r4r uvf m ;v vi . ' 1 , fc '';;yf. .! '. i: X -' itf ra 'V- v -C iUv i j ;i 4 j'.f ?". '. H, U li v. , m JV .. .-'(t-'i Aliening public Sfeftaer PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1921 xum .L mi mSlf .:&!. MiM - mils it " ferlAwl WITH BABY IN A HAVERSACK, mother piefcs hops at Paddock Wood, England, making use of hubby's discarded army equipment M v LEARNING THE GAME under Coach Ziegler at Capo May. Dorn andGenthncr, of Penn's football squad, arc In tackle posi tion, while Cochrane and Gillette are standing Ledger Photo service FOLEY, OF PENN'S SQUAD, in rapid practice at Cape May. He played center on Coach Zicgler's team yesterday Ledger rhoto service THIS IS "BABE" SAMUELS, the- Providence (R n heiress, who eloped with James Sinclair recently. She wore this costumo at a ball thl3 summer Ketone view UP TO THE TOP of the Dolomites in the Swiss Alps.goes the climber in spite of a precipice where a slip means death widow orii &' mmmmBmtSBflfifAmtmwvmsEt jmmmmVai'VL &, TmmSmaSn mmmSKTmmmmvlSSmmmm & x p ? - v s3aJ 'mmmBvmBmmmmmmwmmmmmmmm t K' sv''- fcr a mJ& 4 jBg gBM L iTtf "Hv. uaAHMv ttRH yh 4Pttdft tatf v ilF tlv iBTBitJf F l t dK fF UC.fHHHflflHir CHAS. S. SHAUGHNESSY, Civil Service Commission, talks on value of system L l B TIJIT TVTTT TT A TV rTTAT5rfc it. T-1-T :i. T4. 1! n :.ntA 2 T-J -.... t.1u.l. 2 1.; 1 t. .1 Crowd in Moscow. The people.pushed too,closc to the lines just before a parade in honor of the Third Internationale passed. , These men, subject to the orders of the commission, exercise powers of life or death Kndf uitrtrt , BSjMBMBBBBBBKfcfeSMc!HB f '"V'itJ .jTT u :.iv -tt - FLEEING FROM THE FAMINE, an aged Russian and his wife were photographed when they reached the Itussian-Lctvinn frontier. An Ameri can Red Cross officer is offering the old man cigarettes Central ve' 9, ,4' TTiinir t ffiHiiiiinwiwiniiiriBiii'iiTrtai J - "SMKKS-BmsmmmMm ?""" 'm ifWBmmwmwmwm''-'' C HARMING LASSIES who will take part in bazaar to be held by parishioners of St. Francis do Soles Church, Forty-seventh stiect and Springfield avenue, beginning next Tuesday night. Jean Burke (left), Mildred Tobin, Elizabeth Strain, Frances Tobin ' ' s . . . t .,.-.. ,.- Wu.JfVJitAJTJ.. "W.lWM.j. " Sfe? 'JJSSS1' S :.& ,uzmmmmmtt .,r-j'r' - ':tv?"- a.-vv SaB-y ,3S5i3g3B" HWiaaWn . 'V gl' '? k- .V . MWBBBBBgMffig- STAR WOMAN ATHLETE of Germany, estab lishing a record of 6:4G meters for women life the broad jump at Munich uinuuiiniri d "FATHER AND SON ' ,,'olf J. W. McIIugh, Jr. and dad at Aronimink in the "Pater-Filiu" championships L p s THIS IS SUTTON, catcher for the Fleisher team, one of the fast men I 0u r I-hao hervlcs AN ENGINELESS AIRPLANE or "glider," such as recently exhibited in Germany. The plane, invented by Karl Roth, is built on the lines of a hawk, the largd bent wings being filled with compressed air to hold them rigid wide worm A SUCCESSFUL FLYING CONTEST for cngineless airplanes wns held recently in Germany. The man in the picture is sailing nlong, having had his start from the top of a hill v,'0"1 OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO t yH " ira!aiP' 1 1 1 -- jStfBJk'v ' - I 1 MAIL! I a 1 HEADS FOR STAYING MACHINES FOR USERS OF PAPER BOXES f i-eaplnnned by Ralph Thick, of 21G7 North Eighth str.eet, at the plabt t tho yhJmmtl MWal jldge Box piUDfiny, 122ft Uowbil Ujeeb tuer xnoto rirvto ., OVfTY . '- 1 I B.. '1 jr TilJii' Jii-. , Statr, , j 1 j ,B!Vi'..fe. A'vj SAMUEL A. JOHNSON, who walked from Albany to New York .. INTERESTING STYLE JACOB WINGENDER, 2IU2 West Firth 'stfn recently on Boardwalk street, 27 years' service. Route: ChWnul . iilrir--T .Mir gtrSaUxto ..Thirteenth fj-hifc fLy' ' " 'jyaB.' ' ' ' ' " ' ' . srs... .ms-. i ' wmmmmtMrnnr"-' - -i -a ,u Ma?imFnnd"f NEPTUNE HIMSELFpBome whispered it was really Hugijj nvffl hll f . Fnthtlr Neptunp at .nil-was welcomed to Atlantic City Ifgtifl -rMZiliLftrlV'w Honor ta i " ' ? ' t: : H ' T . '-.hm-:. - r --