Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 07, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 16, Image 16

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evening- public LEDGERr-iHii;ADBLPHikI : esmV1 SBPTEMBEE 7V 21 v. '
Storo Hours 9 to 5.30
Wednesday, Septernber 7, 1921
Gimbel Brothers
Men's Suits to order a very good offer is
coming. Watch the papers.
The store is full of the pretty clothes for
autumn wear.
John Maguiro, South Wilton
Stroet, Narborth, Is
Near Doath
.Tolin Magulre. 131." South Wilton
trect, vrn struck and probably fitall
injured nt 1 :30 thin morning by n
pecdlnjr automobllht on. MontRnmerj
t'lko near Haverford avenue, Xnrbcrth.
After Dtriktiiff Macuiro the car continued
tounnl'tlio City line.
Mnguiro is in the llrjn Mawr Hos
pital uith a fractured kull, a broken
left arm. three broken ribs and a broken
nose. Ho was found, covered with
blood and dirt. Ivlng crumpled in n ,
ditch beside the. road some time Inter
when a touring car of the Loner
Merion police came along.
At the point where Maguire wan
struck by thn machine there arc no I
Rldcwalks. Pedestrians arc compelled
to walk along the side of the load, be-
twern n ditch ajid the path of machines. 1
Some hours after the accident, when
the injured man recovered conscious- 1
ness, he told police Iip was walking
toward City Line and heard the sound
of nn approaching automobile.- He nlI
he was walking ns fur in toward the 1
ditch as was possible. He believed the '
enr had plenty of room to pas.
Maguirc paid Iip turned just ns the '
headlights threw their brilliance on him.
Then the machine struck him
Woman's Screams Send Housebreak
ers Fleeing Up the Street
Residents of the neighborhood of Six- '
tlrth street and Cheater ntcuuo were
roused from bed early tills morning b
tries of "Murder!" in a high fenn- '
nine volco. Numbers of them in night- (
dres rushed into the streets in time
to see four men scampering nway from
(he drug store of Maurice Lewis, on
the northeast corner of thoso street
Pursuit was made., but none was
Tho effective but slightly misleading
alarm hrd come from Mrs, Lillian Rata,
who lives in a fiat obovo the drug
tore. Mr. Katz said that after she
bnd been wakened by unfamiliar nolve
she peered from her window and saw
thn men trying to break thtough the 1
doors below.
Man Fatally Burned Before She
Beats Out Flames
Heroism of his daughter failed to
snvo the life of Rudolph Volz, slt -five
years old. of fiOlX) Melrose street,
Frankford, when he knocked a lighted
candle into a quantity of gasoline in his
garage jesterdav.
The bumlug gasoline covered Volz
from head to foot. His daughter Lena
heard his shouts, pulled him from the
garage and beat out the flames, but
Volz died a few hours later In Frank -ford
New Novel
combines the passionate
sense of the beautiful
revealed in "The Dark
Flower" with the steady
scrutiny of present-day
life so marked in "The
Man of Property."
On Sale at All
Bookstores $2.00
New York
' i
bllTj!lirraffl,!!lil!ir!llIIIil!llll'rili5ffilliIli!ill!IHIIli lOTJKBII I lililUg
I The finest butter
H in America!
At all our Stores
rj muu wiii alffiirininirniErininiinniiiaiiniissnrsnBsnainnianjue win
No hands on tho
steering wheel!
No feet on the con
trol pedals I
That's how the Driv
ericas SingloSix runs
fourteen hours a day,
all this week, at the
corner of Forty-sixth
and Walnut Streets.
Have you seen it?
You have no special love for a ther
mometer, but you respect its usefulness.
You may be full of civic pride yet hold no
real love for any store in the city. You
appreciate the doings of a store that serves
you safely and comfortably.
When we print the fact that a month
has brought Gimbels a newly-large volume
of business you grasp the fact plcasureably,
not because of any care for that Store's
prosperity but because the growing volume
of our sales proves that moro and more
people O. K. your judgment in choosing
Gimbejs as a shopping place. Your per
sonal prosperity and well-being are your
uppermost thoughts.
Paris-Gimbel Millinery Opening Demonstrates,
Above All-"Wearability"
Hats that suit the American woman's purse her type (types, rather I)
her needs her purposes her way of living her hair-dressing her en
tire personality! "
Tailored Millinery. Sports Millinery. Dressy Millinery. Trotisseaux
Millinery. College Millinery., Debutante Millinery. Matrons' Millinery.
Paris Millinery begins at $10.50.
Gimbel Millinery at $0.
Gimbels, Millinery Salons, Third floor
White-Trimmed Black Felt Hats
Special at $2.95
English felt.
Mostly roll-boat hape.
Hand-embroidered in white wool. ,
Or Pierrot-style pompons.
Gimbels, T.unl floor
The Promised September Sale of
Silver-Plated Ware
Opens Monday, the 12th
Selections can(be made at once, if desired.
Forks, Spoons "and all serving pieces.
at Half Price
For Philadelphia Gimbels control the distribu
tion of two beautiful designs not to be re-catalogutd.
Community silver-plated ware is guaranteed for
fifty years and because of its durability and clurm
of design is becoming the household vogue of peo.
pie of taste.
Teaspoons, for instance, 6 for $2.25, instead of
$4.50. '
1. 1 1 I
sw ,i ;
mWr 4 a Zvv
ml I 1
fmSM i 1 IU
I' I
'l VI
-Ju VI
i i- x.-v.n
Vldyn $73
Seventy Paris-Born Styles in
Women's SuitsBetween
$59 and $79
Almost as many figure-variation ideas! Suits with the
new nnrp m-yi (!.if, ...Uu u. ... ..-. r.u .
,, -.j. uuuo mui ills lien HKLI'C-HHIOWIUK
"- t..i;v,iiy iiuwtsTjuii r or inc,v re uniiKe any ngure
fitting style ever invented before Autumn, 1921! Straight-
. on. la wiiii me youxn-givmg oens inougn those
same belts are detachable.
Fabrics and Colors that are in
Perfect Accord
Tncotinea but custom tricotinesl
Duvet delaines and there's only one grade of the
real duvet dclainel
Mochatex high above imitation.
Moussyne rich as velvet; practical and warm as
toast! And how it heightens the beauty of color.
As many fur-trimmed styles as plain. As many em
broidered styles as tailleur.
Sizes 34 to 48.
1000 "Flex-o-tex" Suits at $18.75
They beat last year's best $33.75'
Fall colors new Fall lines.
Sizes 34 to 55.
Gimbels. Salons of Dress, Third floor
Coats for Women-
Made of English, Irish and Scotch friezes, fleeces and tweeds
Are Made More Fascinating
by the big armholes the mannish line and the inimitable
"swing" that "makes" the British topper-coat.
Great for travel, auto, college, and general wear.
Skeleton-Lined at $29.75
Half Silk-Lincdat $35, $39.75, $49.75 and $59.75
Gimbels, Salons of Dress, Third floor
New Fall Neckwear
The Keynote's Satin
Soft, shimmering, pearly satin!
Vestees with Pinafore collar attached, at $3. Pinafore collars at
$1. And Pinafore collars with novel French roll edge and fine pearl
buttons, at $1.50. Pinafore collars with cuffs to match, at $1.50 a set.
Gimbels, First floor
Men's Full-Fashioned
Silk Half Hose
68c a Pair
Seconds of fine grades. "Good seconds"
the flaws are practically imperceptible.
Navy, grays, tans and blacks'
Gimbels, First floor
Indestructible Pearl
Bead Necklaces
With Solid Gold Clasps
At $1.95
Instead of $5 and $6
In graduated strands of 21- and 24-inch lengths
in the beautiful cream tints.
Gimbels, First floor
n tj
tiuiuren s f -i
School Umbrellas I
Of American taffeta, cotton,
of course; fast color, too!
Ring and cord handles for
girli, and crook and straight
handles for boys. Specially
priced at $1.
,. Gimbels, First floor
Wood Bead
50c and $1
Such colors! Reds, plenty of
them. And blues and greens and
color combinations. Such fascinat
ing flat-shaped ours.
Some sold recently as high as
Two-Clasp Chamoisette
at 85c
Proper weight for Autumn.
Wear them with tailored suits.
Embroidered backs. Four shades.
Gimbels, First floor
Gym Bloomer
Business Centers at Gimbels! t
Least to pa;.
Best for wear because of the quality the re-inforcements.
Best for looks that press-pleating does make lhem.trim-lookin.
All-wool serge Bloomers at $4.76.
Part-wool serge Bloomers at $3.76. .
Heavy black sateen Bloomers at $2.25.
White jean Middies at $1.45.
Black silk Tie at $1.25,
Black gym Shoes at $1.50 and $2.
Gimbels, Sports Clothes Section, Third floor
Men, Here's a Real Shoe!
The "Mail Pouch"
Special at $6
Especially for Mr. Active Man particularly active, as
firemen, policemen and mail carriers. But for any man who
want a real "husky shoe," that's also particularly comfortable.
Full grain black box calfskin uppers; heavy double sole
clear through to the heel. And a special arch that holds the
bones of the lect in a comtoriaoic, natural position, ricmrcu
Gimbels, Shoe Section, Second floor
$20 to $25
Famous Aeroplane Linen
Handkerchiefs &romen
18c Each
Hcay firm linen that wears and tubs.
Pink, green, lavender, sky and a lovely deep
"linen blue" taken from exquisite French
Mcvchoirs. Gimbels, First floor
A Toilet Goods Special
12 Cakes
Gimbels Hard-Water Soap
lUirnlarly 81.B0
Dozen Wash Cloths
Value $1
Auto-Strop Safety Razors, in kliaki case, com
plete with blades, strop and razor, tf 1 OP
Gimbels, First floor
for both
Boys' Norfolk Suits at $1 2.50
With Extra Pair of Full-Lined Knickers ,
Single- and Double-breasted Norfolk Models of fine quality tweeds and cassi
mcrrs, in neat gray and brown mixtures. Coats are mohair lined; patch or slash pockets.
Knickers have "Ike leather" bell. Ages 7 to 17 years.
Boys' Norfolk Suits, Ages 6 to 17 years, $10.50, Value $18.50
Fine quality all-wool tweeds and cassimcres in neat gray and brown mixture, i
Single- or double-breasted models. Coats mohair lined. Knickers have "live leather"
belt, and are full lined. At $10.50. Gimbels, Third floor
BriefCases1 SavTlS, Half
Persian and Chinese Rugs
A Cup of Tea in the Englisfy Way
Served from the Best of English China
w ., . September Sale Feature
Mn.. ' -Zi:. " OI l. J""5n chosen by Her
Majesty when on a visit to a famous EnirliBh
pottery-panels of Cobalt blue and tri, ,
com m,i i,i, .;; r,.r."t,"'u""u Bir'p or
-..., u iism Diue nowera.
h.2LcoI ","' 2n backjrround of Cobalt blue
ti.h nin.ic,rcle; of flr8 whlte china-tea plates
with plain or fancy sold edees. Exquisite'
oteTeara.caf.,neC8.IS,n.an0ther lhIn' to
Dessert l'latcs. WO, $05. 85 ana 830 a dor.
Footed Compotes (Low or Hlirh). 83.50, 810,
813.60 and 817.60. ' '
Tea Pota, 910 and 813.D0.
Sugar Bowls, 813.50.
Cream Pitchers. 07.50. t
Cake Plates, Q7.0O and S13.S0.
After-dinner Cup, 8J0, 835 and 835.
Tea Cups,S45, 380 and 805.
Bouillon Cups, 875, 800, sioo.
Gimbels. September Sale of China, Tourlh floor
Fine Silks at Lower Prices
And all the colors of "Fashion's rainbow."
Canton Crepe at $3.15 Regularly $3.68. Twchc colors.
Crepe Back Satin at $2.95 Regularly $3.68. Seventeen
Satin Charmeuse at $2.68 Regularly $3.68. Fifteen
-Gimbels, Silk Salony. Second floor
Have a Dozen Uses
$10 Kinds for
bought on tho London Docks
Jft'pvv". lYlvi"
IB "M M-'
Persian Rug, size 12 it. ft., at
t'ersun Hug, size 12 ft. x 8 ft. 6 in., at. ...
tf" fhCj I Persian Rug, size 12 ft. x 9 ft., at
vfei Wj Persian Serani Rue. size 12 ft. 4 in. x ft.
Made of 3
ounce tougli
surface cow
hide surface
cowhide mind
you! Sewn throughout. All
around straps; bag handles.
Adjustable spring lock and
Gimbels. Fust flooi
, .1 n f
Fine Pcisian Rug, sire 12 ft. 4 ft., at.
Turkish Rug, swe 14 ft. 2 in. x 9 ft. 8 in., at
Turkish Rug, size 12 ft. 10 in. x J ft. 3 in., at.
Serapi Rug, size 9 ft. 4 in, x 6 ft. 9 in., at .
Scrapi Rug, bize 10 ft. 7 in. x 9 ft., at . . .
Anatolian Rug, size 9 ft. 3 in. x 6 ft. 7 in., at
Persian Rug, size 11 ft. x 6 ft., at ...s
Chinese Rug, size 12 ft. 2 in. x 9 it. 3 in., at.
Chinese Rug, size 12 ft. x 9 ft. S in., at..
Chinese Rug, size 12 ft. x 9 ft. 2 in., at..
Chinese Rug, sue 12 ft. x 9 ft., at
Mossoul Rugs, special grouping, sizes average
6 ft. 3 in. 3 ft. 0 in., at $37.50 to $75.
Gimbels, fifth floor
M j Zur ) ZaS i Zy V Z 1 'jirJh
Subway Store Sale 6000 Pairs of Fall Shoes
Pen-and-ink sketches give accurate outline of the shoes they're correct in style and there is wide choice. Choice of leathers, too
In everything REGULAR, except the price; for there is a
Saving of Two Dollars a Pair
Women's High Shoes
Low Shoes
' 5'
I 5$
t J hcclfl, bab
1 HfAM' CL..M mh S,10el nn'1 Oxfords, ju - ..
. Mens onoes .tiBht ucc and piucher. tm, po A p
1 I ffunmntal, black kldskln, Styles lW & I "
I (j 1 A f 1 tor young men und for old; T1A UwiMm W
Q and I lYlOrflS trl for business men. Good- Lr JL &
I ' VJAiu ua ytap wolti S8M 6 to 10i T
A. Ample selling space comfortable service carefulness.
Ml - V- I SC 1 ri
XV (ok s 1 7sfo
Lace shoes in patent leather, black kidskin and tan
High and low heels.
Knowing ones say that eight out of every ten pairs of shoes this winter will be low
Oxfords, Pumps, Strap Pumps, Walking Oxfords for school girls, and dainty Strap
blippera patent leatner, Drown Kid, Drown calr, gray suede, brown satin. Louis
Louis heels and military. Sizes 2Vt to 7 A to D.
L :
5S2 1 ""
h -o
j $2.95 1
Well-made Shots of black frfe tf? dF f1'
gunmetal calfskin! broad toe W Jf IfffrL I
last; stout soles Shoes for real mm JTm 11 I
boys. Sires 9 to 5. &? fcw J? & I.
Gimbels, Subway StoreNinth Street Side
g I 3 V - Js is$$Fff? I pT X C
I Iv - .l' "i vvo &m A r r af
Boys' Shoes
for School
""'"'J'Vu v j r
4te-9 iiiMw
V .4