V !,i f THtJEi: ..! w letters to the Editor i.uubbv'" New Duty .,..- ins Evening Public Ledger: rlM? .Iiiy the inodirn husband I bodnd wr"H ih support 01 nis who m u l jfiJST.nd tradition have. ..- IW- ',U2.ilt. Siowever. It seems, a new rrt'; ,. the t"'1-' ..,- f0P the child or W'i.h In and out of the home This !t PPr ,0 autinciiy aiuo-i- .-..,il observer, particularly one .7.Y -...mms in other lands, It la m $Rli ludicrous to see the American nu.. ..i.k. Iin tuv , , , I"; .STrne fr6m work. carrying or wneei UjEby'a he and his wife go on the "" tXenade. DoubtWss thin la duo r".VSot the wife tn perform 'that II M ,nbJi.in Amorlcan baby buggies and tf,rt. 7Jim six to twelve to puah them. "4. LTbt too. th- strain mcu"x M!.t Srheellnir a child wvcr . amooth .;'! 'Jn? would s.rlou.ly Itijura f,l..i.ate physical atructure. She la able. "'S Twin of h.r extreme delicacy of '' ", rlay a wonderfully Interesting "f .Mtnnli .swim far nd well end In- Ml" ' " '....--, th writer !?.. remark of a well educated nnd TO traeld Frenchman recently from wl ' rYreelvrnr the American Husband SKLim hli n. duty conaclenllou. y n - "i"niii4ly. the rrencnmmi ""i "' !k Dl'il. were that to happen on n M "I"'.... .k. .n would be mobbed KTlwcmen or arrested by the poHco for "'.i.. " In tho land' of Tennyson, Ooethe, MP', r?.l,. .Imllar untoward results J$- doubtless fa" "PC" ,ho 'nnovatlni. "mUfrtllnic 'uture innovation. In this - . movla recently pletiir.d tomorrow's .Mnky.'k..T..rnlna- hla living; during ."', t,r,and earning hla living; during "",.: .n.t then doing the hmi aaviork and "",.: ih. children durlns the ovening. .'". "-msnelpated" wife went out to . tt. and "clvlo tiuttes. juim. --m '.' i.uMrclllOua tenia, na .he cloeed the ''"..Jrto . fc? ""re and do all the heuee ' a will And don't you dare neirlect little ST and M.ree. or I'll wrln your '1.'. .,r. I will." replied trembllnir .CkV' rntfkly and aubmlaalvely, hn Z into hi. work with feverish haste. Km by "' aw t,ln- r, luumd E. a. P. rblla3elphla AUEUit 31. 1021. Only Want What Is Right ik. Ft(ioro the BvwlHo- Pittilo l.etlotr: Til ., t . oluavn taken an Interest In tJ letters that are published In the People's rtrun on the soldiers bonus. It seems tint thin who are not In favor of the bonus tnkc itaock t the Amorlcan Legion when writ-tot- their opinions on said bonua. tot American Legion, as some do not Im. Is mado -ip of nn-n who saw service li the V"orld War. and It Is only doing and uklng for whit Is due tho ex-World War T.teran. .... Ut ome of the bonus opponents read the imirlctn Legl"n Weekly, which only costn in cents per copy, and they will llnd out Uit the Legion Is not fighting for n so cilkd bonui. It Is asking only whit Is rltktfully due tho ex-soldler. aallor and ma rina, tnd that Is adjusted compensation. At sn ex-ccrlco man wounded In action, I would tike to let such bonus opponents ns 7, L. B" know that It Is through tho American Legion that wo ex-woundod service men re retting what favors tho Qoernment II doing for us todnv. Dees the ox-iervlcc man expect to get a temii? No. Hut he will get what Is coming to tin. and that Is adjusted compensation. Tto American Legion Is flghtltut on, just as :U when In the A. E. F.. and that Is for tihit Is right HAitnr ir oiNsnuno. Former A. E P. niladelphla. August 31. 1021. Plea for Lower Hotel Rates 'i tKt Editor of the Eientna Public I.ettoer: IBlr While the high hotel rates of the rir period were perloualy felt by traellni; tin. tier were accepted and tolerantly nild i too ime manner as were other high rices M the war period Today however. Inoit every Industry haa recognized that tie trir Is over and has reduced prices ac- :orJlnilr, but as the hotel men have tnken little or no action this statement of facts pretented. Tit traveling salesman Is financially In kreited In the hotel rate nueatlon. regard- Ml of whether he pays hla traveling ex- 'i&les out of his sales commlaalon or out of hit ulary, or whether It la paid sep- tritely by ths houee, because In a flnil ulrilt the expenses are charged up to the territory, and the result Influences the salary oMllntble. In fact, the entire system of idea by traveling saleamen la actually threatened by the preient high hotel, sam ple room, transportation, aleeplnc car and eieeii barrage chargea. Minuracturera and wholesalera feel that It li ridiculous that hotel men am not reduc lci their rates, Fuel, rent and taxes havr rot teen reduced, but hotels sre not affected w mow items to any greater extent than jre all etnir lines of business which have won forced to reduce prices. ., t , WILLIAM T MERRILL, miidolphls. September 4. 1021. Opposes Using Foreign Ships tttUBiitorol the Kvenino Publlo Lcdoer: Slr-AIl0W m. n. nn Amarlnan nnrl a tllpiyer, to protest In advance against the lending of one pound cf American relief sup ruai to Rujala in anything but an Amer ican ship. The time Is now here when we simt fltht for the contlnuar.ee of our ship IBI. Foreign agents aro nlreadv nerfrrt. Id their Plans for tho handling of this irillht. PlSUllble exMta.. aiinh n. Ik wciiiity of dispatch and a thouaand other 1T I' " D0 Pf'inted to show that this rood ihould bo moed Ih foreign bottoms. If rirn ships carried It for nothing It still U . -- "- -.n'.v . ... m oiii ik no. r.." ."" cargoes, and eon partial cargoes. .vuu D inn n. ITh, nf nll.. . ..I.I.. la i.A imp under the Stara and Stripes BAMUEL U I. DAWSON. JMlsdelphla, September 1. 1021. The Bible and Crime "Ms Editor o the Kufiiltia J'iiMIo Ledger- it in answer to tho above heading ni f"rlng In tho i:evi.u Pcntio I.eixikr dated roit 81. 1021. If all persons succeed In conwnclng themnohes and others that Ood u I responsible for all sin and wickedness nnd enme and that man, as an Innocent tool In hinds, was forced Into sin. then they --. hwoij tno wny Mr tlf theory that vol S Sacrifice fur nur .In. hni m.r.i ln iitM m' WftB neetlcd b"t aimply uuU only In Iiaiah xv. ? irr. v, t .,i ...... i,i "mind Israel f 111. covenant made with im as a nation, that If they would obey i. . ll8 "011,d b",oa ,tle,m nnJ Protect J,..?. from "'g almtles common tn the i.vi i1"n"l. but that If thev would for "XI Illm He would bring talomltlt-s (olla) sn them as chastl-ementa When calam i..t imo "pon ,hem' bonder, they were ... 1 '? -on',l'ler them as accidents and L .!"lMm,n,' Henca aui1 nt them WM throush the prophets lemlndlng them r.i.1 .r,covenant nn', ""'""K " hat their ... ?k". were from ,Ilm "'' by Ills will M their correction It absurd to tm f ik 1 ,0 proe Oo1 ,he author of sin, w they do not at nil refer to sin K.Y ,htly '"Yided and fairly presented KBmands th reipect e.en of Its opponents. Olens'de, August 3L1021. The Rise nf PnnA Drt.. He Editor o tu Evufru Publlo T.edoer: )te by your iupcr of today that 'tno food prices have arisen In It li v. "'"" n e tne reason for thlsT Vprw ul.. .. .- . . ... . . ,"'- om-ihi-, . , ;. "" "",,u " mero is asnt ,Mra.Jlcall' "ronlr' ana "B" aovorn lMhaUi?"M" "."'.." ' th. P.O. urn - .1 . " '"v''"iiKttwon aa to tne ; of the Increase In coat tti auh',.,.. ,numbr o' Inquiries Into IMwEh"11 1Jtni ,hat ' fu't i fw tllT,- ?neJ9 hn C03t "' "rtnir. the olh.,h ' C.L,y bv rM1 or by "eon, t,L. 0,.hr Is the grsed of th. whni. rSnt. """ lookln at " "" p,ron- J ihould nf.'i "Udu" ,0 ,ll railroads "in reduce the coat of nm. .i... .: -. " " enr- "'the smniVT- ". ' " rsqucm tno vvagea " Ksw J.r.'.V '.. W.."L .u" 'nn.ylv. t tlm. ih: "na ueiswaro at the pre NlU v,.r! '" "? '""""'' harvest wVKa'fe.1.'.'' T '"me Delswaro at the prcs of ni .!,:- -'" . ine (srmrrs nl it 7. ""' pr0(lu:l to market, for T v of trsnsnnrtatl-,, i- .. .J' '. ----,..,, ,v B ,,,- h-j Tk. n . . ths Vi?itJ!. TO1 Y11! "Pixiar dally 2 ls HundK W 'W. and nl.o iZ.Un,'ft'L,. .1'i1... ftr. Utters F Hill ni ,.n ;, 'J M1" "," " I'r "led, saaVfJi ,.'ll'sN I'P'ms. and nurstlona rn.i 'r'u"ru inasrina, anil nt.fi.i '! Interest will be SHswerVd. A THE PEOPLE'S F6RUM Letters to tho Editor should bo as brlsf and to the point ns possible, avoiding Anything that would open a denominational or sectarian dls- CUBAton. No attention will be paid to anony mous letters. Names and addresses must bo signed as an ovldenoe of pood faith, although names will not pa printed If request Is made that they bo omitted, i Iuhtlon of a letter Is not to be taken ns an Indorsement of Its views by this paper. Communications will not be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuserlDt bo saved. the dealers and the comrntaalort merchant. allow the farmers auch a email price for their products, that they cannot nffor'd to liavo them picked or pulled and trana- rxrtci. Probably the blatant tnVnder In the re taller, who la loouina for the 100 per cent iMWHfc ,ia whr nine 10 .ecure aurinir me wnr, v.hen people had plenty of money. There la otldently an understanding somewhere to keep the prices at a high tide, for. no mat ter what the product, you will find that all the menhnnts In a aoctlon charge the same Pilcee, It looks very much ns If there was a combination niralnst the publlo and that these rotallers hae uome one sot the price for them and that they blindly follow. With winter doming- on, something; must be done that we have a reduction Instead of a rise In food prices. It Is necessary, with so many people out of work and the cost of living; In every respect ao high. JUtS. W. h. S. i-miaueipmn, September 3, 1021. Crying Children In Apartments To the Editor of the Vvmino Public I.tioen air Tho writer lives In an apartment houno In West Philadelphia. One of the teDVnts has a ten-mnnth-ntil hahv that rrl continually, morning-, noon and night. No ono likes to comnlnln. hut It I. v.rv on. neylnir. I have two children myself, ut would not think of living In an apartment housr until tho children were old enough ti bo about without unnoylng tho other tenants. My wife wanted nn spartmont long- ago. but out of consideration to my neighbor I w-alted until tho proper time. When tho apartments am constructed In a row It 'a not ao bad. hut In my cobs It Is an apart ment building, end the crying can b heard ery plainly. Thl In n delicate matter to touch on, but ono that la certainly worthy of sumo consideration. It Is written In Uew of hearing what others have to say. J. T. W. Philadelphia, September 2, 1021. Questions Answered Blue Knob Not Highest Point To thi Editor of tho LYcnnt7 riiWIfl Ledger: Sir Referring to tho letter of "S. I. C " In the People's Forum of August .11, 1021. regarding tho lorntlon of IJIuo Knob, which ou state Is the hlghcut point In I'ennRlva nla. Tho Meversdalo quadrangle of the United States Geological Survty. published In 1021. shows n, knob df Negro Mountain, about nno miles south of Rozkwood. In Somerset County, with an elevation of .1220 feet above inn lovol. or eighty-four feet higher than llluci Knob.- Until Ulue Knob was discovered by the snmo method, I , ITnltvl States Geological Survey, Ilald Knob, with nn elevation of .1000 7 feet, wa shown on tho Stato mnps as the highest iKilnt. Thrro Is n possibility that further worlt by the United Stntes Orolo3lc.ll Survey will show points In tho Stato of oven grenter height than Negro Mountain, mentioned above I might add tint rtluj Knob la situated In Iledfurd County nnd nut In lllnlr County, ns given ln our answer to "S. L. C " C. It. niBTIUCK. PhllndelphU, Sept, ml er 1. 1021, American Casualties In World War To the Editor nf the Evening Public Ledger: Mr Will lou plense statu what were the actuil flsures of casualties In the World War? I) I.. KENNARI). Philadelphia. September B. 1021. Final rcviaoii figures of Amerlcin Armv casualties In the World War were announced by tho Adjutant (Jeneral on I'lbruHrv 7. 1020. They show that tho totel casualties were .102,012, with deaths numbering 77,- 118, The flnrures nro ns follows; Killed In action .II.'.'IS 2.1.430 J3 700 2.1)10 SOD 1M 10 tO l.M.III HS7 n.,1 nf rilnp.VMn . I ntil nf uniinilft Died of accident Drnvv ned Suicide . . Murder or homl Ide Executed bs sentence court-martial Other known inuaes ... Causes undetermined .. Piesumed dead Total -dead Prisoners unaccounted for. 1.1 Prisoners died 147 Pilsoners repatriated t.70 Tolnl prisoners Wout.ded sllghtlv 01 ISO Wounded severely . ... 83,31)0 Wounded, degree undeter mined 40,480 Total wounded 5Ilsalng In action 3 Total Orcnd total 7.11E 4 432 221,050 302.01: "As Poor as Job's Turkey" To the Editor 0 the Evening Public Ledger: Sir What Is the origin of tho expression "As poor as Job's turkey"? Is there any reference to Job havltiK u turkey In the Bible? it. W. T. rhlladelphlv. S-rtember 4. '9JI "Aa poor ns Job's turkej," n. simile often i.sod to Indicate i xtrcmo povertv. h-v refer ence to the doplornblo Blute I" which Job was teduced when delivered by God into the Lands of Satnn 'Job'a turkey," jc- ccrd,r to tho popular notion, lias but one feather In tu lull and was obliged to lean u.alnat the fenco to Kobble Tho orlitlnalor of tl " saving nppnri.nlly did not realize It vvoull have hi en IniposMbln for Job to possi'HH a turliej, slnLe that bird Is u na tive of America Son of Danish Descent To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Mv futher was bom In SchKawlsr HulHtnln Whin ho wus lorn tho pi ovinia bc Innred to nnmark When hi was seven eIlrH )ld Qennany mined posnosn!un of this pi ov line. At I'lghteon oars of ui;, hit came to thK country and bcuimo n iturnllzed I, lis ton. vaa born here. Am 1 of American, Uermau or Dullish desconf' II I. II. PhllhileliihU. August 31. 1021 . lnaumiKh ua thn pnronts of the writer of thla Inquln vvero npim n-ntlv of UanUh bluod, It would m'mu that tho son unques tionably was nf lianlsh descent. Irrespective of which country had posai-ai-loii at the time of hla birth. The fact that Schleswle-Hol-stein wns acquired from Dcnmnrk by der ma m after the son vv ii born would have no beurinK on the iliuraitcr of tho Inquirer's at crators. "C, Ij. r." desires tho leaend concerning the IMelw If Can u reader l'Ivo It to ths correspondent? "D I. C " Joseph lefferson, the actor. died at Palm lieach, VU , April S3, 1003. Poems and Songs Desired "There's a Charm" To the Editor of the i:venlno rublio Ledger: fclr I am anxious to seiurs the words nf a rong and to know tho nemo of tho author which contains the following lines. "There's a charm about the old love still! Other loves will como to us and Wo remember with a sigh there's a charm about the old love still," II W. L. Philadelphia, September 4, INM A Recitation Wanted To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir I am trying to secure an article regarding a "5Iuatang" or a "Wild 51ua- tung" or something of this kind This Is absolutely all I can remember of It It was recited at a vaudeville theatre last win' ter by a young lady, professional elocution' lat. and I don't remember whether It was nrosa or poetry If you can secure thla for me through the People's Itorum (pernaps some or me read eis may have It or know to what I am re f erring, and rould give me soma Infnrma Hon tegnidlng It, I. e , the title, the author, iiv . i would greatly appreciate the favor. This is not much to work on. but th People's Forum has been a help to me b W-J. T&r fore, and perhaps can do something for me this ttms, D, li. C. Philadelphia, Augdst 21, 1021, Is This All of 8ong? To the Editor of the Evening Publlo Ledger: Vlr In this nil of the song pr are there nicro verses! , What falry-llka muslo steals over ths sen, Entrancing the senses with charmed mel ody? 'Tls the vole of the mermaid that floats o'er the main f As she mingles her song with the gondolier's strain, Tho winds are all hushed and the water at rest; They sleep like the passions In Infancy's breast, Till storms shall unchalp them from out their dark cave And break the reposo of the shoro and ths ' ' wave " P. W. I Philadelphia, September 4, 1021. "The City of the Living" To the Editor of the Evening Publlo Ledger: Sir Incloaed la tho poem "The City of tne Living-," rnmi'.sted by Horace T. Mann. August 28, 1021. I do not know the author' name, 1IELEM E. BEnKLKT. Philadelphia, September 1. 1021. THE CITY OF THE I.IVIKO In a long, vanished age, whose varlsd story ro record has today So long ago expired its grief and glory There flourished far away. In a broad realm whose beauty passed all measure, A city fair and wide, v herein the dwellers lived In peace and pleasure And jiover any died. Disease and pain and death, those stern marauders. Which mar our worM'n l fee Never encroached upon the pleasant borders ' mat urigm dwelling place. No fear of parting and no dread of dying Could ever enter there; -No mourning for the lost, no anguish crying Made any face leas fair. Without the cltj's walls, Death reigned as ever. And graves rose aide by side! Within, the dwellers laughed at his endeavor; And never any died. Oh, happiest of all isrth's favored placesl Oh. bliss to dwell therein' To live In tho sweet light of loving faces And feur no grove betwem! And hurrjlng from the world's remotest quarters, A tide of pilgrims flowed, Across broad plains and over mighty waters To find that blest abode. Where never death should como between and sover Them fiom their loved apart, Where they might work and win and live forever. Still holding heart tn heart. And so th-y llvd In happiness and pleasure. And nrewr In power and pride, And did great deeds, and laid up stores of treasure, And never nny died. And many eara rolled on and found them striving With unabatid breath: And other vears still found nnd left them living And gave no hope of death. Tct llslen, hapless soul, whom angels pity, Craving a boon like this Mark how the dwellers In that wondrous city urew weary of their bliss. One nnd another who had been concealing J lie pain of life's long thrall. i orsooK tnclr pleasant places and came stealing Outside the cltv will. uravinrr vvitn w'sn Hint lirooke.1 no more denylm;. So long had It teen rrossed, The blessed possibility of dvlng. The triasuro they had lost. Dally tho current of rest-seeklng mortals! Swelled to a broader tide, Till none were left within th city's portals, And graves grew green outside. Would It be worth tho having or the giving. The noon of endless breath, When for the vvearlness that comes of living-J There la no cure but death? Oura were, Indeed, u fate deserving pity Were that sweet rest denied; And few, methlnks, would care to find ths city Where never any died. "When You're Gone" 7o the I'.dilor of the E enlng Public Ledger: Sir I am submitting tho song- "When lou re Clone I Won't Forge.,' requested by "Snmuil It V " Horry I can't supply words tr the othe- sontr WIIKX YOU'Itn GONE I WON'T FORGET When vnu'ro gone I won't forget vou, And I'll miss ou when ou bo, I lecall the dav jou met me, When you said vou loved me so. Once my heart was In jour keeping. And perhaps vou lnvo me et Far from me you'll soon be roaming; When jou'ro gone I vvon t forget. 1 UErrtAIN When vou'rn gone I won t forget you. When from me sou' re far away, Every nleht I will remember All tho things ou used to say, And mv thoughts will keep on straying; To tho day when first we met; Tho' jou leave mo broken-hearted, When ou're gone 1 won't forget. Orce my he.rt was filled with gladness, And tho world seemed bright and fair: In my llfo there was no sadness. For jou brought mo dreams so rare. Golden dajs we pns-d together. Momenta dear when first we met; Thn' you leavo me now forever, Whon you're gone I won't forget I. K. A. Philadelphia. August II. lflJl. "c. u n " tains the line of time and art." asks for a poem that con ' A vv-i.vr sat at the loom wuvo a cloth of wondrous 5tary T Kline ihslroa a uomn presumably a sonnet, which contslus the lino "A burst of muHlc doth the uiillbtenltig street." LITTLE BENNY 'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pope .Me nntl Mat v Wntltins was on her frunt steps biivriR a arconment nhout me, and she t-ed I wits eonscetcd ami hud u swell lied u id dident know wut I was inwkitiK nlimit li'ilf the time and wns toiir tlie othei half, and diffrent thlnstH like ilint, none of them beihx rotnpllmpiith. mill jest then nil of a suddln the sky got all black as if It vvtin coins to mln fersc. Wieh It did, and it thundered nnd lUhlniuced like cn.v thing, and mo mid Marj Wntkins tjiiiek lati Hi her parlor and every time it lightinlnged sho got Miirod ni evcrvtitiiu, sajing. .) tieer, Ira so afraid of lightning, If I ever got t-triicl; b lightning I dont think Id ever forget it, arent you afraid of light ning, Iienny? (living mc a idecr. nnd I sed, Yes I am, but if .vou dont say I m the greatest fello jou over knew Im going to run rite out in the street and get struek bv It. Are you going to fay it? I sed. No 1m not, certenv uot, the very ideer, sed Mury W ntklnii, nnd I ed, All lite then, do you hoo tills foun tain pen? Im going to run out nnd hold this fountain lien rite tip at the lightning, so then it will haff to strike ran weather it v tints to or not because lightning ha to strike a fountain pen wen you hold It up. Ueing m own invention and me not knowing weather it was true or not, nnd I held the fountain pen up in the air and started to run out, .Mary vVat kins saying, Walt, stop, wait, III say it, youte tho greate-t fello I ever know.' Ueing the most complimentary tlili.g sho ever sed nliout me, sounding so good that I held the fountain pen up ngen and sed I would run out enywny if she dident say I was the most won (lerllll fello sho ever herd of. Wieh she illil. ami then 1 made her snv 1 wai tho smartest fello In the hi toty of tho I 11 vl J-. it.-rk tl.n t-l... --.t 11. weriu, mm J"1 ' " . si" "" Bgenf and It utopnetl thundering nntl lightning, and Mary Wotklns quick jtavo me about 0 of tho wcrst Insults I tver got about mynelf, nnd I wawkctl out looking prouder than wat I felt. Proving ever thing la dlffrcnt In (lines of danger. ANNOUNCE ASSIGNMENTS OF VINCENTIAN PRIESTS Changes Are Made In Churches East of Mississippi River Tho following chnngcH In Hie assign ment of vlnccntlnn priests in hip United Stales east of the Misiisgippi nirrr nro nnnottnccd by tho Hcv. Frederick J. Mauno, visitor of the Con gregation of tlif Mission, who Is Mn tloned at St. Vincent's Chinch, Ucr mnntown. , . , Tho Iter. Thomns Carter, appointed superior of St. Vincent's Hemlnary, Gcrmantown ;, the Kev. John Shcclinn, director of scholastics j tho Itev. Wil liam Slattery, director of semlnnry ; the Hev. John Downing, procurator; the Itev. B. Cnuflcld, to becomo member of missionary band; tho Ilev. John Kccnan, of the Seminary, goes to Home to pursue studies In canon law. From St. Vincent's Chdrch, Ger- mnnrnmn. thn Iter. VlnCent Dotlchertv nnd the Rev. Ilobert Glllard. appointed to tho mission band; the Itev. John Dougherty, assigned to parochial work ; tho Kev. Patrick Uoland, appointed to St. Joseph's Church, Emmlttsburg; tho Uov. John Long, to tho mlwdon band, ln Springfield, Mass.; the Itev. Thomas Madden, to the mission bntitl nt Niagara University. Assignment to Niagara University as teachers are : The Itov. .Inmcs Flynn. the Itev. Victor Connolly, the Kev. Jo seph Snmmon, the Hev. Wllllnm Ivncu, the Kev. .lames uotier. inn iv;v Joaquin Jnrcln nnd the Hev. nllttin Hogcn. To St. John's College, llrook lyn, will go us tencherH. the Itev. Jo seph Noonmi, the Hev. Kiedcrlck Kin Hell, the Hev. Thomas Mnher. the Kev George Grady nnd the Kev. John Ewons, of Immaculate Conception Church. The Kev. Jeremiah Trncey. formerly procurator nt St. Vincent's Seiiilnnry, has been assigned to similar duties In the mission home nt Springfield. Muss. Assignments to St. -losepii' i oncge. Princeton: The Rev. Chnrles Kooney, the Rev. Joseph Dunn, the Rev Thomas Flynn, the Rev. Arthur Ilnm llton, tho ,Rcv. Thomas Dcvcreaux. the Kev. Francis Ryan, the Rev. James Nenry. the Rev. Thomas McCnllon. the Rev. Thomns O'Connor undithe Rev Geflrgo Hekliart. The Rev. Matthew O'Neill, formerlv of St. Joseph's College, Princeton, 1ms been scut to Immaculate Conception pnrislt, (terinnntown. Tin- Rev. Mnrtln lllnke has been mude superior of the mission house nt Hnngor, Pa, The Rev. Wllllnm Groen inger nnd the Rev. William MeGlynn hnve been f.cnt to the mission house ut Opeiikn. Aln. The Kev. Jnmcs Eding goes to Colon, Puuiiinn, wliero lie will join Father Chickling, who hns been working there for seven yenrs. The Kev. Joseph Me Andrews will do missionary work in llalboa, (unnl Zone. EVANGELIST ARRIVES HERE Will Wage All-Winter Campaign In 120 Presbyterian Churches The Rev. Dr. E. E. Hemlricl., of St. I.otiis, an evangelist whoso sernionH arc pnid to he fimilar In character tn tliono of Dwifiht li. Moody and "(tipsy" Smith, hns arrived here to prepare for nn all-winter evanReliatie campaign in 20 Presbyterian rliurches. The Rev. Dr. Georce M. Oakley, of Jackson, Tenn., will arrive next week to assist Dr. Hcndrick In the cninpaiun. Preliminary conference will begin in fourteen churches here Sunday. SI'UMKi. HKSORT1 ATLANTIC CITY. N S.3.S0 up Dally. Special fVklr. Amtr. plan. ELBERON & Fireproof Annex. Tennessee Av. nr. Beach. Cap, 400. Central, open aurroundlnga; opp. Catholic t. Protestant Churchea Prlv. bths. Running Water in All Rooms Excellent table, fresh vegs Windows screen ed White srvice Uklet It. It. I,udv. 51. I). Open All the Year" Brick, Steel snd Stone Construction PRINCESS no. varoiina at , near utaca. Batblnor from home nd mt own Doardwalk bath houss. HOT AND COI.Il RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Mod. Bates Klttttor. Krench Chsf. Orchestra Dancing. Cap'r aw. Dkt. mallad. PAIJLC.I10iCllAMi,Owt Kentucky Ave., adjacent to Beach Kvery.apnolntment Cl'IHINB and snrtvicB u.Nnxcni.i.Kn nea- snnabli rate Mr. R BRITKER Prop. QPNATOR Back to pre-war prices, nt .-llftlUft , gepti 0 ,4 fr day Begin- Am. Plan rireproof. First hotel ftom Boardwalk on Vlrslnla Ave, Ilnoklet 7ft I RA5TMORE ff c Worlds Greatest Hotel Success TAROR INN Ocean end Connecticut nve, -"-' "" Ideal location large rooms. H.rellent table. 10th Beason. Special rates from Labor Day J. P. It A M. DUNN. WtMifmrnatfi- Kentucky Av. nr. Beach. WefJtm-nSier HVntor- private hatha runnlnir water Open all year C, A. KOPI'. nCCfUWrirtn ICintucUy ave near Ilench y.1 11 NKlnnln K,pt 7 Oeo vV l.vlliee nci:x riT v .1. LA MONTE running wator plana Fall rates 8th & Diean Open ul' venr Tli-iit I ronm vvlti American and Huropean M 11 THOMAS. Biscavne B"'"ii al1 room; pec 13 lll.rXDIN The Alwn nrlhton rlace- Special Sep. A. YAHOHR. HKACII HAT-..V, N. .1. THE ENGLESIDE IIKACII 1IAVKN", NKW JI'USKY The Island Ileaort the only reaort In New Jeraey that combines perfect bathing, good flehlng with n mnilrn hotel and giving ure rs'lat from Hav Pever heatdea, five Tennis Courts Special ratei for thla month, open until September n R. V. KNW.K, Manager SPA OIKT. N J. .4.iinotincinj7 completion and opening of ffiockhm 7hc 7,eauirttiN.u. On the Ocean ir-ont Open Through September In the plre and holly aectlon ona mile south of Spring Lake: a charm ing hotol nccommodatlng .00, with Its own boardwalk. Its own private btach and bathhouaea, eight acres of grounds, clubhouse and grill; tennis, golf SAMK MANAGEMENT AS Tnl! WAIUtEX. SPUINO LA KB II. HTIHtlW 3 KAST HTHOt'DSUUHO. PA. MAPI.KIIl'UST INN. East Stroudsburg Pa Accommodates 'juo modern Improve ments: electricity, mualc room, i'7S foot ver anda, large lawn, tennla llverj . trfwklet Special Fall rates MRS L IIAOII Berwick Inn U'evated. Bathing. Farm connecting. HhnHi. nrnnnd. Oarage, Trolley tn entrunce. Booklet P. C DIC-KKHSON U. Htroudaburg Pa I-AN'NA, I'lKK CI),. PA. UKUCIINlir COTTAtlE Spend our fall vacation In the Poiono.v Special fall rates MIt. O. R PARSONS LONDON, KNOIND Wjifn In London atop at TUB OORDON llOTHL - '" ''.' ' 1 STKAMflftfrrW-ltlWIflHtJ l Savannah Daylleht-Havlnr Tims Jacksonville J Tucs., 5 1'. Ai. Iloston, Wed., 5 P.M.; Sat. 2lM. An invigorating enjoyanie ocean vo- Sis. Millions or passsngsrs : rled, not a life lost, Tickets In- tluae msals A berth on main aeca Kena ror iiffjsrrnrea joiner MERCHANTS & MINERS TRANS. CO. ustubiished ltusi fler IB B Del, nv- Tfl, l.om. 1U00 fallriverTine CoBOSTON SledUStemerfStlndl4 lUrwU OrrAwtro sn esih Slssmtr Laan rirtten St. alr 14 N. R, JO P.M. Daily last, Sunday Mw,ltera Lin Nw lnn Line Jolly aaaepv uun- ivmr "u0il,, -T r.ft. tixsuTk.1 Kxeacv&Sf U E.g. ssad Bt. I I'.M. , All Schedule l)iyllsht-HSr. Time 7 tenets Hi lull A indu i. neamui TO BALTIMORE ERICSSON LINE 1. f L.very evenlrg at B: Saturdays, 3 o'clock. Fats, ins wsy. la.OO- round trio. I3.00. DAY STEAMER From Philadelphia every Tuesday, Thttrs. dsy. Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Tars, n.uo one way! 12.(10 round trip. Most beautiful water r de out of Philadel phia. Send for pamphlet. No Sunday steamer. Hteamer leaves on dsvllaht-eavlnB time. Office l'ler 3 Hottth uelsvrar nvanue. SPECIAL SUNDAY EXCURSION tEBzasssL. All day on the water to Beautiful Lorcwood Grove nn the (iiesapeake 4 Delaware cnnnl Home eariy earns evening;, r.noion l.lne. I'ler 3, bcutii Delaware Ave.; 8 o'clock every Sunday rooruloe. dnyllzht-aavlns; tlm far. J 1.00. TOUtH European FALL TOURS I-rant't', Spain, Morocco, Algiers, etc. .Selemlfr nnd October FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 So. loth St- Philadelphia In' ili 18,5 llell phone. Spruce 01,12 "" IPAKfJElTpOST SB-Note ,. Kit. PIANO 20 Rolls Music and Ilrncli $350 New Pianos, $235 to $585 New Player-Pianos, S305 to $875 Baby Orand Pianos. S325 to S1395 Ueproducing Playerfl,$7G5 to $1 145 Open Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evrs. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-812-81 1-81G NORTH SIXTH ST., PHILA. I.emove That Painful Corn or Callous with ABBOTT'S PLASTER Th most effective remedy. i"ie moat convenient 10 une Juat n thin medicated adh-ihe piaster. You out 2 off dere and arjplv. Price 10c and -fie. All Drug Htorea. or bv mall ABBOTT REMEDIES CO. flOth and Olrnnl Av . Philadelphia Pn r I'niio in -' V tiliinoa an pulUh fur furniture. mil automobile BUe Pr cum 3 cans for SI. postpaid. 1IOWAHD VINCENT. B34-830-838 X. filli ARMSTRONQ At Cleveland O . Spt 5 DJ1 JAMUK ARMSTRONO Funeral serf. Ices Frl a 30 P M daMlght saving , ... neral parlors of J i:. Mathls, Blackwood, ,AiKnJ'I:.7?ui!d"n,y' .s'pt 3. EDWARD nhllL- JMi,Vi', aJ?(1 'r1"!""- Franclavllle ft1, -V' ,?,T-.1 ,- A VoUco offlc-r of th Dlst. lnyltd to funeral service. Thurn., 2 P Jl fist) N SJth st Int private Be mnln mn bo viewed Wed eve. BASSI.ER On Sept li 1921 MARY ClIAI.v daughter of the late Henry nnd' tarv II Basslei Service and interment at con vcnlence of family on Thursday. in, n. I, audilenly. Sept R tt)'l GEOROK B tf Jr aon of CJeorge B. s! and May O Bev-lll In hla lBth yeftr Hela: tives and frlendt are Invited to attend fu neral services Frl 10 A. M , parenta' resi donee, BS20 Ludlow at. Frlenda may call Thurs eve BREMER Pert 6 OERTRUDE Y. widow of Clforge W. Ilremer in her Stth ear Relatives and friends are Invlteil to attend funernl aervl'-s, Frl 2 30 P M at her Int r'sidence 2KU Spring Garden' at Int private COSNER Suddenl) Spt fl, NATHAN R , huaband of E.ale O and son of Edward and llachel Koaner aged 37 Relatlvea and friend, also number of Jenklntown Lodge No. 470 K of P. and-omploea of Phllal delphla and Suburban Oaa nnd Electric Co are invited to attend funeral, Sat. 1 P r ' at his lat residence, 424 Leedom at 'jeril klntown. Pa Int. private Arlington CLYMER Sent. 7 CALVIN n h,',.K-. of Josephine E Cimr (nee Sommers) Roi. atlvea and rrlemin also all organizations of which ho was a meinbtr nre Invited m n. tend funeral Sat 10 30 A M. residence 1030 W Stella at Interment private Rl mnlna may b vkwed Frl . 7 to 0 P. M DAVIS Sept S 1021, ABRAHAM It DAVIS, aged 70 Relative ami friends alio Solomon'- I. dg. No. ill, P. and A M Invlttd to fun ral service Thura. 1 HO P M late rcsid me t It 1 1 Rovnl at, Oerman-tow-n Frli-nd ina till W-d,, 7 to It P l Plea-.i orilt tlnwers D1M."N - ''"Pi 3 1021 EMMA, beloved w-lfo of I)r Fred, nek J. Dillon nnd dnugh tir of Mum T and thi 1-vte John Walla Relative and fr'. .nds ure Invited to attend futnr.il III s 10 A M from her late reel dtneo H!U" N lMh si Solemn riulem ms, M Mi i'h s I'lmrrh 10 A. M ure il 1 im Hi) sepulchre Cem DUL'llHl V -ii, 1 n,v nt Midford N 1 P.pt (1, l.Ul illMlI.ES II, husband of Mav 13 D.inhtv Itelatlves and friend", uIho aocli'tl of which he vva a membr are Invited to ittond funcr.il. Frl , nth lnt 11 A. M . stanlird t me, from his lat resi dence. Broad m . Midford. N J, Servlcea at Tnhemoclf M i: church 1 P. jr mt Tabornacln O, m. Friends may call Thurs 7 to 'i 1 M Dt'NSWORTH Sept B 1021. MAR. OARET It wlf of Hurrs Dunaw-orth "itela. Uvea und frl-ndi ar invited to nttemi fu. noral Trl . - A M rualdenc 814 Mannin. at Mas of requ cm at st Marl's Church 0 30 A M Im Ho Croud Cem ERVIN Oct 111 U'la Aire River Chevlerea. France ANTHONY p , on If Edwin II nud Helen I, Ervin (n v.i..v urandsi n of Anthnnv F and Ida n Ervin aged 23 Relatives und friends Co l" 311th Infantrj 7Sth Dlv are invited to nttt-nd funeral serv n es, Frl 2 p m m. D II Kollock St -Mn. 15.M N. Broad st Int private FARMER Mis 1- at Las Crucea, N Mex CLAYTfi.V S huaband of Oladys lllonmn-ld Int ut Marietta Pa, Aug ., aREKNE - MARTIlAMIITI.tN OHRENF wife if the line Stephen Greene, -n ths t'OtH y-ar of hei age Entered Int Ufa etvrnil Sort H " A lanllo Cltv V J Funeral service at 271) W Tulpehocken el Oernant-iwn J'huri , hth Ipst , at J P M Bit private OREENWOOD Nov 5 191S. at Argonno Forest. France Sergeant Harry I, OREEN WOOD, present d with Dlatlngulahed Servlco Croaa son of I.e.ih Wright und the lata William F Greenwood nged 2h Relatives and friends nlao Co K. 313th Infantrv 70th Dlv . Greenwood Post No 33J, A Caoron Post. No 22. A V F W . Robert J Mar tin A. I. No US. Kensington Poat A L No t'S Taylor Poat No 2 8 of V , War Moth er a and Woman a Auxiliary Concordta Lodge No 07 F nnd A M , Columbia Cnun trj Club, nr United t- funeral S it , 1 30 p M . from mother a residence 2S3U Frank ford ave. Service at St I.uke'a P K. Church 2 30 P M Int Leverlnton Cem . Hoxborough atlUUr Ki.i.wv .-epi vvtl.l.iAM S I aon of Dr Elton C ,ind grandson of lies John A Ooodfellow- Duo notice of fu teial later tlltAY Sept 7 DAVID huaband of Martha Gray Relatlvea .ind frlenda. also ReHame Council No 7j7 O of I A . unj Pride of Phlla Circle No H I. p 0f A Invited to funeral aervlcea Sat i J M uto iialdence 1012 Oerrltt st Interment Ml Murlah Cem Frl, nds ma call Frl eve GREGORY Killed In action Sept 2(1 lllll Meime Argonne Private let Clana John II GRKHORY Co C ItMli lnf 37th Dlv son of Mr and Mrs William Grenorv late of 108 Stllea st Relsilves and frlenda tlemge II. Imhof Pest, No IBI Gallagher Welgand Post. No. 321 A I, , War Mothera' Aaa'n, Invited to funeral Fri 8.80 A M. from funeral parlorsof J. Ramond Kelly, nr'iiOl ItJ Ctf'"ZC lit I THIS NEW UrSf-Fimi JBKsWsflKI 1 1 V -ft'l T.T . . ' - fwyjpt- . FMaiTV: PKATH8 1245 M, 17lh st. Solemn hlith maas reaulem at Church of the CJeau 10 A. of M. Int. Ht. Denis' Cem, ,, , ,,, liAI.PIN. Sept. 4, MAItT. vlf; of the late James Hatpin. Helatlves and friend are Invited to attend funeral. Thurs 8:80 A. M late residence. 2051 Cedar st Hot emn requiem mass at Ht. Ann's Churcn 10 A M. Int. New Cathedral Cem .. , , JIKM.WIO, Suddenly Bept 15. 1021 At; IIT5IIT. husband of Katherlne Hellwlr. aged 72 ilelatlve and friends, alao Herman lxjdge, No. 12.1, F and A M,t Kenalmtton It. A. Chapter, -No 233. Ht John Com. manderv. No 4, K T Philadelphia Turn Itemelnde; Directors of Integrity Trust Co ! emnloes of. HtH, Heddle Mfa- Co., and all nlher societies of which ho was a member. Invited to funeral, Hat , 2 P. W , late reel; .lenre, 1011 N 3d at Int. VWst Laurel Hill fern. . t . HE.MPKI.. Bept 0, I71ANK O , husband of late Katherlni Hernial (nee Ksellr). F;i neral services, Trl , 2 V. 51., at his dsuh trr's rssldence, Mrs. Katherlne Ott. 2414 N l.elths-ow st. Int private. IIKWITT Killed in action st "'"'"" Woods, Trance. June 0, 101S. CHAllI.Krt WII.MKU IIKWITT. Jr . 4.1th Co.. Mh lie JIarlnea, son of Chart W. and Margaret r Ifowltt (nee Wonke), itrted 20. Ilelatlys and friends also Corp riinrles W. Hew'tt Jr. Tost, No. 164, V of I' IV ! I.osn I'l.st. No. 1170, A, I. . Thomas ltnbert Heath Marino Post, No ISO ire Invlled to fi'netai servlcss at Holv Trlnlu '-hurrh, Mn.ryln and Ilcckland, sts . fist 1 V M. Int. Har lelrh Cm.. Camden. N. J HIPPIiK. Hept. f, UKOHOK ,W hua band of Alice Hippie (ne Nullall Ilelatlves nnd friends are Invited to attend funeral eervlces, Trl 1 I' M late residence. 4508 Hllverwood st Manayunk Int private, at Morris Cem Phoenlsvllle Itemalns may I be viewed Thure N to 10 V M. I IIUOIIE.S - Sept 7. nt hi residence. M? iisessln live., WIM.IAM II IiyailMJ, A to usKifa lino tMtif ii f fimcrnl lnlfr lllVIN. Hept. (J. ANNIK 51 1RVIN (neo Mnoro) Kuneral Krl . 10 A M residence 1825 Olnnodo st (south of Olrard ave ort Illdso ave.). Friends may call Thurs eve KAISKlt Killed In action nt Arijonne Forest, France. Hept 27 lots. WII.I.IAM J . of Co If llnth lnf . son of Katherlne and lata John Knlner aKod 20 Itelatlves nnd friends also nn'tnlicra of Corporal Charles 51 Hewitt Poet No 131 of Ian; Aunlllary of Pot Veteran of Foreign IVars, Survivors of Co II 110th lnf . War Mothers, (Ilcndoit Post V. of F vv Imhof A. I.. Post. Invited to attend funral Hat . 8 30 A f ffniti tnnttipr'H r.alilwnr 2004 N 27lh at Hiilemn rmletn tnH Corpus t hrlati Church 10 A 51 Int Holv ive- deerner Cem , KELLY. Sept B. THOMAS J KKLI.Y Relatives and friends aln Holy Noma So ciety of St .Ios-t)h'a Churi h nre Invited to attend funernl. Frl 7 30 A M from rel ilnce of Mrs Ell-sbeth ciupmiin. 23( Oas Idll t High mats St Jui-ph's Church ( A M Int. private KINTAinn. Sept 7 1121. ROBERT W huaband nf Mary Kincalde (n-e Dalrvmpln) Funernl services Sat . 2 31 I M late resi dence I1B01 N. hth t Oak Lane. Int. prlvHt Northwond Cetn KNIPE - Sent 0 fcrm"i!v of 21 HI N Dnrleri st . r.MILY widow of II waid M Knllie Relative and fn nds invnd to fil rernl. Ft I. 'J P M , from rarlota of Hack man St Ramses B.I I Din tin. ml ' Int tirl vats. Remalii -no be view id Thurs , to 9 P M. KOLP Nov 7 1P1 P killed In action. In France GEORGF. B eon o' Sirah E and the lain Robert P Kolp am-d 21 nlntlves and friends also 1,-g'on nf Honor of I.u I.u Temple 31Bth Inft Asm American Legion Poat. No OH. McC,aughe 1 ,t V F. W . Wae Mothers Radiant hi r I, lg No OOlT I' end A M . Ph'li i unltorv Lu I.u Timple: Lu I.u Temple uii, ' lul,. Frank ford Ave lliptlst Churth in- Invited to nt tend the funeral. Sat 1 10 P M late resi dence. 23111 E Dauphin ht .-ervlre t 2 30 P M. at rrankford Ave Hiptlt Church. Frankford ave Hnd I.otterlv hi Int. North tVdnr Hill Cem LAOOMARCINO ?ept f) 1D21 ROSA vr tn of the late AgoMtlno Lug iniari lno. aged 1 (II Relative and frlvmlx also all societies .of which she vva u tm ruber, ire Invltt-d to nttend funeral Sat 0 A M from her late residence, 751 S hth t Itinnkm high mass ' it our Lad) of Goo 1 i unmet Church it) A 'M tircclaeiv Int trlt,v irhirte. Pl-nn- mlt flowers MARTIN In Mnvtnnn I' i " ptembr 1 RYONE M vvlfe .if Wllllnm I) Martin Fu neral aervlre on Thiirdu ptemher nt 2 30 o'clock nt her ln rednce, 470 E t ommerce r Ilrldgttnn N J i MaeMrNA.VIN. S-t,t 1 1C21. JOHN I hu.l'nnd of tho lnte riT.iteth MacMenu - fn. In his MOth ve.-vr Relative end friends are Inltod tn nt'end funer il Frl., 9 V. M from tho realderce uf his sun. J. II. ward MhpSI narn'.n. Bbn road Sorcer'on Phlla Int. private MONAOIIAN Sent ii CIIARLns T hi,sbanl of Int. Marv Mnr, ighan (nee Dough erty) nnd son of Patrick nnd Bridget Monn- -nan, or .vieenairrane, nun- uqhhkhi. ire Irnd Relatlvea nnd friend also emolo) of Frankford Car Barn und all societies of which he wns a memlwr an Invited to nt lend funeral Hat 8 3u A M. brother' residence 132 E Wetmor land st Solemn requiem mns Church of AtMnnlon 10 A M Int Holv Crn Cm MOORE Suddenlv at An lover Miss, Sopt B LOUISA, widow of Thoma Moor, rf Frankford Phll-i Relative and friend ar Invited to attend th funeral services Thurs . 2 '10 P M residence of her daugh ter. Mr John Mavsmlth ls.20 Pear at , Frankford Int North Cedir Hill Cem. Mt'ROlTltiiYDH September S 1021 CATHERINE iltughter of the Inte Rlchs'd nnd Margaret Murgltroyde for.nerlv of 727 N 10th st Relntlvee nnd frlenda are in vlted to the services on Thurdav afternoon st 2 o clock at the Oliver H Balr B.dg 1820 Chestnut st Interment nrlvate. PASTORET Sept ll. JOHN B husband 'of late Sophia w t'Bstnret (ne Husclii aged -1 jteiative ami irienri nre invite. l tn attend funeral services, Frl , 2 P M at rilschman Memorial Church flth and Lu-z-rne st Int Sit ernon Cem Trlend may call at hi late res dem e 2441 N 7th st Thura eve. PINKERTON Kept fl MARY H . wife of Isaac II L lTnkerton and daughter of the late Oliver and Fannv lester h'uneral serv ices Frl 1 P M residence ;ifl Armat st . Oermantovvn Int private PRATLKY-i'n Sept B. 1921 1IF7.E K1AI1. beloved husb.ind of Margaret Prat ley (nee Mnhaffe) i Relatives and friend also the Stoneman Fellowship of 24th Ward Parkway Heneflcltl Socletv nnd the emplove of brass foundr) und shop of Buldwin Lo comotive '. nil. .re invited to the service on FrhU) of tern; . n at 2 o'clock, at his lite restdrm- B14 .N 32d t Interment at Fernwood Cemeter Remains may be viewed Thursday evening, itfter 7 o'clock. ROBERTS - t hi residence 1723 N 10th st . on Sept ii ll'.'l OLIVER J . husband of Grace A Roberts (nee Myers) and son of Veleria nnd th- late Charle It Rob ert, iiffe.d 4.t Ve.vrs Relative and t.lnn. aro Invited to thn nrvlces on Frld.iv after noon nt 2 iiLx.lt nt the Oliver II IHir, Rldg 1-20 ChrHtnut Bt Interment at Mount I Peao cmeterv ievvlng Thursdav evening I trom 7 to Hi o clock SANDERSON' Killed In action, at Re . ' leau Wood Frame June (1 nig, JOSEPH YOFNO SAMrRON 47th Co. 3th Reg" Marines son of John und Emma E. Sander aon aged i ivrsmem-, is-., iricnet ave Ardmore. Pa Relatives and friends Ilul IniK-Sanderson Pest No 1311 A L Robert Roath Marine Post. No 18(1. A. L. and Auxiliary Phlla (hipter National American War Mothers Invlied to funernl. Sun i M . First Baptist Church Ardmore p jnt Ivower Merlrn Baptist Cem . Bryn Mawr Pa SCHMIDT S"Pt il 19JI. HARRY SCHMIDT Sr husband of late Katherlne Schmidt. Relatives ant friends, also all o cietloa of which he was a member are In vlted to attend funeral Frl . 2 P. M. from parlors of Wl Hum Neff 1209 W Oxford st Services t" b- held vt Jit Peace Cem Chapel Int Mt Ptoi ; Cem Remalna may be viewed Thurs . s to 10 P M y SCHWARTK -fjt 7 1921 CL .R.v daughter of lite I.dwird and Johainu Schwartze aged ill -ervlces Frl i v at the parlors of Gus A 1-Clrchner. 7l'lv 3d st Int Chelt.n I til Im Cem SHEERAN -On -e.rember tl NICHOLAq D. 1,011 of the late Tiunn and Marv Sr.ee. ran Relatives and f-len.ls also iron ioM. era' Union No 11 invited to funernl on Frl. day st H .0 A M from his late residence K,'l S 4Jd at. So emn r. qulern mass at at lamea Church at 10 M Interment Holy Cn s Cemetery SHERICK -On Sept 7 1921 J j, r, RIIERICK. formerlv of tlantlc Cltv .- j Relatives and friends, also Post No s O A R arc Invited tn the enir un pridav afternoon at 3 o cluck at the Oliver it lfvlr Uldg . 1-20 Chestnut at. Interment prl- 'sflIPP Sept B MARIE wife 0f Francis Shlpp (nee Beckurt) In hur lMh v(Rr Rela in, -a nnd friends Invltet tn attend funeral Frl . 7 30 A M rtsldence of her uncle Charles Birch 330 Liberty st cnmdn N' J Requiem mas at the Church of Our I.ndv of Mount l-rmel 9 A M Int x,w Cathedral Cem Phlla SHIRK Sepi 4 ai Ocin CVtte N' J CLARA MURK (n,e ?ho.r , if,, f trf Inie R-lnnl D -liirk if 43') N ',s, si Itelntlvos nnd fr -nils ie Invit 1 to iirt'nd runerai ii-rire imns ,, j- m reiiQrt-.v of her daughter Mr .ViTiinter (Jul-"v '1227 Spruce st Int p"-1vite Re ualr n,m be viewod Wed - to P M SOWDEN ept S HONOR A vil.tiw o Willlnm 11 Suvd n Relatives nn 1 filmda are invh d i attent funeral Frl 8 SO A M litt resilen -HilS l.-rm imnvvn Bve Sole nn mn4 cf reo.uleTi St Franks Anlsl Church 10 A M Int Hob Sepjl'hrs Cem. .TEN-1EI. Killed In action in Fr-vnee Nov 1. 191S FRANK I aon of Anth,-n and Mar A Sti neel (nte Ehmnnn) ased 21 Relatives and friends ilso Holv Nntne Si cletv and Court Mt Vernon No 117 F nf A nre Invited to attend funernl -snt 8 A M from his late residence -t157 Edgemont at Slen n tequlem high tnas nt All P-v nts Chunh Itridesburg H j Int Holv Redeemer Cm STEVENS Sert 0 1921 WILLIAM STANLEY son of A fred D Rnd Anna O Stevens aged It vevrs 4 mos Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend funeral aervlces Frl 1 30 P M at his p-irents' residence. 80 W Madison ave Colllngswood N J Int private Friend may .all Thura eve REVEN Suddenlv Sept (I 1 i; la I( huahind of 1 mill c Hoven and son of Amanda J and ' ite Thomns T. Rev-en Funeral aervlve Siit . 1" M , at 147 N filst at Int rllngton Cm THOMAS Sept S EDWARD D K busbntid ot Jenn e A Thum i Relative and frlenda also Mo-srt Lodge No 43(1 r and A M Real Estate Assess irs Fld.lRy Club 20th Ward Union Republuan Executive Com mltlee and all other aoiletle of which he t'NIIKKTAKm lr l,LyR BROAD aWo 1 JVs DIAMOND I k---nasaaaa--B-SMaa---asaa-sassaBS PlJATIfrl wss a member. Invited 10 attend ylces, Frl.. a r. t.. at his lt rssldence, 1808 N. 13th st. Int. private, Boulh laurel UM Cem. TOPPIN. On Bept, fl, 1021. (lBOnOBW,, husband "flfis Tlat. kaiherltj. Toppln Herv Ics on Friday afternoon, at I o'clock, nt the Oliver II, Ualr Hid., 1820 Chestnut ft. THRK88. Sept 0, 1H2I KlJWAIUl. son of Charles and Itoae A. Thress (nte McCor mick). aged 1 Itelatlves and friends In vited to funeral Frl 2 p, 51. parents' residence, 8083 Mvlngston st. Int, Pt Ann s Ce!?HICII On Beptember r MAllOAnET widow of Daniel Urlch. In her DBfh year at her late residence. 805U Frankford ave Holmeahure; ....... .....mM M , WIIITK Sept 5, JOHN WHITE, Rela tive and frlonds are Invited to attend fu neral Frl , 8 80 A 51 from his son-in-law7 residence. Delos C Hills. 217 N BV1 st. Holemn hlh miM of requiem, Our I-dy of Victory Church 10 A. 51 Int Holy Cro WOODHOW - Suddenly on Bept. 0, 1021 TAMnfl O WOODnOW Ilelatlve . and friends, also 51t Ilnrnb lA)de, No 02H, r and A. 51 and Kslhanv llrotherhood are Invited to the service, on Saturday after noon st 2 o'clock at the Oliver II, flair UldK 1820 Chestnut st Interment at West laurel Hill Cemetery Friends may call Friday evenlna4 I.KOAI, AnVKltTIHKMKNT.t JfcSr' IWTATK OF ANNA CATHAItlNIl :Er JIEBH, deceased Letters of adminis tration cum teetamento annexe upon the e tale of ANNA CATHAlllNK 5IEEH. deceased havlnir te"n srrinted to FIDELITY TIlt'HT COMPANY all persona Indebted to the said tato ate requested to make payment, and thoeo having; claim against th same tn prcis-nt tl'em without dnlaj st the ofn e of the snld compuny. Nos 32.1 331 Chestnut st , Philadelphia . WII.I lA.tI' OEtT. " President KSr" KSTATK OF ELIZA F KLDKEIK1E, 1J deceased Lcttors testamentary upon ths estate or Elite F I.KIretlge deceased, havlnk been cranted to FIDELITY TIIUST COMPANY, all persons Indebted to the said estato are requested to make payment, and those havlnr claims nralnst the same to pre sent them, without delay, at the office of the sold compttm 325 331 Chestnut at . Philadelphia. WII.LIA5I P OEHT. President. Eg?' IMTATIJ IH' ARt'lllllAIJ) T, DIN LAP. deeeused Letters of admlnl tratlon on the abovo estatn having been granted t tho undersigned, all persons In debted to the said eetato are requested to rrakn pnvnien! and those having claims to present tlie sam". without delay, to GEORGE H DUN LAP, 104ft H Bdth st . Phllndolphla Pi KSo-' K-TATI' OF PAUL II KAMIY. Ill'" reused Ancillary letter of nitmtnU. tratlon upon tho eetnte of Paul II. Knsbv, de ceased, having been grunted to FIDL'I.ITY TRUST COMPANY ind Trancls II. I.HSby. all person Indebted to the said estate are requested to make pa) ment, and those having claims against the samo to -present them without delnv et the offlco nf the sild mm pari) No 325 331 Chestnut St., Phlladel phla WILLIAM P OEST. Preldiit teJr-, F.STA1 K OF KAOLIfflUN itonii, OK. -" reawd Ancillary letter testa mtntary upon the estato of Eaglrvm Ribb. defeased having b n granted to FIDEIJTY TRFSr COMJ'ANY Leon L Iinlnn and Annie Sidney Canary Robb, all persons Indebted to the said rs'ato are reqtested to make p) ment and those hovinr claim against tho sime to presint them without dle), t th otflie of the said company 323 3J1 Chest nu. St. Philadelphia WILLIAM P OEST Piewldent &?" I.HTATK OF I.CCY W. SCATTER. GOOD, dwwsctl e Lottrrs testa- rrintnry upon ths estate of Lucy W. Scat rr oil dec-ased. havlnir U-en grimed to FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY .ul persons Indebt d tj the said iktuta are requested to t nke payment, and tnoso hav It. g claims nkslnst the earn to prree-i: them without J, lay. at th- office of the snld company :i.."-:il Clu smut st Phlladelph'n WILLI M P OEST. President -7" I. Of IS. DRiniKR SOLD IIP.lt III si nes af 1)07 W Olrard ave to .Max Vlnrgolle. Bill prior to Sept 9. 1921 will Im paid by Louisa Dreher LOST AND FOUND CARDCASE Rrovvn leather cardense with gilt trimmings, containing small purs. R, ward If ruurned lo 203 West Upsal at Otrmantown DOO-Lost French bull pup hrlndln color nnsvvers to name Battler return to T F Rellly, cor linn Mawr and Woodbine ave liberal reward. Thone Over 9111 POLICY Ixiat Perpetual fire Insurance po. Icy. M-ehanles' Insu.nnce No 37 3UD, for J..0H0 Return to John J Crou' 1420 Chest- nut a' POLICY Lost. United Flr-man'H Insurance policy No BO.SSt for $10 OOO. Return to Jchn J Crout. 1420 Chestnut st PERSONALS INFORMATION desired as to the present residence of M.B Hester Ann Hutchinson, who resided tn or near Philadelphia In 1880. F'ease communicate with A N Jordan, 100 Wall st . New York City JOSEPH BREEN sold hla bualnesa. 2941 N Bth st to Bessie Schult7 Creditor apply to Orosamnn Brother .023 Glrard ave . on r le fore Thursda) Sent 8 1921 SIVIoN BOLDER has purchased cigar store of Samuel H'iu at B3 N nth All rred Itots must prAent bills before Sept 10 l'i21 HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID and waltross wanted col ored, both muat t. experienced, refereni e ieiul red Phone Ardmore 483 ,1 COOKING and Jownstatr work. STn"farn lly must like 2--ar--ld b vveshlnu nr 1 waitln. on table to go to svashnre for 2 weeks ttcn tc Cvnvvyd a suburb wnye jm h good home for u . tiling woman v h'te or -olnr d references Call In person between je 30 V M nnd 2 30 P M . Thursdav j H V ik- Jr Postoffice Cldr . 09th nnl Mar ket I imdownc 12Sfi f ROCIIETERS Experienced croche7e7. vein ted on shad rings to take work home F W Maurer & Sons Co 4311 Wayne ave n, n r lsth and Garment iwn ave GIRL bright refined, wanted a vvsltresa In tea room fo. winter Address Martha's Kit' hn Princeton N I i(ij.r"vi:SS for glrl'of S Phone Wyoming H77- J SVLESI.VDY Ilrod saleslady for ldTV nnl chl dren a srclalty shop In Po"svlil pood .alan and commission Andy Roth-chlld 40 N Uth at. Philadelphia. SHOES Experienced patent Feather tip re- uairera wanted Apply Laird. Schohee Co 2Jd and Market sts second tloor SHOES Experienced patent leather tip 77. palnrs wanted. Apply Laird, Schober r ii J2d nnd Market second tloor STENOGRAPHER The Publ'c ledger Company desire th -,er vices of un experienced stenouraph.r Applv ilth end Chestnut sts Ask for Mi Wlest STENOOR ,r HER office experience hour l .. J',t,a 405-' C' " Bo"ej Randolph J to I 30 p Co 372il N tr!- Ni vH Vl'HEK wanted In law nrfice p77 prer . atate umary anil rera i' 70B. q TE.vcilEI". or companion 9 to 1 dall) tcr v and gtrl 4 outdoor work nnd ex'rci h- nti ,1 Mrs II S Drinker Jr Me, ,ir. WANTED SALESWOMEN FOR THE FINER KIND OP WEARING APPAREL ww..u If jou know clothes end those who we-vr them If vou have bought them for vourself or sold them to smart people if ,ou waJ. an optsirtunitv to make a verv desirable , ontiectlcn this mav bo jour ch.nce ?aarj whatever jou re worth Writ in .onllilenc-. M lijrt L'd.ei Olflce "voce. YOUNG GIRL attendant dental oftice wanted well edui ited i heerful dit)o.i. tlnn perfect teeth P 831 I., dger Offi , YOUNG WOMEN We want sensible am! bualness-llke vnunc women age Is to .3 v mis vv ho are lo v. n tor permanent pi anions If vou have a Kiammar scnuoi i-uu i-i n nm nr. guod at figures Appl) Bureau of Emplovnient WAN VM VKER S General WOMEN TO TRAIN FOR SAL1.SWOMEN Experience la not nmssarv vv . ma n tain a school and copable instrutur whu will teith )ou our bii.lneas v ithout ihnrse ot obligation, vou will be assured a siead isisltlon. our Hl,woinen aii making from 10 und up on v th of neat appearnn , utnl p enalnvt i,rronilltv will b, ion.ld re lur peisonil inlervi. w call fiom 10 lo IJ and link for Mi Murtaugh Room 203 Smith Austumuhl lildg Blh - Market M Cam den MAKE MuNLY AT HfiMfc, ou can earn from $1 to $J nn hour In nur upjre time writing show i irds qukkly and eusllv learned bv our now simple method no canvassing or soliciting we teach i.u low sell jour work and pv vou vash encti weik full parlhulnr and booklet fr V r ie todaj to Im rlcin Show i ird -ch ol '.3ii Rvle Itlda Toronto Canada i IVIL SERViCE exumlTi .tionr s'iv, ruber ind December mani vaiatiiles ,lar $1 Ii0-$1SDO, wrlto for uaT-Me test p sll I.rdgei Office JIJ2IA-vITED--:MALE AnCimnCTURAL DRAFTSMAN wanted Must bs thoroughly exporlsnced In all ti' of building. Inciudlnt frat-s bunga lov f and mttavn must 1.. ,blo to d-tull unl tike off material .un! tnk (nil -hnrge of . n hltectu-al deii-irtment in tiulld. i office ' v m 1. not went s'cndv p n ,, ,1, n01 unavver this -idv un fan iviim i.iar In legnrd t" yourself and st .tn salnrj wimtel I Leslie Hn.dley Co 5). Vh at Oc-an ny v j CANDYMAKBR Experienced: good steady work. P D22, Ledger Office. pay; wi&wAavjxAtX W BOX-BPniNO MARKItH Oood openlnsr for lox-sprJnf makers. Apply Mureau of Kmpidrment JOHN WANAMAKEn CAHPCNIBH wanted Must be flrst olas stair builder and (lnlshert steady work) state salary and when available. U, Lsls Headley Co.. BIB Hth St., Ocean City. H. S. tOIXIltKU MAN AND WIKB to do th work at a gentleman's country house, juat out of Wat Chjatet. on Main llnst family of three adults reference required Address Mrs, flayard Knn. Weat Chester. Pa. C'OltltKHPONDENT and sales executive de sired by a large manufacturing firm. lo i-ai-1 no nrllea from Phlladelohlat state age. experience and salary desired M 030, led ger Office , MAN wanted to do mttertnr and wheel out tlntr on plate and window glass) must bs capable of handling; large work; In reply state experience and where Inet employed. IIAWSON & EVANS CO., 710 Waehlniton Hlvd . t hlcagn MAN wanted, between 2B and SO years, to act as assistant to salesmarmgsrt must, be ambitious and willing to learnt Immedi ate returns to ths right person who can qualify, must have reference, write for ln tervlew M 727 Ledger Office MAN- A PICKKD MAN The man who answers this ad and who Is selected to nil the niche tn our sales force that vv are now about to create will find his opportunity distinctly unique; first he will receive the personal Indi vidual attention nf our manager of per sonnel who will see to It that hn Is fairly nnd fully familiarized with ths details nf thn work set for him to do! he will then ba given opportunity Immedi ately tn make a bid for executive posi tion nt earning not less than 110,000 a year, meanwhile he will find It easy t command very handsome compensation; v.i' are a well-established, long-success- ' ful, thoroughly dependable concern; we are getting out of the rut of expecting too much from a man at the start: ws nre, going to stake a man now prefer ably an Inexperienced man to an easy rood right up to thn top Pinnacle of th blg-poyfng berth at our disposal: our requirements nre only 2: You must be a Christian and over 25 years of age. Call from 10 to 4 SUITE 1108 LAND TITI.H AND TRUST HLTXJ. Vl MATTRESS MAKER.". First-class opening for mattress makers. Apply Bureau of Employment. WANAMA,KKR'B .MEN "wanted, neat appearance, energstld: excellent opportunity to advance fn r rowing concern. I-afayetta Brush and Mfr. Co., Room 202 Smlth-Auspermuhl Bldg.. r,th and Market sts Camden, Call from 3 to A p ii NOTICE Is hereby gfven thnt the Civil Serv ice Commission of Philadelphia wilt hold examinations for tho positions shown bslow on the date narred For detallo- Infirm tlon spplv at ths office of the commission. Room -73, City Hall CLERICAL SERVICE .. Stpt 2H Stenographer and clerk lflOt-11200 .-epl. 27 Clerk (mtn) . ... $7BO-1000 ENOINKERINO (OPERATING) Sept 2S riremnn (marine)... J1100 MEDICAL HRKVICR Sept. 29 A est. dentist 1730- $B0O Sept 22 Asst phyalclnn to-li-vJ .-cpt no Vsst phjslclan (femele)MU"i 10 '"Ity nurss 000-tl('0 21 Oradunte nurse (board) .00O-.1200 lu Seconl east. supt. of nui a, Pnila. Huapltal Mentul Diseases . .$1100 23- Asst inspector ean'ta- Hon (peclal Inspector) 1(V(0-$1-00 5- Technician $1000 MtSCFLLANKOr3 SERVICE 22 Collector of VlUt stallsMrs . . $1100 30 laboratory asst I120O.S1S00. 1 Matron . . . $000-$1200 4 Kupt f squarej $1100 4 Watchman $000-11200 SKILLED LABOR SERVICE 10 asphalt raker (day) X4 . riO--l .00 21 Itollermakcr (day) U 00-. 0.00 Sept .-ept -eyt .-et Oct. S-pt 8 ept I Cct Oct Cct. opt Sept -pt 22 Boilermaker'- helper (oxy-acetylene operator) (day) . . ..S.00-$fi.00 2.1 Chauffeja 11000-JH00 20 Elevator operator (dav)$3 80 27 Foreman, granite and marble pclnters (day).. $10 00 2 G neral foreman . $1(100 20 Meter mechanic (day) $4. B0 30 Plpo eoverer (day) $3 no-$(l.f0 3 rlastror lor more) . t 00 4 Pun p operator (hour! .10 B ttone poln'er (day). $8.00 2H Ground men (day) ..$3 00 Sept Sept Sipt Prpt Sept Sept Oct Oct fci Sept Trd-VICAr. AND PROFKSStONAL Sept. 29 -pprentlce f 800- $000 Sept. 2. Asst electrical sn- ,. glneer (and bonus) . .$210O-$2.fK) B Civil englnoer (tempo- . rary) (week) t-0- $5S 27 D raftsman (archi tectural) . . . .$2400 $2700 3 Draftsrran (topograph! . ,-al) . .J120O.$lM Oct -ept Oct. ept 2n (V Pltnmetcr oprator(viv)f4 BO i -LINTON ROGERS WOODRUFF. ( HAP.LKB V Nl-l-I.L) LEWIS II VAN DUSEN. Commissioners. I ssu-d Sptmle" 7. 1021 l7u M B E I t.V Good wages, good worklnr oon dltlons good mechanic only. 1229 Arch st. S VLEE MAN WOOLEN CLOTH A lairr retail corcern offers an advan tageous connection lo sn experienced, am tlilius salesman He must know thoroughly w . len fabrics and tx accustomed to serving retlned clientele md to giving his attention tc hi lob ddros in confidence with full partn ulars. il 923. Ledger Office SALESMEN We are not offering you a po sition to stay salesmen, no. you can get th-vt anvvvhers. we are fiscal agents and ths factory Is an fid reliable Philadelphia con cern for over 30 ears what we want am sales-managers show us that vou have abll Itv and determination to make ood and ws will t lake vou a sales manager Room 644, Wjdener Bldg SALESMEN Two specialty saleamen, over .0 jeura of age possessing personality and appearance, who have had sales exp pre ferred men who have had executive exp in handling men 1001 Colonial Trust lildg., 13thand Market sta SALESMEN For men who wish to better their financial cundltlon. we teach our sales tijstem by whlih they can make $50 per week and up Call in person at 012 Sil ver st Friday evening 7 to 10 P M. SALESMEN If you want a real man's Job, ihm wl I Pv -u J4D to $(10 per week, call a- orce 1003 Colonial Trust Bldg , 13th and Market 1.HOES Experienced patent leather tip re pairers wanted Apply Laird. Sohober A Cn 22d and Market, second floor STENOGRAPHER male or female Reply b letter only slvlng usual information ulran Foundry Co Ambler. Pa S IN DOW TRIMMER arid card writer wanted for gen's' clothing and furnlafliitr store, steady position. Address L Lev)-, Nsntl- coke ? (iener .1 , j il SERVI-E examinations Novi mlur nnd December, many vacancies, K.-vIa-Y J140U Jihiiu Write T. i sample teat, P 813 le-dger Office WILiTyOU SELL t S YOUR SPARE TIMBf We will tialn )ou to wrl'e showcarda for , . no canvvaalng or soliciting vvn supply vou witt- steadv work distance no object" v Ul .-av vuu from JIB n $10 a week Wlls.n Mthnd. l.'d Dept 4 04 E Richmond. T oronti Can ida SITU ATIONSW ANTED FEMALE riiiMPANION r hned educated lady. Ph'la- delpnioil sii'-iv- ' i'iivii ,-wuiu sirva i cr more noure e,,, , ...., i rora s,dnn t dusir.d V 704 Ledger Office. Ml'M" si PERVl-OR -Young woman, ex ' ,cii'-nced i.ublU hool freo Seplemtier IJ ir l.C -It f r i -I ! reUrred thn i uher public nr prlvata. 3 div per w ek Phlla vicinity M 927 Lodger Office SITUATIONS WANTED MALK EXECUTIVE, exporlem-ed in aelllng, ao unting and a corporation treasurer, deslraa naw connection D 010 Ledger Off. STORAGE AND MOVING l.SrAHl lI.KD "lh7J CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING uRlKNTAI AND DO.rEHTIC RUGS AND CARPETS i 1 EANLD- Si OURED STORED Thi I.FHilNh ItM'UHT 1000 LONG DISTANCE MOVING THE RFRT IS THR rriBAPKBT Hie BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc. D7th and Market Phone TUrlng ln' VICTORY STORAGE B20h ""ILDnnT I'hona nlmont 4fl7a s- eatlmat Fierce-. '-srniw vni " Hope & Curley Express local and ling dig. tame liauilng by expert and rsrafnt .-! n'st r-es 7B.TJ llulat nv Woodl d .Nut. THE JOHN RIIOADH CO Blnrnse 41B7-1U pckln movlna, carpet cleanlm l.AN( AflTKR AVE. WF.At llftTl? HON AIICH t.llAUi- CO.. XS7n I bATcisEio$ac&os,; 'j-"'" . '! I i tv , , ? fl ' V) III c. J m F i, sfi t .. J- v ,h. I-" -QWfl.V. V Jfl ' WH j.,f ". "y