f j ;' . ,f- 19 vcr - - 7' V ,- '' '"" &-km ::mkmii, h'm&& immm: & fen. "' it i!.V w tccr5 o fto Editor 1 n.nt.rdly Reflection! .. ii. Riii(no Puoflo Ledger! P -ho star d the.. JH" l la. air llJ ' . nuAA nrt mv . ..klaf I waa -..---. - ,.,.. "- ;,.. (,ero rererrea iw x-ihjt -,,4 n ""'.".kuriri dead.l' Bvery ono -the city " " d n a New York pawr a man was run over by a. push, irnTili :SSM !-'" lJ"l'!fl is Pl"n .Iwera been proua 01 w "' "" .m wy from hoir Jrs, . but wntn " V.ouniry regards fewa i"- :-. Thy cnn-t all corns nere 2fjW ,oudw"rnt.yf .0 why don't we ad ,tlM 1UIISJT,ZEN AND TAXPAYKU. jjHt.aelphla. September 2. 2. Cheeking the Crlmo ,Wayo . .,.... th. Kurnlno PuMlo Ledger: " . inn rvvt -- . 2ZXttor u.. pm :ub"!h .!! Vth rnXd.used by the thieve, m fctfrib ". "Vrk. My opinion ot the ""'.tan lithlsl At tho present tlmo thj T. ofob. nd th. urn number of "" . -J .r. well-known facts. Thsee ,mi ored ar. ";, an(1 to eRt they wplojrtdjpopl muK . mon mrfrTmJ They .ufter while seeklne w KimbIW whole day. without. SSuShilfiV. ErV day that th... men "L "breaks th.lr moralo moro and more, S?ftK!r thr b.com. sneak" thieves and rTapprshended th.lr names appear In iIdaliy Pper.. torether with the nature 2 th. ctlm. and th. m.lhod u.ed to ex tK rnon,y from their victim. In order to U lUt II.. Other poor devil., readlnir rS ii h T m.thod. ud by tho.. SmhendX duplicate them, and at time. 22T2o murder to robbery In order to keep tUDOllee off their trail. Th. are only two ways to rell.ve this im. were, and th.y nro: SJil i Let th. country como to Its .en.es imi5lttly and put the.e men to work. tain. Do not lot tho me'thod. of the.e frtbJfle. become known to other, for them Scour In the future. W. L. WltlIPhla. S.ptember 4, 1021. "Just Supposing" rIIM Editor 0 the X-'uenlno Pullle Lcdotr, .,t,, th. letter that appeared In tl the TMDle'. Forum under tho hendlnfr Just jwpeilns" the writer eay.i - trits. nrr)n.r tnfltl 'Supposing the United KM. "hould .uddenly le a pretext for SJclirlnrwar on u. and .uppo.lntr. Juet for 2, like of argument, that Japan, by a few SSiUlnr stroke, of tt.ffc bad '' Vh n, tick, tc , tno w,j "... .-- -"--.!, Truit. end Italy and Belgium ana loriugai ud Oreece throw themselves unreinshlr In . inr side with ships and munition's and m nl money, or would they pf eseflve a .. .1 .-, imuin.h v in - Strict MUiramy u..- rr UtoiUMvrr I. ea.y. The countril. In J,tlon would doubtls.s for the first three Slw of ar be too proud to fight, would maintain a .trict neutrality In word an4 Slntht and would sell supplies to both Su unless one of tho combatants wss NoeUded. By tho end of this time Japan m h.v become so truculent that eho mild hT. Invaded the rights of European . .Y ... t ..n wmlM lull TAB- I frMniriSI. ""I UHJf 111 fc" - --- --- ctattons declaring that "WherceR. the lm Mrlil Jtpnneso Government ruls commlttea mwttd act. of war against tho Oovern miftt and the people of Englnnd, France, tu., thsreforo a state of wnr between Kng hsl. France, otc, and the Imperial JP iei. Oo-ernment. which hn thus been tkxnst urcn us, 1. .hereby declared." Th. entrance of the European nations Into rj fray would cause JapAn to lose the war. Tmcs would bo declared between Japan and tit United State., and a yoar or .0 later the liirop'etn allies would make peace by resn Wlon. Tho war would leave the United ItttM virtually bankrupt and havlly In 6Md to th. European nations and the rato ( tichatige strongly against us. After the wir oar European allies would give aid and Mifort to Philippine Insurgents, and their vrus government, wouia pass resolutions Vtlng a Philippine republic. A Drltl.h nd nlral. who might, on a visit to this country, fcoonne. those of hi. countrymen who were .tUmptlng to stir up trouble over the Phil fnlis Inmrrootlon, would bo publicly reprl-mnfi- All this la "Just supposing." A. L.JIEDDRICK. mitdelphla. September 4. 11)21. Sanitation' In Food Stores f fa Editor 0 the Evening Public Lcdotr: lr Th.ro Is an ordlnanco In our city laws to the etTect that all food on stand, along th. streets must bo covered by mos qulto netting or some other means of pro tKtlng It fr,om tho (lies, but during a recent trip In the western and southern section, of the city I saw all these stands exponed. with ro protection from file, or the dust of tho stmt or from any ono who might wish to isnlle It. I think It Is a mlstnko to allow fruit stand, on the atreet. for they nro reg iltr disease breeders, and I think there ibmild be an brdlnance In which all fruit tni vegetable placen. ns well as meats. ikould have screened door, and windows, tnl n try thine should bo covered as a pro tKtlon from the flies. If this Is a city law. why Is It not en forced? Surely policemen cap seo condi tions as well a. pedestrians. It 1. not only 1 condition to tie found In th. sections fttmtd. but In every part of the city, and rliht In the center of tho city, even within i'-jM of the City Hall. Public health should 1 protected to tho extent of compelling then stands tu meU the reo,ulremnt of the liw. and lh laus should be .0 stringent that there can be no possibility nf breeding Umts. S. Li. HASTINGS. Philadelphia, September . 1921. Living Beyond Cne's Means U He Editor 0 tht Evtnlno Public Ledocr: Sir I believe that one of the things that should be preached nnd printed so that all Bty read I. the policy that It doe. not pay for one to live beyond his means. No 'imlljr a justified In expending everything uer make In order to keep pace with thoue nor. fortunate, so that you can keep up ppearances of being prosperous. Such a T of living must make thona who try to follow it most unhappy, for they hae lays th. dread of tho "rainy day" com r. with nothing laid away to meet it. It Is but natur.,1 that every one would llko " live m as nice a placo n ho possibly "J. but he should look seriously at tho suhject and ask hiniBelt It he can J"rd It. In writing this I have In mind n "rally who nre living In a house that Is considerably beyond their means to afford ra to pay the ront and got the other ""aries of life, much less to lay any ""joy aside for an emergency. Why should 'Vmlly living In this way not look the witlon square In tho face and mcot It w'" a happy heart? t Vno '" Juslind In keeping his family w a house whero he li compelled to expend if V?' more ,,1Rn one-fourth of his Income. aM maklnB 20 a month, he should bo L'J ' llve In n house or apartment that li. 1 not mor ,han B0- " ho la inik foJ? . 7100 a mnth, he should not expend li ... . mor ,han 'JS- If ho does so, he o!t himself handicapped at some .5' husband and wife. If they are the 17' ,0.rt' should get together and come to thSJ n thereby they could live within II i !!"".' Thousand, of people are doing im VJ! .. C.U'1 antl thy ' he peoplo who him,. "Hln beyond their means, and are B.JLani1 n,fi nt fear tho future, The Juit tow I.:"." r"'S ahou d Drint nrtl(!lR .hnwln famltv .Tini.i.f nua M v,i n corns, ,. - ..wmh ...u VII IliDir ,11- b.ti.. '.' goul" be doing their readers no II "rvico. The preacher, ahould preach IriirJi.. 1 ''"""" "r. na a rule, ino t B1..V .1. . ow how tn,y lnu,t economise " tnsir rti ii " "Pnses on their .mall sal- seen!,. ,v. ; ..... nHB n. nuie ivucn ino snisnt .U,M blln ""ring more than the IT.'!?1 t0 r'd how they can Hie. pay rent. tertain d '"", cl0'hlng and lay aside a "n sum on th. .alary they are making. ft,,.. , . . JOHN W. PHICE. "'elphla. September i. 1021, Girls Can't Vamp Him 8lrLii?l'?r 0 Hwflvcm-no Public Ledocr: iv a i '" "f'alnly rathor peculiar the rlnlnr. nt r'0Ple w'" have different ur ih..1,a ,l"1 uJect. And yet somo Hon , .. ' '" ,he reason for tho revolu Ml , 'no world. No doubt, but tho main h tu, 1. ' B0xl many people cannot l 1J11 ot a lnl subject. In iev ttli "J,i , r "cont dates I have founl Stow.. . "K "nk" wherein all men nre HrviM- '" .'", "downed" and "dumb" ami .. .""'"J eii uncivil DOmlble. "Van. nnd. "11..." K'nora Frlce ) Bt'ttee. they ore So are dogs, And, tor ik:. companion.. J.V.th't mattor. mi. llttly t . 1 rJ cat"' ' nM "' lettr Is Mia. . ,hw In tho form of a reply. "V'Bitlr." rel"y l0 Kt,""'li original IUf'b V"5.' my rtenr ounir ladles. I don't foil a .,, " t0 h,lrai but real gentlj I j"p""nc" wltn young ladle, of the tern. .1" oun1 vor '8W enlightened hekfrjrd, ,0 cook, or mnl0 a decent 'VoL'" ores.. ,--il L. ur- n nag nr auaii ti Msifi a ""ter, mucu less knowing anything 1 THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to tlio Editor should bo na brlf and to the point us possible, avoiding anything that would open n denominational or sectarian dis cussion. No attention will be paid to nnony mous letters. Names and addressed must bo signed as an ovldenco ot eood faith, although names wllUiiot o printed if request Is tnado tnat thyy bo omitted. , Tho publication of a letter Is not to be taken ns an Indorsement of dta views by this paper. Communications will not bo re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. t about what. Is going on outside of their own homo community. WerJ I to ask a young lady when til. "Press Conference of the World" was scheduled to tako pluee. nnd where, without a doubt, sho would ask me whether I was talking In riddles. If I should ask her about P.ulnn condition.. she would laugh. But I lion't rxoect a girl to krow such "minorities," as iho hasn't oven sense enough to do thj right thing toward a young man when he's trying to show her a gaod time, No young man, even though ho bo "up'.' on all subjects, likes to convorsj on therh all the time. There Is a tlmo nnd place for everything, but when ono Is out for pleas ure why should he or she talk business or of matters pertaining lo such? That isn't pleasure and pleasuro Is another word for diversion. Can you tell mo why young ladles go to tho trouble of wa.tliur so much energy with etch foolish thing, a. looking In ih. ,-nlrror to see If that "rouge" Is on Just rljht, or whether that "life-long" wavo thoy hnd put In their hair eovcrnl weeks beforo had bicome faint, or Vthether their nose, had enough powder, etc. Moro than three-fourths of the day Is wasted thusly. Were I an em ployer, I'm suro I'd lock up all mirrors of every sort until the proper tlmo came to Us. them. All girls are vain. I have not el found ono who Isn't. To get beauty they paint nnd powder nro scared to doath ot water because it "might" hurt that soft skin of theirs. Apparently most girls do not realize what young men think about all this vanity and powder and paint nnd the rest of , tho "camouflage" most girls havo on todny. Tako the nveraco girl. She seems to be nice, pleasant and "klddlsh,," but that la all she Is. Sho cannot discuss anything out side of "the hat Murglo bousht yesterday nnd " and what kind of drpss eho was going to buy; In fact, she talks and talks about nothing and nothing moro In particu lar. Young ladles think thnt they can catch every fellow they meet for an S. O. P., otherwise known a. a eource of plen.ure for ,hcy Cai. get out of . .,,,., . him, and then slvo razzo when he's broke. "Seem ingly" they nro ory nlncero at tho time, but It Is all acting. I supposo thnt Is why we find the majority of stagefolk actresses. VEItNON ArtLINQTON. Philadelphia. September 0, 1021. ...v Questions Answered Death of Mrs. Pershing To the Editor 0 thn Evcnlno Puhllc Lcdotr: Sir A friend of mlno told mo that Gen eral Pershing's wife was burned to death, as well as one ot his children. Ji this cor rect? A. L. D. Philadelphia, September 0. 1021. Tes. In August, 1015. Mrs. Pershing nnd three children were burned to death In their quarters at the Presidio, San Frnnclsco. Location of Camp Cadwallader To tht Editor 0 the Evening Public Ledocr: Sir where wan Camp Cndwnllndcr lo cated during the Civil War? S. W. a. Philadelphia. September C. 1021. Camp Cadwallader was tho most Impor tant military rendezvous In this city. It wn. located upon Islington lane, east of Itldgo road. It faced tho lino of Twenty- second street, tho rear being toward Twen tieth street, and tho south aldo toward tho Ovrman Hospital, nt Twentieth and N'orris streets. Many regiments wcro organized nnd mustered In at this camp, nnd a largo proportion of the returning commands wero sent here for muster out. Paying Off Mortgage To the Editor of the Evening Pulllo Ledocr: air a man nas a mongngo on a house, and the mortgugo reads for flvo onri. with tho privilege of ten yenr If It could bo paid off sooner, would th.i man giving tho mortgago havo the right to mako you wale the ten years before tho mortBTge could bo paid off? H. L. ROWLAND. Philadelphia, September 0, (j.'l Whon a mortgaga Is made for a certain number of years it ennnot bo paid off within such period unices tho mm giving tho mort gage Is willing to add tho Intnrest for th.' entire specified tlmo But in this en no It would appear that the privilege of renewal or extension to ton years Is for tho beneflt of tho mortgagee. Much would depend upon the wording of this privilege. Tho quostlon doe. not state whither tho flvo years have elapsed. If tho flvo scars have clnpied, the mortgago can bo paid oft at tho expiration of the time. An Early Christian Custom To the Editor of the Evening I'ulllo Ledger: Sir I am told that It was a. custom with tho early Christians to bury their dcuii with their faces turned to tho East. If It ia true, why was the custom established' Philadelphia. September S. 1021. It was n common practice of tho early Christians to bury their dead with tho face The People's Forum will appear dally In the Kvenlng I'uhlia ledger, and nlso In the Hundny Public Ledger. Letters dl.eu.alng timely topic, will be Printed, as well as requested poems, anil questions of general Interest will be answered. A Danger Warning Bleeding Gums Are your gums -tender? Do they bleed when brushed? If ao watch out for Pyorrhea.. This disease of the gums, which afflicts four out of five people over forty, not only destroys the teeth, but often wrecks the health. In Pyorrhea, the gums become spongy, then recede; the teeth decay, loosen nnd fall out or must be ex tracted to rid the system of the infecting Pyorrhea germs which breed in pockets about them. These germs lower the body's vitality and cause many diseases. You can keep Pyorrhea away. Visit your dentist often for tooth and gum inspection, and use Forhpn s For the Gums. Forhan's For the Gums prevents Pyorrhea or checks its progress, if used in time and used consist ently. Ordinary dentifrices cannot do this, rorhan s keeps the gums firm and healthy the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. If your gums have receded; use Forhan's according to directions, and consult a dentist immediately for special treatment. 35c and 60c tube3. All druggists. Formula ofR. J. Forhan, D. D. 5. Fothan Co., NeW York Forhan t, Ltd.. Montreal ffriH3H..te xi w J? fast H ''Tf'VfTTv v n turned upward and .lightly to the Ei.it. Tho Idea was thnt the rising un, which typtfl.d the nun of rlghtoou.ne.., was th. emblem of the no.urrectlon, and the dead were .0 placed that they could see the corning o( the Lcrd at the la.t d.y. Dut this hardly ac counts for the origin of the custom, as It v in vocuo In very early time, and among dlver.o pooples. The tun per.onlfl.d the Deity among many ot tho pagan nation., and their dead were placed In a cluing po sition facing the east. However, that was not tho unlver.al cu.tom among suoh peo ple, for eomo burled tbelr dead with their feces toward the wc.t, so that ther might sco tho sotting sun the place ot departed spirit.. Poems and Songs Desired Wants Gable Poems To the Editor of the Evening Public Zitdotr: Hlr Joseohlna E. Qablo's poems on "Friendship" would bo greatly appreciated by ONE WHO HAS FRIENDSHIP. Philadelphia, September 0, 1821.' "Get Leave to Work" To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I ask for a poem which contains the following lines! "Oet loave to work! In this wVrld 'tis th. best you get at all, For Ood In cursings Dives us better gift than man In benedic tions." A. L. O. Philadelphia, September 8. 1021. "I Am Awake" To thu Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Can any of your readers of the Peo ple's Forum locate these line, for met "I am nwnke and know no rest I Pae.lou dls nnd Is dispossessed Of his brief, dcnpotlc. power. Hut tho brain onco kindled would stilt bo elite. Wer. tho whole world pastuf. to Its desire, And all of love In n single hour. A sing!, wine cup filled to the brim. Given to slake Its thirst." OEOnrjE T. MOROAN. Philadelphia, September 4. 1021. "The Salutation of the Dawn" To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir "Tho Salutation or the Dawn." re quested by Mary T, Dawson and partly quoted by Ida Sehuman In your Issue of August CI, is given by the International Ihoosophlcal Headquarters at Point Loma. Calif., from thn Sanskrit, ns follows: "Listen' to tho salutation of th. dawn, took to this day, for It Is life thp very life of llfe In its brief course 11. alt the pos sibilities and realities of your existence. "The bliss of growth the glory of action the splendor of beauty. "For yesterday Is nlready a dream, and to morrow Is only a vision; but today well lived makes every rsterday a drosm of happi ness nnd every tomorrow a vision of hop., "Look. well, therefore, to this day. "Such Is tho salutation of the dawn." L. O. WALTEn. Philadelphia, August 31. 1021. "Unfurling of the Flag" To the Editor of the Evening PubHc Ledger: Sir Inclosed Is th3 song "Th. Unfurling of tho Flag." recently requested by D. L. Waltham. Tho words wero written by Clara r.ndlcott Senrs. 8. L. MOIUtlSST. Philadelphia, September !, 1021. THE UNFUItLINO OF THE FLAO. There's a streak across the skyline That is gleaming in tho sun. Watchers from tho lighthouse towers Signaled It to foreign Powers Just ns daylight had begun, Message thrilling. Mopes fulfilling To thoso fighting o'er the seas. "It's tho flag wo'vo named Old Olory That's unfurling to the breeze." Can you see the flashing emblem Of our country's high Ideal? Keep tour lifted eye upon It And draw Joy and courage from It, For It stands for what Is real, Freodom's calling. To the falling From oppression's hard decree.. It's the flag we've named Old Olory You see floating In the breeze. Glorious flag we ralso so proudly. Stars and Stripe., red, whtto and blue. Yeu havo been the Inspiration Of an cver-growini nation Such ns this world novor knew. Peace and Justice, Freedom, progress. Are the blessings we can seize When tho flag wo call Old Olory Is unfurling to tho breezo. When tho cry of battling nations Reaches us across tho .pace Of the. wild, tumultuous ocean Hearts nro stirred with deep emotion For the saving of iho race. Peaco forgoing. Aid bestowing. First wo drop on bended knees; Then with shouts our grand Old Olory Wo set flaunting to the breeze. "D. L. author of n." desires to know who Is the "Tho Song of the 'Wheat." "C. D. n." writes "Can you Inform me whoro I 'an Secure the words of a song or poem entitled "Thi Saddest One at the Part ing Is the Ono Who Is Left Uehlnd"T That may not be tho exact name, but It Is ss I locolloct It." Rose C. Ecker Thank you for sending us one verse of "When You're Gono I Won't Forgot You." but wo v.oull like to have the song complete before printing It. This also nt piles to ono Nerse of "Whon You're a Lcrg. Long Way from Home," contributed by Florence Iroland Alexander Wysockl. Newark, Del., asks for tho words of tho song "O Pal, O Oal. Why Don't You Answer Me?" SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Hotli Bexes School of Commerce 1 37TH YEAR Tho day nnd evcnlnK Besslons of tho School oof Commerce! opened September 6 with tho largest registration in recent years. Two buildings recently purchased and equipped JvMe Jam number of additional classrooms, neglstrfitlon fof cortnln of tho courses will cloao Monday, September 12, nt 9 1'. M. A faculty of ono hundred speclallsta. glvo Instruction In every phaso of Accounting. Business Administration, Commorco and Finance. Advertising nnd llcalty Brokorago. Tho special course In Practical Journalism begins October 3. .Applica tion should bo tnado at once. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Philadelphia Music Teachers Teachers College Two-year courso based on high school jjraduation and preparing teachers and supervisors of ele mentary and high school music. Leads to Junior College certificate, generally recognized. Graduates well placed. Good facilities for ob servation and practice. Harmony and notation, sight singing, methods of teaching, counterpoint. Regis tration, September 15 and lb, iuzi. Term opens September 19, 1921. Send for Catalog E-U rhone: Diamond 0(131 TEMPLE UNIVERSITV nroad Rt. below Ilerks Philadelphia Night School Opens Sept. 19 Ilnglnnlng next Monday. Sept. 12, office of the school will be opon every ecnlng except Saturday, for convenience ot those desiring to make Inquiries or to arrange for courses of study. Courses) Uuslness Administration, Accounting, Uuslness, Secretarial. Salesman, hip, Stenographic. Tnrhfr Training. PEIRCE SCHOOL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION H' t ,i it- ,1 I'li'ln Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art Broad nnd Pine Streets, Pbila. Art Department Textile Department Thorough work under trained specialists in ail brnnches of Industrial Art. Classes in Illustration, Interior Decora tion, Pottery, Metal Work, Furniture, Textiles etc. Day nnd Evening Classes; Hummor School. School circulars containing detail Infor mation will be sent on application. School opens September 21 Itcglstratlon Days. September 14 to 21 inclusive. IIUGEK ELLIOTT, Principal PARENTS Don,t "9nd our "on r daughter Into tho business world without n business training. A llttlo self-denial on your part will mean the difference between success and failure for Hiom. Investigate our Courses Bookkeeping and Accountancy; Stenography and Secretoria'. Day and liven ing. Enroll any time. Call or wrltu for catalnir. pmr.A niTefvircti fr v -... ftS nnd Collrge of Commerce 1017 CheMnnt St.. Philadelphia IIKNJ. L. liNKIim.KU Director Y. M. C. A. School of Music. Students prepared for professional work a. organists, teachers and pianists. Instruction given In PIANO. OHOAN. HARMONY, Phono Locust 2Rnil or Itace Tfilil, or call 1421 ARCH STItr.KT LEEFSON-HILLE .Tis'" PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC SL'PKKVISION 1S24-20 CHESTNUT ST.. I'lllLA. 0TII AVE. AM) YOIIK IIOAII KEOPEN8 SKPTEMIIlin 10TH Sl'BINd UAKDEN INSTITUTE Broad and Spring (inrilcn Ht.. I'h.In. Day and Night Cla.se.. Art. Electricity. Mechanic, and Auto. Openx September 19 Maher Prep. A Tutoring School: Summer course; Col High Sen. Br IIS 3 84th at GERM ANTOWN FRIENDS SPMnPsT C81 BtpU 20 A tw vacan. ri.JJx cles for earnest coMege pre paratory hoys. Stnnlev H. Ynrnall Principal run ritntsiiKSH school. 1.120 n. istii s Puhllc School Currleu'um Short Hours Small classes. For details write: "MISS rEnOY." (1744 N. flU, St.. Phlla. FTtENCII and mathematics lossor.s First class profossor has few openings, rrlvato or email classes, tutorship 2220 Pino et. Mnher Trop. & Tutoring School: Summer course: Col. & High Sell. Ur. 11.1 S. 84th t. CHESTNUT HILL. PA. Chestnut Hill Academy St. Martins, Chestnut Hill, Pa. An Ideally located country boarding and &vj school for boys. Especially low rates for nve-day boarders. Iteopens September 1!7. Catalogues on application. J. L. PATTEP.SON Hendmasler MUSICAL INSTRUCTION . V" is COM CONSERVATORYMUSIC A Residential and Day School of International Reputation with unparalleled facilities for the attaining of a complete musical education in all branches, from elementary to the highest artistic standard. MUSIC AS A PROFESSION For those Interested In music ns a profession we hac prepared a book let entitled "Opportunity." which contalnH valuable Information concerning the financial returns from tho various phnsen of muslo.il activity. It de scribes In detail the opportunities for remunerative employment opened to those ongngod In music ns a profession. Interesting facta nro Bet forth showing the relatlvo earnings of professional muHlclnns ns compared with Incomes from othor professions. This booklet will bo mailed free upon request. A School of Individual Instruction Distinguished Faculty GILBERT KAYNOLDN COMBS, Piano nUflll A. CLAIIKK. Mus. Doc. Theory I NELSON A. IIITNCTT. Voice WILLIAM OUIUKll, Mus. Hue. Violin I UUH.SKI.L UIMi MIl.Ll'.IC, Organ 0 and 90 Assistant Tenchem All branches taught. Normal Training Coursca for Tenchors toitn in atruotlon in a definite method in each course together with ; delicti! teaohina experience. Complete Orchestra nnd Military Hand Depattmonts. Four Pupils' Hocltals a week. Two complete Pupils' Sjmphony Orclies traa. Empowered by Pennsylvania Charter to confer tho Degrees of Bachelor, Master and Doctor of Music. Dormitories fur Women. Reciprocal Relations with University of Pennsylvania SIX SPACIOUS BUILDINGS Our 36-pagQ Illustrated Hook Mailed Frco ' GILBERT RAYNOLDS COM US, Director Offices and Studios, Dormitories, Broad and Reed Sts., Phila. Administrative Building, IMMIIMIIIMM Iloth Hexe. gABI WANAMAKER INSTITUTE of INDUSTRIES X. vr. Corner 23d and Wnlnnt Btreets Day Clas.es begin September 8. Afternoon and evening. September IB All Course. Compare Trices With Othtr Hchools TJav Courses. From $33.00 to lt'JS.00 0 Months' Ave rise. 3 0 to SI2.2S Ter Month Afternoon Courses From lu0to ".. 7 Months' Average. $2.18 to SI0.7B Per Month Kvenlng Courses. From SIS, 00 to 137.00 7 Months' Average, J1.70 to $3.28 Per Month fiaturdny Cour.es, From 1.00 to S32.00 0 Months' ATemce, S2.00 to3.60 Per Month Bave J2.00 to $10.00 paying in advance, or pay in "four week.. Tel. Txxj. DUO. for Catalog or Send Po.tal JAMES PEARSON James Pearson finished his course at Stxayer'B Buslnosn College when he was IB Ho returned to the College recently to se euro another position. Ho Is now employed at nearly I180O a year Mr i'earson Is now 10 years of ago. Strayor's graduates recelvo higher as nrleu than others bocauso they aro more expert. It pays better to graduate at Btrayer's than at any other Business School or High School. STRAYER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE H07 Chestnut Street Phono, Walnut 0SM Strayer's Business College 807 Chestnut Street IVe train tho best stenographers, secreta ries, bookkeepers, accountants, salesmen and calculating-machine operators. New classes starting now. Day and night. Positions guaranteed. What would you llko to learn? Walnut nisi. JBJLMIjS Dr Seliool BiZSmES SL lfit.IevK XluUdebhlg 4ju2m-jaa The TKAINEI) bustnras man rises faster nnd further than the UN TKALNKI). UNIVERSITY of PA. EVENING SCHOOL 10H Locnn Hnll Ph.: Bnr. 100: Sta. 230 Teachers Wanted ,s,I?!f"d'duacnt positions, all grades, Including High Schoo', all subjects, now open In IVnn.i N .T.. Del Md. nnd N. Y. Modern Teachers' Bureau - ' t rei I-iiroU't S'i a Mnnth Night School. q0 a WOnuiD,y Tuition. 11.1 n Month. Shorthand Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Secre tarial nnd llulnens Administration by ppe daily trnlnul teachers. PALMER BUSI-Nl-qq srnnnt 'in s Tenth street. Plula. School of Office Training Fntr row a"rt 1" rsdv In .10 days Best position. forOUnORVDUATER In Htenog. ranhv ur nnnk'nlne Iiler H'dg.. 89 s. in Brard School. IHlt Chestnut St., Elocution, Pre tic Art Puh. Hpkg , Loc. (1080 Sty. Tell. AHIIIIt TiMI M MASH. Cushing Academy duati's00 accepted by all cnlleg.s. The test at mod erate con Address II. S. CItOWRLL. A.M Ph D Principal. Aahburnham Mass MI MC 1, INSTKIK'TIOX ZECICWER-HAHN PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY Main School, 1017 Spruce .Street Pupil, may outer any tlmi. aend for nrosp.i ii- 1331 South Broad Street :, f-'i-p, i 1 1 rm 1 inr'tnlsfrM Ti i vS:v mMmmm jib .Voting Men end Hoys WENONAir. TV. J. Where character, msnllne.. and honor are ;", Wenonah U an Indendent unit in your boys e.luc.tiod. and not merely a preparatory school. Healthfully situated in a .otely rej hlenUnl toy"1' A faculty second only to that of West Point in efficiency. Academic studies for college preparation. Special and business courses. , . Military system brings out all that J. good and manly. Separate junior department for boy. of ten or over. Academic course, seven hundred and fifty dollars for department, six hundred and fifty for tho school Junior year. Catatosue and VUtv DR. CHARLES H. LORENCE, MAJOR C. A. SNYDER. Pretident Superintendent BOX 411, WENONAH, NEW JERSEY THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY City Line and Berwick Road Overbrook (FOUNDED 17SS) ( Will Open September 22 ns n COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL Its course provldos careful training for little boys. Its college preparatory depart ments prepnre for al' College, and Scientific ,'iohools. For those not going to College, a course has been arranged with special ref erence to a business life. The School cares for the bnv throughout the day; It makes emple provision for health ful exercise, under t'.ie direction, of the School physician and director ot athletics. In the open air: It furnlshe. Held, for foot, ball, baseball, tennis, track nnd other fle'd sports. Th Headmaster has a vital and personal Interest In co-ordinating the phv.lcal ex ercise and the scholastic work. Ho will be at the Academy on and after September 1. Circular on application. Greville Haslam Headmaster Swarthmorc Preparatory School Prepares for college or Ilfo work. Snd for booklet. "A Man Maklnc School." and learn the secret of our notable ani continued sno res. In training bos Separata Junior Department for boy 10 to 14 W. T. TOML1NSON. M. A. rtox 2(1. Sw-nrthmnre. I'n. Both Sexes "A Touch of the Country In the Heart of the City" A modern school, with over two centuries of worthy traditions, for boys nnd girls from tho primary srredes up throush tho hlsTi school. College Preparatory and General Coarse. Large playrroands. Abundance of llrht and air. Emphnsls on brosd central culture and simple Christian lltlnr, with regard to the needs and aptitudes of each pupil. Begins Ninth Month lth. Catalogue upon request. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL THE PARKWAY CHERRY AND 1GTH STS. WALTER W. HAVILAND, Principal F CENTRAL ! SCHOOL SYSTEM I For Bojri and Girls Philadelphia, Pa. I FOCK IJI.EJIENTAItY HCIIOOLH I 1.1th JC Kure M. 33th A IJinciiHtrr Are. i Utll A tilrnrd Av. (Irrene ht. ah. School Lnnt Central School, ISth and Race St. Junior nnd senior high school. Including col leee preparatory ilepartment Deve ops the constructive faculties throuuh physical and , moral culture. Students tnunht the prectlral and skillful us of hands as well as brains. I Small clasees. Constant personal contact with an exceptionally able faculty Larse play ground. Kymnaslum. lunchroom splendidly llshted ana ventilated classrooms. A few students may bo admitted now Op.n to ottier i denomination" Write for year book & rates Charles Hurton Walsh, rrlnrlpnl 13th and Itucc Sts.. I'bll'idrlohla. I FRENCH Conversation, reading; and i nrltlne taught correctly ' and rapidly by simple. Interestlne metho.1 One wekly lesson of one hour nnd a half In small day and ee- ' nine clasnes bslnnlnir Sept. 20. Enroll now I Georges Gregoire School 318 Middle Clt Illili 31 N. 17th St. THE FARNUM SCHOOL 1S07 Pine St. nr.orr.xs ox Monday, oct. 3 Girls Little Dojn Kindergarten Miss Rush and Miss Wilson I'rlnelpsls Philadelphia Turngemeinde Sehool reopens Sept. 7 nymnastlFs, Pwlm mtng nnd (ierm.in, Booklet on rraurst. Enroll now. Ilrmd St. nnd rolnmnln Ave. I lit; HOl.MA.N hi lltltll.. :304 Walnut St. will open for Its tw-m -second ear, Sept. I;-' 1021. A 1v-r"innl fir g" and small bovi, rri-7 nrrTit IV m i rv n .ii...... Thn Tnvlor Sool N'nT TI.AsiFs Our Uuslness Training Cours'S wll' lnrrea vour earning rapac'tv and Insure constant pmnloxmont Enroll now I'loneWalnut RSI IIOSI.YN. PA. SCHOOL roll IIXCEITIOXAI, CIIII.DKEN Every facility In a beautiful suburban home for the education of children unabls 'o .ttnd pub le or prlvatn chool. Domestic Science: 14 miles from Phlla. UookleU M0I.I.1K A. WOODS. ITInclpal IIoi 174, Itusljn, Pa. Young tnmen and Hlrls iu:iiii.i:iii.m. pa BISHOPTHORPE MANOR nox 27i. iii;thli:hi:m. r,. Offers exceptional opportunities to a limited number of girls In their preparation for college or for social or business life. Special two-year finishing oours for High School graduates. Exceptional advantages In Music, Art, Household Arts and Sciences. Arts anj Crafts, Expression and Secretarial work. Junior Department High healthful loratien on the slope of rhe I.ehlsh Mountains. Near New Yorlt and Philadelphia New gymnisljm and tiled slmmln; pool, tennis, baakuthvl skating, rldtnir. etc Aesthetic and folk dancing. Address Claudr N Wyant rnnelnnl I.ITIT7. l'A. LrNDP-N IIM.I. HEMINAItY A Blrls' sriool alnca 1740. Academic Collegs Preparatory & Special Coursnii Separate Jr Dept. Oymnaslum Secretarial Catalog Rev. F. w. Stengel. Prln.. llox 10S. I.ltltx Pa. I'KXXsnrnc. pa. Perldomcn School for Boys College Preparatory. Music. Oratory nuslness. AU athletics, JO-acre campus. Scholarships Dselopment of Character and Tralntnir for Service our a'm, Junior Scnool for younger boys In separata cotlags. Catalog. OSCAIl 8 KIMKIir.L, D. D. lTu 111) Pennnvlvanla P nnhu.. KOSr.MOXT PA. HOLY CHILD ( OI.LKOR For young women, under direction of the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. Tlachelor of arts course, music, art, Ilesuttful buildings and forty-acre campus on Main Line 1'or details, address the Dsan. Hoi 3f D Tlnoinnnt Penna Vsii)VOton ii r GUNSTON HALL A Select Washinflon School for Girls Highest etnndards In general college prepa ratory and graduate courses. All forms nf attiletlcs undr trained supervision. Kor catalog and vlewa nddress; MRf IJKVBni.EY n. MASON , 1007 riorldn Avenue, Washington, D, C. Y.nn Men nnd Hoys WI5NONAH. N. .1. Wenonah MILITAR Y ACADEMY Booh Upon Requeit The WUliam Penn Charter School No. 8 South 12th Street. I'ulladelplua' Founded 1S89 TT11. neadnmle vaar 1021-22 begin. Tuesday September 20. 1D21. and the Proepectu. may h Ahlatnud nn SDnlleatton Building, will cpen for Inspection and for class tic cation ot punr. septemDer u. Rlehnr rn .11 (Inmrn're. Ph.d. Ifrndmn.trr MKltCKHSHUUG. l'A. The Mercersburg Academy FOR B0Y8 Merccrsburp;. Pa. Senil tnr retalngu. to MAV.N IRTINn. Ph. P.. IX. O. Ilendm"tr Ust 120 vu. HKXnKrtBOSVH.T.B. N'. C. Ulue Kldee School for Boys Select, Accred lud scnool for boys 1 yrs. and upward Ides'ly located In delightful, healthful cli mate, home-like, refining Influences. Summer camp Si regular session provide nll-yr. home It school. Sessional fee. IBS0. For cstg.. ad dre..' North Onrollna. Itendersonrllle. rtox L. MANXIl'S. N. Y. St. John's Military and Preparatory ?rbnn1 Mnnlinx H miles from Syracuse acnooi, mannui r.omPi9t. ,, We. ordered athletics. Business prep, course. Jun ior School. S4th yr. Oen. Wu. Verbeck, Pros lloic 27H Manlltis. NY. Both ttrirn Ywing Women nJKl Olrls The Stevens School GERMANTOWN I'OI NTKI 1HII8 AN OLD SCHOOL With a New Spirit and New Equipment Modern School for Girls For Hoys through the Tlrst Orade, kindergarten. Elementary. Junior and Senior High Schools. College Preparatory nnd General Courses. '.,orp?. of Experienced Teartiers. nnrollmont limited F r information address, Prln 5"m wAriV;i,RINF ". "KMVOKTH lien I'honr: dermuntonii HU3 Miss Illmsn's hchool for Kln.lergnrtners, 3 a- 3rn t'.r"du,5.? curses Primary meth. od rrartlcs Kinrtsrgartens HomV-Ilk, students' "sldenre For particulars, address A T. IJ.I,MAN, Prlnrlpal Hot L. 3(101) Walnut St.. Philadelphia. Tn. iliimnRi.FiriA sciioor or DKrllON FOR WOSIEJC Iiroud & Master His. Design Flno Artt, New classes In ClnM.n Architectural Design. Mural Decoration WX Sl,,T,,nr trhoal taT ClrI"- 'IrerhroolT Phlla.. Pa. CiIIb, pr,.p ,lr seciotarla rouri Athletli-i rltn iT-nt. .'""I"lrla MIS.-. S JAM;T SVYW-AIID. Principal. I'enn IvanU ()orhrool SlIAKON HIM.. P. Tlin ACADEMY or TIIK IIOI.Y CHILD ' A boarding and day school for Klrls R7to sear. Conducted by the Sisters ot ths Society I of the Ilolv C'uld Jesus Cl3nerl and co legi preparatory courses muslf art domestic I nclenco. Rates Iftofl Address the Mother i Buperlor. Uox a D Sharon HM Penna. FLUIiyiBiWGgfHEATIMg .. (Wm.U.Mayberryim OV 524 Walnut St. y J OBBING A SPECIALf I PARCEL POST GLASSES Low ns $1 A L LEVI l:fH 'niii)eii Pre. I'rrsirlptloni Pilled. rtlflrHI l'.es lni.ertril Army Officers' Gas Mask Raincoats $4-75 PAHCKL POST rni:r, Miidr f real gn mask clot li, gunrunteeil wiiter Urinif. Ilrlt to nintcli. hires ,lt to .1!!. e r dress). Value, $15.00 FREE hend fur oii liaritaln i' ultr nt army and navy goods lut out Military Equip. Co. 511 Market St., Phila. Ul'BN KYENJNOB , JAmOBL POST WINDOW SHADES WiWr Jjcll Phono: Bpruee SS7S v. Will send man with snmpi.s 10 timw., n rnrnlrfilne nfl Hanging mil ."-'. trsrtss). r-v nicnf-i HKTAIf. AT WI!OLKflALB.PIR TnANSSllTTKIt MKIJ. rO..JUB COIN MACHINES iit ipsiitt anil tthmtm. CatA rteVTs '(1917, Models), J 0 c P t t.u- (Turd. Deneys: 100 new and rebuilt. All bargains. Haste "f"f 8LOAH NOVKLTY MFO. CO. 802 N. 0th St. Vh.. P-ll I'fl.r 472 ... . ...ii'ij'itiii iif.Mftvi:n Wrlle or' phone for simple iind prleej. C. SCHMITT, Mfr. " blue (APITOLr JMY&NAVYIUKIS 417 MARKET STi Phils.. P. September the Great Roofing Month Get That Roof Fixed Now With ORIGIN1 asvHAiir W LIQUID ASBESTOS CEMENT REC.U.S.PAT.OFFICE Makes new roots fr in o d Stops lenke Nevor-to lnk Aealn Great to hae around house or pinnt should a leaky roof deveiop man Tm, or when Ftoofer I. busy as rtotiK FIX can l app led RAIN or RHINE with a brush ete hard 1 gal. (for f.n hi It ) f.l. 2 gaU IS, r. to 1" gn' . 2 a gal 10 cal.. 11.22 a gal. Bell rhone. Spruce Stil. ET It's Heonomy to Oet the. Pleat X3 Kmplrr ( o.. 1B1R Cli-etnnt St . I'll In . Pn. XTFAM'-HH' MtTIf K. T Sailings from Philadelphia BREMEN HAMBURG S. S. "Bannock" (USSB) Sailing September 17 ANTWERP HAMBURG SS "City of Fltnt" (USSB) Now Loading-Sailing Sept. 10 'Vlu Antwerp.) Hudson Shipping Co., Inc. LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA. PA. trll Telenhen Ivejsfnnn Telmhone rmli-ril 5'ifll Main OHU SEAGER UNE PHILADELPHIA to oufistiania, Copanhago.i, Gcthenbcrg, Stockholm, Helsinglors and Reva! U. S. MAIL STEAMERS TSSn S'S "MAHdl's" . About hept. 10 AT SlIIITI.Nd HOARD KTi:s Through I1I1N of I.Hillncr laiunl to nil Nnrwrslnn. Danish "nil 8vrdlh Ports. Dlrrrt sailings for nil Nr imllnmiun and llHltle 1'nrtn " cnrgn olTer. SEAGEK STEA.MSIIIP CO.. Inc. W. J. Grandfield & Co. PIIII.A. AOKNTs ombarJ ri.i- SUM Clipxtiiut Si Main C70S Ideal SUMMER. VACATIONS Twfk&sfroniliiTfYartoU, SI 8Days$S1.00nII"i?1l;f1I,f11 Cool in Summer No Passports (i .rgs I"ery PUe Days via steamers "Fort Victoria," 'Tort Hamilton" and; "Fort St George" Sailing Alternately Send tor Sjmlnt ?umrcr 7"ours FnUter FURNESS-BERMUDA LINE .1! Mhiirh I "I . N . FURNESS, WITHY CO., Ltd. lie re llhU.. Phlln est Indies CruisQs I hour Uc Luxe Uruisos uf Tentj-tlirew Dtjs LjiIi L. I ; N w Turk Nov. 2G Jnn. 4 Feb. A Mar. 4 'a l'i' i r m t- S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" 1 I 'i m I "m I m t"fm nt Kntrn, $273 00 up to $H."0.00 Itir.u'VnK IS rjjmn v 1th jriut bithi. T r Kurtt r 1' irtir- i a h t Iti FURNESS BERMUDA LINE at Nh telnll st Sen - rU oiixie Steamship lines PHILADELPHIA to BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW USSB S, S "OPEUKA" Expected to Sail Middle September AT COM'KKh.NCB UATKrJ Harriss, Magill Sc Co., Ine. 425 Lafayittu UlUj;.. I'hiladclphU iiiiili.iril '-H 1 Mil 11 73? DIRECT SERVICE Danzig Riga Libau Stettin 1'rnm PHILADELPHIA LATE AUG. U. S. S. B. "Oronoko" HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., Inc. crril white Star l Keb Star Line Amesigan Lira; hrrnutm ink Krw" ioiltnot (0 EN (j LAUD and tht CONTINBM Hailing Dales Published Mondays International Merrnnills Marine Co. Passenger Oltire. JAM 'Vilni.t u. I'h't., rrelght Offlce, 05-114 Ilourso Hldr.f TMIft. Avenue Wftc soo 1 )vvEACKl Brand-New J PARCEL POST Barrack ,l 5 EXTRA Bags VdvSl7E 23X3G IN.) (an lie used ns V-'V , j l.uiitilry lug., etc. V . - ui e of ueuvy I n uxmAi mSiS KERR LINES REMfflJBA EJ Tafl SmH'rH I IBa 1 jy I 1 "T?i la n , -' t .., t 4 f 'M SI 1. w J ! (SI 3 1 ' M tl & Jk't :? 1 'Ml l f r -MtM A?." ixr 4. ?, 1 'Ci f M .-'fA' JtlS '& Vi .it .. " n