ET ' WHBPW1 V" ? K I W "W fmmwY :TWr' ". yn Vj vji .;.? i'v.!1 " ' t rL:.:"rr vov i- Cro ,T ' HI II III 111 WW I I -i , : J ' . " ,,i V. ?! ni' :?.. ' fiK?"i' ' . , s - .,,, " ' ,.., J7A''. " . VJP i i I to If 4 ' Szuentng public ledger X , PHILADELPHIA,' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1921 SSwi i Ml IMf? ' S1I13 -r . lLWlil Mlii OHuAL ILl'L toca; and tomoirow is being Kraci'il by prett firls, hiuiubomo llonts, pnrailes, rhccs and costume events. Prrfminont WALTER GREENAWALT, Pcnn aniong those in gala attire arc the members of the Ambassador Swimming Club, whoio bathing suits, it must be admitted, more nearly resemble dresses for football candidate, engaging in hard i t -ess tall than suits for salt water. Mis-? Xellie Orr (right) is Mm Philadelphia at the carnival. She was snapped as she arrived. i.. r s. practice at Cape Mav. r. r g. SOME OF THE CHARMING GIRLS at tho La Grange- Vacation Home, at GlnnaU. tJ They arc- winding up thr annual two weeks' holiday nt tho establishment maintained under '1 tho patronage of Miss Rosina Fcls, for the benefit of young business women. ip.i,fi l " "- "" mum ' '"mmjxiL. jyB ,vBB3 ( l'yjMC--'''' '' ' -ViS- nttn, - ..!, rm t , IIIHTM !! Vnn i TTiminBnirimrn nn . i-rf , THIS IS BETSY ROSS. She is finishing tho first American flag as she sits on one '' e floats that made brilliant tho parade, last night of the Independent Order of Ameri cans along Broad street. Letter Photo service LAFAYETTE WAS present in spirit yesterday afternoon when the Washington-Lafayette flag was raised Qvcr Independence Hall at the same hour a similar flag was raised in Paris. - i. i- .m J THE OLDEST MEMBER, John J. Barnes, seventy-rim years old. ot the independent Order of Americans. Ha u shown standing with Mrs. McKay at tho Hotel Walton, up I V TO BALLOON FOR LAB Ken when Visitors as o ,n ' hi! go to the Philadelphia County Fair, at Byberry, they i tni ir warn l!1 provided foi. i .... , . m II - ;- aBaai ,'llfr'vSMII f W I & - ''.jimmm ., hmvv.'v . ,yA-wKi 8S v. lyi y-;' - .. ' fr : i. jA BAV Ls .-.k i-shl-: iW A A " VT k ' ,'- KrS X "i 3V i x t! rZtfCI j 'Jy?"v'." ft-V RMmim LiSIM?I9H LUCKY, PLUCKY LADS, fhebo Boy Scouts will accompany Shackleton to the Antarctic. Patrol Leader Marr, 18, of Soctland (right); Norman Mooney, 17, of the Orkneys u i. wor a liOLfaHLVIK BEAUTY is hero seen buying a straw hat at tho Suk horevka market, in Moscow, where trade along capitalistic lines is per mittfd by the Red authorities. The hat cost 50,000 rubles. k & u. REV. DR. FRANK P. PARKIN talks on work of tho American Biblo So ciety on Editorial Page. i v s. QUEEN ANNIE STANLEY, tho deposed ruler of 76,000 American gypsies. Sho now lives at Stickney, 111. A SOUVENIR CAT, brought from England by Mil' norno uunti, or uoston. With her on tho Cannaniau Miss Helen McCrae, of Philadelphia. E?' Bri- M OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO &fe fcPP4fSl I MAIL! 'VtJ S3, si a a . -.- ff :? zxrts '.-tV JKSXtt-iZWt'XP 'X?iwaix. i- i'SWr-T' !. r.vW km WHR M& 1 1 ' l if ' a ,, v ffiiiKiM1I ami erfl bl 19E w If jJ if if ' . Ml . JBlOEE&SB ij jr v iL A ". . .5 8 " -Jf mifl ".'na 51 Vi -i IUZSJING OUT THE MOISTURE at the Oxford Dye Works, 1410 East "KEEP YOUR EYE on the THE MONMOUTH CLUB OF GLOUCESTER CITY owes much of its suc- raimer street, nanaies ouuu pounas 01 unn, xiiggms.- ics, tnis is cess biuu n vum ciug vu inunoKft i x'owen ana to Unp- centruugai iorce, ur.o. vt oiBgins, mjui j( ""JjK " t yv ua nun 'lv B,ors,uy 'no, ur, 8. I. i t , JXorA street. Oliver Korr, of 1857 Easj Palmer M, ,u ' ."T'rf d8 ll tbIs ma?hlne "which oporatea by n&XPfiSLJKtot Keystone? MISS EMMA GREAVES Is showing wtot & Carriers: offlclal T ;X? Tr '" q.i? ,ler o done In the furniture decoration MM ' 4 uming son UollegcFlourtown. Leteorrbow 'V ' ', $ .? " v " 'VI -. - -).. VJt.L' . ....JlilK, kvnv ... .,.,, ji;..t(v,U.i.i t&,Ki. .o