'S7'T rlfL 3't r "i r: i (3 Vk if.? 'A i ih u lEVBNING PUBLId -LBDGEEr-PHIL'ADELPHIA, FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1921 THE VAGRANT DUKE y By GEORGE GIBBS Author of 'Jhe Splendid OnUast'Th Yellow Dove," "The Secret ConvrioM- l1' bu D- AttWo 4 Co. THE! GU)MPSHave a Care, Mint ,Have a Care! By Sfdneif Smitffl "Srt'JS W" tl ti counirV on " Up, "; t0"0' i rhe met Ji mrtbMu him to U W W'yr" ' tame innow ijh flint ' a tit var.incr toneme, : . ? :r Orf rVoVM? Ao w. c mart W,'7J7m break " "d "P'Tm. MMMJl " ?"7.n,e 7' rnco"v" - . -!.. fij parlHM-. and mrer c on C"!' '", iif?orrlMc,M oy Pr. AND HERB T CONTINUES "" -1I..1 flic unlll WAS I recKon i uiu !. .or what win Wt of It. I 1 !.!i under the starlight, with a i,m,t.t0. W"f Jroppta' water on Muolt ol ri,, . ' i .,, mn around. I0" ffini ; of my head for a week. I tat I was out oi no nnvi.ow. I just !, "S.m - K r c4.1Id. . There EKthingcisctodo Luc?ytneg didn't Blip- "S1..VC. Th They were man i "." n,,fii. t icy Ht., R Wtllb U"1""! . . T . v"iX ! r llcrmoslllo. Involution sls. ,nkln (L ill my monev about three 'f Llare But it was worth It. MJ?1.?;"?, life. But I couldn't "Jim Coast leaned forward, glower- KBMKSst.-i-i- k.n The rear 01 uuu i.'"-.!,,. KTCin A 'reanerB' against T)i i'yetold you about that. And S. T'lluralcs' cleaned us up nu riBui. tilt uiui. ., l,,tpnil of s huot- K aValnt a mud nll, they put me to wrk on a railroad. I was there ?? ". ". t ownnpil nt laBt and rhedle coast, where I .hipped for S.iih America. It was the only way ml X AM the while I was thlnkln of Mike McGuiro and the cooper mine. Teu know the rest. I'etc-the Argea tine deal that might of made mc rich ffhpw It fell through. Don't : I beat hell how tne worm unco m u..-. 'But why didn't you go back to America ami fight your claim with Mc Oulrc?" asked Peter, awaro of the sin liter, missing passage in the story. Coast shot a sharp glance at his ques tioner. , "There were two reasonB one of which you won't know. The other wob tilt I couldn't, l wbb on uie ocncn in' not too popular. Tho only ships out of Buenos Aires wero for London. That vu the easiest way back to America injhow. So I shipped as a cnttlo hand. And tnere you aro. i uveu easy in London. That's me. Easy come easy 10. Tbere it was l wroto a man i Knew out in BIsbce the feller that helped lUke us nnd ho answered mo that Mc Gnlre was dead, and that the mine was a fllTver too far away to work, xou iMnimust of showed tne letter to Mc Qnlre, and McGuiro told him what to wite, Tont threw mo off the track. I forirot him and went to Franco. " Coast paused whilo do filled hh glass inln. ' "It wasn't until I reached New York tilt I found out McGwire was alive. It nai just a chance while I was plan nln' another deal. I took it. I hunted around the brokers' offices where they sell copper stocks. It didn't take me long to find that my mino was tho 'Ta rantula. McGuiro had doveloped it With capital from Denver, built a nar row gauge in. Then after n while liad sold out his sharo for moro than half a million, clear." Peter wan studying Const keenly, thinking hard. But tho story held with what he already knew of the man's history. "That's when Mike McOulrc tncked tte Jonathan K.' onto his name," Coast went on. "And that money's mine, the good half of it. Figure it out for yourself. Say five hundred f-aou, 8 per cent, fifteen yenrs I reckon I could worry along on that even if he wouldn't do better which he will. "Well, Pete to Bhortcn up I found f'fe as here in New York and . a .i. for hlm- l watched for a while ana then one day I got uiy neive up nnd tild him on the street. You ought of en his face when I told him o I was and what I'd come for. We Vto , cfowd nt Broadway nnd wai .people all about us. Ho started t!'.Tnni1 '"Witr' "tuff for n mln ?.!f. t !.crunPll him up with a few ?!v yhro;hl lie wan Koln' to hnve lirOXe for n tnlmitA ...!. T l- jrac. for thc flvc thou-then he turned O'ata. I lost him tlirn. Hnt If ,ll.ltt h ,. m llk fi,,,l llm Knl- I knew wre h! office wab and liis hotel. It wai dead mm. Bllt 1,0 bu.it it down It tOOk mn n,.,l,ll l.l. .1.. tll. n,,t ,: T." 'V,'I' iT,nV n?: ln hnrbor nt Inst." nil .v.Vi ."? oul 0I n's pocKet naalowly counted them aitntn. West lwen.i3;ou come bak 'rom tho wt. hat will jou do?" nsked Peter. Ja. now miA ,it.i.., ii... v. ble i mKU i,lown nmI llvo w-PePta-I came frSmthTS co"ntry "round here. "keen l mi,!ht b""1' n Place and enVr L6W '!'r,,ps u,1(1 n'ltomobileH Pare. oL? y 0,d nn over to K,.y Clrfo in h.8 Cnr-l0Un ,0 Mont kow to lie ea"T 0I. I'l know cn '.Te, no,w- You bct yo. I've won't i do ''r"10"1-' "wpHb. They Katecl.1,ngon'e- "Hive & tt, '" "nld Poter. nee hero, Pete .'" faced r. ";, Vttcr 'nd risen and 22-T SSf "?"?.. "ninckmnll 1 You claim on vi J "V" " "ndnny legal It, aim on f,n7. ".""" '.".'' -"' J"" luiiiuu I piOVC "I n.l.l..-li . ..-. "." "lu i oe -""xiteu able to- he Krtte'.'r?"'" frightened about Pr th " "a .""" c" ou..Hu could thi. :,- "" m JJlnf elec- ovcr. It's Bome- r."! ele-omcthlne that hnni..,.,i ,. UlL3, tl,e mlno that you dare not iMrheet.hWWOn't tel1'" lnu'ed Coast nr,i. "V y" dare not toll tw M to dc?Uh1SLtJ11- 8o,'lcth"'8 that flu i.v.u . "" his ntraiiso mi...... .. !t what "iCk."lf'' aml your Placard W-.-T.!mt ou ve got holding over ;;jjrtt ou are." sneered the other. r k'now"?' 'e!1 '""-bloody ,0i. JlinSfart- And ' kU0w wh0 "?' into'hls0;1,'!,1' aml ,"" the roll 'hoi don't Mt ,,ocket I'owled, Uont,know anything," ho KKWzeffW' ' r waanu iu llhi i v v. .. i happened out there nt the mine In tho ueiert, but more than thnt ho wanted to know how tho destinies of this man nffected Beth. And so the thought that had beon growing In his mind now found quick utterance. "I know this that you've come back to frighten McGuiro, but yon're also como back to bring misery nnd shnmo to others who'vo lived long In peace and happiness without you" '-What ?'' Bald Coast Incredu lously, "I know who you are. You're Ben Cameron." said Peter distinctly. The effect of thU statement upon Jim Coast was extraordinary. He startod back abruptly, overturning a chair, and fell rather than leaned against the bed post his eyes staring from a ghastly fnce. "What what did you say?" he gasped chokingly. "You're Ben Cameron," aald Peter again. "Me B-Ben Cameron I That's damn good. Me Ben Cameron! Say, J t;r, whatever put that into your head?" "The way you frlehtenad th ol,1 woman at tho kitchen door." "Oh!" Coast straightened in relief. I get you. You've been talktn' to her." !!?"; JWhnt dlt yu By her?" ,, I-7I Just gave her a message for McGuire. I reckon she gavo It tolim." A message." "Oh, you needn't say you don't know, Pete. It didn't fetch him. So I put up tho plocnrd." 1 oter was now more bowlldcrcd than Coast. "Do you deny that you're Ben Cameron?" he asked. Coast pulled himself together nnd took up his coat. "Deny it? Sure! I'm not not him not Ben Cameron not Ben Cameron. Don t I know who I am?" he ehouted. Then he broke off with a violent gesture and took up his cap. "Enough of your damn questions, I say. I've told you what I vo told you. You can believo it pr not, as you chooso. I'm Jim Coast to you or Hawk -Kennedy, if you like, but don't you go throwln' any more ; yju.r. dIrty Jokcs m7 Wfly- Under stand? Peter couldn't understand, but ho had enough of tho man. So he pointed to ward tho door. "Go," he ordered. "I've had enough of you Kct out!" Coast walked n few paces toward tho door, then paused and turnpd and held out his hnnd. "Oh, hell, Pete. Don't let's you and mo quarrel. You gavo me a start back there. I m sorry. Of course, you T?ew,uii . blon R00d t0 mo tonight. I m obliged. I need you in my busi ness. More n ever." "No," said Pctor. "Oh very well. Suit yourself," said Coast with n shrug. "Thero's plenty of time. I 1 be back in a month or six weoks. Think it over. I've niodo you Mi,,"r,,ror,Trea.1 monoy to help me a bit. Take it or leave it, as you please, u KC1 nlon(r w"hout you, but I'd rather have you with me than against me. 1 m neither," said Peter. "I want uuiumg m uo TVltn It. Coast shruiceil. "T'm n. txt.m so long. I've got a horse back in tho dunes. I'll take the milk train from iiammonton to Philadelphia. You won't tell, Pete?" "No." "Good-night." 1 etor didn't priMi rm ij i tho man had gone ho opened tho door u..u wuiuowe to let in the night air. Iho room hnd been defiled by the man's very presence. Ben Cameron? Beth's father? The thlnir seemed imnowdMn hut every fact in Peter's knowledge pointed toward it. And yet what the nf Vu ui m Vl,BlB strange actions nt tho mention of his name? And what Ton? wwltVi!,u J,m, Coast didn't tell? What had happened nt the mino u o V lerriDie evon to speak about? What was the bond between t heso two men, which held the success- iln? v tf"lr.' 8nd tho other in a Hi Somcth'ng unspeakably vile. A hideous pact The tolephono boll jangled again. Peter rose and went to it. But he was in."r, h,"m?r J tnlk t0 McGuire. --..,, ,JO Kniwico. "Ypb h'. let hlra go. You tnM m J-es, he talked n inn He won't bo back We'll talk that No. Not tnntfrht I'm going to bed. No. Not untl tomorrow. I've had about enough Ai?-n . t A11 Tlght- ood-n!ght;" And Peter hung up the recelvor, un dressed and went to bed. CHAPTER Xn Confession In spite of his perploxitiee Peter slept soundly and was only awakened by the Jangling of the tolephono bell. But Peter wanted to do a little thinking before ho saw McGuire, nnd ho wanted to ask the housekeeper a few questions, ao he told McGuiro thnt ho would see him beforo 10 o'clock. The curious part of the tole phono conversation was tiiat McGuiro mndo no mention of tho shooting. "Jt'm," said Peter 10 himself as he nung up, "going to ignoro that trifling incident altogether, Is ho? Well, we'll see obouf that. It doesn't pay to be too clever, old cock." His pity for Mc Guiro was no moro. At tho present mo ment Peter felt nothing for him except an abiding contempt which could hardly he modified by any subsequent reveln tlons. Peter ran down to the creek In his hathrobe mid took a quirk plunge, then returned, Minved and diesird while his coffee boiled, thinking with n fresh mind over the events und pioblems of tho night before. Cuiloimly enough, he found that ho considered them more nnd moro in their rolntlon to Beth, rerhaps it wns his fear for her happiness that laid stress on the probability that Jim Count was Ben Cameron, Beth's father. How otherwise could Mrs. Bergen's terror bo accounted for? And yet why had Coast been so perturbed at thu mere mention of Ben Cameron's name? That was renlly strange. For n moment tho man hnil stared at Peter as though he were seeing n ghost. If ho wero Ben Cameron, why Mtouldn't lu have acknowledged tli'i fact? Hero was tho weak point in thp armor of m8ter Peter had to ad mit that oven while Const was telling his story nnd tho conviction v:is grow ing in Petcr'H mind thnt this wns Both's father, tho very thought of Buth herself teemed to make tho relationship giotcsque. This Jim uoa, tins pic turcsquo blackguard who bod told tale on tho Bermudlan that hnd brought 11 flush of shamo even to reiors cneeKB this degonerate, this idiemlng black mailer thief, perhaps murderer, ton, the father nf Beth ! Incredible! Tho merest contact with such a man must tlelllo, defame her. And yet if till were the fact, Coast would have ti father's right to claim her, to drug her down, n prey to Ills vile tongue and drunken humore an she had once been when a child. Her Aunt Tlllle fenrcd this, And Aunt Tlllle did not know as Petor now did of tho wclBtcuce of the vile eccrct that sealed ,Cost'f llpa und hi4 MeflulrVB eoulybonden. obimD TOMORROW f H NOV) NERE VON NCC TO rA0 ZANOER LA.VT M&VCT t HOtteEV- SMOYJtX HER A. LOT OP TrEHXOW- VCRM C0NrMXEWriAL- WHT DID NOV) TOA. HER ,' THfcTT NEt Vlfrfe TUG VIEWING CT OUK HOUE7 QM iwcr OLO -ntMONL l Vfi& uc; 0, YtE'RE SAre- jW, , - 9 1 ' y '"' 1 f ttnja CR "SHE WW MAIN 1VE MlSTAKe. O? WCft LIPE" IP 'SHE PlWT AOka paplor- VMMTEti K Miie nc TVIPtC. PimtfiC? BO BRitLifNHT Mt VA22LMO VOU'D HAVE TO ?JX ON SMOKED oukJ&Ea to uook 'T vr- EVEK,VHHJ .O NCTURAL. VOU lCOUU HEAR 1Mb TttWWU) BELL3 KIW6WC1- miMtt VoblRE H BQ BU'BlMESS' 1 .GIVING HER AXJV1CE- WE, CARES A VOT FOR. No)R-TA.K - q)Rt J 1MKUMVJ WWU HtK I KLi-i 1 mr one i.mt r '""""j THIHK "SHep MARKf rim r HE V&S TME LAST MA IK THE YJOR.LD- HE MEVER SPEAKS 0T WM- f THIMK "SHtT MARKf rim r 1 HE V&S THE LASTHA 0- v H THE rJOR.Lp- E 7 PONT BE A V RELATION- THKt ALU - S I HEVER SPEAKS O WM-(J S)Re J - - - - " wj4, J VOX) CANT TtXL. A THINCj ABOUT THESE VOMEH WlTrf XAVR T1E COLOR OF A STRAW ATTACK AHT ACtS flNrTTEP UP MKE A BARBER W)LE AHDVS PERFECTLY RVCjHT- Trtt , FIRST' TrUHG 0U VM0W SHE'LL Bt WARRXEP TO TOUR. UNCL.E tJira ajip VOVU. OUST BE A. V0Ol RELATION- "V1A-t AUU- SOMEBODTS STENOGWhere'8 the Missing Mr. Smithers? Copvrleht 1051, by Tublle Tdtr Compuny By Hay ward gone to. while. tor a month. over later. No. AIO A1EWS or the Boss. MISSW6 SIMCG Tke SCCOAJO DAY OP HtS VACATION WHICH MAd SUPROS&D To HAVE BBaUJ IH THE HlSH WIFE IMTfeARS DtTHCTivE OH HIS TRAIL-SAY6 HE'S UP TO SOMB CRIME MISS CiFLAGE IS Also on histjbml OeTbrmi meq To 5ye HlA . PAVbAY IS dU&T AHBAD. VAiHiLE THE.V SEARCH FOR SAM 5AHTHERS LET US AMUSC SOU BY ASAIAi ?EFHRRIMfi To THfi FACT THAT JOHN iiOES OP OCBAM CiTY&OT HIS TEAl CARUXA.D6 OF PIPE "OK AMD SEEAS To HAVE PUT IT TO .STRAMeTB (JSBS -AA10 "TAKE 'EM OFP,X AJOW YOU. 7 "xiOHH dOHBS"l- SMITHERS .ITS A FIWE ROM 5MU6SUA16 OUTFIT t2U BUIUT THERE- Yoi) OU6HT TO GET TEW HEARS For THAT LOH& COAT AMD WHISKERS! STOP! T&UCH AIOT A HEAD OF THIS BALD HAIR! HE IS MOT GUILTY OF RUMAAY SMU6GLIM6: HE DID THIS TO CATCH THE WCkTED lSMUfiflLER; Sr-T J 3URE I 1 - ' Imr r? 1 I XM OOWT i w. r OUTFIT Y2U BUIUT THERE. T&o CATCH THE WCKED y - l 7 ViiSTAKCAi J p"1 VifK uiukwcdc ! t"- m Vm. n TT ' ( litHi . JBk OD MB AM U, WZ"l'-j, s - b VS TM ' ASvlfA IMjUSTlCt- -j "ill v a&z -"sTzrsr" Mmtrmw-? z-'W - a jm&mmwA hcim rtir fc?: mim3Y'y ClV mraiMhoJi lA rU3! rc-z "-?- .B "v ff" , Hv -rr V.-m " PJ-. " Vy 1 1 r W C-f ' r- Z K !7 1 - - I B -" -X2 III TV,. V f? Hov f PH i v Jm-- -4 )- i l) 1 m 7m U U M -( mf hm who w;ll f.a,i vJU Nfpfm ,? JU- is m-T InAi Th-e Boss w, jAU-A V fki SC CzZP KXr X JL first? llJuJ;J (Ct&'J CZL- (T&0 ? ? ? "' ah ha.' The Bis SCeAie! cTa ro- 11 , I . I . , x I ; J Tho Young Lady Acroae tho Way Aunt Epplc Hogg, the Fattest Woman in Three Counties -r- Bu Fontaine Fox SCHOOL DAYS -: -:- -:- By DWIQ The young lady aero tho way HtPHtvl CAM GAT MORE CHoK CRKIES . HPM8pCS, aays we mustn't get the Idea from . y WZ!t- RJ&'TtrZ? '" "' the divorce news, etc., that .11 the rt AKYOPY , THE ElCH0oRooD BECAUSE. S " r rf&Z) actors nud musicians are immoral frltY POHT HAVE- To SPRtfiiD A CLoTH To CATCH sm? (m '' TUP BUlSD&RS 1 and the fact is that thero are a THl WrIEfi YHtV FALL.. j -".v ?&?' great many virtuosos among them. ' I THAi I BEG-YOUR PARDOAl MR. smithers! IM SOUR I WAS Aa I STA KEAt --a I MOVIE FAN Much Enjoyment CopM-lcht inai, hv I'ubllc I-dRnr Compn By Beeze 1 O-OO-OO- D.OO- oo-oo-oo 1 OH- TILLIE I. SW6re.sT All aqout- SAW TK AAONie. e.rc- crc V-OO-OO-OO-Q.Oo-1 oO'OQ-HQo! j WHAT HAS I -h 00-00-00 1 ( ' ; Hftppe.MP- p"AAf? I wft, 1 lwoM0eR.vAHAT's IvvThat'S th hattr. A mi. nnil6MMn - PlLLUrA- WHO ' ' V -S5S) 5) I THAT P00R fciD 1 11 ' iuuw vvn-- 1 r iftC?S '?. Ai C 'a W--7.TI il aHI - i 111 tt.ji V3 eg O.N fel- ?7 w I 1 f I xiiy uilu AM 'j ' " ' . ... . - ,-.-.. .1 . . . . V PETEY-That Camping Trip : : : . . . . By C. A. Voight I 11 ; s & 11 . ! I - ah- U&x!s foBl I5 That so-? h fy m& , 0 hapless 'd C -Wal- Cokjf: oh- I lTfeAS OFA Melt , ;,;??'J V- ,' WATcTo JH00T owa - J V; T's T5PATf?AOS !l ?n L- COME ALOMC V SSTfeE O 0WTHyVAS l'T AITVjiTHEnW ' . . L- . 1 1 ": ."" l ' k - .1 ' . a IfcU , . ' T -, - - . X1 A .v . ik .' ... , " 7 ' T '"'j .,..... i, 1 . , . . , -r-ii-A - .r...5 -! -."sn , , , VrfUL.iiij-i-- .ii-i