUB TltADEIt. OFFICERS President JOSEPH WAYNE, JR. Vice-Presidents EVAN RANDOLPH A. W. PICKORD Cashier CHARLES M. ASIITON jxiukli&O UAHKA'iT muECious FIIANCIS I. IIEBVE3, Hodman E. UrUcom V. Frederick 8nydr Itobert Tulund Nm Newtwld Ely jolm Orlbbol J'rancls U. Hoove. Jr. Wm W Frnzler. Jr. Oorgo P. Iloengarttn jonepb Wayne, Jr. Chairman of the Hoard Kvan Ilandolph Slurrla It. lioclilus Arthur V. Morton William Jay Turner A J County Wm P Hurba Walter B. Thomson A. A. Corey, Jr K. H 1U Carpenter MTIOmMl. 'BFLXSK PHLADELPHIA STATEMENT OF CONDITION' at tho close of business, September C, 1021 RESOURCES ' ' Lonns and Investments $57,720;997.79 Accrued Interest 119,436.23 Acceptances and Letteis of Crodit. 090,087.89 Exchange for Clearing Houso 2,394,098.89 Due from Banks 10,703,087.20 Cash and Reserve 4,052,240.20 $76,341,133.26 LIABILITIES Capital $2,000,000.00 Surp.ua and Net Profits 7,295,809.23 Reserve for Unearned Discount 201,500.04 Reserve for Taxes and Intel est 207,109.02 Circulation 1,000,747.50 Acceptances and Letters of Credit 715,007.89 Government Securities Dprrowed 450,000.00 Due Federal Reserve Hank Loans on Government Securities 6,443,119.08 Commercial Paper Rcdiscountd 5,500,000.00 Deposits, 52,407,054.50 $76,341,133.26 "ALWAYS COMMERCIAL" National Bank rfJI 11 i m !,4 Market and P1tap"r fl ' ll' K S &S. St.renthBtre.ta September 6, J 921 ASSETS Immediately Available Cash and Re.orva $1,940,526.22 Exchanges for Clearing Homo 187,600.14 Duo from Correipondenti 386,216.01 Eligible Paper Discountable in Federal Reserve ,,& Bank 8f826.014.43 U. S. Certificates and Bonds 1,310,081.00 $12,660,307.70 Other Loans and Discounts Duo within 30 day. $1,2.82,065.19 Due 30 to 90 days 400,980.00 Due after 90 days 2,103,689.88 United States and Other Bonds 1,193,949.11 Bankinp; Houso 271,000.00 $18,010,961.88 LIABILITIES Deposits $11,100,432.42 Duo Federal Reserve Bank 2,812,000.00 Circulation 142,800.00 Reserve (Unearned Interest) 106,634.74 Reserve (Taxes, etc.) 109,804.13 Capital Stock 1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits 2,739,890.59 $18,010,961.88 M. G. BAKER, President W. B, WARD, Cashier ASSISTANT CAStllKKS II. C. HKITZr.I. K. II. DEISS II. Q. POMIF.MCS DIRECTORS tSAMUKI. R. SHARP ItAI.PII II. NORTH KIIWIN U rtLAHON iv-.fin.iViTii0rdoRBM'ET COLLINS IIIVINQ KOIIN JOHN " 8TOEU KVAN fl. CIIANDLRR WILLIAM 8. TILLINO A II It A .M C. MOTT MKLVILLB O. DAKEB WILLIAM L. TURNKH 15"!S: laofi 4 Fourth Street National Bank Philadelphia September 6, 1921 RESOURCES Lonns nnd Investments $40,826,447.75 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances 878,120.19 Due from Banks 12,109,489.38 Exchanges for Clearing House 1,370,894.57 Cnsh and Reserve 3,500,072.49 .$58,757,62418 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $3,000,000.00 Suiplus and Profits 8,309,084.01 Reserved for Taxes and Expenses 100,594.83 Letters of Credit Issued to Customers, and Acceptances 887,799.19 Deposits 46,430,145.75 Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Federal Reserve Bank NONE Acceptances of Other Banks Sold 30,000.00 $58,757,624.38 Every Form of Domestic and Foreign Banking. Unexcelled Facilities. K. r. SHANHACKKK. PrcuMfnt 11 J. CLARK. Vlce-Pri-n nnil Cnahter (J. K. HTAVFFKR. At. CaihUr IV. K. IIAItllT. Vlrr-IrnMent XV. A. IICI.KLKY. Aurt. Cnahler X. It. IIUMl'HUmS. Vlcc-Pres. A. MiicMCHOLL. Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS PMnoyF TIer, Chalrmun Wllllim d Krnfft Chan. A. Daniel Prank T. Tatterson Georife K. .lohnnon A 13. NewboM, Jr. William A. Dick .Inseph 13. Wldenrr Irenre du Tont W It Nlcho'non Harry A. UorHlnd laaao II, Clothier. Jr. Trancl I Oowen William M. Potta George F. Tyler 1' P. ShanbacKer (lorge Dallaa Dixon w. Averll Harrlman Jana M. Wlllcox Jonat'ian C. Neft Itobert P. Hooper Third National Bank In the Center of Things Opposite Broad Street Station Condition At Cloie of Business September 6, 1921 RESOURCES rana and Imcstmonts JU, 028.700 1 1 ,.' I" unnKa nna llankera Caah ami Hevenft ,., Lxcharmea for Cloar- Int; Hound Cumumera' Liability Account of Accupt ances exooutod by this Bnnlt 702,217 311 710,817 03 331, UK) 02 02,682 88 $11,524,707.93 LIABILITIES Canltal ntMnii- Hurpiua Rn( Undivided I'roftt Not Circulation Illlla PayahUi tQ FfJ. eral Uonerve ll.ml; . Acceptancen Ilxacttcd for t'uatomuru Deposits 11,000,000 00 Laos an m K'7,tiOU 0U 1.SS0,I)U0 00 r.2.r,J7K1 T.4U,L'in 3 $11,524,707.93 OI'l'ICKHH lent H lllrk, Pre (i, llrlnlon ItoberlH, XUv Prrs W. Clifford Wood, Cu.hler Win. T. Toiiillnaon, Aiin't Ciishlrr ItaTmond It Itosnorlli, Ain't Cahler lltrlert H, M kite,, Am'. ColUer I'nink P. Croft I.enl. It. Illrk Jnroli H DUnton hnmuel 1'. Houston Joaqih J, Martin Hamilton DiMtan DIlinCTOIlH llumhert II p0Up iv rrl','.0n ,,?,"" " Mur Tnlbot, J-0"1" " H'nsiier lit W Cllfforil yr0ol! .JTCrlAHTER. . F No.l m M THE L ... , TOIST BANK K-" ' "- CriAItnSHJED W VVhTR THB lv NATIONAL III BANK III ACT . Jf- First National Bank' of Philadelphia 315 CHESTNUT ST. , Condenied Statement from Our Books September 6, 1921 RESOURCES Loans and Invastments $30,274,331,11 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances 1056,D09.43 Interest Earned but Uncollected 60,087,19 Duo from Banks 4,837,449.09 ' Exchanges for Clearing House 1,1 60,567,97 Cash and Reserve 2,137,502.34 Total $39,516,448.03 LIABILITIES Capital $1,600,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 2,898,425.05 Interest and Discount Collected but not Earned 129,104.49 Reserved for Taxes, Interest, etc 242,158.32 Letters of Credit and Acceptances 1,075,980,79 Rediscounts (Federal Reserve Bank) 4,016,050.00 Bills Payable (Federal Reserve Bank) 671,500.00 Liberty Bonds Borrowed 290,000.00 Deposits 28,690,223.38 ' Total $39,516,448.03 WM. A. LAW, rresldrnt HOWARD T. rtORDON, AmJ. Caih'r i.. it. HAVFnun. At. rhi. THOP. XV. ANDltKWS. Vlrrrn. B.OP.KRT K. AT.imiCH. Aif. fjanh'r CIIA8. II. JAMEH, Vlrr-rm. T. HCOTT HOOT. Aaat. Cashier CAUL II. CHATTER. Cmhler UOTIIN WAHa!. Vler-Prea HARRY 4. HAAS. Vlee-Pre. V. W. Ayer Chan. H. Child Jn.erli fl. Clark Walton Clark Cyma H. K. Ciirtln DIRECTORS rmnklln n'Ollix AVIItltm P. (lest 15. C. Irvln Llvlntttaon K. Jones William A. tMtr Joseph n. MrCall Fred'k MrOwen J. Henry Hrattrrtood J. W. Van I)ke Central National Bank of Philadelphia Statement to Comptroller of Currency Close of Business, September 6, 1921 RESOURCES Lonns and Investments .' $21,475,G97.07 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances Outstanding ..". 177,915.00 Interest Earned Not Collected.... ,( 38,297.45 Exchanges for Clearing House 469,857.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 2,717,272.54 Cash and Reserve 2,345,926.27 $27,224,965.3 LIABILITIES Capital ?1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits (earned) 4,G28,158.02 Reserved for Taxes, Depreciation, etc 427,085.54 Unearned Discount 137,491.05 Circulation n 55,000.0ff Letters of Credit and Acceptances Outstanding. . 178,235.00 DePsits 20,798,995.72 $27,224,965.33 OFFICERS CHARLES E. INGERSOLL, Prtildent STANLEY E. WILSON, VlccPreildent DAVID R CARSON, Ant. to Preildent A. D. SWIIT, Caihler ALBERT H. ASHUY, Ant. Caihler WILLIAM POST, Chairman Executive Committee DIRECTORS GEORGE BURNHAM. Jr. WILLIAM WOOD CHARLES WHELLER CHARLES E. INGERSOLL A. A. JACKSON SAMUEL M. CURWEN CLARENCE M. DROWN STEVENS HECKSCHER AVERY D. ANDREWS J. DARTON TOWNSEND C. FRED'K C. STOUT BENJAMIN RUSH WILLIAM TOST CLEMENT B. NEWBOLD CHARLES E. MATHER HARRY F. BAKER Ghiestnut Street at Fifth Cafntal $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits Earned $4,400,000 f LlANO (i New United States Treasury Issues Certificates of Indebtedness Dated September 15, 1921 due Mar. IS, 1922 Duo Sept. 15, 1922 Denominations $500.00 $1000.00 Treasury Notes Series "B" Dated Sept. 15, 1921 Due Sept. 15, 1924 Yielding 5y2 Denominations: $100.00 $500.00 $1000.00 Subicriptlont Rtctlvtd at Par and Inttrttt Sabjtct to Allotmtnt. Franklin Irust Co. Delaware Ave. Office nl. Avi Rr MniW Si Capital. $1,000,000.00 KA.V- Uprn poj c. M..bf Sll Hal, $1,000,000.00 MBf Surptu., $700,000.00 rn fnini K.30 A. M. H ZTI5 vM nFI 7, ,, ' mil A. 51. until 6 V. M. .Mti3a4fifaUm 'tn zJJr lit. J . 'J ; sy' ... ,. Hr Weil rniia. wirn-o Main OfTifft. IKlK 9t Rl,., nvfrbof llrll Telrpbonr, Hurure 001)1 KdMuiio Tflrpliour, Itufe """ The Initiation that gave Philadelphia Day and Night Service V I. Treasurer, -3, V.V ft ' &. '- . ii. 'W & Tiy i,L -- SMP '" - ."rr?iV k